Project on the topic: Project work on Tatar literature. “it could be a skyscraper, hell, other planets and worlds”

Anastasia Natalina
Creative project for teaching the Tatar language “In the Circus” - “Cirkta”

Creative project

"IN circus»

Structure creative project

I. Explanatory note:

1) Passport project:

Participants project: children and teachers of the preparatory group,

teacher assistant, parents.

Implementation period: 1 week from 03/11/2013 to 03/15/2013

Type project:

According to the number of children - group

The dominant method is role-playing

By educational regions: "Communication", "Cognition", "Artistic creation» , , "Physical Culture", "Socialization", "Work", "Safety", "Music", "Health".

Preschool methodology education: « Teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children» .

2) Relevance project.

“It educates everything: things, phenomena, but above all, people. Of these, parents and teachers come first.”

A. S. Makarenko.

We live in a beautiful republic Tatarstan. We value the well-being of our native land, but against the backdrop of these delights we forget about the second state Tatar language. According to the definition of the famous writer G.D. Grachev, “bilingualism is a dialogue of worldviews of world systems. Moreover, the result is stereoscopic vision and three-dimensional thinking. On the other hand, at this level there appears fruitful self-criticism of thoughts and words. For "bilingual", living between two models of the world, clearly senses the insufficiency of each of them, which the self-confident person does not see "monolingual", no matter how great he didn't think in language" Studying another one language – Tatar Children develop a much more voluminous and multifaceted understanding of the world, this is wealth. They begin to understand that the world is multifaceted, we are all friends, this is a great social experience for our children." The child must learn to openly express your thoughts in the Tatar language, emotions, feelings. Such expression is possible in dancing, drawing, singing, theatrical activities, writing stories, and playing. All of the above, in our opinion, can be covered by any one topic, in our case the topic “ Circus". There is not a single child who would not be interested in circus. Everyone loves him. Children dream of becoming circus performers, act as brave trainers of wild animals, turn into real wizards and surprise the audience with all kinds of tricks. And, of course, everyone has one dream - to become clowns and make people laugh. After all, if you look from the point of view of adults, then a clown is a big child: prankish, seemingly awkward, touching and always kind. Maybe that’s why all children are close to this image and they so want to become it. We decided to give them this opportunity.

3) Purpose: improve the quality of knowledge Tatar language in children through role-playing activities.



. ("Cognition")

Exercise children in counting within 10 Tatar language. ("Cognition")

"Animals", "Primary colors", "Execute the command"(bure, krpe, at, ayu, tch, tychkan, tlke, zgr, kyzyl, ak, sary, kara, yashel, sikere, yokly, utira, zhyrly, uyny, bii, ygere, ech) ( "Communication")

To form ideas about road safety rules during an excursion ( "Safety")

Expand ideas about adult work (juggler, trainer) ("Work")


Tatar language("Cognition")

Form the need for physical activity ( "Physical Culture")

To form a desire to organize role-playing games ( "Socialization")


Develop creative initiative"Artistic creation» )

Continue to develop an interest in fiction Tatar language("Reading fiction")

creative imagination. Develop Creative skills("Artistic creation» )

Develop children's desire to sing and finish singing Tatar melodies of songs and cheerful melodies ( "Music").



Develop the ability to negotiate, establish contacts in a joint game ( "Socialization")


Tatar language. ("Socialization")

Cultivate interest in the various types of physical activity available ( "Health")

4) Expected pedagogical results.

II. Theoretical background project

Methodology second language teaching is a branch of pedagogical science and has its own goals, objectives and content. However, not all methods used today training can with maximum success develop the necessary speech skills and abilities in preschoolers, since they are based on the laws of mechanical memorization. And this, in turn, negatively affects the formation of motivation in children for this type of activity. Practice itself confronts science with the need to update its content. training based on the characteristics of children's development: creative thinking, word creation and play as the leading activity. These patterns are largely due to the characteristics

children's perception. Features of mastering the second tongue in preschool age are associated with the spontaneity of children's perception, openness towards people who speak a different language language, with spontaneous mastery of other forms of communication.

A preschool child does not understand why he needs to know the second

language. The goals of an adult are too abstract for him. Motivation of preschool children operates according to the principle "here and now", i.e. the child is not set by distant goals. Therefore, the entire process of comprehending the second language is built as a process personal satisfaction, cognitive, playful needs of the child in interesting communication with adults and children. It is important to build the communication process in the most rational way, taking into account the psychophysical capabilities of children, including

including - features of memory development.

1) Revealing the essence of the basic concepts that reflect the problem project.

In the republic Tatarstan people of different nationalities live who should know the second state language – Tatar. Assimilation Tatar language finds an obstacle due to insufficient triune focus: teacher - parent - child. Adults do not fully appreciate the importance of learning Tatar language in the family, which in turn affects the process of slowing down cognition language.

2) Basic principles underlying project.

The principle of a targeted approach in the formation of citizenship among the younger generation, which involves the use of various forms and methods of educational work.

The principle of activity, which provides for reasonable initiative in transforming the worldview of children.

The principle of comprehensive assistance in the formation of emotional and value relations of the child to his native people, language, culture.

5) Material:

Illustrations on the topic « Circus» (Mktpkch yashtgelr libbasy)

Video about circus

2 pictures with clowns

Arena layout

Theater on the palm of your hand

Animal masks

Black hat for magician

Numbers up to 10

Paper, glue, brushes, napkins - according to the number of children.

TSO - music center, camera, multimedia equipment.

Expected result:

Improving knowledge Tatar language in children through direct participation in role-playing activities.

Increasing cognitive interest among children and parents in Tatar language and its culture.

Creating an atmosphere of joy in the joint activities of children and adults.

Organization of activities parents:

Motivation: the children and I are working on project"IN circus» .

The cheerful clown asked the children many questions. We ask you to help us find the answers. For each family, write down a specific plan of action at home, down to the questions that should be asked to the children to reinforce Tatar language. Determine the deadlines for completing the task. Funny little animals from circus asked to draw houses on the theme "We are in circus» .

Approximately thematic plan for creative project

Day of the week Direct educational activities Joint work of the teacher with children Individual work of children Work with parents


03/11/2013 The world around us

"Getting to know circus» Watching a video "Children about circus»

03/12/2013 Excursion to circus educational game"Animals in circus»

03/13/2013 Application "In the arena circus» Children independently cut out silhouettes of animals and glue them on, pronouncing their names. A game "Follow the trainer's command"

Drawing competition "We are in circus»

03/14/2013 Game "What the magician will show" (fix the count to 10) Didactic game “Complete the balloon for the clown”

03/15/2013 Physical education Psycho-gymnastics "Draw an animal" Evening of rest « Circta»

Exhibition of drawings.

Making a presentation "IN circus»


Excursion to circus

Program content

Systematize children's ideas about circus. ("Cognition")

Introduce children to the professions of workers circus. ("Cognition")

Review of traffic rules. Consolidating them in practice.

To develop the ability to behave correctly during an excursion ( "Safety")

Discussion of the route

Before going out, check the children's clothes and shoes.

Didactic game "Animals in circus» (bure, krpe, at, ayu, tch, tychkan, tlke)

Up to 7 children participate in the game.


Systematize children's ideas about circus and animals in Tatar language. ("Cognition")

Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic "Animals", (bure, krpe, at, ayu, tch, tychkan, tlke, sikere, yokly, utira, zhirly, uyny, bii, ygere, ech) ( "Communication")

Develop the ability to classify domestic and wild animals into Tatar language("Cognition")

Help enrich the game with new stories using attributes ( "Socialization")

Develop the ability to work in a team, give critical self-assessment and evaluate the activities of others, willingness to support each other, improve communication skills Tatar language. ("Socialization"

Didactic material: drawing circus arena, cards with drawings of animals (bure, krpe, at, ayu, tch, tychkan, tlke, cards - schemes for commanding animals (sikere, yokly, utira, zhirly, uyny, bii, ygere, ech)

Progress of the game:

The teacher invites the children to choose an animal and name it Tatar language. Then the teacher takes a card - a diagram with a drawn command, and the children speak in Tatar language, what the animal needs to do and perform the movement. The chip is awarded to the child who was able to name all the words correctly without errors.

Application "In the arena circus»

Program content:

Develop creative initiative, imagination in productive activities ( "Artistic creation» )

Develop visual and auditory attention, verbal and logical thinking, memory, creative imagination. Develop Creative skills("Artistic creation» )

Cultivate accuracy when making toys from waste material ( "Work")


Sheet A-3 with a picture of the arena

Pictures with animals

Waste material: buttons, kinder cap, foil, fluff, wooden sticks.


The teacher offers a picture with a drawn arena and pictures of animals and suggests creating a picture of animals performing in circus. Children independently cut out silhouettes of animals and glue them on, pronouncing their names on Tatar language.

Didactic game “Complete the balloon for the clown”

(zgr, kyzyl, ak, sary, kara, yashel)

Program content:

Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic "Primary colors"(kyzyl, ak, sary, kara, yashel, sikere, yokly, utira, zhyrly, uyny, bii, ygere, ech) ( "Communication")

Develop creative initiative, imagination in productive activities ( "Artistic creation» )

Develop visual and auditory attention, verbal and logical thinking, memory, creative imagination. Develop Creative skills("Artistic creation» )

Cultivate accuracy when making toys from waste material ( "Work")


Clown silhouette

A sheet of paper, colored pencils, or paints according to the number of children.

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows a picture of a clown and invites the children to draw balloons in their hands. Children pronounce the painted colors of the balls on Tatar language. The child who did not make a mistake in naming the colors will receive a chip.

1) Project work: “Shalkan” is a project for children of the middle group; 2) Project work: “Tatar halyk uennary asha telebezne usteru”; 3) Project work: “Familiar fairy tales in the Tatar language”; this project is for reading fairy tales in the Tatar language that are familiar to children 4) Project work: “Kaz өmәse”; 5) Project work: "Tukay in our hearts." 6) "Teremok" - project



Project activities

Topic: “Teremok” in Tatar language.

Compiled by: Tatar language teacher, 1st category; Bikmuratova G.G.

Project type: long-term.

Implementation period: three months.

Type of project: role-playing game.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old).


In the conditions of the new language situation in the Republic of Tatarstan, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, two systems,

ethnic norms of speech and non-speech behavior.

Taking into account the age characteristics of the children, I compiled this project. Children in the preparatory group for school should ask each other questions and answer the questions asked correctly, and be able to make sentences.


1) understand speech in the Tatar language within the limits of the topics studied.

2) ask questions to each other, express a request, desire, need.

3) develop coherent speech in the Tatar language.

Expected results.

1) activation of children's vocabulary.

2) improvement of sound culture, intonation structure.

3) development of dialogic and monological forms of speech.

4)improving the communication skills of children in a team at the level of knowledge of certain words in the Tatar language.

Stage 1: preparatory

Target : identifying problems in speech development.

Stage 2: main

Target : preparing a dramatization of a fairy tale through different types of activities.

1) articulatory gymnastics (for correct pronunciation of Tatar sounds).

2)learning dialogues.

3) pantomime exercise.

4)working with pictograms(bure yogerә, tolke bii, ayu җyrlyy, kuyan sikerә, kerpe uynyy һ. b.)

5)work in notebooks.

6) work with parents (purchase of masks, costumes, showing work in notebooks).

Distribute memos - 167 words.

Conducting a survey.

7) musical development game: “Without biibez”

(disc “Without inde khazer zurlar, mәktәpkә ilta yullar” UMK projects No. 36).

Stage 3: final

The result of the project is the showing of the fairy tale “Teremkay” to parents, teachers and children of the older group.

Expected results

Good learning results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated. After the survey, it turned out that the more you agitate, show, explain and inform parents about bilingualism, they are more interested and there is a desire to learn a non-native language with their children.

This project helped solve this problem.

As for the children, they themselves, without noticing, communicated with each other, asked questions and answered them correctly. Children transfer the acquired skills in theatrical games into everyday life - these include songs, poems, dialogues, dances. I hope these skills will be useful to them at school and they will learn a non-native second language well.



Topic: “Tatar halyk uennary asha telebezne usteru.”

Project type: long-term (9 months).

Type of project: role-playing game.

Children's age: 4-7 years.

Project participants.


2. Tatar language teacher.



5.narrow specialists.

Project goal: development of speech for preschool children in the context of play activities (Tatar folk games), creating conditions for successful mastery of the Tatar language as a means of communication.

Tasks:1. Develop coherent speech and consolidate learned words in games.

2. Introduce children to the holidays, games, customs, and traditions of the Tatar people.

3. During the games, consolidate Tatar sounds.

4. to cultivate love and respect for the culture of the Tatar people,

5. Introduce the parents of pupils to the objectives of the regional preschool educational institution program and the forms of their implementation, talk about the main components of educational instruction, enrich parents’ knowledge about the history and culture of the Tatars. people.


The development of children's speech in a bilingual environment is one of the most pressing problems in modern theory and methodology.

Play is the leading type of child activity, including speech activity. It is obvious to everyone that methodological developments concerning the development of speech (especially in conditions of play activity) are now extremely insufficient. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Tatarstan “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan”, the opportunity to obtain children of preschool age education in their native language. Early teaching of a second language creates excellent opportunities to instill in children respect for the linguistic cultural heritage, and also contributes to the development of communicative speech tact. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to satisfy children's curiosity and give children basic knowledge about traditions, way of life, culture of the peoples of the native land.

Expected results.

Demonstration of children's creative abilities in different types of activities.

Activate your vocabulary.

Develop Tatar coherent speech.

Improving sound culture and intonation structure.

Enrich the understanding of basic human values.

Integrated educational areas: communication, artistic creativity, music, physical education, reading fiction.

Project progress:

Preparatory stage.

1. Setting goals and objectives.

2. Involvement of narrow specialists in the implementation of relevant sections of the project.

3. Selection of information and illustrations.

4. drawing up an implementation plan: “We play Tatar folk games with children 4-7 years old.”

5. Compiling a card index: “Tatar folk games for preschool children.”

Working with parents.

1. Selection and preparation of costumes for games.

2. Participation of parents in Tatar holidays.

3. Exhibition for parents: “Tatar costumes.”

4.View the presentation: “Milli Kiemner.”

Main stage.

1.Learn Tatar words according to plan.

2. Role-playing games.

3. Reading fiction: the fairy tale “Three Daughters”, “Tubeteika and Kalfak” poem by R. Valeev, translated by E. Muravyov.

4. Artistic creativity (drawing) “decorating Tatar costumes.”

5.Music repetition of the games “Tubetei”, “Kulyaulygym”, “Melike”.

6. Physical culture Tatar folk games “Timerbay”, “Take a seat”, “Clapperboards”.

The final stage.

Result of the project: Carrying out the Sabantuy holiday with parents.

Final product.

The child will master the lexical minimum of Tatar words established by the regional program.

A correct and complete understanding of the native country, city, traditions, cultural objects will be formed, and a sense of national dignity will be formed.

Parents' interest in studying and reviving the national culture of their native land will increase.


1.Babynina T.F. Traditions of national cultures. Kazan, 2006.

2. Zakirova K.V. In the clearing of childhood: a reader for educators and parents. Kazan, 2011.

3. Zakirova K.V., Mortazina L.R. Balachak –uynap kelep usera chak.2012.

4. Zakirova K.V., Mortazina L.R. Hey, crazy byz, crazy byz... Kullanma method 2013.


Bikmuratova Gelyusya Gusmanovna

Project title: “Familiar fairy tales in the Tatar language.”

Purpose: I made fairy tales that rhymed so that children would be interested in listening.

Objectives: 1. Develop an active vocabulary and speech.

2. Get interested in listening and understanding fairy tales in the Tatar language.

3.Cultivate a desire to learn a second language.

Children's age: 5-7 years.


We live in Tatarstan and we have two state languages, despite this, our people know little or no Tatar language. There are few accessible works for children. Based on my work experience, I realized that children are interested in listening to fairy tales and rhyming poems.

And when they are already familiar with Russian fairy tales, they better understand the essence. Children of preschool age will master Tatar at the age-specific level.

Expected results.

Children will hear familiar fairy tales not only in Russian, but also in Tatar.

Tatar speech develops. They have a desire to play roles, because fairy tales written to rhyme are quickly remembered.

Conclusion: in the future, compose fairy tales not only for reading, but also for dramatization.

“Shalkan” akiyate

Babay utyrtkan shalkan, shalkan үskәn, zur bulgan.

Babai shalkanny tartkan, tarta, tarta hәle betkәch

Әbine st chakyrgan.babay, әbi shalkanny

Tartkannar yes, tartkannar

Tartyp hәllәre betkәch, kyzlaryn chakyrgannar.

Babai, әbi, kyz shalkanny tartalar tiz.

Tik shalkan chykmy ikәn, alarnyң kөchlәre betkan,

Kyz shunda etkә dәshkәn, et yogerep kilgan.

Әй tartalar,әй tartalar tarta,tarta aralar

Һәм pesine chakyralar.

Tik shalkan kuzgalmyy yes, zur bula, ala almyylar.

Tartyp chigara almagach, tychkanny chakyralar.

Tychkan kilep yabysha, tartyrga street bulysha.

Sanarga da olgermilәr,shalkan kilep tә chiga.

“Och ayu”

Yashәgan di urmanda zur өoydә

Ayular gailase, әtise һәm әnise

Һәм kechkenә balasy

Әti ayu zur bulgan, өine totyp torgan street.

Әni ayu җyeshtyrgan,bala ayu kechkenә bulgan

Botka gyna ashagan

Bervakyt bergә alar, rizyk ezlәrgә baralar.

Isheklәren biklәmichә achyk itep kaldyralar.

Urmanda adashyp yorgәch, Masha kerә shul өygә

Kerә dә kүrә anda, kemder yashi bireә.

Өstәldә dә әiber bar, karavat ta җyelgan.

Kemnarder monda tora.

Utyra zur uryndykka, kitә kecherәgenә

Uryndykka utyr gyna, shunda uk vatyla street.

Kulyna kashyk ala, botka asharga totyna.

Tamagyn st tuydyra.

Aldagi yakka kerә, bashyn kuya karavatka

Һәм shunda uk yoklap kitә.

Kaytalar ayular audan, өine kurep shakkatalar.

Kem tide әiberlәrgә deep,Әti ayu sүzgә kilә.

Ani ayu da aptyry: “Kem bar monda, kem өaidә?”

Kechkenә ayu kүrep, kychkyra bar kөchenә:

“Minem kashyk buyalgan, kem ashagan talinkadәn?

Uryndyk ta Vatylgan, who is son ana sondyrgan?”

Karasalar karavatka, ber kyz bala yoklap yata.

Bolar tavyshynnan kyz kuzleren acha.

Kurkuynnan Masha tizrә,өaidәn chygyp uk kacha,

Tiz-tiz genә, yogerә yogerә avylyna st.

Әbise ishegaldynda kyzchygyn karshi ala.

Shul kөnnәn birle Masha әbisennәn bashka

Urmanga barmy ikәn ber dә.

“Sertotmas үrdәk”

Kөnnәrdәn ber kөnne yort huҗasy auga kitә,

Өйдә kalgan hayvannar yort huҗasyn zarygyp kөtә.

Өygә ozak kaytmagach, hayvannar bik kaygyralar.

Nichek khuҗany tabyk deep һәrberse uylanalar.

Barsy ber fikerkilep үrdәkne chakyralar.

Urmanga khuҗany ezlәrgә үrdәkne җibәrәlәr.

Huҗа өйдә yuklygyn soylәmәskә әityәlәr.

Bara-bara merchant st. karshynda kerpe kurә,

Huҗа өйдә yuklygyn tiz genә soylәp birә.

Kerpe min usal tugel di, mina yshan berkemgә dә

Soylәmәm ech serene di.

Kemne genә ochratsa da soili үrdәk һәrkemgә

Kuyanga yes, ayuga yes, bүregә.

Shulay bara trader, karshysyna talke ochery

Үrdәk annan da sory.

Tolke ana kurdem min di, ete dә bar belim di,

Minem arttan iyarsәң, khuҗany tabarsyn di.

Tolke үrdәkne yartep өenә alyp kitә.

Үrdәkne өendә biklәp,үze auga chygyp kitә.

Hukha bik akyly bula, yort yanyna kapkyn kuya.

Kilgan һәrber җәnleklәr shul kapkynga elәgә.

Kerpe, kuyan chitlekkә, I bүre chokyrga,

Tolke elәgә kapkynga.

Khuҗa kaityp kergәch өigә, үрдәк Тә кайтип өшә.

Үrdәkneң sүz totmaganyn hayvannar soylәp biә.

Shul kөnnәn bashlap үrdәk soylәshmi ikәn ber dә.

“Kuyan kyzy”

Kuyannyn bulgan kyzy in yaratkan yoldyzy.

Irkalgan st ana nazlagan һәm yaratkan.

Kyzyn shatlandyrym deep kiez itek alyp kaytkan.

Kuyan kyzy shatlangan, itekne ber dә salmagan,

Lakin yalanayak yөerrgәa kubrәk oshagan.

Әnisennәn kacha -kacha iteklәren yashergan.

Kar Ostenn yalanayak ber ike kon chabyp yorgan,

Өchenche kөnne aksap әnise yanyna kilgan

Әnise ayagyn karap sheshkanen kүrgan.

Tәrәzәdan any tien kurep ala,

Aibolitka kirk di st. Baryrga.

Anise ana tabibka alyp kitә

Kilep kergәch brown alar, bigrәk kүp avyrular,

Lakin tabib balalarny chiratsyz karyymyn di,

Avyrtular kүp bulsa yes, barsyn dәvaliymyn di.

Kuyannyn ayaklaryn Aibolit tiz tөzәtkәn.

Baska itekne salmaska, kiep yerergә әitkәn.

Shul konnәn birle kuyan iteklәren salmagan.

Ayaklary and tunmagan, berkaychan avyrmagan,

Gel selamet bulgan.




"KINDERGARTEN No. 213 COMBINED TYPE" Sovetsky district of Kazan

Project work

Topic: “G. Tukay in our hearts”

(130th birthday)

on teaching children the Tatar language

Bikmuratova G.G.


Target: introducing children to the works of G. Tukay.


Summarize children's knowledge about the work of G. Tukay;

Cultivate interest and love for the works of G. Tukay;

To form in children kindness and responsiveness, honesty, truthfulness, and respect for nature through the works of G. Tukay;

To develop children's curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, and communication skills;

Expand knowledge about Tatar writers.

Type of project: short-term -1 month (April).

Project participants: children of the middle, senior, preparatory groups, Tatar language teacher, music director, educators.

Working with parents:

Consultations for parents “G. Tukai in our hearts”, “We read G. Tukai’s fairy tales with our children”; "An evening of watching cartoons based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay."

Organization of an exhibition of children's works "Based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay."

Design of stands “Tukai with us”

First stage:

- studying the works of G. Tukay;

Participation of children in the regional competition “Tugan telem – Tukai tele” with poems by G. Tukay;

- getting to know the life of G. Tukay, watching videos, albums;

Make a small library;

Flash mob “Tukay and children” (reading poems by G. Tukay in kindergarten)

Watching cartoons based on the fairy tales of G. Tukay;

Repetition of the games "Su Anasy", "Shurale", Tatar folk games;

Learning and dramatization of individual read works by G. Tukay;

Organization of an exhibition of children's works based on the works of G. Tukay.


Costumes Shurale, Su anasy, dogs, butterflies; audio recordings of songs based on the words of G. Tukay “Tugan tel”, “Tugan avyl”, comb, riddle box, masks, Tatar national clothes (skullcaps, costumes, scarf with ornaments), carnation flowers.

Main stage (celebrating Tukay’s birthday)

The Tatar folk melody “Taftilәү” sounds

Children enter the hall.

Presenter: Hello guys! Isanmesez, balalar! Today is a holiday in our kindergarten, we celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of the great Tatar poet - Gabdulla Tukay!

Spring, April and Tukai are inseparable, because it was on April 26 that the great poet of the Tatar people, Gabdulla Tukai, was born!

From an early age he was left an orphan, without a father or mother. His childhood was spent in different families. Tukay was a very capable and diligent boy: he studied at a Tatar gymnasium and at a Russian elementary school. He studied Russian, Tatar, Arabic, Iranian and Turkic languages. Despite his short life, he managed to write many poems, songs, fairy tales and riddles for children.

Now our children will tell us his poems:

1 child :"Martin"

2nd child: “The mouse got into the milk”

3rd child: “Funny student”

Presenter: many of his poems became songs, let's listen to one song, the words that Tukay himself wrote.

2 children sing a song: “Mischievous kitten”

Presenter: But the song “Tugan Tel” became the anthem of the Tatar people. Standing together, let's all sing this song together.

Song: “Tugan tel.” Words by G. Tukay, folk music.

Presenter: G. Tukay not only wrote works, he loved to play Tatar folk games as a child. Now we will return to the childhood of little Gabdulla, and they also lovingly called him little Apush.

The boy Apush and his mother come in.

Mom: and ulym, sin bik akylly bala, kүp nәrsәlәr belasen, kechkenә genә bulsan yes, barsyna өlgerәsen.

Boy: әye,әniem eshhlәremne beterdem,uynarga chygyp kerim.

Mom: esh betkәch uynarga ardent, bar uynap ker balam.

(the boy calls his friends to play)

Children play Tatar folk games:

“Kursәt ale,үskәem”,”Tүbәtәy”.

Presenter: from a young age he was a smart boy, he always brought his work to the end. And only after that he went out for a walk with friends. The verse called “Esh betkәch uynarga ardent” (“Do your job and walk boldly”) talks about this.

Sketch: “Esh betkәch uynarga ardent.”

Presenter: Gabdulla was left an orphan at a young age, he was raised in different families. As a child, the hardest times were for Tukai, but despite this he continued to write, spent his free time in nature, swam, played with the boys. Come on, you and I Let's play a game and remember little Apush.

Game: “Yasherәm yaulyk”, senior group.

Presenter: and the children of the preparatory group will show an interesting musical game “Chuma үrdәk, plague kaz” and the dance “Shoma bass”.

Dance: “Shoma bass” disc Shoma bass 33 track.

Presenter: Tukai loved nature, he especially liked the village of Kyrlay, although he lived there for a short time. He praised it very much, he visited different places, but better than Kyrlay, he could not find such beautiful nature anywhere, and many works were born there , for example, the poem “Shurale”, “Tugan avyl” and much more. Let’s listen to a poem about this village.

Verse "Tugan avyl" listening.

Presenter: We visited little Gabdulla’s childhood, and now let’s return to his fairy tales. What fairy tales do you guys know? What cartoons did you watch?

Children: Su anasy, Shurale, Goat and ram, Bala belen kubalak, etc.

Presenter: Butterflies will soon begin to fly, what work do you think I just remembered?

Children: “Bala belan kubalak.”

Dramatization of the poem “Bala belan kubalak”

Presenter: Guys, G. Tukay wrote not only poetry, but also riddles. Listen to G. Tukay’s riddles and guess what time of year?

Children read riddles about the seasons (“Autumn,” “Winter,” “Summer,” “Spring”).

There is a knock on the door and Su Anasy comes in to the music.

Su Anasy: Who are Aldy Minem Altyn Tarakny? Biregez kire uzemә.Kaya minem taragym?

Presenter: Do you guys know where the Su Anasa comb is? Nobody took it?

Children: no.

Presenter: Su anasy, beznen balalar keshe әiberenә timilәr, alar uzlere matur itep altyn tarak yasadylar.Әйдә bezneң belen uyna, annary sina tarak bulәk itәrbez.

Game: “Su Anasy” middle group.

Su anasy, Su anasy Su anasyn kur ale,

Aldyңda kem basyp torah, yalgyshmyycha әit әle.

The children give her a hand-made comb.

Su anasy: oh, rәkhmat! Yarar min kitim, taragymny bashka җirdan ezlim.

Music from the ballet “Shүrəle” by Yarullina is playing. Shүrəle comes in.

Shurale: oh, oh, barmagym avyrta, barmagym!

There was a kysty, There was a kysty!

Presenter: and, there was a kiskang, there was an elamylar inde! Our children will blow now, and the pain will go away.

The children blow and Shurale begins to tickle them.

Presenter: Shurale, don’t scare our children, but rather play with us!

Game: “Shurale”

Oh Shurale, Shurale! Shuralene kur ale!

Sin әybәt, sin matur, keti, keti it әle!

Shurale: It’s good with you, it’s interesting, but little Shuralyata are waiting for me in the forest, it’s time for me to go home. Thank you for your help, now my finger doesn’t hurt.

Presenter: The children really like the fairy tale about “Shurale” and they drew your portrait, we want to give it to you (they give a portrait).

Shurale: min chynnan da matur, әibәt. I still didn’t think that I was so beautiful. Rәkhmatәt, balalar, kilese elga tagyn kilermen, saubulygyz!

Children: saubulygyz!

Presenter: You and I have already visited fairy tales, and now it’s time for us to return. We now know how famous, unforgettable Tukai was and will remain in the hearts, he is remembered and not forgotten to this day. Many writers have written and are writing good poems about him. He is known not only here, but all over the world!

The final stage

View albums “Tukai Museum in Kyrlay”

Presentation "G. Tukay"

Make a lapbook on the theme: “Tock with us”

Photo report

Excursion with parents to the monument to G. Tukay in Kazan.G.G., 1 sq. category.

Target : To consolidate children’s knowledge about the family - through different

activities; be able to compose sentences from two or three words.

Tasks :1.Create conditions for the formation of cognitive interest in children (cognition).

2. Strengthen the ability to name all family members in Tatar (social and communicative development).

3. Encourage children to participate in dramatization

familiar fairy tales.

2.Develop coherent speech and enrich active vocabulary

children (speech development).

3. To instill accuracy in children when coloring (artistic and creative development).

Project duration: 2 months (long-term).

Children's age: 4-5 years (middle group).

Project type: role-playing game.


It is important for the population of Tatarstan to know both main languages

of our Republic. It is imperative for Russian-speaking children to learn the initial skills of the Tatar language at the kindergarten level in order to reach a conversational level at school age.

which will also help them better understand the indigenous population. For this reason this project was compiled.

Expected results:

Creation of a piggy bank of cognitive information;

Demonstration of children’s creative abilities in various activities;

Consolidation of words in the Tatar language;

Project participants:



3. Tatar language teacher;


5.Musical director;

Project progress:

Preparatory stage.

1. Defining the topic, setting goals and objectives.

2. Selection of illustrations.

3. Drawing up a plan - diagram.

Working with parents.

Selection of costumes, masks, attributes, sewing a large turnip (etc.)

Main stage.

Learning words

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Slide captions:

Planned results when studying the work of Klara Bulatova “Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without” in Tatar literature (uku) Project work The work was completed by: reader of the Tatar language and literature MBOU “Secondary School No. 21” Almetyevsk Davletshina G.R. Scientific supervisor: Masnavieva A.I. – Ph.D., Associate Professor

Concept of the project The standard establishes mandatory subject areas and the main tasks for implementing the content of subject areas of primary general education. One of which is literary reading: literary reading in the native language: understanding literature as a phenomenon of national and world culture, means of preserving and transmitting moral values ​​and traditions, awareness of the importance of reading for personal development, the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content and specificity of various texts, achievement the level of reading competence necessary for continuing education, the ability to independently select literature of interest.

The purpose of the project is the formation of meta-subject results in the study of Klara Bulatova’s work “Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without” in extracurricular reading (uku)

The objectives of the project are to form personal educational actions: to instill in the child a love of words, language, and most importantly, to read, awareness of oneself as a citizen, as a representative of the Tatar people, of a certain culture, nurturing a sense of patriotism, to form regulatory educational actions: to be able to build a sequence of analysis, build a plan with highlighting essential and additional information to form cognitive educational actions: to be able to express one’s assumptions about the topic, characters of the work, the sequence of events; to form communicative educational actions: to be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement, express one’s thoughts: to build a logical chain of reasoning

Form personal learning activities, instill in the child a love of words, language, and reading, awareness of oneself as a citizen, as a representative of the Tatar people, of a certain culture, nurturing love for one’s native land

The means of achievement are ireşysullary Shigyr nie uku. With uzlek өstendә esh. Shigyr jne echt әn, pyshyldap uku. Shigyr ne sәngatle itep uku. Shigyr jne gorurlanyp uku. Kyr tynlau.

Klara Bulatova street name?

Clara Garif kyzy Bulatova 1936 elnyn 18 martynd Tatarstan ASSRnyn Sarman Tatar districts Karamalysy avylynda hezmatkәr gailesendә tugan. Anyn әtise dә, әnise dә ukytuchylar bula, shuna kүrә Klaraga bala chaktan uk әti-әnilәre belen bergә ber toobәktәn ikenche toobәkkә kүchen yөrergә һәm tөrle avy l mәktәplerendә ukyrga tours kilә . 1944 elda street Sarman district Yugari Chyrshyly avylynda berenche classka kerә , өchenche classtan Lake avyly җideellik mәktәbendә uky, ә urta belemne Sarman urta mәktәbendaә 1954 elda alyp chyga. Shul uk elnyң kezennәn K. Bulatova hezmat yulyn bashly - Tubәn Lәshәү mәktәbendә bashlangych classlarda balalar ukyta, annan son tөzeleshtә ashli, Almәtәge kenkuresh kombinatynda cashier, “ Tozucheler” klubinda oeshtyruchy bula. 1962-1965 ellarda st yanadan mәktәptә - Almәt district Kolsharip avylynda tel-әdәbiyat, tarikh ukyta. Shunda, 1964 Elda, CPSU saflarina alyna.

1965-1969 ellard K. Bulatov V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin isemendage Kazan let university Tatars tele һәm adәbiyaty үlegendә ukyy. Uku belen bergә iҗat eshen dә dәvam itterә: 1965 elda anyn shigyri bәylәme “Duslyk” isemle kүmәk җyentykta basylyp chyga. Shagyirenen iseme tankyitta җyly sүz belen telgә alyna bashly. 1967 Elda "Yazlar Alda" isemle mөstәkyil kitaby - lyricist shigyrlәr җyentygy donya kүrә. 1965-1969 ellard K. Bulatov V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin isemendage Kazan let university Tatars tele һәm adәbiyaty үlegendә ukyy. Uku belen bergә iҗat eshen dә dәvam itterә: 1965 elda anyn shigyri bәylәme “Duslyk” isemle kүmәk җyentykta basylyp chyga. Shagyirenen iseme tankyitta җyly sүz belen telgә alyna bashly. 1967 Elda "Yazlar Alda" isemle mөstәkyil kitaby - lyricist shigyrlәr җyentygy donya kүrә.

Klara Bulatova “Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without” Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without. Kitә kalsak үzgә ber yakka, Tallar җyrlap, chishmalәre chyңlap, Өyankelәar elap ozata.

Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without. Chittә yorsәk, shuna kүrәder Chishmә chyңlap, өyankelәr elap, Tallar җyrlap tөshkә kerәder.

Shushi yakta bezneң ezlәr kalsyn, Miras bulyp killer yashlәrgә. Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without, Shul tufrakta yazsyn yashәrgә.

Clara Bulatova sүzlәrenә yazylgan җyrlar Balki sin үzeder Kyzara inde milәshlәr Kyrga chyktym, yulga chyktym Kyngyrau chәchәklәre Onytma (ikenche option) Su buenda kyyak үlәn Tamchy җyry Tugan ya to sagishlars Toshta kүrdem Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without Shushyndy tynych tonnәrdә Yazlar kaity Yazlary erakta gomeremneң Yazmymymda yazlar bulyp kal Asylmaly to ү per

Form regulatory educational activities, be able to sequence analysis, build a plan highlighting essential and additional information

Means of achievement - ireү ysullary Shigyrdә K. Bulatova tugan yagybyznyn maturlygyn kurergә nichek өyrәtә ? Sez tugan җirebezneң kaisy yaklary belen gorurlanasyz? Almәt kaisy yaklary belen kunaklarny җәlep itә ala? Shigyr өstendә eshlәgәndә sezgә kaisy syynyftashlarygyznyn fikerleve oshada? Sez alarnyң eshen nicek bәyalyar idegez?

Form cognitive learning activities and be able to express your assumptions about the topic and sequence of events

Means of achievement - ireү ysullary Shagyyr nәrsә belen gorurlana? Gorurlyk hisleren nicek chagyldyra? “Shushi yakta bezneң ezlәr kalsyn, Miras bulyp killer yashlәrgә. Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without, Shul tufrakta yazsyn yashәrgә. ” Digan yullarny sez nichek anlyysyz? Shigyrdә nәrsәlәrgә igъtibar birelә? Almәtne kurergә kilgan kunaklar nindi karash, nindi his-toygylar belen kitә ala?

Form communicative educational actions, be able to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement, express your thoughts: build a logical chain of reasoning

Means of achievement – ​​ireү ysullary Sezgә “Shushi yaktan, shushi tufraktan without”” shigyre oshadymy? Shigyr nәrsә turanda? Shigyrdәn chygyp,Әlmәtnen tabigate turanda sez nәrsә әytә alasyz? (ukuchylarnyn zhavaplary nigezendә dәftәrlәardә esh alyp baryla) Shigyrdә sez kurep belgan urynnar barmy? Shigyr asha shagyyrneң nәrsә әytәse kilә? Ni ochen sez shulai deep uylyysyz? Fikeregezne raslagyz.

Expected results of the project Children will develop an interest in words, language, and most importantly, in reading. An awareness of oneself as a citizen, as a representative of the Tatar people, a certain culture, and a sense of patriotism is formed. They will learn to sequence the analysis and build a plan highlighting essential and additional information. They will learn to express their assumptions about the topic and sequence of events. They will acquire the ability to consciously and voluntarily construct a speech statement, express their thoughts: build a logical chain of reasoning

Kullanylgan әdәbiyat Basic information about the new Federal State Educational Standard for primary education.http:// / index / fgos_novogo_pokolenija /0-33 Karabanova, O.A. Let's learn to learn! What are universal learning activities and why are they needed? [Electronic resource]: http:// / umk / perspektiva /info.aspx?ob_no=12250 Dautov R. Balachak adipplere. – Kazan: “Magarif” nәshr., 2002. Brown rope – hil Atym: Sh igyrl әr, poet/Bulatova K.G. – Kazan: Tatar.kit.nashr., 2006.-286b. Clara Bulatova. Yashel kalam. – Kazan: Rukhiyat, 2003. – 160b. Sәyakhәtnamәlәr: shigyr ь lәr/ Klara Bulatova. – Kazan: Tatar.kit.nashr., 2013.- 127b.

The owner of a Kazan IT company on how gamification is conquering business: games are ordered even for the defense industry and police

“Mobile games are a mortgage without an apartment at the end. You will be cleverly scammed into buying crystals to rebuild a Smurf village. And they will suffer if you don’t pay monthly,” says Yan Shevchenko, owner of the Kazan studio GD Forge, about the intricacies of the gaming industry. He told BUSINESS Online about why she received orders from Aeroflot and Pirelli, what games businessmen play today, and how this industry is similar to the film business.

Yan Shevchenko: “We want to tell the world the most amazing and most technologically advanced stories. We have a whole stack of them." Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Yan Vladimirovich, what does your company specialize in?

— On gaming and near-game projects. We usually say that we make innovative graphics applications. We planned to create classic games and entertainment applications. But suddenly they felt that there was a great demand for business products. We started with the development of simple games for marketing, some short promotional events in the company, events. Gradually, this grew into the fact that we began to order quite powerful gamification modules for ourselves, for employees, for clients, in order to create additional motivational levers.

— What kind of motivation are we talking about?

— This is a subtle game of managing the client’s needs and desires.

— Are there many companies similar to yours in Kazan?

— In the local market, we are the only ones who make games to order. There are competitors in Moscow and several other cities. IT companies usually have programmers, project managers, and so on. But there are no people who would engage in creative tasks. And we can do everything that concerns the sense of beauty artistically and beautifully. We take on ordinary applications only if we are interested in it: due to the field of activity or the complexity of the task. For example, we are currently working on an amazing project - unifying legal services.

Photo: Sergey Elagin

— Was this the customer’s idea?

- Yes, but we came up with the implementation together. This promises to be really interesting and useful. When you have to work with legal documents, it's convenient to have everything you might need in one place. But not like this: I opened it here - it’s no longer relevant, here it’s the same. Or different sources provide a different list of documents. As a result, to avoid getting into trouble, you collect a lot of extra papers.

Our motto is Fair Games. These are both fair and fair games. You pay for a movie ticket and play for your own pleasure. Our robo-horse from the rock'n'roll screensaver will entertain to the last. That is, the game was not made to shake as much money out of you as possible.

- Does it happen otherwise?

— Almost all mobile games are a different case. This is a mortgage without an apartment at the end. You will be cleverly scammed into buying crystals to rebuild a Smurf village. And they will suffer if you don't pay every month. ( Laughs.) That is, it is always, to one degree or another, psychological blackmail. And we tell cool adult stories. In other words, we do what we would play ourselves.

Who usually commissions you for game projects?

- Firstly, private individuals. Most often, these are people who have spent 40 years in other fields, earned a lot of money, and suddenly remembered: “But I had a dream!” That is, they got the gaming itch. The second is companies.


— How did you approach this topic?

— Since childhood, I dreamed of creating games. This has been my hobby since I was 15 years old.

— You probably grew up in a family of techies?

— No, I have an ordinary intelligent family: my mother is an economics teacher, my father is a doctor. I was born in Estonia when it was still part of the Soviet Union. Then we moved to Ukraine while it was part of the Soviet Union. Then - to the Far East. Thank God, it remained part of Russia ( laughs). As a result, we ended up in Kazan because my mother is from here. I went to study at the National Humanitarian and Technical Institute of the Volga Region - just to get a diploma: I always knew that self-education would come first for me. But when I was in my second year, his license was revoked. I transferred to Chuvash State University. I suddenly liked studying at such a large, serious university, where there were many teachers from the old school. In the specialty "Automated Information Processing and Control Systems" we learned about methods that apply to both an aircraft and a software product.

When employees of the Yoshkar-Ola office of the large Russian game development company Elephant Games came to our university, I showed them what I was doing for myself. They were delighted and offered me, then a fourth-year student, to head the Cheboksary branch.

— What exactly did you show them?

— It was a story-driven first-person fantasy game. I recruited fellow classmates. By the way, many of them are still with me. We managed to make several products that performed very well on the international market: they took top places in ratings, sales charts, and so on. For example, my very first project, the online game “Lost in the City,” was probably translated into 12 languages ​​around the world. It was very popular in Japan, in America... As a result, I even somehow found it in a basket in the M.Video store, already in Russian.

Photo: Sergey Elagin

- Yes. My portfolio is in the credits.

— Percentage on sales? No. Although I was part of top management at that time, I worked for a salary. And, to be honest, it didn't matter. I myself was willing to pay for the opportunity for creative self-realization at the international level during my student years... I immediately reached the peak of my career: I occupied all the key positions in one person. He worked at the main office in Yoshkar-Ola and opened the Kazan branch. And then I decided that’s it, I want to do projects according to my own rules. The four of us started almost three years ago with a small service - developing game documentation for other companies. The first order for the game appeared only three months later.

- And who did you make them for?

— Games have become fashionable not only in the classical sphere, but also in marketing, advertising, and many other places in business. The basis of any game is psychological manipulative techniques. They are very well used in the business sphere. This is where the term gamification arose, when game principles are applied to any process. For example, when you provide your social network information, they tell you: “Add your phone number and you will be the best person on earth. Now give me your email and you’ll be amazing.” And so they will entice you and entice you until they receive all possible contact information to strengthen their advertising platform.

Gamification is, if not yet a standard, then on the verge of a standard. Our game designers are responsible for such subtle matters as excitement, goal achievement, encouragement, and additional motivation. And we can subtly and gracefully manipulate the user so that he does what the customer needs.

Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Do you work more for the Tatarstan market?

— Half of the orders in our portfolio are federal: from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and so on.

— Why do they prefer to work with you?

— In the Mother See, the price tag can be five to six times higher. This is a lot, considering that the development of IT products is already expensive. In a word, in Moscow you also pay simply for the fact that it is Moscow. In addition, this is a question of quality. Our IT park and Innopolis attract a large number of specialists. Working in the gaming industry is not just about making another website, here you are creating an entire virtual world.

— The remaining half of orders come from Tatarstan?

— Local orders are only 30 percent. The remaining 20 are foreign, including Ukraine and Belarus. Although this could actually be an order from afar: they know how to look for applications on the foreign market.

— How many orders have you already completed?

— We already have about 40 projects. Here, for example, is a report from the Rosatom Academy with infographics. It would seem like a thin magazine. But there are labels inserted on certain pages of it. Thanks to them, it was possible to include a lot more information in the report - it can be seen using a smartphone. This is augmented reality. And we have made countless children’s coloring books with augmented reality: cartoon characters come to life on a smartphone in the colors in which the child painted them.

“IT people are terribly afraid of the business environment. They are generally introverts, sitting in the office, focused on one task.” Photo: Sergey Elagin

In general, augmented reality works very well in marketing. For example, a company produces chocolates. You can use augmented reality to bring labels to life. To do this, you do not need to change the production process. It is enough to release an advertising campaign: “Install our application. Scan the labels of all our chocolates and collect all the monsters." First, the children will force their parents to buy them all these chocolates. Secondly, the company will now always be able to contact its consumers through the application with the announcement of a new product, promotion or game.

— Is this already modern marketing?

- Yes, and quite advanced. Now the goal of every company is to be in the pocket of the smartphone user. Because 70 percent of every website's visitors are from mobile devices: people access them from their phones.

Or, for example, we did a project for Aeroflot called “Aerogames”: two hours before the plane’s departure, you can earn miles. Firstly, real users can really brighten up the tedious waiting time. Or give it to a child: he plays and at the same time earns miles that can be spent on flights. We have a good product that increases loyalty to the company. We are very proud of him. This is user gamification. In other words, managing them. And there is gamification of employees. If your company has three thousand sales managers and they are all young people, it is not enough for them to work just for money: they want to compete with a friend or the whole crowd to challenge a branch from another city. This could be your own small gaming social network, during which participants receive rewards. The points you earn can be spent in the store. If you need to stimulate managers to sell a new product, you can assign a different type of reward: there were coins, and there were stars. And only for stars you can buy a Lexus. The one who saves up for it first will receive it. And now they have to learn to sell a new product. But the motivation is not negative: it’s not “we’ll fine you if you don’t fulfill the sales plan,” but more intangible.

“Here, for example, is a report from the Rosatom Academy with infographics. Labels are inserted on certain pages of it. Thanks to them, it was possible to contain a lot more information - it can be seen using a smartphone.”

Or, for example, why splash through the mud to see on the spot how a cottage community is being built, if you can put a virtual reality helmet on a person and he will visit a hundred cottages in a day without leaving the office. Virtual reality is well integrated into the business process, at all levels: from personnel training to final marketing.

— Do customers expect creativity from you?

— Sometimes people come to us with a ready-made technical specification. Sometimes they ask for help developing a concept. We even go as far as providing simulators—in a virtual reality helmet, a person learns to operate the equipment. How often does this happen? They hire a newbie. He starts working, spoils the raw materials, the machine.

And with the simulator, he will first go through everything in rough form. This is a popular topic. We have received orders for the production of similar simulators for several large industries, including defense ones. I can’t name them; we are often bound by a non-disclosure contract. This is the problem with the portfolio of all IT companies: what remains in it is far from the most “tasty”. We, the final performers in the chain, are given a choice: either money or a mention in the portfolio. Often they pay well extra for concealing authorship.

- Why do they do this?

— They want to disguise the fact that they are not the performers. Usually, after receiving a contract, they find a contractor. The difference in payment is their income. A huge number of agencies simply dispatch applications. Actually, it's not that bad. When you come to some giant corporation, you may hear: “Fee, who are you?” And these agencies already have a reputation, and through them we get the opportunity to work on one or another interesting product.

For example, we are currently creating a crime scene investigation simulator. The student, using the correct tools, must correctly collect and preserve evidence. Both we and the customer hope that it will become a good teaching aid for students at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Many people believe that making an IT product is like building a house. Here’s the estimate, here are the workers: why isn’t the house on time?” Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Every new project is a new experience?

- Exactly. For example, we now know what mistakes can be made if you decide to create a collective virtual reality. And how do you generally synchronize a group of people in one space in real time, each of whom has their own picture of the world, and everyone also moves their fingers, touches something, and everyone sees it. We even make our projects collective.

— Is this also a trend?

- Yes. It's not that interesting to play alone. I want to take part in some adventure with other people. These are the same quest rooms, only in virtual reality. And here you are not limited to the interior: it can be a skyscraper, hell, other planets and worlds. Our favorite thing to do is indulge in these digital daydreams.

If the assigned project is to your liking - we would gladly do one ourselves - we offer to reduce the price tag in exchange for a share of the income in it. Many plan to sell the final product. They are willing to work with us according to this scheme. Because they know that by giving up profits, the studio will be even more motivated to ensure the success of the project. Among them, for example, is the owner of one of the YouTube channels, which has 1.2 million subscribers. He decided to make a game for them: since he has an audience, why not monetize it?

We have amazing cases. Once we were negotiating a project, but the customer disappeared somewhere. And we liked the idea itself. For example, the Kul Sharif Mosque is currently not accessible to people in wheelchairs. And there is no way to install ramps for the disabled there. You can create a case with virtual reality. The group goes inside for a tour. People with limited mobility remain outside, but thanks to virtual reality glasses and headphones, they have the full feeling that they are walking the route along with others. Looking around, they can even see a place as if they were really there. Technically, this is implemented in the simplest way. There is no need to install anything inside. The guide controls this virtual excursion through a smartphone application, seeing a pre-shot panorama.

Photo: Sergey Elagin

By the way, at the “Looking into the Future” forum, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan was shown our joint application with the “Entrepreneurship Factory”. I suggested: “What if we make a simulator of an entrepreneur who takes his very first steps?” We have developed an inexpensive and interesting concept.

- What is its essence?

— This is a virtual “sandbox” for an entrepreneur. It’s as if you have signed up for your own enterprise that is just starting out: a cafe, a furniture factory or a hairdresser. Essentially, these are step-by-step instructions. First step: write a business plan. The second step already involves several scenarios. A person can intuitively try to lead a business to a set goal, for example, profitability, and this is tied to real entrepreneurial experience and existing tools. You need to register a legal entity, otherwise sooner or later you will be fined for illegal business activities and so on. It seems simple, and at the same time there is educational value.

— And what was Rustam Nurgalievich’s reaction?

- He liked this. He at least promised us support.

— In a word, are games increasingly in demand in business?

— Application sites were once an advantage, now they are already standards. You need to look for something that will become an advantage today and will be a standard tomorrow. Then your business will look more attractive than your competitors. By the way, after the recent “Looking into the Future” forum, we received many orders in the corporate segment. We are even drawn into one of the blockchain stories.

“Now, of course, small private schools have appeared in Moscow. But they have a hefty price tag. It is not only comparable to higher education, it exceeds it.” Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Is game development not a cheap pleasure?

— Abroad, the game budget starts from 50 thousand dollars. Expensive games, depending on the scale and devices for which they are intended, cost 200–400 million. The price of some global games is approaching a billion dollars. In Moscow, a small toy can cost from one million rubles to ten.

— What amount does your price tag start at?

— The simplest mobile or browser marketing game, like the once popular Flappy Bird, costs from 100 thousand rubles. The Vietnamese who invented it one day woke up very rich because it became popular all over the world. It is incredibly complex because it makes you angry and wants to break the phone, and at the same time incredibly simple. In a word, she had some kind of charm. If the game is multiplayer and integrated into social networks, and even with some advanced 3D graphics, it will cost more. In general, our price range is from 300 thousand to 7 million.

— Which order was the most difficult?

— Definitely an Aeroflot project. This is a job with a large complex structure that has serious sustainability requirements. For the most part, this development was carried out by the guys from our branch in Innopolis. We have good human resources there.

The project for Pirelli was also memorable. At first it was just a car with a screen, pedals and a steering wheel, for which we made a software part. In other words, racing. There was a line forming to the stand. Visitors liked the attraction so much that they even broke the steering wheel twice. And then the customer asked to remake it for virtual reality, so that it could also be installed in sales showrooms.

In general, this is an international trend. In Europe, the largest car dealerships give visitors the opportunity to virtually repaint a car and change its equipment. The demand for such things is growing, and for good reason. Using such innovations, companies enter the luxury segment. Often, an expensive development creates a mega-media cause, because of which everyone will talk and write about this company. This marketing is now considered the most effective - when everyone wants to write about you.

Photo: Sergey Elagin

— Are you focusing on the international market?

— And IT has no boundaries. If you have made a product, it immediately enters the international market. It just needs to be localized. We use the services of native-speaking translators in the countries where the game enters. In fact, this is the only expense. The main thing is to be able to develop products that have potential.

For example, now one of our products has been translated into 12 languages. Accordingly, it is sold in 12 countries, including China. So at the recent Russian-Chinese congress I was on topic. I talked with a delegation from this country. I found out how to work with them in terms of marketing. The market is huge.

— Was there any interest?

- Yes. They gave us a lot of business cards, we sent out our proposals. Waiting for an answer.


— Is your creativity limited by orders?

— For us, this is a way to implement our own projects. We want to tell the world the most amazing and most technologically advanced stories. We have a whole stack of them. The problem is that all this is expensive, everything requires money.

— What exactly are the funds spent on?

— The product is created by a large team of specialists: artists, scriptwriters, 3D models, programmers... We even attract local investors for new projects. Some of them had a childhood dream: to make games. But fate led them to success in construction, the restaurant business, and so on. It turns out that for some we even make dreams come true. We plan to undergo international registration next year. We don’t want to confuse this direction with outsourcing; we’ll try to learn how to sell our products ourselves. In short, become independent game developers.

“Cartoon characters come to life on a smartphone in the colors the child painted them in”Photo courtesy of GD Forge studio

— Have you already created something of your own?

— So far we have released a test project. This is a virtual reality attraction: a shooting gallery. There is nothing super-revolutionary in it - for us. In general, virtual reality is cool by default. We wanted to know: how much can a game designed exclusively for virtual reality make? To be honest, not very much: the market is small. Therefore, all of our upcoming projects will use virtual reality only as an additional opportunity. If you don't have an expensive helmet, it will work like a classic game.

The first two projects should be completed in February next year. One of them is a gritty horror movie about a drive-in. We all find ourselves in that creepy place from time to time. Catching goosebumps with a friend or girlfriend is just the thing. You can do it via the Internet or at home, placing laptops nearby, with or without a virtual reality helmet. The second project is a fantasy story with aliens. In general, the most important thing in games is to give you the opportunity to live some unique experience.

— Moreover, the possibilities are endless?

— Information technologies are offering more and more powerful solutions: this includes artificial intelligence, neural networks, and blockchain, which is now being talked about on every corner. In a word, it all depends on ambitions and money for marketing. And the opportunities that are opening up are truly colossal.

“It’s unlikely that everyone knows about this.”

— Such complex words as virtual or augmented reality, gamification generally frighten businessmen. Therefore, we try to clearly tell them how to keep up with the times. For example, why not try to expand into a neighboring region using the application? Get into the pocket of your customers and clients in order to be able to maintain direct contact with them. Nowadays, clients of any business have mobile devices. And this is a great way to expand your scope of activity.

Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Behind you is a wall covered with markers. Is this a working board or a fragment of an interior?

— This is marker film. We dream of covering the entire office with it, so that wherever an idea comes to mind, we can sketch it. It’s very convenient: you draw it, take a photo, and you have the results of your brainstorming. Our game designers are game directors and project managers at the same time. That is, people who have a creative vision of how things should look. They create the concept. I just check them periodically.

— How can one manage such creators?

- I have a rule. I definitely participate in the start of each project to make sure that nothing is lost from the concept proposed by the client and that my employees correctly place all the accents during production. But I try to structure the process so that everything does not depend on one person. He can burn out, and then everything will end.

— Is it difficult for you to select personnel?

- No. Our salaries are lower than in other segments, but demand is still high. Even if we say that we need an intern with no experience for a small stipend, hundreds of people respond. People really like making games. It turns out that they are paid for pleasure. In addition, here you constantly have to solve different problems, and a person grows professionally very much. For us, even knowledge at the level of trigonometry is justified - the very thing that we thought at school would not be useful to us in life. Our staff has grown from three to 50 people in 2.5 years. And there is no turnover as such.

Photo courtesy of GD Forge studio


— I heard your emotional speech at the Entrepreneurship Factory. Are customers really annoying?

“Many people believe that making an IT product is like building a house: “Here’s the estimate, here are the workers: why isn’t the house on time?” Whereas in reality this is not a construction project at all, but a complex research task. We are forced to give specific deadlines because they are expected of us, and not because we are 100 percent sure that we will meet this time. You have to earn money, pay wages.

If it takes a maximum of a week or two to develop a one-page website and the delay is possible by no more than a day, then when creating complex games it’s a different matter. But if you create a project for six months and miss the deadline by two or three months, that’s already decent. At the same time, we try very hard.

— Could there also be penalties?

- Naturally. Classic business agreements do not take into account that their partners are not cement suppliers, but scientists who are solving a complex problem bordering on invention. If a programmer stares at the ceiling all day, this does not mean that he was idle. Perhaps he thereby saved a month of incorrect searches. IT people are terribly afraid of the business environment. They are generally introverts, sitting in the office, focused on one task. Not one of them would want to quarrel with someone in life. It is believed that programmers have a mild form of autism because their job is to write a line from left to right and repeat it a million times.

— In a word, is there a lot of misunderstanding?

- I'm not even talking about the fact that sometimes people are confident - they know exactly how to do it better than you. They read a lot of clever articles and just keep throwing out terms. And then they are surprised that everything turned out wrong. It is better to come to us with the simplest possible task, we will translate it into technical language ourselves. Or they say: “I want a blockchain.” In such cases, I wonder to myself: “How did you have the need to use technology that no one in the world still understands what to use?”

Informed people are rare. They only see the picture, and they don’t suspect what’s hidden behind it until you tell them. Unless this is your first time working with this company. Well, advertising agencies always have tons of IT projects, so it’s easier to work with them.

Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Is the gaming industry quickly gaining popularity?

— In our country it is not really developed.

— Is the situation different abroad?

— There is even a government agency there that trains game developers. This is a separate industry, which already about five years ago overtook cinema and music combined all over the world. Its turnover is estimated at 109 billion dollars: this is only half the turnover of the arms trade. In our country, games are mainly learned through the process, so internships and mentoring are very developed. Now, of course, there are small private schools in Moscow. But they have a hefty price tag. It is not only comparable to higher education, but exceeds it.

Many people want to try themselves in this industry. Our company becomes an opportunity for them. I have a personal website for a game designer. One day one of the companies offered me a job as a game designer and lead projects. I—and I still have 10 years of experience in the gaming industry—dissuaded them: “Why do you need to go through this hell? Let’s better do everything for you.” So a personal brand works well too.

In general, the gaming industry is more like the movie business. Studios, having created a game, also find a publisher who sells this game, taking a share for themselves for promotion. The game, unlike the site, is not for everyone. Therefore, compared to website developers, our competition is lower. But, accordingly, demand is lower.

Photo: Sergey Elagin


— Why did you open a branch in Innopolis? Because of benefits?

— Of course, there are benefits there: tax holidays are in effect until the end of the year and, perhaps, will be extended. But, in general, we got there by accident. It all started when students from this IT city started asking us: “We want to do an internship with you.” And soon after that they offered us: “Would you like to become the first game studio in Innopolis?” Why not? We have submitted an application.

We received resident status, one might say, with the blessing of the president of the republic. We have an educational project on the Tatar language. This is a game for young children that will help them learn new words through colorful pictures. The business plan was defended, among other things, personally in front of Rustam Minnikhanov. We want to join forces with a new local TV channel for children and the Department of Journalism at KFU. In a couple of months we expect to finish work on the first game. Then we will create a whole educational platform. By the way, we are considering the office in Innopolis - and we currently have only five people on staff there - for growth.

— Are you running a business without partners?

— I believe that we have a family business. Nellie and I - and she is the executive director - have been together for 11 years. I am the owner of this company, and she is the owner of a branch in Innopolis. I can’t help but note: in Innopolis, tax specialists understand what IT is and how everything happens in this area!

Photo: Sergey Elagin

- Are there any special features?

— Usually, the tax inspector, in principle, does not understand what money is out of thin air: “How can they pay you so much if you don’t have any expenses for resources?”

— Do you have any hobbies?

— The main hobby for us is, of course, business. Once upon a time Nellie and I went to the pool. And we will definitely continue somehow. ( Laughs.)

— And the traditional “BUSINESS Online” question: your three secrets of a successful business?

- The first thing is to do what you are passionate about. That is, the work should also give you pleasure. Secondly, do what you yourself understand. And third, at least at the beginning, do it yourself. If you didn’t create a business blindly—you did it with your own hands, and not just read about it in books—you have an understanding of what processes take place in your company. These three things worked for us. I understand every aspect of creating a graphic application: initially I drew, wrote music, and programmed.

Company business card

LLC "GDI Inno"

Year of creation: 2014.

Areas of work: development of games, virtual and augmented reality projects, gamification of business processes.

Number of employees - 43.

Founders: Yan Vladimirovich Shevchenko (100% management company).

Turnover - 29 million rubles (2016).

Manager's business card

Shevchenko Yan Vladimirovich


Graduated from Chuvash State University named after. Lenin with a degree in Automated Information Processing and Control Systems (ACS) (2009).

Labor activity

2008–2010 — E-studio LLC (Elephant Games), head of the branch in Cheboksary.

2010–1012 — E-studio LLC, project manager at the main office in Yoshkar-Ola.

2012–2013 — E-studio LLC, head of the Kazan branch.

From 2014 to the present - head of the GD Forge studio.

Marital status: Not maried.

project on the Tatar language “the road to school”

MBDOU "Anzhe"

Project passport

 Age of children: 6-7 years (preparatory group)

  • Type of project: educational - developmental, educational
  • Duration (long): September 1-May 31

Formation of oral speech in the Tatar language and communication skills with others.

 Educational: to cultivate in children a love for their native land, for its nature and a caring attitude towards it; interest in studying the Tatar and Russian languages, in the historical past of the native land; pride and respect for the past and present of the native land.

  • Developmental: develop children’s ideas about the culture, life of the Tatar people, monuments and attractions of the capital, Kazan, etc.
  • Educational: to consolidate children’s understanding of the social role of the Tatar language, improving knowledge about the traditions and customs of Tatar and other nationalities.


  • discussion of the project topic
  • selection of methodological and fiction literature on the topic: “Speaking Tatar”
  • selection of illustrations
  • didactic games
  • construction games
  • physical education minutes
  • selection of cartoons in the Tatar language
  • preparation of GCD notes


 conversations;

  • role-playing, didactic, construction games;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • physical education minutes;
  • consultations;
  • photo exhibitions;
  • creation of corners of the Tatar language;
  • reading Tatar folk tales and fiction;
  • watching cartoons in the Tatar language “Turnip” (“Shalkan”), “Ak Bars”, “Kamyr Batyr”, etc.


  • learning songs in the Tatar language;
  • creating a corner for parents: “Speaking Tatar”
  • holidays dedicated to the day of Tatar culture: “Sabantuy”, “Gabdulla Tukay”

Cooperative activity:

 Reading fiction: “Shalkan” (“Turnip”), “Ak Bars”, etc. and fairy tales of the Tatar people.

  • Learning poetry in the Tatar language.
  • Watching cartoons in the Tatar language: “Kamyr Batyr”, “Shalkan”.
  • Conversations on the topic: “My family”, “Shop”, “Cafe”, “Away”, “At the circus”.
  • Consideration of illustrations on the theme: “My family”, “Away”, “At the circus” and others.
  • Learning songs in the Tatar language.
  • GCD on the topic: “Speaking Tatar” (communication, cognition, artistic creativity, socialization). Implemented activities

Interaction with parents:

  • Decorating the parent's corner.
  • Consultations for parents: “We are learning the Tatar language”, “New approaches in teaching the Tatar language”, “Legends and traditions of the Tatar people”, etc.
  • Making a folder for parents “We speak Tatar”
  • Questioning parents “Do you read books by Tatar writers and poets to your children?”
  • Photo exhibition “We are learning the Tatar language”
  • Holidays dedicated to the culture of the Tatar people “Sabantuy”, “Gabdulla Tukay”.

Independent activities:

 Story-based didactic games: “Family”, “Cafe”, “Shop”, “Broken Phone”.  Didactic games: “Kom nishli?”, “Sin kom?”, “Bu kom?”

  • Construction games: “Shop”, “House”.
  • Finger gymnastics: “Friendly family”
  • Drawing competition on the topic: “Speaking Tatar”

followed by a presentation.

 Free drawing according to the plot followed by an exhibition.

Expected results:

  • Know 167 Tatar words by the end of training
  • Understand Tatar speech
  • They know works of folk art, works of Tatar writers and poets, musicians, and artists.
  • They can dramatize (together with the teacher) Tatar folk tales, nursery rhymes, jokes
  • Interest in further study of the Tatar language has developed
  • There was a desire to perform Tatar songs, read poetry, dance folk dances
  • A respectful and tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities, their language and culture has developed.

Game situation:

Akbay and Miyau came to visit .

. Game situation: game "House"