Principles of the communicative method of teaching English. Communicative method of teaching English in primary school

The most important parameter of teaching is the methodology - a set of methods and techniques of pedagogical activity used in the learning process. Each technique has its own advantages and, to varying degrees, contributes to the acquisition of material in one or another aspect of the language. Therefore, the choice of the technique used (or combination of techniques) depends on a number of factors.

Depending on the purpose of training, the nature of training, the type of personality of the student and other factors, I can offer you English language teaching using the following techniques:

Communication technique

Communicative methodology is the latest major achievement of methodological science and involves teaching language as a means of communication in the process of communication. Communicative learning is based on four principles: information, interest, interaction, motivation. In view of this, classes conducted using this method are characterized by high diversity and speech activity. The basis of communicative learning is pair and group work, in the case of individual lessons - work in pairs with a teacher. If your goal is speaking, then best choice There will be training on this technique.

Examples of communication tasks:

  1. Ask your interlocutor in English about how he spent his last vacation.
  2. Agree or refute the following statement and explain your point of view: it’s not too late to study at college at 30 years old.
  3. Find three things that you and your interlocutor have in common in their characters and lifestyles.

English methodologist Michael Swan, author of the world-famous “Cambridge Course,” gives the following example: ask your friend his name, age and profession. Is this task communicative? It would seem - yes, because such a task involves question-and-answer speech practice. But in reality, such a task is not communicative, because You know everything about your friend, and therefore in such a dialogue there is no information that is new to you, and, accordingly, interest.

Suggestopedic technique

The suggestopedic technique is a precursor to communicative learning. It is used in group training and is based on the principle of collective interaction. The psychological principle of suggestopedic training is the principle of joy and stress-free learning, for which the course includes a lot of humor, jokes, songs, rhymes, etc. There is a lot of English spoken in the classes; the entire lesson is conducted exclusively in English. This approach most contributes to the development of listening comprehension and the removal of the language barrier.

When training using the suggestopedic method, each student acts as a delegate to an international congress and receives a fictitious name, surname, nationality and profession, and “lives” the entire training period within the framework of this legend. During the course, the “congress” participants discuss various problems, “go” on excursions, “celebrate” holidays, “do” shopping, etc.

Traditional technique

The traditional method was the most common method of teaching a foreign language before the advent of suggestopedic and communicative approaches. Training using this method is carried out through systematic work on the grammatical and lexical structure of the language, which consists of a systematic study of grammar while simultaneously practicing reading and translation skills. The traditional approach involves reading, translating and retelling the text, question-answer work, performing lexical and grammatical exercises, and making statements on a specific topic. Traditional training is extensive, i.e. extended over time. This method gives high results when teaching grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing.

Examples of tasks using the traditional method:

  1. Put the following sentence in interrogative form.
  2. Give brief answers to the questions given.
  3. Make a proposal using this example.

There is a universal rule that you can learn something only in the process of a certain activity. In relation to teaching English, this means that if you read and translate texts or do numerous exercises, you will not master spoken language. Conversely, if you only communicate in the language, you will not develop a large vocabulary and correct grammar. Therefore, from the point of view of practical application, a combination of traditional and training methods will be optimal.

Intensive technique

The intensive methodology was formed under the influence of the requirements of accelerated language learning and is an optimized combination and development of teaching techniques of previous methods. The basis of training is intensive study of material on given aspects of the language, which requires the concentration of the student’s attention and his activity in every second of working time. The material is worked through several times in different situations, which develops flexible and stable skills in various aspects of the language. Intensive training takes place in short time and is characterized by the fact that a larger volume of material is absorbed per unit of time than with the approach. The use of an intensive methodology allows you to achieve high learning results in a short time.

Some intensive training techniques:

  1. Pronouncing the text at different paces, with different intonations: angry, tender, questioning, surprised, indifferent, etc.
  2. Large question-and-answer work on a given topic, which includes: answering questions, performing substitution training exercises, various communication tasks, role-playing games, etc.
  3. The use of a large amount of additional material, related thematically: additional text, dialogues, audio CDs, a set of pictures, articles for discussions, grammar exercises, etc.

Initially, intensive training arose as a course in conversational speech and was synonymous with suggestopedic training. Later, the term “intensive training” absorbed all the variety of progressive and effective teaching methods. Today, there are intensive courses for teaching oral speech (suggestopedia), an intensive course for teaching reading, an intensive course for teaching the language of newspapers, etc. Among British methodologists there are authors (Brian Abbs, Ingrid Freebairn, Bernard Hartley, Peter Viney, etc.) who have developed courses intensive training for different levels and aspects of the English language. Other MGIMO methodologists developed an intensive course based on the simultaneous use of several textbooks. In the approach they proposed, when studying any one topic, different textbooks complement each other, which increases the degree of mastery of the material.

Examples of tasks using the intensive method:

  1. Take an interest in the profession of your interlocutor.
  2. Name prestigious and non-prestigious professions, choose professions for your children and give reasons for your choice.
  3. Describe the professions of the people depicted in the pictures.

For more information about intensive training, see the section “intensification of training”.

For those wishing to learn English, I suggest you visit the “Welcome” section, where you will find a description of the materials I use, how to individually select them and an online test of your knowledge of the English language, or immediately call me at 8-917-551-24-13.

The changes taking place today in social relations and means of communication require increasing the communicative competence of schoolchildren, improving their philological preparation, therefore, the study of English has acquired priority importance as a means of communication and generalization of the spiritual heritage of the countries of the language being studied and peoples.

The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​at school is to develop the student’s ability to communicate in a foreign language. The implementation of this goal is associated with the formation of a number of communicative skills in students: to understand and generate foreign language utterances in accordance with the specific communication situation, speech task and communicative intention; carry out their communicative behavior in accordance with the rules of communication and the national and cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied.

At the first stage of education (grades II–IV), the following goals are realized:

– to promote an earlier introduction of younger schoolchildren to a new linguistic world at an age when children do not yet experience psychological barriers to using a foreign language as a means of communication; to form in children a readiness to communicate in a foreign language and a positive attitude towards further study;

– to form basic communication skills in four types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading, writing), taking into account the speech capabilities and needs of younger schoolchildren;

– to acquaint primary schoolchildren with the world of foreign peers, with foreign songs, poems and fairy tales, and with examples of children’s fiction available to children in the foreign language being studied;

– to introduce children to new social experiences using a foreign language by expanding the range of social roles played in play situations typical for family, everyday, educational communication, to form ideas about the most general features of speech interaction in their native and foreign languages, about morals that meet the interests of younger schoolchildren and customs of the countries of the language being studied;

– to form some universal linguistic concepts observed in native and foreign languages, thereby developing the intellectual, speech and cognitive abilities of students. Leading experts in the field of linguistic education consider the communicative teaching method to be the most effective method of teaching foreign languages.

The communicative methodology is based on the following principles:

Speech orientation of learning, meaning that speech activity is not only a means of learning, but also its goal. This circumstance presupposes:

a) the communicative behavior of the teacher, who involves students in common activities and thereby influences the communication process;
b) the use of exercises that recreate communication situations as much as possible;
c) directing students’ attention to the purpose and content of the statement.

The basis for teaching children oral communication in a foreign language in elementary school is a game, which, in the apt expression of I.A. Winter, is a psychological justification for switching to a new language of instruction. The use of games as a way of developing communication skills in elementary school allows the teacher to formulate speech tasks that contain the motive and purpose of the speech act and which dictate the use of the necessary communication patterns

Games deserve widespread use in English lessons. In addition to such functions as increasing interest and motivation for speaking a foreign language, using children’s involuntary attention and memory for lesson purposes, the game has another huge advantage - it can be used in all types of educational activities in an English lesson: in working with text , consolidation of vocabulary, teaching unprepared speaking. Games are also used in order to consolidate the vocabulary and lexical and grammatical structures covered on any specific topic.

From a methodological point of view, the idea of ​​a game-based learning organization is born from an analysis of practical failures, which inevitably results from the desire to solve the problem of game-based learning by simply transferring games from the everyday sphere to the educational sphere. The desire to use games to enhance learning deserves every support. The point is not to play some kind of game in class at any cost, but to put students in conditions in which their activities during learning would be of a playful nature. This is the idea of ​​a game organization of teaching. Play in form, learning in content - this is the essence of the idea of ​​a playful organization of learning.

There are 6 main purposes of using games in teaching a foreign language:

  • formation of certain skills;
  • development of certain speech skills;
  • communication skills training;
  • development of necessary abilities and mental functions;
  • cognition;
  • memorization of speech material.

But the specificity of the game lies in the fact that educational tasks are not presented to the child explicitly, but are disguised. While playing, the child does not set a learning task, but as a result of the game he learns something. There is neither need nor reason to set a goal - to rest, to switch gears: the nature of the game as such will do its job. Students should be given a game goal and the conditions of the game explained; as for the program of their actions, it depends on the hidden educational goal. For example, the educational goal is to develop (improve) a skill; in this case, you need to give a sample statement (program) and work it out; if the goal is to develop the ability to speak out, then the program does not need to be set.

It is also important that the teacher knows how to captivate and infect students with the game. Obviously, for this you need to be passionate and, if possible, participate in the game. When a game-competition is played, the winners should be celebrated, the losers should be consoled, and encouraged. And now I would like to give examples of games for each of the goals.

1. Formation of skills.

Guess where we'll go?
- Will you go to the cinema?
- No.
- Will you go to the circus?
- Yes, right.

b) The topic is “Food”, each team has sets of cards with corresponding pictures: sweets, vegetables, fruits, drinks. Teams ask each other questions, for example: Do you have any...? (Yes / No), Could you pass me...? (Yes, please. Here you are. Sorry, I couldn’t.)

c) Theme “Animals”, cover the animal with a blank sheet of paper and open it little by little, at this time the children ask questions like: Is it a...? Whoever guessed correctly takes the animal.

2. Development of speech skills.

After completing a certain topic, for example “Apartment” A special lesson with a big game is held. You can include the following tasks:

a) Here is his apartment (a picture is given). Help him arrange the furniture.

b) Draw and tell about your apartment.

3. Development of communication skills.

a) One seller is selected from each of the two teams. The product is drawn on cards. “Shopping lists” are distributed to buyers; whose team is the first to buy everything on the list, wins. When purchasing a product, you should ask questions - “Do you have...?,

"How much it costs…? ”

b) Competition for the most polite interlocutor.

You need to say hello to ... (different recipients are selected) and give a compliment.

4. Development of abilities and mental functions.

a) “Attention!” Petya was asked to buy bread, butter, a roll and sugar, and he bought a roll, sugar, bread and milk. What did he forget or get confused?

b) “Snowball”

c) All students are alphabetists (each is a letter), and one is a typist who types the text, naming the letters. Whoever was named shows a card with a letter. The one who never missed a beat wins.

d) You found an ancient document. Part of it is blurred. The task is to restore it.

e) “Correction of pictures.” One team has a picture, and the other has text. The student with the text reads to the students of the other team who have the picture. And they must correct the statement if it does not correspond to the information in the picture.

For example:

It is my yard near the house. This yard has got five trees and a kennel (dog-house). My favorite dog Jessy lives in it. Two paths across the yard. You can see three flowers at the left tree. A bird is sitting under the tree. Jessy doesn't like to play in the yard.

Discussions might look like this:

Pupil 1: It is my yard near the house.

Pupil 2: I can’t see the house.

Pupil 1: This yard has got five trees and a kennel.

Pupil 2: No, it’s not. This yard has got 7 trees and a kennel.

5. For knowledge in the field of regional studies and language, quizzes, lotto, travel, competitions for the best route around the country, city, etc. are used.

6. Memorizing speech material

a) Rhymes that are composed by the students themselves.

b) Accompanying the pronunciation of words with facial expressions and gestures.

c) “Fishing” English sounds, letters, animals, etc. are attached to the fish. In turns, the students catch the fish and call the sound if they name it, take it for themselves, if not, let it go. At the end of the lesson, the one with the most fish wins.

During the game, the teacher either does not participate in the game at all or takes on a secondary role. He observes the participants, identifies errors, but does not interrupt the game in order to correct them. After the game, its progress is analyzed, successful moments are necessarily noted, and then the most typical mistakes of the participants are discussed and work is subsequently organized to correct them. In most cases, the fear of making a mistake only constrains students’ speech and contradicts the very idea of ​​natural communication. Therefore, correcting errors during the game is unacceptable, which requires the teacher to undergo an appropriate psychological restructuring.

Game learning is not just a combination of play and learning in a single process, but the interaction of these factors, during which a merging of the interacting parties occurs, leading to the fact that one acquires the features of the other, without ceasing to remain itself. Games have a positive effect on the formation of cognitive interests of schoolchildren and promote conscious learning of a foreign language. They promote the development of such qualities as independence, initiative, and fostering a sense of collectivism. Students work actively, enthusiastically, help each other, and listen carefully to their comrades. The game allows you to take into account the age characteristics of students, their interests, expands the context of activity, acts as an effective means of creating a motive for foreign language dialogical communication, promotes the implementation of an activity-based approach to teaching a foreign language, when the focus is on the student with his own interests and needs. But in order to the results were effective, the teacher needs to take into account the specifics of the educational institution, the psychological characteristics of both the entire class team and each student individually. The teacher must take into account the characteristics of his own character and temperament, and have appropriate theoretical and methodological training.

The game is widely used as a means of teaching speaking a foreign language. Speaking is the expression of one’s thoughts in order to solve communication problems. The communicative method manifests itself as a system of functionally interdependent, particular methodological principles, united by a single strategic idea and aimed at teaching any type of speech activity. This is the principle of novelty, verbal and mental activity, individualization, functionality, situationality.

Game exercises allow you to organize targeted speech practice for students in a foreign language, training and activation within its framework of the skills and abilities of monologue and dialogical speech, various types of interaction between communication partners, the formation and formulation of diverse functional types of statements (descriptions, communication of information, expressions of opinion, agreement and so on.

The volume of educational material included in teaching materials, which are currently used to teach foreign languages ​​at the initial stage, is sufficient to lay the foundations for proficiency in each type of speech activity at an elementary communicative level. But for this, it is necessary to direct the efforts of teachers and students to ensure that the selected material is actually introduced into the students’ memory, actively mastered and stored there so that students can use it whenever the need arises. The rational use of all components of teaching materials in each class, namely, clearly planned intensive work of the student when using each of the components, as shown by the experience of successful teachers, specially conducted observations and experimental studies on the methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at school at the initial stage, allows us to ensure the assimilation of the material in the process of implementing speech actions performed by students and leads to the planned results.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in the formation of communication skills in the primary grades when learning English, it is necessary to actively use the game.

Communication, or simply communication, gives the best results when learning foreign languages. Young children quickly learn to speak, understand and think without knowing any grammar. They don't know how to read or write. But they easily pick up new words on the fly when adults and peers talk to them.

It would seem that it should be easier for already educated people. But the habit of immediately translating everything in one’s mind into one’s native language gets in the way. Another nuance is that many students have no one to properly communicate with. Parents are Russian-speaking by definition, and their immediate and distant surroundings are usually the same. Strict teachers with a formal approach to matters do little to help “get the conversation going.” Few people can afford to go abroad and live there for a long time. If they manage to meet foreigners in their homeland, visitors are rarely inclined to patiently listen to someone else’s “baby talk.” Moreover, actively help in mastering foreign speech. Taking into account the listed problems, it appeared in Russia. The student temporarily becomes a child who is allowed to do a lot. Instead of a stern teacher, he gets a cheerful assistant. If desired, “colleagues” also appear, with knowledge of foreign languages ​​at approximately the same level.

The history of the emergence of communication methods

The communication approach is far from new in world practice. The desire to encourage students to communicate more in a relaxed manner has been around for a long time. At least back in the 60s of the 20th century. Then the influx of fresh immigrants to Great Britain from former colonies, which were gaining independence in large numbers, increased. Residents of other countries that had no connection with the British Commonwealth also sought to move to a wealthy state that had recently joined the European Union.

The arrival of masses of heterogeneous non-English speaking people on the island has posed new challenges to the education system. Those who received citizenship and came for permanent or temporary residence did not have enough time for traditional study. Only their young descendants could study in schools for years, gradually entering local society. Accelerated language courses were also problematic. Many students came from exotic places. In England there were no textbooks in their native languages, and there were not enough well-trained teachers. The communicative method of teaching English helped me cope with difficulties. Students from different countries were placed in the same class and only English was spoken to them. They taught us a little to read and write, without memorizing complex grammatical rules. But the main attention was paid to oral communication - listening, speaking and simply communicating.

This study turned out to be surprisingly effective. Of course, the linguistic environment played a role. When immigrants left the classroom, they entered an English-speaking environment. The surrounding everyday life, transport and shops - all this encouraged us to think differently than at home. Those who did not isolate themselves within the confines of their ethnic quarter soon became familiar with British life.

Since then communicative teaching of English successfully developed and honed in detail. The role of the teacher has remained important, although its specific content has changed. A good methodologist easily teaches beginners to express their thoughts correctly and turns the lesson into an interesting conversation for adults or a game for children.

The main principles of the communicative method of teaching a foreign language

The educational methodology is built on the following principles:

  • overcoming the language barrier;
  • immersion in an English-speaking environment;
  • maintaining attention and interest;
  • immediate practical benefit.

There is never a dull moment in class. Students are encouraged to continually listen, respond and speak up. Just like how people talk in a family circle or at a table with friends. Special familiarity is not required - conversations can touch on the most exalted topics. The choice of topic largely depends on the students themselves. The teacher sets himself the goal of generating interest without imposing a strict thematic framework. Children are interested in discussing children's issues, adults are more interested in the nuances of everyday life, business or profession.

Approximately 70% of the time consists of conversational practice. The remaining 30% is spent on reading, writing, and at least in general terms studying grammar. Small excursions into theory are still needed.

One of the most important tasks of a teacher is to wean a person from doing “simultaneous interpretation” into his native language in your head. While a significant part of the brain’s efforts is spent on processing Russian words, there are far fewer resources left for foreign words than could be the case. Moreover, Slavic speech structures differ significantly from Western, Romance or Germanic ones. Instead of substituting individual words, you have to completely rebuild phrases, which wastes a lot of time.

A person remembers well what brings him benefit or arouses interest. Therefore, teachers try to discuss issues directly related to the current lives of students. If anyone is looking to go to a UK college or university in a couple of years, this is something worth talking about. For those who are planning a business trip to London, information about airports, hotels, and the lifestyle of future partners is important. Indeed, often even playing golf together helps to become close friends.

Who is the communicative method of teaching English suitable for?

Based on the level of previous training, learning through communication is suitable for almost everyone. It’s easier to say who it won’t suit: people who are too shy and have difficulty establishing dialogue. Also to some linguists and teachers of the old school, accustomed to excessive theorization of knowledge. But if you are not ashamed to speak simply and clearly, this technique is for you!

Simplicity is inherent in everyone from birth, and clarity will increase gradually. Everyone makes mistakes at first. If you don’t know a word, you can replace it with Russian for now, use a close English synonym, or explain yourself “on your fingers.” The teacher will certainly understand what was meant. But the live thread of conversation will continue.

Especially communicative method of teaching English necessary for those who:

  • wants to improve his literacy;
  • tries to speak fluently;
  • tries to fully understand the English.

In principle, such a study option is allowed as starting from scratch to comprehend a foreign language. Perhaps classes at school passed your attention, or you had to learn another language, which is now rare. But it is better to have some preparation. Hone your speech skills to perfection instead of analyzing the basic principles of grammar.

Voice communication is very helpful in expressing yourself correctly. Known problems with transcription, when words are pronounced differently than they are written, can only be radically solved by extensive practice. A person hears where the emphasis is placed correctly, perceives subtle shades of pronounced sounds.

Many employers or business partners require Russian applicants to speak fluent English. Reaching this level is only possible with regular speaking. It is advisable that the interlocutor corrects your mistakes, as a friendly teacher does, chooses relevant topics and expresses himself in a modern way, without unnecessary jargon. In fact, only communicative English language teaching combines all of the above requirements.

Learning through communication is focused on practical application. The benefits of it are invaluable if you are going to actually communicate with foreigners, at home or abroad. But successful communication is unlikely to help you pass tests and formal exams in Russian educational institutions. To do this, even a native speaker will need very specific training. Unless, when taking the TOEFL, the habit of communicating orally gives serious advantages.

Modern communication methods: English lessons via Skype

High technologies make effective studying accessible in any corner where the Internet is connected. There is no need to meet the teacher in person. Via Skype communicative methods of teaching English implemented with the same success as with physical presence in the classroom.

The number of participants in classes is not strictly limited. Individual and group communication sessions are possible. In video conference mode, “classmates” communicate in a similar way to meetings in real life. The video and sound quality would be good. To participate in the training course, any recent computer with cable or mobile Internet at high speed is suitable. You should buy a high-quality microphone, headphones and a video camera. For those who use a laptop with a built-in camera at the top of the screen, it will be enough. A person who is little familiar with Skype should first practice communicating with relatives and friends. When you get used to the technique and the program, it’s time to get in touch with the teacher.

What are remote classes like? If you studied with a tutor on any subject, then you already have a general idea. In individual lessons, the mentor's full attention is focused on you. In group lessons there are several interlocutors; the teacher and students take turns engaging in conversation. When studying in a group, it is advisable to talk more with “colleagues” and get acquainted with different opinions and points of view.

In many ways, the curriculum is determined by the student himself. The mentor will probably be willing to meet you halfway if you want to discuss a certain topic. This is the essence of the method, to maintain interest on the part of students. In addition to actual conversations, teaching aids are widely used: songs, audio and videos, texts. The teacher provides materials that he considers necessary, provides examples and quotes.

Are homework assignments given? Only with the consent of the student. If you find them useful, teachers will find something to offer for better mastery of the material and additional language practice. It would be good to involve other family members in the activities and practice with them.

Skype instantly covers vast distances. An experienced teacher from Moscow can teach residents of remote regions or neighboring countries. In addition to the obvious convenience, it is also profitable. The cost of an online communication session is undoubtedly lower than a physical meeting. Participants do not waste time traveling and save money to pay for transport. You can exercise at any time of the day, regardless of time zones across the vast territory of the Russian Federation.

Bottom line

Abroad communicative method of teaching English has been used for many decades. Russia has also accumulated solid practice since the early 90s. The methodology improves over time, teachers find new approaches to students. In general, the current state of affairs is such that the method has no competitors in terms of the effectiveness of learning a foreign language.

Nobody forbids learning the old way, with the help of books and tutors explaining the details. But only direct communication can make a revolution in the head. Move from eternal students to the ranks of people who actually speak English. It’s worth a try, and you will see from your own experience that the authors of the progressive method are right.

» Communicative method of teaching English

Communicative method of teaching English in primary school

Currently, much attention is paid to teaching a foreign language at school, since changes in the nature of education increasingly clearly focus it on the independence of students, creative initiative, competitiveness, and mobility of future specialists. Language learning is aimed not only at achieving practical, general educational and developmental goals, but also at challenging and further maintaining the motivation of students. As a rule, motives are related to the cognitive interests of students, the need to master new knowledge, skills, and abilities.

It remains obvious that at the end of the 20th century. In Russia there was a revolution in methods of teaching English. Previously, according to teaching methods, all priorities were given to grammar, reading and literary translation. These are the principles of the “old school”, which (to its credit) still bore fruit, but at what cost? Language acquisition was accomplished through long, routine work. The tasks offered were quite monotonous - reading text, translation, memorizing new words, retelling, exercises on the text. Having a large vocabulary, the students easily navigated the text, but maintaining a conversation with a foreign student cost them enormous effort.

Therefore, when I started teaching language at the initial stage, I faced a number of difficulties. Such, for example, as the impossibility of explaining all language patterns with clear rules (children lost interest when it was necessary to complete various lexical and grammatical exercises), the need to take into account age characteristics in order to constantly switch from one type of activity to another, and constantly include playful moments.

All these difficulties were caused by the mental and emotional characteristics of younger schoolchildren.

I was faced with the problem of how to keep the child’s interest in the lesson and not lose this interest throughout the course. I understood that the traditional lexical and grammatical teaching method was not suitable for teaching at this stage.

At the beginning of teaching second-grade students a foreign language, many do not have sufficiently clearly developed skills in educational activities, and gaming activities prevail over academic activities. Therefore, learning through communication, through play, became the most optimal way for me to learn at the initial stage.

There are several methods of teaching foreign languages. The choice of teaching method depends on the learning objectives.

The goal of education in primary school should be considered not language, which is appropriate for philological education, and not speech as a way of formulating thoughts, and not even just speech activity - speaking, reading, listening, writing, but the indicated types of speech activity as a means of communication. It is quite obvious that such a goal requires an appropriate method of achieving it.

It seems to me that the most appropriate teaching method in this situation is the communicative method.

CM is aimed at the simultaneous development of basic language skills (oral and written speech, grammar, reading, and listening comprehension, listening.) in the process of live, relaxed communication. Teaching how to communicate is the main goal of this method.

CM involves the destruction of the psychological barrier between teacher and student through game elements that support the positive emotional mood of students and increase motivation.

Let me emphasize once again that all exercises are designed to preserve communication parameters and expand communication skills.

So, let's look at the communication parameters that need to be preserved during training:

    The active nature of the speech behavior of communicators, which is embodied:

    In the communicative behavior of the teacher as a participant in the process of communication and learning

    In the communicative (active, motivated) behavior of the student as a subject of communication and learning.

The position of the teacher in this case is not above the students, but among them - he is an equal among equals. How does this manifest itself in practice? There is a rule among us that any statement can be questioned. For example: when studying such a complex topic as an interrogative sentence, when building a diagram of an interrogative sentence, we look for a place for each member of the sentence. Moreover, everyone expresses their opinion, even weak students, because everyone is trying to find the Truth. In these lessons we compare sentences in Russian and English, find how and by what means words are connected into sentences.

We understand that the Russian language is an inflectional language, and therefore the order in a sentence can be free, and the English language is a language of forms; it has no endings for verbs that give information about gender and person. Therefore, it completely depends on the order of words in the sentence, as a result we have English sentence patterns:

Subject + tale + extra + circumstances

    The second parameter of communication is the subjectivity of the communication process, which must be modeled by a limited but precise set of subjects of discussion (within the framework of the problem).

The question constantly arises: why are we doing this? Why are we discussing this?

The choice of topics is therefore not accidental. When studying a new topic, children themselves request information (translation of words, lexical and grammatical structures). As a rule, a very extensive volume of new words and phrases is obtained, and then we jointly determine which phrase is important in revealing a given topic, and which is secondary.

Of course, here it is necessary to take into account the interest of each student, therefore, with a large vocabulary material, some use part A in the active stock, part B goes into the passive stock, and for others it’s the other way around. And when children with different vocabulary begin to do vocabulary exercises, there is usually a flow of passive word forms into active ones. To achieve this, I constantly try to create, or even provoke, social contact in lessons.

For example, in our lessons the following statements are always appropriate: “I think that Vanya doesn’t like sports, because he doesn’t like to go for walks. What is your opinion?

Children speak out, give their reasons, and at the end of such a conversation, the one who was spoken about speaks out about his attitude to sports.

Or when working on consolidating lexical forms, this type of work is used to speak on behalf of a lazy person, a very active person, an elderly person, or even a pet.

To keep the work active, I invite the children to break into groups. Moreover, in each group I try to place children with different abilities (combining weak students with strong ones).

    The third parameter of communication is communication situations, which are modeled as the most typical options for student relationships.

We express ourselves differently in different situations. Today I like it, but tomorrow I won’t. For children, their world of priorities is very mobile. Therefore, in lessons we try to simulate various situations that are typical in their relationships.

For example: Situation “Getting Acquainted” I am asking you not just to get to know a stranger, but I am asking you to simulate a press conference scheme, or an interview scheme, or a questionnaire diagram for admission to school or somewhere else. Children break into groups and build diagrams. They ask questions and answer them. Then each idea can be put forward for general discussion, supplemented in some places, criticized in others. If you are working with a text, then I ask you to express your attitude to the text. What you liked (why?), what you didn’t like (why?)

    The fourth parameter of communication is speech means that ensure the process of communication and learning in these situations.

Of course, without this parameter the entire communication process is impossible. Therefore, there is constant work on vocabulary. I try to structure lessons so that topics intersect, so that previously acquired knowledge is not forgotten, but is constantly improved.

For example, if we take the topic of the first year of study: Acquaintance, professions, family, my hobbies/toys, then they have a lot in common, therefore, if we have learned to get acquainted and introduce ourselves, we introduce each other to members of our families, their professions, we talk about who we want to become, what toys we have, what we play, what we can and cannot do. And by the end of the first year of study, children are able to hold a press conference or conduct an interview.

As can be seen from the above, all parameters of communication are interconnected and I try to maintain their relationship in my lessons, using various exercises for this.

List of used literature:

    Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy vol. 1, 2. – M., 2001.

    Panov E.M. . Fundamentals of methods of teaching foreign languages. – M., 1997.

    Maslyko E.A. Communicative English for Intensive Learning. – Minsk, 1989.

What is a communicative method of teaching a foreign language and why is it effective?

The main task of the communicative method of teaching a foreign language is to help the student get rid of the notorious language barrier.

About 70% of the communicative methods class is devoted to conversational practice on various topics. Still, it would be a mistake to think that the communicative approach is exclusively about talking in English. To paraphrase a well-known expression, a person should have everything perfectly: oral speech, written language, vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading skills. But is it possible to cover all these areas at once?

Yes, this is exactly what the communicative approach is designed for.

The history of the emergence of communication methods

Let's start with the fact that the communicative approach or communicative approach to language learning is not a new technique at all: it appeared abroad around the 60s of the last century, and came to our country around the mid-90s. Then all those learning English began to complain that “they understand, they understand, but they cannot speak.” The adherents of the communicative approach have taken the path of combating this absurdity. Initially, the communicative technique involved group classes with a native speaker. From the very first lesson, instruction was conducted in English. Later, the approach underwent some changes, and now it is used both in groups and in individual lessons.

Main principles of the communicative approach

Like any other way of learning a language, the communicative approach has transformed over time, but its fundamental principles have not changed. By listing them, we will understand what is special about this technique and why it has remained the most popular way of learning English for many years .

Basic principles of communicative methods of teaching English:

- The student begins to speak

in English from the first

classes . Even those who study

language from scratch, in the first lesson

master a couple of tens

phrases. This allows you to quickly

get used to the sound of speech,

prevents the appearance or

eliminates the language barrier.

- Accuracy and Fluency - competent and fluent speech. When learning a language using this method, you don’t need to choose: speak fluently or speak correctly. Speech will be fluent and literate at the same time.

During training, only modern authentic manuals are used. Carefully researched English-language textbooks contain fascinating and, most importantly, practical material that can be used in life.

- The teacher goes through three stages of learning with the student: engagement, study and activation. At the engagement stage, the teacher involves the student in the learning process: initiates a fascinating discussion, invites to discuss a picture, etc. At the study stage, the student is explained the grammatical topic and the use of new words and expressions, that is, they work on expanding vocabulary and mastering grammar. At the knowledge activation stage, the student performs various exercises to consolidate new grammar and words. This may be a continuation of the discussion of the topic being studied, but using the acquired knowledge.

Communicative methods of teaching English

Let's see what goals a teacher can achieve using this technique. The communicative approach to teaching English helps:

1. Speak competently (accuracy)

The ability to speak competently is the main skill that the communicative technique works to improve. Students are taught not only to speak on various topics, but also to monitor the correctness of speech. It's no secret that a language barrier often develops because a person is afraid to make a mistake in a conversation. And the communicative approach successfully combats this fear: up to 70% of the lesson time is devoted to developing speaking skills. The Communicative approach helps to remove both the immediate language and psychological barriers: the student’s fear of speaking English disappears.

2. Speak fluently )

The more and more often you speak English, the faster the student will learn to formulate his thoughts. And in lessons using communicative methods, you need to talk for most of the lesson. The teacher builds a dialogue with the student in such a way that there isIt was interesting to answer his questions, and it was possible to use the knowledge gained to the maximum. The teacher teaches coherent speech, various colloquial phrases and clichés, which allow you to subsequently speak fluently: you just need to remember the correct turn of phrase and build a chain of phrases.

3. Learn not only to hear, but also to understand English speech

During a conversation with the teacher, the student will be given the opportunity to listen to how natural, connected speech sounds, he will get used to the sound of the English language, and it will gradually become easier to understand it by ear. Moreover, during lessons, small audio and video materials are listened to and analyzed together with the teacher. Usually such material is used as a basis for discussion.

4. Stop translating your thoughts from Russian to English

The communicative method of teaching English is aimed at developing the ability to speak spontaneously on various topics. During classes, only the target language is used. An exception is made only for those who start learning English from scratch. However, even beginners will acquire a dozen or two important phrases in English after the first lesson. For some students with an initial level of knowledge, the teacher can give explanations in Russian. You can use Russian if something is not clear. This technique allows you not only to “reconfigure” to using the English language, but also to stop mentally translating Russian phrases into English and vice versa. Already in their minds, students will immediately build a sentence in English, which will significantly speed up and facilitate the learning process. The communicative approach involves learning words in context, without translation into Russian. It is important that the student understands WHAT the word means and HOW to use it.

5. Learn grammar and new words for communication, not for show

The communicative methodology presupposes a very correct and simple principle for studying grammatical structures: no one crams the theory. This or that rule is explained to the student, and he begins to practice it, bringing the skill of use to automatism. They do the same with new words: no cramming, only repeated practical application. Remember how children learn language: they speak first, and in the process of communication, adults explain to them how to speak correctly. The communicative approach is applied in much the same way: first discussing an interesting topic, and then using new construction or vocabulary during the conversation. Grammar and vocabulary are not actually the main object of study, but are used as auxiliary material and are learned automatically.

6. Improve your pronunciation

Remember how children are taught to pronounce the letter “r”. Parents invite the child to repeat it many times, pronounce various tongue twisters, and use words containing this letter as often as possible. That is, the more often you use it, the faster you will learn to pronounce. Correct English pronunciation is developed in a similar way. During lessons, students should talk a lot and gradually pronounce sounds more and more accurately until they achieve the correct sound. In addition, lessons can include various exercises to practice certain sounds, which will help students quickly improve their pronunciation.

8. Don’t sleep in class (no boring topics in class)

Modern textbooks offer a wide variety of topics for study that will DEFINITELY be useful during conversation and will be interesting. And the use of various auxiliary materials will help to further diversify classes and strengthen students’ knowledge. For example, a textbookSpotlightoffers a variety of interesting speaking exercises, conversations, dialogues, role-playing games, games with elements of movement, dramatizations, etc. Almost every lesson in elementary school offers funny songs, discussions of excerpts from fairy tales, dialogues on various spontaneous topics that interest students, as well as interviews with celebrities, invitations to various holidays, advice to each other and many other tasks.

The communicative technique, despite the lack of “novelty” and “innovative approach”, has many advantages. Today, this is undoubtedly the most effective way to learn English.

The purpose of the communicative approach to teaching

The main goal of training is to formcommunicative competence students. The meaning of this term will be clearer and more understandable in comparison with the conceptgrammatical competence .

Grammatical competence - this is the ability to correctly construct phrases and sentences, correctly use and coordinate tenses, this is knowledge of parts of speech and knowledge of how sentences of different types are structured. Grammatical competence is usually the focus of many textbooks, which provide specific grammatical rules and exercises to practice and reinforce these rules. Undoubtedly, grammatical competence is an important, but far from the only aspect in language teaching. A person who has fully mastered all grammatical rules and knows how to construct sentences correctly may find difficulties in real communication in a foreign language, in real communication. That is, a person will experience a lackcommunicative competence .

Communicative competence

Communicative may include the following aspects:

    Knowing how to use language for different purposes and functions,

    Knowledge of how language changes depending on a particular communicative situation and the participants in this situation themselves (for example, knowledge of the differences between formal and informal speech, oral and written).

    The ability to maintain a conversation even with a limited lexical and grammatical base.

How does learning a foreign language work?

Our understanding of the process of teaching foreign languages ​​has undergone quite significant changes over the past 30 years, and the use of a communicative approach is in particular the result of a new understanding. Previously, teaching foreign languages ​​was mainly aimed at developing grammatical competence. It was believed that grammar exercises helped to develop the habit of correct use of language. By learning dialogues and phrases by heart, correcting mistakes in oral or written form, and constant monitoring by the teacher, incorrect speech can be avoided.

However, the communicative approach does not primarily focus on the correctness of linguistic structures (although this aspect also remains important), but on other parameters:

    Interaction of participants in the communication process,

    Understanding and achieving a common communication goal,

    Trying to explain and express things in different ways,

    Expanding the competence of one communication participant through communication with other participants.

The role of the teacher in teaching

When using a communicative approach, a teacher usually acts as:




The focus is on group learning. The task of the teacher and students is to learn to work together and move away from individualized learning. The student learns to listen to his comrades, conduct conversations and discussions in a group, and work on projects together with other group members. The student focuses more on his group mates than on his teacher as a model.

Exercises and tasks

Exercises and tasks that are used in teaching foreign languages ​​using communicative methods.

    - ,

    Communication games,

    Communication exercises,


In the modern world, knowledge of a foreign language is simply necessary. At the same time, knowledge of grammar and vocabulary is most often not enough: in the language you need to be able to communicate freely, naturally and, most importantly, boldly, and get out of difficult situations with ease. And the communicative method of learning a foreign language is aimed at honing precisely these skills.

The communicative method of learning English is designed, first of all, to remove the fear of communication.

First place in the popularity rating actively holdscommunicative approach , which, as its name suggests, is aimed at the practice of communication.

Of the 4 “pillars” on which any language training rests (reading, writing, speaking and listening comprehension), increased attention is paid to the last two

About communicative methods of teaching foreign languages

The communicative methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​most fully meets the needs and requirements of a person in the modern world. Language in communicative methods is considered as a method and means of communication, therefore the process of communication itself is considered the best way to learn a language. The goal of training is to learn to use language as a means of expressing one’s thoughts and intentions and exchanging them in various situations in the process of interaction with other participants in communication.

In the process of teaching using the communicative method, the main attention is paid to the uniform development of four speech skills - speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing.

The principle of communicative methodology is that the learning process should be interesting and exciting. The topics chosen for classes are those that evoke a desire to communicate and learn more.

The following methodological techniques exist:

1. Lexico-grammatical games.

2. Games with elements of movement.

3. Role-playing games.


5. Competitions.


7. Poems.


9. Round dances.


I want to stop atgaming technique in primary school.

For lessons to be productive, the teacher should keep children interested in English. For this purpose, a game-based method of teaching English in primary school is used, taking into account such main features of younger students as mobility, activity, emotionality and instability of attention. Tasks in the form of a game help to take your mind off books and rules and spend time usefully. When properly planned and used, games contribute to the fact that a foreign language is perceived not as just another complex piece of information that needs to be learned, but as a real and accessible means of communication for children. While doing regular tasks usually makes students afraid of making mistakes, playing games forces them to become fully involved in the process, especially if there is a competitive element, and they become more confident and free to demonstrate their skills.

There are 6 main purposes of using games in teaching a foreign language:

    formation of certain skills;

    development of certain speech skills;

    communication skills training;

    development of necessary abilities and mental functions;


    memorization of speech material.

It is also important that the teacher knows how to captivate and infect students with the game. Obviously, for this you need to be passionate and, if possible, participate in the game. When a game-competition is played, the winners should be celebrated, the losers should be consoled, and encouraged. And now I would like to give examples of games for each of the goals.

1. Skill development .


Guess where we'll go?
- Will you go to the cinema?
- No.
- Will you go to the circus?
- Yes, right.

b) Theme “Food”, each team has sets of cards with corresponding pictures: sweetoh, vegetables, fruits, drinks. Teams ask each other questions, for example: Do you have any...?(Yes / No), Could you pass me...? (Yes, please. Here you are.Sorry, I couldn’t.)

c) Theme “Animals”, the animal is covered with a blank sheet of paper andopen little by little, at this time children ask questions like: Is it a...? Whoever guessed correctly takes the animal.

2. Development of speech skills .

After completing a certain topic, for example “Apartment”, a special lesson is held with a big game. You can include the following tasks:

a) Here is his apartment (a picture is given). Help him arrange the furniture.

b) Draw and tell about your apartment.

3. Development of communication skills .

a) One seller is selected from each of the two teams. The product is drawn on cards. “Shopping lists” are distributed to buyers; whose team is the first to buy everything on the list, wins. When purchasing a product, you should ask questions - “Do you have...?,

How much it costs…? ”

b) Competition for the most polite interlocutor.

You need to say hello to ... (different recipients are selected) and give a compliment.

4. Development of abilities and mental functions .

a) “Attention!” Petya was asked to buy bread, butter, a roll and sugar, and he bought a roll, sugar, bread and milk. What did he forget or get confused?

b) All students are alphabetists (each is a letter), and one is a typist who types the text, naming the letters. Whoever was named shows a card with a letter. The one who never missed a beat wins.

V) You have found an ancient document. Part of it is blurred. The task is to restore it.

G) “Correcting pictures.” One team has a picture, and the other has text. The student with the text reads to the students of the other team who have the picture. And they must correct the statement if it does not correspond to the information in the picture.

For example:

It is my yard near the house. This yard has got five trees and a kennel (dog-house). My favorite dog Jessy lives in it. Two paths across the yard. You can see three flowers at the left tree. A bird is sitting under the tree. Jessy doesn't like to play in the yard.

Discussions can to look like So:

Pupil 1 : It is my yard near the house.

Pupil 2 : I can't see the house.

Pupil 1 : This yard has got five trees and a kennel.

Pupil 2 : No, it’s not. This yard has got 7 trees and a kennel.

5. For knowledge in the field of regional studies and language quizzes, lotto, travel, competitions for the best route around the country, city, etc. are used.

6. Memorizing speech material

a) Rhymes that are composed by the students themselves.

b) Accompanying the pronunciation of words with facial expressions and gestures.

c) “Fishing” English sounds, letters, animals, etc. are attached to the fish. In turns, students catch the fish and namehIf he calls it, he takes it for himself; if he doesn’t, he lets it go. At the end of the lesson, the one with the most fish wins.

During the game, the teacher either does not participate in the game at all or takes on a secondary role. He observes the participants, identifies errors, but does not interrupt the game in order to correct them. After the game, its progress is analyzed, successful moments are necessarily noted, and then they dwell on the most typical mistakes of the participants and in the futureThe volume of educational material included in teaching materials, which are currently used to teach foreign languages ​​at the initial stage, is sufficient to lay the foundations for proficiency in each type of speech activity at an elementary communicative level. But for this, it is necessary to direct the efforts of teachers and students to ensure that the selected material is actually introduced into the students’ memory, actively mastered and stored there so that students can use it whenever the need arises.We are organizing work to correct them. In most cases, the fear of making a mistake only constrains students’ speech and contradicts the very idea of ​​natural communication. Therefore, correcting errors during the game is unacceptable, which requires the teacher to undergo an appropriate psychological restructuring.The game is widely used as a means of teaching speaking a foreign language. Speaking is the expression of one’s thoughts in order to solve communication problems. The communicative method manifests itself as a system of functionally interdependent, particular methodological principles, united by a single strategic idea and aimed at teaching any type of speech activity. This is the principle of novelty, verbal and mental activity, individualization, functionality, situationality.

From all of the above, we can conclude that in the formation of communication skills in the primary grades when learning English, it is necessary to actively use the game.

Teaching English cannot take place without audio and video assignments. Songs, due to their rhythm, emotional tone and frequent repetition of phrases, help to better remember vocabulary. Watching videos and cartoons in English involves a wide selection of interesting text and grammar exercises.

Project method

Another technique that teachers use is project-based. Over the course of several lessons, students become familiar with a topic, new vocabulary, grammatical rules, and learn interesting information. To consolidate the material, they are asked to create a project, this can be individual, pair or group work, with further presentation and discussion. In the process of such activities, children develop language skills and realize creative potential.

Any technique leads to better results and becomes diverse when properly combined with elements of other techniques.

The communicative technique is ideal for working in groups. During classes, the teacher groups students into small subgroups and gives them collective assignments. Mini-groups allow the teacher to work more actively with each student and focus on problematic aspects of the language. In addition, the group form of education helps to expand the vocabulary of students due to the constant exchange of knowledge and the perception of new language material from the lips of not only the teacher, but also their classmates.