Sewing documents with thread 2 holes. How to staple documents correctly: generally accepted rules and practical tips

Despite the widespread introduction of new technologies and the transfer of part of office work to electronic form, in most state-owned enterprises paper remains the main medium. Paper is especially loved by various regulatory and executive bodies: tax, pension fund, fire inspection, courts, financial institutions, etc. That is why any entrepreneur should be able to stitch documents correctly, number and register them. Firmware is usually done using a thread and a needle, a stapler or special machines. Let us tell you in more detail about how to properly stitch documents and files.

Stitching with thread

In fact, there are no strict rules or requirements for stitching documents. Nevertheless, there is GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving” and order No. 76 from the Federal Archive of December 23, 2009, which gives recommendations on the firmware of multi-page documents.

Correct firmware of documents will protect them from substitution

How to do everything right? You will need an awl, a gypsy needle, strong black thread, a piece of paper and glue. Typically, papers are stitched through three holes - one is made in the center of the sheet approximately 1.5-2 cm from the edge, the second and third - on the sides of the existing one at a distance of 3-5 cm. Punctures are made with an awl - if you do not have the strength to pierce right away the whole pack, you can divide it into several parts. Below we give an example, how to properly stitch documents with threads and photos of the process.

Note:If you have a drill or a screwdriver and a drill bit, you can simply drill through a stack of paper. The drill diameter should be about 6-8 mm.

The stitching of the pack starts from the back. Thread the needle through the thread and pull it through the central hole, leaving a “tail” of 7-10 mm. Then insert the needle into the upper hole from the front side and pull the thread to the back.

We start from the central hole, pull through the top and go down to the bottom

Next, you need to pull the needle through the bottom hole, bring it to the front side, and then pull it into the center to the existing “tail”. Now you can cut the thread, leaving at least 7 cm (if you need to print the case, then leave a margin of 15 centimeters). Tie the beginning and end of the threads, and glue a small piece of clean paper onto the knot. If these are strictly accountable papers, then the “tails” are glued to the last sheet with a paper square and a stamp is placed on it.

After stitching the documents, the knot is sealed with a paper square

It is allowed to stitch documents with threadand two holes. Usually this method is practiced with a hole punch. The scheme changes slightly - the needle is inserted into the lower hole from the back, leaving a “tail” at least 7 cm long. Then the needle and thread return through the upper hole. Next, cut the thread so that you get a second tail 7-10 centimeters long and tie it to the first. The ends of the thread are lowered down, and a rectangular piece of paper measuring 2 by 7-8 cm is glued to the knot.

To securely fix the pack, you can sew it through 4 punctures. In this case, the needle is threaded from the second hole, inserted into the upper one, pulled again through the second and fed to the third and fourth. The stitching is done at the third hole, and the entire strip of thread is sealed with paper.

Note:It is not recommended to use regular thread for stitching documents, as it is quite fragile. You need to either fold it several times, or use a special nylon twine.

Sometimes documents are stitched with transparent fishing line, but its characteristics are worse than thread. The main thing is that all three (four) holes are made vertically along the same line. Usually 1.5 cm is removed from the wide edge of the sheet. The stitching is always started from the back, so that the knots are at the back and do not spoil the appearance.

Be sure to indicate the number of pages and sign

Certification of documents

After we learned correctly stitch documents, let's learn to reassure them. For this purpose, the sheets are numbered. The tails are sealed with a small paper rectangle, on which they write with a pen: “Stitched, numbered, signed and sealed.” Next, the number of sheets is indicated in digital and alphabetic form, stamped, painted and initialed. It is necessary to do this so that part of the signature and seal is on both the pasted rectangle and on the last sheet. This is done so that if someone cuts the thread, it would be immediately visible. The date of firmware and digital certification is also usually indicated.

When storing, processing or submitting documentation to certain authorities, people are often faced with the need to staple documents. This article will tell you how to properly flash their firmware and how to certify the work done.

Most often, the question of how to flash documents arises when transferring business papers to registration or control authorities. Proper preparation of documentation includes not only the content of relevant and reliable information in the papers, adherence to the order of filling, but also such a seemingly insignificant nuance as firmware. In reality, everything is not so simple. Stapling is considered the most reliable way to protect documentation from forgery. The criteria for how to correctly bind and then certify documents, including copies, are regulated by a number of regulations and there are reasons for this.

Important! As a result of improperly performed firmware, the documentation may be disbanded with the subsequent replacement of individual sheets. If this happens, it will be almost impossible to prove, and the consequences can be catastrophic.

Failure to do the stitching properly can be a reason for refusing to accept the documentation, which means wasted effort, time, and often money.

For example, when opening an individual entrepreneur, you will need to stitch pages to provide tax information. You can entrust the preparation work to some intermediary company that provides services in this area or try to do it yourself, but without strictly following the instructions, the control authorities will most likely return all the submitted papers. To avoid this, you should learn how to correctly perform this simple, but on the other hand, painstaking work yourself.

Sewing in 3 holes

In order to flash documentation using three holes, you need to prepare the following items:

  1. The documents themselves.
  2. Awl. If there are few documents, an awl will not be needed.
  3. A thick needle.
  4. Strong threads, such as silk. You can use thin tape, bank twine or special threads for stitching LSh-210.
  5. Small paper sticker, approximately 3*6 cm.
  6. Stationery glue.
  7. A seal to assure.

So, first you should prepare the paper sheets by removing all the paper clips and staples from the stapler, folding them in a stack in the right order. Then, on the left side, vertically, maintaining symmetry, three punctures are made with a needle, awl or hole punch at the same distance from each other, as shown in the sample:

After the punctures are made, a thread is threaded into the needle. There is no need to thread a thread that is too long, since you will still have to cut off the excess. To improve understanding, the holes on the sheets are assigned serial numbers from one to three from top to bottom. Initially, a needle is used to thread a stack of sheets through hole No. 2 towards the front side. It is important to ensure that the tip of the thread, about 7 cm long, remains freely behind until the very end of the stitching process. Here's what it will look like in a visual image:

The next stitch is made along the front side by directing the needle into hole No. 1. The process is shown more clearly in the photo:

The next step is to pass the needle through hole No. 3 towards the front side of the pack, then a stitch is made from hole No. 3 to hole No. 2, eventually bringing the needle to the back side of the sheets. Here's what it will look like in a visual image:

After this action is completed, the excess thread is cut off, leaving ends about 7 cm long, which are tied together with a knot as tightly as possible to the paper. Actually, the firmware is now complete, but one more important point remains. All that remains is to paste the paper sticker, which is prepared in advance. For the sticker, cut out a small piece of paper. There are no strict requirements for its size, so a paper strip of 3*5 cm is suitable. Plus or minus a centimeter is not significant, the main thing is that the cut piece, after gluing, completely covers the stitching area. On the cut out paper it says “numbered and stitched.” The inscription can be printed on a printer in advance, then carefully cut out a rectangle of the desired size. The sheets should first be numbered in chronological order by entering Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each page of the document, including copies, the total number of pages is then displayed on a sticker. Here is an example of how such a sticker should look correctly:

Glue is applied to the back of the paper spine, then the sticker is attached to the back, covering the knot and most of the threads, so that only short ends of 1-2 cm remain. What it looks like is shown in the photo:

All that remains is to assure. The fields are filled out, indicating the number of pages, date and signature of the person who stitched the pages. Part of the signature must extend beyond the sticker. Next, the organization’s seal is affixed, which should also partially extend beyond the sticker. This is what the correctly stitched documentation looks like:

At this point, the work of stitching three holes is considered completed.

How to perform firmware with four punctures

Four-hole stitching is just as easy as three-hole stitching. The list of items required for work is no different. Four holes are pre-prepared in documents and their copies. They start sewing from the first hole towards the second, then the third, then the fourth. Leaving the end of the thread in the fourth hole, the manipulations are carried out in the reverse order, making stitches alternately from the fourth to the first, after which the threads are tied with a knot on the back side, secured with a sticker. The sticker indicates the number of pages, the date, after which the work can be certified with a signature and seal. It is believed that the greater the number of holes made, the better the quality of the work and the higher the degree of reliability of the stitching, which means that the risk that documents can be replaced is minimized. There are no legislative guidelines at this point - you can sew in three, four or even five holes.


Before stapling is completed, care must be taken to have certified copies of individual pages, otherwise the entire folder will need to be stapled to obtain a copy. When submitting reports, it is better to inquire in advance about the package contents, the number of copies, including certified copies.

Separately, about how to stitch a document with a large number of pages. When it comes to several sheets of paper, there are no problems with punctures. You can get by with a needle, which will be used to perform the firmware. For a denser pack you will have to use an awl or hole punch. If we are talking, for example, about cash register documentation with a large number of pages, and the hole punch is not designed for such a large number of sheets, you can use the old “old-fashioned” method, using a thin sharp nail and a hammer. It is necessary to exercise extreme caution so as not to damage individual sheets, to make even, identical holes throughout the height of the entire stack of paper. For example, the Book of Accounting for Expenses and Income in an organization will have to be stitched in the manner described above, indicating the total number of pages. Not only the head of the organization, but also an authorized official from the tax office must certify the Accounting Book before it begins to be maintained. The need to correctly flash documentation can arise quite often.

The following video will show you how to properly stitch and certify copies of important papers:

Before you start working with documentation, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with a large number of necessary instructions regarding issues of document flow and office work. These norms are quite complex and contain a large number of various small details and nuances. How to file documents on a corner? What does the attached inventory contain? Is it possible to file accounting documents with a thermal binding machine? A novice clerk has a lot to puzzle over.


At first glance, the procedure for registering a case and submitting it to the archive is completely simple, but practice shows the opposite. If you violate any of the office rules, this institution will refuse to accept the submitted document, and you will have to start all the work again. If similar situations have already occurred in your life, read our article - we will try to understand this issue.

Why do they file documents? Are there standards according to which this procedure is regulated? Yes, and there are many of them. We are talking primarily about methodological recommendations for office work, which were approved in December 2009 by order of the Federal Archive. Secondly, about GOST R 51141, dedicated to archival work and office work and containing all the necessary definitions and terms. In addition, there are other legal norms according to which documentation is stapled.

Let's start with the cover

If theater begins with a hanger, then our procedure is nothing less than with the cover. And the choice of cardboard “crust” is one of the first tasks in the process of “packaging” a document. At first glance, you will not find the difference between the many existing varieties. But, if you take a closer look, you will understand that covers are standard, non-standard, and also used for long-term storage.

Most often you can find a standard cover in the 229x324 mm format. It is used in all cases where sheets of standard size are stitched. If, for certain reasons, the document has a rather specific appearance and parameters, a non-standard type of cover is required. The latter type includes the one in which documents will be stored for 25 years or more.

According to legal regulations, such covers are made only from hard cardboard due to the long working life. It is necessary to take measures to preserve the proper appearance of the document and its suitability for use after a significant period of time. Documents intended for delivery to the state archive are stored in covers made of such material as acid-free cardboard.

Let's talk about sheet numbering

Before you can properly hem documents with thread, they must all be folded in the correct sequence. After which the numbering procedure is carried out using a regular pencil. The main rule here is to number the sheets, not the pages of the document. An Arabic numeral is placed on each sheet in its upper right corner. At the same time, our marks must not “creep” onto the text. Does not apply to the general numbering of sheets

What subtleties exist in the matter of numbering? If the documents being filed include a letter or several of them, first number the envelope, then, one by one, each of the sheets enclosed in it. If the number of incoming units is over 250, it is customary to split it into several volumes. Moreover, each of them has its own numbering.

Inside the archival file there may be documents that have their own separate page numbers, for example, periodicals. But when filing a case in the archive, they are numbered among others without violating the general order.

If the attached sheet is in a large format, it is customary to unfold it and put a number in the upper right corner. The possibility of free access to the text must be provided. If individual fragments are glued to any of the sheets with the impossibility of separating them, the entire pack is numbered as one. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an inventory of each of the glued pieces, which is done on the back or in the free space. An indication of the pasted document must be present in the certification inscription or in the notes to the general inventory indicating the name. Most often, such freelance investments are checks, statements or photographs.

Correction of errors and inventory of documents

In the case when some not too serious error was made during the work (for example, a couple of sheets were missed), instead of renumbering the entire array again, you can use the letter designation. In this case, the numbers on other sheets do not change. Elimination of such errors is possible only in agreement with the archive staff. If gross errors are found, the document will have to be numbered again. The old numbers are crossed out as carefully as possible and new ones are added. In this case, the updated numbering is again approved by a certification inscription.

Without an inventory, no archival file will be accepted from you. The information contained in it concerns the title of the document, the date of compilation, annotations and the table itself indicating the serial numbers of the sheets, their number and notes (if necessary). Everything ends with information about the number of documents in the form of a number, duplicated in words, then everything is sealed with the signature of the clerk with a decoding of the full name.

How to properly hem documents with thread

When starting the stitching procedure, you should make sure that all the necessary materials and tools are at hand. In addition to the actual work, you will need an awl, a needle, cardboard for filing documents and special threads. As the latter, they stock up on harsh or stitching threads L-210. The last type is used most often for office work needs.

At the beginning of the work, any paper clips and other metal objects are removed from the document, then the sheets of the file are folded into an even, neat pile. On the left side, three holes are made in the space of the fields with a needle or awl. It is best to place them in the middle of the free space intended for indentation on the left, that is, at a distance of about one and a half centimeters. This remark is important - otherwise, after filing the documents, they will be difficult to read.

If straight edges of the holes are of fundamental importance to you, take a hole punch. But remember that too many sheets are too much for him. Make sure that all three holes are evenly spaced in height and spaced approximately 3 cm apart from each other. The middle one should fall in the middle of the page.

To prevent damage to the title page and the collapse of the case, it is often recommended to reinforce the stitching area at the front and back with strips of cardboard. A thread will be passed through it. Its usual size is 70 cm. But in each specific case it depends on the thickness of the stack.

How to stitch for 3 holes

Let us present the contents of the algorithm for such document filing. First, the needle is passed through the middle of the holes, leaving the end of the thread on the back side. Then you should insert it into the top of the holes. As a result, both ends of it are placed on the back of the stack of sheets being stitched. We pull the needle through the bottom of the holes and draw the thread to the front side. Then lower the needle back into the middle hole. Thus, our thread was passed through all the necessary holes, after which both ends were tied on the back of the document with a strong knot. Leave tips about 5 cm long.

A piece of paper with a certification inscription is glued directly to the knot. Below we will look at the technology of its manufacture.

The document can also be stitched using 4 holes. How to do it? The procedure is not at all complicated. Four holes are punched vertically symmetrically with a location on a single axis. Leaving the tail of the thread on the back side of the first hole, sew the stitches, then tie a knot in the same way as described above. The firmware must be duplicated twice to ensure strength and reliability.

Certification letter

The next stage after numbering and firmware is providing our case with a certification inscription. a sticker measuring 4x6 cm with the text “Strapped and numbered... sheets” (their number is indicated both in numbers and in words). Next, the position of the employee who submitted the document is indicated, with the date and personal signature. If a seal is required, this must also be noted. The inscription is pasted over the knot we tied, the ends of the threads of which should remain free. The signature is placed at the end of the entire procedure, when the glue has already dried. This is done to prevent it from smearing. The stamp (if any) is placed partly on the sheet, partly on the inscription itself.

And only after the file is stitched, numbered, signed and sealed, it can be sent to the archive.

The attitude towards the certification must be serious and attentive. It is she who is the documentary evidence of the inviolability of the case. If its integrity is violated or displaced, the document may not be accepted by the control authorities, or it may be challenged in court.

What and why are we flashing?

All documents subject to submission to the archives or to any of the inspection bodies, which include the tax office, pension fund and many others, must be stapled. You cannot submit documents glued or stapled there. As already noted, if non-compliance with office work standards is detected, it will simply not be accepted from you.

HR and accounting documents are mainly subject to a similar procedure. Those of them, the paperwork for which has been completed, are subject to submission to the archives of the organization or enterprise after a year. Cases with past legal storage periods are transferred to special archival institutions. It is determined by law depending on the type of document. For example, notarial records, business books and documents with personnel information are required to be stored for at least 75 years.

The shelf life of design drawings is much shorter - only 20 years. It is customary to preserve photographic documentation for 5 years. The files of both public and private enterprises must be submitted to archival institutions. At the same time, the task of any non-state structure is to conclude an agreement on this with the Federal Archive Service.

It should be remembered that only the employee who has this duty specified in the job description has the right to flash documents. In case of poor-quality connection of documents, certain sanctions await you, especially in case of changes or shortages of certain important sheets.

Let's return to filing technologies

The stitching methods described above are suitable for both the archive and the tax office. But the filing of accounting documents stored for a long time (more than 10 years) must be especially strong - most often with 5 holes. The certification inscription is made on special tissue paper so that the node located under the sticker is clearly visible and there is no doubt about the integrity of the document.

If in an office setting holes are punched with ordinary stationery hole punches, then if it is necessary to draw up large volumes of paper documentation (for example, in printing houses), professional equipment in the form of paper drilling machines or bookbinding machines is used. Such mechanisms have serious power and can be either manual or equipped with an electric drive.

Machine mechanism

These systems or machines are based on the classic method using springs. This type of binding machine is equipped with a perforation device. Another mechanism places the document on a plastic spring, after which cardboard or plastic covers are added to the bottom and top of the block.

The advantage of a binding machine is the ability to bind very large documents. The block thickness can reach up to 500 pages. And also - the ability to remove or add pages and sheets to an already bound document. The disadvantages include quite serious labor intensity and not very high strength.

If the bookbinding machine for filing documents is equipped with metal springs, for which a certain step is set and holes are punched according to it, then paper blocks are put on a flexible steel spring, which is then compressed and closed. The advantages of a device with metal springs are a more presentable final appearance and increased reliability compared to binding with plastic springs. But it is impossible to insert or remove sheets without damage.

In addition to springs, there are devices that operate on the principle of binding on a plastic comb, the teeth of which curl. There is also a spiral binding, familiar to us from loose-leaf calendars, notebooks and diaries. After perforating the holes, a spiral is wound into them (3-4 turns manually, the rest automatically).

Progress does not stand still

What is thermal binding? This is a modern machine for filing documents, in which they can be quickly and permanently connected. Using thermal binding machines, you can complete a large number of materials, as well as issue single copies. This option is especially suitable for reports, contracts and promotional materials sent by mail.

The machine for this type of binding works by using thermal spines and thermal covers of different colors and sizes. Depending on the number of sheets of the case, a thermal cover of a certain thickness is selected, then everything is placed together in the machine. The inside end of the cover is coated with a layer of polymer glue. The machine is equipped with a heating element, thanks to which this polymer is melted, and all sheets are soldered into a hot layer.

If an organization works with a huge number of documents, and their safety is of great importance, then for simple storage it is necessary to somehow systematize the documents. In this case, the firmware documentation will be useful. Once the papers are stapled, you can be sure that no document will be lost. Let's look at what documents are filed and why this happens.

Why sew documents with threads?

Stacking of documents is required by law, and this is not the only reason why documentation should be laced. Government Decree No. 439 includes guidance on how to staple documents according to GOST standards.

In addition, stapling of documentation is required for its correct transfer to any institution, so that in the future there will be no questions about the lack of any sheets. Also, for all institutions there is a single rule that if you transfer more than one sheet of paper, you will have to file the documentation. Sometimes it is necessary for employees of the relevant departments to stitch documents at the bank and write the department number on them, and the documentation is also stitched in court and inserted into the file.

How to flash documents

Now the question arises of how to do this correctly. Some employees begin to panic and think that the firmware has very strict rules, that the fastening sheet must be signed in block letters, the thread must only be made from nylon, etc.

However, there are no clear guidelines on how documentation should be filed. The main thing that must be observed is not to lose the necessary papers for the firmware, because their safety is the main task of binding the documentation. And sometimes it happens that third parties, for the purpose of fraud or hiding information, can replace the sheets in the folder, or even post them.

To check that there are no missing papers, all bound sheets must be numbered. A small sheet of paper is glued to the back of the bound documentation, where the organization’s seal is affixed. For security reasons, there is a requirement that the stamp extends beyond the glued paper.

An appropriate entry is made on the glued paper: stitched, numbered (however, the number of pages is written in words and numbers), laced, sealed. The documentation is certified by the manager or employee who prepared the documents for stitching.

Sample of stitched documentation

Regulating the firmware of documents in business production

According to the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Justice, systematization of documentation is necessary to ensure that the entire package of papers is in order, archived according to standards, etc. At the moment, almost every company has a large number of papers. To properly preserve documents, they are transferred to the archive, from where, upon application, archived sheets can be obtained; the papers used in the work remain in the public domain for employees.

Important! It is necessary to know what documents are stapled and on the basis of what legal acts this process takes place.

Documents to be updated

Every company employee who deals with a large amount of documentation must understand that not all of it can be stapled. The document must be bound if it consists of at least two sheets.

HR department employees stitch the following originals:

  • approved states;
  • composition of personal and general orders.

Accountants must stitch:

  • deposit reports;
  • invoices;
  • invoices;
  • technical passports;
  • income books;
  • statement of turnover and account balances;
  • acts of work;
  • if the salary is in cash at the enterprise's cash desk - salary statements.

Note! Employees who deal with legal entities should know how to stitch documents, but in this case the documents are copies, so a seal is not necessary. Generally speaking, almost all companies deal with document embedding; the only difference is in the process of performing the work.

Regulatory acts regulating the filing of documents

At the legislative level, standards for stitching documentation by each company structure are not defined, but there are general rules for stitching sheets. Order of the Federal Archive “Office work and archiving” No. 76, order of the Ministry of Culture No. 536 have recommendations on how documents are bound together, standard instructions for office work.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 439 has a general theory of why this is needed and how this happens, however, the law of the Russian Federation “On Archiving” describes only the obligation of all organizations to preserve documentation, but the law does not indicate how this should be done. Order No. 02 - 213 “On office work in the Central Bank” also describes the standards for storing documents in archives in all banks. How to flash the charter for the tax office , The tax inspectorate dictates the terms. The Tax Service also monitors the safety of documents for individuals engaged in business activities.

Option for binding documents according to GOST

Methodology for preparing confidential documents for firmware

Before stitching documents, they need to be put through some preparatory stages for firmware. The correct firmware process is regulated by Order No. 76 from Rosarkhiv. First, the sheets must be numbered, this will prevent the possible loss of the sheet or concealment of information. All sheets are numbered except the inventory page. If there is an envelope when flashing the firmware, then the envelope is numbered first, and then the documents enclosed in it.

Blank sheets of paper are not included in the firmware - they are destroyed. If any pictures, diagrams, etc. are included, then the number is placed on the reverse side in the upper left. If a large format sheet is inserted, then the number of the sheet in order is placed on the right side in the upper corner. The inscription is certified by the responsible employee, indicating his position, signature, date of creation, number of sheets.

The bound documentation must have an inventory that does not include a serial number. The inventory must include the following information:

  • document title, date;
  • a list of all filed documents, their quantity, signature of the manager.

Having completed the first stage, you can proceed to the main stage of the firmware.

Step-by-step instructions for flashing documents

Let's look at how to properly stitch documents with thread, step by step instructions. Initially, you need to understand that the firmware of documents requires firmware with two, three holes, and even four and five. Let's take a closer look at each option.

In two holes

Documents that are not of great importance are stapled using one of the simplest options - in two holes. But even with such a simple method, many employees wonder how to flash documents correctly. To avoid confusion, you can adhere to the following rules:

  • Before you punch holes in the sheets, they need to be leveled. To make two holes, you can use a hole punch or a regular needle;
  • then you need to pass a thread (preferably using a strong one) through two holes so that its ends meet on the back side;
  • the threads need to be tied. Strong paper is glued to the knot, often in the shape of a triangle. A stamp is placed on the pasted paper.

This is one of the easiest ways to flash documentation. Other options are more common, but more difficult to implement.

Note! Glue the knot together to prevent loss of sheets. The number of sheets and the data of the specialist who carried out the procedure are also written down. For those documents that are more than 10 years old, it is recommended to use tissue paper to glue the knot.

Three holes

The stitching technique used is the same as for two holes, but the puncture is made into three holes. The distance between the holes should not be more than 3 cm:

  • on the other hand, you need to pass the thread, but through the middle hole. That is, the end should be from the initial sheet, approximately 7 cm should be left in reserve;
  • then you should insert a thread and a needle from your face, pointing it into the lower hole on the other side of the document;
  • after this, the thread should be passed through the middle hole again, thus forming two stitched knots;
  • Now you need to cut the thread and keep 7 cm, as with the first turn of the thread. The ends should be tied together.

To protect the documents, the responsible employee glues a rectangular sheet of paper; on it you must write the employee’s name, signature, and the number of sheets stitched.

Four holes

It is necessary to make four holes, the distance between which should be 1.5 cm. Next, you need to insert the thread into the second hole from the back, pull it through the first hole, then pass it through the second, third and fourth holes.

Sample firmware with 4 holes

Five holes

Often, five-hole stitching is used in accounting reports, because a set of such documentation reaches a much greater thickness compared to the rest. The distance between five holes should be up to 5 cm. In this scheme, you can also use a document stapler or a press with drills. To prevent the sheets from being damaged in this case, you should use cardboard as covers.

How to stitch a document with 5 holes step by step:

  • You need to insert a thread into the middle hole, leaving 10 cm. Then the thread passes through the second hole from the top;
  • from the back side the thread goes out into the first hole, and then goes back into the second hole. Having done this, one edge is ready;
  • from the back side, the thread is again inserted into the middle hole and taken out through the fourth;
  • now again the thread must be inserted into the lowest hole and directed from the front side into the fourth hole;
  • Thus, on the back side you get two pieces of thread that need to be connected to each other.

How to stitch an envelope with secret documents

When transferred, confidential documentation must be kept in light-proof bags. On the secret package it is stated that it must be handed over in person, or it is indicated that this is classified information.

Such documents are stitched crosswise.

How to certify bound documents

The responsible employee must certify the documentation; without this, it will not be possible to submit the documentation for verification or send it for safekeeping. In this case, you cannot make mistakes, because many problems may arise during verification. Therefore, it is better not to miss this moment.

Important! The employee who signs the documentation assumes full responsibility for its submission and content. Responsibility can be transferred to another employee, but only with a separate order.

Certification of documents

In general, filing documents is a good protection for securities and confirms that all documents filed are genuine. Having figured out how to correctly number documents when filing and how this process occurs, you don’t have to worry about returning documents and the need to re-systematize them.

It is necessary to stitch documents to organize them.

Companies and institutions stitch documents that need to be transferred to the archive.

It is convenient to store bound documents and, if necessary, submit them to inspection authorities without worrying about their safety and the possibility of substitution.

What standards govern stitching?

Theoretically, such a simple matter as binding documents is not regulated by regulations. There are only instructions on how to do this:

  1. Methodological recommendations approved by the Order of the Federal Archive on December 23, 2009;
  2. GOST 51141 for office work;
  3. Also, office work rules containing requirements for filing documentation developed by industry departments (Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Taxes and Duties, etc.).

What documents require such registration?

In institutions and companies, documents are stitched by almost all structural divisions.

Employees personnel service The following documents are separately systematized and stitched at the end of the calendar year:

  • personnel orders,
  • general orders,
  • staffing table.

Accountants stitch:

  • expense reports,
  • turnover sheets for material assets,
  • invoices,
  • invoices,
  • certificates of completed work,
  • waybills,
  • cash book,
  • statements for receipt of wages by employees of the institution in the event that wages are issued to employees in their hands.

Clerks: incoming and outgoing documentation.

You can flash documents using the following tools:

  • Stapler;
  • Threads;
  • Special equipment.

But documents stitched with threads are guaranteed not to be replaced, which is important in modern reality.

Hemming things with thread is considered the most reliable.

General design rules

Documents that will subsequently need to be bound are first sorted by date, carefully attached to each other, and each sheet is numbered on the right with Arabic numerals. Numbering begins with number 1. The inventory is not numbered.

For the cover, choose a special cardboard cover “Business”. It comes in different sizes and qualities. To staple standard documents, a regular A4 format binder is used.
Envelopes are also numbered in documents. In this case, the envelope is numbered first, followed by the sheets and photographs that were in it.

If an error was made when numbering documents, it is crossed out with one line and numbering continues. In this case, the sheet will need to be certified with the inscription “Believe Corrected”, signed by the responsible person and sealed.

Step-by-step instructions for this procedure

Before stapling documents, you must remove all paper clips and staples from the stapler. Organize by date or importance and number each sheet of the document. If the resulting file consists of many sheets, then you can join the documents with special paper clips and start stitching.

Prepare the following tools and materials:

  • Threads. It is better to use nylon ones.
  • Needle. Select the size depending on the thickness of the documents being stapled.
  • Paper glue.
  • A sheet of blank paper.
  • Paper, cardboard folder.


  1. Remove paper clips and staples from the document.
  2. Lay the sheets neatly and evenly, check the numbering for reliability.
  3. Depending on the thickness of the resulting bundle, take an awl or a needle and, stepping back from the edge, make at least 3 through holes. The holes should be in a row, vertical to the edge of the paper, at a distance of 2.5-3 centimeters from each other. The middle hole should be centered.
  4. Depending on the thickness of the resulting stack of papers, take a thread 70-80 centimeters long.
  5. Insert the needle from the bottom of the back of the document into the central hole.
  6. Pass from above into the uppermost hole.
  7. Then through the back of the document to the extreme bottom.
  8. We return to the central one through the front side.
  9. After such stitching, the thread will be on the back side. If you are stitching a document with a large number of sheets, then this manipulation should be carried out several times to secure them.
  10. Tie a knot on the back. The remainder should be at least 8 centimeters long.
  11. Glue a piece of paper in the form of a rectangle onto the resulting knot. On which the inscription is made in advance: “Lapped and numbered.____ sheets Director____Last name I.O.”. If the manager’s position is different, it is indicated accordingly according to the documentation.
  12. A signature and seal are placed on the bound document, the specified sheet of paper. Part of the signature and seal must be on a piece of paper and on the back of the document.

It should be said that if you need to stitch a larger number of sheets at the same time, you need to make at least 4 holes. This will give stability and reliability when storing the bound document.

A simplified method for flashing documents is given in this video instruction:

Who assures and how

The documents are certified by the head of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur. It is important that part of the signature is both on the pasted paper and on the document.

It is worth saying that by signing the bound documents, the manager undertakes obligations for their contents or appoints an authorized person by order for the accuracy.

Features of registration of accounting documentation

Stapling accounting documentation is similar to stitching regular documents. But there is one difference. For stitching accounting documents, 5 holes are made since the files end up being thicker. Only an authorized employee can staple documents. Often the person in charge is the accountant who manages the affairs.

Numbering is done with a simple pencil. When stapling documents, an inventory of the documents in the file is compiled.

Inventory consists of the following sections:

  • Title of the document,
  • the date when the inventory was compiled,
  • list of documents,
  • signature of the responsible person.

Features of preparing documents for submission to the archive

Documents for submission to the archive are prepared by employees of structural divisions. The preparation itself includes:

  1. Systematization of documents.
  2. Numbering.
  3. Filing documents in a single folder depending on their purpose.
  4. Filling out the inventory.
  5. Document cover design.

The above procedure for filing documents involves their long-term storage, i.e. at least 25 years.

If the documents will be stored in the archives of the organization less than 10 years, some relaxations are allowed, namely, the following may not be carried out:

  • Numbering of sheets in the file.
  • Systematization of sheets in the case.
  • Stitch with threads and leave for storage in a binder.

The stitching procedure is the same as for normal stitching. If in a case subject to stitching more than 250 sheets, then you need to divide it into several volumes. Each volume is bound.

If documents are planned to be stored more than 25 years, then in preparation for stitching, an additional cardboard cover is placed on the case, which protects documents and threads from excessive friction and gives the case a more beautiful appearance.

When filing files for the archive, you must ensure that the text remains readable. Numbering carried out with a simple pencil in the upper right corner. It is not recommended to use ballpoint and gel pens, colored pencils and felt-tip pens for these purposes.

A3 sheet numbered as one sheet and hemmed to the left edge and folded. If the sheet is hemmed in the middle, then 2 sheets will be counted.

Photos or pictures, and diagrams and maps numbered at the back in the upper left corner. Envelopes are numbered first and separately from their paper enclosures.

If the case is compiled from several volumes, then they (the volumes) are numbered each separately.

Cover formatted as follows:

  • Indicate the name of the organization or institution.
  • Subdivision.
  • Shelf life.
  • Case name.

It is important to comply with some requirements. Name of institution may change. Therefore, when compiling the cover of a document, it is necessary to indicate 2 titles. The names of institutions are indicated in the nominative case. The old name is taken in brackets, the new one will have to be under it.

In addition, it is indicated topic of the case. These can be acts, invoices, orders, etc. then the structural unit and the period for which the documents are located in it or the calendar year. These are the first and last dates of the documents.

If documents are stitched for a calendar year, then you should indicate, for example, “Orders of 20015.” Also indicated shelf life: permanent or definite.

The inventory is not taken into account when numbering sheets in the file. Cases can be listed in order of importance. For example, charter, protocols, plans.

A video tutorial on how to design a folder for archiving is reviewed here:

Preparation for submission to the tax office

To register as an entrepreneur or legal entity, as well as to make changes to the information at the tax office, the submitted documents are stitched in the presence of a notary. The innovations do not apply in this case, since in this way the notary guarantees that no corrections will follow after certifying the applicant’s signature.

Since July 2013, you can submit a report to the tax office without stitching the document. This item is excluded from the Methodological Recommendations. At the discretion of entrepreneurs, there is now a choice to submit documents simply stapled or stitched.

However, no one canceled the rules of office work. And therefore it is advisable to stitch the constituent documents manually.