Independent. Independence of a person from others - how to achieve it

Independence is considered one of the integral features of modern man, but this concept is often given completely different meanings. In psychology, this personality quality occupies an important place, although it is interpreted differently. However, in general terms, a person possessing this quality can be characterized as follows: he behaves and acts based primarily on his own decisions, and not on the opinions or demands of other people.

Independence means freedom of thought and action based on a critical mindset, seeing the world through the prism of one’s own perception and the ability to defend one’s point of view in any situation. To do this, a person must have unconditional faith in himself. Such a person is characterized by healthy cynicism and insight, which allows him to soberly evaluate the statements and actions of other people and not allow himself to be manipulated.

Main characteristics of an independent personality

One of the main characteristics of such a personality is the so-called assertive behavior (from the English assert - insist on one's own). Assertiveness is expressed in a person’s ability not to be influenced by external influences and assessments, to independently determine their own behavior and bear responsibility for it.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between independence and stubbornness. A person who has the first quality is characterized by balanced decisions and actions, and if his independently developed opinion coincides with the opinion of the majority, he will not change it, just to prove something to someone once again. A stubborn person is capable of acting even to his own detriment, just to demonstrate his difference from others.

Independence is certainly necessary for a leader, but it is a positive “independence for” as opposed to a negative “independence from.” A person who has this quality is ready to break stereotypes and change behavior programs if this is dictated by the situation, and he considers it appropriate. For him, what comes first is not his own ambitions, but the interests of the business.

Such a person will never follow the lead of the pack, guided by the herd instinct. He is always aware of himself as a clearly expressed individuality - and indeed he is such.

He relies on the potential inherent in him, both strong-willed and intellectual, but this does not mean that in all matters, even highly specialized ones, he relies only on his own opinion - on the contrary, he is not afraid to turn to the opinion of professionals in matters in which does not consider himself competent enough.

Young people often confuse independence with lack of control and permissiveness. It seems to them that all they have to do is break free from parental care - and here it is, complete freedom. However, only a strong, independent person can be truly independent, capable of organizing his own life at all levels: everyday, personal, professional.

But there is another side to the coin. If a person is independent in everything, then what about love, where emotional dependence is inevitable? In fact, there is no contradiction. A person who has this quality is by no means alien to human feelings; he simply knows how to analyze his own personality quite deeply and cope with unwanted emotions.

Is it possible to learn to become independent? This will require serious analytical and correctional work by a professional psychologist. It will help you discover potential in you that you may not have even suspected.

a synonym for the word freedom, an absolute-relative concept that represents a very definite value for a person, a people. At the same time, falling under the influence of culture, civilization, state, media, advertising, etc., a person completely loses his independence.... The price for peace of mind is the loss of independence - a step towards totalitarianism, but this is the vector of movement of humanity.. .. In terms of vague concepts such as freedom, dignity, etc., it is of interest for the theory and practice of managing large masses of people. The idea of ​​independence makes it possible, under the guise of a struggle for freedom and independence, to completely deprive people of it.

Associative block.

To act independently is to demonstrate your own stupidity and, at a minimum, bad manners.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


category of being and cognition, meaning that objects and systems have their own beginning, not determined by their external environment and independent of the existence of other objects and systems. The presence of intrinsic value of objects and systems determines their specificity and forms a necessary condition for diversity in the world.

The idea of ​​independence played a significant role in the development of classical mechanics as the first natural science theory. Independence enters mechanics in the process of setting initial conditions: when analyzing the behavior of a system (set) of bodies, the initial state of each of them does not depend on and is not determined by the states of other bodies. Thus, independence in mechanics expresses the very fact of the existence of objects and systems, regardless of the existence of other objects and systems. The origin of these entities is of no interest to the woman. Independently “emerged” objects and systems can interact with each other, they can be in very strict and uniquely defined relationships, but the very fact of their existence is independent of the existence of other similar objects. Independence understood in this way has very broad applications. For example, in logic and mathematics, ideas about the independence of axioms in formalized systems and independent variables in the structure of equations are introduced.

Significant transformations in ideas about independence occurred during the development of probabilistic research methods, during the discovery of the nature of statistical patterns. In mechanics, independence characterized only the very origin of objects, but the relationships between objects and their behavior were determined in a rigid, unambiguous way by the external environment, the external influences of other objects. The probability-theoretic view of existence means that even in their behavior, objects and systems do not entirely depend on external conditions and influences. Objects and systems are characterized by internal dynamics, internal degrees of freedom, which means that their behavior includes processes of self-determination.

Ideas about independence correlate with any area of ​​research, with any area of ​​existence. They play a huge role in the knowledge of living systems. Considering the problems of biocybernetics in connection with the fundamental works of I. I. Shmalhausen in this area, A. I. Berg and A. A. Lyapunov noted: “Independence is the same fundamental phenomenon of nature as the presence of interdependence” (Berg A. I ., Lyapunov A. A. Preface.- In the book: Shmlchgauzen I. I. Cybernetic issues of biology. Novosibirsk, 1968, p. 10).

Despite such a fundamental role of independence, it always manifests itself in conjunction with dependence, with the presence of diverse and stable connections in the real world. Absolutely independent entities cannot be known. The diversity of the real world is represented by an inexhaustible variety of systems that are formed due to the presence of stable relationships between their constituent elements. The formation of structures from some elements can be considered as a limitation of their independence. Ideas about individualized independent particles (objects) are very poor. Independence alone cannot generate diversity in the world. Structurally, independence manifests itself only in combination with dependence. Independence expresses the mobile, mobile principle of the world, and dependence - stable, unchanging. Independence expresses the alienation of objects and systems, and the action of dependence overcomes this alienation on the basis of revealing the deeper properties of these objects and systems. Real systems and objects represent specific forms of synthesis of independence and connectivity, specific forms of their organization. In the history of society, issues of political independence arose sharply. It was proclaimed that it is independence (sovereignty) in its fullest expression that represents a necessary prerequisite for the development of states, nations and regions. The idea of ​​independence contributed in many cases to the mobilization of internal forces and resources aimed at the development of the corresponding national-territorial entities. This idea often acquired such strength that it led to national liberation wars.

Incomplete definition ↓

Independence is a vital quality for people who want more control over their lives and feel like they don't need other people to achieve their goals. Independence will give you the freedom to do what you want and not care what others think, and you will be able to find solutions to your problems yourself. Plus, research shows that the more independent a person is, the happier they feel! This is because we feel relief and joy when we are able to take control of our lives. Want to know how to do this? Just follow these tips.


Think independently

    Accept yourself. You cannot become a strong, independent person if you cannot get along with yourself. Accept your body, your personality, your views, your choices, your preferences and your life story. Don't say anything against yourself. Everyone can be strong enough. Everyone has to put up with something to prove their strength. Leave your mistakes in the past and learn from each one. Make an effort to be your best self and, most importantly, love yourself.

    • This is an important part of independence because by accepting yourself, you won't try to imitate someone else.
  1. Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, then who else will believe in you? We are all different and each unique in our own way. No one can say your words, not everyone will agree with what you say, that's why it's very important that you stick to your guns because at the end of the day, you are all you have and if you believe in yourself, then that’s the only thing that really matters. Believing in yourself will allow you to rely on your own decisions, even if they are completely contrary to the expectations of other people or even society.

    • If you don't believe in yourself, you will always doubt yourself and turn to others for help every time you need to make a decision. Avoid this.
  2. Accept this world. Independent people are not vain and they do not believe that the entire human race is ruthless. Independent people are those who see the world with all its good and bad sides, and consciously decide to be strong for themselves and others. You cannot be called independent just because you do not trust anyone. You cannot be called independent just because you have a high opinion of yourself. Master this technique. Learn to accept this world, and decide to be strong.

    • Accepting the world and all its complexities will also help you see that there are an infinite number of ways to live life - no one is forcing you to fit into one of them.
  3. Be emotionally independent. You likely depend on many people to provide you with emotional support. This could be your parents, your boyfriend or your girlfriend, or your close friends. While you may continue to depend on these people for the rest of your life, it is in your best interest to realize that any person you depend on may one day no longer be around. Some of them will leave, some will become distant, and all of them will eventually die. The only person who will always be there for you is yourself. If you turn to yourself for support, you will never be denied.

    • It's normal to become attached to the few main people in your life, but you shouldn't let your happiness depend on them. It depends only on you.
  4. Motivate yourself correctly. Other people do not, and never will, have the same stake in your success. Motivation and success are a matter of habit. You must give up your bad habit of procrastinating from day to day, replacing it with the habit of good planning. The most successful people in the world are not always the brightest or the most beautiful, but no matter what other talents and gifts they are blessed with, they bolster their self-esteem with a series of victories over challenges big and small. This is how you learn everything in school, gain confidence in romantic relationships and in general in everything in life.

    • If you want to achieve a career goal, then it should satisfy you, not your family. This also applies to excellent grades in school.
    • Don't try to lose weight, publish a book, or build a house just to impress others. Do this only to set yourself up for success.
  5. Be your own hero. A role model can inspire you and show you how to live. Finding someone you deeply admire and who shares your values ​​is not a bad thing at all. However, at the end of the day, it is important to think of yourself as your own idol, as a person who is capable of saying and doing whatever he wants. Strive to be yourself, and be your best self. If you can't respect yourself, you can't be independent.

    • Do not turn any of your friends or acquaintances into your idol. This will only increase the likelihood that you will forget what you like.
  6. Accept the fact that life is not always fair. Our parents cared so much about us that they did everything in their power to raise us in a fair and proper environment. The real world doesn't always work this way, and that's a big problem today. Rules in the world usually protect either the majority (of which you may not be a part) or the people with money and power. You may be treated poorly for a variety of unfair reasons: your gender, your skin color, your intelligence, your height, your weight, your beliefs, the amount of money you have, and other aspects that make up your personality. You should be happy despite this.

    • Don't let the injustices of the world stop you from doing what you want to do. Do you want to be a nurse? A woman in the army? Be the first person in your family to receive a higher education? Strive for this instead of convincing yourself that it is impossible in the modern world.
  7. Stop worrying about what other people think. This is the most important thing about independence. If you depend on what others say about your outfit, about your music, then you will not be happy! If you like it, then nothing else matters! Stop worrying about other people's judgments about your life, your clothes, your career, or your significant other. These are your decisions and yours alone.

    • If there is a constant nagging thought in your head, “What will people think if...”, then you will always hold yourself back and will not be able to do what you like.
  8. Just don't need it think that you are the best, prove it to yourself! Your own opinion is very important for your motivation. It's much easier to just start doing your responsibilities and know with incredibly strong reasoning that you can handle whatever happens because you've already done it, rather than trying to convince yourself that you can take it on because that's who you are. warm and fuzzy inside. The warm and fuzzy achieve very little, as do those who constantly exhaust themselves.

    Get your own information. Watch and read the news and be sure to get it from different sources. Follow the news as often as possible, and always try to listen to both sides before forming your opinion. You can also talk to people from different professions to get more information on a relevant topic, but never let other people tell you what to think. Try to read as much as possible, be it literature or newspapers. If you are well informed, you will not be led and you will have your own independent opinion.

    Act more independently

    1. Maintain strong friendships. You don't have to reject your friends to be independent. In fact, good friends strengthen your independence. When your friend needs someone to talk to, be there. Be reliable. Don't gossip about your friends or tell anyone about their secrets or personal affairs. Even if they didn't ask for it. Be a strong person for your friends and loved ones. Not only does this show your selflessness, but very soon you will know how to handle any situation that comes your way thanks to the experiences of your friends.

      Become financially independent. This will be difficult because parents have a natural instinct to provide for us. Just politely decline when they offer financial help. Of course, it is tempting to receive financial help from others, but to experience independence, you must become independent. Provide yourself financially. Truly independent living relies on financial freedom. Pay your own bills, drive your own car, pay your own rent.

      • If you don't have money for these expenses, be frugal. Not only will you gain financial freedom through your savings, the money you save will also give you an incredible sense of independence and motivation.
    2. Don't give up. Not with anything. Not for the sake of comfort, not for the sake of relief, not for the sake of good manners. Always be diligent in whatever you do. Defend your beliefs. Separately for you, girls: do not let a man think that he should pamper you. If you can do something well, do it. If it doesn't have any negative effect, you should do it. This doesn't mean that you have to do absolutely everything yourself, but you shouldn't feel the need for someone else to do for you what you can do yourself.

      • Do everything to the best of your ability and always try to have people say about you: “This person doesn’t expect anyone to do anything for him. What a strong, independent person.”
    3. Leave friends and family at home when you can. This is a difficult step towards independent living, but you must remain alone with yourself. You don't have to go to a restaurant with someone because you can meet them there. Go shopping alone, spend at least one or two evenings a week alone. Do things that force you to lead rather than be led.

      • If you're used to having a friend with you when you go for a walk or to the mall, try what it's like to do it alone.
    4. Get away from bad influences. Don't break friendships unless absolutely necessary. Learn to maintain a healthy distance. Even if these friends are “so cool,” they will only hold you back from breaking through on your own. “Water your garden” - some people energize you, while others stunt your growth and drain all your energy. If you have a friend who is trying to force you to do things that make you feel uncomfortable, whether it's stealing or simply being inappropriate, then it's time to end the relationship.

      • Avoid people who really only want followers and like to be idolized. These people just want you to do what they tell you and they will not let you become independent.
    5. Save money. Save as much as is realistically possible. This will help you create an emergency fund for yourself as life can be unpredictable at times. You can't plan for unforeseen circumstances. Improve your quality of life by saving a certain amount of money every month. There are things like accidents, health problems or even natural disasters that can appear when you least expect it.

      • You may think that you have no way to save money, but even something as small as making homemade coffee instead of going to the coffee shop every day can help you save a decent amount over the course of a year!
    6. Open a bank account. Most banks offer one checking and savings account in one package. Some companies, institutions and organizations will require you to at least have a checking account (some only pay employees through direct deposit). The money you earn that is not needed for current expenses should be put into a savings account until you are ready to become independent.

      • If you have your own bank account, you will not be dependent on others financially and this will also help you avoid reckless spending.
    7. Start your career path. Experiment with different careers and find the one you like best. If money makes you happy, become an investment banker or start a small business. If you love children, become a teacher. If you like being an expert, become a lawyer, professor, or consultant. If you love talking to people, become a salesperson or a service worker. If you'd rather know how things work, become an engineer, psychologist or sociologist.

      • Most students end up working outside of their field of study. Some people do not pursue formal higher education and end up becoming millionaires. Working in an environment you enjoy is part of becoming an adult.
    8. Find yourself a passion. It's what you're committed to, whether it's sports, a girl or a guy, music, art, religion. What you do constantly, what takes up your time: the main thing is to feel the line between healthy passion and painful obsession. Video games and playing Barbie all day long are not the best option; This also includes time wasted on the Internet. (However, if you create your own websites or a collection of clothes for the same Barbie, this is a different matter!)

      • Finding your passion will make your life more meaningful and you will feel like you know what you really want out of life.
    9. Plan your day according to what you need to you. People who are most dependent on others allow their world to revolve around other people's needs or other aspects. Plan your day according to your own schedule. Make a list of what you want to do, what you need to do, and what you should have already done. If a friend really needs help, fine, but don't let that friend's business take precedence over the plan you've so carefully crafted.

      • Treat your personal time like it's a date with Brad Pitt. This means guarding it carefully and not letting anyone interfere with your alone time.
    10. Thank people for their help. You don't have to be stubborn to be independent. If someone really helped you, then thank that person by giving them a sincere “thank you,” sending them a card, or giving them a hug if they are a close friend. There's nothing wrong with admitting that sometimes you really need help, it won't make you any less independent.

      Avoid trends. Just because someone is willing to pay $60 for a T-shirt doesn't mean you should do the same. Dress the way you want to dress and say what you want to say. If you like to act crazy, do it! It is important to remember that good taste and style cannot be bought with money: it is an innate or acquired quality that helps with the help of skills to make something good out of anything.

      Spend time with people with different worldviews. Spending time with people who are exactly like you will not inspire you to be a more independent person. Making an effort to make friends with people from different backgrounds and backgrounds will help you understand the world better and see that there is no one right way.

      • Talking to an attorney if you're a yoga instructor or spending time with a chef if you're a student can refresh your mind. This can make you more open and willing to try something completely new yourself.

    Live more independently

    1. Learn to drive a car or use public transport. You will never be completely independent until you learn to drive or get around on your own. How can you call yourself independent if you always need your boyfriend, friend or parents to give you a ride? This of course assumes you are old enough to drive. If you live in the suburbs and need a car to get anywhere, then grab the bull by the horns and get a driver's license, then work on getting your own car.

      • If you live in a big city, don't wait for good weather to get to your destination on foot, and don't wait for a friend to give you a lift - check the subway, bus or train schedules.
      • If you depend on other people for transportation, it is more likely that you will often stay home or wait for another person to determine your destiny. You should be able to do what you want, when you want.
    2. Do your own research instead of constantly asking others for help. Maybe you always call your dad to help you with your finances, or you call your mom every five minutes when planning a big party or wedding. Perhaps you have a friend who is an expert in all areas, and you always turn to this person when you encounter problems at work, when you have trouble with your car, or when you are trying to adjust the TV. If you want to be more independent, learn to do your own research first before calling such people.

      • It's great if you have people you can turn to, but the next time you pick up the phone, ask yourself, “Can I find out this information on my own?” The answer in most cases will be yes. Of course it will take you more time, but think how much more rewarding it will be.
    3. Learn to cope around the house. Are you tired of calling a plumber, repairman, painter, or just a close friend every time something goes wrong in your home? Learn how to do household chores by watching helpful videos, reading WikiHow or magazines. If you have a good friend who is a carpenter, ask him for carpentry lessons. If you learn how to organize things in your home, you will save a lot of money and not have to wait for someone to come and fix everything.

      • And by the way, learning how to unclog a clogged toilet yourself is much better than waiting for someone else to get to it.
    4. Cook it yourself. Don't be dependent on food delivery to your home or the restaurant across the street. You don't have to be a master chef to learn the basics of cooking: how to fry basic foods, how to use the oven, and how to prepare simple dishes like pasta, potatoes, and salads. Knowing that you can go to the supermarket or market, grab a few key ingredients and cook a delicious dinner will help you feel like you can do anything on your own.

      • If you become a good cook, you can even invite guests to enjoy the benefits of your skills.
      • Learn not to depend on your GPS navigator. Of course, if you turn on the GPS or map on your smartphone, it will help you get from one place to another. But what happens if your GPS suddenly starts to malfunction, your phone's battery runs out, or you get stuck? Will you follow through to the end? We hope not. Before you go anywhere, create a mental map and print out physical directions to follow if you can. But even better for sure know, where you go to become less dependent on devices.

        • If you are going on a long trip, then, of course, GPS can be useful. But be sure that you have a strong sense of where you're going, no matter what, so you don't feel completely clueless.
    5. Get used to doing everything yourself. If you are truly independent, then you will not need a friend nearby to handle every small task or to engage in any interesting activity. Don't wait for a friend to go to that new restaurant or see that new movie at the theater. Treat yourself and do it alone - if you go to the movies, you'll be surprised how many other people also enjoy a good movie by themselves.

      • It all depends on the attitude. If you feel comfortable doing it all alone, then no one will judge you.
    6. Take your time. Rome was not built in a day, and no one can be completely independent. This is not a hard-and-fast guide that you should adhere to. If you don't want to do something, don't do it. This is posted here to tell you how to be independent if you want to be, and in no way is it to say, “Be independent and only independent. Don't get close to anyone. Follow this as strictly as you would a manual on how to become a billionaire.” Enjoy the journey to independence.

The desire to be independent from other people and circumstances is one of the main reasons that force us to work hard for our success.

At the same time, any kind of complete independence and freedom, of course, is an illusion.

And, most importantly, it is almost impossible to achieve if you are simply building a career or business (that is, achieving success in the generally accepted sense).

A high position or a profitable business is not enough - independence consists of many different building blocks. We’ll talk about what these bricks are here.

And of course - about how to build a wall from them that will protect you from friends/enemies/distant relatives/competitors/envious people/etc. who shamelessly interfere in your life.

What does independence consist of?

The list is actually quite impressive, but let’s focus only on the most important ones.


Their importance is difficult to overestimate. Often people even equate money and freedom. This, of course, is a very naive reasoning.

Wealth in itself does not provide protection from attacks. On the contrary, it can attract unnecessary attention and envy, and as a result - unnecessary problems.

History knows many similar examples.

Dating and connections

Another extremely necessary element.

The more different people you know, the more different small problems you can solve.

This “building block” should not be overestimated either. Many people have a wide circle of acquaintances, but not everyone benefits from this - often a sociable and active person is happy to be “strained” by everyone he meets.

Of course, this does not add independence.

Of course, you need to help others - for many reasons, including maintaining your personal social network. But balance is important here.

The ideal case is widespread fame (even in narrow circles). It allows you to find many ways to meet the right people and negotiate a particular service.

Possession of information

It is imperative to know the “rules of the game” of the environment in which you are or are entering.

In addition, it is extremely useful for almost all areas of life to understand the law.

The simplest example. A significant number of people still have the following beliefs: “if I hired you, you owe me your life” and “the boss is always right.”

As a result, some employers begin to behave with their subordinates as nobles behave with peasants. At the same time, Russian labor legislation is now written with a clear bias towards the rights of the employee.

So a subordinate, if he skillfully uses the rules of the law, will be able - at a minimum - to cause no less trouble to his superiors than he gets himself.

Limiting information about yourself

But on the other hand. To influence the world, you need to have information about it. In order not to let the environment influence you, you need to keep your mouth shut.

The environment should know about you only what is necessary and what is beneficial to you.

Physical inaccessibility

Of course, the ideal option is your own island in the Pacific Ocean or an underground bunker. Well, seriously speaking, sometimes it’s not harmful to just turn off your phone if you have a lot to do and don’t have any important calls coming up.

After all, wasting time to talk is also a manifestation of a limitation of your freedom.

That’s why I, for example, very rarely use ICQ or similar services - if you’re “online,” then someone from your contact list can get into the conversation and eat up a few minutes of precious time.

Internal independence

Without her, nothing will work at all.



adj., used compare often

Morphology: independent, independent, regardless, independent; more independent; adv. regardless

1. If you independent This means that you do not need anyone’s help or money and rely entirely on yourself.

At twenty-one he became completely independent and lived separately from his parents.

2. Independent they call a person who makes his own decisions and acts, does what he needs.

She liked strong, independent men. |


He behaved emphatically independently. | Finally, Seryozha learned to think independently.

3. Behavior, appearance, etc. are called independent, if they show independence, no need to consult with other people, or turn to them for help.

He was a man of independent character and inner freedom. | He left with a proud and independent air. | He had a lively, independent mind.

4. The country is named independent, if it has its own government and is not ruled by another country.

5. The organization is called independent, if she manages her financial activities herself.

Independent trade unions are now being created in the country.

6. Investigation, examination, etc. are called independent, if they are carried out by people who are not associated with the situation in which they understand, and therefore must be fair; People who conduct such an investigation or examination are also called independent.

Experts insisted on conducting an independent international investigation. | Independent experts believe that the situation in the foreign exchange market is a crisis.

7. Independent They call things that are not related to something basic.

He was thinking about things independent of the conversation. | Engage in activities independent of direct responsibilities.

independence noun, and.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



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    See free, free... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999. independent... Synonym dictionary

    INDEPENDENT, independent, independent; independent, independent, independent. 1. Independent, not dependent, subordinate. “Judges are independent and subject only to the law.” Constitution of the USSR. “I want to be independent and live my own life.” ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

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    INDEPENDENT, oh, oh; them. 1. Independent, not subordinate, free. Independent personality. Independent countries. 2. Revealing or expressing independence (in 2 meanings). N. character. N. look. Be independent (adv... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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  • Independent mind. Yoga of time travel. Alternative science (set of 3 books) (number of volumes: 3), . The following books are included in the package. Independent Mind: Learn to Live Freely. Think outside the box to spark amazing ideas, feel your own strength and joy of creativity,...