Mdma pink hearts. Effects of ecstasy, signs of use and consequences

Among psychostimulants, along with cocaine, ecstasy is also widely known. The action of this drug is based on the activation of serotonin production; this hormonal substance is better known as the hormone of happiness. It affects higher brain functions, including pleasure and mood. Serotonin produces an overwhelming feeling of happiness and love. Studies have shown that individuals with low and persistently depressed mood have seriously decreased serotonin levels. If a person is in a state of love, then his serotonin is increased.

Ecstasy - description of the substance

This drug was created as an effective treatment for pathological psychological conditions such as depression, depression or withdrawal. In the eighties of the last century, ecstasy was actively used and promoted as a magical drug that quickly relieves isolation, depression, depression and low self-esteem.

Today, ecstasy is a drug actively distributed in clubs in tablet form, less often in the form of powder or capsules.

Externally, the drug looks like multi-colored tablets with various designs, graphic prints or logos. The basis of ecstasy is, but the final composition often contains impurities like caffeine, methamphetamine, ketamine, dextromethorphan, etc. And it is the composition that determines how the drug works in each individual case. Club youth sincerely believe ecstasy distributors that the pills are absolutely safe, but in reality the picture is much sadder.


The use of ecstasy tablets usually occurs in a club environment. Young people swallow the drug in pill form. Some crush the tablets into a powder and snort them through the nose, dilute them and inject them intravenously. The drug is distributed in nightclubs, night parties, in passages or bars.

The effect after use lasts for about 3-4 hours. All this time, a person experiences a tonic effect, his perception and sense of time is distorted. Combining tablets with alcohol is very dangerous, since such a mixture can have unpredictable health consequences.


When the active substances of the tablet penetrate the body, a powerful serotonin release occurs, but after the effect ends, the person experiences a feeling of fatigue and severe irritation.

Narcologists highlight the following properties of ecstasy:

  • The ability to evoke a feeling of love and emotional good nature towards others, even strangers;
  • A deep feeling of euphoria when everything around seems incredibly beautiful;
  • The pills destroy all psychological obstacles, awkwardness, embarrassment and constraint when communicating disappears;
  • A person is literally bursting with activity that affects all areas of the body - mental, psychological, physical, etc.

But this is only one, bright side, the so-called. positive properties of the drug.

There are also negative effects from using ecstasy such as:

  • Hypersweating and dilated pupils;
  • Sleep disorders, overstimulation and excessive anxiety;
  • The cardiovascular system is subject to excessive stress, which is manifested by increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, as well as heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Heatstroke, fever, fever and seizures;
  • Twitching of the eyelids, spasm of the jaw muscles, tension of muscle tissue;
  • Dizziness and dry mouth;
  • Dehydration;
  • Difficulty breathing.

A drug addict who uses ecstasy tablets loses attention to traditional organic needs. He doesn’t want to drink, eat or sleep, all this becomes unimportant. But after consumption, compared to an alcoholic hangover, it is many times stronger and can last for several days.

Street names

Ecstasy in the club environment has other names:

  1. Ex-TC;
  2. Wheels;
  3. Tables;
  4. Cadillac;
  5. Exta;
  6. Love;
  7. Smile;
  8. Kalachi;
  9. Bagels;
  10. Discs;
  11. Vitamin E;
  12. Slippers, etc.


Ecstasy can be called almost any amphetamine-based tablet drug. Additionally, other psychoactive or stimulating components are added to them. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine in advance what exactly the effect will be from using a particular pill.

The most common types of ecstasy are multi-colored and variegated capsules or tablets. There are about 1000 different species in total. They are taken orally, although some smoke or snort them, and are rarely administered intravenously.

Characteristic symptoms of use

Characteristic symptoms of taking pills appear approximately 20 minutes after taking:

  1. Tingling sensations are felt throughout the body;
  2. A persistent tension is felt in the muscle tissues of the legs and arms;
  3. Hypersweating;
  4. Intense heartbeat;
  5. Trembling lips;
  6. Drying of the oral mucosa;
  7. Mild feeling of nausea;
  8. Changes in breathing.

Externally, after using ecstasy, a person may notice dilated pupils, unusual looseness and emancipation, activity and excessive sociability, a feeling of euphoria, love of love and an urgent need for trusting relationships. After using ecstasy, you feel incredible delight, invulnerability, and a surge of strength and energy.

But when the effect of the tablets ends, and this happens approximately 3-6 hours after taking, an apathetic and depressed state occurs, drowsiness and severe fatigue. This feeling can last for several days, because the body needs additional strength to recover.

Development of addiction

At first, the drug ecstasy is used in small quantities, however, over time, the body develops a habit and the standard dose no longer causes the former delight, and the duration of action is noticeably reduced. In the drug treatment industry there is no concept of physiological dependence on ecstasy. People for whom the use of such drugs for relaxation and emotional stimulation is quite common experience a strong mental need to use the drug. They consider these pills the only way to fully relax. Therefore, we can assume that dependence on such drugs is psychological in nature, despite the existing ones.

If you use ecstasy constantly and for a long time, then the level of intelligence gradually decreases, brain activity is inhibited, and the person becomes dull. Serotonin receptors are destroyed, which provokes a melancholic and depressive state. There are often cases when, in such a state, ecstasists commit suicidal acts, because they can no longer experience pleasure and joy from life.

Over time, the drug addict needs to increase the dosage to get the full psycho-emotional effect. In such a situation, the destructive force is multiplied. The likelihood of overdose increases, which, against the background of severe intoxication and organic overload, often ends in death. Ecstasy tablets are deadly for people suffering from cardiovascular or renal pathologies, diabetes and mental disorders.
Documentary about ecstasy:

Ecstasy is a group of psychotropic substances classified as narcotic drugs. Initially, they were invented for medicinal purposes, however, as sometimes happens, they later began to be used for other purposes. These drugs are very dangerous. The risk of ecstasy poisoning exists even with a minimal dose, and the likelihood of death is high.

What is ecstasy?

Ecstasy or methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is a drug of the amphetamine group. It is practically never found in its pure form. The composition of the product is determined by the manufacturer. As a rule, it is a mixture of MDMA with LSD, cocaine, heroin, ephedrine, ketamine or other elements, including neutral ones. Depending on the proportions of the compound, there are types of ecstasy, each of which is characterized by its inherent nature of effect on the body.

This is what Ecstasy tablets look like

Distributed in tablets, less often in powders or capsules. Many people know what ecstasy looks like (at least from movies). A distinctive feature of this drug is its appearance. Most often it comes in the form of bright tablets of different colors and shapes, each containing from 60 to 100 mg of active ingredient.

Properties of ecstasy

When ecstasy enters the human body, it begins to act after 20 minutes. In this case, the effect lasts for 3-6 hours. After it disappears, withdrawal symptoms can last up to several days, depending on the dose taken, health status and other parameters.

The principle of ecstasy is to stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter synthesized in the pineal gland of the brain and converted into a hormone when released into the blood.

Ecstasy effect - a state of euphoria and emotional uplift

It is often called the “happiness hormone”. This is easy to explain, because increasing the level of serotonin has antidepressant properties: it improves mood, provides vigor and a surge of strength, and provokes interest in the opposite sex.

A person under ecstasy experiences a number of special sensations that are unusual in the normal state - the so-called ecstasy effect:

  • stiffness, shyness and other psychological barriers disappear;
  • senses become more acute: tactile, visual, auditory. A person is in euphoria - everything brings pleasure, everything seems beautiful;
  • an irresistible need for love and physical contact arises;
  • a feeling of comprehensive harmony appears;
  • activity increases - physical, mental, emotional.

Long lasting effect

Ecstasy is a drug that has a detrimental effect on the blood circulation in the brain even at the first use to one degree or another. Restoration of this function begins no earlier than two weeks after the last dose.

With long-term use of amphetamines, the nervous system and brain suffer the most significant damage. First of all, the effect of ecstasy is destructive on the neurons responsible for the synthesis of serotonin.

This subsequently causes severe depressive disorders due to the destruction of serotonin receptors responsible for pleasure. They are accompanied by panic attacks, nightmares, and paranoid manifestations. Among people addicted to this drug, a high percentage of people have attempted suicide.

Effect of long-term use of ecstasy

Other long-term effects of ecstasy use:

  • decreased intellectual abilities;
  • disruption of the liver, its destruction;
  • renal failure;
  • deterioration of the skin condition;
  • cardiovascular problems, incl. hypertension, heart failure, etc.;
  • erectile dysfunction, etc.

Signs of use

Unhealthy alertness when taking ecstasy

There are specific physiological signals that characterize a person under ecstasy:

  • unhealthy liveliness, sudden and impetuous movements, inconsistency;
  • dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, dry skin;
  • prolonged wakefulness, up to several days;
  • feverish state, grinding of teeth, which is caused by a characteristic jaw spasm.

Risks of use

It is difficult to accurately determine the volume at which an ecstasy overdose occurs. It depends on many factors.

  1. A type of drug. Depending on the proportions of amphetamines and other psychoactive and stimulant components in the tablet, the body may react differently.
  2. Age. All other things being equal, children and the elderly are at risk and are more susceptible to overdose.
  3. Experience of drug use. Newcomers are at greater risk.

Ecstasy is considered a club drug, which explains the fact that it is sold mainly in nightlife establishments. In such places, drinking alcoholic beverages is considered the norm. When mixed with alcohol, the harm of ecstasy increases significantly.

Ecstasy overdose can be deadly

Scientists have not yet reached a consensus on the compatibility of these substances, but some studies confirm that ethanol in combination with amphetamines significantly increases the likelihood of a fatal overdose. Taking into account the fact that ecstasy is a mixture of several narcotic substances, the reaction can be unpredictable.

Mechanism of overdose

In case of poisoning, the toxic effect of ecstasy extends to many vital organs and systems of the body. Launched processes can lead to various adverse consequences, even irreversible.

  1. High body temperature up to 40-42C. As a result, protein denaturation and cardiovascular disorders occur in the body. If the attack is not stopped, a stroke, extensive tissue necrosis, and disruption of the functioning of internal organs will follow.
  2. Reduced sodium levels in the blood. This threatens cerebral edema.
  3. Increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. It is a harbinger of internal hemorrhages.
  4. Thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. Expressed as a blood clotting disorder.
  5. Destruction of liver tissue. The worst prognosis is hepatic coma.
  6. Development of a euphoric state into panic.
  7. Acute renal failure. Causes serious intoxication.

First aid for poisoning

Ecstasy overdose requires immediate resuscitation measures

If a person is poisoned by narcotic pills and loses consciousness, then you should immediately call an ambulance. While waiting for her arrival, those around her must begin all possible resuscitation procedures aimed at bringing the victim to his senses and keeping him conscious.

The properties of the substance taken predetermine the algorithm of actions for rescue from poisoning:

  1. Cooling the body. It is necessary to try in every possible way to reduce the temperature with the help of rubdowns, cool baths, and applying ice.
  2. Prevention of dehydration. It is necessary to drink a lot of liquids with a high salt content, for example Regidron. It is permissible to administer saline solution intravenously.
  3. Stomach cleansing. Effective in case of intraoral use of the drug. It is carried out in the form of washing.

Drug tablets, despite their attractive appearance, are by no means harmless. These small bright “wheels” or “discs” cause nervous disorders, pathological changes in internal organs, including the brain, and can cause death even at the first dose.


This video describes in detail how ecstasy acts on the human body and what consequences the use of these drugs leads to.

Among psychostimulants, along with cocaine, ecstasy is also widely known. The action of this drug is based on the activation of serotonin production; this hormonal substance is better known as the hormone of happiness. It affects higher brain functions, including pleasure and mood. Serotonin produces an overwhelming feeling of happiness and love. Studies have shown that individuals with low and persistently depressed mood have seriously decreased serotonin levels. If a person is in a state of love, then his serotonin is increased.

This drug was created as an effective treatment for pathological psychological conditions such as depression, depression or withdrawal. In the eighties of the last century, ecstasy was actively used and promoted as a magical drug that quickly relieves isolation, depression, depression and low self-esteem.

Today, ecstasy is a drug actively distributed in clubs in tablet form, less often in the form of powder or capsules.

Externally, the drug looks like multi-colored tablets with various designs, graphic prints or logos. The basis of ecstasy is amphetamine, but the final composition often contains impurities such as ephedrine, caffeine, methamphetamine, ketamine, cocaine, dextromethorphan, etc. And it is the composition that determines how the drug works in each individual case. Club youth sincerely believe ecstasy distributors that the pills are absolutely safe, but in reality the picture is much sadder.


The use of ecstasy tablets usually occurs in a club environment. Young people swallow the drug in pill form. Some crush the tablets into a powder and snort them through the nose, dilute them and inject them intravenously. The drug is distributed in nightclubs, night parties, in passages or bars.

The effect after use lasts for about 3-4 hours. All this time, a person experiences a tonic effect, his perception and sense of time is distorted. Combining tablets with alcohol is very dangerous, since such a mixture can have unpredictable health consequences.


When the active substances of the tablet penetrate the body, a powerful serotonin release occurs, but after the effect ends, the person experiences a feeling of fatigue and severe irritation. Narcologists highlight the following properties of ecstasy:

  • The ability to evoke a feeling of love and emotional good nature towards others, even strangers;
  • A deep feeling of euphoria when everything around seems incredibly beautiful;
  • The pills destroy all psychological obstacles, awkwardness, embarrassment and constraint when communicating disappears;
  • A person is literally bursting with activity that affects all areas of the body - mental, psychological, physical, etc.

But this is only one, bright side, the so-called. positive properties of the drug. There are also negative effects from using ecstasy such as:

  • Hypersweating and dilated pupils;
  • Sleep disorders, overstimulation and excessive anxiety;
  • The cardiovascular system is subject to excessive stress, which is manifested by increased blood pressure and increased heart rate, as well as heart rhythm disturbances;
  • Heatstroke, fever, fever and seizures;
  • Twitching of the eyelids, spasm of the jaw muscles, tension of muscle tissue;
  • Dizziness and dry mouth;
  • Dehydration;
  • Difficulty breathing.

A drug addict who uses ecstasy tablets loses attention to traditional organic needs. He doesn’t want to drink, eat or sleep, all this becomes unimportant. But withdrawal after consumption, in comparison with an alcohol hangover, is many times stronger and can last for several days.

Street names

Ecstasy in the club environment has other names:

  1. Ex-TC;
  2. Wheels;
  3. Tables;
  4. Cadillac;
  5. Exta;
  6. Love;
  7. Smile;
  8. Kalachi;
  9. Bagels;
  10. Discs;
  11. Vitamin E;
  12. Slippers, etc.


Ecstasy can be called almost any amphetamine-based tablet drug. Additionally, other psychoactive or stimulating components are added to them. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine in advance what exactly the effect will be from using a particular pill.

The most common types of ecstasy are multi-colored and variegated capsules or tablets. There are about 1000 different species in total. They are taken orally, although some smoke or snort them, and are rarely administered intravenously.

Characteristic symptoms of use

Characteristic symptoms of taking pills appear approximately 20 minutes after taking:

  1. Tingling sensations are felt throughout the body;
  2. A persistent tension is felt in the muscle tissues of the legs and arms;
  3. Hypersweating;
  4. Intense heartbeat;
  5. Trembling lips;
  6. Drying of the oral mucosa;
  7. Mild feeling of nausea;
  8. Changes in breathing.

Externally, after using ecstasy, a person may notice dilated pupils, unusual looseness and emancipation, activity and excessive sociability, a feeling of euphoria, love of love and an urgent need for trusting relationships. After using ecstasy, you feel incredible delight, invulnerability, and a surge of strength and energy.

But when the effect of the tablets ends, and this happens approximately 3-6 hours after taking, an apathetic and depressed state occurs, drowsiness and severe fatigue. This feeling can last for several days, because the body needs additional strength to recover.

At first, the drug ecstasy is used in small quantities, however, over time, the body develops a habit and the standard dose no longer causes the former delight, and the duration of action is noticeably reduced. In the drug treatment industry there is no concept of physiological dependence on ecstasy. People for whom the use of such drugs for relaxation and emotional stimulation is quite common experience a strong mental need to use the drug. They consider these pills the only way to fully relax. Therefore, we can assume that dependence on such drugs is psychological in nature, despite the existing consequences for the body.

If you use ecstasy constantly and for a long time, then the level of intelligence gradually decreases, brain activity is inhibited, and the person becomes dull. Serotonin receptors are destroyed, which provokes a melancholic and depressive state. There are often cases when, in such a state, ecstasists commit suicidal acts, because they can no longer experience pleasure and joy from life.

Over time, the drug addict needs to increase the dosage to get the full psycho-emotional effect. In such a situation, the destructive effect of ecstasy multiplies. The likelihood of overdose increases, which, against the background of severe intoxication and organic overload, often ends in death. Ecstasy tablets are deadly for people suffering from cardiovascular or renal pathologies, diabetes and mental disorders. Documentary about ecstasy:

Ecstasy drug MDMA: action, harm

Ecstasy is an illegal drug that is widely used in society. The US Drug Enforcement Administration has included ecstasy in “Schedule 1”, which includes drugs that pose a serious threat to life and which have no medical use. This list includes substances such as heroin, LSD, mescaline and psilocybin.

The drug ecstasy is very popular among teenagers and young people. According to statistics, more than ten million people used it at least once, the vast majority of whom were under 25 years old at that time. More than 50% of them began to regularly use ecstasy, even knowing all its dangers. When ecstasy is mixed with alcoholic drinks, its effects become so serious that it can be fatal. There have also been cases in medicine where death in young people occurred after a single use of this narcotic substance.

Ecstasy is so damaging to health that the number of people admitted to intensive care has increased by at least 1,200% since MDMA became a "club drug." The drug is most widely distributed in rave discos in clubs and other dance venues.

Ecstasy is most often distributed in the form of tablets, but it is also taken intravenously

There is a saying that accurately reflects the effect of the drug: dancing to ecstasy gives way to funeral music.

What is ecstasy

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA is a drug from the amphetamine group. Ecstasy was first synthesized in 1912 by Merck, and after the 70th year of the 20th century, MDMA became one of the most popular drugs used in discos. In its pure form, the drug MDMA is sold in crystals or in the form of crystalline powder with a characteristic moldy odor, usually red-brown.

Today it is almost impossible to find ecstasy in its pure form. It contains components such as LSD, heroin, and sometimes poisons used to poison rats. This is the main threat to the health of the user. When purchasing ecstasy, the addict is rarely interested in what components the drug consists of. In the case when the concentration of MDMA is quite low, the addict begins to increase the dose with each dose. In turn, this becomes the main cause of overdose.

Ecstasy is most often taken orally in tablet form. Previously, so-called bombs were popular - rolls of cigarette paper containing MDMA crystals; such packages had to be swallowed completely. In rare cases, the drug is inhaled through the nostrils, smoked or injected intravenously; especially inventive people even inject tablets rectally. The tablets have become so widespread due to the fact that when inhaled through the nasal cavity, the mucous membrane receives a serious burn, then bleeding occurs, and when the solution is administered as an injection, the effect of MDMA occurs too quickly and causes severe side effects.

A single dose is usually 120 mg of the substance. During the night, depending on the stage of addiction, the addict can take from one to ten tablets, each of which contains from 60 to 100 grams of the substance. Having figured out what MDMA is, let's tell you a little about the history of the drug.

Ecstasy is often called the "love pill" because it increases the perception of color and sound.

History of ecstasy

1912 – MDMA is synthesized for the first time by Merck Pharmaceuticals.

1914 - Merck Pharmaceuticals receives a patent for the invention of MDMA.

1953 - military and chemists are studying the toxicity of the substance, experiments are carried out on various animals (pigs, rats, dogs, monkeys).

1965 - chemist Alexander Fedorovich Shulgin produces ecstasy, but has not yet conducted experiments.

1967 - small production facilities appear, synthesizing ecstasy clandestinely.

1968 - Alexander Fedorovich conducts experiments with MDMA, he shares the results with the scientific community.

1970 - In August, the first mention of the use of MDMA as a drug appeared.

1976 - The first scientific article on methylenedioxymethamphetamine is published

1977 - Ecstasy is distributed on the streets as a narcotic substance.

1977 - Great Britain adds ecstasy to Schedule A, which includes the most dangerous drugs in England.

1977–1981 - during this period, 8 people were admitted to the intensive care unit due to drug use.

1981–1985 - during this period, not a single case of substance overdose was detected.

1985 - The US Drug Enforcement Administration lists MDMA as a "Schedule 1" drug.

1987 – the first case of death from drug use was registered.

1994–1999 - during this time, 27 cases of MDMA use were officially registered in the United States, which led to the death of addicts.

2000–2001 - about 20 deaths were recorded worldwide from the use of vapor-based tablets - Methoxyamphetamine, which were sold under the guise of ecstasy.

Effect of ecstasy

When used, the effect of ecstasy is the following:

  • ease of communication appears, constraint and isolation disappear;
  • previously existing psychological barriers disappear;
  • tactile, sound and light perceptions are significantly enhanced;
  • the need for a love affair arises;
  • the user experiences tremendous pleasure from physical contact with people around him;
  • emotions such as compassion and pity become more intense;
  • a feeling of harmony with the surrounding world appears;
  • everything around feels completely new.

Here are some eyewitness accounts of how ecstasy works:

Diana: I saw this guy in the club, he was on ecstasy, and for several hours he repeated the same thing: “I am a mandarin, why are you skinning me, I am a mandarin, why are you skinning me.”

Kate: At a rave disco, a guy pumped up on ecstasy decided he was a fly and spent the entire evening banging his head on the window glass, trying to escape.

The image of ecstasy as a "love pill" is one of many myths that circulate about this drug.

Effect of MDMA on the body

The components found in MDMA can have hallucinogenic properties and evoke various “pictures” in the mind of the user, from pleasant to truly nightmarish. Ecstasy dulls the instinct responsible for self-preservation; after use, the perception of cold and heat decreases. The harm of ecstasy does not raise the slightest doubt, which is why it was included in the list of the most dangerous illegal drugs. After use, the drug addict experiences the following negative symptoms:

  • thirst and dehydration;
  • increased heart rate and blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increase in temperature;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • dizziness.

Less commonly, the user may experience the following symptoms:

  • despondency and depression;
  • nightmares;
  • paranoia and persecution mania;
  • decreased mental abilities;
  • liver dystrophy;
  • tremor;
  • the appearance of ulcers and acne;
  • decreased libido and impotence.

The most common symptom after MDMA withdrawal is depression. Sometimes it captures the drug addict so much that he seriously thinks about suicide. With regular use of the substance, infertility develops. Consumption during pregnancy can lead to serious pathologies in the development of the fetus.

How MDMA addiction develops

Dependence on MDMA occurs less frequently than on substances such as heroin or LSD. Experiments conducted on rats have shown that the addiction to ecstasy is weak and it will not be difficult to completely abandon it. But sometimes drug addicts still develop addiction and dependence, the factors contributing to this are the following:

  1. Due to the fact that it is quite difficult to find MDMA in its pure form, drug addicts often purchase ecstasy with the addition of other components that cause addiction.
  2. Like other types of narcotic substances, MDMA has an addictive property, i.e., each subsequent use brings a lesser effect to the addict, and therefore drug addicts increase the dose of the drug taken each time.
  3. To get rid of side effects and negative symptoms, drug addicts are forced to resort to stronger substances such as heroin, cocaine or morphine.

Many people underestimate the harm that MDMA can cause to the body; people are often given false information about this substance. Regular use of ecstasy in a short period of time can lead to addiction, the development of negative side effects, and sometimes even the death of the addict.

Ecstasy impairs emotions, and its users often suffer from depression, confusion, extreme anxiety, paranoia, psychotic episodes and other mental disorders

Signs of ecstasy use

After using MDMA, the first symptoms appear within 30-50 minutes and last for approximately 9 hours; there are cases when the symptoms persist for two or even three days. The receiver gains energy and movements become jerky. Constancy in actions disappears, the addict takes on several things at once, moving from one to another, this, as a rule, does not bring results. Ease of communication appears, you want to touch the people around you. External signs of substance use may be the following:

  • enlarged pupils;
  • increased heart rate and pulse;
  • dry lips and skin;
  • insomnia;
  • teeth grinding;
  • fever.

Signs of overdose

It has not yet been possible to determine what dose of the substance is lethal. In the body of drug addicts who died from an overdose, the concentration of MDMA was 2-10 tablets. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, the duration of use and many other related factors. Cases have been recorded where death occurred after taking just 1 tablet, and throughout the history of drug use there have been cases where people survived by taking 30-50 tablets at a time. Let's look at what happens to the body during an overdose of MDMA:

  1. When poisoning with a narcotic drug, body temperature increases, up to 42 degrees. A significant increase leads to seizures, the structure of protein molecules is disrupted, and the cardiovascular system malfunctions. Death can occur from acute heart failure, failure of one of the internal organs, or extensive necrosis of muscle tissue.
  2. The level of sodium in the blood sharply decreases, which leads to cerebral edema and early death.
  3. Arterial and intracranial pressure increases, and cerebral hemorrhages occur.
  4. Disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome appears, in which blood clotting is significantly increased and a large number of blood clots form in small vessels (arterioles, venules and capillaries). When coagulability decreases, bleeding occurs, which leads to the death of the addict.
  5. Long-term use of MDMA causes liver cells to begin to die.
  6. Increasing the dose may cause liver failure and coma.
  7. When an overdose occurs, instead of the expected euphoria, paranoia often occurs, and the addict experiences horror.

Ecstasy suffocates the body's natural alarm system.

What to do if you overdose on ecstasy

If a person taking ecstasy loses consciousness, the first step is to find out whether there are signs of life. Call an ambulance immediately.

Provide first aid to the victim, first you need to wipe the body with a towel soaked in cold water, this will cool the body and reduce the temperature, you can apply an ice pack to the forehead (application time should be no more than 1 minute, and the interval between them should be at least 3 minutes ).

An overdose is always accompanied by dehydration; to replenish the balance, the drug addict (if he is conscious) should drink diluted rehydration salts and also receive an intravenous infusion of saline solution. The main procedures should be to remove the substance from the body as quickly as possible. This way you can perform a gastric lavage procedure and inject detoxification solutions into a vein. The rest of the activities will be carried out by emergency doctors.

Youth movement "Power of the Young" Ecstasy - Youth movement "Power of the Young"

Ecstasy - what is it?

Ecstasy - (3, 4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine, or MDMA - composition). This drug was created illegally. It is also distributed illegally.

Ecstasy is a stimulant drug that causes hallucinations. This drug is also known as a mood-lifting drug, a “design drug” as it is also called, it makes you feel at your best. This drug is popular among teenagers, young adults, and adults who often attend clubs, concerts, or rave parties.

Those people who take this drug (so-called users) claim that it makes them feel good and allows them to go several days without rest. But they don’t even imagine how dangerous this medicine is for their lives.

Ecstasy has become one of the most commonly used drugs on the streets. It has sent many young people to hospital wards in recent years due to its side effects. Ecstasy can kill!

Ecstasy is also called:

Cadillac, Adam, Beans, Clarity, E, Ecsta, Ave, Love, Pig, Smile, Snowball, Ex-E, Ex-TC, Vitamins, Vitamin E, Disks, Tables, Wheels, Round, Bagels, Rolls, Slippers

How to take ecstasy:

Ecstasy is taken internally, tablets are swallowed or crushed, thus creating a powder, and the resulting mixture is inhaled through the nose.

What does ecstasy do and how does it work:

Ecstasy is a hallucinogenic stimulant drug. It causes a surge of endorphins and makes a person’s emotions, feelings, sensations sharper, higher, whether they are good or bad. The effect of the drug usually lasts 6 hours.

Ecstasy increases the heart rate, causes dry mouth, clenched teeth, blurred vision, chills, sweating, and nausea.

It can make a person feel anxious, confused, or have paranoid thoughts that someone or something is plotting against them, wanting to cause harm, etc.

Ecstasy can cause direct damage to brain cells that are involved in thinking and memory.

If a person takes ecstasy and undergoes physical activity while the drug is in effect (for example, dancing), this can lead to muscle breakdown, kidney damage, heart damage and even death. The drug may cause seizures, swelling of the brain and permanent damage.

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- use of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (in slang - ecstasy). The use of MDMA is often determined by the peculiarities of the patient’s social activity; in the general structure of this drug addiction, periodic or episodic rather than regular consumption predominates. MDMA eliminates anxiety and fear, produces euphoria, and a feeling of trust and closeness towards other people. Under certain conditions, it can provoke life-threatening hyperthermia and hyponatremia. Increases the likelihood of developing polydrug addiction.


MDMA is a synthetic psychoactive substance. It occupies a special place in the group of psychoactive and psychedelic substances because, unlike most other drugs, it has the ability to steadily increase the level of empathy, enhancing the feeling of intimacy and security, while eliminating anxiety and fear. It belongs to the group of empathogens, which some researchers consider as a subgroup of psychedelics, while others classify them as a separate group of psychoactive substances.

The drug was first synthesized in 1912, but the ability of MDMA to influence the mental and emotional state became of interest to American scientists only in the middle of the twentieth century. Initially, the drug was tested on animals. In the late 60s, its effect on humans became known. Due to its ability to eliminate anxiety, guilt and fear, as well as its pronounced empathic effects, MDMA has found acceptance among psychotherapists. It was used in family therapy, prescribed to patients suffering from stuttering, long-standing psychological problems and feelings of guilt due to the loss of loved ones.

For some time, the drug was produced legally and was available for free sale. In the 80s, it began to be widely used at discos and parties. In 1988, MDMA was added to the list of prohibited substances in the United States. After some time, other countries followed the example of the United States. MDMA is currently banned in most countries around the world. There is limited research into the drug's use in some forms of cancer and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The level of illicit MDMA consumption has remained stable in recent decades. The drug is usually taken orally in tablets; less commonly, the powder is inhaled, smoked, or administered in parenteral solution. Ecstasy tablets sold on the black market often contain all sorts of additives. On average, the MDMA content in tablets ranges from 80 to 30 percent. The rest consists of ballast substances and other psychoactive drugs (caffeine, amphetamine, etc.). Sometimes dealers sell other empathogens under the guise of MDMA. All this makes the effects of taking the drug less predictable and increases the likelihood of developing all kinds of complications.

When taken orally, the psychoactive substance begins to act after 15-60 minutes. The half-life is just over 7 hours. MDMA is broken down in the liver and excreted in the urine. The main effects of ecstasy are due to the interaction of the psychoactive substance with the neurons of the brain. The drug stimulates the release of the “pleasure hormone” serotonin, thanks to which a person experiences feelings of happiness, love, inner satisfaction, etc. It has been established that MDMA affects not only the metabolism of serotonin, but also the release of other neurotransmitters. In addition, it increases levels of certain hormones, including oxytocin, which promotes increased levels of trust and helps form psychological attachment. It is assumed that this combination explains the unusual effects when taking MDMA, but the mechanisms of formation of these effects have not yet been sufficiently studied.

The reason for taking the drug is usually an entertainment event associated with a certain social activity. The empathetic effects combined with increased stamina have made MDMA one of the most popular psychoactive substances at raves—massive discos where young people mingle and dance the night away. Gradually, MDMA became as common an attribute of a rave as dancing or loud music. People began to take the drug not only at discos, but also at regular parties.

Chronic use of MDMA increases short-term and long-term tolerance. Short-term tolerance is expressed as a decrease or disappearance of the effects of the drug when taken again within 2-3 days after previous use. Long-term tolerance develops with fairly regular use over several months or several years. The empathogenic effect of MDMA gradually disappears, only side effects occur after use. Because of this, ecstasy is considered a drug that does not encourage addiction. However, with constant use of MDMA, there is a danger of switching to other, heavier and more dangerous drugs, since the patient is already accustomed to receiving unusual pleasant sensations from using psychoactive substances.

Symptoms of MDMA Abuse

The first effects usually become noticeable 30-60 minutes after taking MDMA (in some cases this period can be reduced to 15 minutes), reach a maximum after 1.5-2 hours, persist for 3.5 hours, and then gradually disappear. A person may feel overwhelmed, anxious and suspicious. At the same time, self-confidence increases, there is an improvement in mood, cheerfulness, a desire to communicate, and become closer to other people. All signals from the outside world, perceived by the senses, become brighter and more colorful. The imagination is activated, old events are better remembered. Sometimes there are disturbances in thinking, changes in the perception of the surrounding world, one’s own body, space and time. Some patients experience pseudohallucinations, hallucinations, and mania.

Changes at the psychological and emotional level include the need for love and intimacy, increased empathy, compassion and compassion. Moral and psychological prohibitions and restrictions recede into the background. The feeling of guilt and powerlessness goes away, grievances and grief become unimportant. At the physiological level, there is an increase in heart rate and respiration, increased blood pressure, dilated pupils, increased temperature, increased sweating and decreased appetite. Nausea, difficulty urinating, tingling of the skin and some loss of muscle control may occur.

After the effects of MDMA cease, physical fatigue is noted. The patient suffers from restlessness, anxiety, depression and irritability. The thought process becomes somewhat disordered, thoughts “jump” or “get lost.” Affective disorders reach their maximum on days 3-4. During this period, there is an increase in the number of suicides due to short-term depression. In the USA, Tuesday (3-4 days after Friday or Saturday, when most patients take MDMA) is even called “suicide day.” The “hangover” after using MDMA can last up to 5 days.

Complications of MDMA Abuse

The most common dangerous complications of MDMA are hyperthermia, hyponatremia, and serotonin syndrome. The drug causes an increase in body temperature. The situation is complicated by the fact that patients taking ecstasy are often in hot, enclosed spaces (for example, raves), in a crowd of similarly intensely moving, hot people. Another risk factor is a decreased ability to assess one's own level of physical discomfort after taking MDMA. The likelihood of developing hyperthermia increases with the concomitant use of alcohol, amphetamines and caffeine. In severe cases, the body temperature exceeds 42 degrees, which entails failure of internal organs.

To normalize the temperature, it is recommended to take regular breaks and rest, preferably in a cool, well-ventilated area. To prevent dehydration, you should take enough fluids, but a patient who has used MDMA may face another problem. When drinking excessive amounts of liquid and actively sweating, hyponatremia may develop, since salts are excreted in large quantities in sweat, but do not enter the body with liquid. To prevent hyponatremia, you should drink mineral water, salted water or tomato juice.

Full-blown serotonin syndrome is rare when taking MDMA, but it cannot be excluded, especially with the simultaneous use of several psychoactive substances. Accompanied by anxiety, agitation, disturbances of consciousness, dyspepsia, headache, chills, tachycardia and increased breathing, blood pressure fluctuations, sweating, coordination problems, paresthesia, tremor, nystagmus and muscle rigidity. Hallucinations and seizures are possible. In severe cases, necrosis of muscle tissue, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, myoglobinuria, and acute renal and liver failure develop.

Overdose with MDMA is rare. The risk of developing an overdose increases with cardiovascular diseases, simultaneous use of several psychoactive substances, repeated use of MDMA while intoxicated, as well as with the simultaneous use of drugs that block the breakdown of ecstasy (cimetidine, some antidepressants and herbal preparations).

Treatment and prognosis for MDMA abuse

Treatment of acute conditions due to MDMA abuse is carried out in the intensive care unit. In case of hyperthermia, cooling is carried out, and dehydration is eliminated if necessary. For hyponatremia, saline solutions are administered orally and intravenously. For serotonin syndrome, detoxification therapy is carried out. The volume and tactics of symptomatic therapy for all of these conditions are determined by the nature of the disorders of various organs and systems.

There is no withdrawal syndrome when using MDMA, so the drug is discontinued immediately. They carry out psychotherapeutic work aimed at identifying the causes of abuse (excessive conformity, the need to perform the same actions as other group members, long-standing psychological problems, lack of other leisure options, etc.), and then, together with the patient, they find ways out of the current situation. situations. Patients are under the supervision of a narcologist.

The prognosis for MDMA abuse is favorable in most cases. With a sufficiently high level of motivation, patients are usually able to stop taking the drug. Among the unfavorable outcomes are suicide with the development of drug-induced depression and the transition to more “heavy” psychoactive substances. Some scientists indicate a decrease in the “overall level of happiness” due to disruption of serotonin receptors, a higher likelihood of developing depression, as well as mild memory impairment as long-term consequences of MDMA use.

MDMA is one of the most dangerous drugs that affects almost the entire body.

Ecstasy is a slang name for this substance. The UN Convention has prohibited the distribution, transportation and storage of tablets, as they greatly affect thinking and memory.

A person runs the risk of brain damage, and many important body systems suffer. In especially dire cases, a large dose will cause death.

MDMA is gaining enormous popularity among young people, and sensitive parents are trying to find out what ecstasy is. This topic contains the most up-to-date information about how the substance works.

Historical reference

These drugs have a strong impact on the human psyche. Intensive production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) begins. The addict feels constant satisfaction, joy and love.

The history of the creation of the drug is quite interesting. It was synthesized at the beginning of the twentieth century in Germany, but became widespread only a couple of decades later. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine was even used in the army!

For example, in the 50s, various experiments were carried out at the request of representatives of the US military forces. They decided to stop the experiments after an overdose caused the death of one of the experimental subjects. The effect of MDMA could not always be traced.

Doctors who studied the drugs wanted to use them to effectively treat depression and withdrawal. Already in the early eighties of the last century, cunning marketers tried to sell a product that could eliminate any signs of depression and increase self-esteem to the skies.

It was not until 1985 that the United States government completely banned the drug. A little later, this was done by representatives of most countries of the world.

Ecstasy today

Today, MDMA crystals are produced in tablets or powder. The main target audience of the drug is young students who attend various clubs. It is in such establishments that you can often see a person under the influence of substances.

How to distinguish ecstasy and MDMA from a drug?

Most often, the tablet looks unusual; various designs, seals and logos are applied to it. The composition of stimulants differs depending on the manufacturer. The basis of the psychotropic is amphetamine, caffeine and ephedrine.

Sometimes experts add cocaine or methamphetamine during the manufacturing process. Thus, the effect of the substance varies greatly depending on the specific case.

Young guys believe in the legend that the pills are completely safe and try to make this crystalline drug on their own. You can actually find the exact recipe even on the Internet!

Remember that the harm from MDMA is a fully proven fact. Too much dosage if used uncontrolled will cause irreversible harm.

The problem of ecstasy in high schools is especially pressing. “Never take any strange pills from unknown people” - these are the words every parent should tell their child.

Experienced drug dealers hook up girls and boys gradually and suddenly. Children don't know what it is in their hands. Some particularly impressionable teenagers become hooked on a new substance almost immediately.

How to take the drug

How to use MDMA?

Men or women take small tablets orally (by mouth). Soon the drugs will begin to be absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach or intestines.

In rare cases, people crush MDMA into small crystals to inhale through their respiratory system. Some drug addicts also inject ecstasy intravenously.

It is quite difficult to buy drugs in our country. An ordinary person will not be able to easily purchase even one tablet. The substance is distributed in clubs and bars exclusively among trusted people.

The desired effect will last for several hours. MDMA will begin to work almost immediately. Addicts often lose touch with reality or have problems perceiving reality.

When taking pills, people get very drunk. Doing this is strictly prohibited! The resulting effects from such an explosive mixture are completely unpredictable.

The lack of any quality control of drugs is a huge problem in our country. Many teenagers buy cheap ecstasy analogs that contain synthetic opiates.

Manufacturers first produce a high-quality product, and then, to save money, change the main substance to a budget one. Experienced drug addicts who are used to taking three tablets at once may suddenly experience.

Effects of the drug

Ecstasy is a very strong substance, the effects of which are expressed in different ways. There is not just one type of MDMA, but several at once. It all depends on the dose of the drug, the method of preparation, the individual characteristics of the body and your anthropometric data.

Within a couple of minutes, a large release of serotonin will occur in the body. Note! After about four hours, the feeling of joy will be replaced by fatigue and irritation.

The user will feel a huge emotional connection with all the people around him. Love and kindness will completely take over the consciousness.

In a couple of minutes, euphoria will appear, the world will seem ideal. All psychological barriers and complexes will disappear, and embarrassment during new acquaintances will also disappear. The level of activity increases greatly. This will affect physical and mental abilities.

Such positive effects of the active drug often change dramatically to less rosy ones. The level of sweating increases a couple of times, and the drug addict’s pupils dilate.

Due to the activation of the central nervous system, sleep problems occur; a person using MDMA feels constant anxiety.

The load on the heart can be critical. Blood pressure will increase greatly, and tachycardia will appear. The pulse will jump to an exorbitant level.

The drug addict develops a fever and may experience sudden seizures. An unpleasant nervous tic appears, as well as dizziness. Due to severe dehydration, abnormal dry mouth is felt.

Ecstasy also often causes the following irreparable pathologies:

  1. Brain dysfunction.
  2. Labored breathing.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  4. Delays in mental development.

A person who has used MDMA will not feel natural needs at first. He doesn't want to sleep or eat, all this is completely unnecessary.

The recovery period from ecstasy is similar to an alcohol hangover, but any unwanted effect will be amplified several times.

The emergence of addiction

Treatment of drug addiction is a complex and long process. In especially severe cases, only qualified narcologists will help.

MDMA abuse not only causes irreparable harm, but also causes drug poisoning. At first, young people can take dangerous pills occasionally. The body quickly gets used to new, pleasant sensations. Taking a couple of mg will no longer cause the desired effects, which from the usual dose become more dull and short-lived.

Uncontrolled use of MDMA leads to a number of pathologies. A young man can no longer relax normally without the influence of stimulants. The psychological need is that guys and girls consider pills the only way to get proper rest.

Long-term exposure to these pills leads to intellectual problems. Students have problems while taking exams and tests, as brain activity is greatly inhibited. A person without ecstasy cannot fully enjoy life; he will be in constant depression.

It is not uncommon for drug addicts to die as a result of suicide. Most addicts cannot return to normal; their quality of life is greatly reduced. It will take more than one year to completely get your body in order. It must be remembered that damaged brain cells will never recover.

Many experienced drug addicts can no longer perform basic movements correctly. A sharp increase in dosage occurs constantly.

The consequences of such actions are very terrible; the destructive properties of MDMA increase many times over. Even a good and well-synthesized drug often causes death. A young body can no longer withstand such a load.

People suffering from heart and kidney diseases are at high risk. Ecstasy is also deadly for diabetics and people with mental disorders.

Note! A person who has taken psychotropics should not drive. Otherwise, an unpleasant accident may occur. Already during the forensic examination, doctors will point out the fact that the offender was under the influence of ecstasy. And this is considered an aggravating circumstance of the crime.


What is MDMA?

This is a powerful psychotropic substance that can affect a person’s mental health. After ecstasy, the addict feels a surge of great joy and love for the entire world around him, and any great fears disappear.

Positive changes are very short-lived. After some time, addicts develop severe symptoms of aggressiveness, as well as signs of suicidal behavior.

It is important to prevent overdose, which can cause death. Patients will have to undergo treatment in a drug treatment clinic.

Only high-quality medications and constant monitoring will help restore the health of each patient.