Definition 15.3 Russian. Miscellaneous

Friendship is a selfless relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. People connected by friendship are called friends. Friendship is not afraid of distance, age difference, or different interests.

Justice- this is a quality of character that encourages one to live in strict accordance with the law and established order. Justice is truth. The main principle of a just person is to be impartial, leaving no room for envy and disputes.

Betrayal- violation of loyalty to someone or failure to fulfill a duty to someone. This is apostasy, denunciation. Betrayal- This is betrayal in response to trust.

Soullessness- this is a lack of sympathetic attitude towards people, a lack of soul and humanity, indifference, heartlessness. A soulless person is capable of terrible acts, he is indifferent to the feelings of other people, cares only about his own well-being and is absolutely indifferent to the needs and problems of others.

-Mercy- this is the quality of a person when he is ready to help someone who finds himself in a difficult situation, to feel sorry for him, to show compassion for him.

Mercy - This is a sweet heart, that is, a kind, sensitive heart. This means that mercy is inherent in caring people who are capable of empathy...

Inhumanity- inability to sympathize, sympathize; cruelty, indifference to those who need compassion.

RESPONSIBILITY- this is the responsibility to be responsible for actions and their consequences. Nothing significant can be achieved in life if you are irresponsible about everything important: business, words, time. A responsible person keeps promises, is never late, makes decisions not only for himself, but also for others.

CAREFUL- This is one of the dangerous forms of human irresponsibility. Because of carelessness, people die and houses burn down. Carelessness affects irresponsible and inattentive people who are not trained to keep their attention on what they are doing and are not used to consciously controlling what is happening.

RESPONSIBILITY- the ability to understand and sympathize with another. A responsive person wants to do good not only at someone’s request, but even when no one is talking about it.

REVENGE- intentional infliction of harm in order to repay an insult or insult. Revenge- this is an offense against a person provoked by anger and the desire to cause him as much suffering as possible. The only way out of anger is to forgive a person; by this, a person frees his soul from anger. A residue of hostility will still remain, but the soul will be open to love, kindness and compassion.

CONSCIENCE- This is a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people. Conscience helps to realize one's guilt and prevents one from committing a bad act. Undoubtedly, every person should have a conscience.

HEROISM- the ability to perform heroic actions.

PRIDE In my understanding, the word “pride” has several meanings. Firstly, pride is a feeling that conveys a person’s self-esteem. Secondly, it is the ability to feel joy when someone has achieved success. Thirdly, this is self-esteem. You can be proud not only of your own successes and work, but also of the great achievements of your homeland, of the entire Russian people.

GRATITUDE- a feeling of gratitude to someone for the help, attention, advice provided. This is the ability to appreciate the kindness that others do to us.

Fearlessness- a quality of a person that allows one to overcome difficulties and not be afraid of them. To be fearless means to make firm decisions when necessary and not to back down in the face of danger.

GOOD MAN- this is someone who does not envy anyone, who does not condemn others, forgives insults, does not remember evil, and is always truthful with others. For a good person, the people around him are also good.

TEACHER- this is a profession, a specialty, but it is special, incomparable to any other business. The teacher influences the spiritual world of a person.

TALENT- this is what is inherent in a person by nature and comes from the soul, bringing joy to other people. Truly talented people must have a strong character and be able not to lose their gift.

-Human inner world– this is the spiritual life in which our ideas and images are formed. His view of the real world depends on a person’s inner world. Our spiritual life is built on emotions, feelings and worldview.

- Inner world– this is our subconscious, what makes us special; these are our feelings and emotions, our vision of the world around us.

Life values- these are the values ​​that each person determines to be the most important and significant. Each of us begins to choose values ​​for ourselves as a child and continues to do so throughout our lives: priorities in choosing life values ​​change over time.

Diffidence- this is doubt in one’s physical and spiritual strength, lack of self-confidence, as well as low self-esteem. It seems to me that self-doubt prevents a person from feeling self-sufficient and defending his opinion, so he has to make decisions relying on the advice of other people, without taking into account his own point of view.

Moral choice- this is a choice between love and hatred, trust and mistrust, conscience and dishonor, loyalty and betrayal, this is a choice between good and evil. It depends on the degree of human morality.

REAL ART - 1. this is an image of reality in artistic images, a figurative understanding of reality, part of spiritual culture, a source of knowledge of the world, the process of expressing a person’s inner world in an image. This is a textbook of life, a person’s desire for perfection.

2. this is an image of reality in works of painting, literature, cinema, architecture and music. This is both a reflection of a person’s inner world through artistic images, and beauty captured in works of art. 3. this is a reflection of reality in artistic images. Music, literature, cinema, theater, painting and architecture allow us to comprehend the world around us. 4. this is the process of expressing a person’s inner world, a means of transmitting feelings and emotions that have gripped his soul... Only real art can calm a person or call him to fight in the name of the Motherland, please him or make him cry from melancholy... Its power of influence on a person is enormous.

Love - this is a feeling of mutual affection, the unconditional and boundless trust of two people in each other. A special form of love, bright and tender, is youthful love, which is based on the dream of mutual understanding, faith in the depth and purity of the first feeling.

Kindness- this is one of the most important human qualities, the manifestation of which allows us to judge the true value of a person. If a person is capable of empathy, has a desire to come to the aid of another, and is ready to selflessly serve people, we say that he is a kind person.

Good- These are actions that bring happiness and do not cause harm, damage, pain, or suffering to anyone. A person who commits a merciful act has spiritual sensitivity and warmth. A kind person is always ready to protect the weak and help the offended.

Choice- This is one decision of a person from several options, thought out by himself or proposed by others: parents, friends, acquaintances. We make decisions every day, important and not so important. Sometimes it is difficult for us to make a choice, sometimes it is easy. One of the important choices in life is the choice of profession.

Precious books are books that we especially value because they help us find answers to many questions and shape our character and outlook on life. They became the reader’s guiding star, determined his ideals, shaped his worldview, and laid the foundations of morality. Such books are a person’s friend and adviser, fascinate him, and make him a participant in the events described on their pages. They unite the past, present and future.

Mother's love- this is the boundless love of a mother for her child. The mother gives him her tenderness, kindness, affection, understands him, supports him in difficult times, is a support in life. I believe that a mother’s love is what the whole world rests on.

A man with a capital letter is the kind of person who inspires other people by sharing his love for life. Loving life, despite all its difficulties, is very difficult, but some people with deep souls succeed.

Mutual assistance- this is mutual, mutual assistance, support, revenue in any matter. No orders or commands are needed to manifest it. This is a person’s inner need to help another.

For 9th grade students, the burning time is approaching - the time to take the OGE in the Russian language. As you know, in order to pass the exam well, completing the tasks of the test part alone will not be enough. To successfully pass, you need to write a good essay, namely task 15. The path of least resistance is to choose essay 15.3, in which you need to develop a certain concept by working with the text.

In order to write essay 15.3 well, you need to have an arsenal of the necessary definitions and concepts that underlie this task. A correctly constructed thesis is already half the success. Therefore, all the concepts, terms and their meanings have been prepared for you by the Many-Wise Litrecon.

Selflessness is the desire for service, not polluted by the thirst for profit. Selfless is someone who does something useful without expecting a reward for his efforts. Here are some more interpretations of this phenomenon:

  • The ability and desire to help without expecting anything in return.
  • Free assistance to someone.
  • Lack of mercantile aspirations and motives.
  • Philanthropy in action.
  • Moral purity of the soul from greed.


Gratitude is the right attitude towards someone who helped you. A grateful person remembers goodness and responds in kind. Here are more options:

  • The ability to be fair.
  • A feeling that obliges a person to return good for good.
  • Moral responsibility to society.
  • The desire to reward a person for his good deeds.
  • Feeling the need to exchange benefits.


Loyalty is a quality characterized by devotion to one person, ideal or cause. Here are some more meanings:

  • The ability to preserve the uniqueness of your friendship, love and other relationships.
  • The desire for moral constancy.
  • The ability to resist temptations and not betray what you have already taken responsibility for.
  • A quality that defines a person’s integrity and reliability.
  • Moral fortitude of a person in the face of temptations.


Politeness is a quality that reflects a person’s upbringing. A polite person has knowledge of the rules of etiquette, always greets people and says goodbye to them, conducts conversations in accordance with ethical standards, and has the skill of giving appropriate compliments. Here are more options:

  • The ability to behave correctly in society.
  • Correct and courteous behavior of a person.
  • The ability to communicate with the environment in a civilized and sensitive manner.
  • Culture of communication with people.
  • The manner of cultural expression and behavior in society.

Mutual assistance

Mutual assistance is the ability of people to respond to kindness with kindness, to remember the good and to come to the aid of someone who was once able to help you. It implies the response of the one who was helped. Here are other meanings of this concept:

  • Mutual desire of people to help each other.
  • Showing gratitude in action.
  • The principle of communication based on unification in the fight against problems.
  • A partnership in which people support each other.
  • The desire of friends to protect each other's interests.

Human inner world

The inner world of a person is a set of positive and negative qualities of a person that make up the core, the basis of his character. The concept of “inner world” can include the emotional and intellectual qualities of a person, all the knowledge gained in the process of life, and the experience accumulated over the years. Here are other interpretation options:

  • A set of moral, social and intellectual attitudes that determine the behavior of an individual.
  • A person’s worldview, which is made up of experience, education and moral principles.
  • All views, opinions and sensations that determine a person’s attitude towards reality and himself.
  • Spiritual life flowing in the soul of each of us.
  • Individuality that distinguishes one person from another.


Choice is a person’s ability to make a meaningful decision, to find the right way out of the current situation. An individual has several options for the development of events, and she chooses the path that is most preferable for a number of reasons. And here are other opinions of the Many-Wise Litrecon on this issue:

  • The ability of an individual to decide his own destiny and bear responsibility for this decision.
  • The intellectual ability of a person, allowing him to determine his life path.
  • A reflex of consciousness that automatically gives preference to one option or another depending on cause-and-effect relationships.
  • A function of a person that determines the sequence of his actions.
  • The freedom of a person to shape his life independently.


Arrogance is a negative quality that manifests itself in the fact that a person considers himself the best of all people. An arrogant hero, for example, cannot come to terms with the successes of others, because he considers himself the only one worthy of all praise and high ratings. Arrogance can concern appearance, intelligence, talent. Anyone who suffers from this disease is disdainful of others, because he considers them unworthy of his society. Here are other options:

  • Pride, which makes a person feel imaginary superiority over society.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • A negative quality that unfairly elevates a person in his own eyes.
  • Selfish attribution of false virtues to oneself.
  • A feeling of unjustified superiority of an individual over his environment.


Heroism is the soul’s desire for heroism and self-denial in the name of higher goals. A person cannot demonstrate this every day, but only in certain circumstances, so this quality cannot be found in each of us. Here are other options:

  • A person's readiness to sacrifice in the name of a great goal.
  • The ability to sacrifice one's interests for the sake of a great cause.
  • The desire to save the weak at any cost, even at the cost of one's own life.
  • The desire to help others, sacrificing one's own interests.
  • Selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of performing a good and just deed.


Pride is a high assessment of one's own merits. This quality is interpreted ambiguously, because it can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the manifestations of pride. A person can adequately and properly evaluate his achievements, but not belittle other people, and then this is a positive manifestation of pride. The negative manifestation of this quality is pride. She is distinguished by arrogance, disregard for others, and awareness of herself as the “crown of creation.”

  • The moral scrupulousness of a person, which does not allow him to fall below his moral bar.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Awareness of one's just superiority over someone or something.
  • Feeling of importance.
  • A quality that determines an individual’s ability to receive moral satisfaction from his good results.


Childhood is a period of a person’s life when he is just beginning to get acquainted with the world, with the surrounding nature, people, and the peculiarities of interaction in society. A happy childhood remains forever in a person’s memory, but an unhappy childhood leaves a terrible imprint on his life.

  • A time when a person is not so acutely faced with the issue of responsibility, when he is just beginning to explore the world under the auspices of his parents.
  • The best time of life is when a person is especially attached to family and friends, and his main pastime is learning and playing.
  • The early period of the formation of human nature, when character is built.
  • The initial formation of a person, when he masters the basics of everyday life, morals and life itself.
  • The first step on the path to personal maturation, when a child comprehends the basics of relationships between people.


Kindness is an internal property of a person, manifested in the ability to empathy (sympathy), generosity, and understanding. To be kind is to accept the world around us and people with all their qualities, and to do things that can help society. It helps make everyday life bright and soulful. Here are more options:

  • The quality of the soul that allows people to love their neighbors despite their shortcomings.
  • The desire to do good deeds and make the world a better place.
  • Good intentions that inspire a person to serve the needs of loved ones free of charge.
  • A quality of character that determines a person’s good behavior, expressed in responsiveness and desire to help.
  • A positive quality of the soul, which is expressed in sympathy, generosity and love for one’s neighbor.

Precious books

Precious books are works the reading of which makes a person kinder, smarter, better. Such literature is a storehouse of useful information. They develop imagination, talents and keep the mind in good shape. Precious books can change consciousness and determine life values. They help to gain new principles of life that influence character. Here are some more options:

  • Works that inspire people to self-development.
  • Literature that heals and cleanses the soul.
  • Novels, stories, short stories or philosophical treatises that guide people on the right path.
  • Works of undoubted artistic value.
  • Literature that reveals to the reader the world in all its diversity.


Friendship is the strongest emotional attachment of people to each other, based on similar interests, views, and tastes. True friendship can connect people throughout their lives. A good friend will always support, come to the rescue and help you find the right way out of any situation. What else can be called friendship?

  • A strong feeling of sympathy that can connect completely different people.
  • A union based on emotional identity.
  • A camaraderie between people, which is expressed in similar interests.
  • Mutual attraction in personal communication.
  • The sincere affection of one person for another, supported by trust and mutual assistance.

Life values

Life values ​​are the most important guidelines that a person follows throughout his entire journey. Everyone’s main values ​​are different - love, friendship, family, good education, career. Here are some more definitions:

  • What a person places at the forefront of his existence.
  • Moral ideals of man.
  • What we live for.
  • That which determines a person’s attitude towards himself and the world around him.
  • The important aspects of human existence that we most strive to achieve.


Envy is a negative personality quality that implies an inability to enjoy the successes of others, a desire to receive all the benefits of the world oneself. The destructive feeling that comes from observing the happiness and well-being of other people. What else can be called envy?

  • Suffering because someone else has found happiness.
  • A negative quality of a person who cannot accept the success of another.
  • A bad attitude towards the achievements of other people, caused by moral suffering from awareness of the imaginary injustice of the distribution of goods.
  • Inability to calmly accept the victories of other people and extreme irritation about this.
  • A bad quality of a soul that is overwhelmed by anger because of the imaginary humiliation that supposedly gives a person the triumph of another.


Love is the strongest feeling that is always present in a person’s life. This is love between a man and a woman, love between family and even friends. Romantic love strongly binds hearts to each other, and families are created based on this feeling. It is characterized by care, tenderness, mutual responsibility, and altruism. In the name of love they perform feats. It can change a person, move mountains and turn the world upside down. What else can be called love?

  • The mutual attraction of a man and a woman, due to the biological need to continue the race.
  • Sensual and emotional attraction towards a person in whom everything seems beautiful.
  • A kinship of souls that binds two people forever.
  • The basis of family happiness, bringing people together to live together.
  • Vivid emotions that open the soul to tenderness and care for another person.

Mother's love

Maternal love is a special feeling that only a woman who has known the joy of motherhood can feel. Maternal love is characterized by care and worries for her child. Any mother wants the best for her child, tries to give him maximum comfort, to provide him with everything necessary for a normal life in society. Mom always helps her children, supports them with kind words, and worries about their well-being. Mother's love is the most sincere and selfless. What else can you call it that?

  • A woman's natural attachment to her child.
  • Emotional connection between mother and her offspring.
  • An all-consuming feeling of tenderness, characteristic of a woman who has given birth to a new person.
  • The need to give yourself completely to your child.
  • The care and support of a mother, which every person feels.


Art is the result of human creative activity. Through creativity, a person demonstrates his brightest creative inclinations. Works of art are literature, painting, music, sculpture, architecture, dance, theater. All this adds color to people’s lives, makes it more beautiful, more diverse and makes them feel better about the different facets of life. How else can it be defined?

  • Creative self-realization of a person.
  • Works of undoubted artistic value.
  • An important side of humanity’s existence, which expresses the fruits of its thoughts and feelings.
  • An attempt to enrich reality with the fruits of human imagination.
  • The embodiment of a bizarre game of human consciousness.


Beauty is a manifestation of the external (or internal) attractiveness of a person, a living being, or a work of art. Beauty can be external, that is, it manifests itself in a pleasant, pretty appearance, cuteness, and attractiveness to other people. But beauty can also be an inner quality of a person’s soul. Inner beauty is kindness, a rich inner world, a high level of intelligence, the ability to attract others with your manners, conversations and sense of humor. Here are more options:

  • Aesthetic superiority of a person over other people.
  • Something that pleases people's eyes.
  • The beautiful side of life that inspires the soul to create.
  • Undeniable perfection, captivating the eye with its charm.
  • An ideal embodied in grace, prettiness or some other charm of the surrounding world.


Mercy is the ability to provide help to someone in need, to show pity, to share hardships and hardships with him. Usually this concept is associated with generosity, which makes a person show concern for the life of a being in need. And here are the definitions:

  • Help and forgiveness even to those who do not deserve it.
  • Kindness and patience towards suffering and needy people.
  • The dignity of a soul that sincerely strives to deliver another person from torment and hardship.
  • The moral quality of a person, which determines his willingness to forgive, help and help out of trouble everyone who needs participation.
  • The wealth of a soul capable of forgetting an insult, forgiving sin and showing kindness to everyone who needs consolation.


Courage is the inner core of a person, the strength of spirit, the quality necessary to withstand difficult trials. Courage is a whole range of qualities, such as strength, honor, responsibility, wisdom, patience, courage. Here are some other interesting options:

  • The ability to cope with difficult life challenges with dignity.
  • Willingness to withstand the fight against fate.
  • The ability to boldly and patiently achieve your goal.
  • Perseverance, patience and courage in overcoming difficulties.
  • The strength that allows us to endure hardships with dignity.


Hope is a state of a person in which he does not lose faith in the positive outcome of his expectation. To hope means to be confident that sooner or later everything desired (expected) will happen. This feeling allows you to remain optimistic in any life situation. Here are some more definitions:

  • Faith in the best, which helps a person not to give up and go towards a goal, even if everyone around is disappointed in it.
  • Inflated expectations from the future, which helps people survive in the fight against unfavorable circumstances.
  • The joy of life that people find in an optimistic perception of reality.
  • A belief in success that keeps people on the path to their dreams.
  • A moral guideline that helps a person not stray from the course of life.


Self-doubt is a personality quality characterized by low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and a large number of psychological complexes. This is a negative quality that prevents you from achieving your goals and pushes away the people around you. It is necessary to fight self-doubt, otherwise you can face a lot of problems when interacting with society. What else can you call it that?

  • Low self-esteem, which prevents a person from objectively judging himself.
  • Shyness in communicating with people, due to lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.
  • Excessive modesty in assessing one's capabilities.
  • Excessive demands on oneself, forming complexes.
  • Shyness, the cause of which is fear of failure in society.

Moral choice

A moral choice is a difficult decision that a person makes when he finds himself in a difficult situation of choosing between a good, positive action and a bad, negative action. Moral choice is that a person chooses between good and evil, responsibility and indifference, selfishness and altruism. When making a moral choice, a person turns to his own conscience, and the decision made characterizes him.

  • The need to determine your side, between good and evil, the right decision and opportunity.
  • A crossroads at which a person determines his path in life, where he will leave his mark for posterity.
  • The moral obligation of an individual to determine his moral principles and principles in order to act in accordance with them.
  • A situation where you have to give up convenience or comfort at the behest of your conscience.
  • A decision that shapes the moral character of an individual.


Responsibility is a wonderful quality that a strong personality possesses. This is the ability to take patronage over a weaker person, over a team, this is the ability to conscientiously treat learning and work. Responsible people always command respect from their superiors and others because they have a powerful inner core and moral endurance. Here are some other definitions:

  • The quality of a person that determines his ability to justify the trust of other people.
  • The ability to keep your word.
  • Moral and moral maturity of a person.
  • Willingness to fulfill your obligations at any cost.
  • The desire to be honest with yourself and the people around you.


A vocation is the right niche in a person’s life. This is something that he can do with full dedication, while enjoying the process and an excellent result at the end. This is a penchant for a particular craft, creativity, or a certain profession. Here are other options for deciphering this concept:

  • A personal mission that a person defines for himself.
  • A business that is the meaning of life for an individual.
  • The unique ability of a person to perform any specific activity.
  • A person's love and respect for his craft.
  • The individual gift of a person, revealed in the work he has chosen.


Devotion is the quality of a faithful person who is incapable of betrayal and baseness towards a friend. It is also characteristic of animals. This feeling is very strong, which is why devoted people and animals sometimes tend to self-sacrifice. How else to define this concept?

  • Consistency in attitude towards something or someone.
  • A strong feeling of attachment to what is dear.
  • A quality that implies loyalty to beliefs, people, ideals and values.
  • The ability to maintain attachment to what you call yours.
  • An emotional bond that binds a person to what he has already chosen once.


Indifference (callousness) is a negative personality quality that is characterized by an indifferent attitude towards other people’s troubles and troubles. This is a very dangerous property, because indifferent people cause, if not direct, but indirect harm to victims of cruelty who are in danger. Therefore, whenever you witness an incident, it is necessary to help a person or animal in trouble. Here are other definitions:

  • The character trait of a spiritually weak person who cannot muster the strength to do a good deed.
  • Coldness and indifference towards everything except oneself.
  • Irresponsible attitude towards the world and people.
  • A vice of the soul that is devoid of natural feelings of compassion and responsiveness.
  • Callousness and selfishness that interfere with a full perception of the world.


Homeland is the place where you were born, grew up, and learned about the world. Homeland in the broadest sense of the word - native country, native language, family and people who connect a person with a particular land. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The sociocultural space with which a person associates himself.
  • Father's house, where we come from.
  • The Fatherland that raised and fed each of us.
  • The set of cultural, historical and social ideas of a person about the place where he was born.
  • A place dear to our hearts that we love like family.


Self-education is the ability of an individual to systematically work to improve himself. The basis of self-education is the desire and ability to receive education, to work on one’s internal psychological qualities, and on one’s behavioral models. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • Work on your body, mind and character.
  • Moral control over one's behavior.
  • Development of your personality.
  • Awareness and cultivation of personal responsibility for one’s destiny.
  • The process of character formation.

Strength of mind

Fortitude is a quality characterized by optimism, perseverance in difficult circumstances, and the ability to remain calm at all costs. A person with a strong spirit is usually courageous, instills confidence and cheerfulness in those around him, never loses his good spirit, and therefore is able to find a way out of a difficult life situation. How else can this definition be formulated?

  • Tension of will that helps a person overcome trials.
  • Courage in the fight against hardships and difficulties.
  • The ability to tune in to constructive solutions to problems even at the most critical moment.
  • The ability to persevere in overcoming obstacles along the way.
  • Willingness to gather all your will into a fist to cope with adversity and achieve your goal.


Stinginess is greed, which makes a person a slave of material values. This is a special quality that is inherent in curmudgeons. Misers value things and money more than anything else, the preservation of which becomes the main purpose of their existence. Because of their greed, they stop noticing loved ones and lose friends. Here are some other definitions:

  • Obsession with material goods.
  • An insatiable thirst for personal enrichment to the detriment of the interests of all other people.
  • Fanatical and categorical reluctance to share one’s well-being with those around him.
  • Continuous accumulation, which has become the only meaning of life.
  • Acquisitiveness taken to the extreme.


Courage is a quality of a strong spirit, applicable in an emergency situation when it is necessary to rescue an animal or person. Showing courage is often associated with danger to the health and life of the one who shows it. Therefore, it can be called self-sacrifice in order to help one’s neighbor. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The courage a person displays in times of dire need.
  • Willingness to face the test with courage and bravery.
  • Ability to overcome fear of risk and failure.
  • Daily overcoming of personal complexes.
  • A person's ability to defeat the coward within himself.


Conscience is a quality of character that distinguishes a person who is kind, responsible and morally pure. This is the ability to do the right thing, to listen to your inner voice. It does not allow a person to commit an immoral act. How best to expand on this concept?

  • A measure of morality that allows a person to evaluate his own and others’ actions objectively.
  • An inner voice guided by moral sense and moral principles.
  • Heightened sense of justice.
  • A person’s ability to correctly and honestly judge himself and the world around him.
  • A tool of moral self-control.


Compassion is the ability to experience the misfortunes and sorrows of another person (or animal) as your own, the ability to enter into the position of a neighbor, while providing support and help to those who need it. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • Willingness to support, in word or deed, a person in need.
  • The desire to share the torment with those who are experiencing it.
  • The quality of a person that determines her ability to empathize with her neighbor.
  • A feeling of belonging to someone else's grief.
  • The desire to alleviate the plight of someone who is suffering.


Justice is the ability to judge according to conscience, to competently weigh what is happening, to act in accordance with the law and morality. A fair person knows how to correctly assess the situation and objectively characterize the environment. Here are other interpretations:

  • The need for equality, order and honesty that every person feels during maturity.
  • A moral guideline that allows you to impartially assess reality.
  • The pursuit of truth in all its manifestations.
  • The quality of a person that determines her desire for an honest life.
  • A property of a person that gives him the ability to objectively reason about everything that concerns him.


Happiness is a state of complete satisfaction with life. You can achieve happiness in different ways. It all depends on the person's values. But we can say that a lucky person is one who has good health, a sufficient amount of material wealth, love, friendship, strong social connections and a full-fledged family. Here are some other concepts:

  • The joy of life that a person feels spontaneously and fleetingly.
  • The euphoria felt by someone who has achieved what they wanted.
  • A feeling of completeness of existence when a person feels completely satisfied.
  • A feeling of delight that fills the soul.
  • Delight in life.


Talent is a special quality or skill that distinguishes one person from another. A talented person has a tendency to create works of art, to master some skill or skill that he uses better than others. This is a distinctive personality trait that makes it attractive and interesting in the eyes of other people. Here are some other definitions:

  • A gift from above that gives a person the opportunity to do something better than others.
  • Outstanding individual ability for any type of activity.
  • The creative force that a person directs in a certain direction.
  • Unique self-expression of an individual through activity, the result of which is an object or phenomenon that has artistic value.
  • A valuable quality of a person that determines his ability to do his chosen business.


Humanity is the ability to show compassion, kindness, and come to the rescue of those in need. This is moral strength, worthy education and protection of the weak. How else can you define this concept?

  • Humanism, which became the basis of the worldview.
  • Active love for people.
  • Striving to make the world a better place.
  • Moral maturity of an individual who has realized the need to work for the benefit of society.
  • A set of positive feelings such as kindness, responsiveness and mercy.


Honor is a person’s desire to always maintain his dignity, not to compromise his principles, and to protect his moral qualities in any situation. Honor must be “protected from a young age,” as the saying goes, that is, you should always act according to your conscience, be an honest person, courageous and responsible to people. This is a manifestation of honor. How else can this concept be explained?

  • A moral principle based on the desire to live according to the law of conscience.
  • A good name that every person values.
  • Good reputation of the individual in society.
  • An indicator of trust in a person.
  • Dignity, meaning the respect to which a person has a right to claim.


Selfishness is a quality that distinguishes those who are accustomed to thinking only about themselves, and not about others. This is excessive attention to one's own needs, strong self-love. An egoist does not strive to sympathize with others and understand other people's desires. He is only concerned about his own comfort. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The type of worldview of a person who places himself above all other people.
  • Heightened sense of self-worth.
  • Excessive love for one’s own person, to the exclusion of all other attachments.
  • Focus on self-love.
  • The quality of a person concerned only with his own interests and indifferent to the needs of other people.

Definitions for writing OGE 15.3. List of terms for essays in alphabetical order.

What does task 9.3 (15.3) sound like: “How do you understand the meaning of the word/phrase...? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic..., taking the definition you have given as a thesis. Arguing your thesis, give two example arguments , confirming your reasoning: take one example of an argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience. The volume of the essay should be at least 70 words..."

A: authority, artist

Authority(Latin – power, meaning) is a socio-pedagogical and psychological category through which relationships between people in the process of their life activity are characterized, as well as value orientations towards certain moral categories or material goods. Authority is recognition of the merits of an individual, organization, student, idea or moral norm that are significant for the success of an activity. Authority can be natural, passed down from generation to generation as a tradition, or it can be artificially created, forcibly instilled and even zombied.

Artist– in a broad sense, a person engaged in creativity in the field of any art. In a figurative sense, a person who has achieved mastery in his field.

B: gratitude, nobility, charity, tactlessness, fearlessness, spinelessness, lack of spirituality, selflessness, uncompromising.

Gratitude- an emotional-sensual state of gratitude, a high assessment of the significance of someone’s actions and relationships. Expressed as love, respect for a person or team, organization, as a willingness to do good in return. In the modern understanding, gratitude is a manifestation of the moral principle of justice in human relations, it is also a personal quality as the ability to pay for good with good, it is also a moral requirement that underlies the moral foundations of society. In everyday human relations, gratitude is very highly valued as a moral quality of a person. It softens morals, resists selfishness, and increases goodness on earth.

Nobility- a positive moral quality of an individual, based on his awareness of his moral and intellectual formation, his dignity. Nobility includes: a person’s intellectual traits, his high erudition in any field of knowledge, high general personal culture, modesty, grace of mentality and style of behavior. This quality is formed gradually, as a person develops physically and spiritually.

Charity– a type of public activity to provide voluntary assistance to specific people, societies, and organizations in need. Charitable activities can also be expressed in encouraging and stimulating successes and initiatives aimed at the benefit of individuals and society, for the development or reform of anything.

Tactlessness- a moral and ethical quality of a person, expressed in a person’s tendency to violate the norms of communication accepted in society and create difficult moral situations for partners. Tactless people lack sensitivity and respect for another person; they neglect the rules of decency. This is the tactless behavior of a teacher who reprimands a boy student in front of girls, a parent who insults his child, etc. Tactlessness is the result of poor upbringing or lack thereof.

Fearlessness- a moral-volitional quality of personality, expressing a person’s ability and ability to suppress fear, apprehension, and panic.
Fearlessness is the ability to overcome the instinct of self-preservation and cope with factors that cause fear. In pedagogy, this is the name for a method of eliminating fear, which can be mastered by everyone and which can be taught. Fearlessness also manifests itself as courage, bravery, courage.

spinelessness- a personality trait that manifests itself in the absence of a stable, definite line of behavior and relationships. A characterless person has weakly expressed character and will, he does not have his own opinion, he is indecisive, always hesitates in making a final decision and easily changes it. Characterlessness is the amorphousness of an unformed personality. It is difficult to be friends with such a person, it is difficult and unreliable to work together, you cannot rely on him, he is easily persuaded, and falls under the opinions of others. About such people, according to Gogol, they say: “Neither in the city - Bogdan, nor in the village - Selifan.”

Lack of spirituality- a property of a person whose life activity takes place in complete contradiction with the laws of nature, society and the moral tenets of faith. This is the inability to analyze and evaluate one's own actions. Lack of spirituality is a crisis of the spirit, and therefore a crisis of man. It manifests itself in the form of a false worldview, replacing the purpose of life with its means, spiritual rudeness and selfishness, in the form of various passions and vices, in the absence of a holistic picture of the world, in a person’s inability to distinguish between good and evil. Lack of spirituality is destructive for the person himself, destructive for society as a whole, it is a sure sign of deviation from Truth, Goodness and Love, from spirituality as the core of human life.

Unselfishness- a moral quality of a person that expresses a person’s attitude towards material reward for his work. Unselfishness manifests itself as abstinence in claims for high payment for one’s services, as a lack of desire to accumulate wealth, as a willingness to work for free, for nothing. Sometimes among rich people selflessness takes the form of patronage, sponsorship, and charity. This personality quality manifests itself as a “good spirit” in a person. However, more often than not, unselfish people remain unmercenary. Selflessness is based on the principle of universal justice in the possession of goods. This quality helps to overcome consumerism and resist the selfish and selfish tendencies of some people.

– a personality quality that expresses excessive stability of views, principles, attitudes and assessments. An uncompromising person is uncompromising, not inclined to “get into position”, he does not allow compromises. This personality quality can manifest itself as a temporary mental state under certain conditions affecting the interests of an individual or a group. In public and personal life, this quality can manifest itself both positively and negatively.

In: vandalism, barbarism, inspiration, mutual assistance, politeness, loyalty, guilt, power, attentiveness, inner voice, war, education, good manners, hostility, endurance, arrogance.

Vandalism(German - ignorance) - a type of behavior of a person or a human community, characterized by the aimless, senseless and cruel destruction of cultural and historical values. A vandal is a person who acts against education, is ignorant, rude, and unceremonious. The word "vandalism" comes from "Vandals" - the name of the East German tribes waging endless destructive wars with their neighbors. In 455 they captured Rome and destroyed many works of art in it. Since then, the name of the tribe has become a common noun.

Barbarism(gr. - foreigner) - a type of behavior of a person or a human community, characterized by rudeness, ignorance, low morals, lack of culture, as well as the conscious denial of cultural values ​​and their destruction. A barbarian is an ignorant and cruel person. Barbarism is truly “foreignness” as detachment from culture and cultural values, from the moral laws, customs and traditions of one’s own or another country.

Inspiration(Old Russian) is a high level of manifestation of the spiritual, intellectual and physical powers of a person creatively performing any work. This is an emotional state that is expressed by great internal concentration on the subject of creativity and high intensity of activity. Inspiration is a spiritual activity, the highest form of which is insight, as an intuitive comprehension of the essence of an object and phenomenon. Every person can experience this gift, but most often it occurs in people who are sensitive, impressionable, and have an exalted lifestyle. An artist, a teacher, a researcher, and a student can work with inspiration. There are aesthetic, intellectual and religious inspiration. If a person constantly works on inspiration, he develops inspiration as a spiritual and moral personal quality.

Mutual assistance- mutual, mutual assistance, revenue in any matter.

Politeness(Old Russian - to know, to know) is a moral and ethical quality of a person that characterizes the manifestation of love for people. This is a form of respectful attitude of one person towards another, expressed in the culture of speech, restraint of facial expressions and hand movements, as well as in the manifestation of tact, patience, delicacy, the ability to listen and understand, and give in to each other. Politeness is brought up from childhood by family lifestyle and special pedagogical methods in kindergarten and school. It is formed more successfully in an intelligent environment. Politeness is an indicator of a person’s good manners and education. Politeness, as a personal quality, is distinguished from “feigned” politeness, shown out of necessity or under duress, only as an external form of communication without connection with the inner world of a person and his true attitude towards the interlocutor. In the Russian language, even in the pre-Petrine era, “politeness” meant “knowledgeable”, “experienced”.

Loyalty (devotion)- a positive moral quality of a person that characterizes a person’s unchangeable, stable attitude towards someone or something. In this sense, they talk about loyalty to the Motherland, people, friend, word, husband, wife, duty, etc. Loyalty is also the qualitative side of a judgment that corresponds to truth, truth, and is accurately expressed and formed. Loyalty is the constancy of a person’s feelings, relationships, and assessments. The symbol of fidelity is the dog, the attribute is the color blue.

Guilt- this is a moral quality of a person, expressing the ability to recognize in oneself the root cause and beginning of an offense that violates moral values, duty, and obligations. Guilt arises not only for your own misconduct, but also for the behavior of other people if it is provoked by you. Guilt is the initial moral quality on which others sprout, such as responsibility, conscientiousness, honesty and even courage. This quality manifests itself as self-esteem, a sense of shame, pangs of conscience, as sin and repentance. The moral quality – “wine” – is brought up from early childhood. The child must be taught the ability to be aware of his actions and their consequences, the ability to ask for forgiveness and correct what he has done. The feeling of guilt, having internal origins, is a restraining and controlling factor in human life. The absence of this quality explains many difficulties in the moral education of people of any age and status. At the same time, according to doctors and psychologists, an excessively strong experience of guilt (“guilt complex”) leads to stress, a weakened immune system and an inferiority complex. There is even a point of view that this is a waste of human energy, wasting both physical and spiritual health.

Power– in a general sense, the ability and opportunity to exert a decisive influence on the activities and behavior of people using any means - will, authority, law, violence (parental authority, state, economic, etc.); political domination, system of government bodies.

Attentiveness- a moral quality of a person, manifested as the focus of consciousness and feelings on caring for someone or something. An attentive person is helpful, he is capable of providing selfless help and support, he can notice, understand, create a comfortable environment, and show tact. Mindfulness is based on empathy, on heightened sensitivity to the perceptions of another person. At the same time, mindfulness is a property of consciousness based on increased concentration, concentration and stability. It must be nurtured; it lies at the heart of learning activities.

Inner voice- this is the figurative name for the “voice of conscience” present inside a person, vaguely felt by him as an assessment of his words, actions and feelings according to the criterion of morality. The “inner voice” is both a premonition of events and real self-esteem. A conscious person is in constant dialogue with him, as if talking with his inner self. The inner voice is an indicator of a person’s spirituality, the degree of his understanding of his essence.

War - a social phenomenon, one of the forms of resolving socio-political, economic, ideological, as well as national, religious, territorial and other contradictions between states, peoples, nations, classes and social groups by means of armed violence. War leads to a qualitative change in all spheres of public life: political, economic, social, spiritual, because they are undergoing a radical restructuring on a war footing. War, as a rule, leads to large casualties, loss of material and spiritual values, and has a destructive effect on society. During war, the material and spiritual forces of the people are mobilized. The economy is being rebuilt on a war footing. The direction of scientific development is changing. Wars create extremely unfavorable living conditions for the population, which severely affect their health, physical and spiritual development. During the war, the population decreases and in the post-war years the population structure continues to change. Wars, as a rule, are accompanied by epidemics of infectious diseases, including such especially dangerous infections as plague, cholera, typhus, etc. During war, the quality of food, its calorie content, and vitamin content sharply deteriorate. Very often, war is accompanied by real famine and mass death of people from dystrophy.
Over the past 5.5 thousand years, humanity has experienced 14,550 small and large wars. During the history of their existence in peace, people lived only 292 years. The development of the military industry was accompanied by an increase in the number of military losses. Thus, during the period from 1801 to 1913, 5.6 million people died in wars, and as a result of the last two world wars, over 85 million people died from hunger and epidemics.

Upbringing(art. glory - to soar, elevate) is the process of a person’s growth and his achievement of greater perfection in relation to himself and living generations. Education is a process of human development directed by enlightenment. The subject of education is the education of the spirit in a person, his spirituality as the core of his personality. Ultimately, a well-mannered person is one who thinks, feels and practically acts. Education, in the primary sense of the word, is always moral (it is not for nothing that the concept of “ill-mannered person” exists, denoting the lack of morality in him). Education is the broadest and highest concept of pedagogy, incorporating enlightenment, education, training, development, and self-education of a person.

Good manners is a qualitative characteristic of a person’s level of education and upbringing. It reflects high education, moral perfection and ethical behavior.

Hostility– a qualitative characteristic of a person’s relationship with someone or something, expressed in a state of hostility, malevolence, aggression, evil towards the object of hostility. Hostility can develop from a state into a stable moral, or rather immoral, quality of a person and even turn into an obsessive state. The manifestation of hostility brings destruction and disharmony to both sides. It, according to Orthodox teachers and psychologists, is a means of self-eating and self-destruction, as well as mutual destruction of people in physical, mental and spiritual terms.

Endurance– a personality quality, expressed as the ability to endure high physical and psychological stress, deprivation, while remaining healthy. Endurance is physical strength, stamina, the ability to endure a lot, the ability and willingness to perform any work and in any conditions. Endurance is based on the unity of a person’s spiritual core and physical capabilities. Much depends on a person’s upbringing.

Arrogance- a negative moral quality of an individual, expressing an attitude towards people, individual social strata, nationalities, peoples. It manifests itself as contempt, disrespect, belittling of their dignity, pride in oneself, arrogant behavior, etc. Arrogance is the result of selfishness, overestimation of oneself and one's capabilities.

G: harmony (spiritual harmony), genius, heroism, grief, pride, anger, citizen, rudeness.

Harmony (spiritual harmony)(gr. - consonance, agreement) - a philosophical and aesthetic category, denoting a high degree of orderliness of the constituent parts in something whole, unified, and the correspondence of this whole to the aesthetic criteria of perfection and beauty. Harmony is coherence, coherence, mutual dependence of the parts as a whole, their consistent combination. In this sense, they speak of a harmoniously developed person as a person whose soul and body, mind and feelings are well developed, whose inner world is consistent with the external environment, with the culture in which he grew up and which he supports and enriches. A harmoniously developed person is a person who lives in harmony with his environment, is internally balanced, capable of self-development, self-renewal of the soul, and harmony of faith and reason. In music, harmony means a combination of sounds and tones according to certain laws, acquiring proportionality, correspondence, consistency. The word “harmony” was born in Greek mythology, where it was the name of the daughter of Aphrodite, an unusually beautiful girl.

Genius(Latin - from “genius” - spirit, guardian) - a quality of a human personality that expresses the highest degree of its talent. Genius is manifested in a person’s ability to solve socially significant problems, from which new stages and even entire eras begin in the development of sciences, art, and social life. Geniuses, with their brilliant thoughts, actions, and products of activity, help society grow. The peculiarity of geniuses is that they have a good sense of time and its needs, have past experience in their field of activity, but at the same time overcome outdated norms and traditions. This word comes from the name of the god Genius in Roman mythology, personifying the inner strengths and abilities of a man. In Russian, the term appeared under Peter I.

Heroism- (gr. - lord, lord) - characteristics of a person’s actions to overcome obstacles that arise on the way to accomplishing socially significant acts. It is expressed in the manifestation of volitional qualities, such as purposefulness, determination, fearlessness, etc. Heroic actions cause tension in all the spiritual and physical forces of a person, they are aimed at overcoming the feeling of fear. It is a “celebration of the human spirit.” Heroism is based on high moral qualities - nobility, a sense of personal and national dignity, unselfishness, self-sacrifice. It is often associated with tragedy. The phenomenon of heroism represents the face of the people, through it the rise of the community takes place, giving rise to high examples of the human spirit. Through heroism, self-knowledge of the people, their best features and capabilities occurs. The term "heroism" comes from the name of the ancient Greek mythological creature, the demigod Hero, born of a deity and a mortal man. The hero, through his exploits, restored order and justice on Earth, fulfilling the will of the gods. Then commanders, kings, fighters for ideas, for freedom began to be called heroes. The Russian people also had a cult of heroes and heroism. A person who rose to the level of heroism was revered as an ideal, and great honors were given to him. He represented the will and ability, enduring evil and troubles, to achieve one’s own. This is the ideal Russian male type. The Russian people knew mass heroism - feats of military, religious and labor glory. There are hero cities in Russia that bear this honorary title for the courage of their defenders. Heroism and heroes are a highly spiritual and moral phenomenon. And in the Russian people it is eternal, it is part of their mentality, it is a national character trait (remember the epic heroes). But the very terms “hero”, “heroism”, “heroic” appeared in Russian linguistic culture only in the middle of the 18th century.

Grief- this is an emotional form of personal perception and experience of events that disrupt the usual course of life and even destroy it. Grief is experienced as a disaster, misfortune, evil, misfortune; expressed in melancholy, grief, sadness, fear.

Pride- a moral quality of an individual, manifested, on the one hand, as a sense of self-worth, self-respect, reflecting a person’s high assessment of his or others’ (another person, group, country, etc.) achievements and merits, awareness of their compliance with high moral values ​​and models . On the other hand, this quality is expressed as arrogance, arrogance, conceit, arrogance, complacency, and for an enlightened person it is also cognitive omnivorousness. The polarity of the meanings of “pride” is a rare phenomenon for the moral qualities of a person. In each specific person it can be present in a different combination of characteristics with some dominant. When raising children, we should remember this dual nature of pride. By cultivating pride in your family, school, and profession, you can create a sense of exclusivity and disrespect for others

Anger(old glory - rot) - one of the basic human emotions, expressed as hot temper, rage, screaming, swear words, rancor, hatred, enmity, slander, strong resentment towards the one to whom it is addressed. Anger has a detrimental effect on the psyche, weakening it and creating fear.

Citizen(Old Russian - resident of the city) - a resident of the country, performing his social functions in organic unity and harmony with his personal life. A citizen is a private person and at the same time actively involved in solving the problems of his people and country. He has certain rights and responsibilities in relation to society and the state and at the same time lives by the customs and traditions of his people. The main qualities of a citizen: caring for the interests of his people and the state, decency, responsibility, honesty, openness, tolerance, ability to agree.

Coarseness- moral and ethical quality of a person, characterizing a violation of the rules of communication and relationships. Rudeness is impoliteness, rudeness, insolence, swearing. A rude person is a person who violates the ethics of relationships. Rudeness is a destructive personality trait.

D: kindness, kindness, trust, delicacy, childhood, friendship, friendliness, spirituality, soul.

Good– this is a spiritual and moral category with the help of which a person expresses a high positive assessment of any phenomenon or action. The concept of good (and evil) is included in all cultures and religions of the world. As a mode of spirituality, it reflects a person’s attitude to the ideal and expresses the ideal. Doing good shows the level of a person’s spiritual development. According to Orthodoxy, goodness is of divine origin; the presence of criteria for good in human consciousness is given from above, and therefore it is independent of life situations. But a person must be led to goodness, its understanding and especially creation. This cannot be done by force. Only education in freedom is the path to good. All domestic pedagogy, family and school education should be based on this. Scientists argue that human actions and states, defined as good, lead to an increase in the biological potential of the species.
Good is the most general concept of morality and ethics, meaning something positive, good, useful, everything that is aimed at good. These are positive moral values.
Initially, it was the opposite of the concept of evil (i.e., it meant the result of the action of good, as opposed to the result of the action of evil), and at a later time it began to be used as an antonym of the concept of evil, meaning an intentional, disinterested and sincere desire for the implementation of good, a useful act, for example, helping one's neighbor, as well as a stranger, or even the animal and plant world. In an everyday sense, this term refers to everything that receives a positive assessment from people, or is associated with happiness, joy, love of certain people,
In the treatise “Justification of Good” by Vl. Soloviev defined goodness as “a real moral order, expressing the absolutely due and absolutely desirable attitude of everyone to everything and everything to everyone.”

Kindness- The spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressing his ability and ability to do good for people, bring joy, help, protect, based on the criteria of good. Kindness is gentleness, attentiveness, attentiveness, caring, the ability to sympathize, patience, shown even to the detriment of oneself, unselfishly, in the name of the rule of goodness, as the highest spiritual value.

Confidence- a spiritual and moral quality of a person that expresses confidence in another person’s desire for goodness and benevolence, and hence faith in his sincerity, decency, and conscientiousness. Trust is a person’s ability to rely on someone, to entrust him with his feelings and thoughts, even his destiny, to vouch for him to someone. Trusting relationships help to avoid evil and make it easier to resolve problematic situations. At the same time, any trust is reinforced by knowledge of the person and one’s capabilities.

Delicacy(French - sensitivity) - an ethical quality of a person, expressed as attentiveness, politeness in dealing with people and things, gentleness in communication and attitudes towards anything. Delicacy is based on deep respect for a person, kindness and goodwill, recognition of the rights of another person to be different, and one’s personal attitude to life.

Childhood- the initial stage of human development from birth to 17 years, the stage of general development, growth, and formation of personality in a person. At the same time, childhood is an independent, valuable cultural phenomenon that has its own special purpose in a person’s living space. In practice and science, there have been two approaches to childhood. According to one, the earliest and most widespread, childhood is a time of imperfection, incompleteness of a person, and therefore children need to be raised and educated more quickly, adapting them to adult “serious” life. According to the second approach, childhood is the best state of a person, the richest and most complete, developing natural capabilities, the most natural, pure, open, immaculate state. Different approaches entail different organization of a person’s upbringing in childhood. At the same time, all researchers of childhood recognize its fateful significance for a person’s subsequent life. In addition, childhood is also understood as a moral category, as the preservation of purity, sincerity, and naturalness by a person throughout his life.

Friendship- a form of relationships between people based on mutual affection, spiritual community and common interests. Friendship is expressed in love and mutual respect, respect, openness, trust, selflessness. Friendship does not restrict people's freedom; it is voluntary and individually selective. But for the sake of friendship, it is recommended to first put friends to the test and not recognize every acquaintance as a friend. Friendship is very valuable in adolescence and adolescence. Children who have close friends develop more harmoniously and calmly, and live more joyfully. “Friendship” has fairly stable definitions: true friendship, brotherly friendship, male friendship, school friendship, etc. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Friendliness– a positive moral quality of a person, expressing a sincere attitude towards people, pure feelings, a desire for peaceful, good coexistence, for a peaceful, calm resolution of emerging conflicts. Friendliness is a type of relationship with each other based on respect and recognition of rights. Friendliness is also a warm feeling, devoid of petty grievances. Friendliness, as a personality quality, underlies the education of children in the world, in love for it, in a calm, balanced way of life.

Spirituality- this is the highest quality of the human personality that arises in the process of soul development. This property “adds up” in the unity of self-awareness (intelligence), behavior (moral) and feelings (freedom and dignity). In a person’s life, spirituality is the creative force that permeates it all and determines a new quality of life and lays the foundations of a worldview.

Soul is a special intangible substance in a person that ensures his personal development. The purpose of the soul is to ensure the development of man, to warn him from evil and premature destruction, and to preserve individuality. From a material point of view, the soul is the function of the brain to reflect the environment and its inner world through the senses.

E: like-minded person.

Like-minded person- this is a person who has similar, identical views and assessments of any phenomena and events with someone else. Like-minded people, as a rule, gravitate towards a common cause, communication and unification.

F: greed, cruelty, life experience.

Greed(stinginess) (ts.-slav. - desire, desire) - a personality quality expressed as an irresistible desire and persistent desire to own something or someone. The object of greed can be any realities of life, usually materialized: money, wealth, power, people, food, etc. A greedy person is unscrupulous in the means of achieving the goal of appropriation. At the same time, “greed” also has another, completely moral meaning: greed for work, greed for knowledge.

Cruelty(Old Russian - severity) - a moral quality of a person that characterizes an overly strict, harsh and even aggressively destructive attitude towards people and animals. This is an attitude that causes physical and mental pain and suffering. Cruelty is manifested in excessive straightforwardness, unjustifiability and stubbornness, open unfriendliness, evil mockery, deceit, anger, as well as indifference and insensitivity. All this is often accompanied by irritability and intolerance to the mistakes and weaknesses of others. In some situations, cruelty can manifest itself as willpower, determination and integrity. More often, cruelty becomes a means of demonstrating uncompromisingness, authoritarianism and direct dictatorship. But in any form, cruelty is destructive, and therefore essentially immoral, feeding on and, in turn, feeding the lack of spirituality of the individual.

Life experience– a set of life events within the biography of one person. Life experience is the social biography of an individual, the individual history of a person on Earth. It is determined by the presence of repeatable and turning events, “changes of milestones,” life position and methods of its implementation. The basis of life experience is the spiritual life of a person. This experience grows out of suffering, out of the victory of the will over desires. Only such experience leads to wisdom. Life experience is the basis of professionalism, pedagogical skill; it is both the source, the means, and the result of human development.

Z: care, envy, arrogance, rancor, knowledge.

Care(Old Russian - troubles) - human activity in voluntarily contributing to the good of another: providing help and support, creating favorable living conditions, giving warmth and love, participation in life situations, etc. Caring is the work of soul and body aimed at someone else. You can take care of anyone and anything: younger and older children, elderly people, friends, family, as well as animals, birds, harvest, order, etc.

Envy(Old Slav.) - a moral negative quality of a person or a temporary emotional state of the soul, expressed in the desire for anything that another has, depending on one’s soul on something external, transitory. Envy manifests itself as annoyance at someone else's luck, a desire to have something without difficulty, suffering over the lack of what others have, rejection of someone else's happiness, a feeling of suffering arising from the well-being of others.

Arrogance– a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, expressed as arrogance, arrogance. Arrogance is generated on the basis of an individual’s overestimated self-esteem of his strengths and underestimated self-esteem of his shortcomings. In general, this negative quality interferes with decent communication with other people and makes a person uncooperative in a team.

Grudge– a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested as vindictiveness, resentment, unforgiveness towards the offender. Rancor is a memory of bad things, of evil done, and the response of evil to evil. This quality is negative, because it is based on lower human feelings and instincts; it prevents a person from being sincere, patient, and kind. The inability to forgive prevents the person himself from living harmoniously: it destroys his psyche, leading to aggression and hatred. Taking revenge calms him down.

Knowledge(Old Russian - to make known) a linguistic form of reflection of reality and ways of knowing and transforming it. Knowledge exists in the form of concepts, judgments, laws, etc. It has structure (concrete and abstract knowledge), functions (operational and perspective knowledge) and content (topic, object, subject of linguistic reflection). It exists in written and oral form. Knowledge is intellectual property and public domain. This is one of the beginnings of human life as an individual, as a social being. Some of the most profound knowledge is sacred in nature and is revealed, i.e. are not available to everyone. Only talented scientists, poets, and artists “see” in reality much more than most people. In the education system, the didactic equivalent of knowledge is the content of education (training). In this sense, here knowledge is the result of students’ educational activities, educational information that they assimilate. The acquired knowledge is the basis of skills and abilities. Knowledge is limitless, historical, dynamic.

And: intelligence, art (real art).

Intelligence(Latin - understanding, thinking) - the degree of education and upbringing of a person, manifested as readiness for constant mental activity, for mastering one’s own and another culture, as the ability to constantly acquire knowledge and understand other people. Intelligence is a high degree of development of thinking, and especially political, ethical, philosophical, ensuring a global worldview and the ability to quickly adapt to a foreign cultural environment. This personality quality does not carry national characteristics, it is ahistorical and non-cultural, it is rather cosmopolitan. Most often, the term is used to denote the etiquette quality of a person that characterizes his communication culture.

Art- a form of culture that includes all types of artistic creativity and their results as a variety of specific works. Art is an integral part of the spiritual culture of humanity. In this regard, I. includes a group of varieties of human activity - painting, music, theater, fiction (which is sometimes distinguished separately - compare the expression “literature and art”), etc., united because they are specific - artistic figurative - forms of reproducing reality. In a broader sense, the word “I.” refers to any form of practical activity when it is performed skillfully, masterfully, skillfully not only in a technological, but also in an aesthetic sense.

Real art- a time-tested creation that does not leave a person indifferent, leaving a mark on history, bearing cultural and historical value.

K: book, book monuments, deceit, conflict, competence, culture, beauty, xenophobia.

Book- the most important historically established form of information consolidation, intended for repeated reproduction and transmission in time and space. Modern bookkeeping is a work of printing in the form of a code (code) with a certain minimum number of pages (in accordance with UNESCO recommendations - more than 3 printed sheets, i.e., no less than 48 pages). K. plays a huge role in human life, in the field of scientific research and in the development of culture. It is the main means of material embodiment and distribution of fiction.

"... a book is a work of spiritual and material creativity, presented in a symbolic or pictorial form, reproduced, as a rule, on a paper or parchment basis in the form of a handwritten codex or a printed publication of any material structure (actually a book, newspaper, magazine, sheet , card, complete);

Book monuments history and culture (book monuments) - individual books, book collections that have outstanding spiritual, aesthetic or documenting merits, representing as such socially significant scientific, historical and cultural value and protected by special legislation;..."

Insidiousness(Old Russian - forge) - actions (and words) that cause evil under the guise or under the guise of good. Malicious, malicious actions under the guise of ostentatious goodwill. Cunning can be a negative moral and ethical personality trait if a person often uses it as a method of solving his problems and achieving goals. An insidious person is always planning evil, inflicting unexpected blows on another person, plotting intrigues. In the pre-revolutionary lexicon there was the word “kovy” with the same meaning. The meaning of “cunning” comes from the word “forge”, i.e. hit, chop, strike.

Conflict(lat. - feud, dispute) - a collision of equal in strength, but oppositely directed goals, motives, ideas, characters, moods, actions, causing negatively colored emotional experiences. The conflict requires its participants to take active action, enter into the struggle for their ideas, goals, etc. There may be incompatibility between the parties, which can become a source of mental trauma. Conflicts are distinguished as internal discord of human aspirations, and as discord with external circumstances, including interpersonal conflicts.

Competence(Latin – proper, capable) – the level of qualification and professionalism of a specialist, in professional development occupying a place between the levels of performance and perfection. Competence makes a specialist more competitive in the labor market. But most importantly, it increases satisfaction with activities and gives the joy of work.

Culture(Latin – cultivation) is the totality of everything created by the hand and spirit of man, i.e. those material, artistic and spiritual values ​​that were created in the process of socio-historical practice of people; this is a positive experience of humanity, based on the ability of each individual to be creative. Culture serves the well-being of man, his spiritual and physical health; it includes not only the social activities of people to reproduce and renew social existence, but also the complex work of restoring and transforming human nature - spirit, soul and body, work to cultivate a culture of mind and heart. In society, culture performs many functions: exploration and transformation of the world, communicative, signative, accumulation and storage of information, projective, normative and protective. Culture is always the culture of a certain people, expressing the characteristics of their religion, nationality, history, place of residence, etc. This is, as scientists say, the “second nature” of man. It gives meaning to human existence, makes it endlessly developing and preserving itself. Culture is a means of socializing a person, his inclusion in the social whole. And therefore it is closely connected with pedagogical and educational activities in general. The activity of a teacher is the transmission of culture as the experience of past generations to the new generation. The teacher, through culture, is a mediator between the historical past of the people and its future.

beauty- the highest measure of perfection, the highest aesthetic quality of anything. Beauty manifests itself in a person's ability to see and perceive this perfection. In its evolution, beauty ensures natural selection and acts as a criterion for the development of both the object of perception and human perception itself. Beauty is the goal towards which developing life strives. There is no perfection outside of beauty; it lifts a person to the truth. Many feelings, for example, love, friendship, loyalty, trust, are based on the beauty of one’s own actions. The vision of beauty depends on the degree of spirituality of a person, his moral state. Beauty cleanses, elevates, ennobles, and spiritualizes people.

Xenophobia(gr. – excessive hostility) – a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed as hostility, obsessive avoidance, fear of everything alien, unusual and especially foreign, painful perception of the unfamiliar, rejection of others, not one’s own, intolerance to novelty, dissent. This attitude of hostility can reach the point of hatred, aggression

L: flattery, leadership, hypocrisy, lies, loyalty, curiosity.

Flattery(old glory - deception) - the immoral action of a person expressing praise or approval to another person for a selfish purpose. This is feigned praise, with benefit for oneself and does not correspond to the truth. Flattery and the moral quality of flattery formed on its basis are servility, indulgence, seduction of pride, hypocrisy. At the same time, the word “flattering” is used in a softer sense, as a compliment, perhaps well-deserved, and certainly satisfying the vanity of the one to whom it is addressed (for example, a compliment, a review, a review).

Leadership(English - leader) - the role position of a person in a group, expressing in the informal recognition of his authority by all members of this group. Leaders become thanks to personal qualities and abilities to perform any activity better than others, which contribute to universal recognition. In the system of interpersonal relations, the leader plays a leading role: he is listened to, obeyed, respected and protected. The style of relations between the leader and the group can be different: authoritarian, democratic and permissive. As a rule, a leader is nominated based on the performance of some activity, so that in each of them the group can have its own leader, i.e. its recognized authority.

Hypocrisy(old glory - two-faced) - a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, expressed in a person’s ability to pretend, pretend to be a kind, decent, trusting and generally morally positive person, secretly committing evil, a crime of good. A hypocritical person takes on one guise and acts in another.

Lie(old glory - lie) - the quality of immoral behavior, manifested in deliberate untruth, deception, distortion of events, concealment of the truth, departure from the truth in a person’s relationship with himself and other people. A lie is often “friends” with laziness, envy, violence, and weak will, but it can also be generated by a person’s powerlessness and insecurity. Fear can give rise to lies as a way of self-defense.

Loyalty(French - true) - a type of human behavior manifested in tolerance and good attitude towards authorities, other parties, societies and events. Loyalty is, at best, neutrality, non-interference even in the face of internal disagreement. Externally, loyalty is expressed in a person’s humanized, open, friendly, consistent behavior.

Curiosity- intellectual and moral quality of the individual, expressed as a general undifferentiated focus on knowledge, acquisition of new knowledge, and search for answers to emerging questions. Curiosity is based on an innate research instinct; it is a powerful stimulant in learning activities. An inquisitive person is inquisitive, active, he finds pleasure in intellectual activity, in independent activity in general, he rejoices at the opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, he is ready to overcome obstacles for this.

M: cowardice, commercialism, dream, morality, vindictiveness, wisdom.

Cowardice(Old Russian) – a moral quality of a person that characterizes a person as weak-willed, indecisive, cowardly. A cowardly person easily succumbs to random influence; he is, as people say, soft-bodied, cautious, and suspicious. It is interesting that the word “cowardly” comes from the name of a landowner who has few serfs in his possession - few souls. Today they say this about a person who has “little soul” as the core of his personality. Cowardice is a sign of a weak human spirit.

Commercialism– a negative moral quality of an individual, expressed in petty prudence, in relation to people as a means of personal well-being.
Mercy (V.S. - a loving heart) is a moral quality of personality and activity, expressed as effective love in action for people, animals, and flora, as compassion for their misfortune and selfless help in need.

Dream(Old Russian - vision, ghost) - a mental representation of the desired future, the creation of imaginary images about the object of desire, desire, aspiration. A dream is a vision of something that does not exist and may not exist. The dream image may be vague, unclear, but pleasant and desirable. Such a dream is called daydreaming. A dream can lead away from life and its problems and be unrealistic. Excessive indulgence in dreams gives rise to such a quality as daydreaming. However, there are quite productive dreams that are quite realizable. Such dreams are stimulating in nature, they contribute to the development of activity, support optimism, and belief in success. These are dreams - motives for activity.

Morality(morality) (Latin - morality) is a way of spiritual existence of an individual, a spiritual lever of society. It manifests itself as a form of social consciousness that establishes normative and evaluative rules of human behavior in society and his personal spiritual life. Functions of morality: regulation of human behavior, consciousness and feelings; ensuring coordination of people's relationships and activities; creating a criterion of morality in assessing public and one’s own discipline. Morality is historical and cultural in nature: it is always closely intertwined with customs, traditions, and value orientations of society. In the sphere of moral consciousness, a person’s attitude towards the world and himself develops, which finds expression in the assessment of people’s behavior, their characters, and beliefs from the standpoint of good and evil.

Vindictiveness(Old Russian - alternately with each other) - a negative moral quality of a person, expressed in the actions of retribution with evil for evil, for insults and troubles caused to a person, for death and illness. It manifests itself as intransigence, unforgiveness, rancor, and a sense of retribution. Vengeance is generated by lower human emotions and instincts. A vengeful person is often gloomy, angry, and suspicious. He is ready to take revenge for any offense, real or imaginary.

Wisdom(slav. - alive) - depth of mind based on an understanding of the main, important, initial and final meanings and values ​​of life, the ability to distinguish between good and evil, true from false. It cannot be achieved through simple knowledge and much knowledge; rich personal experience cannot provide everything. Wisdom is a spiritual and moral factor, an initially strong, reliable vision of human life.

N: hope, science, erudition, resourcefulness, injustice, hatred, tenderness, intolerance.

Hope– a person’s turning to the future, a joyful, directed expectation, a premonition of something vital.

The science(gr.) – a sphere of human activity, the task of which is to understand reality, to identify the laws of development of nature and society. Science is always technological, objective, and rational. determined, demonstrative. Science, both in its technology, in the sense of means of obtaining knowledge, and in its content, i.e. acquired knowledge is the crown of the mental work of the human mind. Science is a branch of culture first created by the Greeks. It is built on research and its results and serves as a means of rational reconstruction of the world.

Erudition– a positive intellectual quality of a person, manifested as a love of reading, knowledge of a variety of literature and reading comprehension. Well-read characterizes an erudite person with a high reading culture. A well-read person remembers well what he read in detail, knows a lot by heart, and is able to compare sources and thoughts with each other. It is easy and interesting to communicate with a well-read person.

Resourcefulness– a positive ethical quality of a person, expressed as intelligence, the ability to easily and quickly find the right words and ways out of difficult situations and problematic situations. Resourcefulness is the quality of a lucky person who knows how to always be in the right place and at the right time. The word "resourcefulness" comes from "finding" oneself, i.e. “stay with yourself, with memory and consciousness, don’t get lost, don’t lose your presence of mind” in any situation.

Hatred- a feeling of hostility, disgust, anger, enmity, born from a negative assessment of some people and their actions. Hatred is almost always instinctive. Hatred as an emotional state makes a person rude, impatient, recklessly cruel, and angry.

Tenderness- a positive moral and ethical quality of a person, manifested as affection, gentleness in communication, as love, recognition of another person. This can be a gentle, affectionate, soft, kind word or deed, pleasant and subtle (not rude) treatment. Tenderness is also the quality of a thing, which also reflects its softness, fragility, and subtlety.

Intolerance– a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person that characterizes a person’s attitude towards unusual (different) views, assessments, tastes, customs, habits, and faith. This is a rejection of everything “other”, not accepted, unconventional, extraordinary, condemnation of it. Intolerance pushes to struggle, to prohibition, to hatred.

A: learning, limited, responsive.

Education- the process of direct transmission of social experience and the perception and assimilation of it by students. This process is aimed at developing both those who transmit this experience as information, and those who accept and assimilate it. Learning is a two-way process. It includes the teaching process, i.e. the didactic activity of the teacher, and the learning process of the student himself. Education is a systematic teaching of the child's environment, organized in accordance with didactic principles. As a result, the child’s consciousness, behavior and feelings change. Children comprehend the world as it is for adults, and gradually accumulate their own experience of dealing with it. Modern education is focused on the assimilation of knowledge and does not help in the development of intuition and human spirituality, which is the main obstacle to the holistic harmonious development of a person.

Limitation- a negative intellectual quality of a person that characterizes a person with a narrow outlook, narrow interests, unerudite and even poorly informed. Limitation does not allow a person to understand this shortcoming and overcome it. Limited people cannot think globally or simply in general terms, and cannot make capable decisions. The way to overcome this quality is humility before knowledge, including books, the development of observation, and the cultivation of interest in life.

Responsiveness- a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested as a tendency to help those in need, to see need, unselfishness, generosity, generosity, the ability to forgive, tolerance. Responsiveness is based on well-developed empathy, emotional reactivity, sensitivity to the behavior of others, altruism, vulnerability, diligence and responsibility. Being surrounded by sympathetic people instills in many people confidence in the strength of life and in the reign of good. At the same time, excessive responsiveness and concern for others, and even highly valued by others, can cause a patron to feel condescending towards his charges, and obsessive patronage. Those who are cared for and taken care of may develop dependency from the excessive kindness of people

P: patriotism, heroism, truth, forgiveness, betrayal.

Patriotism(gr. - homeland, fatherland) - a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed as love for the Motherland, one’s people, the places of one’s birth and residence. Patriotism is not associated with hushing up the negative properties of one’s people; he sees and feels everything, but continues to love, promote growth, and make his feasible contribution to culture and production. Patriotism as an attitude towards one’s homeland does not exclude respect for other peoples and states; it is not a feeling of national superiority and the desire to live prosperously to the detriment of others. The word first appeared in the Russian language during the time of Peter I.

Is it true- what corresponds to reality; true.

Forgiveness- refusal to retaliate for offense and damage caused. The meaning of merciful forgiveness is not simply in forgetting the evil caused (one can forget in contempt, in indifference to the one who committed evil or sought it), but in the renunciation of revenge as the first condition for possible reconciliation. Forgiveness is forgetting the offense and agreeing to peace; in forgiveness, recognition of the other occurs, and through recognition, acceptance of him.

Betrayal- the gravest offense of a person, characterizing his spiritual and moral state, violation of fidelity to someone or failure to fulfill a duty to someone. Betrayal is treason, denunciation, unexpected revenge. Betrayal is a moral category; it arises as the antipode of devotion. The reasons for betrayal can be very different: fanaticism, envy, jealousy, talkativeness, fear, manifestation of physical weakness.

R: indifference.

Indifference- a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested as indifference, peace, coldness, indifference, equanimity towards any people, actions, events. An indifferent person is calm, dispassionate, he has no passions and desires to make changes in these relationships. Indifference is a very big vice, the basis of many crimes, misdeeds, and other vices, and most importantly, it is a factor that stimulates the birth of vices in the people around us. Once upon a time this word had a different meaning - the meaning of unanimity, i.e. the same state of mind of people.

C: narcissism, self-education, self-sacrifice, independence, freedom, conscience, justice

Narcissism- a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested as ardent love for oneself - one’s appearance, actions, words, feelings. This is an uncritical attitude towards oneself, bordering on selfishness, a person-centered attitude towards life. The phenomenon of narcissism is also called narcissism. According to ancient Greek mythology, one beautiful young man named Narcissus, seeing his reflection in the water, fell in love with him and died from this love. The gods turned him into a daffodil flower as punishment for not taking nature into account and not loving a nymph named Echo.

Self-education- conscious and purposeful human activity to improve one’s positive qualities and overcome negative ones, a type of self-improvement. Self-education is an intellectual activity consisting in the independent formation of personality, educating oneself.
It is based on adequate self-esteem, corresponding to a person’s real abilities, on a critical analysis of one’s individual characteristics and potential capabilities. As the degree of awareness increases, it becomes an increasingly significant force in the self-development of the individual.
Necessary components of self-education are self-analysis of personal development, self-report and self-control. Self-education techniques include self-order, self-approval and self-hypnosis.

Self-sacrifice- the action of a person sacrificing himself, his benefits, material goods for the benefit of others who need it. It is a voluntary and joyful sacrifice that lies at the heart of human growth and development.

Independence– a positive spiritual and moral quality of an individual, manifested in initiative, criticality, self-regulation, a sense of personal responsibility for oneself and one’s activities, the ability to set certain goals and achieve them on one’s own. This is a volitional property based on the ability to analyze life, systematize data, plan, regulate and carry out one’s activities without outside help. There is independent thinking, intelligence, judgment as the readiness of memory to acquire and actively use knowledge, skills, and abilities in specific situations. There is also independence of action, work, cognitive activity itself as a readiness for innovation and innovation, for creativity in changing environmental conditions. Independence presupposes a person’s responsible attitude towards his behavior.

Self-criticism- a spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed as an autopsy and recognition of one’s own mistakes, shortcomings, and shortcomings. This is a critical attitude towards oneself, based on self-diagnosis, introspection, self-esteem, Self-control

Self-esteem- a person’s assessment of his own strengths and weaknesses, understanding of his characteristics and actions. Self-esteem is the degree of development of self-awareness, when a certain attitude towards oneself, one’s abilities, and products of activity arises. It is expressed in the ability to treat oneself critically, to correlate one’s capabilities with the results of one’s activities. This is a personal opinion about oneself in comparison with others, this is one of the forms of rating carried out by a person for “internal use”. The regulatory function of self-esteem manifests itself in a unique creative attitude towards one’s own personality, i.e. in an effort to change and improve oneself. Self-esteem develops in the process of self-analysis, in the process of mastering reflection. Self-esteem is often influenced by mood and experience, although in general this phenomenon is stable. Low self-esteem gives rise to an inferiority complex, high self-esteem gives rise to conceit, narcissism, self-sufficiency, etc.

Liberty(Old Russian - own) - the degree of autonomy of a person in his interaction with the outside world and, first of all, with other people, with society; this is the degree of his internal independence. It is expressed as the ability to act (make decisions, make choices, independently perceive, think, evaluate) according to one’s interests, goals, values, abilities and capabilities. The degree of freedom depends on both the subjective factor (the state of the body, character, upbringing) and the external objective factor (granted by law, customs, traditions of freedom; laws of nature; economic and political conditions). As a result, freedom is associated with self-determination, the self-awareness of a person who accumulates all these factors. A free person is able to control himself - his desires, aspirations. In Russian culture, the concept of freedom is closely connected with the concept of truth and justice.

Word(old slav. – sound, call) – naming a concept that allows one to focus a person’s consciousness on the corresponding object or phenomenon. The word has its own existence, because it absorbs the human inner “I” of the speaker. The disappeared millennia were preserved for us through the word; it turned out to be imperishable and invulnerable to Time. From generation to generation into the foreseeable future, the history of peoples is transmitted orally and in writing. Language is a code of peoples, signs that store information. Words are diverse in meaning and meaning. Without a word, knowledge cannot be condensed, one cannot think, one cannot express an idea. There was a particularly high faith in the word in ancient times; it was believed that it had a special power of influence on nature and humans. People believed that even the simple name of a phenomenon or object gave them power over them.

Conscience(Old glory - single message) - the natural moral consciousness of a person, his ability to distinguish between good and evil, to exercise self-control of his life and activities. A conscientious person, i.e. a person who feels his conscience is more morally responsible for his behavior before the people around him and society. Conscience is an innate moral law within a person, a strict and incorruptible judge (“Conscience has no teeth, but will gnaw”). It determines the development of other personality traits.

Consciousness- a set of properties, qualities that help a person to correctly understand the surrounding reality, determining his behavior.

Empathy(sympathy) is a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested in the ability to experience the joy and sorrow of another person. Empathy is satisfaction for the successes of other people, without envy and jealousy. Empathy is the perception of the pain, difficulties, losses of another person with condolences, sympathy, compassion, a desire to help, support, and all out of love for him. Such participation in the life experiences of loved ones is based on empathy, as sensitivity and a deep understanding of their mental and physical state. Empathy is imagining oneself in the role of a person experiencing joy or grief and actions towards it such that a person would like to receive to himself, being actually in such a state. Empathy borders on responsibility, on a personal perception of life, on wishing people well.

Happiness- a person’s state, expressed in satisfaction with one’s life, completeness and meaningfulness of life. This is a concept that denotes the optimal combination for a person of various factors that contribute to the emergence of a feeling of satisfaction, joy, optimism, and hope. Happiness is sometimes understood as good fortune, the favor of the soul, a state of well-being. In the experience of a particular person, happiness is a state of freedom, balance, tranquility, the absence of neuroses and conflicts, the opportunity to be oneself. “Happiness” is close to the concept of “part,” and “s” meant “one’s own,” “with me.” Happiness is not given to a person from birth; they strive for it, overcoming obstacles. The state of happiness and its experience completely depends on the spiritual and moral development of a person: you can be a rich, smart or beautiful person, but at the same time experience unhappiness and vice versa, be happy without having anything

T: tact, tact, talent, creativity, tradition, work, diligence, cowardice.

Tact(German – touch) – a measure that characterizes a person’s act or behavior as a whole as corresponding to the conditions and requirements imposed by society and the profession. Manifests itself as a sense of proportion, i.e. timeliness, a certain force, delicacy, observance of decency. The word “tact” was borrowed by pedagogy from musicology, where it denoted a metric measure of tonal relationships.

– a positive moral and ethical quality of an individual, based on the development of a sense of tact. It manifests itself in observing measures in communication, in preventing actions and words that could be unpleasant or destructive for others. Tactfulness is the quality with which a person regulates and harmonizes his relationships with people.

Talent(gr. – outstanding) – a high degree of a person’s ability to perform a certain activity, expressed in the ability to perform this activity with love, quickly, with high quality and in an original way. Talent is giftedness, a person’s disposition to activity, which largely determines a person’s destiny.

Creation- a way of activity and thinking that ensures that the individual goes beyond the boundaries of traditional, familiar, given existence. Some scientists consider creativity to be the highest form of thinking and activity, the basis of mastery, and a characteristic sign of human talent. It can manifest itself in any type of human activity. Through creativity a person realizes himself as an individual.

Tradition(Latin – transfer) – a way of storing and successively transmitting social experience in human communities (family, class, school, village, city, society). Thus, customs, habits, views, and assessments of actions are stored and transmitted. Through traditions, the social inheritance of certain qualities, actions, and relationships is carried out. They are formed on the basis of long-term experience of joint life activities and manifest themselves as stereotypes of behavior and communication, in the stability of public opinion and beliefs.

Work– (Old Russian – work, zeal) conscious, constant and purposeful performance of actions for the physical or spiritual transformation of reality, which simultaneously acts as a way of obtaining a livelihood. Labor ensures the development of a person and his movement forward, however, under the condition of love for work and a creative attitude towards it.
To do it, you need courage and patience. Labor is blessed and beneficial for man. “Without labor, natural wealth and the abundance of capital have a disastrous effect not only on the moral and mental development of people, but even on their condition” (K.D. Ushinsky) During the time of Vladimir Monomakh, physical and mental labor were not opposed. The first was considered as a necessary prerequisite for the success of the second, and the second as ennobling the first, making a person strong and wise.

Hard work– a positive spiritual, moral and volitional quality of a person, consisting in the desire and ability to conscientiously, enthusiastically and with a sense of satisfaction complete the labor process, perform labor functions. For hard work, strong-willed efforts, organization, discipline, and perseverance are important.

Cowardice(Old Russian - shaking) - a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, manifested as a fear of difficulties, troubles, pain for oneself personally and as an inability to restrain and overcome the fear of them. Cowardice often underlies betrayal, lies and many other vices.

U: teacher.

Teacher(real teacher) is a person involved in teaching and educating students, usually professionally trained. But a teacher is, first of all, a person who has voluntarily taken upon himself high responsibility for the upbringing and training of another person, who has let him into his consciousness and provides spiritual guidance to him.
Such a high role as a teacher can be combined with the performance of purely teaching functions at school, or it can be performed voluntarily by a teacher who is not at all a school teacher, for example, a confessor, an older friend, a brother or a father. A teacher in this sense is someone who listens to a child, tirelessly watches his growth, provides the necessary freedom, gives the necessary advice, and warns against betrayal, superstition and hypocrisy. The teacher must be close to the student, otherwise there is no teaching.
Modern pedagogy believes that only a spiritually developed, creative person with the ability to reflect, professional skills, a great pedagogical gift and a desire for something new can be a teacher. The teacher must understand the essence and intrinsic value of education. A teacher is also a mediator between the general cultural experience of humanity and the new generation.

F: fantasy.

Fantasy(lat. - figment of the imagination) - mental mental activity that creates imaginary images and situations that do not exist in human life experience. Fantasy is the imagination, the inventive power of the mind, the original creativity of a person. With its help, a person can stay ahead of events and design activities. The word "fantasy" was once the name of the son of the god of sleep, Hypnos, who sleeps in the form of an inanimate object - either earth, water, wood or stone. Since then, this mythological image has retained itself in the name of a poetic, psychological, mental image.

X: negligence, hypocrisy, character, boastfulness, cunning, courage.

Negligence(Arabic) – a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, manifested as an irresponsible, careless and unscrupulous attitude towards work, as “careless” work. The name of this feature comes from the word “robe” - home clothes, spacious, not restricting movement, warm and cozy. The robe allowed me to relax, rest, and step away from work. Hence “negligence”, which characterizes a withdrawal from the task, from serious and diligent implementation of it, relaxation and even laziness.

Hypocrisy(Turkish – pilgrim) – a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed as a demonstration of one’s virtues contrary to one’s inner essence and contradicting it. This is feigned virtuous, ostentatious piety, designed “for the public” and used to benefit from trust, recognition, encouragement, promotion, etc.

Character(gr. - mark, brand) - a set of stable personality traits that reflect its various relationships to anything - to itself, friends, work, leisure, knowledge, art, society, etc. Character makes a person recognizable, as if endowed with signs, special characteristics. With character, a person becomes able to implement his ideas and plans, show will and strength, and be creative. Throughout his life, a person spends his entire life developing his character. Through character, a person masters the environment and adapts to it.

Boastfulness(v. slav. – to praise, glorify) – a negative moral and ethical quality of a person, manifested as bragging, an arrogant idea of ​​one’s merits, as lies and lies about one’s successes, as deliberate glorification of oneself. Boastful people love to talk about themselves, their real and imaginary victories, to be visible, and to receive praise.

- a moral and ethical quality of a person, manifested in dexterity, deception, cunning, secret action, hidden action. Cunning is a way to deceive the enemy’s vigilance or a means to obtain some other desired result.

(French - sharp, firm) - a positive moral-volitional quality of a person, characterized as masculinity, courage, fearlessness. It manifests itself as the individual’s ability to overcome fear, uncertainty and doubt, as the ability to risk oneself in a situation of danger in order to achieve a goal. A brave person is decisive, confident in victory, firm in decisions, he has the will to overcome obstacles.

C: goal, determination, values ​​(eternal values).

Target- this is an imaginary peak, individual for each person, to which he strives and tries to fulfill all the necessary conditions, requirements, and responsibilities that depend on him. From a philosophical point of view, the goal is a necessary condition of life for both humans and other organisms.

Determination– a positive moral-volitional quality of an individual, manifested as the individual’s ability to set clear and accessible goals and objectives for activities, actions, actions, based on life principles, personal views and beliefs, and moral guidelines. Determination is also the concentration of actions, thoughts and feelings on inexorable movement and achievement of a set goal.

Values– a concept that denotes objects, phenomena, their properties, as well as abstract ideas that embody social ideals and act as standards of what is proper. These are the most important components of human culture, along with norms and ideals.

Eternal values- values ​​that are important at all times and for all people. Such values ​​include freedom, truth, beauty, justice, goodness and benefit, honesty and others. Eternal values ​​are important for a spiritually developed person.

C: reading, honor.

Reading– semantic perception and understanding of written text. Reading is always a reaction to the author’s text, which depends on the technique of decoding letter signs, on the experience of the reader, on his development and characteristics of perception. When reading, there is a connection between the words spoken (mentally or out loud) with personal experience and the events described, with the author’s vision of them. In this sense, there is always co-creation, empathy, and dialogue with the author (this happens even when reading textbooks). The methodology for teaching reading is based on the understanding of reading as an activity, i.e. as an information-value and cultural-historical process. Reading is a form of learning and communication. Reading comprehension is the main task of reading. Reading is a phenomenon of human life, speech ontogenesis. Active speech is the basis for human development and learning. There are different types of reading: aloud, silently, speed reading, etc.

Honor- this is your own and public opinion about yourself, your merits and virtues. Honor is a form of moral assessment of all human life. This is what constitutes the essence of a person and depends on him, but is affirmed and assessed more externally. This is what people call good fame and good rumor. Honor is conscience, self-respect, expressing the desire to bring one’s life and activities closer to the ideal. Honor and its protection is a way of demonstrating and protecting dignity. A person with honor acutely feels insults, humiliations, reproaches of dishonesty, lies and other evil intentions. Those who do not commit them will defend themselves from those who encroach on their honor even at the cost of their lives. The concept of honor for a person is a strong incentive for moral improvement and spiritual growth.

SH: generosity.

Generosity(ts.slav. - good-natured) - a positive spiritual and moral quality of a person, characterizing a person who is hospitable, merciful to those in need, capable of sharing his knowledge, skills and material resources, property with others.

E: selfishness, ecology, etiquette.

Selfishness(Latin – “I”) – a negative spiritual and moral quality of a person, expressed as selfishness, concern for satisfying only one’s needs.

Ecology(gr. - to run a house) is a science that studies the general laws of functioning of all living things in this world, including in social and technogenic conditions, the relationship of living organisms and the environment. Ecology studies populations, the habitat of living beings, including humans, the position of humans as a species and society in the ecosphere of the planet.

Etiquette(French – rank, order) – rules of behavior established for a particular society, class, type of activity. Etiquette is external forms of behavior - behavior, manners, clothing, speech, facial expressions, pantomime, etc. It includes rules of behavior when meeting people, in communication, at the table, and when saying goodbye. These rules regulate actions, their sequence creates a certain ceremony.

Altruism- desire and desire to unselfishly benefit other people, self-denial, selflessness; the opposite of selfishness.
. Awe- deepest reverence, respect, admiration, recognition.
. Good manners- the ability to behave well in society, having good manners.
. Gratitude- the ability to feel and show gratitude for good done.
. Benevolence- friendliness, friendliness.
. Decency- compliance with the requirements of decency.
. Prudence- prudence, prudence, common sense.
. Nobility- high morality, dignity, impeccable honesty, the ability to neglect personal interests, openness and conscientiousness.

. Charity- providing people with goods and services, providing free material or monetary assistance to those in need.
. Politeness- inclination and ability to observe the rules of decency, good manners, courtesy.
. Generosity- possession of high spiritual qualities, the ability to forgive and be selflessly compliant, willingness to sacrifice one’s interests for the sake of others.
. Loyalty- reliability, devotion, constancy, constancy in fulfilling one’s duties, in feelings and relationships.
. Will- a person’s desire and ability to fulfill his desires, to overcome obstacles, and achieve his goals.
. Good manners- having a good upbringing, knowledge of the rules of behavior in society and the ability to behave in accordance with these rules.
Humanity- philanthropy, responsiveness, attentiveness to the needs of other people.

. Humanism- recognition of the value of a person as an individual, respect for dignity and human rights.
. Good nature- benevolent friendliness, kindness and gentleness of character.
. Integrity- tendency to honestly fulfill one's obligations; loyalty, reliability in business.
. Kindness- willingness to help people, provide them with services (“do good”), responsiveness, sincerity.
. Duty- moral obligation of the individual, responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of society or for accepted internal obligations.
. Friendship- stable, trusting, close relationships based on common interests, ideals and goals, sympathy and active mutual assistance.
. Friendliness- a feeling of sympathy and affection, a friendly disposition towards someone.
. Soul- human inner world; a special ideal beginning, opposite to the material world.

. Common sense- prudence, a sense of proportion, wisdom, the correctness of people’s ideas about nature, society and the world around them.
. Ideal- the highest perfection, the best role model; a real or collective image that embodies the most valuable and attractive human traits.
. Intelligence- a combination of a high level of intelligence and education; familiarization with the riches of world and national culture; deep acceptance and adherence to universal human values; a sense of social justice and tolerance of dissent; honesty, tact, conscientiousness, integrity, modesty, decency, nobility.
. Intelligence- mental, cognitive abilities of a person; the depth of his knowledge and ability to use it.
. Intuition- the ability to quickly find the right solution to a problem and navigate difficult life situations, as well as foresee the course of events; instinct, insight, subtle understanding of what is happening.
. Culture- human creative activity to create material and spiritual values.

Courtesy- courtesy, attentiveness, courtesy, pleasantness in communication.

. Dreams- plans and fantasies of a person about the future, presented in his imagination and realizing the most important needs and interests for him.
. Worldview- a system of views on the world and man’s place in the world, on people’s attitude to the reality around them and to themselves; beliefs, ideals and principles that guide behavior.
. Peacefulness- desire for peace and harmony, good nature, gentleness in communication, compliance, a tendency to avoid conflicts or a willingness to cooperate and seek compromises.
. Mercy- willingness, out of compassion, to help the needy and disadvantaged; a friendly, caring attitude towards another person.
. Morality- a system of views on a person’s life purpose, covering the concepts of good and evil, due and impermissible, justice, conscience, the meaning of life.
. Wisdom- possession of a great mind, higher knowledge, based on life experience.
. Courage- calm courage, mental fortitude and fortitude; the ability to act intelligently, courageously and decisively in situations of trouble or danger; the ability to overcome fear and self-doubt.

. Kindness- kindness, responsiveness, compassion, spiritual gentleness.
. Moral(morality) - a set of principles and norms of behavior of people in relation to each other and society.
. Responsibility- volitional quality, the ability to exercise control over one’s behavior and activities, to be responsible for actions taken and their consequences, to fulfill one’s obligations.
. Responsiveness- a sympathetic attitude towards other people, a willingness to respond to other people’s needs, and to provide assistance.
. Patriotism- love for the Motherland, attachment to the native land, language, traditions; devotion to one’s fatherland and one’s people, pride in its past and present, the desire to serve its interests through one’s actions.
. Respectfulness- the tendency to treat someone with great respect and even reverence.
. Integrity- the desire to follow beliefs, to act in strict accordance with important firm rules (scientific or moral principles).
. Self-actualization- a person’s desire to identify and develop his abilities and capabilities as fully as possible.

. Self-control- strong-willed quality; the ability to control one’s emotions, maintain inner calm, act wisely and carefully in difficult life situations.
. Self-awareness- a person’s awareness of himself, his own qualities, his “I”.
. Meaning of life- a more or less conscious experience of the meaningfulness and effectiveness of one’s own life, a subjective understanding of one’s purpose and purpose of existence.
. Sympathy- an approving attitude towards another person (people), a feeling of internal disposition, manifested in the provision of attention, friendliness, goodwill.
. Conscience- a special moral sense, the ability to recognize good and evil, an internal assessment of the morality of one’s own and others’ actions, a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior.
. Consciousness- the tendency to adequately and intelligently understand and evaluate the environment, to perform thoughtful actions.
. Empathy- sympathy for another person, joint experience of his mental and emotional state.

. Compassion- active sympathy for the suffering of others, the desire for emotional support of another person, readiness to provide help.
. Justice- an impartial attitude towards something, the desire to follow the truth, truth in words and deeds.
. Tact- a tendency to take into account the interests of others in the process of communication, to show politeness and courtesy; caution, care, sense of proportion in communication.
. Tolerance- the ability to be patient and calm about other people’s opinions, views, and behavior.
. Hard work- positive attitude towards work, activity, initiative, conscientiousness, diligence in work, passion and satisfaction with the work process itself.
. Courtesy- politeness, respect.
. Determination- focus on achieving goals that are significant to the individual, perseverance in achieving them, readiness to overcome difficulties.

. Honor- the internal moral dignity of a person, self-respect based on following moral principles; commitment, honesty, responsibility, unity of word and deed, nobility of soul and clear conscience.
. Empathy- sympathy, empathy, intuitive ability to feel and share the emotional state of other people.
. Ethics- the doctrine of the basic principles of morality and the norms of human life from the point of view of the concepts of good and evil.

Gratitude is the right attitude towards someone who helped you. A grateful person remembers goodness and responds in kind. Here are more options:

  • The ability to be fair.
  • A feeling that obliges a person to return good for good.
  • Moral responsibility to society.
  • The desire to reward a person for his good deeds.
  • Feeling the need to exchange benefits.


Loyalty is a quality characterized by devotion to one person, ideal or cause. Here are some more meanings:

  • The ability to preserve the uniqueness of your friendship, love and other relationships.
  • The desire for moral constancy.
  • The ability to resist temptations and not betray what you have already taken responsibility for.
  • A quality that defines a person’s integrity and reliability.
  • Moral fortitude of a person in the face of temptations.


Politeness is a quality that reflects a person’s upbringing. A polite person has knowledge of the rules of etiquette, always greets people and says goodbye to them, conducts conversations in accordance with ethical standards, and has the skill of giving appropriate compliments. Here are more options:

  • The ability to behave correctly in society.
  • Correct and courteous behavior of a person.
  • The ability to communicate with the environment in a civilized and sensitive manner.
  • Culture of communication with people.
  • The manner of cultural expression and behavior in society.

Mutual assistance

Mutual assistance is the ability of people to respond to kindness with kindness, to remember the good and to come to the aid of someone who was once able to help you. It implies the response of the one who was helped. Here are other meanings of this concept:

  • Mutual desire of people to help each other.
  • Showing gratitude in action.
  • The principle of communication based on unification in the fight against problems.
  • A partnership in which people support each other.
  • The desire of friends to protect each other's interests.

Human inner world

The inner world of a person is a set of positive and negative qualities of a person that make up the core, the basis of his character. The concept of “inner world” can include the emotional and intellectual qualities of a person, all the knowledge gained in the process of life, and the experience accumulated over the years. Here are other interpretation options:

  • A set of moral, social and intellectual attitudes that determine the behavior of an individual.
  • A person’s worldview, which is made up of experience, education and moral principles.
  • All views, opinions and sensations that determine a person’s attitude towards reality and himself.
  • Spiritual life flowing in the soul of each of us.
  • Individuality that distinguishes one person from another.


Choice is a person’s ability to make a meaningful decision, to find the right way out of the current situation. An individual has several options for the development of events, and she chooses the path that is most preferable for a number of reasons. And here are other opinions of the Many-Wise Litrecon on this issue:

  • The ability of an individual to decide his own destiny and bear responsibility for this decision.
  • The intellectual ability of a person, allowing him to determine his life path.
  • A reflex of consciousness that automatically gives preference to one option or another depending on cause-and-effect relationships.
  • A function of a person that determines the sequence of his actions.
  • The freedom of a person to shape his life independently.


Arrogance is a negative quality that manifests itself in the fact that a person considers himself the best of all people. An arrogant hero, for example, cannot come to terms with the successes of others, because he considers himself the only one worthy of all praise and high ratings. Arrogance can concern appearance, intelligence, talent. Anyone who suffers from this disease is disdainful of others, because he considers them unworthy of his society. Here are other options:

  • Pride, which makes a person feel imaginary superiority over society.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • A negative quality that unfairly elevates a person in his own eyes.
  • Selfish attribution of false virtues to oneself.
  • A feeling of unjustified superiority of an individual over his environment.


Heroism is the soul's desire for heroism and self-denial in the name of higher goals. A person cannot demonstrate this every day, but only in certain circumstances, so this quality cannot be found in each of us. Here are other options:

  • A person's readiness to sacrifice in the name of a great goal.
  • The ability to sacrifice one's interests for the sake of a great cause.
  • The desire to save the weak at any cost, even at the cost of one's own life.
  • The desire to help others, sacrificing one's own interests.
  • Selfless self-sacrifice for the sake of performing a good and just deed.


Pride is a high assessment of one's own merits. This quality is interpreted ambiguously, because it can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the manifestations of pride. A person can adequately and properly evaluate his achievements, but not belittle other people, and then this is a positive manifestation of pride. The negative manifestation of this quality is pride. She is distinguished by arrogance, disregard for others, and awareness of herself as the “crown of creation.”

  • The moral scrupulousness of a person, which does not allow him to fall below his moral bar.
  • Self-esteem.
  • Awareness of one's just superiority over someone or something.
  • Feeling of importance.
  • A quality that determines an individual’s ability to receive moral satisfaction from his good results.


Childhood is a period of a person’s life when he is just beginning to get acquainted with the world, with the surrounding nature, people, and the peculiarities of interaction in society. A happy childhood remains forever in a person’s memory, but an unhappy childhood leaves a terrible imprint on his life.

  • A time when a person is not so acutely faced with the issue of responsibility, when he is just beginning to explore the world under the auspices of his parents.
  • The best time of life is when a person is especially attached to family and friends, and his main pastime is learning and playing.
  • The early period of the formation of human nature, when character is built.
  • The initial formation of a person, when he masters the basics of everyday life, morals and life itself.
  • The first step on the path to personal maturation, when a child comprehends the basics of relationships between people.


Kindness is an internal property of a person, manifested in the ability to empathy (sympathy), generosity, and understanding. To be kind is to accept the world around us and people with all their qualities, and to do things that can help society. It helps make everyday life bright and soulful. Here are more options:

  • The quality of the soul that allows people to love their neighbors despite their shortcomings.
  • The desire to do good deeds and make the world a better place.
  • Good intentions that inspire a person to serve the needs of loved ones free of charge.
  • A quality of character that determines a person’s good behavior, expressed in responsiveness and desire to help.
  • A positive quality of the soul, which is expressed in sympathy, generosity and love for one’s neighbor.

Precious books

Precious books are works the reading of which makes a person kinder, smarter, better. Such literature is a storehouse of useful information. They develop imagination, talents and keep the mind in good shape. Precious books can change consciousness and determine life values. They help to gain new principles of life that influence character. Here are some more options:

  • Works that inspire people to self-development.
  • Literature that heals and cleanses the soul.
  • Novels, stories, short stories or philosophical treatises that guide people on the right path.
  • Works of undoubted artistic value.
  • Literature that reveals to the reader the world in all its diversity.


Friendship is the strongest emotional attachment of people to each other, based on similar interests, views, and tastes. True friendship can connect people throughout their lives. A good friend will always support, come to the rescue and help you find the right way out of any situation. What else can be called friendship?

  • A strong feeling of sympathy that can connect completely different people.
  • A union based on emotional identity.
  • A camaraderie between people, which is expressed in similar interests.
  • Mutual attraction in personal communication.
  • The sincere affection of one person for another, supported by trust and mutual assistance.

Life values

Life values ​​are the most important guidelines that a person follows throughout his entire journey. Everyone’s main values ​​are different - love, friendship, family, good education, career. Here are some more definitions:

  • What a person places at the forefront of his existence.
  • Moral ideals of man.
  • What we live for.
  • That which determines a person’s attitude towards himself and the world around him.
  • The important aspects of human existence that we most strive to achieve.


Envy is a negative personality quality that implies an inability to enjoy the successes of others, a desire to receive all the blessings of the world oneself. The destructive feeling that comes from observing the happiness and well-being of other people. What else can be called envy?

  • Suffering because someone else has found happiness.
  • A negative quality of a person who cannot accept the success of another.
  • A bad attitude towards the achievements of other people, caused by moral suffering from awareness of the imaginary injustice of the distribution of goods.
  • Inability to calmly accept the victories of other people and extreme irritation about this.
  • A bad quality of a soul that is overwhelmed by anger because of the imaginary humiliation that supposedly gives a person the triumph of another.


Love is the strongest feeling that is always present in a person’s life. This is love between a man and a woman, love between family and even friends. Romantic love strongly binds hearts to each other, and families are created based on this feeling. It is characterized by care, tenderness, mutual responsibility, and altruism. In the name of love they perform feats. It can change a person, move mountains and turn the world upside down. What else can be called love?

  • The mutual attraction of a man and a woman, due to the biological need to continue the race.
  • Sensual and emotional attraction towards a person in whom everything seems beautiful.
  • A kinship of souls that binds two people forever.
  • The basis of family happiness, bringing people together to live together.
  • Vivid emotions that open the soul to tenderness and care for another person.

Mother's love

Maternal love is a special feeling that only a woman who has known the joy of motherhood can feel. Maternal love is characterized by care and worries for her child. Any mother wants the best for her child, tries to give him maximum comfort, to provide him with everything necessary for a normal life in society. Mom always helps her children, supports them with kind words, and worries about their well-being. Mother's love is the most sincere and selfless. What else can you call it that?

  • A woman's natural attachment to her child.
  • Emotional connection between mother and her offspring.
  • An all-consuming feeling of tenderness, characteristic of a woman who has given birth to a new person.
  • The need to give yourself completely to your child.
  • The care and support of a mother, which every person feels.


Art is the result of human creative activity. Through creativity, a person demonstrates his brightest creative inclinations. Works of art are literature, painting, music, sculpture, architecture, dance, theater. All this adds color to people’s lives, makes it more beautiful, more diverse and makes them feel better about the different facets of life. How else can it be defined?

  • Creative self-realization of a person.
  • Works of undoubted artistic value.
  • An important side of humanity’s existence, which expresses the fruits of its thoughts and feelings.
  • An attempt to enrich reality with the fruits of human imagination.
  • The embodiment of a bizarre game of human consciousness.


Beauty is a manifestation of the external (or internal) attractiveness of a person, a living being, or a work of art. Beauty can be external, that is, it manifests itself in a pleasant, pretty appearance, cuteness, and attractiveness to other people. But beauty can also be an inner quality of a person’s soul. Inner beauty is kindness, a rich inner world, a high level of intelligence, the ability to attract others with your manners, conversations and sense of humor. Here are more options:

  • Aesthetic superiority of a person over other people.
  • Something that pleases people's eyes.
  • The beautiful side of life that inspires the soul to create.
  • Undeniable perfection, captivating the eye with its charm.
  • An ideal embodied in grace, prettiness or some other charm of the surrounding world.


Mercy is the ability to provide help to someone in need, to show pity, to share hardships and hardships with him. Usually this concept is associated with generosity, which makes a person show concern for the life of a being in need. And here are the definitions:

  • Help and forgiveness even to those who do not deserve it.
  • Kindness and patience towards suffering and needy people.
  • The dignity of a soul that sincerely strives to deliver another person from torment and hardship.
  • The moral quality of a person, which determines his willingness to forgive, help and help out of trouble everyone who needs participation.
  • The wealth of a soul capable of forgetting an insult, forgiving sin and showing kindness to everyone who needs consolation.


Courage is the inner core of a person, the strength of spirit, the quality necessary to withstand difficult trials. Courage is a whole range of qualities, such as strength, honor, responsibility, wisdom, patience, courage. Here are some other interesting options:

  • The ability to cope with difficult life challenges with dignity.
  • Willingness to withstand the fight against fate.
  • The ability to boldly and patiently achieve your goal.
  • Perseverance, patience and courage in overcoming difficulties.
  • The strength that allows us to endure hardships with dignity.


Hope is a state of a person in which he does not lose faith in the positive outcome of his expectation. To hope means to be confident that sooner or later everything expected will happen. This feeling allows you to remain optimistic in any life situation. Here are some more definitions:

  • Faith in the best, which helps a person not to give up and go towards a goal, even if everyone around is disappointed in it.
  • Inflated expectations from the future, which helps people survive in the fight against unfavorable circumstances.
  • The joy of life that people find in an optimistic perception of reality.
  • A belief in success that keeps people on the path to their dreams.
  • A moral guideline that helps a person not stray from the course of life.


Self-doubt is a personality quality characterized by low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and a large number of psychological complexes. This is a negative quality that prevents you from achieving your goals and pushes away the people around you. It is necessary to fight self-doubt, otherwise you can face a lot of problems when interacting with society. What else can you call it that?

  • Low self-esteem, which prevents a person from objectively judging himself.
  • Shyness in communicating with people, due to lack of confidence in one’s own abilities.
  • Excessive modesty in assessing one's capabilities.
  • Excessive demands on oneself, forming complexes.
  • Shyness, the cause of which is fear of failure in society.

Moral choice

A moral choice is a difficult decision that a person makes when he finds himself in a difficult situation of choosing between a good, positive action and a bad, negative action. Moral choice is that a person chooses between good and evil, responsibility and indifference, selfishness and altruism. When making a moral choice, a person turns to his own conscience, and the decision made characterizes him.

  • The need to determine your side, between good and evil, the right decision and opportunity.
  • A crossroads at which a person determines his path in life, where he will leave his mark for posterity.
  • The moral obligation of an individual to determine his moral principles and principles in order to act in accordance with them.
  • A situation where you have to give up convenience or comfort at the behest of your conscience.
  • A decision that shapes the moral character of an individual.


Responsibility is a wonderful quality that a strong personality possesses. This is the ability to take patronage over a weaker person, over a team, this is the ability to conscientiously treat learning and work. Responsible people always command respect from their superiors and others because they have a powerful inner core and moral endurance. Here are some other definitions:

  • The quality of a person that determines his ability to justify the trust of other people.
  • The ability to keep your word.
  • Moral and moral maturity of a person.
  • Willingness to fulfill your obligations at any cost.
  • The desire to be honest with yourself and the people around you.


A vocation is the right niche in a person’s life. This is something that he can do with full dedication, while enjoying the process and an excellent result at the end. This is a penchant for a particular craft, creativity, or a certain profession. Here are other options for deciphering this concept:

  • A personal mission that a person defines for himself.
  • A business that is the meaning of life for an individual.
  • The unique ability of a person to perform any specific activity.
  • A person's love and respect for his craft.
  • The individual gift of a person, revealed in the work he has chosen.


Devotion is the quality of a faithful person who is incapable of betrayal and baseness towards a friend. It is also characteristic of animals. This feeling is very strong, which is why devoted people and animals sometimes tend to self-sacrifice. How else to define this concept?

  • Consistency in attitude towards something or someone.
  • A strong feeling of attachment to what is dear.
  • A quality that implies loyalty to beliefs, people, ideals and values.
  • The ability to maintain attachment to what you call yours.
  • An emotional bond that binds a person to what he has already chosen once.


Indifference (callousness) is a negative personality quality, which is characterized by an indifferent attitude towards other people's troubles and troubles. This is a very dangerous property, because indifferent people cause, if not direct, but indirect harm to victims of cruelty who are in danger. Therefore, whenever you witness an incident, it is necessary to help a person or animal in trouble. Here are other definitions:

  • The character trait of a spiritually weak person who cannot muster the strength to do a good deed.
  • Coldness and indifference towards everything except oneself.
  • Irresponsible attitude towards the world and people.
  • A vice of the soul that is devoid of natural feelings of compassion and responsiveness.
  • Callousness and selfishness that interfere with a full perception of the world.


Homeland is the place where you were born, grew up, and learned about the world. Homeland in the broadest sense of the word - native country, native language, family and people who connect a person with a particular land. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The sociocultural space with which a person associates himself.
  • Father's house, where we come from.
  • The Fatherland that raised and fed each of us.
  • The set of cultural, historical and social ideas of a person about the place where he was born.
  • A place dear to our hearts that we love like family.


Self-education is the ability of an individual to systematically work to improve himself. The basis of self-education is the desire and ability to receive education, to work on one’s internal psychological qualities, and on one’s behavioral models. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • Work on your body, mind and character.
  • Moral control over one's behavior.
  • Development of your personality.
  • Awareness and cultivation of personal responsibility for one’s destiny.
  • The process of character formation.

Strength of mind

Fortitude is a quality characterized by optimism, perseverance in difficult circumstances, and the ability to remain calm at all costs. A person with a strong spirit is usually courageous, instills confidence and cheerfulness in those around him, never loses his good spirit, and therefore is able to find a way out of a difficult life situation. How else can this definition be formulated?

  • Tension of will that helps a person overcome trials.
  • Courage in the fight against hardships and difficulties.
  • The ability to tune in to constructive solutions to problems even at the most critical moment.
  • The ability to persevere in overcoming obstacles along the way.
  • Willingness to gather all your will into a fist to cope with adversity and achieve your goal.


Stinginess is greed, which makes a person a slave of material values. This is a special quality that is inherent in curmudgeons. Misers value things and money more than anything else, the preservation of which becomes the main purpose of their existence. Because of their greed, they stop noticing loved ones and lose friends. Here are some other definitions:

  • Obsession with material goods.
  • An insatiable thirst for personal enrichment to the detriment of the interests of all other people.
  • Fanatical and categorical reluctance to share one’s well-being with those around him.
  • Continuous accumulation, which has become the only meaning of life.
  • Acquisitiveness taken to the extreme.


Courage is a property of a strong spirit, applicable in an emergency situation when it is necessary to rescue an animal or person. Showing courage is often associated with danger to the health and life of the one who shows it. Therefore, it can be called self-sacrifice in order to help one’s neighbor. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The courage a person displays in times of dire need.
  • Willingness to face the test with courage and bravery.
  • Ability to overcome fear of risk and failure.
  • Daily overcoming of personal complexes.
  • A person's ability to defeat the coward within himself.


Conscience is a quality of character that distinguishes a person who is kind, responsible and morally pure. This is the ability to do the right thing, to listen to your inner voice. It does not allow a person to commit an immoral act. How best to expand on this concept?

  • A measure of morality that allows a person to evaluate his own and others’ actions objectively.
  • An inner voice guided by moral sense and moral principles.
  • Heightened sense of justice.
  • A person’s ability to correctly and honestly judge himself and the world around him.
  • A tool of moral self-control.


Compassion is the ability to experience the misfortunes and sorrows of another person (or animal) as your own, the ability to enter into the position of a neighbor, while providing support and help to those who need it. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • Willingness to support, in word or deed, a person in need.
  • The desire to share the torment with those who are experiencing it.
  • The quality of a person that determines her ability to empathize with her neighbor.
  • A feeling of belonging to someone else's grief.
  • The desire to alleviate the plight of someone who is suffering.


Justice is the ability to judge according to conscience, to competently weigh what is happening, to act in accordance with the law and morality. A fair person knows how to correctly assess the situation and objectively characterize the environment. Here are other interpretations:

  • The need for equality, order and honesty that every person feels during maturity.
  • A moral guideline that allows you to impartially assess reality.
  • The pursuit of truth in all its manifestations.
  • The quality of a person that determines her desire for an honest life.
  • A property of a person that gives him the ability to objectively reason about everything that concerns him.


Happiness is a state of complete satisfaction with life. You can achieve happiness in different ways. It all depends on the person's values. But we can say that a lucky person is one who has good health, a sufficient amount of material wealth, love, friendship, strong social connections and a full-fledged family. Here are some other concepts:

  • The joy of life that a person feels spontaneously and fleetingly.
  • The euphoria felt by someone who has achieved what they wanted.
  • A feeling of completeness of existence when a person feels completely satisfied.
  • A feeling of delight that fills the soul.
  • Delight in life.


Talent is a special quality or skill that distinguishes one person from another. A talented person has a tendency to create works of art, to master some skill or skill that he uses better than others. This is a distinctive personality trait that makes it attractive and interesting in the eyes of other people. Here are some other definitions:

  • A gift from above that gives a person the opportunity to do something better than others.
  • Outstanding individual ability for any type of activity.
  • The creative force that a person directs in a certain direction.
  • Unique self-expression of an individual through activity, the result of which is an object or phenomenon that has artistic value.
  • A valuable quality of a person that determines his ability to do his chosen business.


Humanity is the ability to show compassion, kindness, and come to the rescue of those in need. This is moral strength, worthy education and protection of the weak. How else can you define this concept?

  • Humanism, which became the basis of the worldview.
  • Active love for people.
  • Striving to make the world a better place.
  • Moral maturity of an individual who has realized the need to work for the benefit of society.
  • A set of positive feelings such as kindness, responsiveness and mercy.


Honor is a person’s desire to always maintain his dignity, not to compromise his principles, and to protect his moral qualities in any situation. Honor must be “protected from a young age,” as the saying goes, that is, you should always act according to your conscience, be an honest person, courageous and responsible to people. This is a manifestation of honor. How else can this concept be explained?

  • A moral principle based on the desire to live according to the law of conscience.
  • A good name that every person values.
  • Good reputation of the individual in society.
  • An indicator of trust in a person.
  • Dignity, meaning the respect to which a person has a right to claim.


Selfishness is a quality that distinguishes those who are accustomed to thinking only about themselves, and not about others. This is excessive attention to one's own needs, strong self-love. An egoist does not strive to sympathize with others and understand other people's desires. He is only concerned about his own comfort. How else can you expand on this concept?

  • The type of worldview of a person who places himself above all other people.
  • Heightened sense of self-worth.
  • Excessive love for one’s own person, to the exclusion of all other attachments.
  • Focus on self-love.
  • The quality of a person concerned only with his own interests and indifferent to the needs of other people.