Presentation on the topic in the Athens port of Piraeus. Could all free Athenians own slaves?

"Ancient Greece" - Hetera and a man. V. Serov. Phraseological phrases. 7. Mythological subjects in works of art. Prometheus. Crater Circle of the Master Antimenes Around 500 BC 5. Skithos. Hercules and the Erymanthian Boar. Verso: hetaera and young man. The ancient culture of the Mediterranean is considered the greatest creation of mankind.

"Democracy in Athens" - All citizens of Athens participated in the meeting. Demos rebels against the nobility! Oath of judges: By majority vote. Consolidation of material: Anyone with wealth could become an Archon. TEST on the topic “Nobility and demos in the Athenian polis.” Solon about his reform: What is shown in the picture? Giving the solon great power.

"Athens democracy" - In Athens schools and gymnasiums. In schools they taught reading and writing, counting and drawing. Greek philosopher Chrisippus. Greek school. People's Assembly. Development of trade. Democracy in Athens. Animal style vase (Iran). Pithos. Rights and obligations. Jury trial. Black-figure painting. In the city of the goddess Athena.

"The Birth of Democracy in Athens" - Solon's Reforms. Changes in the government of Athens. Demos requirements. Elected from the nobility and the demos Consists of the nobility and the demos Shares power with the demos The people participate in governance. “DEMOS” + “KRATOS” = DEMOCRACY (people) (power) (power of the people). The birth of democracy in Athens. SOLON - elected archon in 594 BC.

"Civilization of Crete" - Died in the 15th century BC. from a volcanic eruption. They were at a lower stage of development. Second Cretan civilization. The affiliation of the people is unknown. Crete (Cretan or Minoan civilization). In the 13th century, Achaean Greece was invaded by the Dorians. Frescoes of the Knossos Palace Working with the textbook page 66.

“Game based on Ancient Greece” - Yes, in the Athenian temple of Erechtheion, the roof of the portico was supported by statues of girls. Geography and nature Answer: From the east - the Aegean Sea, from the west - the Ionian Sea. Grain, papyrus, ivory. Catchphrases Answer: Draconian laws. Mythology Answer: Sparta 50 points. Greco-Persian Wars Answer: Battle of Marathon.

There are a total of 33 presentations in the topic

Milagina Marina Vasilievna

Municipal educational institution "Shestakovskaya secondary school"

Volokolamsk district

Moscow region

An ancient writer exclaimed:

“You’re a blockhead if you haven’t seen Athens!

If you saw it and weren’t delighted, you’re an ass!

And if you left them voluntarily, you are a camel!”

Only Athenian citizens served on warships.

Poor citizens came here to earn money.

From Egypt they brought:

linen fabrics,


They were brought from North Africa


Black Sea colonies


From the Black Sea colonies they brought:

salted fish,

clay vessels

marble statues

And what was exported from Athens (p. 173)?

silver bracelets

wine and olive oil.

The famous Greek scholar Plato considered it unjust “to enslave Greek cities and tolerate Hellenes becoming slaves of other Hellenes.”

Does this mean that Plato condemned slavery as such? When did they stop turning Greeks into slaves in Attica? In which state did the Greeks keep Greeks as slaves?

“A slave is negligent, unless the master forces him to do his work with a strict command, he himself will not take up the work willingly...”

“Beat with whips, souls, crush, burn, tear, twist joints, you can put bricks on your stomach, you can do anything.”

What was the situation of slaves in Attica?

During the Peloponnesian War, 20 thousand slaves fled from Athens to Sparta. After this, all economic life in Athens stopped. Why?

The Greek orator Demosthenes spoke of a bed-making workshop where 90 slave masters worked; Demosthenes' father had a weapons workshop in which 32 slave masters worked; the orator Lysias had a workshop for making shields, in which 100 slaves worked; the rich man Nicias had 1000 slaves who worked in the mines.

What do these facts say?

To prevent slaves from escaping, the owners locked them at night in stuffy dungeons, using collars, leg chains and hand wheels, and branding their faces with hot irons.

How does this characterize the situation of slaves?

Choose the correct answer:

And what occupation was not favored by the nature of Greece: cattle breeding, agriculture, crafts, fishing.

B\ What groups were the population of Attica divided into: Spartans and helots, demos and aristocrats, peasants and feudal lords.

The following could become a judge in Attica: any citizen, a man over 30 years old, poor people, nobility.

G\ weak and ugly child in Sparta: treated, trained, thrown into the abyss.

D\ phalanx is: a square in Athens, the military system of the Greeks, a national assembly, a city in Greece.

He abolished debt slavery: Solon, Themistocles, Leonidas, Miltiades.

The Persians in the Battle of Marathon were commanded by: Xerxes, Darius.

3\correlate: (Attica, Sparta) and (slaves belonged to the state, slaves belonged to slave owners, the slave had nothing, the slaves took part of the harvest)

Find the correct answer:

And what crops were grown in Greece: grapes, sugar cane, olives, rice, barley.

B\ in the 7th century, peasants were executed for debts, turned into slaves, and expelled from the country.

B\ correlate: (Battle of Salamis, Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Marathon) and (490 BC and 480 BC).

G\ Solon abolished: taxes, debt slavery, tuition fees.

The population of Sparta was divided into: demos and aristocracy, helots and Spartans, bourgeoisie and proletariat.

Who won the Battle of Marathon: Athens, Persians, Sparta, Athens and Plataea.

3\ Correlate: (Battle of Thermopylae, Battle of Salamis) and (at sea, on land, the Greeks won, the Persians, triremes, Leonidas won).


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