Spelling vowels and root words. Spelling of alternating vowels o and a in the root of a word

When pronouncing a word, it is not always possible to clearly understand how it is spelled. For example, in the word us Oh Rit vowel O, at the root of the word, pronounced as A. But how can you check the correct spelling of this letter?

This vowel is at the root of the word - unstressed. To check it, you need to change the word or select a related word so that the stress fell on this vowel :

In some cases, therefore, it is not possible to determine how the vowel at the root of a word is correctly written using stress. These can be words with the sound o after the sibilants at the root of the word. Or words with alternating vowels: touch - touch.
We will analyze such cases and understand how to write words correctly in such cases.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word

So, if you are not sure about the correct spelling of the vowel at the root of the word, you need to:

1) determine the root in the word: b e flies – root white

2) choose a related word with the same root, in which the stress will fall on the vowel being tested: b e fliesb ely

Letter e called - queen of accents because the emphasis always falls on it. If the letter e appears at the root of a word, then the letter e is written without emphasis:

V e sleep - dreams, fly - flight, tears - tears .

Having determined with the help of stress the correct spelling of the vowel in the root of the word, we know how to write words with the same root:

pov a p V arit, varka, nava r, samova r, tea leaves

rebuilt e began– built-in e cha, counter

But even if we cannot check the stress of the vowel in the root, we can remember the spelling of this letter in one word in order to correctly write all related words with the same root.

For example, in the words: With o baka, sarai, v kzal, sta kan – to check vowels, it is impossible to find a test word at the root, but we can remember the correct spelling of one word, and we will know how to write words with the same root:

st a kan– subst and kannik, hundred kanchik

With about tank- With oh bachiy, with bakami

V about the hall– priv o kzalny, to the kzal

Words with two unstressed vowels in the root word

We learned how to check the spelling of words with one unstressed vowel at the root of the word. But what to do if there are two unstressed vowels in the root!?

For example: h about the lot, pounding, trembling

In this case, you need to select two test words with accents on the letters that need to be checked:

h about lotoy– s oh lotto, gilded

To about losin'- To oh los, kosya

tr e pe tali-tr e pet, trembling

So, we found out: in order to check the spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, you need to select a cognate word with an accent on the vowel being checked. If there are two unstressed vowels in the root, then you need to select two related words with the same root with stress on the vowels being tested.

But, these rules do not apply to words in roots whose vowels alternate:

Roots with alternating vowels

True, this topic is taught in high school, but sometimes it may be necessary to spell words correctly.

1. Roots with alternation OA;

2. Roots with alternation eAnd.

In the first case, these are roots such as:

braidcas: in the root it is written A, if the root is immediately followed by a suffix A. For example: touchtouch ;
lie - lag: in the root it is written A, if the root is immediately followed by a suffix A. For example: at positionat lag ;
clone - clan : in the root by stress it can be like O so and A, but without accent it is written only O. For example: By cloneclan ;
creation - creature: as in the previous case, the accent may be O And A, but without accent only O. For example: creatorcreature ;
gor – gar: letter A occurs only with an accent, without an accent it is written O. Example: there are mountains- behind gar ;
plav - pilaf: letter O written in just two words: swimmer And pilaf sneeze , in other words it is written A. Example: floating, floating ;
zar – zor: only written without accent A. Example: zar evostar and . Exception: Yankee star, zor to eat ;
growing up - growing up: before st And sch in words without stress it is written A. Example: growth and- grew, cart growth, nurtured; Before With without follow-up T is written O. Example: You grown up, undersized ; Exception: moneylender, rostok, Rostislav, Rostov, industry;
equal - equal: root equals written mainly in words related in meaning to the word “equal” (“same”). Example: With equal, equal . Root exactly written mainly in words related in meaning to the word “even” (“straight, smooth”). Example: under level, level ;
poppy - mok: root poppy written in words that mean “to lower something into liquid.” Example: dip, dip . Root mock written in words meaning “to become wet, to absorb liquid.” Example: get wet, get wet, get wet .

In the second case, these are roots in which the vowels e – and alternate:

ber - bir : take from– with bir ayu ;
der - dir : der et- With dires ;
mer - peace : at there are measures– y peace ;
per - feast : behind feather- behind feast ;
ter – shooting range : With rub- With shooting range ;
burnt - burnt : behind burned- behind burn ;
stel – stil : lay- under style ;
shine - shine : shineshine ;

In the given examples of verbs, the letter is written in the root And instead of e, if the root is followed by a suffix A.

Exceptions: with read, combination, phrase, marriage .

Changing the prefix in a verb does not change the spelling of the root: You take - choose, subtract - subtract at

Although it is written in the plural children, words dit yatko And dit i written with a letter And .

Spelling letters O And e in the roots of words after sibilants

In the roots of words under stress after sibilants instead of letters O is written e(e). In the event that when changing a word in this root appears e.

Example: and yo ltyy - to fly, shel - walking, shelk - shelka

If alternating with e no, then in the roots under the stress the letter o is written after the hissing ones.

Example: mazh o rny, sh O h, w oh rokh, kryzho got into it

Use of uppercase and lowercase letters.

uppercase letter lowercase letter
- Written at the beginning of a sentence, paragraph, text (I want to go for a walk. When I do my homework, I will go outside.) - Written at the beginning of direct speech (She said: “Please come in.”) - It is written in the middle and at the end of the word (mother, Russia). - It is written in the middle of a sentence if the word does not represent a proper name or some kind of name (He arrived late at night).
Written with a capital letter Written with a lowercase letter
- names of institutions and organizations, incl. international (State Duma, United Nations), - names of countries and administrative-territorial units (Great Britain, United States of America, Moscow region), - first names, patronymics and surnames (Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov) - names of historical events and holidays are proper names ): March 8, Great Patriotic War. - names of ranks, ranks (Lieutenant Popov), - words comrade, citizen Mr., Mister, etc. (Mr. Brown, citizen Petrov)

Word hyphenation rules

1. Words are transferred syllable by syllable (ma-ma, ba-ra-ban)

2. You cannot separate a consonant from the following vowel (ge-ro"y),

3. You cannot leave a part of a syllable on a line or move part of a syllable (pu-stjak, pus-tyak - correct; pust-yak (incorrect),

4. You cannot leave or transfer one vowel on a line, even if it represents a whole syllable (ana-to-miya - correct; a-na-to-mi-ya - incorrect),

5. You cannot separate ь (soft sign) and ъ (hard sign) from the previous consonant (detour, less),

6. The letter does not break away from the previous vowel (district),

7. When combining several consonants, transfer options are possible (sister, sister, sister); in such cases, such a transfer is preferable in which the morphemes are not parsed (pod-zhat).

Spelling vowels in the root.

If the root vowel is in a weak (unstressed) position, then in writing the problem of choosing which letter to write arises.

1. If it is possible to select a related word or change the word so that this vowel is stressed, then such a vowel is called verifiable. For example, pillars - one hundred foreheads; to reconcile (friends) - mi"r.

2. 2.If an unstressed vowel cannot be verified by stress, then such vowels are called unverifiable, and the spelling of words with such vowels must be memorized or checked in a spelling dictionary (potato, elixir).

3. 3.The Russian language has a number of roots with alternating vowels. As a rule, the vowel that is heard is written under stress; The choice of a letter in an unstressed position depends on certain conditions:

· from the accent - gar-gor: under the accent it is written a (zaga"r, razga"r), without emphasis - o (tanned, burn), exceptions: you"garki, and"sunburn, smoldering;

Zar-zor: without stress it is written a (zarnitsa, illuminate), under stress - what is heard (zarka, zareva), exception: zareva;

Klan-clone: ​​without emphasis it is written about (bow, bow), with emphasis - what is heard (bow, bow);

Creation - creation: without emphasis it is written about (create, creation), with emphasis - what is heard (creativity, creature), exception: at "creation;

from subsequent letters or combinations of letters:

Kaskos: if the root is followed by a consonant n, then it is written o (touch, touch), in other cases it is written a (tangential, touch);

Lag-lozh: before g it is written a (adjective, adjective), before w it is written about (application, offer), exceptions: po "log;

Rast- (-rasch-) - grew: before st and sch it is written a (grow", nasar"shchivag), before s it is written o (za"rosl, grown up), exceptions: o"brass", rostok"k, you "rostok, usurers" k. Rosto"v;

Skak-skoch: before k it is written a (jump), before h it is written o (jump “jump”), exceptions: jump “k, jump”;

From the presence or absence of the suffix -a- after the root:

Ver-vir-, -der-dir, -mer- world, -per- pir, -ter- tier, -blest- blest, -zheg-zhig, -steel- became, -reads: before the suffix -a- it is written and (collect, light, lay), in other cases it is written e (bleat, light), exceptions; combine, combination;

Roots with alternation a (ya) - im (in): before the suffix -a- it is written im (in) (jam, clamp), in other cases it is written a(ya) (jam, clamp) ;

· from the meaning: - mak-mok: -mak- is used in the meaning of “immerse in liquid, make wet” (dipping bread in milk), -mok - in the meaning of “let liquid through” (shoes get wet);

Equal- equal: -rav- is used in the meaning “equal, identical, on a par” (to become equal),

Rovn - in the meaning “even, straight, smooth” (u “level, level”);

Swim-swim-swim: o is written only in the words plover"ts and plavchi"ha, y - only in the word quicksand, in all other cases it is written ya (lavu "honor, float"k).
Spelling of vowels after sibilants and Ts

· After the sibilant consonants zh, ch, sh, sh, the vowels a, u, i are written, and the vowels i, yu, y are never written (thicket, bold). This rule does not apply to words of foreign origin (parachute) and complex abbreviated words in which any combination of letters is possible (Interjury Bureau).

· Under stress after sibilants it is written in, if you can find related words or another form of this word where e is written (yellow - yellowness); if this condition is not met, then o (clink glasses, rustle) is written.

· It is necessary to distinguish the noun burn and its related words from the past tense verb burn and its related words.

· A fluent vowel sound under stress after a hissing sound is indicated by the letter o (sheath - nozhon "n). Spelling vowels after c.

· At the root after c it is written i (civilization, mat); exceptions: gypsy, on tiptoe, tsyts, chicken and their cognates.

· The letters i, yu are written after ts only in proper names of non-Russian origin (Zurich).

· Under stress after c it is written o (tso "cat"). Vowel selection; and or e.

· In foreign words it is usually written e (adequate); exceptions: mayor, peer, sir and their derivatives.

· If the root begins with the letter e, then it is preserved even after prefixes or a cut with the first part of a complex word (save, three-story).

· After the vowel it is written e (requiem), after the other vowels - e (maestro).
The letter is written at the beginning of foreign words (yod, yoga).

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In the root -gar- - -gor- under stress it is written a, without stress - o: tan, frenzy - tanned, burnt out. Exceptions: fumes, dross, scorch (special and dialect words).
In the root -zar- - zor-, a vowel is written under the stress in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - a: glow, dawn - lightning, illuminate. Exception: dawn.
At the root -kas- - kos (n) - it is written o, if followed by a consonant n, in other cases - a: touch, tangent-touch, touch.
In the root -klan- -clone-, a vowel is written under stress in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - o: bow, bow - bow, worship.
In the unstressed root -lag- - -lozh- a is written before g, and o before w: offer, adjective - offer, taxation. Exception: canopy.
The root -mac- is found in verbs that mean “to immerse in liquid”: dip a cracker in tea, dip a pen in ink. The root -mok- is contained in verbs with the meaning “to let liquid through”: get wet in the rain, get wet what is written. The rule applies to derivative words: dipping, blotting paper, raincoat.
At the root -float- the vowel sound can be stressed or unstressed: float, buoyancy, float. The root -plov- is contained in the words swimmer and swimmer, the root -plav- is in the word quicksand.
The root -equal- is present in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par”: equation, compare. The root -rovn- - in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth”: level, coeval, level, level. Compare: trim (make equal) - trim (make even); leveled (made equal) - leveled (made equal).
In the root -rast- - -ros- is written a before the subsequent combination st (also before sch), in other cases it is written about: grow, growth - grown, thicket, shoot. Exceptions: industry; sprout, sprout, moneylender, Rostov.
In the unstressed root -skak- - -skoch- a is written before k, and before h - o: jump - jump. Exceptions: jump, gallop.
In the root -tvar- - -tvor- under the stress a vowel is written in accordance with the pronunciation, without stress - o: creature, creativity - to create, creator. Exception: utensils.
In the roots -ber- - -bir-, -der- - -dir-, -mer- - -world-, -per- - -pir-, -ter- - -tyr-, -brilliant- - -blist-, -zheg- - -zhig-, -steel- - -steel-, -even- - -cheat- is written and, if followed by the suffix -a-: collect, lift up, freeze, lock, erase, shine, burn, subtract, spread out; otherwise it is written e: take, tear, die, lock, erase, shine, burnt, deduct, spread. Exceptions: combine, combination.
In roots with alternation -a- (-я-) - -im-, -a- (-я-) - -in- are written -im- and -in-, if followed by the suffix -a-: compress - compress, understand - understand, begin - begin. Compare: attentive, conjure, remind, crush and others. In derived forms, -im- is retained, even if the suffix -a- is not followed, for example: I will remove, take off, raise, raise, and so on.

S.B. Nazhnova, Russian language teacher

Additional materials and exercises on the website "Innovative computer didactics".


The branch of linguistics in which the rules of writing words are studied is called spelling. Significant parts of words (roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings) are called morphemes. Russian spelling is studied writing morphemes: merged, separate, semi-merged (hyphen), as well as the use of capital letters and the rules for hyphenating words. The rules of spelling reflect the history of Russian written culture. Therefore, the spelling of many Russian words is based on traditional principle.

The rule for writing some words is: as we hear, so we write. This is phonetic principle writing words. The spelling of such words corresponds to their pronunciation.

However, in Russian orthography, traditional and phonetic spellings are not widespread. The spellings of most words follow a morphological principle. According to it, morphemes are always written the same way, regardless of pronunciation. For example, the roots of words in related words have the same spelling.

1.2. Vocabulary words

There are many words in the Russian language whose spelling is not regulated by spelling rules. Such words are called dictionary words. Their spelling cannot be checked by selecting related words or other dictionary forms. It is based on tradition or borrowed from European languages. Dictionary words are written according to the spelling norm, which is established not according to any rule, but specifically for a given word. This norm is recorded in spelling dictionaries.

Spelling vowels in the root

1.3. Tested unstressed vowels in the root

The spelling of unstressed vowels can often be checked by changing the word or selecting words of the same root so that the questionable sound is stressed, for example: leg - legs, run - run. In this case, the same vowel is written in the unstressed syllable of the root as in the corresponding stressed syllable in another word form or in related words: water - water - underwater. In order not to make a mistake in writing vowels at the root, You can check unstressed vowels by changing words. For example, so that the emphasis falls on a dubious sound, you can put nouns in a different case: head - head - heads. In other cases, it is possible to select related words with emphasis on a dubious sound: talk - talk, talkative; hurry - hurry.

Correct spelling of the tested unstressed vowels is necessary to distinguish between words that sound the same in oral speech.

Often, the incorrect choice of a test word leads to a distortion of both the spelling of the word being tested and its interpretation (meaning). For example, the word valley has a common root with the word dol, and not with the word dal; The verb to bless is formed from the combination good word, and not good glory.

1.4. Vowel alternation in the root

In some roots there is an alternation of vowels: dawn - dawn (alternating a - o); die - die (alternating e - i). In such roots, the unstressed vowel is checked not by stress, but by special rules. The main ones are given below.

1. In the roots gar - mountains under stress it is written A , without accent - O (tan - tanned).

2. At the root zar - zar the vowel that is heard is written under stress; it is written without stress A (glow, lightning, illuminate - dawn).

3. In the roots clan - clone, creature - creation under the stress, the vowel that is heard is written, without stress - O (bend - bow, bow - bend; creature - creativity, create).

4. At the root lag - lie written before r A, before w is written O(offer - propose).

5. Root poppy written in verbs meaning “immerse in liquid” (dip a brush into paint). Root mock written in verbs with the meaning “to let liquid through” (wet, wet, waterproof).

6. At the root float vowel and can be stressed or unstressed (float, buoyancy). Root pilaf written in the words swimmer, swimmer.

7. Root equals written in words with the meaning “equal, identical, on a par” (to compare, to become equal). Root exactly written in words with the meaning “even, straight, smooth” (to level, same age). Exception: plain.

8. At the root growing up - growing up it is written a before the combination st and the letter u, in other cases it is written O(grow, growth - grown, thickets, shoots). Exception: industry, Rostov, Rostok, Rostislav.

9. At the root skak - skoch written before k A, before h is written O(jump - jump).

10. When forming aspect pairs of some verbs (perfect and imperfect forms), there is an alternation of sounds in the root o - a: to be late - to be late, to prick - to prick, to assimilate - to assimilate.

11. For some words in which the vowel sound is stressed, the following spelling options are possible: stipulate - stipulate, concentrate - concentrate, empower - authorize, challenge (obsolete) - challenge.

1.5. Vowels o - e after sibilants at the root of the word

After the sizzling f, h, w, sch under the stress, e or е is written in the root (although the sound o is pronounced), if e is written in related words or in another form of the same word (yellow - to turn yellow, silk - silk).

In words of foreign language origin after hissing words, it is possible to write about in an unstressed syllable: jockey, juggler, shock, chocolate, highway, driver, Scottish. In proper names, the spelling about after hissing is found both under stress and in an unstressed syllable: Georges, Pechora, Sholokhov, Shchors, Shostakovich, Chopin, Giordano. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of the nouns burn, arson and the verbs burn, set fire (The fireman received a burn. The fireman burned your hand.)

1.6. Vowels after the letter c

1. Consonant sound ts in Russian it is always hard. Therefore, after it it is written a (not ya), y (not yu). Deviations from this rule are found in geographical names and foreign-language surnames (Zurich, Kotsyubinsky). However, according to tradition, after c it is customary to write e (not e), although after a hard consonant one hears [e]: goal.

2. Vowels o - e after c they can alternate. Then, in accordance with the pronunciation, o is written under stress, and e is written in an unstressed syllable: dance - dancer, tsk - tsk. However, in some borrowed words, under the influence of the source language and in an unstressed syllable, o is written: duke, mezzo, scherzo.

3. Vowel spellings i-s after ts based on different spelling rules. Contrary to the pronunciation in the roots of some words, u is written after c: quote, figure. These are words borrowed from Russian, and their spellings are influenced by their source languages. Some native Russian words also do not obey the general rule: chick, gypsy, chick, on tiptoe.

Spelling of letters e, y

2. Letters at the beginning of words uh And e written according to pronunciation: this, echo, eat, go, food.

3. In the middle of words after consonants it is written e :adequate, dandy, lady, stand. Exceptions to this rule: mayor, peer, sir(as well as derivatives from these words: city hall, peerage) and some proper names: Bela, Bacon, Ulan-Ude and etc.

4.Vowel uh preserved after a consonant: in a prefix (save, unexamine), in complex, compound words and abbreviations (three-story, quintessence, political economy, NEP).

5. As a rule, after the vowel it is written e : diet, sharp, requiem. Writing uh after and occurs only in complex foreign words ( polyester), as well as after prefixes on and ( anti-aesthetic).

6.After the remaining vowels it is usually written uh according to pronunciation: duel, duet, canoe, maestro, poetry, silhouette. Exceptions to this rule: project, projection, registry and etc.

7.Letter th at the beginning of the word it is written if it is a borrowed word or a proper name: yogurt, iodine, New York.

I. Tested unstressed vowels

Unchecked unstressed vowels

Try on (suit) - measure, Reconcile (neighbors) - PEACE.

Note: Unstressed vowels o – a in the roots of SV verbs cannot be checked using NSV verbs with suffixes -ыва-/-iva-, since in these verbs there is usually alternation of vowels o – a (to be late is late, but to be late).

Badminton, cabbage roll, kalach, vinaigrette, vestibule, etc. - spelling is checked in the dictionary.

II. Roots with alternating vowels

Spelling depends

from stress

The spelling depends on the root consonant

Writing depends on

suffix A

Spelling depends

from the value


O // A

1. Unstressed O

1) -gar-/-gor-: tan – sunbathe

Excl.: fumes, fumes, scorch, soot

2) -clan-/-clone-: bow, bow – bend over;

3) -tvor-/-tvar-: creature – to create

Excl.: utensils

2. Unstressed A

1) -zar-/-zor-: dawn

Excl.: dawn, dawn, dawn.

1. -LAG-/-lie-: offer – offer

Excl.: canopy

2. -skak-/-skoch-: jump – jump out

Excl.: jump, jump, jump (pov. n.), jump (adverbial) – from the verb jump

3. -GRAST-, -RASH-/-ROS-: growing, grown, grown

Excl.: industry, Rostok, Rostov, moneylender, Rostislav, teenage, for growth

1. E // I + -A-











take - put away

Excl.: roasting, arson, burning;

combine, combination, couple

2. O // A + -A-

Kos-/-kas- +A: touch – touch

1. -mac-/-mok-

Mac- = immerse in liquid:Dip pen into ink.

Mok- = absorb, pass liquid through:Blotter. Get wet in the rain.

2. -equal-/-equal-:

Equal- = equal, identical: the equation

Level- = even, straight, smooth:level; trim your hair.

Excl.: plain, level, Be equal! catch up with..., equally, level.

1. -swim-/-swim-/-swim-/

Swimmer, swimmer, swimmer;

and in other cases - a: float, fin, floating device.

2. Letter and in combinations - in -, - im - written if the root is followed by a suffix - A -, in other cases the letter is written in place of these combinations a(s): shake - shake, start - start.

1) spelling unstressed vowels ;
2) spelling of roots with alternating vowels ;
3) use ;
4) spelling of vowels after sibilants and
ts; 5) vowels s/i after the consoles.

III. Use of the letter E

Vowel letter e used primarily after soft consonants and at the beginning of a word, after vowels, if it denotes two sounds [j] + vowel ( food, local historian ). At the same time, according to tradition, in many words after hard consonants and after vowels (where there is no sound [j]) e is also written, not e.

When choosing a vowel, you should use the following rules:

Written E

It's written E

1. In foreign words after a consonant, for example:muffler, stand, lady, dandy, Mary.

1. After consonants in some foreign words: mayor, sir, peer and derivatives from them ( mayor's office, peerage ), in some proper names:Bacon, Bela, Ulan-Ude.

2. After a vowel and, for example:diet, requiem, caries.

2. After vowels (except i), e is written in accordance with pronunciation, for example:silhouette, poetry, duet.

3. In words: project, projection, register, extravaganza.

3. At the beginning of a word, in accordance with pronunciation, it is written e (this, exam, floor, economics) and their derivatives (exam, save).

IV. Spelling of vowels after sibilants and Ts

1. Vowels a, u, i, e after sibilants After hissing (f, sh, h, sch ) letters are not written I, yu, s, uh , but are written according to tradition a, y, i, e (sting, w k, giraffe, rod; hut, joke, awl, six; seagull, miracle, tweet, honesty, sorrel, pike, cabbage soup, heck). Exceptions: brochure, jury, parachute, as well as proper names of foreign origin, for example:Jules Verne, Siauliai, Longjumeau, etc..

2. Vowels e – o in the root after sibilantsUnder stress after sibilants it is written: e , if you can find a cognate word with e (yellow - yellow, whisper - whisper); O , if it is impossible to find a cognate word with e.

On the highway the car was speeding. Sat in the cockpit chauffeur , and in the back they were shakingprim Scotsman, former Majordomo, Zhora the Glutton, jockey, juggler and saddler . Everyone was busy with their own business. Zhora ate chocolate and washed it down with a crochon. The juggler juggled gooseberries trying to string it on cleaning rod Jockey with saddler agreed on new blinkers for a horse. Scotsman primwas silent, closing his eyes hood . Zhora suggested clink glasses. He was in a mood major as if he was on his way to have fun show

Suddenly there was a rustling sound. It was the glutton who burst the seam on his shorts . Everyone, of course, was shocked.

Thicket, slum, rattle, pulp, zhokh (rascal), heartburn, Borjomi, dude, gherkin, chauvinism, burn, arson(nouns: hand burn , but the verbs: burned, set fire: burned my hand).

3. Use of vowels after C

After c letters are written according to tradition y, a, e: kingdom, price, price. Letters e, yu, i after c found only in foreign words: Drutse, Zurich, Qiannan, etc..

After c in the roots of words it is written:compass, exercise, number, etc..

Exceptions: The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!”

After c letters are written under stress o and e according to pronunciation:plinth, aim, church.

After ts it is written o in the word tsokat and its derivative clatter , as well as in some foreign words:duke, mezzo, palazzo and etc ..

V. Vowels ы/и after prefixes

1. After prefixes ending in a vowel, the letter And written according to pronunciation: re and play, po and sk, archi and interesting.

2. After Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, instead of and it is written s:

and to search - to seek, to seek, searching, searching; and gla - without needles; and skus - without yummy, without y artificial; and then - to sum it up; and next - previous; and me - nameless, nameless; and action is without principle, and initiative is without principle proactive; history - pre y history; and infarction – pre-infarction; And interesting - not without You're interesting.

Notes 1. After consoles over-, inter- the letter is saved and : over and exquisite, over interesting; between and institutional, between and irrigation.

2. After all borrowed prefixes ending in a consonant(dis-, counter-, pan-, post-, sub-, trans-), the letter and is written: dez and infection; counter and gra; Pan and Islamism; post and infarction, sub and inspector; trans and indian.

3. Spelling and and s after prefixes does not apply to the writing of compound words, the first part of which ends in a consonant, followed by a letter and: sports and equipment, sports and gra, fin and inspector.