The beginning of the third world war. War in the air - colossal losses

Could World War III break out in 2018?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US "on the path to World War III."
There is a risk that he is not entirely wrong.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, three factors are more likely to prevent war than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely due to Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But with Trump continually trying to dismantle international cooperation, these organizations may be weakened. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would introduce customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he has signaled that he is not particularly interested in promoting free trade,” said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never fought each other. But the wave of nationalism that is sweeping the world could rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism targets democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies and so on. This is noticeable in the US under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example,” says Isak Svensson.

The threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors that prevent war.

“Nationalism is not only present in peripheral countries, it is now spreading among the main players in the international arena: in the USA, in the UK in the form of Brexit, in the EU with its Poland and Hungary, which can weaken European cooperation. India and China are very much influenced by nationalist ideologies, as are Türkiye and Russia. All this, together with Trump, negatively affects these three factors. There is a considerable risk of interstate conflicts,” says Isak Svensson.

However, he does not believe that a major global war is likely.

“The likelihood of this is low. In general, interstate conflicts are very unusual, and they are becoming less common over time. But if this happens, then events unfold very intensely,” says Isak Svensson.

Here are the hottest spots of tension.

North Korea

States: North Korea, USA, Japan, China.

North Korea conducts test explosions of nuclear weapons and is constantly developing new missiles. One of the newest missiles tested this summer is capable of striking the United States, but it is unclear whether North Korea could equip it with a nuclear warhead.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump exchanged hateful verbal provocations, including Trump promising to meet North Korea with “fire and fury.”

The US is allied with South Korea and Japan, which also feel threatened by North Korea. And this closed dictatorship, in turn, receives support from China.

“In the short term, the most problematic area is the Korean Peninsula,” says Niklas Swanström, head of the Institute for Security and Development Policy.

“At the same time, the likelihood that China will defend North Korea is very low. This will only happen if there is a threat to China's direct interests, that is, if the US sends troops to the Chinese borders or something like that."

Isak Svensson agrees that Korea is the most worrying place because the situation there is unpredictable.

“It’s not very likely, but it’s possible that something will happen there. Everyone is on edge, there are various exercises and demonstrations of strength to each other, there is a high risk that something will go wrong. This can start the process even if no one actually wants it. No one is interested in bringing things to a full-scale war, but there is still a risk of this,” says Isak Svensson.

The biggest problem is poor communication, says Niklas Svanström.

“There are no security structures in Northeast Asia. Military confrontation can escalate very sharply.”

South China Sea

Countries: USA, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei.

Here is one of the most serious areas of tension, according to Isak Svensson.

“There is incredibly great military potential there. The likelihood of something happening is small, but if it does, the consequences will be catastrophic. There are nuclear weapons, and there are alliances between different countries, so they can drag each other into all sorts of complications in relations.”

At first glance, the conflict is centered around hundreds of small islands and cays near China, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines. About half of the islands are under the control of one of the four countries.

China, Taiwan and Vietnam all lay claim to the entire Spratly archipelago, and the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei also have their own claims.

In early 2014, China began clearing seven reefs between the islands under its control and establishing bases on them.

The situation is marked by ever-increasing tensions between China and the US, as a rising Chinese power increasingly challenges the US as the world's sole superpower.

“This century will be marked by the relationship between the US and China,” says Niklas Granholm, research director at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“There is a shift in power and influence in the international system. In relative terms, China's power is growing and the US's is declining. It is the conflicts that may arise around this division of power that will become most important. We can talk about China's position in relation to Taiwan, China in relation to Japan, relations with North Korea. There are a lot of things that can make a difference,” adds Niklas Granholm.

Niklas Svanström also believes that the relationship between China and the United States is the most dangerous in the long term.

“The only option for a third world war that can be imagined obviously involves China and the United States. I can’t say that this worries me, in my opinion, indirect conflicts may arise, that is, the war will be fought in a third country,” says Niklas Svanström.

India - Pakistan

States: India, Pakistan, USA, China, Russia.

The disputed northern province of Kashmir is effectively divided between India and Pakistan. There have been several wars between countries over the rights to this area, and new conflicts are constantly breaking out.

After 18 Indian soldiers were killed in a terrorist attack on a military base in September 2016, India's Home Minister tweeted:

“Pakistan is a terrorist state that should be labeled as such and isolated.”

Pakistan vehemently denied any involvement in the incident.

“Relations between India and Pakistan are always turbulent. Right now it doesn’t look like there will be a strong escalation, but nothing points to any big moves towards their rapprochement in the future,” says Isak Svensson.

Both countries are nuclear powers, and each is believed to have more than 100 nuclear warheads.

“It’s easy to imagine an unintended escalation to a full-fledged nuclear war, which no one wants but could be provoked by terrorism,” Matthew Bunn, a nuclear weapons analyst at Harvard’s Belfer Center, told the Huffington Post.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.

Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing short-range Nasr missiles that can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that such a development, in which Pakistan feels forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself, could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries there have no interests related to security policy. Pakistan has close relations with China, and India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk starting a large-scale military confrontation. I also find it difficult to imagine that the United States would intervene in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country must prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road construction workers, accompanied by military personnel, were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed that they were in China, the Indians claimed that they were in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, such a situation could easily escalate into a conflict, and Pakistan could then take advantage of this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, as reported by the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But even as China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why conflict might break out there, but there is an increased risk of this happening. Both countries' economies are growing rapidly, and both countries are fueled by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is of course a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that could lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, believes Niklas Granholm, director of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has thrown out the rulebook that has been in place since the early 1990s to define European security,” says Niklas Granholm. — The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and Crimea was annexed, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated great faith in military means. The Baltic region once again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed completely implausible to many just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is willing to use military force to, in its view, protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis begins in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite imaginable. It’s quite unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

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Many people ask themselves the question: when will the third world war begin, and is this really a real prospect, and not the fiction of science fiction writers? To answer this question we need to look at history.

The reasons that led the world to two world wars and the current situation in the world

To understand whether a third world war is possible, we need to analyze the reasons that led to the outbreak of the first two world wars.

  • The First World War was fought over spheres of influence in Europe and for colonies, which were not enough for everyone;
  • The Second World War was a continuation of the First and began as a consequence of the policies of Hitler, who came to power by skillfully playing on the thirst for revenge of the losing German people, adding here his theory of the exclusivity of the Aryan race.

The results of the war are the same in all cases:

  1. Famine and destruction;
  2. Epidemics and unsanitary conditions;
  3. Tens of millions of killed and maimed soldiers and civilians;
  4. Civil conflicts;
  5. Looting and banditry.

As a result, post-war devastation sets nations back decades in development.

The “pendulum” theory in the light of recent events and the crusades

Based on the theory of the pendulum, one can make disappointing predictions about the Third World War. In the Middle Ages, immigrants from African countries (the so-called “Moors”) captured Spain, from where they carried out devastating raids on European countries for many years. The pendulum swung, and the Moors left Europe, and the Europeans turned Africa into a deposit of useful resources, completely unconcerned with the needs of the common population.

If we turn to history, we can see the analogy of the crusaders with modern “peacekeepers,” who again strive for Africa, ostensibly in the name of high ideals, although the real goal is oil.

Does this mean that World War III is inevitable? Most likely not. Major world powers with nuclear potential are a kind of guarantor of peace on earth. Only a madman, knowing what nuclear weapons are capable of, is capable of unleashing a global conflict that will lead to the disappearance of at least 90 percent of the world's population. Disasters at nuclear power plants clearly demonstrated what the atom is capable of.

Since wars have plagued humanity throughout the history of its existence, military conflicts in the “hot spots” of the planet are inevitable. Their main goal has always been and will be the benefit that politicians and corporations can derive from it. But since after the third world war there will be practically no people left on earth, the economy will be completely destroyed and money will lose its value, the “powers of this world” will not allow this.

Predictions about World War III

The likelihood of war, according to modern forecasters, is not at all insignificant. Every year another “prophet” appears, who not only draws the scenario of the Third World War, but also names the exact date of its beginning. Creepy visions are voiced in which fire pours onto the ground and water turns into poison. The start date of the terrible conflict is constantly being postponed, so even the most superstitious citizens have stopped believing in these “prophecies.”

The schemers' predictions are so vague that almost any conflict in the world can be associated with the beginning of the 3rd World War. With the escalation of the conflict in Baghdad, when oil was burning and American tanks were rushing into battle, the number of scammers wanting to make money on people's superstitions increased exponentially.

However, in all the predictions one can trace the same idea: humanity will have a choice, and it will depend on this whether complete extermination or a happy future awaits us.

The Third World War, prophecies of soothsayers of the past and present

Predictions of famous soothsayers of the past and present about what the new world war will be like differ from each other in dates and possible options for the development of further events. Internet with various quotes that can be interpreted in any way you like. Recent events in the Donbass and the escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine have provoked rumors that the third world war is already beginning, and there are fierce debates on the Internet about who will win it. The predictions of Vanga, Nostradamus and other similar “soothsayers” have become more popular than ever.

Vanga's warnings frighten us with a large-scale global conflict on religious grounds, which should develop into a massive internecine war. Events in the East can be interpreted as the beginning of this conflict, although this region has never been stable and similar conflicts were constantly fought there. Vanga also pointed out that natural disasters around the world will become more frequent, and the consequences of this war will be felt by her children, that is, our generation. Despite the large number of coincidences in Vanga’s predictions, you should not believe in them unconditionally.

Matrona of Moscow's predictions about whether there will be a Third World War are unclear. The saint claimed that there would be no battle, and the number of dead would be enormous. Some interpret this prediction as a possible strike from space or a terrible global epidemic of an unknown disease. This prediction predicts salvation and revival for Russia.

Nostradamus' predictions of the future are the most vague. His poems, called quatrains, can be interpreted very widely. If you set a goal, you can link almost any global event to them. Recently, many scammers have been speculating on the predictions of a famous astrologer of the past, in the hope of making money on the gullibility of the population.

The predictions of modern soothsayers are more optimistic. For example, Pavel Globa argues that there is no need to be afraid of nuclear war. The main problem of the future will be the economic state of the planet. As a result of the depletion of resource reserves, Europe and the United States will lose their positions on the world stage, and Russia will take a leading position, thanks to the rich raw material base in the country. It is predicted to unite with the CIS countries to create a stronger state.

Malakhat Nazarova, a fortuneteller from Baku, also does not scare with terrible disasters, although she does not exclude the possibility that a third world war could begin. According to her theory, at the end of each century the world plunges into chaos. Although the war may begin, according to the seer's forecasts, it will not lead to the extermination of humanity.

As we can see, the prophecies are quite vague and contradictory. You shouldn't trust them blindly. It is better to listen to the opinions of famous politicians and military figures.

Forecasts of military and politicians

The possible outbreak of a global conflict worries not only ordinary citizens of the planet, but also the powers that be. In 2014, a publication by political analyst Joachim Hagopian caused a huge resonance, claiming that Russia and the United States were seriously preparing to enter into an open conflict. All major world states will be drawn into this war. The entire European Union will side with the United States, and India and China will support Russia.

The analyst calls the depletion of energy reserves the main cause of the global conflict. According to Hagopian, the US economy is on the verge of bankruptcy, and in order to rise, it needs to seize new raw material bases. According to the expert, this conflict will unleash the Third World War and lead to the complete disappearance of some peoples.

American officer and former NATO chief Richard Shirreff described his point of view in the book “2017: War with Russia.” According to his beliefs, Russia will take over the Baltic countries, which are part of NATO, after which the US government will frivolously go to war with Russia. According to Shirreff, the US Army will suffer a crushing defeat, as government spending on the US Army decreases year after year.

Knowing the real role of Russia on the world stage, its authority and peaceful policy, this development of events looks implausible.

The results of a possible military confrontation between the United States and Russia

In order to assess the possible results of the global conflict between the United States and Russia, you need to try to roughly estimate the combat potential of both sides. British Colonel Ian Shields provides the following data on the size of both armies:

  1. The number of NATO soldiers exceeds 3.5 million, which is more than 4 times the size of the Russian army (according to the same data, it is 800,000 people);
  2. NATO has about 7.5 thousand tanks, which is three times the number of tanks in the Russian army.

Despite this significant superiority in manpower, it will not play a big role in a possible war. The main role in this conflict will be played by the latest technologies, the use of which can destroy tens of thousands of soldiers in a matter of seconds. Ian Shields believes that there is no need to fear that superpowers will start using nuclear weapons. The destruction in this case can be so enormous that there will be nothing to fight for.

Forecast from Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Vladimir Volfovich believes that the United States will not recklessly enter into a war until it is 100 percent sure of victory. According to Zhirinovsky, America provoked a conflict between Ukraine and Russia in order to weaken the enemy and drag him into a war with Western Europe. After it becomes clear who will win, the United States will finish off the loser and seize his territories.

The opinion of the LDPR leader often tends to come true. The Third World War, according to his forecast, will occur in the time period from 2018 to 2025. Russia will win and immediately make a huge leap in development.

Overpopulation of the planet as the real reason for the outbreak of World War III

It is suggested that by 2050 the world's population will exceed 9 billion, and an amount of food will be needed that the earth cannot provide. All this will lead to people fighting each other for food, which will lead to terrible wars. These are not fantastic forecasts, but calculations of a number of scientists. The only way out of this situation seems to be the introduction of family planning.

Already, many countries have exhausted their natural resources and are forced to cut down forests that will not last long. A huge problem has become the presence of huge waste dumps that are not recycled and spoil the environment. After cutting down all the forests on the planet, global warming will begin, which will force many people of third world countries to make mass migrations to more suitable lands occupied by other peoples.

All this will inevitably provoke a conflict between refugees from third world countries and the population of civilized countries, which can only end in the complete destruction of one of the parties.

Despite the ominous predictions and escalation of conflicts on the world stage, we can hardly expect the outbreak of the third world war from this side. We need to reconsider the consumer attitude towards nature, otherwise our grandchildren will inherit a future roughly familiar to us from post-apocalyptic films and games.

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I am interested in martial arts with weapons and historical fencing. I write about weapons and military equipment because it is interesting and familiar to me. I often learn a lot of new things and want to share these facts with people who are interested in military topics.

Today, many international experts are asking this question, but, according to the military, it is inevitable! Most likely, most readers will not be surprised to learn that it will begin for only two reasons:

    Because of oil, which absolutely all civilized countries need.

    Due to the fact that new states have begun to actively develop, which leads to increased competition for superpowers.

In general, the Third World War is one that will be deployed to maintain its position on the world stage.

Who might start the Third World War?

It is worth noting that the answer to this question is extremely unexpected, from Iran! The thing is that recently this country has shown great ambitions in the field of nuclear energy, which the United States clearly does not like. Moreover, America really hoped that Israel would cope with Iran, whose air force in 1981 destroyed Iraq’s first nuclear project with 16 missiles, thereby preventing the development of the region. But unlike its neighbor, Iran took into account the possibility of such a scenario, and starting from the first works, distributed all the objects evenly across the country, and even underground. Simply put, it is possible to take away nuclear weapons from Iran only with the help of an infantry military operation, but it will actually provoke the outbreak of the Third World War. It is also worth noting that Iran is ready to defend its interests, which led to the rapid and, most importantly, effective rearmament of the army. By the way, the Iranian army occupied very convenient heights, which, regardless of the size of the conflict, makes the state extremely strong.

And what does World War III have to do with it?

If Iran acquires nuclear weapons in the quantities in which the United States has them, then America will no longer be able to dictate its terms in the region, which means that oil prices will increase significantly. To fully understand the situation, it must be said that the region contains 90% of its oil from Europe and America, that is, an increase in prices will lead to an even greater crisis, and this is not acceptable. It is also worth noting that Iran is not afraid of the Third World War due to the fact that, firstly, it has the ability to block the channel through which oil enters the United States and Europe, thereby paralyzing. Secondly, the “vaunted” American fleet will first of all try to enable tankers to pass through a dangerous section, which means that it itself will fall into a trap. Thirdly, Iran can count on the fact that if the 3rd World War begins, then, despite past conflicts, the state will be supported by Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Syria. In fact, the entire Muslim world will side with Iran during the Third World War.

What could make the situation even worse?

Please note that an additional factor for a possible Third World War is that China has its own interests and production in this region, which immediately places it next to Iran. Simply put, two countries with nuclear weapons are already emerging! By the way, we should not forget that Russia has an agreement on mutual cooperation and defense with the Celestial Empire, which can lead our country either to the role of a participant or to the role of a peacemaker.

It is worth noting that in a number of reasons for the development of the Third World War, it is necessary to mention our country, which is extremely unprofitable for oil prices to rise, since this will automatically lead to the loss of many client countries. And other interests of Russia will be violated, for example, any military operation can lead to accidental shots fired in our direction.

In order to make the situation more understandable, it should be noted that if the development of the plot of the Third World War goes this way, then the territory from Africa to the whole of Asia will be drawn into the conflict. And this is not to mention the neighboring countries, which will certainly suffer, the only question is from what, from artillery fire or from nuclear weapons!

What do Iranian civilians think about a possible World War 3?

This is a very controversial issue, since on the one hand, the citizens of Iran are fanatically loyal to their ruler, which means they are not afraid of the outbreak of the Third World War, and on the other hand, they began to buy Azerbaijani lands en masse, as they say, just in case. If you believe experts from Azerbaijan, the percentage of land purchases by Iranians has increased by 30 indicators over the year, which suggests that they are waiting for the start of the 3rd World War.

When will World War III start?

This question is perhaps the only one on which both military and civilian experts cannot say anything. That conflict and those political intrigues mentioned above are happening right now, which suggests that World War 3 could start at any moment. And if we take into account the mentality of the Muslim community and their universe, then a military clash will raise more and more hordes of people ready to fight to the end.

The only country that could somehow resolve the conflict is Turkey, but it is not ready to take on the role of a peacemaker, either out of indifference, or out of fear of losing all that oil. Surprised? Yes, Türkiye depends 30% on the mood of the region we are discussing!

Well, in conclusion, it’s worth saying that you won’t envy the people who will have to wear army uniforms and hold the rank of soldiers on the fields of World War 3, which means we need to hope that a military clash can still be avoided.

Will there be a third world war? Famous prophets from all over the world answer this question with frightening unanimity...

According to Google search engine data, the search query "World War 3" has become one of the most popular search queries over the past few days. Indeed, the current political situation in the world is alarming. And if you read the prophecies of predictors on this topic, then the possibility of a third world war breaking out in 2017 no longer seems so ephemeral.

All the predictions of the medieval seer are very vague, but modern interpreters believe that he predicted the Third World War in the following prophecy:

“Blood, human bodies, reddened water, hail falling on the ground... I feel the approach of a great famine, it will often subside, but then it will become worldwide.”

According to Nostradamus, this war will come from the territory of modern Iraq and will last 27 years.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant has never spoken directly about World War III, but she has a prophecy about the serious consequences of military action in Syria. This prediction was made in 1978, when nothing foreshadowed the horrors that are now happening in this Arab country.

“Many more cataclysms and turbulent events are destined for humanity... Difficult times are coming, people will be divided by their faith... The most ancient teaching will come to the world... They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet..."

Interpreters of Vanga's predictions believe that this prophecy speaks of an upcoming war between East and West, which will arise on the basis of religious contradictions. After Syria falls, a bloody war will unfold in Europe.

Archpriest of the Lugansk diocese Maxim Volynets spoke about the prediction of Jonah of Odessa. When asked whether there will be a Third World War, the elder replied:

"Will. A year after my death everything will begin. In one country smaller than Russia, very serious sentiments will arise. This will last two years and end in a big war. And then there will be a Russian Tsar"

The elder died in December 2012.

Rasputin has a prophecy about three snakes. Interpreters of his predictions believe that we are talking about three world wars.

“Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads of Europe, leaving behind ashes and smoke, they have one home - and this is the sword, and they have one law - violence, but, having dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves will die from the sword.”
Sarah Hoffman

Sarah Hoffman is a famous American soothsayer who predicted the events of September 11 in New York. She also predicted catastrophic natural disasters, terrible epidemics and nuclear wars.

“I looked at the Middle East and saw a missile come out of Libya and hit Israel, and there was a big mushroom cloud. I knew that the missile was actually from Iran, but the Iranians were hiding it in Libya. I knew it was a nuclear bomb. Almost immediately, missiles began to fly from one country to another, and this quickly spread throughout the world. I also saw that many of the explosions were not from missiles, but from ground bombs."

Sarah also claimed that Russia and China would attack the United States:

“I saw Russian troops invade the United States of America. I saw them... mostly on the East Coast... I also saw Chinese troops invade the West Coast... It was a nuclear war. I knew this was happening all over the world. I didn’t see most of this war, but it wasn’t very long...”

Hoffman said the Russians and Chinese would probably lose this war.

The seer and elder Seraphim Vyritsky undoubtedly possessed the gift of foresight. Back in 1927, he predicted World War II. According to eyewitnesses, already in the post-war period, one of the singers turned to him with the words:

“Dear father! How good it is now – the war is over, the bells are ringing in all the churches!”

To this the elder replied:

“No, that's not all. There will still be more fear than there was. You will meet her again..."

According to the elder, troubles should be expected from China, which, with the support of the West, will seize Russia.

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher

Schema-Archimandrite Christopher, a Tula elder, believed that the Third World War would be very terrible and destructive, Russia would be drawn into it entirely, and China would be the initiator:

“There will be a Third World War for extermination, there will be very few people left on earth. Russia will become the center of a war, a very fast war, a missile war, after which everything will be poisoned several meters into the ground. And it will be very difficult for those who remain alive, because the earth will no longer be able to give birth...As China goes, that’s how it all will begin.”

Elena Aiello (1895 - 1961) - Italian nun to whom Our Lady herself allegedly appeared. In his predictions, Aiello assigns the role of global invader to Russia. According to her, Russia with its secret weapon will fight America and conquer Europe. In another prophecy, the nun said that Russia would be almost completely burned.

Veronica Luken

American Veronica Luken (1923 - 1995) is the most beautiful soothsayer of all time, but this does not make her predictions any less terrible... Veronica claimed that for 25 years Jesus and the Virgin Mary appeared to her and told her about the destinies of humanity.

“Our Lady points to the map... Oh, my God!... I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia, French Morocco, Africa... My God! These countries are very dark. Our Lady says: “The beginning of the Third World War, my child”
“The war will intensify, the massacre will become more intense. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of humanity."
“Syria has the key to peace, or to World War III. Three quarters of the world will be destroyed..."

1981 prediction

“I see Egypt, I see Asia. I see a lot of people, all of them marching. They look like the Chinese. Ah, they are preparing for war. They sit on tanks... All these tanks are coming, a whole army of people, there are many of them. So many! Many of them look like little children..."
“I see Russia. They (Russians) are sitting at a big table... I think they are going to go to war... I think they are going to go to war in Egypt and Africa. And then the Mother of God said: “Gathering in Palestine. Gathering in Palestine"
Joanna Southcott A mysterious clairvoyant from England who predicted the French Revolution prophesied in 1815:
“When war breaks out in the east, know that the end is near!”

Finally, a little optimism from Juna. When asked about World War III, the famous healer replied:

“My intuition never fails me... There will be no Third World War. Categorically!"

World War III refers to a global military conflict.

Today, questions like “will there be a Third World War and when will it start” are no longer fantastic inventions, but very real fears of citizens. In addition, now, given the growing tension on the world stage, such questions are more relevant than ever. All the conditions in the world lead to a new extensive war.

It would seem that in our time no one will ever utter the words “Third World War”, because this very concept seems to have been erased with the liquidation of the “evil empire”. And, it seems, there is no one with whom to wage a continental struggle (as it was in the Second World War) or a nuclear one (it is assumed that this is how the Third will take place).

Someone thinks in images and imagines the Third World War like this: trenches, cracks in the black, incinerated earth, the “enemy” somewhere beyond the horizon... These ideas are copied and formulated on the basis of many films and stories about the terrible and so distant war of our fathers and grandfathers. This is the Great Patriotic War.

Or World War II. But World War III will be different. Many are confident that a future war is already underway. The media, at least, daily and tirelessly, with the importunity of a boring fly, tell us about this. The so-called information battle. So who are we fighting with and why? History repeats itself, bringing into the world a new global conflict over the right to own land.

However, now this land, in addition to population and territories, must have another important quality: resources. Gas, coal, oil. These raw materials are the engine of all the economies of the world. And the central protagonists in a future war, as experts believe, will be “sworn friends” - two powers that have every opportunity to mutually destroy each other and the entire planet using their stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

Where can we expect war?

One should not think that the threat should come from Europe. She is busy with deep introspection and eliminating “economic fleas.” Europe does not pose any danger to Russia. The true enemy will come from afar, he will come from overseas. It is unlikely that anyone will be surprised by the assumption, because since the time of the Fulton speech in 1946, the future enemy has been clearly defined and his name is no secret to anyone in Russia.

It would seem, well, what does America care about us? What will Russia do wrong again? What benefits will the United States want to gain and what will it try to teach the “simple Russian peasant”? The answer is simple - the resources and, perhaps, the ambitions of an equally powerful country that does not tolerate competition. We also cannot forget the “peacemaker” represented by the EU. Now this peacemaker is more like a provocateur who cheerfully dances to the tune of the United States.

It’s as if a repetition of the USA’s exclamations is heard echoing from European countries- sanctions, sanctions, sanctions again and... The Third World War. The global integration of societies and economies has led to the widespread and inevitability of a new war that will engulf the entire world. The ability to receive news virtually “first-hand”, online or through satellite television, has given humanity the amazing privilege of learning everything much faster than a dozen years ago.

It is worth noting, however, that the flow of information has completely discouraged people from critically evaluating and analyzing the events and facts provided. Indeed, for most users, a string of democratic revolutions, coups d'etat and local military skirmishes are simply scattered parts of world politics that will eventually become history.

But is it? This is a question that will remain unanswered. Whether we believe in the Freemasons, “world puppeteers” and “almighty rulers of the entire planet”, whether we hope for the sanity and prudence of rulers in using or not using nuclear weapons - all this does not in any way affect the events taking place in the world.

It is quite possible that the Third World War is being fought only on computer monitors, televisions and in the headphones of radio fans. But it is a fact that it is already beginning, unleashing, as if in a spiral, a global conflict.

At the same time, armed conflicts of a local nature in different parts of the planet clearly tell us that the Third World War is just around the corner, the only question that remains is when it will start. It is also worth understanding that this will not simply be a military conflict on a global scale, but quite possibly a real nuclear war, the result of which could be the almost complete extinction of humanity.

According to the conspiracy theory, the Freemasons intend to reduce the number of people on the planet to 1 billion. According to members of the secret society, this is the number of residents that will be optimal for reasonable consumption and complete control of natural resources. In any case, using biological weapons to reduce the population is too dangerous.

We must not forget that substances can mutate and, quite possibly, the Masons themselves will not be able to protect themselves from their own “seeds of evil”, since they will not have a vaccine. Thus, it is the nuclear Third World War that is the most considered by experts for the development of further events on the part of the Freemasons with their desire to establish world order with total control.

World War III: clairvoyant predictions

In a world frozen on the threshold of something global and frightening, people listen to everything that gives even the slightest plausible picture of the future.

It seems that a war that will engulf the countries is inevitable. Just look at the confrontation between different civilizations, radical ideologies and the threat of terrorism.

We should not forget about natural disasters and catastrophes that occurred due to the fault of humanity itself. They also provoked a struggle for necessary resources - energy sources and clean water.

Both today and many years ago, sages, scientists and amateurs tried to decipher ancient records, predictions and prophecies of famous psychics and sorcerers in order to find answers to many questions of interest to the people. The most important question to which you so want to find a soothing answer is will there be a third world war.

Hermit Kasyan predicted a tectonic catastrophe, after which people would pour into the remaining territories in hungry crowds, causing even greater destruction, bringing the final death of nations.

According to Alois Ilmayer at the very beginning of the Third World War, bacteriological and chemical weapons will be used, atomic missiles will be launched. The East will declare war on Europe. Diseases, as if from a cornucopia, will begin to fall on people, producing terrible, unprecedented epidemics.

Due to the movement of tectonic plates, many areas will become uninhabitable and this will cause attacks by Muslims and Asians. The seer also says that Syria will be the key to either peace or the start of a world war.

Forest Seer Mühlhiazl, in turn, noted that the main sign of the coming war would be a “construction fever” - like bees in a hive, peoples would build huge honeycombs, filling the planet. It is quite possible that the prophet meant that humanity is preoccupied with the material side of life more than the spiritual.

The great predictor Nostradamus in his quatrains he wrote that the war would begin in the 21st century and would last for 27 years. This bloody and destructive war will come from the East.

Blind clairvoyant Vanga said that a global war would start from Syria, spread to Europe and go further. A massive battle is coming between the Christian and Muslim worlds.

Grigory Rasputin spoke about three serpents that would bring great destruction. There have already been two world wars, which means that humanity faces new challenges. The situation is truly threatening. But, despite the fact that the whole world is now wondering when there will be war, we must not forget that it has quite possibly already begun.

And the war began in our souls. Nowadays, material wealth has been put in first place, not the laughter of a child or the smile of a mother. Sincerely loving, sympathizing, helping has long become irrelevant. But if we begin to think more often about our own souls and the common good, perhaps we will be able to avoid a bloodbath.