Presentation on the importance of colloidal solutions. Presentation "dispersed and colloidal systems"

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Dispersed systems are microheterogeneous systems with a highly developed internal interface between phases.

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Dispersion medium is a continuous phase (body), in the volume of which another (dispersed) phase is distributed in the form of small solid particles, liquid droplets or gas bubbles. Dispersed phase is a collection of small homogeneous solid particles, liquid droplets or gas bubbles, evenly distributed in the surrounding (dispersion) medium.

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Classification of disperse systems

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    Coarse dispersed systems (suspensions)

    Emulsions are dispersed systems in which both the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium are mutually immiscible liquids. An emulsion can be prepared from water and oil by shaking the mixture for a long time. An example of an emulsion is milk, in which small globules of fat float in the liquid. Suspensions are dispersed systems in which the dispersed phase is a solid and the dispersion medium is a liquid, and the solid is practically insoluble in the liquid. To prepare a suspension, you need to grind the substance to a fine powder, pour it into a liquid in which the substance does not dissolve, and shake well (for example, shaking clay in water). Over time, the particles will fall to the bottom of the vessel. Obviously, the smaller the particles, the longer the suspension will last. Aerosols are suspensions in gas of small particles of liquids or solids.

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    Colloidal solutions

    Sols are produced by dispersion and condensation methods. Dispersion is most often carried out using special “colloid mills”. With the condensation method, colloidal particles are formed by combining atoms or molecules into aggregates. When many chemical reactions occur, condensation also occurs and highly dispersed systems are formed (precipitation, hydrolysis, redox reactions, etc.) - blood, lymph... Gels. Under certain conditions, coagulation (the phenomenon of colloidal particles sticking together and precipitating) of sols leads to the formation of a gelatinous mass called a gel. In this case, the entire mass of colloidal particles, binding the solvent, transforms into a peculiar semi-liquid-semi-solid state. - gelatin, jelly, marmalade.

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    Tyndall effect

    The Tyndall effect is an optical effect, the scattering of light when a light beam passes through an optically inhomogeneous medium. Typically observed as a luminous cone (Tyndall cone) visible against a dark background. Characteristic of solutions of colloidal systems (for example, sols, metals, diluted latexes, tobacco smoke), in which the particles and their environment differ in refractive index. A number of optical methods for determining the size, shape and concentration of colloidal particles and macromolecules are based on the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is named after John Tyndall, who discovered it.

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    Schematically, the light scattering process looks like this:

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    True solutions

    Molecular are aqueous solutions of non-electrolytes - organic substances (alcohol, glucose, sucrose, etc.); Ionic are solutions of strong electrolytes (alkalies, salts, acids - NaOH, K2SO4. HNO3, HClO4); Molecular ionic are solutions of weak electrolytes (nitrous, hydrosulfide acids, etc.).

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    by the state of aggregation of the dispersion medium and dispersed phase: Solid Gas Liquid

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    Dispersed medium: solid

    Dispersed phase – gas: Soil, textile fabrics, bricks and ceramics, aerated chocolate, powders. Dispersed phase – liquid: Moist soil, medical and cosmetic products. Dispersed phase – solid substance: Rocks, colored glasses, some alloys.

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    Dispersed medium: gas

    Dispersed phase – gas: Always a homogeneous mixture (air, natural gas) Dispersed phase – liquid: Fog, associated gas with oil droplets, aerosols. Dispersed phase - solid matter: Dust in the air, smoke, smog, sandstorms.

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    Dispersed medium: liquid

    Dispersed phase – gas: Effervescent drinks, foams. Dispersed phase – liquid: Emulsions: oil, cream, milk; body fluids, fluid contents of cells. Dispersed phase – solid substance: Sols, gels, pastes. Construction solutions.

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    The importance of dispersed systems

    For chemistry, dispersed systems in which the medium is water and liquid solutions are of greatest importance. Natural water always contains dissolved substances. Natural aqueous solutions participate in soil formation processes and supply plants with nutrients. Complex life processes occurring in human and animal bodies also occur in solutions. Many technological processes in the chemical and other industries, for example, the production of acids, metals, paper, soda, and fertilizers, take place in solutions.

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    Completed by: Milena Yekmalyan

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    Colloidal silver is an excellent alternative to antibiotics. No known pathogenic bacteria survives in the presence of even a minimal amount of silver, especially in a colloidal state. The healing properties of colloidal silver have been known for a long time.

    Colloidal Silver helps the body fight infection no worse than using antibiotics, but with absolutely no side effects. Silver molecules block the proliferation of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, reducing their vital activity. Moreover, the spectrum of action of colloidal silver extends to 650 species of bacteria (for comparison, the spectrum of action of any antibiotic is only 5-10 species of bacteria). Colloidal silver is a colloidal solution of ultra-small silver particles in suspension. Although the mechanism of the bactericidal effect of silver is not yet known in detail, it is believed that silver ions inhibit a specific enzyme that is involved in the metabolic processes of many types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. You can obtain colloidal silver at home using the Nevoton colloidal silver ion generator (NEVOTON IS-112).

    In modern surgical practice, blood substitutes play an extremely important role. With their help, it is possible to successfully treat extreme conditions, in particular traumatic shock, acute blood loss, severe intoxication, etc. Blood substitutes are widely used in cardiac surgery, in particular when using the method of artificial circulation. In addition, they are used in hemodialysis, organ and tissue transplantation, and regional perfusion. Colloidal solutions have gained particular importance in modern surgery. colloidal solutions.

    Colloidal solutions Natural (preparations and products of blood plasma processing) - fresh frozen plasma (FFP) - fresh frozen plasma (FFP) - albumin - albumin Artificial dextran derivatives - dextran derivatives - derivatives - hydroxyethyl starch derivatives hydroxyethyl starch (HES); (GEC); - gelatin derivatives - gelatin derivatives

    Fresh frozen plasma is the most widely used drug. It is plasma separated from red blood cells and quickly frozen. In FFP, coagulation factors I, II, V, VII, VIII, and IX are preserved. In terms of its effect on the hemostatic system, FFP is an optimal transfusion medium. However, a number of properties significantly limit its use. First of all, there is a high risk of transmitting viral infections. In addition, donor plasma contains antibodies and leukocytes, which are a powerful factor in the development of leukoagglutination and systemic inflammatory response. This leads to generalized damage to the endothelium, primarily to the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Today, it is generally accepted that FFP transfusion in clinical practice is carried out only for the purpose of preventing or restoring hemostatic disorders associated with a deficiency of blood coagulation factors. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) is the most widely used drug. It is plasma separated from red blood cells and quickly frozen. In FFP, coagulation factors I, II, V, VII, VIII, and IX are preserved. In terms of its effect on the hemostatic system, FFP is an optimal transfusion medium. However, a number of properties significantly limit its use. First of all, there is a high risk of transmitting viral infections. In addition, donor plasma contains antibodies and leukocytes, which are a powerful factor in the development of leukoagglutination and systemic inflammatory response. This leads to generalized damage to the endothelium, primarily to the vessels of the pulmonary circulation. Today, it is generally accepted that FFP transfusion in clinical practice is carried out only for the purpose of preventing or restoring hemostatic disorders associated with a deficiency of blood coagulation factors.

    Fresh frozen plasma is stored in special freezers at a temperature of -40. After thawing, plasma must be used within an hour; plasma cannot be re-frozen. The volume of fresh frozen plasma obtained by centrifugation from one dose of blood is ml. Fresh frozen plasma is stored in special freezers at a temperature of -40. After thawing, plasma must be used within an hour; plasma cannot be re-frozen. The volume of fresh frozen plasma obtained by centrifugation from one dose of blood is ml.

    Albumin Albumin is a protein synthesized in the liver. The medical industry produces 5, 10 and 20% albumin solutions. A 5% albumin solution is isooncotic, 10 and 20% are hyperoncotic. Albumin is a protein synthesized in the liver. The medical industry produces 5, 10 and 20% albumin solutions. A 5% albumin solution is isooncotic, 10 and 20% are hyperoncotic. Albumin solutions are prepared from human blood plasma, placenta, free from HIV and hepatitis viruses, by fractionating it. Albumin solutions are prepared from human blood plasma, placenta, free from HIV and hepatitis viruses, by fractionating it. Many clinical studies have led to the conclusion that albumin is not the optimal colloid for volume replacement during blood loss, since critical conditions are characterized by increased capillary permeability, as a result of which albumin leaves the vascular bed much faster, increasing oncotic pressure in the extravascular sector. The latter leads to edema, including edema of the lungs. There is evidence that albumin transfusion is accompanied by a negative inotropic effect. In general, indications for albumin transfusions today can be reduced only to the need to correct severe hypoalbuminemia. Many clinical studies have led to the conclusion that albumin is not the optimal colloid for volume replacement during blood loss, since critical conditions are characterized by increased capillary permeability, as a result of which albumin leaves the vascular bed much faster, increasing oncotic pressure in the extravascular sector. The latter leads to edema, including edema of the lungs. There is evidence that albumin transfusion is accompanied by a negative inotropic effect. In general, indications for albumin transfusions today can be reduced only to the need to correct severe hypoalbuminemia.

    Albumin solution is a transparent liquid from yellow to light brown. The drug should be visually transparent and should not contain suspension or sediment. The drug is considered suitable for use provided that the tightness and closure are maintained, there are no cracks on the bottles, and the label is intact.

    Dextran derivatives Dextrans are polysaccharides obtained by processing sugar beet juice. The most commonly used solutions are: The most commonly used solutions are: low molecular weight dextran-40 (reopolyglucin, rheomacrodex) low molecular weight dextran-40 (reopolyglucin, rheomacrodex) medium molecular dextran-70 (polyglucin medium molecular dextran-70 (polyglucin). Medium molecular dextrans cause a volumetric effect of up to 130% lasting 4–6 hours. Medium molecular dextrans cause a volumetric effect of up to 130%, lasting 4–6 hours. Low molecular weight dextrans cause a volumetric effect of up to 175%, lasting 3–4 hours. Low molecular weight dextrans cause a volumetric effect of up to 175%, lasting 3–4 hours. Practical use showed that drugs based on dextran have a significant negative effect on the hemostatic system, and the degree of this effect is directly proportional to the molecular weight and the dose of dextran received. This is explained by the fact that, having an “enveloping" effect, dextran blocks the adhesive properties of platelets and reduces the functional activity of coagulation factors. At the same time, the activity of factors II, V and VIII decreases. Limited diuresis and rapid excretion of the dextran fraction by the kidneys causes a significant increase in urine viscosity, resulting in a sharp decrease in glomerular filtration up to anuria (“dextran kidney”). Often observed anaphylactic reactions occur due to the fact that the body of almost all people has antibodies to bacterial polysaccharides. These antibodies interact with the administered dextrans and activate the complement system, which in turn leads to the release of vasoactive mediators. Practical use has shown that dextran-based drugs have a significant negative effect on the hemostatic system, and the degree of this effect is directly proportional to the molecular weight and the dose of dextran received. This is explained by the fact that, having an “enveloping” effect, dextran blocks the adhesive properties of platelets and reduces the functional activity of coagulation factors. At the same time, the activity of factors II, V and VIII decreases. Limited diuresis and rapid excretion of the dextran fraction by the kidneys causes a significant increase in urine viscosity, resulting in a sharp decrease in glomerular filtration up to anuria (“dextran kidney”). Often observed anaphylactic reactions occur due to the fact that the body of almost all people has antibodies to bacterial polysaccharides. These antibodies interact with the administered dextrans and activate the complement system, which in turn leads to the release of vasoactive mediators.

    Gelatin derivatives Gelatin is a denatured protein isolated from collagen. Plasma replacement agents based on gelatin have a relatively weak effect on the hemostatic system; have a limited duration of volumetric action. Of this group, the most interesting is the drug "Gelofusin" - a 4% solution of gelatin (modified liquid gelatin) in a solution of sodium chloride. This is a plasma replacement solution with a half-life of about 9 hours. “Gelofusin” is a 4% solution of gelatin (modified liquid gelatin) in a solution of sodium chloride. This is a plasma replacement solution with a half-life of about 9 hours. Gelofusin has a beneficial effect on hemodynamics and oxygen transport function in general. Gelofusin has a beneficial effect on hemodynamics and oxygen transport function in general. Experience from clinical studies confirms that gelofusin has advantages over other artificial gelatin-based colloids currently used. Gelofusin does not have significant effects on blood coagulation, even when infusion volumes exceeded 4 liters per day.

    Absolute indications for transfusion of colloidal solutions are acute blood loss, acute blood loss (more than 15% of the volume of blood volume), (more than 15% of the volume of blood volume), traumatic shock, traumatic shock, severe operations accompanied by extensive tissue damage and bleeding. severe operations accompanied by extensive tissue damage and bleeding.

    Relative indications for transfusion of colloidal solutions Blood transfusion plays only a supporting role among other therapeutic measures. Anemia (when hemoglobin decreases below 80 g/l). Severe intoxication. Continued bleeding and disruption of the coagulation system. Decreased immune status. Long-term chronic inflammatory processes with decreased reactivity.

    Method of transfusion of colloidal solutions Transfusion of colloidal solutions is carried out using the method of jet or drip intravenous infusion. Drip blood transfusion is performed in cases where it is necessary to administer blood slowly and for a long time, jet transfusion when it is necessary to quickly replenish blood loss. For jet and drip transfusion, a disposable system is used, which is sealed in a transparent plastic bag. The system is assembled as follows: remove the metal cap from the bottle and treat the stopper with alcohol. Check the bag with the system for leaks by squeezing it between your fingers. Cut the bag with scissors, take out the system and air duct. Needles from the system and the air duct are inserted into the stopper and attached to the bottle with a rubber ring. Fill the system with the solution, making sure that there are no air pockets (air embolism!). To displace air from the system and fill the dropper, the latter is raised until the dropper is at the bottom and the nylon filter is at the top. After this, the clamp is loosened, and the filter housing is half filled with blood entering through the dropper. Then the filter housing is lowered and the entire system is filled with blood. The system is clamped with a clamp. A venous tourniquet is applied to the patient's arm. Clean your hands with alcohol. Remove the cap from the venipuncture needle and perform venipuncture.

    Technique for performing venipuncture The patient sits or lies, his arm should have a firm support and lie on a table or couch in the position of maximum extension in the elbow joint, for which a cushion covered with oilcloth is placed under the elbow. It is easier to puncture a filled vein. To do this, the outflow of blood from the vein is stopped: a tourniquet is applied to the shoulder above the elbow, which compresses the veins. However, the flow of blood through the arteries should not be disturbed, as can be seen by feeling the pulse on the radial artery (if the pulse is weak or cannot be felt at all, the tourniquet should be loosened; if the veins do not swell and the skin of the arm below the tourniquet does not acquire a blue-purple color, indicating venous stagnation, the tourniquet must be tightened). To increase the tension of the veins, the patient is asked to clench and unclench his fist several times or lower his hand down before applying a tourniquet. The skin of the elbow is disinfected with alcohol. During disinfection, with the tips of the fingers of your left hand, you can examine the veins of the elbow bend and select the one that is least displaced under the skin, then stretch the skin of the elbow bend, slightly moving it downward, in order to fix the vein as much as possible. The vein puncture is performed in two stages. The needle is held with the right hand (cut upward parallel to the targeted vein) and pierced at an acute angle to the skin (the needle will lie next to the vein and parallel to it). Then a vein is pierced on the side (a feeling of entering a void is created). If there is blood, then the needle is in the vein. If there is no blood, then the puncture should be repeated without removing the needle from the skin. As soon as blood appears from the cannula of the needle, you need to advance the needle into the vein a few millimeters and hold it with your right hand in such a position that the vein is in place. Connect the system to the needle. Secure the needle with adhesive tape.

    Relative contraindications for transfusion of colloidal solutions Blood transfusion plays only a supporting role among other therapeutic measures. Anemia (when hemoglobin decreases below 80 g/l). Anemia (when hemoglobin decreases below 80 g/l). Severe intoxication. Severe intoxication. Continued bleeding and disruption of the coagulation system. Continued bleeding and disruption of the coagulation system. Decreased immune status. Decreased immune status. Long-term chronic inflammatory processes with decreased reactivity. Long-term chronic inflammatory processes with decreased reactivity. Severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys; Severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys; Allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, acute eczema, Quincke's edema); Allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, acute eczema, Quincke's edema); Active tuberculosis in the infiltration stage. Active tuberculosis in the infiltration stage.

    Pharmaceutical technology Lecture No. 16 Chereshneva Natalya Dmitrievna Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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    SOLUTIONS OF PROTECTED COLLOIDS In colloidal chemistry, the concept of dispersity includes a wide range of particles: from larger than molecules to visible to the naked eye, i.e., from 10 -7 to 10 -2 cm. Systems with particle sizes less than 10 -7 cm do not apply to colloidal and form true solutions.

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    Highly dispersed or colloidal systems themselves include particles ranging in size from 10 -7 to 10 -4 cm (from 1 μm to 1 nm). In general, highly dispersed systems are called sols (from the Latin Solutio - colloidal solution, hydrosols, organosols, aerosols) depending on the nature of the dispersion medium. Coarsely dispersed systems are called suspensions or emulsions - their particle size is more than 1 micron (from 10 -4 to 10 -2 cm).

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    A colloidal solution as a dosage form is an ultramicroheterogeneous system, the structural unit of which is a complex of molecules and atoms called micelles.

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    Kinetic (sedimentation) and aggregative (condensation) stability of solutions of protected colloids, suspensions and emulsions Heterogeneous systems are characterized by kinetic (sedimentation) and aggregative (condensation) instability. Suspension is a liquid dosage form that represents a dispersed system in which a solid substance is suspended in a liquid. The suspension is intended for internal, external and injection use.

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    Emulsion is a dosage form uniform in appearance, consisting of mutually insoluble finely dispersed liquids intended for internal, external and parenteral use.

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    Solutions of protected colloids, suspensions and emulsions are turbid systems not only under lateral illumination, but also under transmitted light. They are characterized by a Tyndall cone. For technology, this property is important in terms of appearance and quality assessment of dosage forms, which are cloudy, opaque systems. There is no osmotic pressure in them, as a result of which collargol and protargol are used as local antiseptics. Brownian motion is weakly expressed, diffusion is not detected. The stability of the system depends on the presence of Brownian motion. Heterogeneous systems are unstable.


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    Heterogeneous systems are characterized by the existence of real physical interfaces between the phase and the medium. The sizes of phase particles in heterogeneous systems are so large compared to the molecules of the dispersion medium that an interface s—particles of the dispersed phase—is formed between them; f - dispersion medium; d - adsorption layer


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    1. Heterogeneity - the presence of a phase and a medium. 2. Absence of Brownian motion of particles and diffusion due to the large size of the particles. 3. Suspensions and emulsions exhibit the properties of turbid media in reflected and transmitted light. 4. There is no osmotic pressure observed in them, since the particles are incommensurate with the molecules of the medium. 5. All heterogeneous systems, due to the presence of an interface, are unstable systems, that is, they change their properties over time


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    The stability of heterogeneous systems is understood as the ability to maintain their properties and state unchanged. The stability of suspensions and emulsions is conditional; it means only a certain degree of constancy of their aggregative properties; condensation; kinetic (sedimentation) Types of stability of heterogeneous systems


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    the ability of phase particles to resist the formation of aggregates. With aggregative instability, phase particles form aggregates consisting of primary initial particles. During the formation of aggregates, the solvation shells of the primary particles are preserved


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    An aggregatively unstable system is prone to phase and medium separation. A precipitate forms in suspensions, aggregates easily settle, coalescence occurs in emulsions. Aggregation is a shallow change in the properties of a suspension; it is reversible with shaking


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    the ability of phase particles to resist the formation of condensates. In contrast to aggregation, during condensation instability larger particles are formed, while some individual properties of the original particles are lost: a common solvation shell is formed. Condensation is a deeper change in the properties of the suspension. When shaking, the original state is not restored.


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    ability to resist phase and medium separation. In suspensions, kinetic instability is expressed by sedimentation (settling) of the solid phase, and in emulsions - by coalescence (separation).


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    The sedimentation rate is a value inverse to the stability of the system and is determined by Stokes' law V - sedimentation rate r - radius of phase particles (ρ 1 - ρ 2) - difference in densities of the phase and medium g - acceleration of gravity η - viscosity of the medium


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    Stabilization of heterogeneous systems technological methods stabilizers 1. thorough grinding of dispersed phase particles 2. use of dispersion medium thickeners


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    TECHNOLOGY OF SOLUTIONS OF PROTECTED COLLOIDS In pharmaceutical practice, mainly two substances are used - collargol and protargol - as astringents, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agents for lubricating the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, washing the bladder, purulent wounds, and in ophthalmic practice.


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    Protargol contains about 7-8% silver oxide, the rest is protein hydrolysis products. A solution of protargol is prepared using its ability (due to its high protein content) to swell and then spontaneously go into solution. Protargol solutions


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    R R.: Sol. Protargoli 1% 200 ml D.S. To rinse the nasal cavity: Sprinkle 2.0 g of protargoli in a thin layer on the surface of the water. Protargol swelling and dissolution occurs. During normal shaking of protargol solutions, foam is formed, which envelops lumps of protargol due to the sticking of its particles.


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    Collargol is a colloidal silver preparation protected by the products of alkaline protein hydrolysis. About 70% of the composition of the drug is silver, the rest is a protective colloid: sodium salts of lysalbic and protalbic acids. Collargol solutions


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    Rp.: Sol. Collargoli 2% 100 t l D.S: For douching. The prescribed prescription is a liquid dosage form - an aqueous colloidal solution of a protein-protected silver preparation - collargol for external use. The volume of the prescribed solution is 100 ml, prepared in mass-volume concentration. When preparing the solution, CCO is not taken into account, because C max = 3/0.61 = 4.9%, and C% in the recipe is 2%.


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    Collargol is a greenish-bluish-black plate with a metallic sheen.


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    Due to the slow swelling of collargol, solutions are prepared by grinding in a mortar with a small amount of water until completely dissolved, followed by dilution with the remainder of the solvent.


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    Weigh out 2.0 g of collargol, place it in a mortar, grind it first with a small amount of water until completely dissolved, then dilute with the remaining amount of solvent, rinsing the mortar. The resulting solution (for the same reasons as protargol) is filtered through an ashless filter or glass filters No. 1 and No. 2, or filtered through a loose cotton swab. Dispensed in an orange glass bottle.


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    It is not recommended to use ash paper, since the iron, calcium, and magnesium ions contained in it can form insoluble compounds with protein, cause coagulation of protargol and collargol and, due to this, loss of medicinal substances on the filter. The most appropriate use for filtering is glass filters No. 1 and 2.


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    The volume of the solution is 200 ml, prepared in mass-volume concentration. Ichthyol is an almost black, thin layer of brown syrup-like liquid, with a peculiar pungent odor and taste, soluble in water and ethanol. Due to its high viscosity, ichthyol dissolves slowly, so it is recommended to dissolve it in a porcelain evaporation cup by grinding with a pestle.


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    5.0 g of ichthyol is weighed into a tared porcelain cup and, when rubbed with a pestle, first dissolved in a small amount of water, then the rest is added, the solution is filtered into a dispensing bottle through an ashless filter, the porcelain cup is rinsed with the remaining purified water. The quality of solutions of protected colloids is assessed in the same way as all liquid dosage forms.


    Dispersed systems These include heterogeneous systems consisting of two or more phases with a highly developed interface between them. The special properties of disperse systems are due precisely to the small particle size and the presence of a large interphase surface. In this regard, the determining properties are the properties of the surface, and not the particles as a whole. Characteristic processes are those occurring on the surface, and not inside the phase.

    The peculiarity of disperse systems is their dispersion - one of the phases must be crushed, it is called the dispersed phase. A continuous medium in which particles of the dispersed phase are distributed is called a dispersion medium.

    Classification of dispersed systems according to the particle size of the dispersed phase - Coarsely dispersed (> 10 µm): granulated sugar, soil, fog, raindrops, volcanic ash, magma, etc. - Medium-dispersed (0.1-10 µm): human red blood cells , E. coli, etc. - Highly dispersed (1-100 nm): influenza virus, smoke, turbidity in natural waters, artificially obtained sols of various substances, aqueous solutions of natural polymers (albumin, gelatin, etc.), etc. - Nano-sized (1-10 nm): glycogen molecule, fine pores of coal, metal sols obtained in the presence of molecules of organic substances that limit the growth of particles, carbon nanotubes, magnetic nanothreads made of iron, nickel, etc.

    Suspensions Suspensions (medium – liquid, phase – solid insoluble in it). These are construction solutions, river and sea silt suspended in water, a living suspension of microscopic living organisms in sea water - plankton, which feed giants - whales, etc.

    Emulsions Emulsions (both the medium and the phase are liquids insoluble in each other). An emulsion can be prepared from water and oil by shaking the mixture for a long time. These are well-known milk, lymph, water-based paints, etc.

    Aerosols Aerosols are suspensions in a gas (such as air) of small particles of liquids or solids. There are dusts, smokes, and fogs. The first two types of aerosols are suspensions of solid particles in gas (larger particles in dust), the latter is a suspension of liquid droplets in gas. For example: fog, thunderclouds - a suspension of water droplets in the air, smoke - small solid particles. And the smog hanging over the world's largest cities is also an aerosol with a solid and liquid dispersed phase.

    Colloidal systems (translated from Greek “colla” means glue, “eidos” is a type of glue-like) are dispersed systems in which the phase particle size is from 100 to 1 nm. These particles are not visible to the naked eye, and the dispersed phase and dispersed medium in such systems are difficult to separate by settling.

    Colloidal solutions or sols Colloidal solutions, or sols. This is the majority of the fluids of a living cell (cytoplasm, nuclear juice - karyoplasm, contents of organelles and vacuoles). And the living organism as a whole (blood, lymph, tissue fluid, digestive juices, etc.) Such systems form adhesives, starch, proteins, and some polymers.

    Micelles Micelles are a separate particle of the dispersed phase of a sol, i.e., a highly dispersed colloidal system with liquid dispersion. A micelle consists of a core of a crystalline or amorphous structure and a surface layer, including solvate-bound molecules (molecules of the surrounding liquid).

    Coagulation Coagulation - the phenomenon of colloidal particles sticking together and precipitating - is observed when the charges of these particles are neutralized when an electrolyte is added to the colloidal solution. In this case, the solution turns into a suspension or gel. Some organic colloids coagulate when heated (glue, egg white) or when the acid-base environment of the solution changes.

    Gels or jellies Gels or jellies are gelatinous precipitates formed during the coagulation of sols. These include a large number of polymer gels, so well known to you confectionery, cosmetic and medical gels (gelatin, jellied meat, marmalade, Bird's Milk cake) and of course an endless variety of natural gels: minerals (opal), jellyfish bodies, cartilage, tendons , hair, muscle and nerve tissue, etc.