Programs. Simultaneous interpreting school, interpreting training course

1.Basic benefit - "Self-instruction manual for translators in the oil and gas industry." Author Belousov V.V.
During the classes there is a detailed analysis of each chapter of the textbook with a discussion of the content and terminology. Then students independently perform the exercises at the end of each chapter of the textbook, and also listen to the disc that comes with the textbook. A vocabulary test is conducted in the classroom and a video is offered to watch on the topic of the textbook chapter (for example "Oil Drilling and Production in Ohio", "Equipment and Processes in the Oil and Gas Industry" etc.). First, it is proposed to translate the text without preparation in a simultaneous interpretation booth, then analysis occurs. Students create a script themselves and work on it. In the cabin, after homework, translation takes place without relying on the text.

2.The following materials are used during the course:
Report at the VNIIGAZ conference - Chevron company- Energy challenge
Speech Al Gore at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony- simultaneous translation of the original conference recording
GazpromDobychaYamburg- a video about the company’s activities and new technologies
Like New Nabucco gas pipeline can solve Europe's problems - video
Shale revolution- simultaneous translation of the original conference recording
John Bolton's speech dedicated to Iran's nuclear program - simultaneous translation of the original video recording
Report of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on the prospects for the development of renewable energy sources in Russia and the CIS - simultaneous translation.
Video on electricity generation- Simultaneous translation

3. As warm-up exercises at the beginning of the lesson, videos on the following topics are offered for viewing and translation: BP accident, environmental problems of the Gulf of Mexico, How to use plastic waste to produce petroleum products, How is electricity generated? Well development and drilling rig in Texas etc.

4. At the end of the course, a business game- conference on the topic "Energy and Finance". Students prepare their presentations for voice-over in the simultaneous translation booth. Also involved financial block. The topic "Pricing in the oil and gas industry", "Strategic and financial planning in the oil and gas industry" is discussed. During the conference, unprepared reports of guests, for example, a representative of Serbia, a representative of the Norilsk Nickel company, are translated. All debates on reports are translated spontaneously in a simultaneous translation booth. The duration of the business game is 10 -12 academic hours. After completing the main part, a detailed analysis of each student’s speech is carried out by several teachers and simultaneous interpreters. The entire conference is recorded on a voice recorder. Students then listen to these recordings, which is important for monitoring and self-assessment.

Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued. Each student is given special recommendations for independent work.

Translator is a general concept of specialists involved in translating spoken or written speech from one language to another.

Translator- a general concept of specialists involved in translating spoken or written speech from one language to another. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in foreign languages ​​and Russian language and literature (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

There are several explanations for where different languages ​​came from. For example, the Bible describes the legend about the Tower of Babel. According to this legend, God confused the languages ​​of the tower builders because of their desire to surpass him and excessive pride. People stopped understanding each other and dispersed around the globe without finishing the construction of the tower, which was supposed to reach the heavens.

There is an explanation in the differences in the language of people and from a scientific point of view. Even in prehistoric times, people began to speak different languages ​​due to the separation due to the mountains, deserts and oceans located between them. Languages ​​were formed in isolation among different tribes; one tribe had little contact with others. The greater the degree of geographic isolation, the more different the language is. On the plains, where it is easier to move, individual languages ​​occupy very large spaces (Russian, for example). But whatever the background, there has long been a need for people who know more than just one native language.

Most modern people know not only their own language, but can also speak a foreign language to some extent. Tourism is actively developing, and with it comes the need to communicate with foreigners, to understand at least superficially the language of the country you are traveling to. Most often, the population learns English, which is increasingly taking the place of the universal language of international communication.

But for professional translation, competent, prompt and clear, people with special education and experience are needed. Such specialists are called translators. In a general sense, translators are divided into oral and written.

An important quality of an interpreter is the ability to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding and partnership. The specialist must understand that the success of the negotiations largely depends on him. It should help people with different cultures, mentalities and understand business differently to find a common language.

There are two types interpreters- sequential and synchronous.

A consecutive interpreter is indispensable at business negotiations, at events where some of the participants speak one language, and some speak another. In such cases, the speaker delivers his speech with short pauses so that the interpreter can formulate the phrase in the language of the listeners.

Simultaneous translation- the most difficult type of translation. Such translation is performed using specialized simultaneous translation equipment. A synchronized player must speak a foreign language almost better than his native language. The difficulty of the profession lies in the need to quickly understand and translate what is heard, and sometimes speak at the same time as the speaker. The most valued specialists are those who know how to construct competent and informative sentences that do not allow pauses in their speech.

Translators can translate technical, legal, fiction, business documents. Currently, more and more specialists are using modern technologies (for example, electronic dictionaries). Such special software for translators will help increase their productivity by up to 40%.

Technical translators work with technical texts containing special scientific and technical information. The distinctive features of such a translation are accuracy, impersonality and unemotionality. The texts contain many terms of Greek or Latin origin. The grammar of technical translations is specific and contains firmly established grammatical norms (for example, indefinite personal and impersonal constructions, passive phrases, impersonal forms of the verb). Types of technical translation include full written translation (the main form of technical translation), abstract translation (the content of the translated text is compressed), abstract translation, translation of headings and oral technical translation (for example, for training employees to work on foreign equipment).

Legal translation is aimed at translating specific texts related to the field of law. This translation is used to exchange professional information related to the socio-political and cultural characteristics of the country. In this regard, the language of legal translation must be extremely accurate, clear and reliable.

Legal translation can be divided into several types:

  • translation of laws, regulations and their drafts;
  • translation of agreements (contracts);
  • translation of legal opinions and memoranda;
  • translation of notarial certificates and apostilles (a special sign certifying signatures, the authenticity of a stamp or seal);
  • translation of constituent documents of legal entities;
  • translation of powers of attorney.

Translator of fiction- a specialist translating literary texts. He must, in addition to a comprehensive knowledge of a foreign language, have a good understanding of literature, a high level of command of words, and be able to convey the style and style of the author of the work being translated. There are many examples when recognized masters of words were involved in translations (V. Zhukovsky, B. Pasternak, A. Akhmatova, S. Marshak, etc.). Their translations are works of art in themselves.

Translator training

In this course, you can become a translator remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining established by the state. Training in a completely distance learning format. The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The profession of a translator can be obtained by graduating from an institution of higher professional education at the faculties of a foreign language.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • perfect command of one or more foreign languages;
  • competent Russian language;
  • good knowledge of special terminology, both in the original language and in the target language (especially relevant for technical translators);
  • deep knowledge of literature and literary editing skills (for translators of fiction);
  • knowledge of the characteristics of language groups;
  • desire to improve knowledge of a foreign language every day.

Personal qualities

  • linguistic abilities;
  • high level of analytical thinking;
  • ability to store large amounts of information;
  • accuracy, patience, attentiveness;
  • high level of erudition;
  • fast reaction;
  • ability to concentrate and be attentive;
  • communication skills;
  • verbal abilities (the ability to coherently and very clearly express one’s thoughts, a rich vocabulary, well-spoken speech);
  • high efficiency;
  • politeness, tact.


  • possibility of implementation in different areas (written translation, simultaneous interpreter, translation of films, books, magazines, etc.);
  • a person who speaks a foreign language can find a very prestigious and highly paid job;
  • there is an opportunity to communicate with people from different countries and cultures;
  • high probability of business trips and travel.


  • in different months the volume of transfers may vary several times, hence the unstable loading;
  • Translators are often paid not upon delivery of the material, but when payment arrives from the customer.

Place of work

  • press centers, radio and television centers;
  • international funds;
  • travel companies;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, consulates;
  • book publishing houses, media;
  • translation agency;
  • museums and libraries;
  • hotel business;
  • international firms, companies;
  • international associations and associations;
  • international funds.

Salary and career

Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 25000—60000 ₽

Moscow 25000—85000 ₽

The career path of a professional translator depends on the place of work. Thus, a translator serving government delegations receives a salary much higher than a full-time translator in a small company engaged in international deliveries. However, the more prestigious and profitable the position, the higher the requirements for the translator’s competence. The most valued specialists are those who know 2-3 foreign languages. In general, a successful start to a career for a translator can be employment in a large international company engaged in diverse activities.

Translators who speak common languages ​​(for example, English or German) can count on a stable availability of orders. While translators who know rarer and more complex languages ​​(for example, Japanese or Chinese) have higher prices for their services.

How to start making money with translations no work experience, and reach an income of 50 thousand rubles per month in 90 days or faster...

You are on the verge of discovering the main “secret” - how to make customers fall in love with you and start earning IMMEDIATELY 2 times more than experienced translators

Hello, fellow translator!

And I want to start our conversation with the most unpleasant thing.

"NO ONE needs you!"

This is exactly what the director of the largest and oldest translation agency in our city said when speaking at a conference before students and graduates of the linguistic university.

I was also one of the invited participants in the conference, and I really wanted to stand up and somehow reassure the audience. Because there was complete bewilderment and even shock on their faces.

But essentially, this man was right.

You want to start translating so that, for example, you can travel and at the same time make money on your knowledge of a foreign language. But no one is waiting for you with open arms.

Work experience is required everywhere. A year, three, five years (and sometimes even more). And no one is interested in your language certificates and translation diplomas. The only thing a potential customer needs from you is your work experience.

But where can I get it if they don’t give me a job?

Some translators use trickery. They decide to work cheaply for a while (very, very cheaply) to gain the coveted experience, and then get a normal job with normal translation rates.

But even here an unpleasant surprise awaits them. It turns out that no one is going to pay them 5-10 times more, even if they have 5-10 years of experience.

I personally know a huge number of translators who have worked for more than 30 years, and their rates remain at the level of the most beginners.

Yes, I know what you want.

You want to do what you love - work with a foreign language. But at the same time, it is important for you that your work is adequately paid. And preferably not in 5-10 years, but as quickly as possible. Otherwise, who will have the patience to wait that long? Moreover, it is not a fact that you will ever wait for this.

And you know, in fact, there is a “secret” way to start making money with translations without work experience, and reach an income of 50 thousand rubles per month in 90 days or even faster.

You just need to know how to do it RIGHT.

You're already going in the wrong direction if...

  • Looking forward to language certificates

In fact, the level of knowledge of a foreign language is not at all as important as you might think. You can know a language perfectly and be a bad translator (and vice versa). Therefore, the potential customer will not even look at your certificates.

  • Do you want to learn another foreign language?

If you think that you are not given orders because your foreign one is too common (or vice versa - too rare), then you are mistaken. With any language, exactly the same picture awaits you. As for rarity, finding a good translator even with English is a very big problem.

  • Are you planning to get a second degree?

Maybe customers will rush to you when they find out that you not only speak the language, but also an expert in some field? No, they won't rush. Moreover, you will be given translations on a variety of topics. Will you receive a “tower” for each of them? Ten lives won't be enough.

  • Do you want to get higher education in translation?

I don’t want to upset you, but I took my translation diploma out of the box only a couple of times after graduation. Potential customers don’t care at all about professional translation education. Because universities don’t teach what a translator actually needs to know and be able to do.

I opened my own translation agency and found myself “on the other side of the barricades”

In 2007, I “graduated” from the Nizhny Novgorod Linguistic University with a brand new diploma as a translator. This was not easy for me, because for the last two years I almost did not show up to classes.

Instead, I worked at a local translation agency and earned as much as 70 rubles for every 1800 characters of translation (which I was paid with a delay of 3-4 months). But it was real money for a real job in the specialty.

This means I was luckier than my classmates, 95% of whom never worked as translators for a minute in their lives (neither before nor after graduation). During these two years of work, I met direct customers and understood how and what works in the translation market.

And a year after graduation, I already opened my own translation agency. And here a surprise awaited me.

Until this moment, almost all orders were completed by me and my future wife. But after opening the company, we had to look for hired translators.

And that’s when it turned out that there were practically no translators.

That is, yesterday’s and the day before yesterday’s graduates came to us with knowledge of a foreign language, but none of them were literally allowed to do translation work.

Then I realized how all the heads of translation agencies feel when a newcomer sends them his resume.

What do customers really think about when they consider you as a translator?

Here's the truth. Translation agency executives and managers are praying that you will be “the one.”

They need you. A good translator is worth his weight in gold. Finding such a translator is even more difficult than finding a customer. Therefore, with each resume sent, they have a timid hope - what if this is him, the very translator whom they can trust?

But most often they will be deeply disappointed.

Because most applicants cannot be trusted with even the simplest order. Because after this the customer will leave and never return.

And here there is pure logic - it’s cheaper to pay an expensive translator and keep the customer than to trust a young one (even if you pay him 3-4 times less).

At that moment I realized how “lucky” I was that at the beginning of my career I ended up in a translation agency where they generally cared little about the quality of work. The main thing is that they had cheap labor in my person, which could be paid with a delay of several months.

But not everyone is so “lucky” =))

And what’s most offensive is that I saw that all novice translators make the same mistakes. Literally the same ones. And every time I took a risk to give a newbie a chance, I had to explain to him the same thing that I had already explained dozens of times before.

And then an idea came to my mind.

I posted an advertisement on our website that I provide free training for novice translators with subsequent employment.

From the candidates who came, I selected several people and began working with them. Every evening, instead of quietly going home, I discussed with them the intricacies of practical translation.

And the result amazed even me. Literally after 30 days, the completely green newcomers were ready for real translation work. They were not afraid to give orders. And they worked and earned money.

All they needed to do was explain to them those basic things that for some reason no one had told them anywhere - neither at the institute, nor in foreign language courses.

I was so encouraged by the success that I went to my native translation department and invited them to conduct their practical translator training course.

Archival video recording of my speech at the faculty of NSLU in 2009 (receiving an increase in the rates of the translator “Stall at home”)

And again it worked. Students who had never done practical translation in real life were ready for real work after just 30 days.

They knew how to translate efficiently, quickly and correctly from the point of view of modern translation requirements. They have turned into those very “translators worth their weight in gold” that all customers are so eager to get.

And there really is no magic here. To become an elite translator (in terms of quality of work and level of earnings), you only need to do three things.

That's the whole "secret"!

To quickly become a sought-after translator, you just need to take ready-made accumulated experience, instead of going through the same “rake” for years.

3 Skills You Need to Master to Become an Elite In-House Translator

Skill #1 - Translation quality

The first thing the customer needs from you is that you really know how to translate. But the problem is that novice translators often have no idea what exactly they will have to deal with.

If they ever translated something, it was simple and clean texts written in the correct language. But in reality everything is much worse.

You are given texts that were written by people in English that is not their native language, where they simply invented half of the terms themselves, and wrote some of the words with errors.

At the same time, the text has “neither beginning nor end,” because these are some unrelated insertions in an Excel document. And this is where beginners often lose their nerve. Because “life didn’t prepare them for this.”

That is why you need to learn translation using real texts that you work with in real life. And preferably under the supervision of an experienced editor.

Skill #2 - Translation formatting

Believe it or not, there is often a situation where your translation is excellent in terms of the quality of the text, but you still won’t get paid for it.

Because in the form in which you completed the translation, it is simply impossible to deliver it to the customer.

The translation must be identical to the original. All captions in pictures must be translated. All pictures must be inserted correctly and not move out. The translation must be completed without a single extra space or tab.

This is something most beginners don’t even realize.

They do not know whether, for example, it is necessary to translate the seals on a document (and if necessary, how to properly format the translation). And all this design must be done not just carefully, but also very quickly.

Because no one will give you extra time to prepare the text. You need to meet all this within the agreed time frame (usually very tight). And very often, for beginners, 90% of the time is spent on the design, and not on the translation itself. As a result, quality suffers greatly.

Therefore, it is very important to learn how to format the translation text one-on-one with the original literally “on the fly” - without taking your hands off the keyboard or picking up the mouse.

Skill #3 - Marketing Translation Services

This is what 90% of beginning translators don’t even think about. For some reason, it seems to them that the most important thing is to “work well,” and then the customers themselves will offer them higher rates.

In reality, this will never happen.

If a customer pays you 100 rubles per page, and you work for 100 rubles per page, he will continue to pay you the same 100 rubles.

He will never, ever come up to you and say - “Hey, listen! You’re such a great translator. It seems like I’m not paying you enough. Let’s double your rate.”.

No, you will have to do your own promotion.

But often translators are afraid to even think about asking for a rate increase. They are afraid that the customer will immediately leave them. And guess what? Most likely it will.

Because asking for a raise must be done correctly.

And to be completely honest, there is no need to “ask” anyone for anything at all.

You need to properly structure the marketing of your services, and then customers will actually pay you two and three times more. Just so that you agree to work with them and not with someone else.

What if I told you that I would PERSONALLY help you master each of these three essential skills of being an elite translator?

If you liked the idea of ​​quickly becoming a sought-after translator so you can start earning money right away, and not in a few years...

If you believe that if it worked for me and other people, then it can work for you too...

If you understand that it is better to immediately take ready-made accumulated experience than to follow the same rake yourself for years (and eventually give up everything)...

So here's my proposal for you.

From the materials of that very course, which I once taught live in my office, and then at the translation department of the NSLU, I made a training called "Work! As a translator".

Over the eight years of its existence, this training has increased in volume almost 3 times. It was constantly corrected and supplemented by the best editors of our Translation Center.

And now this is the fourth edition of this training. You receive full training with practical tasks, and we check them and correct your mistakes.

What is the training like in the training “Work as a Translator 4.0”?

The training consists of six training modules. Immediately after payment you get access to all materials. After completing all tasks, you send them to us for review. Our editors correct errors and give recommendations on how and what is best to do in your specific situation.

Hello Dmitry!!! Having accidentally stumbled upon your “beginner translator” course on the Internet, at first I thought it was another scam (life has taught me that you can’t expect help from anyone), but I was pleasantly surprised after watching the first video, since I was ready to subscribe to every in your word.

Having watched all the videos, as well as your speech at the university, I received a lot of useful and very necessary information, I completely agree with you that knowledge is often given at universities by people who do not have enough practice (we were luckier since the translation practice was conducted by a very experienced a teacher who motivated us green students with the fact that you can earn very good money from translations). But how to achieve this????? I got the answers from your lessons.

I would like to thank you for your sincere help to a huge number of people who have absolutely no idea how to make good money by knowing foreign languages ​​(we work less and less..... =))). I filled out my resume and am waiting for a response from the translation agency....

Sincerely, already quite an experienced teacher, but a novice translator


For me personally, this is the best training in translation craft! Indeed, we are not taught to present ourselves at all. But this skill is the key to a successful career.

In this course, I found answers to many questions, understood my mistakes and realized the prospects in the translation market.

Thank you, Dmitry!


Thanks a lot! A lot of useful information.

And most importantly, thanks to you, my views on some things have changed. Good luck to you and us!)


I think the material is very practical, without unnecessary information, specific and quite concise. It is certainly useful, as it is designed for a specific application.

I have always disliked the abundance of unnecessary information and “water” in the literature for the humanities, so I am pleased with the content of the course.

The most useful thing is that I got an idea of ​​what translation activity actually is, what knowledge needs to be acquired and what skills need to be developed to work effectively.

Nizhny Novgorod

Dmitry, thank you for the inspiration and a new look at familiar things in the translator’s profession!

The course turned out to be capacious, rich, useful and entertaining in theory and in practice.

I would especially like to note your sense of humor and easy presentation of the material. Continued success to you in all your chosen directions! P.S. I will be glad to mutually beneficial cooperation.


The course turned out to be very useful! First of all, I would like to say that it is very interesting to study. Here, in my opinion, the following factors play a role (they are also one of the main advantages of this course):

Accessible presentation of lecture material. I repeat: reading such lectures is very interesting. They are all built in practice, they are not boring, they are written in simple and accessible (not dry, like in textbooks) language.

It is noticeable that the author of this project put his soul into the lectures and into this project as a whole. I often found it very funny when I read examples from your practice, sometimes I felt sad, especially when I read about excellent students and realized that I could not but agree with you. Unfortunately, I am a former excellent student, so I really have a difficult job ahead of me to become a normal person (I’m not saying this for fun, I actually share your opinion and want to get rid of the excellent student syndrome once and for all);

The course is aimed specifically at developing practical skills; there is no unnecessary or unnecessary information in the lectures;

The course is perfect for distance learning (for me this is a big plus, because I prefer to study on my own);

When performing practical tasks, I was given specific goals, i.e. I must not only do such and such an exercise, I must be able to do it in ... minutes. Each block contains mini-goals that I must achieve. By performing a task several times to learn how to do it in a certain amount of time, I build a skill. Now I don't just know how to do it; I can do this.


Thank you very much, Dmitry, for your course.

It is really very useful, firstly, it adds confidence and optimism, and secondly, for me personally, I found several serious errors in the organization of my work, which, thanks to you, I will try to correct in the very near future.

Thank you very much again.
And great success to you!



The texts are wonderful! I am very glad that they are written in such an informal language.

At first the lectures seemed too “chewed”, but in the process of reading and completing assignments it turned out that everything was just right for me and re-reading was not boring.

Despite the fact that I’ve been working with Word for a long time, I really haven’t used some of the functions.

Nizhny Novgorod

The texts are easy to understand, clearly presented, without unnecessary fluff. I also really liked the style of presentation, so light and humorous :).

The assignments seemed difficult until I started devoting enough time to studying the lectures.

But when you start to study everything carefully and immediately train, everything works out.



Module 1 - Fundamentals of the profession and self-discipline of a translator

  • You will learn how the translation market actually works today, and how you can quickly find your niche - this will allow you to stand out from your competitors, even in the most “overheated” areas;
  • You will learn to correctly calculate the time you need to translate text, so as not to find yourself in a terrible situation when the translation has to be submitted, but you don’t have anything ready yet;
  • You will learn what to do if you still miscalculate your strength and do not have time to submit the translation on time - this will allow you not only to get paid for your work, but also not to lose a customer in the future;
  • You will get a complete picture of how translation agencies actually work today - these are the secrets of the internal kitchen, which are not usually spoken about out loud, and this is what will allow you to communicate with them in such a way that they will immediately understand that you are their own person;
  • You will learn how to correctly accept and send orders so that the translation agency receives your work even if you had to urgently leave somewhere, and the letter you sent was “lost” somewhere - if you don’t do this, you will lose the customer even with ideal translation quality;
  • You will find out what the worst character trait a translator can have from the customer’s point of view (if they notice it in you, they will never give you a job, even if you have 10 years of translation experience);
  • You will master the skills of self-discipline in order to quickly get ready for work and not put everything off until the last moment - this way you will learn to always deliver translations before the agreed deadline, and your customers will be ready to carry you in their arms for this (including in monetary terms);
  • You will understand how the quality of a translation is actually assessed, and what exactly the quality of your text should be so that customers are happy to pay you for them (even more than other translators, whose translation from a linguistic point of view may be even better than yours).

At the end of this module, you will learn to “see” the market through the eyes of a professional, which will allow you to quickly find a common language with customers, start working immediately with twice the quality of most beginners, and become “your own” in the translation market.

Module 2 - Formatting and design of translations

  • You will learn how to format a translation without unnecessary spaces and “tabs” - if you don’t do this, customers will not accept your work, even if everything is perfect from a translation point of view;
  • You will train the skill of formatting documents one to one with the original, and this will allow you to deliver translations to the customer without any problems, even if there are some flaws in the quality;
  • You will learn secret keyboard shortcuts in Word that will allow you to format documents literally “on the fly” - that is, without taking your hands off the keyboard, and thanks to this alone you will be able to translate 2-3 times faster than other translators, without loss of quality ( and accordingly earn 2-3 times more money);
  • You will learn how to correctly format headers and footers of documents, so that the customer can immediately see that you are a professional, and they can trust you with the text for translation without fear;
  • You will learn how to correctly format images in a translation, and what to do with the inscriptions inside the images - your text will look so professional that the customer will try to give all other translations only to you (even if you charge more for your work than other translators) ;
  • You will learn how to translate drawings efficiently (and for this you don’t even need any special software like AutoCAD), and translation of drawings is one of the most profitable niches on the market, because you will spend only an hour translating one drawing, and earn the same as for translating ten ordinary pages;
  • You will partially automate the process of your translation, without special translation programs like Trados - and this will allow you to translate 2 times faster and 3 times better, so that customers will think that you have an underground laboratory somewhere where you keep ten slaves - translators who do all the work;
  • You will learn about the worst “sin” in translation design from the customer’s point of view - 80% of even experienced translators make this mistake- and if you do it, then it will be very difficult to convince the customer to entrust you with the translation of something important and expensive;
  • You will learn to work with originals in any format - pdf, doc, xls, ppt and others - and this will immediately expand your market for orders, because most translators simply refuse to work with documents in “complex” formats - respectively. customers will appreciate and highlight you only for your versatility and “omnivorousness”.

After completing this module, you will be able to quickly translate and correctly format even the most complex documents. This will give you an advantage over other translators who either do not undertake such texts or do them incorrectly.

Module 3 - Translation of personal documents

  • You will learn how to correctly translate personal names in documents, so that all your translations can be checked without problems by government institutions;
  • You will receive a set of ready-made templates for translations of personal documents - this means that you will no longer have to translate from scratch, but simply correct what has already been translated, which means you can translate documents faster and with better quality;
  • You will learn how to translate seals and other marks in documents so that they retain official force - otherwise, your customer will come back and demand that everything be redone(because his documents will not be accepted by government agencies);
  • You will learn to work with notaries - learn the procedure for translating documents with official certification, and in the end you will even be able to work with notary offices yourself and keep 100% of the earnings for yourself, bypassing intermediaries;
  • You will learn the main mistakes that translators make when working with personal documents - if you know in advance where to look, then the likelihood of translation errors will be much lower;
  • You will learn to correctly translate even documents in which half of the inscriptions and seals are not visible (they are so old) - this will immediately set you apart from other translators who do not bother themselves with such “little things” and simply insert “illegible” every other word;
  • You will gain the skill of translating even “untranslatable” realities that are found only in Russian and Soviet documents - for all this there are already established translation formulas and you just need to recognize them, and not invent them yourself;
  • You will learn what to do if it is completely impossible to translate some inscription in a document - and still you will hand over the finished translation with notarization and get your money;
  • You will learn the psychological peculiarities of working with notaries (very specific people), so that they do not find fault with your translations, accept you without waiting in line, and allow you to submit documents for certification even without a signature (and you will put all the signatures later, when it is more convenient for you).

After this module, you will receive a new specialty - translator of personal documents with notarization. And if you wish, you can work with direct customers yourself, without a translation agency.

Module 4 - Legal and commercial translation

  • You will learn how to correctly format sentences in legal translation, so that later the customer does not have problems when working with partners, and you do not have problems with the customer;
  • You will learn to work with even the most complex legal terminology in a way that so as not to get confused in complex terms even in very large text, and so that you always and everywhere use the same translation options;
  • You will receive templates of real company working documentation, and using it you can quickly learn how to make high-quality translations (even if you have never encountered legal issues before);
  • You will learn how to correctly translate Russian designations for positions, documents and other “realities” for which there is no translation in official dictionaries and no analogues abroad - this will make your work not just high-quality, but uniquely high-quality - like that of a professional with additional legal education ;
  • You will receive a list of the main mistakes in legal and commercial translation that 90% of beginners (and even non-novice) make - this way your translation will immediately be of higher quality than that of 90% of competitors(and quality is what they pay for first and second);
  • You will learn how to correctly translate official contracts and agreements so that they can be used internationally - and for you this means the opportunity to work (and earn money) with companies internationally;
  • You will learn how to translate documents, even if they were written by a person for whom English is not his native language, and because of this he constructs phrases incorrectly, uses terms incorrectly, and makes a lot of mistakes (if you can work efficiently with such “untranslatable " documents, then you alone will cost ten thousand ordinary translators).

The materials in this module will allow you to quickly master the deepest specialty of a translator - legal and commercial translation. At the same time, you will not be afraid to be allowed access to real official documents, because you will cope with them even better than a person with a legal education.

Module 5 - Technical Translation

  • You will learn what real technical translation is in the modern world, and why it is so different from what is written in textbooks (this alone will allow you to translate professionally, and not “studently”);
  • You will gain technical thinking skills at a sufficient level to substitute translation options for terms not “at random”, but with knowledge of the matter - and this will distinguish you from most translators who are 100% humanities specialists;
  • You will study automotive topics - one of the basic disciplines of the translation profession, on the basis of which you can easily translate more complex technical topics;
  • You will learn to “see” the text through the eyes of the technical specialists who wrote the text and who will read it - this will allow you to translate instructions at such a level that further, end consumers will ask to give all translations to you, and not to other translators;
  • You will gain the skill of quickly selecting the correct translation of terms that are not even in dictionaries (and which may have only been invented yesterday) - this way you don't have to spend half your life studying each technical discipline separately- you can simply take and translate almost any text from scratch;
  • You will learn to work with modern IT texts - this is what makes up the lion's share of the total volume of technical translation in the modern world, which means you definitely won’t be left “without a piece of bread” even in the most severe crisis;
  • You will gain practical technical translation skills in a variety of areas - chemistry, oil, mechanical engineering, machine tool building, household technical instructions, etc. - so that you can be a universal technical translator who can translate at a high level on almost any topic;
  • You will learn how to correctly translate websites and do localization - this is one of the newest disciplines of the translation profession, in which there is a very serious shortage of real specialists, and you can quickly find not only Russian customers, but also foreign ones(because they are the ones who most often need localization services into Russian).

After completing this module, you will have all the necessary skills to perform high-quality technical translation on almost any topic. And at the same time, you will not need to spend several years getting additional technical education.

Module 6 - Marketing Translation Services

Based on the results of this module, you will find your first customers and immediately build the right relationships with them. If you don’t do this, you risk staying on minimum wages until retirement. And so, the customers themselves will offer to pay you more so that you agree to work with them and not with other customers.

Translator training

Higher courses of foreign languages ​​MosInYaz provide training for translators. The professional training program “Translation Course (English)” is aimed at persons with higher education and proficiency in English at the Upper Intermediate level. Additionally, the program integrates a preparation course for the Cambridge University CAE (Certificate in Advanced English) exam.

The course teachers are professional translators.

Purpose of the course: Acquire skills in various types of interpretation: consecutive, two-way, etc., skills in written text processing. Prepare to take the international Cambridge University Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) exam.

Rhetoric: know the rules of the Russian language; be able to edit texts; be able to process printed texts; master the techniques of oratory. Translation theory: recognize translation as a type of interlingual and intercultural communication; have a clear understanding of the tasks and goals of translation, the strategy and tactics of professional translation activities and be able to apply them in practice; master translation terminology; know the linguistic features of translation.

Listening: be able to perceive oral speech for the purpose of translating it; possess speech motor skills for oral translation; know ways to develop operative and long-term memory; know and be able to quickly move from language to language; be able to combine the semantic systems of two languages; master interlingual and intralingual transformation; master the basics of translation notation techniques; speak professionally; have professional ethics as an interpreter; own the organization of work of an interpreter; be able to translate aurally from English into Russian texts of considerable complexity using conventional translation cursive; be able to translate two-way conversations, interviews with a large amount of information; be able to compose written abstracts based on speech materials; possess oral abstraction skills.

Simultaneous translation: master speech technique in different conditions of oral communication when combining speech operations of different types; be able to translate texts of a monologue nature on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics from English into Russian and from Russian into English using simultaneous translation.

Written translation from English into Russian: possess the skill of text processing on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics with the preparation of annotations and abstracts.

Written translation from Russian into English: possess the skill of text processing on socio-economic, general cultural and macroeconomic topics.

CAE preparation course: express yourself easily and spontaneously; use English flexibly and effectively in social, business, educational or academic contexts; understand complex texts and judgments; be able to write a clear and concise essay with good structure and lots of detail.

Advantages of passing the StrAU:

  • the CAE certificate does not have a limited validity period;
  • CAE is an international exam confirming English language proficiency at the Advanced level;
  • recognized by many educational institutions;
  • taken into account by employers in the industrial, management and service sectors (e.g. Microsoft, Airbus, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers).

Course duration: 1 academic year (2 semesters) – 408 academic hours of classroom training and 96 hours of independent work.

Completion documents: Diploma in Translator Training; Cambridge University Certificate of Examination Certificate in Advanced English (CAE).

Class schedule: 3 times a week for 4 academic hours

Course fee: 50,000 rubles/semester (204 academic hours).