On the role of chemistry in human life. The role of chemistry in society

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 16"

On this topic:
"The role of chemistry in human life"


To solve many problems, you can use one of the most important branches of science and natural history - chemical science. Modern chemistry is developing at a rapid pace, fruitfully collaborating with physics, mathematics, biology and other sciences. The role of chemistry in the life and development of society is very great. Chemistry is very closely related to the production of material assets. Natural science, including chemical science, starting with long-known provisions and laws, and ending with modern complex theories, is interconnected with philosophy.
The colossal achievements of chemical practice are significantly and visibly noticeable in our everyday life. Now it is almost unthinkable to stop on this path or go back, refusing to use the knowledge about the world around us that humanity already possesses.

1. Chemistry in our daily life

Everywhere we turn our eyes, we are surrounded by objects and products made from substances and materials obtained in chemical plants and factories. In addition, in everyday life, without knowing it, every person carries out chemical reactions. For example, washing with soap, washing with detergents, etc. When a piece of lemon is dropped into a glass of hot tea, the color weakens - the tea here acts as an acid indicator. A similar acid-base interaction occurs when chopped blue cabbage is soaked in vinegar. Housewives know that cabbage turns pink. By lighting a match, mixing sand and cement with water, or extinguishing lime with water, or burning a brick, we carry out real and sometimes quite complex chemical reactions. Explaining these and other widespread chemical processes in human life is the job of specialists.
Cooking is also a chemical process. It’s not for nothing that they say that women chemists are often very good cooks. Indeed, cooking in the kitchen can sometimes feel like performing organic synthesis in a laboratory. Only instead of flasks and retorts in the kitchen they use pots and pans, and sometimes even autoclaves in the form of pressure cookers. There is no need to further list the chemical processes that a person carries out in everyday life. It is only necessary to note that in any living organism various chemical reactions take place in huge quantities. The processes of assimilation of food, breathing of animals and humans are based on chemical reactions. The growth of a small blade of grass and a mighty tree is also based on chemical reactions.
Chemistry is a science, an important part of natural science. Strictly speaking, science cannot surround a person. He may be surrounded by the results of the practical application of science. This clarification is very significant. Nowadays, you can often hear the words: “chemistry has spoiled nature,” “chemistry has polluted the reservoir and made it unsuitable for use,” etc. In fact, the science of chemistry has nothing to do with it at all. People, using the results of science, poorly incorporated them into a technological process, treated the requirements of safety rules and environmentally acceptable standards for industrial discharges irresponsibly, ineptly and excessively used fertilizers on agricultural land and plant protection products from weeds and plant pests. Any science, especially natural science, cannot be good or bad. Science is the accumulation and systematization of knowledge. How and for what purposes this knowledge is used is another matter. However, this already depends on the culture, qualifications, moral responsibility and morality of people who do not obtain, but use knowledge.

2. Chemical industry

The chemical industry is a complex industry that, along with mechanical engineering, determines the level of scientific and technological progress, providing all sectors of the national economy with chemical technologies and materials, including new, progressive ones, and producing consumer goods.
The chemical industry unites many specialized industries, heterogeneous in raw materials and purpose of products, but similar in production technology.
The modern chemical industry in Russia includes the following sectors.
Chemical industry sectors:

    mining and chemical (extraction and enrichment of chemical mineral raw materials - phosphorites, apatites, potassium and table salts, sulfur pyrites);
    basic (inorganic) chemistry (production of inorganic acids, mineral salts, alkalis, fertilizers, chemical feed products, chlorine, ammonia, soda ash and caustic soda);
    organic chemistry:
    production of synthetic dyes;
    production of synthetic resins and plastics;
    production of artificial and synthetic fibers and threads;
    production of chemical reagents, highly pure substances and catalysts;
    photochemical (production of photographic film, magnetic tapes and other photographic materials);
    paint and varnish (production of whitewash, paints, varnishes, enamels, nitro enamels, etc.);
- production of medicinal substances and preparations;
- production of chemical plant protection products.
7. production of household chemical goods;
    production of plastic products, fiberglass materials, fiberglass and products made from them.
8. microbiological industry.

Economic regions of the country in which the largest chemical industry complexes have developed:
Central region - polymer chemistry (production of plastics and products made from them, synthetic rubber, tires and rubber products, chemical fiber), production of dyes and varnishes, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, sulfuric acid;
Ural region - production of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, soda, sulfur, sulfuric acid, polymer chemistry (production of synthetic alcohol, synthetic rubber, plastics from oil and associated gases);
North-Western region - production of phosphate fertilizers, sulfuric acid, polymer chemistry (production of synthetic resins, plastics, chemical fiber);
Volga region – petrochemical production (organic synthesis), production of polymer products (synthetic rubber, chemical fiber);
North Caucasus – production of nitrogen fertilizers, organic synthesis, synthetic resins and plastics;
Siberia (Western and Eastern) - chemistry of organic synthesis, nitrogen industry using coke oven gas, production of polymer chemistry (plastics, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber), tire production.

3. Chemistry and human health

A living cell is a real kingdom of large and small molecules that continuously interact, form and disintegrate... About 100,000 processes take place in the human body, each of them representing a combination of various chemical transformations. Approximately 2,000 reactions can occur in one cell of the body. All these processes are carried out using a relatively small number of connections. Most diseases are caused by deviations in the concentrations of some substance from the norm. This is due to the fact that a huge number of chemical transformations inside a living cell occur in several stages, and many substances are not important to the cell in themselves, they are only intermediaries in a chain of complex reactions; but, if some link is broken, then the entire chain as a result often ceases to fulfill its transfer function; the normal work of the cell in the synthesis of necessary substances stops.
Pharmacology is the science of drugs, the effects of various chemical compounds on living organisms, methods of introducing drugs into organisms, and the interaction of drugs with each other. Molecular pharmacology studies the behavior of drug molecules inside a cell, the transport of these molecules across membranes, etc. Man began to use medicinal substances a very long time ago, several thousand years ago. Ancient medicine was based almost entirely on medicinal plants, an approach that has retained its appeal to this day. Many modern medicines contain substances of plant origin or chemically synthesized compounds identical to those that can be found in medicinal plants. One of the earliest treatises on medicines that has come down to us was written by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates in the 4th century BC.

4. Chemistry and problems of food and ecology

The population of our planet is growing. According to United Nations forecasts, by 2050. it will be about 7 billion people and will naturally increase in the coming decades. This means that it is now necessary to think about how to provide the world’s population with food in the future. Scientists' calculations lead to the conclusion that the problem will be solved if over the next 40 - 50 years, global food production increases 3 - 4 times. Such an increase can only be achieved if a “green revolution” occurs - a sharp rise in agriculture, primarily in developing countries, based on the implementation of all achievements
modern science, including chemistry.
Is there any reason to believe in the possibility of such a “green revolution”? Scientists answer this question definitely: yes, it is possible. Modernized agriculture, with the help of its powerful allies - chemistry and biology - can easily feed more than 7 billion people.
In solving the food problem on a global scale, the main emphasis is on increasing the production of plant and animal foods of natural origin. An increase in the volume of natural food production, according to experts, will be achieved in the near future by creating favorable conditions for the reproduction and growth of plants and animals. This includes, first of all, the use of fertilizers, and then growth stimulants, artificial feed for farm animals, plant and animal protection products, the introduction of new products obtained from the ocean, etc.
Large crop losses are associated with pests and diseases of agricultural plants. About one third of the crop perishes. If we stop using chemical plant protection products, this share will double. For 3 thousand species of cultivated plants, about 30 thousand pathogens are known! Of these, more than 25 thousand are fungi, about 600 are nematodes (worms), more than 200 are bacteria, about 300 are viruses.
As a result of plant diseases, people lose 10 - 15% of the crop even before it is harvested. The combined impact of diseases, pests and weeds takes away from the harvest from 25 to 40%. The figure is not small, but that’s not all. From 5 to 25% of agricultural products are lost during transportation and storage. As a result, the total losses of the crop before it reaches the consumer are about 40 to 50% in different countries. There is something to think about for specialists in the fight against pests and diseases of agricultural crops.
In livestock farming, artificial feed produced in special factories is becoming increasingly important. To increase weight, livestock must be supplied with raw materials in residual quantities. This could be vegetable protein, fish meal, etc. However, with the expansion of livestock farming and an increase in demand for its products, these protein sources may not be enough, so chemists, together with biologists, have long begun to look for ways to replace such feed. And good substitutes for natural feed have been invented.
Scientific and technological progress, which gives people many benefits, also has a negative impact on the surrounding nature.
In industrialized countries, up to 150-200 kg of dust, ash and other industrial emissions enter the atmosphere annually per inhabitant. Every day, industry around the world discharges more than 100 million cubic meters of wastewater.
All types of transport powered by heat engines are a powerful source of air pollution. The substances they emit are generally identical to gaseous wastes of industrial origin. With vehicle exhaust gases, oxides of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, aldehydes, unburned hydrocarbons, as well as products containing chlorine, boron, phosphorus and lead enter the air. Diesel engines of automobile, water and railway transport pollute the atmosphere.
The products of petrochemical enterprises and crude oil transported by tankers have a harmful effect on the hydrosphere. Studies of the Atlantic Ocean and shelf waters of Europe and North America show that the level of pollution in the open ocean is 2-3 times less than in coastal waters, where the oil film lasts longer. 1 ton of oil is capable of covering the surface of a body of water with an area of ​​1200 hectares with a thin film.
In addition, various industries use a huge number of new compounds that do not exist in nature. More than 250 thousand of them are synthesized in the world every year, about 300 of which are used industrially and can end up in the environment. According to the World Health Organization, among the chemical compounds used on an industrial scale, approximately 40 thousand are harmful to humans. The process of environmental pollution with substances unusual for it, which previously had a local character, has recently assumed a global scale. Especially pollution of the environment with elements unusual for the biosphere, such as lead, mercury, cadmium. The power of technogenic impact on living nature has reached such a magnitude that there is a danger of irreversible changes due to the disruption of the natural dynamic equilibrium that has developed over millions of years. Even the pollution of the environment with substances characteristic of natural cycles, such as nitrates, ammonium salts, phosphates, has reached concentrations in large areas of the earth's surface at which natural mechanisms are insufficient for the smooth inclusion of these substances in the cycle. As a result, for example, in many large bodies of water around the globe there has been a sharp change in ecosystems, which has led to a great depletion of species of living organisms.
What way out does science, in particular chemistry, see from the current environmental crisis? After all, the chemicalization of industrial and agricultural production does not mean the destruction of all living things, but, on the contrary, offers ways to solve the problems of our time. First everything

Chemistry finds application in various branches of human activity - medicine, agriculture, production of ceramics, varnishes, paints, automotive, textile, metallurgical and other industries. In everyday human life, chemistry is reflected primarily in various household chemicals (detergents and disinfectants, care products for furniture, glass and mirror surfaces, etc.), medicines, cosmetics, various plastic products, paints, adhesives, insect control agents, fertilizers, etc. This list can be continued almost endlessly; let’s look at just a few of its points.

Household chemicals

Among household chemicals, the first place in terms of scale of production and use is occupied by detergents, among which the most popular are various soaps, washing powders and liquid detergents (shampoos and gels).

Soaps are mixtures of salts (potassium or sodium) of unsaturated fatty acids (stearic, palmitic, etc.), with sodium salts forming solid soaps, and potassium salts forming liquid soaps.

Soaps are produced by the hydrolysis of fats in the presence of alkalis (saponification). Let's consider the production of soap using the example of saponification of tristearin (triglyceride of stearic acid):

where C 17 H 35 COONa is soap - the sodium salt of stearic acid (sodium stearate).

It is also possible to produce soap using alkyl sulfates (salts of esters of higher alcohols and sulfuric acid) as raw materials:

R-CH 2 -OH + H 2 SO 4 = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH (sulfuric acid ester) + H 2 O

R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –OH + NaOH = R-CH 2 -O-SO 2 –ONa (soap - sodium alkyl sulfate) + H 2 O

Depending on the scope of application, there are household, cosmetic (liquid and solid) soaps, as well as handmade soap. You can additionally add various flavors, dyes or fragrances to the soap.

Synthetic detergents (washing powders, gels, pastes, shampoos) are chemically complex mixtures of several components, the main component of which is surfactants. Among surfactants, ionic (anionic, cationic, amphoteric) and nonionic surfactants are distinguished. For the production of synthetic detergents, non-genous anionic surfactants are usually used, which are alkyl sulfates, amino sulfates, sulfosuccinates and other compounds that dissociate into ions in an aqueous solution.

Powdered detergents usually contain various additives to remove grease stains. Most often it is soda ash or baking soda, sodium phosphates.

To some powders, chemical bleaches are added - organic and inorganic compounds, the decomposition of which releases active oxygen or chlorine. Sometimes, enzymes are used as bleaching additives, which, due to the rapid process of protein breakdown, effectively remove contaminants of organic origin.

Polymer products

Polymers are high-molecular compounds, the macromolecules of which consist of “monomeric units” - molecules of inorganic or organic substances connected by chemical or coordination bonds.

Products made from polymers are widely used in the everyday life of mankind - these are all kinds of household accessories - kitchen utensils, bathroom items, household and household appliances, containers, storage, packaging materials, etc. Polymer fibers are used to make a variety of fabrics, knitwear, hosiery, artificial fur curtains, carpets, upholstery materials for furniture and cars. Synthetic rubber is used to produce rubber products (boots, galoshes, sneakers, rugs, shoe soles, etc.).

Among the many polymer materials, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, polyacrylate and foam are widely used.

Among polyethylene products, the most popular in everyday life are polyethylene film, all kinds of containers (bottles, cans, boxes, canisters, etc.), pipes for sewerage, drainage, water and gas supply, armor, heat insulators, hot melt adhesive, etc. All these products are made from polyethylene, obtained in two ways - at high (1) and low pressure (2):


Polypropylene is a polymer obtained by polymerization of propylene in the presence of catalysts (for example, a mixture of TiCl 4 and AlR 3):

n CH 2 =CH(CH 3) → [-CH 2 -CH(CH 3)-] n

This material is widely used in the production of packaging materials, household items, non-woven materials, disposable syringes, and in construction for vibration and noise insulation of interfloor ceilings in floating floor systems.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a polymer obtained by suspension or emulsion polymerization of vinyl chloride, as well as bulk polymerization:

It is used for electrical insulation of wires and cables, production of sheets, pipes, films for suspended ceilings, artificial leather, linoleum, profiles for the manufacture of windows and doors.

Polyvinyl chloride is used as a sealant in household refrigerators, instead of relatively complex mechanical seals. PVC is also used to make condoms for people with latex allergies.

Cosmetical tools

The main products of cosmetic chemistry are all kinds of creams, lotions, masks for the face, hair and body, perfumes, eau de toilette, hair dyes, mascaras, hair and nail varnishes, etc. The composition of cosmetic products includes substances that are contained in the tissues for which these products are intended. Thus, cosmetic preparations for the care of nails, skin and hair include amino acids, peptides, fats, oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, i.e. substances necessary for the life of the cells that make up these tissues.

In addition to substances obtained from natural raw materials (for example, all kinds of plant extracts), synthetic types of raw materials, which are obtained by chemical (usually organic) synthesis, are widely used in the production of cosmetics. Substances obtained in this way are characterized by a high degree of purity.

The main types of raw materials for the production of cosmetics are natural and synthetic animal (chicken, mink, pork) and vegetable (cotton, flaxseed, castor oil) fats, oils and waxes, hydrocarbons, surfactants, vitamins and stabilizers.

By studying the processes occurring in nature and discovering the laws that govern them, chemistry, together with other natural sciences, forms the basis of the chemical industry and the chemicalization of the country's national economy.

The chemical industry pursues the goal of supplying the national economy with various substances, materials, and products obtained by changing the composition or structure of the starting substances, i.e., by chemical methods. These methods of the chemical industry are provided by chemistry together with mechanics, physics and other natural sciences, which develop under the influence of the requirements of material production. The chemical industry, with its needs, has a decisive influence on the development of chemical science.

Chemicalization of the national economy is the introduction of chemical methods for processing materials and products of the chemical industry in all sectors of production, culture and everyday life. It is, as we saw above, one of the main directions of scientific and technological progress, the creation of the material and technical base of communism. Chemicalization accelerates technical progress, making an invaluable contribution to the improvement of materials, tools, and production technology. It helps to increase labor productivity and create an abundance of products necessary to fully satisfy people's needs. To implement the chemicalization of the national economy, it is necessary to develop chemical science and the chemical industry, disseminate chemical knowledge among the people

This shows the importance of chemistry in the construction of a communist society. Let's take a closer look at the role of chemistry in modern life.

Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels are of utmost importance for industry, agriculture, transport, national defense and everyday life. Chemistry has a prominent role in developing processes for producing these fuels. She substantiated methods for producing various types of gaseous and liquid fuels from coal, peat, and oil shale. She developed methods for distillation and various types of cracking of oil, ensuring the production of large quantities of gasoline, kerosene and other types of motor fuel from it. Chemistry has developed methods for producing fuel for jet engines and from this side ensured the development of jet propulsion. Together with physics, she created the scientific basis for obtaining fuel for nuclear reactors. Chemistry has revealed the scientific basis for rational combustion of fuel with high efficiency. In other words, chemistry plays a prominent role in modern energy.

Modern production is unthinkable without machines and tools. The main materials from which they are made are metals and their alloys, which are obtained from the chemical processing of natural materials. Chemistry provides metallurgy with methods for studying natural materials in order to determine the content of necessary metals in them, methods for enriching raw materials with necessary substances, and methods for producing metals and alloys from these substances. Modern metal production methods are based on redox processes. The production of cast iron is based on the reduction of iron with carbon monoxide produced by burning coke. Roasting sulfur ores and reducing metals with coal forms the basis for the production of copper, zinc, and lead. The reduction of metals with hydrogen from oxides is used in the production of molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium and other metals. The reduction of chromium and manganese from their oxides in electric furnaces underlies the production of ferrochrome and ferromanganese. Electrical reduction is used in the production of aluminum, magnesium, sodium, potassium, as well as in the refining of copper and other metals. The use of oxygen in metallurgy increases labor productivity. Chemistry is of great importance for the development of metallurgy.

The production of machines and instruments is mainly physical and mechanical production, requiring the manufacture of various parts and their assembly. But chemistry has also deeply penetrated into the production of instruments and machines. Products from the chemical industry, plastics for the manufacture of parts, rubber for the manufacture of tires, tires and gaskets, various insulating materials for electrical engineering and radio electronics, lubricating oils for preventing wear of rubbing surfaces, etc., are widely used in mechanical engineering and instrument making. Chemistry has suggested the correct ways to prevent metals against corrosion: oxidation, copper plating, chrome plating, nickel plating, coating of metals with varnishes and paints, the use of various inhibitors, etc. In this regard, acids and salts, varnishes and paints, synthetic resins, etc. are widely used in mechanical engineering. widely uses chemical methods and chemical industry products.

To fulfill its tasks, the construction industry needs steel, brick, cement, glass, blocks, panels, ceramic products, paints, varnishes, drying oils, and various synthetic materials (for covering floors, doors, ceilings, walls), which are products of physical chemical processing of natural materials. Installation of buildings from panels and blocks, laying brick walls and plastering them, concreting, cementing are important processes in the construction business. Discovering the chemical basis of these processes was of great importance for the rational and productive performance of construction work. Chemistry provides the production of building materials with methods for obtaining them, and the construction industry with chemical methods for combining materials, finishing premises, etc.

Food production is the task of agriculture. High yields are unthinkable without the use of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers, chemical means of controlling weeds (herbicides), pests and diseases of agricultural plants (insectofungicides), without growth stimulants, etc. Every year the consumption of phosphorus and potassium in agriculture increases and nitrogen fertilizers, compounds of boron, manganese, molybdenum and other substances used as microfertilizers, hexachlorane, DDT, parachlorobenzene, dichloroethane and many other means of controlling pests and diseases of cultivated plants obtained in the chemical industry. To produce fertilizers, the chemical industry consumes hundreds of thousands of tons of nitric acid and millions of tons of sulfuric acid. Chemistry supplies livestock with feed, medicinal and sanitary products. Many processes in the food industry that processes primary agricultural products are based on chemistry - the production of starch syrup, acetic acid, alcohol, sugar, margarine, etc. Chemistry has deeply penetrated agriculture and the food industry.

Chemical industry products and chemical technology methods are also widely used in the production of clothing and footwear. In recent years, chemistry has begun to successfully compete with nature in the production of artificial (viscose, silk acetate) and synthetic (nylon, nylon, enanth, chlorine, etc.) fibers for textiles and leather substitutes for the shoe industry. Curing and bleaching, mercerization and dyeing, printing patterns and finishing fabrics are chemical processes and require the use of chemical industry products for their implementation: alkalis, hypochlorites, dyes, acetic acid, various salts used as mordants, detergents, etc. To supply the textile industry with dyes, a powerful anilochemical chemical industry has developed.

Chemistry has penetrated widely into the field of culture. The production of paper, the preparation of printing inks and alloys, the production of materials for radio and television equipment, films, and photographic materials are based on the use of chemistry and chemical industry products.

Chemistry is of great importance for healthcare. Since the second half of the 19th century, products of organic synthesis have been increasingly used for treatment, pain relief and disinfection. Well-known drugs such as aspirin, phenacetin, salol, methenamine were the first successes of this synthesis. In recent years, medicine has received from chemistry such important synthetic drugs for the treatment of diseases as streptocide, sulfidine, sulfazol, streptomycin, vitamins, etc.

Chemistry has widely entered into the modern life of people not only indirectly, through the use of food, clothing, shoes, fuel, housing, but also directly, through the use of soap, washing powders, soda, disinfectants and prophylactic substances, stain removers, food flavorings, etc. . P.

A truly great seer was M.V. Lomonosov, when, at the dawn of modern chemistry, in his speech “A Word on the Benefits of Chemistry” in 1751, he said: “Chemistry spreads its hands wide into human affairs, listeners.” The prediction of K. Marx is being realized that as humanity masters chemical methods and reactions, mechanical processing will be more and more inferior to the method of chemical action.

From here it becomes clear why the Communist Party and the Soviet government have paid and are paying the closest attention to the development of chemistry and the chemical industry in our country.

Thus, N. S. Khrushchev’s report at the XXII Congress of the CPSU on the Party Program states: “The chemical industry is acquiring exceptional importance. Over 20 years, its products, with intensive expansion of the product range, will increase approximately 17 times. Polymer chemistry will become widespread. The production of synthetic resins and plastics will be increased approximately 60 times. The production of artificial and synthetic fiber, which is of particular importance for the production of consumer goods, will increase approximately 15 times. The production of mineral fertilizers will have to be increased by 9-10 times” (“Materials of the XXII Congress of the CPSU”, Gospolitizdat, M., 1961, p. 149).

The Program of the Communist Party sets the task of the comprehensive development of chemistry, the chemical industry and the introduction of chemical methods of processing materials in various branches of production.

“One of the largest tasks is the comprehensive development of the chemical industry, the full use in all sectors of the national economy of the achievements of modern chemistry, which greatly expands the possibilities for the growth of national wealth, the production of new, more advanced and cheaper means of production and consumer goods. Metal, wood and other materials will increasingly be replaced by economical, practical and lightweight synthetic materials. The production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products is increasing sharply” (ibid., p. 372).

Thus, in order to understand the chemical processes occurring in nature, in order to master the scientific principles of modern production and, therefore, have a polytechnic outlook, in order to understand the essence of the chemicalization of the country, in order to be ready to work in the field of modern production, culture and life, it is necessary to know the basics of modern chemistry.

Workers in mass industrial professions are now required to know the composition and properties of various types of raw materials and materials, methods of chemically changing them, the properties of the most common chemical reagents, the nature of their effect on the main materials, etc. All workers in mass professions of agricultural labor are now required to know the composition plants and soils, nutritional chemistry and chemical methods for controlling weeds, pests and plant diseases, properties and methods of storing fertilizers, herbicides, insectofungicides, nutritional chemistry and keeping farm animals, scientific basis for preventing corrosion of agricultural machines, knowledge of the composition and properties of motor fuel, theories rational combustion of it, etc. Construction workers are required to know the composition and properties of building materials, the chemical basis of their use, etc.

With technological progress, the elimination of the significant difference between mental and physical labor, and the rise of production workers to the level of intellectual workers, these educational requirements will become increasingly broader and deeper.

To meet these requirements of communist construction, it is necessary that during their studies at school our students receive solid and systematic knowledge of chemistry, an orientation in the scientific principles of chemical production, information about the successes and tasks of the country's chemicalization, and some practical skills in handling the products of the chemical industry. Students who have the basics of chemistry, practical knowledge and skills will quickly and better master various types of work in production and at the same time will be a good addition to technical schools and universities that train qualified personnel for the increasingly chemical-based national economy of the country.

Chemistry is a science without which the modern world is unthinkable. Chemistry is necessary for the production of synthetic clothing, for the production of household chemicals, food additives for modern products. Synthetic materials have become familiar to us. You won’t find a home without plastic bags, plastic cups or linoleum anymore. Even tap water is chlorinated for disinfection purposes.

It is impossible to imagine anything without chemistry and chemical reactions. ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as heavy engineering. Without the chemical process of vulcanization, even the simplest rubber cannot be produced.

Knowledge of chemistry helps a person navigate in the household. We have long been accustomed to washing with washing gels, washing with foam, washing our hands with soap, wiping mirrors and cleaning carpets with special chemicals.

Without chemical knowledge, you cannot produce even a simple aspirin, even a simple vial of iodine. All pharmaceutical industry world is based on chemical reactions and the synthesis of chemicals.

All modern technology is based on knowledge of chemistry, physics and biology. medicine. It is difficult to imagine a doctor who would not know that rickets occurs with a lack of vitamin D, brittle bones with a lack of calcium in the body, and that the relationship of a child and his parents can be established using a chemical DNA test.

Today they are increasingly talking about the fact that Chemicals exist in our everyday lives in abundance. Foaming agents - in a bottle of beer, preservatives - in cookies and in milk cartons, stabilizers - in drinks, flavor enhancers - even in ordinary sausage, residues of detergents and powders - on washed clothes, on the human body and on dishes. Excessive use of chemical products is not useful, but very harmful and often dangerous for humans. You should always remember this!

We are made entirely of chemical reactions. We are people. All living things are made up of chemical reactions. Everything that exists on Earth appeared as a result of various chemical reactions.

Chemistry in our country serves as one of the powerful means of building society. The powerful chemical industry is constantly growing and developing and requires a replenishment of highly qualified chemists. Chemistry is widely used in these industries.

Chemistry makes a significant contribution to the creation of various materials: metallic and non-metallic.

At all times, chemistry serves man in his practical activities. Even in ancient times, crafts arose that were based on chemical processes: the production of metal, glass, ceramics, and dyes. Chemistry plays an important role in modern industry. The chemical and petrochemical industries are the most important industries, without which the functioning of the economy is impossible. Among the most important chemical products are acids, alkalis, layers, mineral fertilizers, solvents, oils, plastics, rubbers, synthetic fibers and much more. Currently, the chemical industry produces several tens of thousands of products. Chemical products and processes play an extremely important role in the energy sector, which uses the energy of chemical reactions. For energy purposes, many petroleum products (gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil), hard and brown coal, shale and peat are used. Due to the decrease in natural oil reserves, synthetic fuel is produced by chemical processing of various natural raw materials and production wastes. The development of many industries is associated with chemistry: metallurgy, mechanical engineering, transport, building materials industry, electronics, light industry, food industry - this is an incomplete list of economic sectors that widely use chemical products and processes. Many industries use chemical methods, for example, catalysis (acceleration of processes), chemical processing of metals, protection of metals from corrosion, water purification. Chemistry plays a major role in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. If there is chemistry, many people will live. And all this is only thanks to chemistry. The role of chemistry in the life of modern man can hardly be overestimated. Without it, neither medicine, nor cosmetology, nor cooking, nor our everyday life is unthinkable. Everything revolves around it - chemistry.

But there are also bad sides of chemistry:
1) chemicals can be dangerous:
extremely flammable;
2) biological hazard - chemical. ingredients are toxic;

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