The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations. Will be replaced by

Pedagogy test
for certified teaching staff
Choose the correct answer
The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
Educational program.

Education Act".
2. A source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in a form accessible to students is:
Training program.
3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:
Education Act".
National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
Basic curriculum.
State educational standard.
4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:
Personal results
Meta-subject results
Subject results
5. Methods of activity applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:
Personal results
Meta-subject results
Subject results
6. Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties to the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, and pedagogical practice are built. - This
Educational technologies
Pedagogical rules
Pedagogical patterns
Pedagogical principles.
7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:
An approach
8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:
Principle of fundamentalization Principle of variability of education
The principle of advanced education
The principle of completeness of education.
9. The inclusion in the content of education of types of activities of students to master it is a reflection of:
The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level
The principle of unity of content and procedural-activity aspects of learning
The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of educational content
The principle of taking into account social conditions and needs of society
The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations forms the basis of:

The requirement for the standardization of the actions of a teacher who transmits cultural images to other people forms the basis:
Transformative function of pedagogical activity
Information function of pedagogical activity
Communicative function of pedagogical activity
Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
Pedagogical support refers to types of pedagogical activities called:

Organizational and pedagogical
Correctional (psychological)
Pedagogical diagnostics refers to types of pedagogical activities called:
Creative and pedagogical Organizational and pedagogical
Direct pedagogical
The method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:
Methodical technique
15. The principle ensuring the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:
1. The principle of openness
2. The principle of variability in education
3. The principle of advanced education
4. The principle of completeness of education
16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is
1. The effectiveness of educational technology
2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology
3. Controllability of pedagogical technology
4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology
17. Legal pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is
1. Approach
2. Methodology
3. Technology
4. Method
18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:
Principle of cultural conformityPrinciple of individualization
The principle of natural conformityThe principle of personal orientation
19. Writing methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting business games belongs to a group of pedagogical tasks called:
20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:
Pedagogical communication
21. Among the listed types of teaching activities, the basic ones include:
Organizational and methodological work
Pedagogical communication
22. A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system if used appropriately is:
23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:
Leading source of knowledge.
The nature of students' mental activity.
Leading didactic goal.
Logic of reasoning.
24. The program and methodological complex “Information Culture” as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:
Level of general theoretical representation
Subject level
Level of educational material
Level of the learning process
25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another - this is:
26. Match the criterion of correctness of the pedagogical action to its essence:
Success - 3 1. Thanks to this action, achieving the goal becomes easier or possible
Manufacturability - 2 2. The ability to produce a planned change based on the results of an action with a high degree of probability
Usefulness - 1 3. Achieving all specified goals in the most optimal way
Efficiency - 4 4. The desired results are achieved at the lowest cost
27. Match the type of competence of a teaching worker with its parameter:
Information - 1 1. Ability to formulate educational problems using various information and communication methods
Legal - 4 2. The quality of the employee’s actions, ensuring the effective construction of direct and feedback communication with another person
Communicative - 2 3. Use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)
Professional - 3 4. The quality of the employee’s actions, ensuring the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of authorities to solve relevant professional problems
28. Reconcile the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence
Linear - 2 1. Without losing sight of the original problem, the range of knowledge related to it is expanded and deepened
Concentric - 1 2. Separate parts (portions) of educational material are arranged sequentially one after another without duplicating the topics studied in different years of study.
Spiral - 3 3. It is possible to return to the same material at different periods of study, for example after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content
29. Match the teaching method with the corresponding didactic goal
Cognitive method - 4 1. Generalization and systematization of knowledge
Control method - 3 2. Creative use of skills and abilities
Transformative method - 2 3. Identification of the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction
Systematizing method - 1 4. Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material
30. Match the evaluation function with its characteristic
Motivational - 4 1. Identifying the causes of educational results
Diagnostic - 3 2. Formation of adequate self-esteem of the student
Educational - 2 3. Determining the degree of student success in mastering educational material
Information - 1 4. Encouragement and stimulation of educational activities
31. Bring its content into line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology:
Reproducibility - 4 1. Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results
Manageability - 3 2. Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals
Conceptuality - 2 3. Possibility of diagnostic goal setting, planning, design of the educational process, diagnosis, varying means and methods in order to correct the result
Efficiency - 1 4. Possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other entities
32. Match the form of training with its characteristics:
Individual - 4 1. Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds
Front - 3 2. Interaction between the teacher and the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility for the overall result.
Collective - 2 3. The teacher works with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks
Group - 1 4. Interaction between a teacher and one student
33. Reconcile the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:
Sociopractical aspect - 2 1. Correlation of the idea with certain attitudes of individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms
Value-semantic aspect - 1 2. Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for the implementation of the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of training and education
Activity aspect - 4 3. Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of the idea
Prognostic aspect - 3 4. Method of implementing the idea in practice
34. Reconcile the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process
Activity - 1 1. Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality
Personality-oriented - 3 2. Formation of an “active person”, a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society
Sociocultural - 2 3. Modeling pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience
Hermeneutic - 4 4. Creating conditions for entering the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning
35. Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation
Explanatory and illustrative - 4 1. Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)
Reproductive - 3 2. The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving a problem, receive an example of the development of cognition
Problem presentation - 2 3. The student performs actions according to the teacher’s model
Research - 1 4. The teacher communicates information, students perceive it
36. Match the name of the textbook component with its essential characteristics
Informative component - 2 1. Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical activities
Reproductive component - 1 2. Presented using verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)
Creative component - 4 3. Reflects worldview, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations
Emotional-value component - 3 4. Asked using problematic presentation, problematic questions and tasks
37. Match the type of pedagogical analysis with its main task:
Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4 1. Assessing the final result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students
Methodological type of analysis - 2 2. Study and evaluation of the activities of the teacher and students through subject content
Psychological type of analysis - 3 3. Study of the teacher’s work style, the well-being of students at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and the formation of educational activities
Self-analysis - 1 4. Assessing the representation of the following categories in the lesson: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, feasibility of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness
38. Match the type of teaching experience with the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:
Personal experience - 4 1. Design of new educational standards, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system
Mass experience - 3 2. Focus on pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system
Advanced improving experience - 2 3. Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science
Best Transformative Practices - 1 4. Possession of the fundamentals of the profession
39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:
Preliminary control - 2 1. Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process
Current control - 4
2. Determination and recording of the student’s initial level of training, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity
Periodic control - 3
3. Diagnosing the quality of the student’s assimilation of the fundamentals and interrelations of the studied section, its personal educational increments in the previously identified areas
Final control - 1
4. Systematic verification and evaluation of the student’s educational results on specific topics in individual classes
40. Match the group of methods with the basis for their classification
Logical approach - 4
1. Informing, formation of skills, consolidation of knowledge, verification of knowledge
The degree of activity of cognitive activity is 3 2. Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching
Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2 3. Explanatory and illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research
Didactic goal - 1 4. Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis
41. Establish a sequence of levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of the transition from theory to practice:
Level of general theoretical understanding
Subject level
Level of educational material
Level of learning process
Level of student personality structure
42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:
Information-receptive method
Reproductive method
Method of problem presentation
Partial search method
Research method
43. Establish the sequence of stages in organizing problem-based learning:
Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situationIntroducing a problem situation
Proposing a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
Checking the given solution
44. Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation
Concept of educational content
Contents of education by levels and branches of education
Contents of training courses
Contents of the training course
Contents of the academic discipline within the course
45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of working with information during the analysis of the educational process:
Formulating a request for the necessary information
Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed upon norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
Organization of information collection and processing
Generalization and summary of the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions on changes in the educational process
Self-analysis and self-assessment of the results and progress of the analytical examination
46. ​​Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:
Studying the educational program of the training course
Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan
Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
Planning training sessions within each block of the training course
Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan
47. Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:
Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process
Identifying the need for changes in subjects of the educational process
Developing ways to solve problems (innovation design)
Introduction and dissemination of innovation
Transferring innovation to permanent use448. Establish the sequence of elements of the structure of a creative lesson:
Identifying students’ personal experiences and attitudes regarding the object being studied
Creating an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity
Carrying out creative work personally by each student (group of students)
Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
Reflection on one’s own actions to solve a creative problem
49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson
Brief description of the class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material
Content characteristics of the lesson topic
Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson
Assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities
50. Establish a sequence of stages for summarizing best pedagogical experience
Organizational stage
Theoretical search
Accumulation and processing of factual material
Evaluating evidence and making decisions
Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

Cheat sheet on the general fundamentals of pedagogy Yulia Mikhailovna Voitina


By its main indicators, pedagogical activity is understood as the consciously chosen and carried out activity of adults, elders, citizens, various officials and specialists (this can be parents, teachers, educators, leaders, managers, etc.), as well as the state, society, enterprises that pursue pedagogical goals, implemented by pedagogical means and methods and bringing positive pedagogical results.

Any activity can be called pedagogically effective only if it includes all the previously described pedagogical phenomena, correctly improves them, and directs them to achieve the goal.

Pedagogical activity is a special social phenomenon and a type of socially necessary and significant, as well as useful activity, and it is of a specific nature.

This activity will be successful if it is carried out by people who have fundamentally developed pedagogical thinking, abilities, skill to skillfully create pedagogical systems, manage pedagogical processes, achieve the maximum possible results in their actions (comprehensive educational, educational, training and development ), which will satisfy people's needs and ensure a civilized existence and future of society.

Let's consider the main types of teaching activities:

– educational;

– educational;

– educational;

– engineering and pedagogical;

– social and pedagogical;

– social and pedagogical;

– research pedagogical;

– social and pedagogical.

All of the above types of pedagogical activities are correct and professional only if they are maximally united in their educational, educational, training and developmental creative searches, influences and results.

One of the most important aspects of pedagogical activity is the activity of the person with whom direct pedagogical work is carried out.

Pedagogical improvement is a pedagogical phenomenon that characterizes the existence of initiative or stimulation of purposeful activity of the person himself to improve his pedagogical properties through self-education, self-education, self-training and self-development both in a pedagogical institution and outside it, at any age. Pedagogical self-improvement performs the main function of a person’s self-actualization of his capabilities.

One of the types of self-affirmation is learning, which is the active activity of a student in an educational institution to master the knowledge provided for by the qualified requirements for graduates of an educational institution.

From the above it follows that this is not only the assimilation of educational material, but also the improvement of all one’s pedagogical properties.

From the book Law of Karma author Torsunov Oleg Gennadievich

From the book Introduction to Psychological and Pedagogical Activities: a textbook author Chernyavskaya Anna Pavlovna

From the book Psychological foundations of teaching practice: a textbook author Korneva Lyudmila Valentinovna

Chapter 2 The essence and features of pedagogical activity

From the book Visualization Effect by Nast Jamie

2.2. Peculiarities of pedagogical activity The social purpose of a teacher and his functions largely determine the characteristics of his work. First of all, this is the social significance of work, which is determined by the long-term orientation of the activity. At the humble teacher's

From the book Psychology and Pedagogy: Cheat Sheet author author unknown

3.1. Types of professional activities of a teacher-psychologist According to the “General characteristics of specialty 031000 Pedagogy and psychology” (see Appendix 2), the main types of activities of a teacher-psychologist are correctional and developmental, teaching,

author Voitina Yulia Mikhailovna

Conflict as a crisis development of a pedagogical situation. Types of conflictogens Features of the course of conflict in school are determined by the specifics of the pedagogical situation itself, which represents a separate moment in the educational process,

From the book Motivation and motives author Ilyin Evgeniy Pavlovich

Suggested Activities You've seen many uses for idea mapping techniques using Mindjet Pro 6 software. Figure 7.9 provides an idea map for this chapter. Assignment for you - download a demo version of Mindjet software ( and compose at least one

From the book Psychology of Body Types. Development of new opportunities. Practical approach author Troshchenko Sergey

From the book Psychology and Pedagogy. Crib author Rezepov Ildar Shamilevich

32. MAIN TYPES OF ACTIVITY. INTERIORIZATION AND EXTERIORIZATION OF ACTIVITY There are three main types of activity: play, learning, work. A specific feature of the game is that its goal is the game itself as an activity, and not the practical results

From the book Cheat Sheet on General Psychology author Rezepov Ildar Shamilevich

14.2. Motives for pedagogical activity The motives for entering a pedagogical university and choosing the profession of a teacher (teacher, kindergarten teacher, etc.) are varied, and some of them do not correspond to pedagogical activity. This circumstance has long been

From the book Fundamentals of Psychology author Ovsyannikova Elena Alexandrovna

Types of activities in which the Moon type best reveals its qualities Work that requires minimal interaction with other people; collection of data (including secret); analytics; programming; Scientific research; archival work; library

From the author's book

Types of activities in which the Venus type best reveals its qualities Any leisurely work where help to others is required; gardening; caring for the sick, animals and children; all types of services; work on finishing something; household services;

From the author's book

Types of activities in which the Saturn type best reveals its qualities Work related to long-term planning; work related to managing the activities of a group of people; searching for ways to develop, improve and modernize; management of middle and

From the author's book

TEACHER AS A SUBJECT OF PEDAGOGICAL ACTIVITY The teacher is the organizer of the life and activities of students. The content of students’ activities follows from the goals and objectives of education and upbringing and is determined by the curriculum, subject programs and approximate content

From the author's book

29. Types of activity There are three types of activity that genetically replace each other and coexist throughout the entire life course: play, learning and work. They differ in final results (product of activity), in organization, in features

From the author's book

2.3. Activity. Activity structure. Types of activities Activity is the active interaction of a person with the environment in which he achieves a consciously set goal that arose as a result of the emergence of a certain need or motive. Motives and goals

Pedagogy test

for certified teaching staff

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
  1. Educational program.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. State educational standard.
  4. Education Act".

2. A source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in a form accessible to students is:

  1. Textbook.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. Training program.
  4. Workbook.

3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

  1. Education Act".
  2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
  3. Basic curriculum.
  4. State educational standard.

4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:

  1. Personal results
  2. Meta-subject results
  3. Subject results

5. Methods of activity applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:

  1. Personal results
  2. Meta-subject results
  3. Subject results

6. Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties to the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, and pedagogical practice are built. - This

  1. Educational technologies
  2. Pedagogical rules
  3. Pedagogical patterns
  4. Pedagogical principles.

7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

  1. Strategy
  2. An approach
  3. Technology
  4. Methodology

8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:

  1. Fundamentalization principle
  2. The principle of variability in education
  3. The principle of advanced education
  4. The principle of completeness of education.

9. The inclusion in the content of education of types of activities of students to master it is a reflection of:

  1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level
  2. The principle of unity of content and procedural-activity aspects of learning
  3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of educational content
  4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and needs of society
  1. The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations forms the basis of:
  1. The requirement for the standardization of the actions of a teacher who transmits cultural images to other people forms the basis:
  1. Transformative function of pedagogical activity
  2. Information function of pedagogical activity
  3. Communicative function of pedagogical activity
  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. Pedagogical support refers to types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. Corrective (psychological)
  2. Methodical
  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to types of pedagogical activities called:
  1. Methodical
  2. Creative and pedagogical
  3. Organizational and pedagogical
  4. Direct pedagogical
  1. The method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:
  1. Methodical technique
  2. Rule
  3. Method
  4. Technology

15. The principle ensuring the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is

1. The effectiveness of educational technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Legal pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is

1. Approach

2. Methodology

3. Technology

4. Method

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity
  2. Principle of individualization
  3. The principle of natural conformity
  4. The principle of personal orientation
  1. Typical
  2. Creative
  3. Non-standard
  4. Improvised

20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:

  1. Learning
  2. Study
  3. Pedagogical communication
  4. Upbringing

21. Among the listed types of teaching activities, the basic ones include:

  1. Design
  2. Study
  3. Organizational and methodological work
  4. Pedagogical communication

22. A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system if used appropriately is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Innovation
  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.
  2. The nature of students' mental activity.
  3. Leading didactic goal.
  4. Logic of reasoning.

24. The program and methodological complex “Information Culture” as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

  1. Level of general theoretical representation
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. Level of the learning process

25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another - this is:

  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Technology
  4. Experiment

26. Match the criterion of correctness of the pedagogical action to its essence:

Success - 3

Thanks to this action, achieving the goal is easier or becomes possible

Manufacturability - 2

The ability to produce a planned change based on the results of an action with a high degree of probability

Usefulness - 1

Achieving all these goals in the most optimal way

Efficiency - 4

The desired results are achieved at the lowest cost

27. Match the type of competence of a teaching worker with its parameter:

Information - 1

Ability to formulate educational problems in various information and communication methods

Legal - 4

The quality of employee actions that ensure the effective construction of direct and feedback communication with another person

Communicative - 2

The use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)

Professional - 3

The quality of employee actions that ensure the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of government bodies to solve relevant professional problems

28. Reconcile the name of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence

Linear - 2

Without losing sight of the original problem, the range of knowledge related to it is expanded and deepened

Concentric - 1

Separate parts (portions) of educational material are arranged sequentially one after another without duplicating the topics studied in different years of study.

Spiral - 3

It is possible to return to the same material at different periods of study, for example after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content

29. Match the teaching method with the corresponding didactic goal

Cognitive method - 4

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Control method - 3

Creative use of skills and abilities

Conversion method - 2

Identification of the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction

Systematizing method - 1

Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material

30. Match the evaluation function with its characteristic

31. Bring its content into line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology:

Reproducibility - 4

Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

Handling - 3

Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals

Conceptuality - 2

The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the educational process, diagnose, vary means and methods in order to correct the result

Efficiency - 1

Possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other entities

32. Match the form of training with its characteristics:

Individual - 4

Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds

Front - 3

Interaction between the teacher and the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility of each for the overall result

Collective - 2

The teacher works with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks

Group - 1

Teacher interaction with one student

33. Reconcile the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Sociopractical aspect - 2

Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes of individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms

Value-semantic aspect - 1

Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for the implementation of the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of training and education

Activity aspect - 4

Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea

Prognostic aspect - 3

A way to put an idea into practice

34. Reconcile the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process

Activity - 1

Formation of students’ personal qualities in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

Personality-oriented - 3

Formation of an “active person”, a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society

Sociocultural - 2

Modeling pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience

Hermeneutic - 4

Creating conditions for entering into the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation

Explanatory and illustrative - 4

Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)

Reproductive - 3

The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving a problem, receive an example of the development of cognition

Problem presentation - 2

The student performs actions according to the teacher's model

Research - 1

The teacher communicates information, the students perceive it

36. Match the name of the textbook component with its essential characteristics

Informative component - 2

Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical activities

Reproductive component - 1

Presented using verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component - 4

Reflects ideological, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations

Emotional-value component - 3

Asked using problematic presentation, problematic questions and tasks

37. Matchtype of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4

Assessing the final result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis - 2

Study and assessment of the activities of teachers and students through subject content

Psychological type of analysis - 3

Studying the teacher’s working style, students’ well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and development of educational activities

Self-analysis - 1

Assessing the representation of the following categories in the lesson: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, feasibility of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of teaching experience with the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience - 4

Design of new educational standards, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Mass XP - 3

Focus on pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Best Practices for Improvement - 2

Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science

Transformative best practices - 1

Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control - 2

Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process

Current control - 4

Determining and recording the student’s initial level of training, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control - 3

Diagnosing the quality of a student’s assimilation of the fundamentals and interrelations of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control - 1

Systematic verification and evaluation of student’s educational results on specific topics in separate classes

40. Match the group of methods with the basis for their classification

Logical approach - 4

Informing, formation of skills, consolidation of knowledge, verification of knowledge

Degree of cognitive activity - 3

Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching

Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2

Explanatory and illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research

Didactic purpose - 1

Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

41. Establish a sequence of levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of the transition from theory to practice:

  1. Level of general theoretical understanding
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. Level of learning process
  5. Level of student personality structure

42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

  1. Information-receptive method
  2. Reproductive method
  3. Method of problem presentation
  4. Partial search method
  5. Research method

43. Establish the sequence of stages in organizing problem-based learning:

  1. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation
  2. Introduction of a problem situation
  3. Proposing a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
  4. Checking the given solution
  5. Reflection

44. Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation

  1. Concept of educational content
  2. Contents of education by levels and branches of education
  3. Contents of training courses
  4. Contents of the training course
  5. Contents of the academic discipline within the course

45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of working with information during the analysis of the educational process:

  1. Formulating a request for the necessary information
  2. Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed upon norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
  3. Organization of information collection and processing
  4. Generalization and summary of the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions on changes in the educational process
  5. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the results and progress of the analytical examination

46. ​​Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:

  1. Studying the educational program of the training course
  2. Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan
  3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
  4. Planning training sessions within each block of the training course
  5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

47. Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

  1. Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process
  2. Identifying the need for changes in subjects of the educational process
  3. Developing ways to solve problems (innovation design)
  4. Introduction and dissemination of innovation
  5. Transferring innovation to permanent use4

48. Establish the sequence of elements of the structure of a creative lesson:

  1. Identifying students’ personal experiences and attitudes regarding the object being studied
  2. Creating an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity
  3. Carrying out creative work personally by each student (group of students)
  4. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
  5. Reflection on one’s own actions to solve a creative problem

49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson

  1. Brief description of the class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material
  2. Content characteristics of the lesson topic
  3. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
  4. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson
  5. Assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities

50. Establish a sequence of stages for summarizing best pedagogical experience

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Theoretical search
  3. Accumulation and processing of factual material
  4. Evaluating evidence and making decisions
  5. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

Pedagogical activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring cultural and historical experience from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

Pedagogical activity can be non-professional and professional. Non-professional pedagogical activities, for example, are carried out by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, educational, industrial and other groups, and to a certain extent the media. Pedagogical activity as a professional one takes place in educational institutions specially created by society. Professional pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is the education, training, and development of students.

The social purpose of a teacher and his functions largely determine the characteristics of his work. First of all, this is the social significance of work, which is determined by the long-term orientation of the activity. The future of our society is being laid today at the humble teacher's desk. Those children who come to your classes will determine the development of society in 20-30 years. What they will be like depends largely on their teachers. This leads to the next feature - enormous responsibility. If a turner allows marriage, then society will lose only the smallest piece of material values, and the teacher’s mistakes are the fate of people.

One of the features of teaching activity is the huge dependence of labor results on the personality of the employee. In this respect, the work of a teacher is akin to the work of an actor. Another great K.D. Ushinsky wrote that personality is formed by personality, character is formed by character. The personality of the teacher, his individual qualities are, as it were, projected onto hundreds of his students. This applies to both the advantages and disadvantages of teachers.

A characteristic feature of a teacher’s work is his high level of employment. The fact is that it is very difficult for a teacher to disconnect from his professional activities even outside of school. And determining where work is and where leisure is not always easy. Let's say a teacher reads the magazine "Youth" or watches the program "Time". What is it - work or rest? Probably both.

The statement of the classic of German pedagogy A. Disterweg that a teacher can teach others only as long as he studies himself is absolutely true. Consequently, a teacher’s great busyness is associated primarily with the need to constantly work on oneself, grow, and move forward. Stagnation and complacency are contraindicated for a teacher.

One of the arguments that “opponents” of the teaching profession use when trying to dissuade young people from enrolling in pedagogical educational institutions is its supposed uniformity and monotony. These “experts” say that repeating the same thing from year to year is the destiny of a teacher. Let's try to answer them. Ask any teacher whether it is possible to teach two completely identical lessons in two parallel classes. This is almost impossible: the classes are unique, and the lesson is creativity. In addition, the teacher, both in the classroom and in educational work, has to solve pedagogical problems every day. These problems belong to the category of creative ones, because there is not and cannot be an absolutely reliable formula, scheme, or template for solving them. In each situation, the teacher is faced with the unique personality of the student; each personality is deeply individual. In terms of creative potential, the profession of a teacher is on a par with the profession of an artist, actor, and sculptor. Indeed, teachers, like sculptors, sculpt a person’s soul, shaping his personality. As actors, they are constantly in front of the audience, playing a role, however, always the same one - themselves.

The peculiarity of pedagogical activity is that it is carried out in the course of interaction between teacher and student. The nature of this interaction is determined primarily by the teacher. The optimal type of such interaction is cooperation, which assumes the position of equal, mutually respecting partners.

And about one more feature of pedagogical work: a teacher is a profession of eternal youth. Despite his age, he lives in the interests of the younger generation, communication with whom gives him the opportunity to remain spiritually young throughout his life.

Summarizing this section, we note that the features of pedagogical work include: great social significance, long-term orientation, high social responsibility, creative character, high level of employment associated with the constant need to work on oneself, the determining role of the teacher’s personality in the results of pedagogical work, constant communication with young people.

5. Mission and functions of a teacher’s professional activity: teaching, educational, social-pedagogical, methodological, self-educational, research.

The original meaning of this word has undergone significant changes. Literally translated from the ancient Greek language, “teacher” is a “schoolmaster,” that is, a slave who took a child to teachers, his mentor. The word “teacher” has several similar, almost synonymous terms: “educator”, “mentor”, “teacher”.

We will turn this word in its narrow sense to professionals who teach and educate our children and thereby have a huge influence on the spiritual development of the people, as well as to those people who teach adults.

Each new generation, entering life, must master the generalized experience of previous generations, which is reflected in scientific knowledge, morality, customs, traditions, methods and techniques of work, etc. The social purpose of the teacher is precisely to accumulate in himself pass on this experience in concentrated form to your pets.

Teacher controls process formation of the personality of each student, thereby largely determining the prospects for the development of society.

Functions(from Latin “duty”, "appointment")teacher are diverse, but among them it is possible

highlight three main ones: teaching, educational, social and pedagogical. The teacher first of all teaches, that is, helps children master generalized human experience, knowledge, A as well as ways of acquiring them, techniques and methods of educational work. The formation of a child’s personality occurs during the learning process and in non-educational activities. Organization educational process, the child’s communication with teacher, the latter's personality educational work everything This contributes to the formation of certain personality traits of the student, the development of his individuality, i.e., the educational function is realized. It should be noted that V traditions of the Russian intelligentsia, a teacher, especially a rural one, never limited my activity only within official limits. Russian teacher is an educator who works with the population and parents. And how many public affairs he performs within the walls of the school itself! Participation in numerous school events, informal communication with one’s students, leadership of clubs or sections is, as a rule, a public voluntary activity, i.e., the performance of a social and pedagogical function.

Pedagogy test
for certified teaching staff

Choose the correct answer

  1. The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
    1. Educational program.
    2. Syllabus.
    3. State educational standard.
    4. Education Act".
2. A source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in a form accessible to students is:
  1. Textbook.
  2. Syllabus.
  3. Training program.
  4. Workbook.
3. The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:
  1. Education Act".
  2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
  3. Basic curriculum.
  4. State educational standard.
4. The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process is:
  1. Personal results
  2. Meta-subject results
  3. Subject results
5. Methods of activity applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects, are:
  1. Personal results
  2. Meta-subject results
  3. Subject results
6. Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties to the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, and pedagogical practice are built. - This
  1. Educational technologies
  2. Pedagogical rules
  3. Pedagogical patterns
  4. Pedagogical principles.
7. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:
  1. Strategy
  2. An approach
  3. Technology
  4. Methodology
8. Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:
  1. Fundamentalization principle
  2. The principle of variability in education
  3. The principle of advanced education
  4. The principle of completeness of education.
9. The inclusion in the content of education of types of activities of students to master it is a reflection of:
  1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level
  2. The principle of unity of content and procedural-activity aspects of learning
  3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of educational content
  4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and needs of society
  1. The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations forms the basis of:
  1. Information function of pedagogical activity
  2. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. The requirement for the standardization of the actions of a teacher who transmits cultural images to other people forms the basis:
  1. Transformative function of pedagogical activity
  2. Information function of pedagogical activity
  3. Communicative function of pedagogical activity
  4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity
  1. Pedagogical support refers to types of pedagogical activities called:
    1. Organizational and pedagogical
    2. Corrective(psychological)
    3. Methodical
  1. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to types of pedagogical activities called:
    1. Methodical
    2. Creative and pedagogical
    3. Organizational and pedagogical
    4. Direct pedagogical
  1. The method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:
  1. Methodical technique
  2. Rule
  3. Method
  4. Technology
15. The principle ensuring the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:
1. The principle of openness
2. The principle of variability in education
3. The principle of advanced education
4. The principle of completeness of education

16. The possibility of diagnostic goal-setting, planning, designing the learning process, step-by-step diagnostics, varying means and methods in order to correct results is
1. The effectiveness of educational technology
2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology
3. Controllability of pedagogical technology
4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

17. Legal pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is
1. Approach
2. Methodology
3. Technology
4. Method

18. The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

  1. The principle of cultural conformity
  2. Principle of individualization
  3. The principle of natural conformity
  4. The principle of personal orientation
19. Writing methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting business games belongs to a group of pedagogical tasks called:
  1. Typical
  2. Creative
  3. Non-standard
  4. Improvised
20. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:
  1. Learning
  2. Study
  3. Pedagogical communication
  4. Upbringing
21. Among the listed types of teaching activities, the basic ones include:
  1. Design
  2. Study
  3. Organizational and methodological work
  4. Pedagogical communication
22. A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system if used appropriately is:
  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Innovation
  4. Technology

23. In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

  1. Leading source of knowledge.
  2. The nature of students' mental activity.
  3. Leading didactic goal.
  4. Logic of reasoning.
24. The program and methodological complex “Information Culture” as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:
  1. Level of general theoretical representation
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. Level of the learning process
25. A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another - this is:
  1. Innovation
  2. Innovation
  3. Technology
  4. Experiment
26. Match the criterion of correctness of the pedagogical action to its essence: 27. Match the type of competence of a teaching worker with its parameter:
Information - 1 1. Ability to formulate educational problems in various information and communication methods
Legal - 4 2. The quality of employee actions that ensure the effective construction of direct and feedback communication with another person
Communication - 2 3. The use of methodological ideas, new literature and other sources of information in the field of competence and teaching methods to build modern classes with students (pupils, children)
Professional - 3 4. The quality of employee actions that ensure the effective use in professional activities of legislative and other regulatory legal documents of government bodies to solve relevant professional problems

28. Matchname of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence
29. Match the teaching method with the corresponding didactic goal
30. Match the evaluation function with its characteristic
31. Bring its content into line with the methodological requirement for pedagogical technology:

Reproducibility - 4 1. Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results
Handling - 3 2. Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals
Conceptuality - 2 3. The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the educational process, diagnose, vary means and methods in order to correct the result
Efficiency - 1 4. Possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other entities
32. Match the form of training with its characteristics:

33. Reconcile the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Sociopractical aspect - 2 1. Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes of individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms
Value-semantic aspect - 1 2. Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for the implementation of the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of training and education
Activity aspect - 4 3. Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea
Prognostic aspect - 3 4. A way to put an idea into practice

34. Reconcile the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process
Activity - 1 1. Formation of students’ personal qualities in activities adequate to the nature of this quality
Personality-oriented - 3 2. Formation of an “active person”, a subject of action, concentration on the basic values ​​of social groups that are most significant for a certain type of society
Sociocultural - 2 3. Modeling pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience
Hermeneutic - 4 4. Creating conditions for entering into the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

35. Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation
36. Match the name of the textbook component with its essential characteristics
Informative component - 2 1. Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical activities
Reproductive component - 1 2. Presented using verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)
Creative component - 4 3. Reflects ideological, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations
Emotional-value component - 3 4. Asked using problematic presentation, problematic questions and tasks

37. Match type of pedagogical analysis and its main task:
Didactic type of lesson analysis - 4 1. Assessing the final result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students
Methodical type of analysis - 2 2. Study and assessment of the activities of teachers and students through subject content
Psychological type of analysis - 3 3. Studying the teacher’s working style, students’ well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and development of educational activities
Self-analysis - 1 4. Assessing the representation of the following categories in the lesson: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, feasibility of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

38. Match the type of teaching experience with the characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence:
Personal experience - 4 1. Design of new educational standards, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system
Mass XP - 3 2. Focus on pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system
Best practices - 2 3. Possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science
Transformative best practices - 1 4. Possession of the basics of the profession

39. Match the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:
Preliminary control - 2 1. Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process
Current control - 4
2. Determining and recording the student’s initial level of training, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity
Periodic control - 3
3. Diagnosing the quality of a student’s assimilation of the fundamentals and interrelations of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas
Final control - 1
4. Systematic verification and evaluation of student’s educational results on specific topics in separate classes

40. Match the group of methods with the basis for their classification
Logical approach - 4
1. Informing, formation of skills, consolidation of knowledge, verification of knowledge
Degree of cognitive activity - 3 2. Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching
Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students - 2 3. Explanatory and illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research
Didactic goal - 1 4. Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

41. Set sequence levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of the transition from theory to practice:

  1. Level of general theoretical understanding
  2. Subject level
  3. Level of educational material
  4. Level of learning process
  5. Level of student personality structure
42. Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:
  1. Information-receptive method
  2. Reproductive method
  3. Method of problem presentation
  4. Partial search method
  5. Research method
43. Establish the sequence of stages in organizing problem-based learning:
  1. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation
  2. Introduction of a problem situation
  3. Proposing a hypothesis (projected result of solving a problem)
  4. Checking the given solution
  5. Reflection
44. Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation
  1. Concept of educational content
  2. Contents of education by levels and branches of education
  3. Contents of training courses
  4. Contents of the training course
  5. Contents of the academic discipline within the course
45. Establish the correct sequence of stages of working with information during the analysis of the educational process:
  1. Formulating a request for the necessary information
  2. Development, formulation and adoption of general, agreed upon norms and criteria for assessing the educational process as a whole and its analyzed elements
  3. Organization of information collection and processing
  4. Generalization and summary of the results obtained, their self-assessment, preparation of conclusions for making decisions on changes in the educational process
  5. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the results and progress of the analytical examination
46. ​​Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:
  1. Studying the educational program of the training course
  2. Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan
  3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course
  4. Planning training sessions within each block of the training course
  5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

47. Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

  1. Identifying the need for changes in areas of the educational process
  2. Identifying the need for changes in subjects of the educational process
  3. Developing ways to solve problems (innovation design)
  4. Introduction and dissemination of innovation
  5. Transferring innovation to permanent use4
48. Establish the sequence of elements of the structure of a creative lesson:
  1. Identifying students’ personal experiences and attitudes regarding the object being studied
  2. Creating an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity
  3. Carrying out creative work personally by each student (group of students)
  4. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of educational products of students, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues
  5. Reflection on one’s own actions to solve a creative problem
49. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson
  1. Brief description of the class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material
  2. Content characteristics of the lesson topic
  3. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure
  4. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson
  5. Assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities
50. Establish a sequence of stages for summarizing best pedagogical experience
  1. Organizational stage
  2. Theoretical search
  3. Accumulation and processing of factual material
  4. Evaluating evidence and making decisions
  5. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience