Sample programs of basic general education according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Basic educational program of general education

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1 APPROVED by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (minutes of April 8, 2015 1/15) SAMPLE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION 1

2 Contents 1. Target section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education Explanatory note Goals and objectives of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education Principles and approaches to the formation of the educational program of basic general education Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education General provisions Structure of planned results Personal results of mastering the main educational program: Meta-subject results of mastering PLO Subject results Russian language Literature Foreign language (using the example of English) Second foreign language (using the example of English) History of Russia. General history Social science Geography Mathematics Computer science Physics Biology Chemistry Fine arts Music Technology Physical education Fundamentals of life safety System for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education Content section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education Program for the development of universal educational activities Exemplary programs of educational subjects, courses General provisions The main content of academic subjects at the level of basic general education Russian language Literature Foreign language Second foreign language (using the example of English) History of Russia. General history Social studies Geography Mathematics Computer science Physics Biology Chemistry Fine arts Music Technology Physical education Fundamentals of life safety Education and socialization program for students Correctional work program Organizational section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education Approximate curriculum of basic general education Approximate calendar educational schedule Approximate plan of extracurricular activities System conditions for the implementation of the main educational program

3 1. Target section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education 1.1. Explanatory note Goals and objectives of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education The goals of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education are: achievement by graduates of the planned results: knowledge, abilities, skills, competencies and competencies determined by the personal, family, social, state needs and capabilities of the secondary school student age, individual characteristics of its development and health status; formation and development of the student’s personality in its originality, uniqueness, originality. Achieving the goals set for the development and implementation by an educational organization of the main educational program of basic general education involves solving the following main tasks: ensuring compliance of the main educational program with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education (FSES LLC); ensuring continuity of primary general, basic general, secondary general education; ensuring access to high-quality basic general education, achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education by all students, including disabled children and children with disabilities; establishing requirements for the education and socialization of students as part of the educational program and the corresponding strengthening of the educational potential of the school, providing individualized psychological and pedagogical support for each student, forming an educational basis based not only on knowledge, but also on the appropriate cultural level of personality development, creating the necessary conditions for its self-realization ; ensuring an effective combination of classroom and extracurricular forms of organizing training sessions, interaction of all participants in educational relations; interaction of the educational organization in the implementation of the main educational program with social partners; identification and development of the abilities of students, including children who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities, their interests through a system of clubs, sections, studios and circles, socially useful activities, including using the capabilities of educational organizations of additional education; organization of intellectual and creative competitions, scientific and technical creativity, design and educational research activities; participation of students, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff and the public in the design and development of the intra-school social environment and school structure; inclusion of students in the processes of cognition and transformation of the out-of-school social environment (settlement, district, city) to gain experience in real management and action; social and educational and research design, professional orientation of students with the support of teachers, psychologists, social educators, cooperation with basic enterprises, vocational education institutions, professional work centers; preserving and strengthening the physical, psychological and social health of students, ensuring their safety. Principles and approaches to the formation of the educational program of basic general education. The methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard is a system-activity approach, which assumes: education and development of personal qualities that meet the requirements of the information society, innovative economy, the tasks of building a Russian civil society based on the principles of tolerance, dialogue of cultures and respect for a multinational, multicultural and multi-religious composition; the formation of a social environment for the development of students in the education system that corresponds to the goals of general education, the transition to a strategy of social design and construction based on the development of content and educational technologies that determine the ways and means of achieving the desired level (result) of personal and cognitive development of students; orientation towards achieving the main result of education, development based on the mastery of universal educational actions, knowledge and mastery of the world of the student’s personality, his active educational and cognitive activity, the formation of his readiness for self-development and lifelong education; recognition of the decisive role of the content of education, methods of organizing educational activities and educational cooperation in achieving the goals of personal and social development of students; taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students, the role, significance of activities and forms of communication when building the educational process and determining educational goals and ways to achieve them; diversity of individual educational trajectories and individual

4 The basic educational program is formed taking into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the development of children of age, associated with: the transition from educational activities characteristic of primary school and carried out only together with the class as an educational community and under the guidance of a teacher, from the ability to only carry out the acceptance of the teacher’s given and meaningful goals for mastering this educational activity at the level of basic school in the unity of motivational-semantic and operational-technical components, the formation of which is carried out in the form of educational research, to a new internal position of the student aimed at independent cognitive search, setting educational goals, mastering and independent implementation of control and assessment actions, initiative in organizing educational cooperation; with implementation at each age level (11-13 and years), thanks to the development of reflection on general methods of action and the possibilities of their transfer to various educational and subject areas, a qualitative transformation of educational actions: modeling, control and evaluation and the transition from students’ independent setting of new educational tasks to development the ability to design one’s own educational activities and build life plans in a time perspective; with the formation of a scientific type of thinking in the student, which orients him to general cultural patterns, norms, standards and patterns of interaction with the outside world; with the mastery of communicative means and methods of organizing cooperation and cooperation, the development of educational cooperation, implemented in the relationships of students with the teacher and peers; with a change in the form of organization of educational activities and educational cooperation from classroom-lesson to laboratory-seminar and lecture-laboratory research. The student’s transition to primary school coincides with the first stage of adolescent development - the transition to the crisis of early adolescence (11-13 years old, 5-7 grades), characterized by the beginning of the transition from childhood to adulthood, in which the central and specific new formation in the adolescent’s personality is the emergence and development of self-awareness. that he is no longer a child, i.e. feelings of adulthood, as well as the internal reorientation of the teenager from the rules and restrictions associated with the morality of obedience to the norms of behavior of adults. The second stage of adolescent development (14–15 years old, 8–9 grades) is characterized by: a rapid, spasmodic nature of development, i.e. that is, numerous qualitative changes in the child’s previous characteristics, interests and relationships occurring in a relatively short period of time, the emergence of significant subjective difficulties and experiences in the adolescent; the teenager’s desire to communicate and collaborate with peers; special sensitivity to the moral and ethical “code of partnership”, which sets the most important norms of social behavior in the adult world; heightened, in connection with the emergence of a sense of adulthood, receptivity to the assimilation of norms, values ​​and modes of behavior that exist in the world of adults and in their relationships, giving rise to the intensive formation of moral concepts and beliefs, the development of principles, moral development of the individual; i.e. moral development of the individual; complex behavioral manifestations caused by the contradiction between the need of adolescents to be recognized as adults by others and their own uncertainty in this, manifested in various forms of disobedience, resistance and protest; changes in the social situation of development: the growth of information overload, the nature of social interactions, methods of obtaining information (media, television, Internet). Taking into account the characteristics of adolescence, the success and timeliness of the formation of new formations in the cognitive sphere, qualities and personality traits are associated with the active position of the teacher, as well as with the adequacy of the construction of the educational process and the choice of teaching conditions and methods. The development of social adulthood of a teenager, which is objectively necessary for preparation for future life, also requires parents (legal representatives) to solve the corresponding problem of raising a teenager in the family, changing the previous type of relationship to a new one Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education General provisions Planned results of mastering the basic educational program Basic general education programs (BGE) represent a system of leading targets and expected results of mastering all components that form the substantive basis of the educational program. They provide a connection between the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, the educational process and the system for assessing the results of mastering the educational program of LLC, acting as a substantive and criterial basis for the development of programs of educational subjects, courses, educational literature, education and socialization programs, on the one hand, and a system for assessing results on the one hand. another. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, the system of planned personal, meta-subject and subject results establishes and describes classes of educational, cognitive and educational-practical tasks that students master during training, especially highlighting among them those that are submitted for final assessment, including state final certification of graduates. Successful completion of these tasks requires students to master the system of educational actions (universal and specific for each academic subject: regulatory, 4

5 communicative, cognitive) with educational material and, above all, with supporting educational material that serves as the basis for subsequent training. In accordance with the activity-based education paradigm implemented by Federal State Educational Standards LLC, the system of planned results is built on the basis of a level approach: identifying the expected level of current development of the majority of students and the immediate prospects for their development. This approach allows us to determine the dynamic picture of students’ development, encourage students’ advancement, build individual learning trajectories taking into account the child’s zone of proximal development. Structure of planned results Planned results are based on leading target settings that reflect the main, essential contribution of each program being studied to the development of students’ personality and their abilities. The following groups are distinguished in the structure of planned results: 1. Personal results of mastering the main educational program are presented in accordance with the group of personal results and reveal and detail the main directions of these results. Assessment of the achievement of this group of planned results is carried out during procedures that allow the provision and use of exclusively non-personalized information . 2. Meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program are presented in accordance with the subgroups of universal educational activities, reveal and detail the main directions of meta-subject results. 3. Subject-specific results of mastering the main educational program are presented in accordance with the groups of results of academic subjects, revealing and detailing them. Subject results are presented in the blocks “The graduate will learn” and “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn”, relating to each academic subject: “Russian language”, “Literature”, “Foreign language”, “foreign language (second)”, “History of Russia. General History”, “Social Studies”, “Geography”, “Mathematics”, “Computer Science”, “Physics”, “Biology”, “Chemistry”, “Fine Arts”, “Music”, “Technology”, “Physical Education” and “Fundamentals of life safety.” The planned subject results of mastering the native language and native literature are developed in accordance with the content and characteristics of the study of these courses by educational and methodological associations (UMA) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The planned results assigned to the “Graduate will learn” block guide the user in what level of mastery of learning activities with the basic educational material being studied is expected of the graduate. The criteria for selecting results are their significance for solving the main problems of education at a given level and the need for subsequent training, as well as the potential for their achievement by the majority of students. In other words, this block includes a range of educational tasks, built on basic educational material, the mastery of which is fundamentally necessary for successful learning and socialization and which can be mastered by all students. Achievement of the planned results assigned to the “Graduate will learn” block is subject to final assessment, which can be carried out both during training (using an accumulated assessment or a portfolio of individual achievements) and at the end of training, including in the form of a state final certification. Assessment of the achievement of the planned results of this block at the level is carried out using tasks of the basic level, and at the level of actions that make up the zone of proximal development of the majority of students, using tasks of an advanced level. Successful completion of basic level tasks by students serves as the only basis for a positive decision on the possibility of moving to the next level of training. The block “The graduate will have the opportunity to learn” provides the planned results that characterize the system of educational actions in relation to knowledge, abilities, skills that expand and deepen the understanding of the basic educational material or act as a propaedeutic for further study of this subject. The level of achievement corresponding to the planned results of this block can be demonstrated by individual motivated and capable students. In everyday teaching practice, the goals of this block are not practiced with all students without exception, both due to the increased complexity of educational actions, and due to the increased complexity of the educational material and/or its propaedeutic nature at this level of training. Assessing the achievement of planned results is carried out mainly during procedures that allow the provision and use of exclusively non-personal information. The corresponding group of results is indicated in italics in the text. Assignments aimed at assessing the achievement of planned results from the “Graduate will have the opportunity to learn” block can be included in the final control materials of the “Graduate will learn” block. The main goals of this inclusion are to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of a higher (compared to the basic) level of achievement and to identify the dynamics of growth in the number of the most prepared students. At the same time, failure by students to complete tasks that are used to assess the achievement of the planned results of this block is not an obstacle to moving to the next level of training. In some cases, it is advisable to achieve the planned results of this block during the current and intermediate assessment, and the results obtained are recorded in the form of an accumulated assessment (for example, in the form of a portfolio of achievements) and taken into account when determining the final assessment. 5

6 Such a structure for presenting the planned results emphasizes the fact that when organizing the educational process aimed at implementing and achieving the planned results, the teacher is required to use such pedagogical technologies that are based on the differentiation of requirements for the preparation of students. Personal results of mastering the main educational program: 1. Russian civic identity (patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia, a sense of responsibility and duty to the Motherland, identification of oneself as a citizen of Russia, the subjective significance of using the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, awareness and a sense of personal involvement in the fate of the Russian people) . Awareness of ethnicity, knowledge of the history, language, culture of one’s people, one’s land, the foundations of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia and humanity (a person’s identity with the Russian multinational culture, involvement in the history of the peoples and states located on the territory of modern Russia); interiorization of humanistic, democratic and traditional values ​​of multinational Russian society. A conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the peoples of the world. 2. Readiness and ability of students for self-development and self-education based on motivation for learning and knowledge; readiness and ability to make a conscious choice and build a further individual educational trajectory based on orientation in the world of professions and professional preferences, taking into account sustainable cognitive interests. 3. Developed moral consciousness and competence in solving moral problems based on personal choice, the formation of moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions (the ability for moral self-improvement; religious tolerance, respect for religious feelings, people’s views or their absence; knowledge of basic moral norms, moral, spiritual ideals preserved in the cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, readiness on their basis for conscious self-restraint in actions, behavior, wasteful consumerism; well-formed ideas about the foundations of secular ethics, the culture of traditional religions, their role in the development of culture and history Russia and humanity, in the formation of civil society and Russian statehood; understanding the meaning of morality, faith and religion in human life, family and society). Formation of a responsible attitude towards learning; respectful attitude towards work, experience of participation in socially significant work. Awareness of the importance of family in the life of a person and society, acceptance of the value of family life, respectful and caring attitude towards members of one’s family. 4. Formation of a holistic worldview that corresponds to the modern level of development of science and social practice, taking into account the social, cultural, linguistic, spiritual diversity of the modern world. 5. Conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, civic position. Willingness and ability to conduct dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding in it (identifying oneself as a full-fledged subject of communication, readiness to construct an image of a dialogue partner, readiness to construct an image of acceptable methods of dialogue, readiness to construct the dialogue process as a convention of interests, procedures, readiness and ability to negotiate). 6. Mastery of social norms, rules of behavior, roles and forms of social life in groups and communities. Participation in school self-government and public life within the limits of age competencies, taking into account regional, ethnocultural, social and economic characteristics (formation of readiness to participate in the process of streamlining social ties and relationships in which students themselves are included and formed; involvement in direct civic participation, readiness participate in the life of a teenage public association that productively interacts with the social environment and social institutions; identifying oneself as a subject of social change, mastering competencies in the field of organizational activities; internalizing the values ​​of a creative attitude towards the surrounding reality, the values ​​of social creativity, the value of productive organization of joint activities, self-realization in a group and organization, the value of the “other” as an equal partner, the formation of competencies in analysis, design, organization of activities, reflection of changes, ways of mutually beneficial cooperation, ways of realizing one’s own leadership potential). 7. Formation of the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle; interiorization of the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of people, rules of conduct in transport and on the roads. 8. Development of aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, creative activity of an aesthetic nature (the ability to understand works of art reflecting different ethnocultural traditions; the formation of the foundations of the artistic culture of students as part of their general spiritual culture, as a special way of understanding life and a means of organizing communication ; aesthetic, emotional and value vision of the surrounding world; ability for emotional and value development of the world, self-expression and orientation in the artistic and moral space of culture; respect for the history of the culture of one’s Fatherland, expressed, among other things, in the understanding of human beauty; the need for communication with works of art, formation active attitude towards the traditions of artistic culture as a semantic, aesthetic and personally significant value). 9. Formation of the foundations of ecological culture, corresponding to the modern level of environmental thinking, the presence of experience in environmentally oriented reflexive-evaluative and practical activities in life situations (readiness to explore nature, to engage in agricultural work, to perform artistic activities)

7 aesthetic reflection of nature, to tourism, including ecotourism, to the implementation of environmental activities) Meta-subject results of mastering OOP Meta-subject results include mastered educational cross-subject pontoon universal scientific activities (regulatory, cognitive, communal katnye). Interdisciplinary concepts The condition for the formation of interdisciplinary concepts, for example, such as system, fact, pattern, phenomenon, analysis, is that students master the basics of reading competence, acquire skills in working with information, and participate in project activities. In the basic school, work will continue to form and develop the foundations of reading competence in all subjects. Students will master reading as a means of implementing their future plans: continuing education and self-education, consciously planning their current and future range of reading, including leisure, preparation for work and social activities. Graduates will develop a need for systematic reading as a means of understanding the world and oneself in this world, harmonizing relations between man and society, and creating an image of a “necessary future.” When studying academic subjects, students will improve and expand their information processing skills acquired at the first level. They will be able to work with texts, transform and interpret the information contained in them, including: systematize, compare, analyze, summarize and interpret information contained in ready-made information objects; highlight the main and redundant information, perform a semantic condensation of the selected facts and thoughts; present information in a concise verbal form (in the form of a plan or abstract) and in a visual-symbolic form (in the form of tables, graphical diagrams and diagrams, concept maps, conceptual diagrams, supporting notes); fill in and supplement tables, diagrams, diagrams, texts. In the course of studying all academic subjects, students will gain experience in project activities as a special form of educational work that contributes to the development of independence, initiative, responsibility, increasing motivation and effectiveness of educational activities; in the course of implementing the original plan at a practical level, they will master the ability to choose means adequate to the task at hand and make decisions, including in situations of uncertainty. They will have the opportunity to develop the ability to develop several solution options, to search for non-standard solutions, to find and implement the most appropriate solution. The list of key interdisciplinary concepts is determined during the development of the basic educational program of the basic general education of the educational organization, depending on the material and technical equipment, personnel potential, working methods used and educational technologies. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, three groups of universal educational actions are distinguished: regulatory, cognitive, communicative. Regulatory learning activities 1. The ability to independently determine learning goals, set and formulate new tasks in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of one’s cognitive activity. The student will be able to: analyze existing and plan future educational results; identify your own problems and determine the main problem; put forward versions of a solution to a problem, formulate hypotheses, anticipate the final result; set an activity goal based on a specific problem and existing opportunities; formulate educational objectives as steps to achieve the set goal of the activity; justify targets and priorities with references to values, indicating and justifying the logical sequence of steps. 2. The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, to consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems. The student will be able to: determine the necessary action(s) in accordance with the educational and cognitive task and draw up an algorithm for their implementation; justify and implement the choice of the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems; determine/find, including from the proposed options, the conditions for completing an educational and cognitive task; build life plans for the short-term future (state goals, set tasks adequate to them and propose actions, indicating and justifying the logical sequence of steps); choose from the proposed options and independently look for means/resources to solve a problem/achieve a goal; draw up a plan for solving a problem (implementing a project, conducting research); identify potential difficulties when solving an educational and cognitive task and find means to eliminate them; describe your experience, formalizing it for transfer to other people in the form of technology for solving practical 7

8 tasks of a certain class; plan and adjust your individual educational trajectory. 3. The ability to correlate one’s actions with the planned results, monitor one’s activities in the process of achieving results, determine methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, and adjust one’s actions in accordance with the changing situation. The student will be able to: determine, together with the teacher and peers, the criteria for planned results and criteria for assessing their educational activities; systematize (including selecting priority) criteria for planned results and evaluation of one’s activities; select tools for assessing your activities, carry out self-monitoring of your activities within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements; evaluate your activities, arguing the reasons for achieving or not achieving the planned result; find sufficient means to carry out learning activities in a changing situation and/or in the absence of the planned result; working according to your plan, make adjustments to current activities based on an analysis of changes in the situation to obtain the planned characteristics of the product/result; establish a connection between the obtained product characteristics and the characteristics of the activity process and, upon completion of the activity, propose changing the process characteristics to obtain improved product characteristics; check your actions against the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes yourself. 4. The ability to evaluate the correctness of completing a learning task and one’s own capabilities to solve it. The student will be able to: determine the criteria for the correctness (correctness) of completing a learning task; analyze and justify the use of appropriate tools to complete the learning task; freely use the developed assessment and self-assessment criteria, based on the goal and available means, distinguishing the result and methods of action; evaluate the product of one’s activities according to given and/or independently determined criteria in accordance with the purpose of the activity; justify the achievability of the goal in the chosen way based on an assessment of one’s internal resources and available external resources; record and analyze the dynamics of your own educational results. 5. Knowledge of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making informed choices in educational and cognitive matters. The student will be able to: observe and analyze his own educational and cognitive activities and the activities of other students in the process of mutual examination; correlate real and planned results of individual educational activities and draw conclusions; make decisions in a learning situation and bear responsibility for them; independently determine the reasons for your success or failure and find ways out of the situation of failure; retrospectively determine which actions to solve a learning task or the parameters of these actions led to obtaining the existing product of educational activity; demonstrate techniques for regulating psychophysiological/emotional states to achieve a calming effect (eliminating emotional tension), a restoration effect (weakening the manifestations of fatigue), an activation effect (increasing psychophysiological reactivity). Cognitive UUD 6. The ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently select grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive, by analogy) and draw conclusions. The student will be able to: select words that are subordinate to the keyword, defining its signs and properties; build a logical chain consisting of a keyword and its subordinate words; identify a common feature of two or more objects or phenomena and explain their similarities; combine objects and phenomena into groups according to certain criteria, compare, classify and generalize facts and phenomena; distinguish a phenomenon from a general range of other phenomena; determine the circumstances that preceded the emergence of a connection between phenomena, from these circumstances identify the determining ones that could be the cause of this phenomenon, identify the causes and consequences of the phenomena; build reasoning from general patterns to particular phenomena and from particular phenomena to general ones 8

9 patterns; build reasoning based on comparisons of objects and phenomena, while highlighting common features; present the information received, interpreting it in the context of the problem being solved; independently point out information that needs verification, propose and apply a method for verifying the accuracy of the information; verbalize the emotional impression made on him by the source; explain phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified in the course of cognitive and research activities (provide an explanation with a change in the form of presentation; explain, detailing or generalizing; explain from a given point of view); identify and name the causes of an event, phenomenon, including possible/most probable causes, possible consequences of a given cause, independently carrying out cause-and-effect analysis; draw a conclusion based on a critical analysis of different points of view, confirm the conclusion with your own argumentation or independently obtained data. 7. The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve educational and cognitive problems. The student will be able to: designate an object and/or phenomenon with a symbol and sign; determine logical connections between objects and/or phenomena, designate these logical connections using signs in the diagram; create an abstract or real image of an object and/or phenomenon; build a model/scheme based on the conditions of the problem and/or the method of solving it; create verbal, material and information models highlighting the essential characteristics of an object to determine how to solve a problem in accordance with the situation; transform models in order to identify general laws that define a given subject area; translate complex (multidimensional) information from a graphic or formalized (symbolic) representation into a textual one, and vice versa; build a diagram, an algorithm of action, correct or restore a previously unknown algorithm based on existing knowledge about the object to which the algorithm is applied; build evidence: direct, indirect, by contradiction; analyze/reflect on the experience of developing and implementing an educational project, research (theoretical, empirical) based on the proposed problem situation, the set goal and/or the specified criteria for evaluating the product/result. 8. Semantic reading. The student will be able to: find the required information in the text (in accordance with the goals of his activity); navigate the content of the text, understand the holistic meaning of the text, structure the text; establish the relationship between the events, phenomena, and processes described in the text; summarize the main idea of ​​the text; transform the text, “translating” it into another modality, interpret the text (fiction and non-fiction educational, popular science, informational, non-fiction text); critically evaluate the content and form of the text. 9. Formation and development of environmental thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and professional guidance. The student will be able to: determine his attitude towards the natural environment; analyze the influence of environmental factors on the habitat of living organisms; conduct causal and probabilistic analysis of environmental situations; predict changes in the situation when the action of one factor changes to the action of another factor; disseminate environmental knowledge and participate in practical activities to protect the environment; express your attitude towards nature through drawings, essays, models, design work. 10. Development of motivation to master the culture of active use of dictionaries and other search engines. The student will be able to: determine the necessary key search words and queries; interact with electronic search engines and dictionaries; form a multiple sample from search sources to objectify search results; correlate the search results with your activities. Communicative UUD 11. Ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts based on coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend your opinion. The student will be able to: determine possible roles in joint activities; play a role in joint activities; accept the position of the interlocutor, understanding the position of the other, distinguish in his speech: opinion (point of view), 9

10 evidence (arguments), facts; hypotheses, axioms, theories; identify your own and your partner’s actions that contributed to or hindered productive communication; build positive relationships in the process of educational and cognitive activities; defend your point of view correctly and reasonably, be able to put forward counterarguments in a discussion, paraphrase your thoughts (mastery of the mechanism of equivalent substitutions); be critical of your own opinion, recognize with dignity the fallacy of your opinion (if it is such) and correct it; offer an alternative solution in a conflict situation; highlight the common point of view in the discussion; agree on rules and issues for discussion in accordance with the task assigned to the group; organize educational interaction in a group (determine common goals, distribute roles, negotiate with each other, etc.); eliminate gaps in communication within the framework of dialogue caused by misunderstanding/rejection on the part of the interlocutor of the task, form or content of the dialogue. 12. The ability to consciously use verbal means in accordance with the task of communication to express one’s feelings, thoughts and needs to plan and regulate one’s activities; mastery of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech. The student will be able to: determine the task of communication and, in accordance with it, select speech means; select and use speech means in the process of communication with other people (dialogue in pairs, in a small group, etc.); present, orally or in writing, a detailed plan of one’s own activities; comply with the norms of public speech, regulations in monologue and discussion in accordance with the communicative task; express and justify an opinion (judgment) and request the opinion of a partner as part of a dialogue; make a decision during the dialogue and coordinate it with the interlocutor; create written “clichéd” and original texts using the necessary speech means; use verbal means (means of logical communication) to highlight the semantic blocks of your speech; use non-verbal means or visual materials prepared/selected under the guidance of the teacher; make an evaluative conclusion about the achievement of the communication goal immediately after the completion of the communicative contact and justify it. 13. Formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT). The student will be able to: purposefully search for and use information resources necessary to solve educational and practical problems using ICT tools; select, build and use an adequate information model to convey your thoughts using natural and formal languages ​​in accordance with the conditions of communication; highlight the information aspect of the problem, operate with data, use a model for solving the problem; use computer technologies (including the selection of software, hardware and services adequate to the task) to solve information and communication educational tasks, including: computing, writing letters, essays, reports, abstracts, creating presentations, etc.; use information in an ethical and legal manner; create information resources of different types and for different audiences, observe information hygiene and information security rules Subject results Russian language The graduate will learn: master the skills of working with educational books, dictionaries and other information sources, including the media and Internet resources; possess the skills of various types of reading (studying, introductory, viewing) and information processing of the material read; master various types of listening (with full understanding, with understanding of the main content, with selective extraction of information) and information processing of texts of various functional varieties of language; adequately understand, interpret and comment on texts of various functional semantic types of speech (narration, description, reasoning) and functional varieties of language; participate in dialogical and polylogical communication, create oral monologue statements of different communicative orientation depending on the goals, sphere and situation of communication in compliance with the norms 10

11 modern Russian literary language and speech etiquette; create and edit written texts of different styles and genres in compliance with the norms of modern Russian literary language and speech etiquette; analyze the text from the point of view of its topic, purpose, main idea, basic and additional information, belonging to the functional-semantic type of speech and functional variety of language; use knowledge of the alphabet when searching for information; distinguish between significant and insignificant units of language; carry out phonetic and orthoepic analysis of words; classify and group speech sounds according to given characteristics, words according to given parameters of their sound composition; divide words into syllables and transfer them correctly; determine the place of a stressed syllable, observe the movement of stress when the form of a word changes, use words and their forms in speech in accordance with accentological norms; recognize morphemes and divide words into morphemes based on semantic, grammatical and word-formation analysis; characterize the morphemic composition of a word, clarify the lexical meaning of a word based on its morphemic composition; conduct morphemic and word-formation analysis of words; carry out lexical analysis of a word; recognize lexical means of expression and the main types of tropes (metaphor, epithet, comparison, hyperbole, personification); recognize independent parts of speech and their forms, as well as auxiliary parts of speech and interjections; carry out morphological analysis of the word; apply knowledge and skills in morphemics and word formation when conducting morphological analysis of words; recognize the basic units of syntax (phrase, sentence, text); analyze various types of phrases and sentences from the point of view of their structural and semantic organization and functional features; find the grammatical basis of a sentence; recognize the main and minor members of a sentence; recognize simple and complex sentences, sentences with a complex structure; carry out syntactic analysis of phrases and sentences; observe basic language norms in oral and written speech; rely on phonetic, morphemic, word-formation and morphological analysis in spelling practice; rely on grammatical and intonation analysis when explaining the placement of punctuation marks in a sentence; use spelling dictionaries. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: analyze speech utterances from the point of view of their compliance with the communication situation and success in achieving the predicted result; understand the main reasons for communication failures and be able to explain them; evaluate one’s own and other people’s speech from the point of view of accurate, appropriate and expressive use of words; recognize various expressive means of language; write summaries, reviews, theses, abstracts, articles, reviews, reports, interviews, essays, powers of attorney, resumes and other genres; consciously use verbal means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of its activities; participate in different types of discussions, formulate your own position and argue for it, drawing on information from life and reading experience; characterize word-formation chains and word-formation nests; use etymological data to explain the spelling and lexical meaning of a word; independently determine the goals of your learning, set and formulate new goals for yourself in learning and cognitive activity, develop the motives and interests of your cognitive activity; independently plan ways to achieve goals, including alternative ones, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive problems Literature In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, the subject results of studying the subject “Literature” are: 11

12 awareness of the importance of reading and studying literature for one’s further development; the formation of the need for systematic reading as a means of understanding the world and oneself in this world, as a way of one’s aesthetic and intellectual satisfaction; perception of literature as one of the main cultural values ​​of the people (reflecting their mentality, history, worldview) and humanity (containing meanings important for humanity as a whole); ensuring cultural self-identification, awareness of the communicative and aesthetic capabilities of the native language based on the study of outstanding works of Russian culture, the culture of one’s people, and world culture; education of a qualified reader with a developed aesthetic taste, capable of arguing his opinion and formalizing it verbally in oral and written statements of various genres, creating detailed statements of an analytical and interpretive nature, participating in the discussion of what he has read, and consciously planning his leisure reading; developing the ability to understand literary works of art that embody different ethnocultural traditions; mastering the procedures of aesthetic and semantic analysis of a text based on an understanding of the fundamental differences between a literary artistic text and a scientific, business, journalistic text, etc., developing the skills to perceive, analyze, critically evaluate and interpret what is read, to understand the artistic picture of life reflected in a literary work, on level of not only emotional perception, but also intellectual comprehension. Concretizing these general results, we will designate the most important subject skills formed in students as a result of mastering the literature program of the basic school (classes are indicated in parentheses when these skills should be actively developed; in these classes the formation of these skills can already be monitored): determine the topic and the main the idea of ​​the work (5 6 grades); master various types of retelling (5 6 grades), retell the plot; identify the features of the composition, the main conflict, isolate the plot (6 7 cells); characterize heroic characters, give their comparative characteristics (5 6 grades); evaluate the character system (6 7 grades); find the basic visual and expressive means characteristic of the writer’s creative style, determine their artistic functions (5 7 grades); identify the features of the writer’s language and style (7th 9th grade); determine the gender and genre specificity of a work of art (5 9 grades. ); explain your understanding of the moral, philosophical, socio-historical and aesthetic issues of works (7th 9th grade); identify elements of artistic form in works and discover connections between them (grades 5–7), gradually moving on to text analysis; analyze literary works of different genres (8 9 grades); identify and comprehend the forms of the author’s assessment of characters, events, the nature of the author’s relationship with the “reader” as the addressee of the work (in each class at its own level); use basic theoretical and literary terms and concepts (in each class, the ability to use terms studied in this and previous classes) as a tool for analyzing and interpreting a literary text; provide a detailed oral or written answer to the questions posed (in each class at its own level); conduct educational discussions (grades 7–9); collect material and process the information necessary to draw up a plan, thesis plan, outline, report, write an annotation, composition, essay, literary and creative work, create a project on a pre-announced or independently/under the guidance of a teacher selected literary or journalistic topic, to organize a discussion (in each class at its own level); express a personal attitude to a work of art, argue your point of view (in each class at its own level); expressively sight-read and memorize works/fragments of works of fiction, conveying a personal attitude to the work (grades 5-9); navigate the educational information space: work with encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, specialized literature (5-9 grades); use library catalogs, bibliographic indexes, Internet search systems (grades 5–9) (in each class at its own level). When planning the subject results of mastering the program, it should be taken into account that the formation of various skills, abilities, and competencies occurs in different students at different speeds and to varying degrees and does not end at school. When assessing the subject-specific results of teaching literature, several basic levels of the development of reading culture should be taken into account. Level I is determined by the naive-realistic perception of a literary work as a story from real life (the sphere of the so-called “primary reality”). Understanding of the text at this level is carried out on the basis of a literal “unpacking” of meanings; The reader approaches the artistic world of the work from an everyday perspective. Such emotional direct perception creates the basis for the formation of meaningful and deep reading, but from an aesthetic point of view it is not yet sufficient. It is characterized by abilities 12

Description of the main educational program of basic general education MBOU Secondary School 6 in Pavlovo Basic educational program of basic general education (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Program) MBOU school

Description of the main educational program of secondary general education for the 2017-2021 academic years GBOU School 1280 The objectives of the implementation of the main educational program of secondary general education are:

1.1. Explanatory note 1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education The goals of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education

1.2.4. Meta-subject results of mastering OOP Meta-subject results include interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal learning actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

Description of the educational program of basic general education The program was developed by a team of teachers from the school MAOU "Secondary school 32 named after G.A. Sborshchikov" in Perm, adopted at the meeting

1.2.4. Meta-subject results of mastering OOP Meta-subject results include interdisciplinary concepts mastered by students and universal learning actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative).

1. Planned results of mastering the basic general education program on the basics of project activity Personal results: 1) in the value-orientation sphere - humanism, positive attitude towards

Russian language Russian language is the national language of the Russian people and the state language of the Russian Federation, which is also a means of interethnic communication. Studying the subject "Russian language" at the level

Description of the basic general education program of basic general education (FSES) The objectives of the implementation of the basic general education program of basic general education are: Achievement by graduates

Basic general education Annotation to the work program for the subject Russian language, grades 5-9 Annotation to the work program for the Russian language in grades 5-9 1. The place of the academic subject in the structure of the basic

1.1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The main educational program of basic general education of the Municipal educational institution "Secondary school 6" of the city of Bezhetsk, Tver region

1.2.4. Meta-subject results of mastering OOP According to the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, the main meta-subject educational results include those mastered by students: 1) Interdisciplinary concepts; 2) Universal training

Annotation to the work program for the subject “Native Russian Language” Explanatory note Work program for the subject “Native Russian Language” of the compulsory subject area “Native Language and Native Literature”

On September 1, 2011, the school switched to the new Federal State Educational Standards for the first stage of education in grades 1-2. On September 1, 2012, the Federal State

Abstract to the work program for literature grades 5-9 (FSES) The work program for the subject "Literature" is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General

1.1. Explanatory note 1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education The goal of the implementation of the main educational program of basic general education

4.2. BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION 4.2.1. VALUE PRIORITIES OF BASIC GENERAL EDUCATION The purpose of implementing the basic educational program of basic general education

PROGRAM CONTENT: 1. Planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities 2. content of the program 3. thematic planning 1. Planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities

1. Planned results of mastering the educational subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” Work program for the subject “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” for grade 5

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school 28" in Syktyvkar (MOU "Secondary school 28") "28-a shor school" municipal asshorluna Velodan institution ("28-a ShSh" MAVU)

Abstract to the work program on literature in grade 6 The work program on literature for grade 6 was compiled using materials from the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic

Abstract to the work program in geography grades 5-9. The subject of geography is included in the educational field “Social Sciences”. Work program of the teaching and educational complex “Geography. Spheres" (grades 5-9) for primary school

Description of the main educational program of basic general education The main educational program of LLC GBOU ShMK Bibirevo contains the following sections: The target section determines the general purpose,

Abstract to the work program in literature for grades 5-9 Criteria Full name of the work program in the subject Education level Description of the criterion Work program in the subject "Literature" Main

Description of the main educational program of basic general education of the State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School 1542” Regulatory basis for the development of the program Basic

Literature Goals and objectives of literary education Literature is an academic subject, the mastery of the content of which is aimed at: the consistent formation of a reading culture through familiarization with reading

Goals and objectives of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education Municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of the city of Nyagan “Gymnasium” (hereinafter

Planned results of mastering the academic subject Studying the subject area “Native language and native literature” should ensure: - nurturing a value attitude towards the native language and native literature

ANNOTATION FOR WORK PROGRAMS IN LITERATURE (GRADES 5-9) The programs are developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard of basic general education, planned results

Annotation to the work program in literature for grade 6 Annotation to the work program in literature for grade 6 Regulatory and methodological materials: Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; Federal State

Structure of the main educational program of LLC BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM LLC is implemented by an educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities sections TARGET CONTENT ORGANIZATIONAL

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 7 of Kirovsk" WORK PROGRAM of extracurricular activities "Project activities" 7th grade teacher: Shcherba R. M.,

Literature The programs are developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for basic general education, the planned results of basic general education, and the author’s program

Meta-subject learning outcomes Universal learning activities Regulatory Cognitive target settings Control-evaluative methods of cognition of the surrounding world: mental operations - keep the goal

Criteria, indicators and diagnostic tools for assessing students’ L1. Criteria for the formation of L1 L1. Self-determination (personal, professional, life) Indicators of formation

Abstract to the work program for the subject “Russian language” grades 5-9. Subject Russian language (advanced level) Level Basic general education of education Normative and methodological materials Work program


Work program of the subject. Geography. 5-9 grades. I. Explanatory note The work program in geography for primary school is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Code

Abstract The work program in geography is intended to describe the organization of the educational process in the subject in primary school (8th grade). According to the curriculum, the study of geography in the 8th grade is allotted


Abstract to the program for the subject “Literature” for the level of basic general education. The work program is compiled on the basis of an approximate educational program in physics for the level of basic general education.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 5" ORDER 08/28/2018. 211 Chernogorsk On introducing changes and additions to the basic educational program of primary

Explanatory note The work program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, based on the basic educational

Work program for the Russian language, grades 5-9 Explanatory note The academic subject “Russian language” is included in the educational field “Philology”. General goals of the academic subject Russian language Work program

Explanatory note Relevance of the program. Today we still have to face a lack of modern equipment in most schools, especially rural ones. Nowadays it is necessary to leave

Appendix.38. to the Basic educational program of basic general education, approved by order of MAOU Lyceum 39 dated 02/04/207 94 WORK PROGRAM of the academic subject “NATIVE LANGUAGE” for grades 6-7

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RESULTS OF MASTERING THE BASIC EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM OF PRIMARY GENERAL EDUCATION The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program

Abstract to the main educational program of primary general education (EEP NOO) of the State budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School 1637” for the 2017-2018 academic year Educational

Abstract to the work program in literature for grade 5. This program in literature for grade V was created on the basis of the program of general education institutions “Literature” edited by V.Ya. Korovina.

1. Planned results of mastering the program of extracurricular activities Personal results: 1) education of Russian civic identity: patriotism, respect for the Fatherland, past and present multinational

This work program of the course “I am a researcher” for grade 7 was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education for the structure of basic educational


Contents 1. Target section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education.................................................. 3 1.1. Explanatory note................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ 3 1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education.................................... 3 1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the educational program of basic general education.................... 3 1.2. Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ...................... 4 1.2.1. General provisions................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 4 1.2.2. Structure of planned results................................................................... ........................................................ ........................ 5 1.2.3. Personal results of mastering the main educational program: .................................................... ................ 6 1.2.4. Meta-subject results of mastering OOP.................................................... ........................................................ ............. 7 1.2.5. Subject results........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................... 10 Russian language................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 10 ........................................................ ........................................................ ................... 11 Foreign language (using the example of English) .................................................... ................................................... 14 1.2 .5.4. Second foreign language (using the example of English) .................................................. ................................... 17 History of Russia. General history................................................ ........................................................ ................... 21 studies.... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............................................... 22 Geography................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 26 Mathematics................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 28 Computer science................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .... 41 Physics................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ............. 43 Biology................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ......... 46 Chemistry................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .............. 49 Art................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 51 Music................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ............ 55 ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................ 57 Physical Culture................................................ ........................................................ ........................................ 61 Fundamentals of life safety................................................................. ........................................................ ...... 63 1.3. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.................................................... ........................................................ ................................................... 66 2. Content section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education.... .......... 71 2.1. Program for the development of universal learning activities. ........................................................ ........................................... 71 2.2. Approximate programs of academic subjects, courses................................................... ........................................................ ...... 80 2.2.1 General provisions................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .............. 80 2.2.2. The main content of academic subjects at the level of basic general education.................................................... 81 2.2 .2.1. Russian language................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 81 Literature................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 83 Foreign language................................................ ........................................................ ............................................... 95 . Second foreign language (using the example of English) .................................................. ................................... 98 Russian history. General history................................................ ........................................................ ............... 101 Social science................................................. ........................................................ ........................................... 114 2.2. 2.7. Geography................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 116 Mathematics................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... 123 Computer science................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .. 134 Physics................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 137 Biology................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 141 Chemistry. ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 145 Art................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 147 Music................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 149 Technology................................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ .... 153 Physical Culture................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 157 Fundamentals of life safety................................................................. ........................................................ .... 158 2.3. Program for education and socialization of students.................................................... ................................................... 161 2.4. Corrective work program......................................................... ........................................................ ........................... 175 3. Organizational section of the approximate basic educational program of basic general education........ ... 180 3.1. Approximate curriculum for basic general education............................................................ ........................................... 180 3.1.1. Approximate calendar training schedule.................................................... ........................................................ ............ 186 3.1.2. Approximate plan for extracurricular activities................................................................. ........................................................ .......... 186 3.2. System of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.................................................



2.3. Interaction between adults and children 41

2.4. Interaction of the teaching staff with families of preschool children 42

2.5. Program of correctional and developmental work with children with disabilities 44


3.1. Psychological and pedagogical conditions ensuring the development of the child 47

3.2. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment 47

3.3. Personnel conditions for the implementation of Program 52

3.4. Logistics support for Program 54

3.5. Financial conditions for the implementation of the Program 56

3.6. Planning educational activities 65

3.7. Daily routine and schedule 65

3.9. List of normative and normative-methodological documents 70

3.10. List of references 71


According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”), preschool education is a level of general education along with primary general, basic general and secondary general education .

It is in preschool childhood that the value systems for the development of the child’s personality, the foundations of his identity, attitude towards the world, society, family and himself are laid.

Therefore, the mission of preschool education is to preserve the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as the starting point for inclusion and further mastery of various forms of life activity in a rapidly changing world, to promote the development of various forms of child activity, and to convey social norms and values ​​that promote positive socialization in a multicultural, multinational society.

The transformation of Russia into a post-industrial society, the processes of informatization, the increasing importance of the media as an institution of socialization, a wide range of information and educational resources open up new opportunities for the development of a child’s personality, but at the same time they carry various kinds of risks.

The task of introducing children to life in the modern social space requires updating not only content preschool education, but also ways interaction between children and adults, the formation of a child’s basic trust in the world, a comfortable and safe lifestyle.

The need for such an update is caused by a number of objective factors in the development of modern society and the economy and the associated new requirements for education, changes in living conditions and growing up of children, summarized in the concept of “new sociocultural situation of childhood development,” as well as new data from numerous studies in the field of neuroscience , developmental psychology, family and childhood studies, etc.

International educational research such as the TIMSS, PISA and PIRLS comparative student achievement studies, OECD studies such as StartingStrong, and the children's rights movement that has spread worldwide since the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 indicate an understanding the key importance of education in the stable development of society, the importance of creating conditions for the accessibility of quality education for children at the earliest stages of development.

Rethinking the role and objectives of education during early and preschool childhood, which is happening all over the world, is associated with identifying the educational potential of children of early and preschool age, factors influencing the development of children, short-term and long-term effects of living conditions and educational strategies in the early stages of development, their influence on the biography of an individual, significance for the stable development of society and the economy as a whole.

All this requires the development of innovative early and preschool education programs that correspond to the current level of development of pedagogical science and practice, taking into account and integrating the best examples of domestic and foreign experience.

Modern educational programs and the modern pedagogical process should be aimed at supporting the diversity of childhood, which implies variability in the content and organization of preschool education. Variability in the content of preschool education can only be achieved through maintaining a wide variety of educational programs that already exist in the Russian educational space and are currently being developed.

In the context of the rapid growth of social, economic, technological and psychological changes, modern programs of psychological and pedagogical support for younger generations are aimed, first of all, at revealing the various forms of activity inherent in the child himself.

Modern achievements of civilization open up new opportunities for the development of a child from the first days of his life. These features are related:

– with an increase in the value status of childhood in modern society;

– with the creation of new forms and types of developmental environments that can motivate children;

– with the advent of communication and network technologies;

– with the expansion of innovative professional training programs for teachers and educators who have mastery of communicative competence and the art of motivating children’s behavior.

At the same time, the growth of social uncertainty, the increasing speed of socio-economic changes, the expanding boundaries of the information society, and the range of information and communication technologies give rise to a new social situation for child development, which carries certain risks for preschool children:

– pronounced differentiation of the socio-economic living conditions of Russian citizens leads to an increase differences in the development trajectories of children from different strata, from different regions, from urban and rural areas, poses a threat of loss of a single educational space;

– the growth of a group of children characterized by accelerated development, with an increase in the number of children with problematic developmental options, children growing up in conditions of socio-economic, medical-biological, environmental, pedagogical and psychological risk, leads to increasing differences in the dynamics of children’s development, in the degree of development their abilities, to motivational differences;

–ignoring the age specifics of preschool childhood, transferring the educational and disciplinary model into the practice of pedagogical work at the level of preschool education creates a widening gap between the levels of preschool and general education;

– a tendency towards the “schoolization” of preschool education, towards speeding up the intellectual development of children in the form of artificial acceleration due to the displacement of typically children’s activities and their replacement with pseudo-educational activities leads to a decrease the general activity of children – play, cognitive, research, communication, etc., which leads to children’s weak development of the prerequisites for educational activity, and, consequently, to a decrease in their motivation to learn at the next levels of education;

– an unfavorable tendency towards impoverishment and restriction of children’s communication with other children leads to growth phenomena of social isolation (children's loneliness), rejection, to a low level of communicative competence of children, low motivation for communication and cooperation, insufficient development of life skills of interaction and cooperation with other children, increased manifestations of anxiety and children's aggressiveness.

Taking into account the cultural and historical characteristics of modern society, the challenges of the uncertainty and complexity of the changing world and the risks outlined above for the full development and safety of children, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education) , Standard), this Model basic educational program for preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Program) has been developed.

The standard defines invariant goals and guidelines for the development of basic educational programs for preschool education, and the Program provides examples of variable ways and means of achieving them.

The program is a document, taking into account which organizations carrying out educational activities at the level of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Organizations) independently develop and approve the basic general educational program of preschool education.

In terms of its organizational and managerial status, this Program, which implements the principles of the Standard, has a modular structure.

The framework nature of the exemplary Program is revealed through the presentation of the general model of the educational process in preschool educational organizations, age-related development standards, determination of the structure and content of educational activities in accordance with the directions of child development in five educational areas. Educational areas, the content of educational activities, as well as the organization of the educational environment, including the subject-spatial and developmental educational environment, act as modules from which the main general educational program of the Organization is created. The modular nature of the presentation of the content of the Program allows you to design the main educational program of a preschool educational organization based on materials from a wide range of available educational programs for preschool education.

This Program is based on interdisciplinary research into the nature of childhood as a special cultural and historical phenomenon in the development of humanity, on the historical-evolutionary approach to the development of personality in nature and society, cultural and activity psychology of the socialization of the child, pedagogical anthropology, pedagogy of dignity and pedagogy of cooperation.

According to the historical-evolutionary, cultural-activity approaches to child development, the knowledge accumulated in the experience of previous generations is not simply transferred directly from an adult to a child; The child himself actively acquires his own experience, creatively creates his own knowledge and meanings, builds interactions in joint and shared activities and in communication with other children and adults. Thus, knowledge and meanings are not mechanically acquired, but are actively created (constructed) by the child himself in the process of interaction and dialogue with the natural and social world.

The program is aimed at creating a social situation for the development of preschool children, social and material conditions that open up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, the formation of his trust in the world, in people and in himself, his personal and cognitive development, the development of initiative and creative abilities through culturally and age-appropriate activities in cooperation with adults and other children, and to ensure the health and safety of children.

The social situation of development is determined by the child’s place in society; social requirements and expectations regarding age-related norms of children’s behavior, corresponding to the historically established image of childhood; the interests of the child himself, the nature and content of his activity.

The formed social situation of development acts as a source of socialization and development of the child’s personality, determines the way of life of a preschooler, including the forms and content of communication and joint activities of the child in the family and in an educational organization.

Based on the Program, a motivating educational environment is constructed at different age stages of development and socialization of preschoolers.

A motivating educational environment provides a system of conditions for the development of children, including spatiotemporal (flexibility and transformability of space and its subject content, planning flexibility), social (forms of cooperation and communication, role and interpersonal relationships of all participants in educational relations, including teachers, children, parents ( legal representatives), administration), conditions for children's activity (availability and variety of activities that correspond to the age-psychological characteristics of preschool children, the development goals of each child), material, technical and other conditions for educational activities.

Target section The Program defines its goals and objectives, principles and approaches to the formation of the Program, the planned results of its development in the form of targets.

The program determines the approximate content of educational areas, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children in various activities, such as:

– gaming (role-playing game, game with rules and other types of games),

– communicative (communication and interaction with adults and other children),

– cognitive-research (research and knowledge of the natural and social worlds in the process of observation and interaction with them), as well as such types of child activity as:

– perception of fiction and folklore,

– self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors),

– construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials,

– fine art (drawing, modeling, applique),

– musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children’s musical instruments),

– motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

The organizational section of the Program describes the system of conditions for the implementation of educational activities necessary to achieve the goals of the Program, the planned results of its development in the form of targets, as well as features of the organization of educational activities, namely a description:

– psychological, pedagogical, personnel, material, technical and financial conditions,

– features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment,

– features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices,

– ways and directions of supporting children’s initiatives,

– features of interaction between the teaching staff and families of preschool children,

– features of the development of the daily routine and the formation of a daily routine, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their special educational needs.

The volume of the compulsory part of the main educational program must be at least 60% of its total volume. The volume of the part of the main educational program formed by the participants in educational relations should be no more than 40% of its total volume.

In accordance with the Program, it is recommended to include a description of traditional events, holidays and activities, taking into account regional and other sociocultural characteristics, into the part formed by the participants in educational relations independently.

The program also contains recommendations for developmental assessment of the achievement of goals in the form of pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children’s development, as well as the quality of implementation of the Organization’s basic general education program. The system for assessing the quality of the Organization’s program implementation is aimed primarily at assessing the conditions created by the Organization within the educational process.

The program ends with a description of prospects for its improvement and development.