Constant doubts about everything. Psychology is simple


34 years old, no children. I live alone.

The problem is this: I doubt everything and it prevents me from doing anything. For example, making important decisions in life, finding a job, meeting a girl and building a relationship, and other various moments. I try to analyze everything, collect information, and I think about it endlessly, making mountains out of molehills. The usual result of deliberation is to find evidence and believe in it, or, in extreme cases, invent and convince yourself of its correctness.

I see my problem in the fear of taking responsibility for actions, the fear of leaving the comfort zone. Fear of making the wrong decision, making a mistake and looking stupid - inflated demands on oneself, dependence on the opinions of others, seeking approval. This has been happening for a long time, probably since I was 12-16 years old. It is natural that the older you get, the more problems this creates.

It is difficult to say about the reasons, perhaps due to self-doubt and low self-esteem, the latter began to decline from school; I always needed more time to learn the material than others. He had difficulty remembering new information, was slow and withdrawn, avoided communication and all kinds of events, and took any conflicts and disagreements personally. I think I was not like everyone else, I always compared myself with others. When you are not like everyone else in the class, it negatively affects your self-esteem.

What I worry about in connection with this problem is that life stands in one place, nothing changes except the routine, when the result is guaranteed and no special effort is required. Fatigue, weakness, possibly depression.

How I feel about this problem - I try to act, despite doubts, it is often emotionally exhausting, because you cannot be prepared for absolutely everything in life. As a result, I get nervous and get tired faster. In my doubts, I always foresee a negative scenario and try to prepare for it in advance. In reality, things are rarely as bad or not bad at all as I imagined.

Now I’m wondering how to stop doubting everything and expecting bad/negative results? How can I stop being afraid that I can’t handle it? Do not underestimate yourself and your skills - this apparently relates to self-esteem.

I see your help - I would like to understand how to increase self-esteem, figure out what to do with doubts that paralyze the will, desires, and instead give rise to fear of everything around and a desire to avoid life.

March 19, 2018


Hello, Aleksgrov.

find a job, meet a girl

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The usual result of deliberation is to find evidence and believe in it, or, in extreme cases, invent and convince yourself of its correctness.

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I doubt everything and it prevents me from doing anything. For example, making important decisions in life

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I see my problem in the fear of taking responsibility for actions, the fear of leaving the comfort zone

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Fear of making the wrong decision, making a mistake and looking stupid - inflated demands on oneself, dependence on the opinions of others, seeking approval

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It is difficult to say about the reasons, perhaps due to self-doubt and low self-esteem

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What do you think about yourself?

When you are not like everyone else in the class, it negatively affects your self-esteem.

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avoided communication and all kinds of events, took any conflicts and disagreements personally

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life stands in one place, nothing changes except the routine, when the result is guaranteed and no special effort is required.

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You can’t be prepared for absolutely everything in life.

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Now I’m wondering how to stop doubting everything and expecting bad/negative results? How can I stop being afraid that I can’t handle it?

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I would like to understand how to increase self-esteem

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then do with doubts that paralyze the will, desires, and instead give rise to fear of everything around and the desire to avoid life.

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March 19, 2018

However, do you have a job?
Have you ever had a relationship with a girl, and what did you learn from it?

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I haven't worked for over a year. I can’t find a job, although there is plenty to choose from and I’m sure I could find one. I doubt the right choice, fear that I won’t cope, I’ll be nervous, worry, I want to escape from all these feelings.

There was no relationship. Met - yes. Sometimes I don’t like me, sometimes there is no common ground. Sometimes I ended communication out of fear of being responsible for the relationship. Sometimes the girls stopped communicating, because I completely don’t know what to do, I don’t feel the situation, I’m trying to logically understand what needs to be done in this or that case.

You are probably not talking about the result, but about the motive for deliberation. So what do you ultimately find evidence of and what do you convince yourself of: to take risks and do it, or not to do it?

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Yes. I find it difficult to answer, both options exist. I take risks more often when I am under pressure from some external circumstances. Don't do it - when, there is no pressure. The second option is closer - not to do it. It is important that I always imagine how I am justifying myself to someone for my choice, why I did it this way and how I justify it.

What important decisions are you avoiding right now? Avoiding these decisions that you choose; and what is the most important and important thing in this choice for you? (that is, why are you avoiding).

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Get a job and that it is important to be interested in your profession. While I’m searching, I can learn, follow trends, and improve my knowledge. Instead, I choose entertainment: reading on the Internet, movies, thinking about everything that has nothing to do with reality. The most important thing in this is a feeling of calm, absence of fears, comfort, forgetting about problems and affairs.

When you don’t take responsibility, who do you shift it to? (it must definitely be on someone; it doesn’t happen that it’s on no one). If you take responsibility for yourself, what will happen?

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Rarely on relatives, and since there is only routine in life, I mostly cope on my own. What I don’t do lies like a dead weight, I put it off for later. The responsibility still lies with me, but I don’t make decisions.

Whose approval are you looking for now? Who are you afraid of looking stupid in front of?

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Approval from former work colleagues and relatives. I try not to think about it.
Now I’m afraid of looking stupid in front of my friends and former colleagues. And just peers.

What do you think about yourself?

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I'm fine. Except that it’s as if I purposely do everything differently from normal people. I agree that my views and actions are sometimes absurd, even for myself - for example, reinventing the wheel. I know what to do, but I don't do it. Fear of the unknown. The need for the safety of everything and everyone in an unchanged state, because it is easier and more convenient to navigate and creates a feeling of calm and comfort. Now I’ve started paying less attention to it, life has become better.

If you think that others have lowered your self-esteem, then you have no chance of changing your attitude towards yourself. If you pay attention to the fact that you are doing this to yourself for some reason (why?), then a chance will appear.

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Noticed. I do this so that others can decide everything for me, solve my problems, and I just have fun. It's easier to live this way. It is possible that this somehow happens unconsciously. I myself don’t allow this to be decided for me, but I don’t do it myself, or I do it with difficulty.

And now you behave the same way?

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Yes, but less pronounced, again it takes effort to go somewhere to relax or just chat, the upcoming thoughts about this make your pulse quicken, your blood pressure rises, your thoughts get confused, I feel like I conveyed my thoughts incorrectly, didn’t say what I wanted wanted or said the wrong thing. As a result, negative emotions and impressions, after which the desire to communicate with someone disappears, a vicious circle.

Perhaps there is something good in this for you? Think about this good thing for yourself, about what you live for exactly this way.

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Yes, sure. The good thing is that I quickly navigate what is familiar to me. I know what and how to do, because I know what the result will be, this makes me calm, calm because I am ready for it and know how to react, that is, there are no surprises, I am not afraid of anything. If this is not so, then I fall into a stupor and get lost. I can't get my bearings. Then laziness appears, laziness because I don’t know what the result will be, there is no incentive to do something in which you don’t see 100% of the expected results.

What need do you have to be prepared for anything?

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Knowing how to react or act, what to do, fear, if you’re not ready, it means I can’t handle something. The situation doesn’t work out, I don’t feel it and I have doubts, I need to double-check everything in a calm environment – ​​alone.

What answers do you have to these questions now?

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I do not know for sure. Collect the facts for and against, evaluate the consequences of a right and wrong decision, turn to past experience, the experience of other people, and start doing it. Good or bad results are the result of experience, that is, you need to do it and see what happens, or find someone who has already had experience in a similar situation. In any case, a good or bad result makes it possible to work further in the chosen direction. This is easier written than done.

Self-esteem is not some mechanism in you, but what you do to yourself: how you treat yourself, how you think about yourself; whether you support yourself or betray yourself.

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Everything is exactly the opposite: fear gives rise to your doubts; and doubts serve to avoid what you fear.
The path of psychotherapy: the study of fear (this is also not a certain mechanism in you, but what you do with yourself and your life) - that is, turning your face to it, paying attention to feelings, to meanings and meanings, to choices; and - practice living according to what you find along the way. How interesting and necessary is this path to you?

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March 19, 2018


I haven't worked for over a year. I can’t find a job, although there is plenty to choose from and I’m sure I could find one.

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I doubt the right choice

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fear that I won’t cope, I’ll be nervous, worry, I want to escape from all these feelings.

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Sometimes I ended communication out of fear of being responsible for the relationship.

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Sometimes the girls stopped communicating, because I completely don’t know what to do, I don’t feel the situation, I’m trying to logically understand what needs to be done in this or that case.

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It is important that I always imagine how I am justifying myself to someone for my choice, why I did it this way and how I justify it.

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Who are your judges? I assume that either mom or dad... What kind of mom is yours? What is your relationship with them, what is your relationship?

I take risks more often when I am under pressure from some external circumstances.

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Get a job and that it is important to be interested in your profession.

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The most important thing in this is a feeling of calm, absence of fears, comfort, forgetting about problems and affairs.

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The responsibility still lies with me, but I don’t make decisions.

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The need for the safety of everything and everyone in an unchanged state, because it is easier and more convenient to navigate and creates a feeling of calm and comfort. Now I’ve started paying less attention to it, life has become better.

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Well, you already have experience and knowledge. Use it. If the most important thing for you is that it be simpler, more comfortable, calmer, then everything will remain that way. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Except that it’s as if I purposely do everything differently from normal people.

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Not “not like normal people,” but despite himself, as long as it was quiet and calm.

There is interest. I would like to figure out the problem.

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March 19, 2018

In this case, is it still “I can’t” or “I don’t want”? Honesty with yourself is the first step to solving the “unsolvable problem.”
Who supports you now if you haven’t worked for a whole year? Or do you still have savings and live on them?

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Yes, I still don’t want to. I like working. Fear of making a mistake in choosing a company and staying in a job you don’t like, after you’ve already gotten used to the work and the team. Again looking for something else, again stress and anxiety. But I don’t see any other choice, so I’ll take it easier on what’s happening. Yes, as long as you have savings.

1) How do you know if the choice is correct?
2) What is the “right choice” anyway? Which choice is right?

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The choice is correct when the industry is interesting, the strengths are used more often than the weaknesses, and there is not a lot of communication, but mainly with a small circle of colleagues. - this is the main thing that is important. For me, the right choice is to avoid conflicting people or situations; they primarily affect the emotional state and ability to work. I am bad at working with conflicts and defending my position, my personal boundaries. The right choice is to trust your own feelings and go with the flow, adjusting the course along the way - so to speak, you won’t know until you try.

And what will happen if you are nervous, worried, and even if you “can’t cope” (has it already happened that you couldn’t cope?)?
Notice how it turns out: you want to run away from unpleasant sensations, but you run away from your life.

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When I’m nervous and worried, I start to doubt whether I’m doing the work correctly (someone else or a colleague could do it faster and better than me), and what if I don’t do it on time. Then I start rechecking everything several times. This is some kind of psychological pressure on oneself. Overall I'm coping. It happened that I couldn’t cope with something new and therefore subconsciously I wanted to do something that I already know how to do, but I couldn’t cope with something new and would let someone down. If I can’t cope, then there are people who understand the reasons, discussed and resolved the situation. And sometimes people are hysterical, under their influence you feel guilty and make excuses - this is my problem.

Yes, that is right - " from unpleasant sensations, but you run away from your life."

Explain what you mean.

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I mean, choose a place to go, how to spend time, what to do, what to talk about. Usually this happens on the basis of your own feelings, and not just your head; this is a natural process of manifestation of your own desires and needs. It’s like I purposely avoid it, and then I regret it. And without a doubt, nowhere, just like with work, what if this person doesn’t suit me or I make a mistake in my choice.

Yeah, this is already more specific and clear what you are doing and what you are not doing.
So explain: what to do in order to do what?

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Be interested, be open, tell about yourself, be yourself. Instead, I wonder when I will finally go home to safety.

Are these your judges? I assume that either mom or dad... What kind of mom is yours? What is your relationship with them, what is your relationship?

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Mom, had high demands on me, more often pointed out shortcomings, put the interests of other people above her own, and I have the same quality. Now I have a good relationship with her, as well as with my dad. Not necessarily parents, but sometimes a boss at work. Or just acquaintances. Maybe an excuse arises to prove one’s correctness, competence, and to create a good opinion of oneself in others.

Therefore, if you want to be more active, what do you need to consciously provide for yourself as a helping factor?

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Are you interested in your profession? Did you choose it yourself or were you “helped”?

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Yes, it's interesting. The only thing that gets in the way is my psychasthenic organization, so I want to find a direction within the profession that will allow me to use my characteristics for the benefit of people and myself. I choose “helped” in a good way; I’ve had an interest in the industry since school.

As long as this is the most important thing for you, you are unlikely to budge. Life is pain and anxiety.

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It seems to me that life is simple, people create problems for themselves. They swear, conflict, cannot give in, etc. Is pain and anxiety normal?

Therefore, it is not yours... Responsibility, and indeed life in general, is not subject to slogans and declarations. If you are aware of your responsibility, this means that you take actions that correspond to your understanding of responsibility.
What actions you take, so is your understanding of responsibility..
What is this all about for you? In your “mouth” it gives the impression of unbearable heaviness. What do you mean by this word?

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Yes exactly. Responsibility = something I can’t handle or may not be able to handle. And if I can’t cope, then I won’t take it upon myself, that is, do anything in the direction of responsibility.

And if it’s more difficult to do, does that mean it’s better not to do it at all?

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Yes. There will definitely be problems and difficulties. It would seem better to do nothing.

It is clear from everything that you have a psychasthenic organization (you know this yourself), but this in itself is not a problem: everyone has one or another organization (by the way, I am also psychasthenic). You can take into account your characteristics and learn to use them for life, and not against it. If you have an interest and desire to understand, I invite you to psychotherapy. Since your difficulties cannot be solved through advice, especially written advice. Regular communication is necessary, and it is also advisable for you to participate in a therapeutic group.

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I'll keep it on mind. Your answers also help, albeit in writing.

March 20, 2018


Responsibility = something I can’t handle or may not be able to handle. And if I can’t cope, then I won’t take it upon myself, that is, do anything in the direction of responsibility.

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It seems to me that life is simple, people create their own problems

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Is pain and anxiety normal?

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Yes, it's interesting. Only my psychasthenic organization gets in the way

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Therefore, I want to find a direction within the profession that will allow me to use my characteristics for the benefit of people and myself.

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Regularly maintain in yourself the quality of taking reasonable risks. Weighing the pros and cons, what will happen if it works out, and what will happen if it doesn’t work out. Expect positive results, but be prepared for others.

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Be interested, be open, tell about yourself, be yourself.

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Instead, I wonder when I will finally go home to safety.

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But you don’t want a girl, you want to go home. And they are not busy with her, but with how you can leave as quickly as possible. Of course, the relationship doesn't work out.

The choice is correct when the industry is interesting, the strengths are used more often than the weaknesses, and there is not a lot of communication, but mainly with a small circle of colleagues. - this is the main thing that is important. For me, the right choice is to avoid conflicting people or situations,

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You are confusing choices and life circumstances. Circumstances are what you live in; they do not always depend on you in everything. Choice is an internal action that ensures your position in circumstances, your behavior in them.

Fear of making a mistake in choosing a company and staying in a job you don’t like, after you’ve already gotten used to the work and the team.

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What if this person is not right for me or I make a mistake in my choice.

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Yes, that is right - " from unpleasant sensations, but you run away from your life."

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Again looking for something else, again stress and anxiety.

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March 20, 2018

It is not yet clear what you mean by this word. Give your definition: responsibility is...

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Where have you seen simple life? In general, even the fact that you would like it to be simple and avoid complications indicates that you know how difficult it is.

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Of course. These are the main conditions of life (including the main conditions of everything good in it).

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Your “psychasthenic organization” by itself cannot interfere with anything. What is stopping you is what you are looking for, what or who to blame for what is difficult and scary for you.

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Your behavior looks contradictory, and therefore allows you to think that you are deceiving yourself with the “right words.” Why, instead of looking for this direction, have you not been working at all for a year?

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Because employers do not have vacancies that would be primarily suitable for me. This does not happen, although I would like it to. I want life to adapt to me. But if it were possible, then I wouldn't have to do anything myself. Then why would you live if you don’t need to do anything?

1) Speak as if the right words... But why do you need them if they are empty for you? So this is some kind of knowledge...
2) To take risks, there must be a need for it (when it is impossible not to take risks). There is no feeling that you have it.
Why take risks if you can sit at home in peace without risk? They do not seek good from good...

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Yes you are right. This is to believe in something, to follow something. It would probably be more correct to believe in yourself, and not in words that personally mean nothing, but only provide a small incentive to action.

Yes, there is no need for risk. It’s more of a duty, you need money to have something to live on, which means you have to find a job. Will the desire to take risks appear when there is nothing to live on? In general, the idea is clear.

All this is secondary. The main thing is to do what you want. After all, this girl is what you want, she is your business (this is if you want her, of course).

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Yes, that is right. Understood.

But you don’t want a girl, you want to go home. And they are not busy with her, but with how you can leave as quickly as possible. Of course, if the relationship doesn't work out.

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Lack of experience affects communication with girls in terms of relationships, hence the lack of confidence and desire to get out of an unpleasant situation.

You confuse choices and life circumstances that are pleasant for you. Circumstances are what you live in; they do not always depend on you in everything. Choice is an internal action that ensures your position in circumstances, your behavior in them.

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I'll think about it. You need to realize. For me, a choice is either right or wrong... Right or wrong, is this a consequence of choice?

Who can leave you in a job you don’t like, even after you’ve gotten used to the team?
It is IMPOSSIBLE to make a mistake in choosing a company!
A choice can only be made or not made (which is also a choice).
Yes, you may not like the company you joined. This is not a mistake of choice! It's just a fact of life - I didn't like it - that personal experience gives you. And you are still free to choose; fortunately, we no longer have serfdom, and now you already have something to rely on in further elections (personal experience).

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Nobody, I'm the one leaving them. Unless you have to break with your habits that have developed during your work.
It's clear.

How can you make a mistake in your choice if this choice is YOURS? Now, if it’s not yours, then yes... But why should it not be your choice, why should you try to guess someone else’s choice, and not make your own? It is impossible to travel through your life sitting in someone else's sleigh.

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Yes, then it turns out that someone else will live for me. Making choices for me.

Let's say you agreed. And... What does this mean practically for you?

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You must not avoid situations that cause discomfort: uncertainty, fear, anxiety, which are integral components of living your own life. But on the contrary, learn to solve them and live your own life accordingly.

All life is stress and anxiety. You either accept it and learn to live, or you hide in a hole and suffer even more from unfulfillment, meaninglessness, failure, etc., etc.

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March 20, 2018


The ability to undertake obligations to carry out any actions aimed at achieving certain results.

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If this is, first of all, about obligations to others, then it is not surprising that it causes a feeling of heaviness. Commitments are obligations. And responsibility is responsibility.

Responsibility is the response of your life to its appeal to you - it is attention to your needs and concern for their satisfaction. Without this, you will not be able to fulfill any obligations to others (without realizing why you need this - what needs you will satisfy with this).

I wish it were so. But in reality it's not like that.

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As long as you want a fake world, the present will be very uncomfortable.

You mean, if there were no bad things (pain and anxiety), then there would be no good things, because if there is only good, then there is no bad. And if there is no bad, then there is no need for good, since it always exists. This means that all situations and events would be the same and devoid of any meaning? I didn't think about it...

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And this, of course, too. But not in the first place.
First of all,
1) Pain and anxiety are not “bad”, they are real.
2) All this has a more fundamental relationship to life: not philosophical, but physical, bodily. If you do not feel pain (for example, from a bruise), then you will not be able to feel pleasure (for example, from an orgasm). Pain is just evidence of our sensitivity. And anxiety is also just a signal that the satisfaction of some needs is under threat. You wouldn’t blame an alarm system for being bad when it fulfills its function by signaling you, would you?

Somehow I can’t even imagine life without this and what would I do then? Someone always interferes with me, does not do what I need. For example, the same employers with vacancies that are not suitable. Or girls who themselves cannot meet me and do everything for me.

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This is a very important place for your personal research (independent or in the process of psychotherapy): how and why you shift responsibility for your life from yourself to others; why would you make others guilty; and why should you make yourself guilty/bad.

Our whole life largely depends on our decisions. Everyone understands this, but not everyone manages to make the right choice.

At times we feel like we are at a crossroads and don’t know how to make the right decision. In some situations, intuition helps, but in most cases you have to be guided by cold reason and common sense.

A few simple but effective tips will help you learn to make decisions even in the midst of the most complex and seemingly insoluble problems.

So how do you make a decision when in doubt?

1. Expand your boundaries.

One of the main mistakes that prevents you from making a choice in favor of one option or another is. We set rigid boundaries ourselves, and then try to get out of them. What are we talking about, and how to learn to make decisions?

For example, you live with your parents and decided to buy a separate apartment, but at the moment you do not have enough funds to buy a two-story mansion. Two main options immediately arise in your head: buy a mansion on credit, or stay with your parents and continue to collect the required amount.

But there is another way to make a decision - a possible alternative. For example, buy cheaper housing, move there and save for a more expensive option. This way, you will avoid problems associated with credit and living with relatives.

The first thing you need to do to learn how to make a decision is to expand the boundaries without focusing on extremes.

Even the wise Solomon once said:
“He who is hasty will stumble.”

How many times have we made the wrong choice in a hurry and then regretted it?

Before you make the right decision, calm down as much as possible and carefully weigh the pros and cons. If your phone is literally ringing off the hook with calls, and the interlocutor is simply pushing you in the back to do this or that act, be careful: you may very soon regret your rash actions. Take a timeout, ask for a delay, and don’t worry - there are not many situations in life in which delay is like death. You will see that after a short time you will clearly understand how to decide to take this or that step.

3. Get as much information as possible.

Those who want to know how to make the right choice in a given situation would do well to learn one more truth: don’t be shy to ask.

You will save money if, before an important purchase, you “shake” out of the seller everything that he can know about this product, especially about its shortcomings. You will avoid problems if, before going to the doctor, ask your friends about the results of his work. By reading product reviews, comments, or at least short summaries of films, you will save time and nerves and learn to make a decision by asking yourself whether you need it at all or not.

4. Don't get emotional.

There is nothing worse when, in a fit of anger, spouses file for divorce, or, conversely, in euphoria or an attempt to “annoy” someone, they get married and regret it a week later. – a dangerous enemy for making the right choice. At the most inopportune moment, when common sense says one thing, emotions can lead astray and ruin all plans.

How to learn to make decisions? Without giving in to emotions.

Ask yourself a question: how will my action affect my future life, and how will I look at all this in 15 minutes, in a month, in a year?

5. Stay in the dark.

There is one good way to make a decision by weakening the influence of emotions - dimming the lights.

Science has proven that lighting affects how a person reacts to various situations, and the results of these experiments are skillfully used in marketing today.

For example, most jewelry stores have very bright lighting, not only so that the buyer can clearly see the product, but also in order to provoke him to make a quick purchase. Therefore, if you are wondering how to decide to take an important step, turn on soft, dim lights in the room and be alone with your thoughts, getting rid of excessive emotions.

6. Try and make mistakes.

Yes, that's not a typo. Anyone who wants to know how to make a decision when in doubt must be prepared to make mistakes. We will not quote the great classics now, but experience comes precisely through trial and error.

How to make the right choice without getting a single bump? No way. Everyone has their own “rake,” and in this article we only tried to warn how not to step on someone else’s.

Whether you're about to prepare a presentation at work or you're having a rough day, life is full of ups and downs. Everything gets worse when you start hearing a nasty voice that constantly reminds you of your failures.

Lisa Firststone, Ph.D., researcher and author of Conquer the Critical Voice, describes this mental threat as “the critic who comments on every action” and “thoughts that relentlessly sabotage our progress.” She refers to the inner voice as a filter that ignores all the positives and focuses solely on the negatives in our lives.

This small voice manifests itself in different ways. He may whisper that you'll never get a promotion, that your date was wrong, that you'll be a terrible mother, or that you'll never be able to get your body in shape again. Sound familiar? The ability to recognize and treat yourself will help you more adequately assess reality.

What happens when you believe your inner critic?

Famous personalities like writer and director Neil Gaiman and actor Tom Hanks have stated that they often felt like they were out of place. In psychology, this is called “imposter syndrome,” and the term was first coined in a study of mental disorders in extremely successful women. With this syndrome, a person constantly wonders whether he deserves what he has.

If you go into an interview and think, “I'm going to fail because I'm nervous,” you'll focus on panicking and appear nervous. It's doubtful that a nervous candidate will seem like a good employee, so your chances of getting the job will be low. This phenomenon is called the Rosenthal or Pygmalion effect - after the character of ancient Greek mythology and the name of the psychologist who discovered this phenomenon.

Tell yourself, “I am nervous, but I will relax and do my best to answer each question.” Don't become a victim of your own prophecy from your inner critic.

Find out why the voice turns on

To resist the internal monologue, you must pay attention to why it turns on. By knowing your triggers, you can better control your reactions. In the book, Firststone emphasizes that the events to which we react negatively are not actually the main cause of stress. Problems arise during the interpretation of events that are filtered through the inner critic.
According to Firestone, it's important to remember that your inner critic isn't real. It undermines our ability to interpret events realistically and sabotages our desire for satisfaction.

Change your thinking

Our thoughts are often biased, exaggerated and disproportionate.

Ph.D., founder of the psychological movement and author of Learned Optimism writes:

Emotions come directly from what we think. If you're thinking, "I'll never get this job," you're already feeling defeated. On the other hand, if you think, “I wasn't the best at the interview, but I'll send a good test and a thank you note,” you're more likely to feel more optimistic.

Turn your critical thoughts from first person into second person:

“My idea was rejected at the meeting because I never have good ideas.” -> “Your idea was rejected because...”

This will create distance between your personality and your inner critic and help you challenge negative assessments.

Create counterbalance statements.

Someone may have had better ideas than me, but that doesn't mean I have bad ones.

I had an unproductive day, but I have had good ideas in the past and will definitely have them in the future.

Therapist Julia Hogan, in her book A Field of Dandelions, describes an exercise she uses to work with her inner voice. It is based on the fact that one person may look at a field of dandelions and see hundreds of weeds, while another will see beautiful and delicate flowers swaying in the wind. These are two ways of seeing the same picture: positive and negative.
Turn “That was the worst interview of my life” into “I didn’t do as well as I wanted, but now I know my weaknesses and can improve them.”

Be gentle with yourself

If a friend, colleague, family member, or random person on the street said to you, “You'll never do that!”, how would you react? Agree, it would be completely unacceptable to hear from an outsider “How could you think that this would be a good idea?” Then why does your inner critic allow himself to make such statements?

Allowing yourself to be overly critical affects your self-esteem, which is associated with negative thoughts. Self-Esteem and Positive Psychology author Christopher Mruk says if you've been hearing that critical voice a lot lately, it's time to spend a few evenings doing something that makes you feel confident. This may mean that it's time for you to go to the gym (hello, endorphins!) or get started. Be creative and try to find interesting ways to boost your confidence.

I know the situation is depressing, but there will be more opportunities ahead!

Life is too beautiful to let a harmful inner voice ruin it. Forgive yourself for mistakes, encourage yourself for achieving goals. By following these tips, you can reduce your critical monologue and gain confidence in life.

They say that doubt is a sign of developed intelligence and rich imagination. We doubt the correctness of actions when we realize the multivariate development of events. What to do if doubts immobilize and become torment?

“To be or not to be - that is the question. Is it worthy to endure the shame of fate without complaint? Or is it necessary to resist? Rise up, arm yourself, win. Or perish, die, fall asleep? - such doubts tormented Hamlet, the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy. The pangs of doubt are familiar to everyone. And this, indeed, is the real torment that poisons our lives.

Doubting, we mentally play out different options for the development of events in one case or another, consult with friends and loved ones, spend an incredible amount of mental strength and energy, and in the end we feel devastation, which does not allow us to rejoice, even if the result meets our expectations. As the Italian writer Silvio Pellico wrote, “...whoever likes to delve into doubts deprives his soul of strength.”

A person who gives vent to doubts, as a result, generally loses the ability to make a decision, because it implies responsibility, which people who are always doubting try to avoid. They prefer not to express, refer to someone else’s information, or avoid answering.

But telling yourself not to doubt and follow the advice “if you’re wondering whether to do it or not, it’s better not to do it” is also not a solution. The English writer Gilbert K. Chesterton ironically noted that “only materialists and madmen have no doubts.” And the Austrian diplomat S.-J. De Ligne said about this: “There are two kinds of fools: some doubt nothing, others doubt everything.”

There is another point of view on doubt, according to which it is a great shortcoming, weakness and even sin. Doubts serve as a brake on a person’s path to development and perfection. They speak of the weakness of his mind, incapable of adequate analysis, decision-making and implementation. “A mind that doubts is barren and ineffective”, “A person who doubts can be called a loser”, “Doubts deprive one of strength and take away vital energy”, “He is eaten by the worm of doubt” - such harsh statements accompany people prone to long thoughts and hesitations when solving life problems.

Doubts are conventionally divided into positive and negative. The presence of positive ones is understandable and justified. For example, we have the opportunity to open a pharmacy in our area, but we doubt it because there are already plenty of them here. An incorrect decision will lead to losses instead of the expected profit.

It’s another matter if our doubts are caused by and. These are negative doubts, the result of which is the abandonment of plans, the opportunity to realize oneself, and perhaps even a better future. William Shakespeare called such doubts traitors because: “... they deprive us of the good that we might often acquire.”

What makes us doubt

1 . There is an opinion that doubt - a state of uncertainty when we hesitate to make a judgment, to make a final choice - inherent in a person initially and is closely related to the instinct of self-preservation.

After all, when making this or that decision, we take risks. Doubt tells us that something is going or could go wrong. Our mind is not able to comprehend all the factors that can change the course of events and influence the outcome of the case. Some new insignificant detail, sudden circumstances that cannot be foreseen, can interfere with our clearly planned actions and cause big problems. As the famous Agatha Christie said to everyone, “There are always doubts, in everything. Suddenly, some factor that cannot be taken into account may appear and upset the apple cart.”

2. Lack of necessary knowledge, ability to analyze, low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence also cause doubts. They are characteristic of people who consider themselves eternal losers and therefore set themselves up in advance for a negative result. They explain their doubts with standard phrases: “Not with my happiness...”, “I still won’t succeed,” “I’m unlucky.”

Their long thoughts and hesitations, because “they want it and it’s pricking them,” usually end in retreat without trying to test themselves. It is curious that people believe in a negative outcome of a case and negative statements much more willingly than in positive ones.

3. “What will people think? What if they don’t approve?”. A person cannot make a choice because he is torn by doubts: he wants what, in his opinion, colleagues, friends, parents will condemn.

Divorce your wife or husband? Life has become unbearable, there is darkness ahead without any hope of improving relations. Fit into the noose. But what about obligations and responsibility? No one will understand, everyone will turn away.

If you made a mistake in choosing your specialty, you want to change your job - are you a fool? Where else will they pay you that much? What will we live on? Doubts of this kind are so exhausting that a person prefers to leave everything as it is.

The motto of people who have the habit of chewing the same thoughts a hundred times should be the words: “If you are afraid, don’t do it; if you do it, don’t be afraid; if you do it, don’t be sorry.”

3. Morning is wiser than evening

“Go to bed and rest; The morning is wiser than the evening!"- we remember this phrase well from children's fairy tales. Its meaning is that you don’t need to look for a way out of a difficult situation overnight and solve important problems. Fatigue and nervous tension accumulated during the day will prevent you from adequately assessing the situation. Sometimes what we struggle with unsuccessfully in the evening is easily resolved in the morning, when our strength is restored.

4. Be positive

Constantly doubting people almost always regret the decision they make, whatever it may be, and mentally replay the same situation several times, engage in self-criticism, wasting their time, strength and vital energy. But there is an opinion that doubts haunt precisely those people who have too little such energy.

But we are not our own enemy, are we? Therefore, we live here and now, forget about our past and other people’s negative experiences and concentrate on the positive, seek and fill life with positive emotions that will cover up possible negativity.

5. Do nothing

If we cannot make a choice, we will try to forget about its necessity for a while. And one fine day the decision will come to us on its own - we suddenly clearly understand what we want.