Continuity in the work of kindergarten and school. concept of continuity - continuity is like a continuous process of raising and educating a child - presentation

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 "Belekach""

in the Bavlinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, Bavly

Project on the topic:

“Continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school”

Prepared by: Yarullina E. S.



Project “Continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school”.


The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social development situation. Ensuring the success of this transition is the unity of efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers. One of the problems in preparing children attending preschool educational institutions for school is that kindergartens work according to different programs, each of which puts forward its own development indicators.

As a result, development indicators in different programs do not correlate with each other. At the same time, upon admission to school, the child is subjected to testing the level of his achievements according to completely different criteria, convenient for each specific school and often inflated. In addition, the child is deprived of the opportunity to play to his heart's content during the most fertile period for gaming activities. Schools do not have the opportunity to implement an individual program of education and correction for children with mental and physical health needs.

Problem : the system of continuity between kindergarten and school is not sufficiently developed.

Project type : information-practice-oriented

Project type

In terms of implementation period: long-term.

Target setting: educational.

Project participants :

Children of the preparatory group for school;

Kindergarten graduates (1st grade elementary school students);

Teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions;

Primary school teachers;


Target : ensuring continuity and continuity in the organization of educational, educational, teaching and methodological work between

preschool and primary education.

Tasks :

Coordinate the goals and objectives of preschool and school primary education in the conditions of the educational process;

To provide psychological and pedagogical conditions aimed at preserving and promoting health, continuity of psychophysical development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren;

Create favorable conditions for the personal development of the child and the implementation of a smooth, stress-free transition of children from play activities to educational activities;

Develop a unified strategy in working with parents;

Increase the level of professional competence of teachers.

Project implementation stages

Stage 1

Creating a developmental environment in groups:

- “Schoolchildren’s Corner”;

Corner “We read ourselves”;

Corners for games “back to school”;

Card index of various games;

Conditions for the socialization of a child: enriching ideas about the country, region, city, people, their relationships, social manifestations (profession, age, gender);

A playground for enriching creative potential, activating mechanisms of self-expression, co-creation, improvisation and imagination, where you can realize vital needs in movement.

The use of the role-playing game “School” in sensitive moments

Stage 2

Creating motivation for preschoolers to study at school.

The implementation of this stage takes place through reading books about school life, schoolchildren, their actions, which additionally makes it possible to enrich and activate vocabulary, as well as show school life from an interesting side. - In April, the school holds an “Open Day”.

Conducting monitoring “Psychological readiness for school”

School excursions are an important component of motivational readiness for school. (Children of preparatory groups get acquainted with school classrooms and school employees. These excursions are educational in nature and help to instill a sense of patriotism in children).

Introducing parents to primary school teachers.

Stage 3

Meetings with alumni and teachers:

Speech by kindergarten graduates at school parent-teacher meetings for future first-graders “We’ll be going to school soon”;

Holding a graduation party in kindergarten;

Drawing up a plan for joint work between the preschool educational institution and the school for the next academic year.

Work plan for project implementation





Coordination and approval of a plan for the implementation of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school

Seminar “Study and analysis of preschool and primary school programs and their connection.”

September October

primary school head teacher, senior teacher


Carrying out the holiday “Day of Knowledge”

1st week of September



Decorating corners in a group for the game “School” for children and parents




A selection of books about school.

Decorating the corners of books “We read ourselves” for children and parents of pupils.




Organization of an exhibition of methodological and pedagogical literature “Preparing children for school.”





Diagnostics of the readiness of children of the preparatory group for school; children of the preparatory group for school






Pedagogical advice on “Preliminary diagnosis of children in the preparatory group for school”

1. Parent meeting in the school preparatory group on the topic “Preparing children for school.” 2.Preparation for the new year and graduation.




senior teacher




Holiday "Golden Autumn" for primary school students and pre-school children.


Music worker

teachers parents


Conversations “If you are left at home alone” (safety basics). “Why go to school? " Direct educational activities.

Conversations about school. Examination of the painting “School” and illustrations on a school theme. Excursions to school, school museum, library. Reading and analysis of children's fiction about school life, memorizing poems.

Familiarization with proverbs and sayings.

Looking at school supplies and asking riddles about them. Verbal and didactic games on a school theme.

Role-playing game "School".

during a year.

children and teachers of the preparatory group for school


“New Year’s Miracle” (exhibition of drawings and handicrafts)


kindergarten studentseducators


Consultation: “Soon to school” parents of the preparatory group




Excursion of preparatory group children to school No. 7


Children, primary school head teacher,educators


Exhibition of children's drawings “My impressions of school”


children of the preparatory group


Educational leisure with elements of the theater "Road ABC" (study of traffic rules)

January February

preschool children

music teachers worker


Physical education festival “Young Olympians”.


preparatory group children and parents


Organize consultations for parents on the following topics: “Difficulties in a child’s adaptation to school and ways to overcome them,” “Harmony of communication is the key to mental health,” “Regime of a future schoolchild,” “Portrait of a first-grader.”Memos for parents “How to develop a child’s love of reading”, “Play is serious”, “Parenting with kindness”

During a year

senior teacher




Joint exhibition of creative works “My mother is the best”, “My future school”.


Children, teachers


It’s so good to have a family! (Family holiday for children of the preparatory group and their parents).


Children, teachers, parents


Workshop “Exchange of experience. Analysis and discussion of lessons at school and educational activities in kindergarten.”

April May

Teachersschoolsand preschool educational institution


Monitoring the readiness of children for schooling children of preparatory groups for school





Photo album “Our mothers and fathers are schoolchildren”; an album of school-themed riddles, proverbs and sayings; illustrations “All about school”.

April May


Consultation forparents “Back to school soon.” -Parent survey.


preschool teachers


Open day at school. Showing classes for primary school teachers.

April May

senior teacher

psychologist, educators


Speech by elementary school teachers at the parent meeting “Getting ready for school.”


Primary school teacher, psychologist.


Graduation party "Journey through the Land of Childhood."


children, parents, kindergarten teachers

Project results:

children, parents, graduates will have an interest in cooperation and partnership;

children will learn to express their feelings and understand the feelings of others;

they will become more self-confident, learn to overcome shyness, and empathize;

the adaptation period for first-graders will be more favorable;

the primary school teacher will be motivated to interact with the preschool educational institution.

children’s speech will become coherent, expressive, and their vocabulary will expand;


1. Child’s health and readiness for school: a guide for parents; Doskin V. A. ed. V. A. Doskina. – M.: Education, 2007.

2. “Let's talk about continuity”, R. Sterkina, “Hoop”, No. 1, 1997

3. “Continuity: so what’s the problem? ", E. Serbina, "Hoop", No. 1, 1997

4. “Continuity as a process of raising and educating a child,” - O. P. Mironova, “Management of a preschool educational institution” No. 2, 2003.

5. Successive connections between preschool educational institutions, schools and parents of future first-graders: Methodological manual / E. P. Arnautova, G. G. Zubova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 “Beryozka”

kindergarten No. 10 “Beryozka”

for the 2015-2016 academic year


Succession work report

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 10 “Beryozka”

municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school" No. 4

for the 2015-2016 academic year

At the present stage (in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education), there has been a shift in emphasis in understanding the child’s readiness to study at school from intellectual to personal, which is determined by the formed “internal position of the student” (the child’s ability to take on a new social role as a student). The focus is on the formed cognitive motives for learning, that is, the child’s conscious desire to learn, to learn something new, based on the knowledge already acquired. Thus, for a modern first-grader, it becomes important not so much to possess a cognitive tool, but to be able to consciously use it.

The Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” states that educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education are continuous (Article 63), and education is continuous. Continuity is ensured primarily by federal state educational standards of pre-school education and non-profit educational institutions.

Issues of continuity in the content and methodology of these documents are especially relevant for educators and primary school teachers.

A child is first included in the education system by entering kindergarten, and then for the first time comes to a new educational level - primary school. It is at this transitional moment that the continuity of institutions should become a “safety cushion”.

Comparing documents in search of common ground, we see:

The Federal State Educational Standards for Additional Education and the Federal State Educational Standards for Non-Educational Education are based on a single theoretical basis - a system-activity approach, which involves: the education and development of personal qualities that meet the requirements of modern society; formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education; active cognitive activity of children; construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

The goals of the Federal State Educational Standards of the NOO are, as it were, a continuation of the goals set by the Federal State Educational Standards of the Secondary Education. Thus, in our understanding, kindergarten is the foundation of education, and school is the building itself, where the development of educational potential and the basic culture of the individual take place.

Education both in preschool educational institutions and in primary schools is developmental in nature, taking into account the leading types of activities and forms of communication, the various characteristics of children.

The five educational areas outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education have a direct projection onto the subjects of the main educational program of primary general education.

If we turn to the portrait of a preschool educational institution graduate, we will see that in its main positions it coincides with the portrait of a primary school graduate. Teachers form the same personality traits in children.

Continuity between preschool and primary levels of education is considered at the present stage as one of the conditions for a child’s lifelong education. Continuing education is understood as the connection, consistency and prospects of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training) at each stage of education to ensure continuity in the development of the child. Undoubtedly, succession is a two-way process. On the one hand, the preschool stage, which preserves the intrinsic value of preschool childhood, forms the fundamental personal qualities of the child, which serve as the basis for the success of schooling, and most importantly, as N.N. Podyakov, preserves the “joy of childhood.” On the other hand, the school, as a successor, picks up the achievements of the preschool child (and, therefore, really knows about the real achievements of preschool childhood) and develops (and does not ignore) the potential accumulated by him.

The main task of kindergarten is to form in children the prerequisites for universal educational activities. “The Program’s targets serve as the basis for the continuity of preschool and primary general education” (excerpt from the Federal State Educational Standard for Education).

This is the essence of continuity between preschool and primary general education.

Continuity is understood as a consistent transition from one stage of education to another, expressed in the preservation and gradual change of content, forms, methods, technologies of teaching and upbringing.

In MADOU DS No. 10 “Beryozka” the implementation of continuity is carried out with MBOU Secondary School No. 4.

Three types of successive connections are put forward: work with children, work with teachers, work with parents.

One of the most important tasks for us, requiring a comprehensive solution, is the creation of a unified educational process that connects preschool and school years.

The kindergarten and school are located in the same neighborhood. This allows kindergarten children to communicate with schoolchildren every day, observe their games on the street, physical education lessons, work, and take an active part in joint activities. A succession plan is drawn up for the joint work of the school and kindergarten.

Collaboration between teaching teams is carried out at the level of planning work, analyzing the content of programs and conducting methodological and practical activities.

Before the start of each school year, we, the preschool institution and the school, enter into an agreement to ensure continuity and draw up a draft plan for joint activities for the school year. In the agreement, we necessarily indicate the purpose of cooperation, means of ensuring continuity, the rights and obligations of the preschool educational institution and the school for the academic year.

The next stage of succession work is the approval of a joint work plan between the preschool institution and the school. The joint work plan is approved annually. Drawing up and discussion of draft plans takes place in June - July so that the plan’s activities are included in the work plans for the academic year, both at school and at preschool institutions.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and schools continued to work on solving the main goal - providing high-quality preschool education by improving the system of work to create a unified educational space for the continuity of upbringing and education of children between preschool institutions and schools in the following areas:

Improving the system of improving the system of continuous preschool and primary school education;

Preservation of the specific content of forms and methods in training, education and development at the initial stage of education.

Working on the problem of continuity between preschool education and school education, teaching teams of preschool educational institutions and schools solve the main problems of interaction:

    Implementation of a single line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary school childhood, giving the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent, promising character;

    Providing conditions aimed at preserving the health, emotional well-being and development of the individuality of each child;

    Creation of a unified strategy in working with parents;

    Ensuring professional growth of teachers.

The main objects of succession work were:

    Methodological and psychological-pedagogical work;

    Working with parents;

    Educational work (connection of children's groups).

Cooperation was carried out at the level of work planning, analysis of program content and implementation of methodological and practical activities.

The work plan indicates the forms of cooperation and their content, schedules for implementation and those responsible for their implementation.

During the school year, in order to improve the professional competence of teachers of preschool educational institutions and primary schools in the implementation of modern approaches to preparing a preschool child for school education, methodological and psychological-pedagogical literature was studied, the content and requirements of preschool and primary general education programs were discussed, work plans; Pedagogical meetings and consultation days were organized.

Familiarity with the specifics of planning work in kindergarten and thematic lesson plans at school gives teachers the opportunity to exchange experiences, find optimal methods, techniques and forms of work, and introduce them to the environment and organization of children’s life and education. Such cooperation forms in teachers an understanding of the importance of the child’s development process, and not the accumulation of knowledge, helps to preserve the health of children and not infringe on their right to education, and determines the choice of methods for an individual approach to the future student. When a child goes to school, even the most successful and developed one may experience adaptation difficulties. The unknown always scares not only children, but also adults.

IN September month, teachers at a meeting of final 4th grade teachers and teachers of preparatory groups discussed tasks and directions, got acquainted with the plan of joint work.

A very important place in continuity work is occupied by educational work (connection between children's groups of preschool educational institutions and primary schools). The kindergarten, together with the school, organizes various events where preschoolers and primary schoolchildren meet (excursions, hikes, events, visits to museums, sporting events, exhibitions of children's creativity). This academic year, after the holiday held at the preschool educational institution "Day of Knowledge" children of the preparatory group took part in the ceremonial assembly at school "1 September is the day of knowledge".

Such activities increase children's interest in school more than any other activities.

IN October this month, preschool teachers conducted an information campaign: they updated the page "For parents of future first-graders" on the website of the preschool educational institution; an exhibition of methodological and pedagogical literature was organized in the methodological room of the kindergarten “Preparing children for school”; teachers of preparatory school group No. 9 Ramazanova A.T. and Rakhmanov M.R. created a corner for parents in the reception area “Soon to school!”

The traditional form of acquaintance of future first-graders with the school is sightseeing tours to get acquainted with the school’s society: classes, offices, halls, library.

IN November teacher Ramazanova A.T. together with the school teachers, she conducted an introductory excursion for the children of school preparatory group No. 9; at the end of the month, the children of school preparatory group No. 9 took part in a school festival "Initiation into first graders."

Without a close relationship with the family, the full development of a child is impossible. Work with parents was carried out throughout the school year. The work plan for continuity with the school includes various forms of work with parents: conversations, meetings, consultation days, literature exhibitions, pedagogical meetings, round tables, surveys. Meetings with teachers are of particular interest to parents.

At the beginning of the year, in preparatory groups for school, a parent meeting was held on the topic “Your child is a future first-grader”, where the main issues were: preparing a child for school, developing cognitive and creative abilities, choosing schools for future students.

IN December senior teacher Shashka O.P. together with the head teacher Vlasova I.V. organized a consultation day "School of Professional Parents" for parents of children of senior preschool age on issues of pre-school preparation . We hold a consultation day every year, teachers - psychologists of preschool educational institutions and schools answer the questions that arise from parents when preparing children 6-7 years old for school.

The interaction of the teaching staff of the kindergarten and school plays a huge role in continuity; the fundamental factors here are the search for points of contact in the forms, means and methods of preschool and primary general education within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Special Education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

In a number of events it is necessary to note the workshop “Preparing children for school through the use of educational technologies” for preschool teachers, conducted jointly with school teachers.

A promotion was held for children on the eve of the New Year holidays "Father Frost's Workshop"» making New Year's surprises with the participation of children from senior group No. 13 and first-graders from MBOU Secondary School No. 4.

IN January was organized "Round table" with the participation of kindergarten and school teachers on the topic: “Problems of adaptation of kindergarten students to the conditions of school life and ways to solve them”, during which they discussed the issues of adaptation of preschool educational institution graduates to the circumstances of school life.

Children of preparatory school group No. 9 took part in the celebration "Farewell to the ABC Book" and an exhibition of artistic and productive activities of children of senior preschool age, kindergarten and first-graders of school at preschool educational institution No. 10 “Beryozka” on the topic: "School of the Future"

For parents (legal representatives) of children of senior preschool age by teachers Ramazanova A.T. and Rakhmanova M.R. consultation held “How to develop a child’s love of reading” and seminar-workshop "Prevention of reading and writing disorders."

IN February senior teacher Shashka O.P. together with members of the methodological council, we updated the exhibition of methodological and pedagogical literature "Preparing children for school" for educators and parents. Teacher-psychologist Markova N.P. conducted a survey of parents (legal representatives) " My child is a future first-grader" based on the results of which I prepared a consultation for parents (legal representatives) “What should a future first-grader know and be able to do?”

As part of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, physical education instructor N.N. Kurmeeva spent sports activities with children from preparatory school group No. 9 and a team of first-graders from MBOU Secondary School No. 4 “We will serve in the Army...”, and teachers Ramazanova A.T. and Rakhmanov M.R. organized a visit to the school museum of “Military Glory”, which allows us to solve the issue of patriotic education of children. The children listen very carefully to the student guides and ask a lot of questions. A visit to the school library arouses no less interest in them, they recite poems and ask a lot; sports hall, assembly hall; conversations and meetings with school students who attended our kindergarten - all this makes our children want to go to school, shows interest, removes fear and instills confidence in their abilities. Children sit at their desks, attend lessons, and students always give the children hand-made souvenirs.

IN March continued to work with parents: senior teacher Shashka O.P. together with teachers Ramazanova A.T. and Rakhmanova M.R. organized a seminar-workshop “Games to prepare children for school” for parents (legal representatives) of children of senior preschool age.

Teacher-psychologist Markova N.P. a consultation was held for preschool teachers “Readiness of children of senior preschool age for schooling”.

Educators Ramazanov A.T. and Rakhmanov M.R. with children from preparatory school group No. 9 and teams of first-graders from MBOU Secondary School No. 4 held an educational quiz "Me and my rights."

IN April An open day was held in the kindergarten “Today we are preschoolers, tomorrow we are students!” for primary teachers of MBOU Secondary School No. 4 and parents of children in pre-school groups, parents and teachers attended routine moments, classes on speech development and mathematics, an intellectual and entertaining quiz on traffic rules "Red, yellow, green" with the participation of children from preparatory school group No. 9 and a team of first-graders from MBOU Secondary School No. 4. At the end of the day, a parent meeting was held for parents of future first-graders “ The child's readiness to study at school" with the participation of teachers, a teacher-speech therapist, a teacher-psychologist of MBOU Secondary School No. 4.

The main objectives of such days in kindergarten are: demonstration in practice of methods of working with children of senior preschool age, as well as the directions and areas in which our students gain knowledge; informing parents (legal representatives) about the forms, methods, and means of implementing the basic general education program.

The viewed classes and educational situations were discussed and analyzed, teachers and parents noted the high-quality work of educators in preparing children for school, the good level of intellectual and cognitive development of children.

The pedagogical skills of the teachers were highly appreciated by the school teachers. Such meetings allow us preschool teachers to focus on the requirements of the school, to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities that children need for further upbringing and education in accordance with the principles of preschool pedagogy. Teachers can rely on the knowledge, skills and abilities that the child has and organize work at school taking into account the preschool conceptual and operational level of development of the child.

IN May month, it has become a tradition to discuss the results of the work, with the participation of teachers of preschool educational institutions and MBOU Secondary School No. 4, in the 2015-2016 academic year, held in the form of a round table on the topic: “Summing up the work on continuity with the school for the past academic year. Problems. Search. Solutions". During the child’s four-year stay in kindergarten, his psychological portrait has already been determined, which is taken into account by teachers when moving to primary school. At the end of the school year, educational psychologists, speech therapists at preschool educational institutions and schools discussed the issue of the transition of preschoolers to the primary level of education.

Also traditionally, from year to year, a holiday for preschoolers is held in kindergarten "Goodbye, kindergarten" with the participation of former graduates of the preschool educational institution.

In the 2015-2016 academic year 34 graduates: 29 students plan to enter the first grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 4; 2 pupils - in the first grade of MBOU Secondary School No. 6; and one pupil at a time to enter schools No. 2, 3, 8.

Work to prepare children for school is carried out throughout the entire academic year by all kindergarten teaching staff:

Educators, music directors, physical education instructor implement a work program developed on the basis of the main general education program of MADOU DS No. 10 “Beryozka”, forming the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of children necessary for learning;

A teacher-psychologist, providing psychological support for the basic general education program, helps teachers carry out professional activities in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers, select the most effective forms, methods and means of training and education; organizes consultations with parents on issues of preparing children for education; conducts game communication situations with elements of psychological training to develop children’s motivational readiness for learning.

As part of psychodiagnostic work in preschool educational institutions, studies are carried out on the level of intellectual development and cognitive processes of children in groups of general developmental orientation from 6 to 7 years old: (preparatory groups): memory, attention, perception, visual-figurative and logical thinking.

In April 2016, a diagnostic was carried out to identify the child’s psychological readiness for school with children from general development groups from 6 to 8 years old - 34 children.

Level of school readiness of kindergarten graduates (motivational readiness) for 2013-2016.

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year

2015-2016 academic year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils


Not formed

Level of school readiness of kindergarten graduates (volitional readiness) for 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Level of school readiness of kindergarten graduates (intellectual readiness) for 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Level of school readiness of kindergarten graduates (motor-visual readiness) for 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Results of a survey of the level of development of social and communicative competence of kindergarten graduates from 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Level of social and communicative competence

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Results of a study of anxiety among children graduating from kindergarten in 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Anxiety levels

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Results of diagnostics of the level of development of self-esteem of kindergarten graduates 2013-2016.

Academic year/number of graduates

Levels of self-esteem

Amount of children, %

2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils

Optimal self-esteem

Heightened self-esteem

Low self-esteem

Results of a study of the learning motivation of kindergarten graduates from 2013-2016.


2013 – 2014 academic year year

2014-2015 academic year year

2015-2016 academic year year

72 pupils

63 pupils

34 pupils


Externally positional


Play preschool

In the 2015-2016 academic year, together with 24 pupils of a preparatory group with a general developmental orientation from 6 to 8 years old, drop out of school 10 Pupils of senior groups of general developmental orientation from 5 to 6 years old. This can explain the presence of graduates who have insufficient development of certain types of readiness for learning at school; if they had completed a training and education program in kindergarten in the preparatory group, their level of readiness could have been formed to a higher degree.

The results of a psychological examination of kindergarten graduates are consistently high; minor fluctuations in dynamics are due to the individual characteristics of their mental development.

33 pupils (97%) children have developed motivational readiness. A low level of volitional readiness is observed in 1 pupil (3%).

The high level of intellectual readiness of children for learning at school is 35% (12 pupils), average - 62% (21 pupils), low - 3% (1 pupil).

The motor-visual readiness of children is 44% high, low – 15%.

Analysis of the results of the psychological examination indicates stable positive indicators for all components of psychological readiness.

The result was achieved due to the high-quality, systematic work of the teaching staff in educating, training and preparing children for the next stage of education - schooling.

The analysis of the work carried out confirms the correctness of the chosen directions in resolving the continuity between the kindergarten and the school. They are relevant, help educators and teachers understand each other, and help our children enter the school world painlessly and calmly.

Relevance. The transition of a preschool child to the school educational environment is his transition to a different cultural space, to a different age category and social development situation. Ensuring the success of this transition is a problem of uniting the efforts of kindergarten and primary school workers. Thus, continuity should be built:

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children 5 – 8 years old;

For the common purposes of raising and educating children;

On the unity of the requirements of adults (teachers, psychologists, parents), consistent with the chosen educational program.


Creating continuity and successful adaptation during the transition from kindergarten to school.

Provide a system of continuous education taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers and first-graders.

Creating favorable conditions in kindergarten and school for the development of cognitive activity, independence, and creativity of each child.

To captivate kindergarten children with the prospect of schooling and create a desire to study at school.


To promote the strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers preparing for school.

Comprehensive development of children, allowing them to successfully master the school curriculum in the future.

Creating favorable conditions for the mental and personal development of the child.

Project type: creative mixed type.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group for school - 25 people, graduates of kindergarten (students of the 1st grade of elementary school) - 20 people, teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, elementary school teachers, parents.

Project development stages:

Duration: 1 year

Explanatory note.

Entering school is a turning point in a child’s life. This marks the beginning of a new stage in the child’s development: he will have to master forms of activity that are not always similar to previous ones, develop a different style of relationship with peers and adults, and undergo physiological restructuring.

Continuity in the work of schools and preschool institutions involves the use of all forms of continuity: study of programs, complex links, mutual exchange of experience, further search for optimal ways to improve pedagogical work, develop children's interest in classes and educational activities

Success in school education largely depends on the quality of knowledge and skills developed in preschool childhood, on the level of development of the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive activity. The school constantly increases the requirements for the intellectual development of children. This is explained by such objective reasons as scientific and technological progress; increasing the flow of information; changes taking place in our society, improving the content and increasing the importance of education; transition to education from the age of six.

The results of advanced pedagogical experience convince us that these requirements are natural, and their fulfillment is possible if teaching and educational work in kindergarten and school represents a single developmental process.

Continuity- a continuous process of raising and educating a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period, i.e. - this is a connection between different stages of development, the essence of which is the preservation of certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new state. ( Soviet philosophical dictionary) Continuity is nothing more than relying on what has been passed, the use and further development of the knowledge, skills and abilities that children have, the expansion and deepening of this knowledge, the awareness of what is already known at a new, higher level. Continuity makes it possible to solve cognitive, educational and developmental problems in a comprehensive manner. It is expressed in the fact that each lower link is prospectively aimed at the requirements of the next one. The problem of continuity in the education system is not new. K. Ushinsky also substantiated the idea of ​​​​the relationship between “preparatory education” and “methodological education at school.” And within the framework of the school reform, which provides for the transition to 12-year general education starting from the age of six, this problem has become very urgent. The key strategic priority of lifelong education is the formation of the ability to learn.

Problems of continuity: “spasmodic” changes in teaching methods and content; training at the previous level often does not ensure sufficient readiness of students to successfully engage in educational activities at a new, more complex level.

It is possible to solve the problems of continuity only when a single line of child development is implemented at the stages of preschool and primary school childhood. Only such an approach can give the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character, only then the two stages of education will act in close interrelation. In the concept of the content of lifelong education (preschool and primary level), continuity is considered as the connection, consistency and prospects of all components of the education system: goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training, ensuring the effective progressive development of the child.

The kindergarten and primary school programs provide continuity in content across all topics of literacy, mathematics and writing. The programs provide for the principles of continuity and continuity of the educational cycle in the “kindergarten-school” complex. However, if the content of school education is built in “school logic” - the logic of future school subjects, then teaching subjects that are complicated for preschoolers is practiced, objective age-related patterns of child development characteristic of preschool age are ignored, and the danger of such negative consequences as children losing interest in learning arises. . Sometimes, on the contrary, duplication of goals, objectives, forms and methods of primary school in a preschool institution can provoke a child’s negative attitude towards these subjects. The first and main requirement of elementary school is that kindergarten graduates develop an interest in educational activities, a desire to learn, and the creation of a solid basic foundation. But the school is not satisfied with the formal acquisition of knowledge and skills. Not only the quality of this knowledge is necessary, but also its awareness, flexibility and strength. Graduates of a preschool institution must consciously, with an understanding of the essence of phenomena, be able to use acquired knowledge and skills not only in the usual, stereotypical, but also in a changed situation, in new, unusual circumstances (game, work, etc.).

Primary school is designed to help students fully demonstrate their abilities, develop initiative, independence, and creativity. The success of this task largely depends on the development of students’ cognitive interests in kindergarten. The problem of developing a child’s cognitive interest is solved by means of entertainment, games, and the creation of non-standard situations in the classroom.

What should a child be taught in kindergarten, besides the program requirements for knowledge and skills? Think, explain the results obtained, compare, make assumptions, check whether they are correct, observe, generalize and draw conclusions. It is necessary to teach to notice patterns, similarities and differences, to give exercises aimed at developing attention, observation, memory, tasks of a logical nature, which are closely related to such techniques of logical thinking as analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization. One child's thinking contributes to the development of this skill in others.

The success of children's education at school is associated not only with the presence of a certain amount of knowledge in preschoolers. School education places basic demands primarily on mental activity. In this regard, the level of development of mental abilities is one of the important factors in children’s education at school.

All work with children of preschool and primary school age should be based on the principle of “do no harm” and be aimed at preserving the health, emotional well-being and development of the individuality of each child. Therefore, to solve these problems (problems), we have drawn up a program for the continuity of kindergarten and school. The project helps ensure the effective progressive development of the child and his successful transition to the next stage of education.

For a number of years, MBDOU and VSOSH have been working in close cooperation. The question of continuity dominates our work together. Kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers work in the same methodological association (MO). At joint meetings of the Ministry of Education, current problems of preschool and school education are discussed, a permanent workshop is held to study advanced pedagogical experience in the education and upbringing of students, and the system organizes mutual attendance of classes in the preschool group of kindergarten and lessons in elementary school. Positive results come from communication between the future 1st grade teacher and groups of preschoolers and their parents. It has become a tradition for teachers to attend and then hold a meeting in November with a group of kindergarten graduates. Kindergarten teachers, in turn, do not forget about their students and constantly monitor their progress.

Upon graduation from a child care institution, kindergarten teachers provide a complete psychological profile of each child and recommendations to the teacher for further work. Such work allows us to positively resolve issues of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school. The high quality of knowledge of primary school students indicates the correctness of the chosen path.

Work plan for project implementation

“Continuity in the work of MBDOU and MBOU VSOSH for the 201__-201__ academic year





Final document

Coordination and approval of a plan for the implementation of continuity in the work of kindergarten and school

Head teacher of school, senior kindergarten teacher


Kindergarten and school teachers

Succession plan

Seminar “Study and analysis of preschool and primary school programs and their connection”

September October

primary school head teacher, senior teacher

Program Analysis


"Day of Knowledge"

Kindergarten teachers

Music director, senior teacher,

group teachers

Scenario for the holiday “Day of Knowledge”

Design corners for school games in groups

Children MBDOU


group teachers

Attributes for games

Open day at school for children of preparatory groups and their parents, kindergarten teachers

Teachers, children,

parents of pupils


Administration, school teachers

Speech by the primary school head teacher about the work of the school

Make a selection of books about school. Decorate the corners of the books “We read ourselves”

children, parents of pupils


pre-service teachers groups

Organization in the methodological office of an exhibition for educators and parents of methodological and pedagogical literature “Preparing children for school”

Teachers, parents of students


Senior teacher

Annotated catalog of literature

Diagnosis of school readiness for preparatory group children

Children of the preparatory group for school


Kindergarten teachers

Primary school teachers of Secondary Secondary School No. 2 attend classes in mathematics and literacy in kindergarten

Primary school teachers, educators


Lesson notes, analysis of classes

Speech at the pedagogical council “Results of preliminary diagnostics of children in the preparatory group for school”


Senior teacher,

Preschool teachers


Statistical information on the results of preliminary diagnostics of children’s readiness for school.

Design of visual material for parents of future first-graders

Parents of pupils


Teachers of the preparatory group for school

Thematic folders

Performance by first-graders in front of preschoolers

Kindergarten children, first graders


(during school holidays"

Primary school teachers, preparatory group teachers

Photo report about the performance

Parent meeting in pre-school group

“Age characteristics of children, preparing them for school”


Primary school teacher

parents of pupils


Primary school teacher, pre-school teachers

Conversations with children: “If you are left at home alone” (basics of safety), “Why go to school”

Children and teachers of the preparatory school group

during a year

pre-service teachers groups

Conversation materials

Excursion of preparatory group children to school (exhibition of children's drawings “My impressions of school”)

Children, teachers,

head teacher, primary school teacher


Head teacher, primary school teacher

Photo report about the excursion

Album of children's drawings

Questioning of parents of preschool children




senior teacher


Summary information on the results of the survey

Consultation for educators “Motivational readiness of children for school”

Senior teacher,



Senior teacher

Consultation materials

“New Year's Miracle” (Exhibition of drawings and handicrafts). Club "Young Wizards"

schoolchildren-graduates of preschool educational institutions and kindergarten students)


Art. teacher,

primary school head teacher

Photo report

Joint physical education holiday

Children of the preparatory group and first graders and parents


Primary school teachers, preparatory group teachers

Summary of the holiday

Monitoring children's readiness for school

Children of preparatory groups for school


Teachers of the preparatory group for school

Folder (results) of diagnostics of children

preparatory school group

Workshop (round table) “Exchange of experience. Analysis and discussion of lessons at school and educational activities in kindergarten.”

Teachers of preschool educational institutions and schools


head teacher of primary school, Art. teacher

Consultation: “Soon to school”

Parents of the preparatory group


Preparatory group teachers

Material for consultation (movable folder)

Meeting of creative groups based on monitoring results


Head teacher of primary school

Senior teacher,

Preparatory group teachers


Head teacher of primary school, senior teacher

Help on monitoring results

Open day at school


Primary school head teacher, primary school teacher

Open day plan

Registration of health cards for each child of a kindergarten graduate

Children, parents, kindergarten teachers


senior nurse d\s

Children's health cards

Interview with the primary school head teacher. Analysis of the performance of kindergarten graduates for the academic year

Senior teacher,

Head teacher of primary school


Head teacher of primary school

Help “Analysis of the academic performance of kindergarten graduates”

Photo album “Our mothers and fathers are schoolchildren”

album of school-themed riddles, proverbs and sayings

illustrations “All about school”

Children, parents, kindergarten teachers


Parents, kindergarten teachers

Photo report



Children, parents, kindergarten teachers (primary school teachers are invited)


Musical Director,


Holiday scenario

"School Graduation"

Stage 1 of the project – creation of a development environment

The group created a “Schoolboy” corner; "Read for Yourself" Corner corners for school games in groups, a card index of various games, a center for science and experimentation, a children's laboratory has been opened, which is equipped with the necessary materials; a card file of experiments has been compiled. Social and moral education plays a significant role in preparing a child for school: the group creates conditions for the socialization of the child, enriching ideas about the country, region, city, people, their relationships, social manifestations: profession, age, gender.

A place has been allocated in the group space where vital needs for movement can be realized, since the development of motor skills, physical qualities, health, and mood largely depends on motor activity.

The playground provides conditions for enriching creative potential, activating mechanisms of self-expression, co-creation, improvisation and imagination.

Stage 2 – creating motivation for preschoolers to study at school

The implementation of this stage takes place through reading books about school life, schoolchildren, their actions, which additionally makes it possible to enrich and activate vocabulary, as well as show school life from an interesting side. Excursions to school.

Stage 3 – meetings with graduates and teachers

Meetings with graduates, joint celebrations, walks, attending lessons, and conversations between future graduates and teachers have become traditions in our kindergarten.

Further implementation of the project led to the organization of the “Young Wizards” circle. Children attending kindergarten and kindergarten graduates, as well as parents, jointly produce attributes for theatrical activities, make crafts, and combine them from natural, waste materials. Each class session brings joy and prevents boredom and overwork.

While working on the project, I realized that parents began to take a more active position in preparing their children for school. On their initiative, we have planned a number of events.

Results of the project:

    The children's speech became more coherent and expressive, and their vocabulary expanded.

    Children learned to express their feelings and understand the feelings of others.

    They became more self-confident, learned to overcome shyness, and empathize.

    Children, parents, and graduates have become interested in cooperation and partnership.

    The adaptation period for first-graders was favorable.

    The elementary school teacher now has motivation to interact with the preschool educational institution.

Project development prospects:

Involvement of school specialists in the project: educational psychologist


Annotation: the article substantiates the relevance of developing design competence (project skills) in students, especially indicating the need for schoolchildren to demonstrate a sufficient degree of independence in working on projects; the author emphasizes the need to develop students’ readiness for independent project activities by creating a project-based learning system in an educational institution, built on the principles of continuity;

Keywords: project, project method, project activity, educational design technology, project-based learning system, project competence, problem-solving competence, continuity, project-based learning teacher.

Design your future. Design your educational trajectory. Have you seen such slogans? Project competence or problem solving competence is in great demand in the modern world. When faced with a problem, a person must be able to find ways to solve it. But in order for this competence to be formed, students must have developed project skills and have experience in project activities. Students' design skills should develop from one completed project to another.

A short excursion into history. The project method appeared in domestic and foreign practice at the beginning of the 20th century. It arose when there was a need to make education more practice-oriented and to increase the cognitive interests of students. Also N.K. Krupskaya in her article “The Project Method” called it “a method of linking theory with practice, a system of educational work that develops the initiative of schoolchildren, accustoming them to planned work, giving them the ability to weigh all circumstances, take into account difficulties, observe, test themselves in the course of work.. " Let's give an interesting fact. D. Dewey, the founder of the project method, believed that new teaching methods would prepare students for life in a free enterprise society, and N.K. Krupskaya - to life in a socialist society. As an educational technology, the project method, after a long period of oblivion, returned to the educational practice of our country at the end of the 80s along with international telecommunications projects. I started participating in such projects in 1993. For us and the students then, the main thing in the projects of this period was the development of new computer and communication technologies. The language of international communication is English. Motivation for learning a foreign language was also high. Those who spoke it poorly quickly mastered the language. I keep in touch with my former students, participants in international projects. Many of them have become specialists in the field of IT technologies and they actively use English.

A special feature of such projects was group work in groups of different ages. She showed her productivity. If motivated, the younger ones quickly learned from the older ones. The projects were mainly social, environmental, and interdisciplinary. But by the mid-90s, a large number of telecommunications international subject projects had appeared - mathematics, biology, physics, geography. The first priority was to obtain subject increments and increase motivation for studying the subject. And although the children worked in groups and planned their work, this was, as it were, secondary.

And this secondary thing gradually came to the fore. Students' project activities ensure the formation of students' project skills, group interaction skills, presentation and reflective skills. Project and research activities of students are an effective means of forming universal learning activities for students. But this is subject to one big condition. Students must independently engage in project activities.

I want to talk about painful issues. I have been on the jury of student project competitions at various levels several times: from district to all-Russian. And there is only one problem. Insufficient independence of student projects. This is especially evident in project competitions in elementary schools. I understand that teachers are often put in a situation where competition winners are very important to them. These are additional points, a real increase in salary. And the organizers of competitions often do not think about the fact that the main requirement for a student project should be the degree of independence of work. And the criteria for assessing project work often do not take into account the age of students. The little participant in the competition cannot even pronounce what is written in his work. The appendix to the work contains graphs and diagrams, yet the student does not even know what percentages are. When asked which computer program was used to perform this or that work, at best you get the answer: “My dad did that.” At one of these competitions, I asked a direct question to the teacher who led the project: “Why is there so much in the student’s work that the teacher or parents did. And I received this answer: “And the administration of our educational institution welcomes it when students complete a project together with their parents.” So, “together” does not mean “instead.” In some schools, teachers, at a parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the school year, choose topics for students’ project work with parents and discuss the work. Students are only preparing a presentation of the work, that is, they are learning a text written for them, which they will pronounce under a presentation prepared by adults. What do we teach children? Cunning and adapting. For the sake of fairness, I want to note. A few years ago, a second-grader gave a presentation at the “Step into the Future” competition. He proposed a way to create a balloon from plastic garbage bags. It was a very interesting job. His parents said that from the age of 4 he haunted them with questions about the structure of the Universe; he read and drew diagrams. But this, unfortunately, is the exception.

Teachers who supervise students’ project work are often not competent enough themselves. Many people do not understand how project work differs from research; they do not distinguish between a project and ordinary abstract work.

The second problem is that not all students participate in competitions, while everyone needs developed design skills.

Younger students are not yet ready for independent design. The goals of elementary school are to develop students’ readiness for independent project activities. It is necessary to teach children, first with the help of a teacher, and then independently to formulate a problem and a goal for design, formulate the expected result, plan their work, imagine the progress and result of their activities. If the project is a group project, students must be able to interact with each other, distribute work, and negotiate. And only with developed design skills of at least a minimum level of complexity, students will be able to independently take part in various projects. It is necessary to create conditions at school so that design skills develop from one completed project to another. A portfolio or, as it sounds in educational standards, a student’s portfolio should contain not only and not so much certificates and diplomas, but the topics of projects, with their goals and objectives, project skills that the student has developed and a list of the independent work that he has completed.

But it is difficult for an ordinary teacher to solve all these problems. He himself must master the technology of educational design. It turns out that, firstly, preschoolers and primary school children need to be prepared for independent project activities. Secondly, teachers need training to use instructional design technology.

Only systematic work in an educational institution will help solve this problem. And for this we need a system of project-based learning in an educational institution, built on the principles of continuity. Let’s look further at the principles of creating such a system. Pakhomova N.Yu. defines project-based learning as follows: “By project-based learning we understand the entire complex of didactic, psychological, pedagogical and organizational and managerial tools that allow, first of all, to formulate the student’s project activity, i.e. teach schoolchildren how to design.” The main components of this system will be: propaedeutics in a preschool institution, the formation and development of design skills (readiness for independent project activities in primary school), the further formation and development of design skills in primary and secondary schools. An important component is also providing each student with the opportunity to gain experience in project activities. Let's consider the main tasks of project-based learning at various levels of education: in preschool, primary and secondary schools.

The goal of project-based learning in a preschool institution (DOU) is the propaedeutics of project skills. Direct educational activities in kindergarten should form children’s ideas about the concepts of project activity (plan, problem, goal, result, etc.) and an idea of ​​project skills.

In elementary school, children need to be prepared for independent design. “It is in elementary school that it is important to form the foundation of readiness for project activities, which means, first of all, the development of project skills.” To solve this problem, the “Project Activities” course for grades 2-4 (authors Pakhomova N.Yu., Suvolokina I.V., Denisova I.V.) has proven itself to be excellent. “The content to be mastered here includes: design skills, a chain of design actions, design technology, presentation skills, meta-subject skills, universal learning activities (ULA), concepts of design and presentation in a holistic educational project of a minimum level of complexity.” In the course, children learn first with the help of a teacher, and then independently formulate a problem, design goal and expected result, plan their work, present the progress and result of their activities. In a group project, students must be able to interact with each other, negotiate, and distribute work.

In primary and secondary schools, the development of project skills continues in subject project lessons and in extracurricular project activities. It is necessary to systematically form and develop students’ design skills, providing experience in project activities. The chain of projects completed by students should be built according to the principle from simple to complex. In this way, we will prepare students to independently complete an individual project in high school, which is a mandatory requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

But the teacher may not be ready to solve all these problems. He himself must master the technology of educational design. The methodological association of project-based learning, which is actively working in a number of schools, including educators, primary and secondary school teachers, can help him in this. The main goal of the association is to build a system of project-based learning in an educational institution as end-to-end continuous preparation of students for the use of project activities in various educational situations, as well as the use of design to solve various problems: personal, professional and social, as well as for self-learning throughout life. The methodological combination will help beginning teachers of project-based learning, provide an opportunity to transfer their experience to those who master the theory and practice of educational design, and solve many other pressing problems.

In conclusion, I would like to note that there is an Atlas of New Professions, on the creation of which the best experts in the country worked. Professions beginning with the words “designer” and “designer” are found there very often in a variety of industries: medicine, construction, aviation, energy, transport, etc. In the educational field, a profession such as a project-based learning teacher is indicated. We all need to strive to ensure that both educators and students meet the new challenges of the time.


  1. Pakhomova, N. Yu. Project-based learning. Publications from different years. Digest. (Text] / N. Yu. Pakhomova / Editor-compiler Kasatova S.V. / Edited by N. Yu. Pakhomova - Dzerzhinsky: DMUP "Information Center", - 2015. - 144 p.
  2. Communist Enlightenment" No. 9, 1923 article by Krupskaya "Methodprojects"), _Nadejda_Konstantinovna/_Krupskaya_N.K..html (date of access: 03/03/2016).
  3. Pakhomova, N. Yu. Assessing student success in project activities. Methodological manual and electronic observation diary on CD. (Text] + (Electronic resource] / N.Yu. Pakhomova, N.V. Dmitrieva, E.V. Kuzmina / Edited by N.Yu. Pakhomova - Dzerzhinsky, DMUP "Information Center", 2014. – 40 With.
  4. Pakhomova, N.Yu. Educational design: Methodological manual and CD with a Database of educational projects. / 3rd ed., Spanish and additional (Text] + (Electronic resource] / N. Yu. Pakhomova, N.V. Dmitrieva, I.V. Denisova, I.V. Suvolokina, L.V. Pukhova, S.V. Kasatova - Dzerzhinsky: DMUP "Information Center", 2012. - 52 p.
  5. (date of access: 03/03/2016).