Obvious things about the "moon scam". Yu. Mukhin: why science is silent about NASA’s lunar scam

It is unlikely that anything unusual can be seen in the fact that several people who flew on Apollo died at a relatively advanced age. A cause of death such as a heart attack is also not surprising - after all, their work was quite dangerous, and they suffered a lot of nervous stress.

Yu. I. MUKHIN. And may God grant them health so that they live to see the moment when they are forced to tell the truth.

Telescopes, satellites and evidence

Hiwi NASA. And they tell us:

Why don't the Americans photograph their lunar modules on the Moon through some powerful telescope? After that, everyone would be convinced that they were really there.

- Well, as I understand, neither hundreds of photographs from the Moon, nor hundreds of hours of recordings of astronauts’ conversations with the Earth, nor hundreds of kilograms of lunar soil, nor laser reflectors and other scientific equipment left on the Moon are proof for you.

But, alas, it will not be possible to photograph the lunar modules left on the Moon. The lunar modules are too small (by astronomical standards) and too far from Earth to be seen even with the most powerful telescope. The telescope mirror at Mount Palomar Observatory has a diameter of 5 meters. The wavelength of visible light is approximately 550 x 109 meters. The maximum possible angular resolution (due to diffraction of light waves) will be 1.4 x 550 x 109 / 5 = 1.5 x 107 radians. At a distance of 350 thousand kilometers (the minimum distance to the Moon), this corresponds to an object with a size of approximately 50 meters. And the lunar module is much smaller.

The actual resolution of terrestrial telescopes is several times worse than the theoretical limit - the image is greatly distorted by the earth's atmosphere. Because of this, ground-based telescopes cannot see details of the lunar surface smaller than a few hundred meters.

But what about their vaunted Hubble? He easily photographs all sorts of galaxies billions of light years from the Earth, why should he take pictures of the Moon, which is next to everything in comparison?

- Well, Hubble is also a NASA project. That’s why NASA doesn’t waste time taking pictures of lunar modules with Hubble: if you don’t believe NASA that they managed to send people to the Moon, then you obviously won’t consider another photograph from NASA as proof.

In addition, the Hubble mirror has a diameter of 2.4 meters, which means that its maximum resolution is half as good as what we calculated for the Palomar telescope. Therefore, even Hubble will not see an object less than a hundred meters away on the Moon.

And what about the spy satellites that the military can count the stars on their uniforms? Why not photograph the Moon with one of these satellites?

- Satellites fly around the Earth, at a distance of about 200 kilometers from its surface. And from the satellite to the Moon - at least the same 350 thousand kilometers. The objects that the satellite can “see” on the Moon are as many times larger than those that it photographs on Earth, as much as the Moon is farther from the satellite than the Earth. Now, if a satellite flew around the Moon...

However, one “spy satellite” recently flew around the Moon. At the beginning of 1994, the American Clementine spacecraft photographed the lunar surface for two months. And what? One of the photographs showed traces of the Apollo 15 landing - although not the module itself. The Apollo 15 astronauts spent much longer on the lunar surface than previous missions. Therefore, they left quite a lot of traces and ruts on the surface from the wheels of their lunar vehicle. These traces, plus the result of the impact of a gas jet from a rocket engine on the lunar surface, are visible from orbit as a small dark speck.

In Fig. 133 - photograph taken by "Clementine". The dark spot, labeled "A", is located exactly at the Apollo 15 landing site. Spots “B” and “C” are apparently traces of fresh meteorite impacts. These spots were not present in photographs from lunar orbit taken before the Apollo 15 landing. In Fig. 134 - photograph of the landing area taken by the Apollo 15 astronauts shortly before it (on the 13th orbit around the Moon) from an altitude of about 12 km (NASA photo as15-87-11718). Compare and see. A larger photo of as15-87-11718 can be found at www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a15/as15-87-11718.jpg. And on the page www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a15/a15lpitrvrsmap.gif there is a map of the landing area with the exact location of the Apollo 15 landing.

There is probably not a single adult person in Russia, not connected with the highest echelons of government, who would not be sure that before Gorbachev came to power in the USSR, the Soviet Union waged a fierce propaganda war with the United States. And this war assumed that in the USSR thousands of people were monitoring all the events in the USA, and if among these events there were more or less negative ones, then all the USSR media inflated this American shortcoming, forcing, if not the whole world, then, to talk about it. at least the entire Warsaw bloc. How could it be otherwise if there was a Cold War? Until quite recently, I thought so too.

But it turned out that before the collapse of the USSR, the United States of America had several profound failures in its history, which could have become propaganda aces in the Cold War, but the leadership of the USSR did everything to hide these American failures from the world community and from the people of the Soviet Union . In fact, the situation is that both Brezhnev and Andropov actually did everything to lose the Cold War in order to hasten the destruction of the USSR. Can you believe this? No you can not. This can only be understood, and this book aims to deal with one such joint action of US and USSR propaganda against the USSR.

Let each of you conduct your own experiment: ask your friends if they know that American astronauts have never landed on the moon, and all American “lunar filming” is bullshit filmed by Hollywood? I think that out of 20 respondents, at least 19 will look at you as an idiot: we, Russian people, descendants of the great people of the USSR, are deeply convinced that the Americans were on the Moon! How else?! After all, if they weren’t there, then both Soviet propaganda and Soviet scientists would have told us about it long ago! I will not hide that a few years ago I was sure of this.

As a result, the former Soviet people today are the least informed part of the world on this issue - the overwhelming majority of the population of the USSR not only believes in American flights to the Moon, but does not even know that, starting from their first “flight”, those smart people of the planet who were interested in this question, there was no doubt for a minute that this was a dirty American scam and in fact there were no American astronauts even close to the Moon. For almost 40 years all over the world, not a single more or less free program about space exploration has been complete without discussing this issue.

For example. ITAR-TASS correspondent O. Artyushkin reports from Germany about how the anniversary of the American flights to the Moon was celebrated there.

“German astronaut Ulrich Walter is convinced that the allegations that the flights of American astronauts to the Moon were a hoax are unfounded. He stated this in a program on the German TV channel Vox, which showed a two-hour film dedicated to the Apollo lunar program.”

Nevertheless, the position of the supporters of the NASA “moon conspiracy” theory presented in the Vox program is very convincing, as evidenced by the fact that one in five Americans believes in it. Former rocket engineer Bill Kaising recalls the enormous challenges space technology developers faced during the Apollo program. Just a few months before the spacecraft's flight, the first man to set foot on the Moon, Neil Armstrong, was training with a prototype lunar module that went out of control at an altitude of 100 meters and crashed to Earth. The astronaut ejected at the very last minute. It remains a mystery how the lunar module could be “taught to fly” in the remaining time.

According to Keysing, NASA was determined not to give up the palm of space exploration to the Soviet Union, even if it meant resorting to fraud. From Keysing’s point of view, the launch of the Saturn 5 rocket with the Apollo 11 spacecraft actually took place on July 16, 1969. However, for eight days the ship with astronauts Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin was in low Earth orbit, and then landed in the Pacific Ocean. And on July 20, he is convinced, under the guise of a live report on the landing of the lunar module, NASA distributed a fake filmed on Earth. Keysing believes that a military training ground in the Nevada desert was chosen for filming. In photographs taken at various times by Soviet reconnaissance satellites, one can clearly see huge hangars, as well as a large area of ​​the “lunar surface” dotted with craters. It was there, according to supporters of the “conspiracy theory,” that all the “lunar expeditions” took place. NASA itself provided evidence: analysis of the photographs and videos taken raises numerous questions to which experts still cannot find an answer. For example, why does the American flag begin to flutter on the Moon, which has no atmosphere? Or why shadows from astronauts and rocks on the surface are cast in different directions, indicating multiple light sources. Finally, why didn't the lunar module's rocket engine leave a crater on the surface of the Moon? The list of questions can be continued.

Some American astronauts do not rule out the possibility of deception. Thus, Brian O'Leary said that he could not give a 100 percent guarantee that Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin actually visited the moon. However, Ulrich Walter considers the arguments of supporters of the “moon conspiracy” to be devoid of strong evidence. In the end, he said “Scientists have at their disposal more than 300 kg of lunar soil containing elements not found on Earth.”

Let us note, by the way, the low cultural level of the German cosmonaut. By the way, at the Air Force Academy. Zhukovsky there is a joke that, they say, the technical level of modern aircraft has increased so much that the only wooden part left in their design is the pilot’s head. And Ulrich Walter tried to prove that the only wooden part in the space flight in which he participated was his head. Judge for yourself, what cultural level do you need to have to believe that there may be elements in the lunar soil that are not found on Earth?

But this message contains interesting statistics for the United States - in America, 20% of the population already understands that the “American landing on the moon” is a scam. Scientists involved in the mental development of people believe that 15% of the population of any country can be classified as people with increased mental development, 15% - with reduced mental development, and 70% of the population are ordinary people with an ordinary level of mental development. It turns out that even in the USA they understand that the Apollo flights are a scam, not only smart people who find it difficult to “hang noodles on their ears” with any propaganda, but the average person has also begun to understand this. And in Russia, few people know that such a question even exists. Isn't it strange?

But reader A. Arkhipov writes, whom fate brought to permanent residence in the USA.

“In your “Duel” I read articles about American scams with flights to the Moon. I told about this to my son, a 6th grade student. Showed pictures. The son also drew attention to the “inconsistencies” with the stars, the flag, and traces on the lunar soil.

And suddenly, at the end of January, on channel 32 at 20:00 New York time, a program begins that can be translated as “Have we been to the moon?” Several scientists are involved. And they say that they didn’t fly to the moon! That even now it is impossible to land on the Moon due to the imperfection of spacesuits. We talked about radiation, about filming in Hollywood. And at the end of the program they were surprised why the Russians did not expose the Americans in lies at that time.

In May, during Science class (kind of like Nature Studies), teacher Mrs. Metz told her students about flying to the moon. The son, who by that time had already managed to convince his friend in class of the falsity of the “lunar program,” raised his hand and asked why there were no stars in the photographs, why the flag was waving and why there were such clear traces in the absence of an atmosphere. The reaction was like this: “Shut up!!!” (3a-a-attknis!!!). According to the son, the teacher turned red with anger. Most of the students were smiling. It is interesting that the teacher continued her story, although the students listened to her with disbelief.

In general, in American schools, all space exploration revolves around the “moon landing.” Not a word about our first satellites, about our cosmonauts, who were the first in the world to fly into space. I think they wrote about what they let an American schoolchild know in “Duel.” By the way, President Bush this spring called on schools to ensure that American schoolchildren learn to write by the age of 13.

In conclusion, I’ll explain that I live with my son near Chicago and, when I’m in Russia, I always buy Duel, which is the best newspaper in general, and not just among the opposition press.”

We have all heard many times that the USA won the so-called. the Soviet Union's lunar race, and the first man to land on the moon was the American Neil Armstrong. Jumping from the steps of the landing module, he uttered a phrase that thundered throughout the world: “A small step for a man, but a giant leap for all mankind.” It would seem that everything is clear and obvious here. However, even in the United States of America itself, many people (according to some sources, 20%!) consider the US lunar program to be a huge scam. They are convinced that neither Armstrong nor anyone else has ever been to the moon, and the video footage of the lunar landing is nothing more than a clever hoax.

“Well, again, another conspiracy theory, of which there are so many that there are more than enough,” the skeptic will say incredulously, without listening to any arguments. But in vain: after all, a careful analysis of the facts related to the lunar program gives rise to many inconvenient questions, which are very difficult to give a convincing answer within the framework of the usual ideas about a flight to the Moon.

Already in 1970, J. Craney’s book “Did Man Land on the Moon?” was published in the USA; In 1976, the American writer Bill Kaysing published a book with the characteristic title “We Have Never Been to the Moon.” Subsequently, more and more new works were published in different countries of the world, which only strengthened the arguments of those who do not believe official statements about the success of the US lunar program. They support their point of view with a lot of evidence, and it is impossible to consider them in detail within the framework of one article. Therefore, we will focus only on the most “killer” ones.

1. When the astronauts planted a flag on the moon, it fluttered as if a strong wind was blowing. But it is common knowledge that the Moon has no atmosphere. There is another oddity associated with the flag. In two photographs of the same flag, its shadow goes to the left in the first case, and to the right in the other.

2. The flow of hot gases from the engine should have knocked out a depression under the landing module. But in the photographs released by NASA, no crater or dent is visible.

3. In conditions of gravity, the weight of an astronaut in a spacesuit is approximately 160 kg, and on the Moon - 27 kg. Why didn't the astronauts demonstrate jumps over significant distances? The jumps shown did not exceed 45 cm, which is easily achievable under terrestrial conditions.

4. In some photographs of the lunar landscape, the area is unevenly illuminated. This situation is typical if a spotlight is used for illumination.

There are also a lot of other arguments that are considered indirect. For example, the enormous Saturn 5 launch vehicle was used to launch Apollo into space. Only 20 years later the Soviet Union managed to create the famous “Energia” with similar load-carrying characteristics. So, after the completion of the lunar program, Saturn 5 was used only once - during the launch of the Skylab space station in 1973. This truly unique rocket was never used in any project again. Its production was curtailed, and the three Saturns made earlier were sent to museums. A seditious thought creeps in: did Saturn really have the stated characteristics? The powerful design of the lunar vehicle in which the astronauts rode is also surprising. Why create such a massive structure if the force of gravity on the Moon is much less than on Earth? But launching every kilogram into space costs a lot of money.

In general, there are many questions, and skepticism regarding the US lunar program has serious grounds, and the range of opinions is quite wide. Some believe that the Americans have never been to the Moon, others think that at least the first flight is a fiction, but subsequent launches actually reached the Moon. Still others believe that although the US lunar program was a success, it was by no means as spectacular, and it was “bloomed” with staged footage taken on Earth. We turned to the famous writer Andrei Parshev, who shared his view on this problem: - I participated in the controversy over the American flight to the Moon. The version that the Americans did not fly there, by the way, was not invented in the USSR. And there were reasons for these ideas: first of all, the incredible adventurousness of the project. Khrushchev, for example, stated that we would not participate in the lunar race because it was very risky. In the history of Soviet cosmonautics, there was a case when docking did not occur because one part moved slightly out of place. Can you imagine what would happen if this happened in the orbit of the Moon?

The bottom line is that the disputes about the American lunar program led to NASA admitting that video and photographic materials that were not related to the actual flight were used to illustrate the alleged landing on the Moon. Some of the stories that were shown on the wide screen contained training footage, and in context it looked like it was filmed on the moon. True, this does not apply to all filming, but some things were revealed and disputed, and NASA later apologized. Strange stories have also emerged related to the loss of documents relating to the moon landing. There was also a case when soil samples donated to a European museum turned out to be of terrestrial origin... although, perhaps, NASA mixed something up without malicious intent.

And only then did I notice that something was wrong. And as soon as I noticed it, I realized what was going on.

The loader roamed the warehouse area on its own. And I controlled it with some tiny edge of my consciousness, without even connecting to the control interface.

"What is this?"

“No answer,” Kira didn’t surprise me with anything new.

“Why can I control it, because the professor, and Kruf, and everyone else unanimously argued that I couldn’t do this even through the interface, but as it turned out, I didn’t even need the interface.”

And I mentally stopped, not moving in the power cocoon, and when this did not cause any difficulties for me, I completely turned off the manual control and tried to take a step.

I thought that I had failed because there was no sensation of movement. But after looking through the monitoring systems and external sensors of the loader, I realized that it was moving. But his movement was so smooth and imperceptible that I didn’t feel it at all. By the way, it was only then that it dawned on me that I couldn’t seem to use the loader’s sensors without connecting to it via a neural network. And now I had the impression that I was walking myself, I was not at all constrained by my size, or the presence of claws or six legs. What I couldn’t say when working from a power cocoon, although I felt quite comfortable there, it was only in the sense that my legs didn’t get tangled, and I didn’t hit everything with the loader manipulators.

“It turns out that this is the difference between manual control and control through a neural network. It’s not surprising that the first is considered mossy dilapidation,” I came to understand the process of direct and indirect control of technology and equipment.

It was very convenient and incredibly effective.

“What if we try to physically connect to the loader interface directly,” I thought.

Having quickly activated the power cocoon around me and initiated the work of the internal interfaces of the loader, I tried to take over control.

But this time everything was exactly as the professor predicted.

I was unable to pass the control for exceeding the minimum threshold value of the intelligent index for controlling the loader, and I was denied access to it with a recommendation to switch the control to manual mode and try again.

“So it turns out that I can control the loader mentally when its interfaces are blocked, but I can’t physically connect to them directly. Maybe this has something to do with the mental control that is available to the AI?”

– Kira, is there a mental control module in the loader similar to yours, or something similar to it?

– No, this is outdated civilian equipment. I installed similar modules, only in the military version of this type of equipment, but this is a completely different modification of the loaders.

“I see. So it turns out that I can directly, without direct contact, control this equipment and overcome the threshold limitation on the intellectual index that the professor spoke about. I need to check whether all the functions of the loader are available to me.”

Having again blocked the loader interfaces, but without turning off the power cocoon, it was still comfortable to be in it - I reactivated the loader.

Having again checked its driving performance and the operation of the manipulators, I moved on to specific functions. Entering the command menu was easy. I was also able to launch the automation system without any problems. However, that was where all my success ended. Even in order to compose the simplest task, a studied base of “cybernetics” of the third level was necessary, and this is only for programming the execution of the simplest functions, go here or there. And if it was necessary to compose a rather complex multivariate algorithm to perform a non-trivial task, then for this the fifth level of “Cybernetics” and the second level of “Science” and “Mathematics” were already required. I couldn’t even activate the creation of a cluster, but not because I lacked access, but for the same reasons: I didn’t have enough knowledge, and then “Control of medium-sized industrial robots” of the fifth level was added to all of the above.

The professor turned out to be wrong, there was something wrong in his words. I can control the equipment directly - apparently, this is still done through a neural network. At least this is true for a loader; if it’s possible, I’ll check it on other equipment. At the same production complex, for example. But to control the equipment, I do not need a direct physical connection to the internal interfaces of the equipment; I do it remotely, mentally, I don’t know how. But it works. And in this case, I have access to a complete list of operations performed on the equipment. For the loader, this is everything that is specified in the instructions, including a full administration menu, command line, task automation and creation of a single cluster of loaders. The only limitation, as for everyone, was the lack of knowledge. I did not have enough mastered basics both for simple control of equipment and for its optimal and effective use.

“This means that in addition to work, you will need to study a lot and hard,” I made a completely logical conclusion.

Fortunately, this was not a big problem for me. Although I was not a nerd or a crammer, I was well aware of the need for my development and the role of any type of study in this. And therefore, when it was required, he threw himself into it headlong, and always brought what he started to the end.

“That means there won’t be any problems with this either,” I set myself such an attitude. “After all, if the professor and Kruf were mistaken with my capabilities in relation to the control of various equipment, or rather they were not mistaken, but simply did not take into account all the options, then maybe and here I will succeed."

On this optimistic note, I returned to the notice board again. I wanted to get to work and test my capabilities.

First of all, I filtered out the tasks that required the services of a recycler. As it turned out, there were not so many of them. Only five pieces. Two for transporting obsolete equipment to a waste warehouse, one for clearing a service tunnel from technological waste, a list and holographs of what needed to be removed were included with subsequent disposal. And the last two very interesting contracts - both have been floating around on the Internet for a long time. The first was a contract for an unlimited period for the disposal of all equipment and waste located in salvage yards. Having assessed the prospects of working under a contract with the station for an unlimited time with a free schedule and the ability to break it at any time, I immediately signed up for it. Moreover, remembering my last mistake with the employment contract and the work contract, I asked Kira to pre-analyze this announcement. But she didn’t find any pitfalls in it either. A simple long-term contract providing full access to all salvage yards.

“Such a supply is not enough for my pocket,” I decided, taking it.

But the second contract interested me because of its unusualness: in order to fulfill it, it was necessary to have at least a small cargo ship or tugboat. The essence of the contract was similar to the previous one, but it was not warehouses that needed to be cleared, but a certain sector of space from various ship wrecks, or whatever else could be found there. And most importantly, in addition to the usual conditions when carrying out this type of work, there was also a special bonus for completing this task - in the amount of one hundred thousand credits. By the way, this contract was also unlimited.

I would have gladly taken it on as well, since it was even more tempting, but then the question arose about the spaceship and the pilot who would control it.

That’s why I left it untouched for now; anyway, it’s been gathering dust here for several years.

The first three contracts, since they did not require immediate use of the production complex, I took on as I read them and analyzed what I had to do.

“So. We need to decide on the place from where we want to pick up the cargo,” I pulled out my tablet and started checking the route to the first destination, but an idea came to my mind: “I wonder, can I remotely control the tablet?”

As it turned out, I could, and his screen was now displayed right in front of my eyes.

“So, I control the tablet and see the map,” after that I put Kroof’s gift in the inner pocket of my jacket, zipped it up so that it wouldn’t fall out, and it didn’t change anything. True, for some reason it seemed to me that as soon as I buttoned my pocket, the card in front of my eyes would disappear. But none of this happened. I willed the card to curl up and it would disappear, which scared me a little, but as soon as I wanted to see it again, it appeared in my imagination. Interestingly, I could easily scale it, rotate it, navigate through the internal menus, put marks and leave my comments, and it was much faster than when I controlled it through the touch console, it seemed to me that it became much faster to process, though This may be a purely subjective impression.

After playing around like this for a few seconds, I suddenly had an idea and needed to check it, so I asked the engineer:

– Kira, I’m currently looking through the map and diagrams of the station, can you connect to them?

Nothing happened for several seconds, and then the AI ​​replied:

– The connection to the external navigation device has been completed. Device type is unknown.

“It turns out that the AI, using me as a conductor, was able to connect to my tablet. Great,” I was delighted and asked Kira a question:

– What device functionality is available to you?

But it is really, very surprising that despite the many discovered outright “absurdities” and “inconsistencies” associated with NASA’s “lunar mission,” official science prefers to openly “ignore” all these oddities. And this, even after NASA admitted that some of the official material “to be on the safe side” was actually filmed on Hollywood soundstages. At the same time, only a few scientists pay attention to the fact that there is still no effective protection for astronauts and cosmonauts from cosmic radiation when overcoming the Van Allen belt. What does the rest of science do?

Here is what Russian researcher Yu. Mukhin writes about this in his book “NASA lunar scam”: “In the matter of the American lunar scam, perhaps the biggest evidence of the bluff is, so to speak, the blatant silence of professionals - those who are obliged to answer such questions. It is clear that the Americans were gagged with money and subscriptions not to disclose state secrets, but for what money do our people remain silent?

For example, for 30 years now, sensible people have been pointing out to NASA that, when filming a movie about the “moon landing” in Hollywood, it needed to make craters in the ground from the engine operation under the Apollo landing vehicles. A jet vehicle cannot land on a jet stream without the jet leaving a mark in the loose soil. At one time, at our plant, to clear tracks from snow drifts, a decommissioned jet engine from a fighter aircraft was installed on a railway platform. A slotted nozzle was placed on the engine nozzle, directed at a small angle, almost tangentially to the rails - so that the axis of the jet stream intersected with the rails about 10 meters from the engine nozzle.

The engine turned on, the diesel locomotive pushed the platform into skids, and the jet stream blew snow off the rails. When this unit was operating, two workers had to walk on both sides of the track, 100 meters to the side and 200 meters in front, and drive passers-by and onlookers away from the tracks. Because the jet stream not only swept away harmless snow, but also picked up frozen ballast - fist-sized stones on which the rails are laid. These stones rushed along the path at high speed and were capable of causing severe injury to anyone who fell under them. I don’t know, if I hadn’t seen this, even then I would hardly have believed in the virginity of the soil under the Apollo landing stages, and from the standpoint of my experience, I was told that the Apollo jet stream should not have survived from under them there is soil, disgusting to the point of disgust with their stupidity.

But the USSR had its own flights to the Moon, we landed our vehicles there, and even though they had a mass ten times less than, according to legend, the mass of the Apollos, they also landed on a rocket jet. And this stream from under them was supposed to carry away the soil and knock out a funnel in it. And we should have quite a lot of specialists who thought about this, took it into account and calculated it. Why are they silent, why don’t they explain how it should be? Moreover, Luna-17 and Luna-21 on the Moon lowered lunar rovers with television cameras from the landing stages, which also took survey photographs. The surface of the Moon under the engines of these devices has probably also been photographed. Why don’t our specialists show them to us and say: “Look, under Luna-17 and Luna-21 there is also a virgin soil surface.” It would be incredible, but it would raise doubts.

However, “science” is stupidly silent, pretending that it does not want to lose its dignity and enter into arguments with incompetent fools. This appearance is very impressive to the average person, who sees a genius in every professor, and an intelligent person in every candidate of science. The average person doesn't know that science - the state's freebie - contains so much dull dullness that in comparison the barracks looks like an academy. After all, the overwhelming majority of “science” is extremely vain and does not miss an opportunity to chat about anything: from ozone holes to holes in the budget. And here she proudly begs, and he. Anyone who knows what this “science” is cannot fail to understand that “science” has nothing to say to refute the evidence of the lunar scam. And “science” has no choice but to put on a proud face, based on common sense: the more you remain silent, the sooner you’ll pass for smart.”

Or maybe everything is much simpler? Perhaps, in general, the entire official space research program is just a “veil”, a “backdrop” behind which a secret program of colonization and planetary exploration is hidden from us? Yes, this sounds very incredible to the ears of the common man. But don't we have two educations? One, public, which they try to reduce to the level of mindless biorobots, and the other “elite” - for the children of the “elite”, who in special elite institutions, where it is impossible for a mere mortal to get into, are taught not only the basics of manipulating the consciousness of ordinary people, but also those “secret "knowledge that is not in the public domain.

In the same way, there is science “for all” and science “for the elite”. In science “for everyone” there is a lot of outright nonsense that is presented to us as the “ultimate truth”. But the “elites,” secret societies and the intelligence agencies involved in them use knowledge and technologies that supposedly “do not exist” and are “impossible” for ordinary people, because they “violate physical laws” and “are pseudoscience.” But this version perfectly explains why our Russian “science” does not want to expose the low-quality lies of its American colleagues regarding NASA’s “lunar mission.” After all, such revelations will lead to the exposure of all the other lies that are sold to us as supposedly proven “scientific truths.”