Endings of adjectives in Russian. Declension of adjectives

Adjectives have endings (taking into account the type of declension) similar to the endings of the question word what: poor (what?) boy, poor (what?) boy, poor (how?) boy, poor (what?) boy, about poor (about how are you?) boy, etc.
Using this rule, it is necessary to take into account the type of declination. Adjectives inflected according to the solid variety (red, valuable, civilized, etc.) will have the same singular endings as the word what, except for the masculine nominative case (red - what?) and the masculine and neuter instrumental cases (red - which one?).
R. (what?) red, valuable (what?) red, yen
D. (what?) red, valuable (what?) red, yen
V. (what?) red, valuable (what?) red, valuable
(what code?) red, valuable (what?) red^, valuable.
T. (what?) red, valuable (what?) red, yen
P. (about which?) about red, about valuable (about which?) about red, about yen
In adjectives inflected according to the soft variety (autumn, winter, father's, etc.), the following endings are written: -ego instead of -ogo, -emo instead of -om, -em instead of -om (-e instead of -oy in feminine adjectives) . Adjectives that have a soft variety of declension, in the plural, coincide in their endings with the word “what?”, and those that have a hard variety differ from it (stress and the question “which?” corresponds to s).
R. (what?) autumn, why (what?) autumn, father D. (what?) autumn and. why and (which?) autumn.. father's V. (what?) autumn, why (which?) autumn, father's (what?) autumn, father's (what?) autumn, father's T. (what?) autumn, stepfather (what?) autumn, father's
P. (about what?) about autumn, about father (about what?) about autumn, about father
I. (what?) autumn. father's (what?) red, valuable
R. (which ones?) osenpschs. father's (what?) red, valuable
D. (what?) autumn, stepfather (what?) red, valuable
V. (what?) autumn, father's (what?) red, valuable
(what?) autumn, father's (what?) red, valuable
T. (what?) autumn, stepfathers (what?) red, valuable P. (about what?) about autumn, about father's (what?) red, about valuable
For the spelling of o and e in the endings of adjectives after sibilants and if, see above.
Possessive adjectives in -iy, -ya, -ye, -yi (wolf, wolf, wolf, wolf) differ from other adjectives in their declension features. These adjectives in all cases, except for the nominative case and the similar accusative case of the masculine singular (for example, wolf), are written with ь: fox, fox, fox, fox, about fox, fox, fox, etc.; fox, fox, fox, fox, fox, oh fox; foxes, foxes, foxes, foxes, about foxes; wolfish, wolfish, wolfish, wolfish, about wolfish, etc.; bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, about bearish, etc.
These forms should be distinguished from the adjectives na -chiy, -tea, -chee (hot, hot, hot), formed from short adjectives and written without ь in indirect cases: hot (pie), hot (bun), hot (pies).
1. We saw amazing (what?) things at the bird (what?) market (V. Arsenyev). 2. The sea and sky merged into blue (what?) infinity (M. Gorky). 3. It’s sweet to fall asleep in a dear (what?) house, on a familiar (what?! bed (I. Turgenev). 4. Under the ceiling, on a long (what?) cord hung a cage with a short-tailed (what?) siskin (I. Turgenev 5. Pavel Petrovich returned to his elegant (what?) office, the walls covered with beautiful (what MI?) wallpaper of a wild (what?) color, with weapons hanging on a colorful (what?) Persian (what?) carpet, with walnut (what?) furniture, upholstered in dark green (what?) tripe (I. Turgenev). 6. Soon Odintsova herself appeared in a simple morning (what?) dress. She seemed even younger in the light of the spring (what?) sun ( I. Turgenev) 7. On the throne (what?) chair made of fish (what?) tooth and silver sat Peter, without a hat, wig, in a lynx (what?) caftan of gray (what?) cloth (A. N. Tolstoy 8. Of all twelve rooms of the huge (what?) landowner's (what?) house, I occupied only one (A. Kuprin).


  1. § 94. Spelling of case endings of adjectives and participles
  4. 14. Nominal and part forms of adjectives. Declension of member adjectives in the Early Old Russian language; Features of the ancient Novgorod declension system. Church Slavonic endings of member adjectives

In order to correctly decline adjectives, you need to know their case questions in both numbers.

It is most convenient to check endings and adjectives by substituting a question Which? in the required form, since the endings of the question and the adjective coincide, for example: It was hard for him to walk after the difficult Wow(How Wow?) day. The exception is the nominative singular masculine case (and the similar accusative case), where the ending is written under the accent -Ouch (tear off Ouch calendar, business Ouch Human), and without accent - th or -th (tabletop th calendar, sincerely th Human).

In adjectives on -th , -ya , -ye (wolf th, wolf ya, wolf ye ) in all cases, except for the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the masculine singular, the letter is written b , For example: wolf b I(flock), wolf b e(den), wolf b And(footprints); wolf b him, wolf b hey, wolf b them, wolf b them etc. (but: wolf th howl).

Nominative case endings

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case the ending is written -and I or -yaya , and in the neuter gender - -oh or -her (which?correspondence and I average yaya school; which?interesting oh comprehensively her study).

In the plural of all three genders the ending is written -s or -ies (which?frosty s winter no days, nights, mornings).

Accusative endings

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu (answers the question which one?), For example: finish (which?) correspondence course wow average yuyu school.

Instrumental endings

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them (answers the question what?), For example: enjoy (what?) warmth th autumn them afternoon, morning.

In the feminine singular the ending is written -Ouch (-oh ) or -to her (-her ) (answers the question Which? which one?), For example: patronize (which? which?) shift Ouch average to her school.

Prepositional case endings

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the prepositional case singular -ohm or -eat (answers the question which one?), For example: write about (what?) heat ohm autumn eat afternoon, morning.

Declensions of participles, ordinal numbers

Just like qualitative and relative adjectives, participles, some pronouns (every, every, most, this, etc.), ordinal numbers (first, second, fourth, etc., are inflected, except for the third, inflected, like possessive adjective wolfish). The spelling of the endings of all these words can be checked by substituting the question which? in the required form, for example: He tried to read (what?) every scientific article that appeared on (what?) the question that interested him.

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The adjectives suburban and suburban have the ending -y in the nominative singular case, and the adjective nonresident - ending -ii.

Adjectives starting with - yny in short form they have the ending - en(slender - slender), exception: worthy - worthy;

There is a possibility of double spelling and pronunciation of the adjective endless - endless.

Spelling adjective suffixes

1. Under stress the suffix is ​​written -iv-, no accent- suffix -ev-(cf.: beautiful - combative). Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

2. In suffixes -chiv-, -liv- always written And(ugly, arrogant).

3. Suffixes - ovat-, -ov-, -ovit- are written after hard consonants, A after soft consonants, after hissing and c suffixes are written -evat-, -ev-, -evit-(cf., greenish, businesslike, glossy, bluish).

4. In adjectives ending in -chiy, formed from nouns ending in -shka before h under stress it is written a, without accent - e(cf.: frog - frog - frog).

5. Before suffix -sk- letter is written sch, if the sound it denotes belongs to one morpheme (for example, board - plank); if in the generating stem the letters d, s, st, w appear before the suffix -k-, then they are preserved in the new word, and k alternates with h (freckle - freckled);

6. If the basis ends on c, and the suffix begins with h, then c alternates with t (tile-tiled).

7. Spelling the suffix -sk-:

If stem ends in d or t, then before the suffix -sk- they are preserved (flesh - carnal, cattle - bestial);

If the stem ends in k, h, ts, then after them the suffix -sk- is simplified and becomes simply -k-, and k and ch change to c (fisherman - fishing, weaver - weaving), note: in some adjectives the alternation of k, ch with c does not occur (Tajik - Tajik, Uglich - Uglich):

if the stem of a word of foreign origin ends in sk, then before the suffix -sk-k is omitted(San Francisco - San Francisco),

Exceptions: Basque, Oscan;

If stem ends in s, then it is omitted and only the combination of letters sk (Welsh-Welsh) is written,

if the base ends on ss, then one s goes down, since in the Russian language there cannot be a combination of three identical consonant letters (Odessa - Odessa);

if the stem ends in -н or -рь, then before the suffix -к-ь (soft sign) is omitted.

Exceptions: ь (soft sign) is written

IN adjectives, formed from month names(July - July),

IN adjectives, formed from some foreign language geographical names(Taiwanese)

In combination day-to-day,

8. Before the suffix -And- final consonants k, c go into h, and x into sch(boredom - boring, turmoil - hectic).

Spelling n and nn in adjective suffixes

In adjectives formed using a suffix -in: swan

-enn: straw

In adjectives formed with suffixes -an- (-yan-): leather, silver). Exceptions: wood, glass, tin

In adjectives formed using a suffix -he N: organizational

IN short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed have -n-(slender - slim)

In adjectives formed with suffix -n- from the stem on n: sleepy, long

In short adjectives, if the full adjectives from which they are formed have -in-(long - long)

Note 1: N is written in adjectives: spicy, crimson, red, drunk, ruddy, young, green, windy, porky.

Note 2: It is written windy, but windless.

Note 3. It is necessary to distinguish between the adjectives oily (for oil, on oil) and oily (stained, soaked in oil); compare: oil stain - oily hands.

Note 4. It is necessary to distinguish between the adjectives windy (day, person), windy (pump) and windy (chicken pox).

Spelling difficult words

1. Complex words can be formed using two simple stems, connected by a connecting vowel o (written after the base on a hard consonant) or e (written after the base on a soft consonant, hissing or c): whirlpool, birdcatcher.

2. Spelling of compound words without a connecting vowel:

it is necessary to distinguish between complex words formed using a connecting vowel(steam locomotive) and without her(psychasthenia);

names numerals in the genitive case are part of compound words without a connecting vowel(three-story, two-year);

seamlessly prefixes of foreign language origin are written with the root: anti-, arch-, hyper-, inter-, infra-, counter-, post-, sub-, super-, trans-, ultra-, extra (anti-national, ultra-important, counterattack);

words to -fiction are not complex, before this combination of letters is written and(gasification).

3. Spelling compound nouns

written together

written with a hyphen

compound nouns with the first part: auto-, agro-, aero-, bicycle-, helio-, geo-, hydro-, zoo-, cinema-, stereo-, radio-, macro-, etc. (cinema, stereo system, radio station)

compound nouns without a connecting vowel, denoting scientific, technical and socio-political terms and names (stop tap, prime minister)

compound nouns with the first part of the verb ending in and(derived, daredevil)

Exception: tumbleweed

names of intermediate cardinal directions(southeast, northwest)

all compound words(Sberbank, Baltflot)

complex owl denoting plant names, containing a verb in personal form or a conjunction (coltsfoot, love-not-love)

words with foreign language elements: chief-, unter-, life-, staff-, vice-, ex-(Vice President, Non-Commissioned Officer)

4. Spelling compound adjectives

written together:

written with a hyphen:

adjectives, formed from compound nouns, written together (stereosystem - stereosystem)

adjectives, formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen(southeast, southeast)

compound adjectives, formed from phrases where one word is subordinate to another(railway - railway)

compound adjectives, formed from a combination of proper names(Jack London, Petr Petrovichev)

compound adjectives representing scientific and technical terms or belonging to bookish speech styles (highly paid, thick-skinned, above)

complex adjectives formed from combinations of words with equal members connected by a coordinating connection (convex-concave)

compound adjectives with the first part in -iko (not a foreign language): high-society, great-Russian

compound adjectives denoting geographical or administrative names and having the first part of the words western-, southern-, northeo-, northern-, eastern- (East European Plain)

Adjectives, formed from a foreign language surname preceded by a service word, cf.: de Broglie → de Broglie theory

compound adjectives, denoting shades of colors(pale pink, blue-brown)