Mayakovsky's extraordinary adventure of Briefly. Analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”

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The poem begins with a description of a summer day at the dacha: At one hundred and forty suns the sunset was blazing, summer was rolling into July, there was heat, the heat was floating - this was what happened at the dacha. Further lines of the poem describe the location of the village: it was located under the hillock of Pushkino, which “hunched like a shark mountain” , behind the village there is a hole into which “the sun probably descended every time,” only to rise again the next day. This began to anger the lyrical hero of the poem. And one day, so angry that everything faded in fear, I shouted point-blank to the sun: “Get off! Stop hanging around in the heat!” I shouted to the sun: “You parasite! You’re in the clouds, but here you don’t know.” neither winter nor summer, sit and draw posters!” I shouted to the sun: “Wait! Listen, golden-browed, why come in like that, doing nothing, come to me for tea!” And the sun responded to the poet’s call: ... a mass of suns burst in , fell in; catching her breath, she spoke in a bass voice: “I’m turning back the lights for the first time since creation. Did you call me? Drive the tea, drive it, poet, jam!” The poet, embarrassed, nevertheless offered the guest a treat. Finally, the poet and his guest got into a conversation: About this, I’m talking about this, that Rosta has eaten away, and the sun: “Okay, don’t worry, look at things simply! But for me, you think, it’s easy to shine.” - Go, try! “But you’re walking - you decided to walk, you’re walking - and you’re shining with both lights!” The luminary stayed with the poet until dark. And the sun said to the poet: “You and I, there are two of us, comrade! Let’s go, poet, let’s see the world in the gray trash. I will pour my sun, and you will pour yours, in poetry.” And the poem ends with these lines: Always shine , shine everywhere, until the last days of the Donetsk, shine - and no nails! This is my slogan and the sun! This poem refers to poems on the theme of the poet and poetry. For authenticity, the poet names a specific place of action. The sun in this poem is a metaphorical image of the poet, and the poet calls to “shine always,//shine everywhere,” which he sees as the main purpose of the poet.

This work talks about the dialogue between the great Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky and the celestial body the Sun.

Mayakovsky was at the dacha, working tirelessly as always, working on a new work. The heat was unbearable, the Sun was very hot, annoying the writer, Mayakovsky became completely unbearable to work in such weather, he became angry and expressed his complaints to the Sun. He said that it simply walks in the clouds and does nothing, only bothers people. The poet invited the heavenly body to come down to him for tea.

He said this in the heat of the moment, without thinking, and when he realized what he had done, it was already too late, the Sun hurried to the poet for a tea party, flooding the entire area with its light. Mayakovsky was frightened, and the Sun was already sitting at the table and demanded tea with jam. The poet had nowhere to go, and he began to talk to the Sun, at first it was scary, but then they chatted until darkness. The sun told Vladimir about his work, that shining is not at all easy, the luminary understands that life is not easy for people either.

The heroes sat and talked for a long time, peacefully discussing their paths in life, and then parted as friends. They realized that they had similar destinies, the Sun illuminated the whole world with its light, and Mayakovsky with his creativity, that their destiny was to tirelessly serve people, no matter what, to give their warmth. This became the motto of new friends.

Every person has his own purpose in life. Vladimir Mayakovsky in his poem encourages us not to complain about fate, but to resolutely go towards the goal, fulfilling our mission. Every profession requires dedication, and every worker must do his job, overcoming laziness and fatigue, and strive for success. Patience and hard work allow you to move mountains, open up new horizons and opportunities.

Picture or drawing An extraordinary adventure

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Mayakovsky is a writer who wrote many wonderful works, many of them were written in the post-revolutionary period. They contain special fighting notes, notes of calling for the important role of the poet and his work. Just the theme of poetry and the poet is well revealed in the poem Makovsky’s Unusual Adventure at the Dacha, which we have to do.

Mayakovsky wrote this unusual adventure in 1920. Working on the analysis of the writer’s poem, I would like to say that his work is somewhat similar to a fairy tale, to some kind of fantastic work, where the sun plays the role of one of the heroes. Its author puts on an inspired face.

Summer at the Mayakovsky dacha

The action takes place in the summer at the dacha. At the beginning of his work, the author, having found beautiful words, describes a sultry day in July. The hero often watched the sun, and then one fine day he realized how idle, aimless, easy life is for the sun, which day after day rises and sets and does nothing else. Mayakovsky began to get angry at such a life of the sun, and, unable to bear it, turned to him with an angry tirade, calling the sun a parasite, a pampered creature. The hero invites the luminary to his place for tea. After his daring words, the hero was frightened, because the sun had indeed gone down and headed towards the house, demanding tea and jam.

The characters spend the entire evening talking, talking about how difficult their lives are. At the same time, the writer began to understand how difficult it is for the sun, which has no choice and has to get up every day and illuminate the earth, warm it, while he can always change his profession. The author realized how selfless the work of the sunshine is and it is such work that changes the world, such return can make life better and brighter.

In his work, the author touches on the theme of two suns - the sun of poetry and the sun of light, developing this theme to the end. Concluding his poem, the author recalls the double-barreled shotgun of the sun, where sunlight will pour from one trunk, and poetry from the other. And so, acting together, the heroes will replace each other and fulfill their calling. The poet will shed light with his poems, and the sun will illuminate the earth with its light. They will shine always and everywhere, and no nails. It is under this slogan that the heroes of Mayakovsky’s work An Extraordinary Adventure lived and will live, on which we are making an analysis. On such inviting notes, with such optimistic lines, Mayakovsky ends his adventure in the summer at the dacha.

Summing up in my work, and working on the analysis of the work An Extraordinary Adventure, I would like to note how important the work of each person is, how important it is to follow your calling and fulfill your mission with great dedication. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you are a writer or a hard worker from a village, it is important that we do our work in good faith, otherwise, the meaning of our existence will be lost.

Addressing the crowd, V. Mayakovsky tries to explain why he carries his soul on a platter for the dinner of the passing years. Dripping like an unnecessary tear from the unshaven cheek of the square, he feels like the last poet. He is ready to reveal to people their new souls - with words as simple as mooing.

V. Mayakovsky takes part in a street festival of beggars. They bring him food: an iron herring from a sign, a huge golden roll, folds of yellow velvet. The poet asks to mend his soul and is going to dance in front of those gathered. The Man without an Ear, the Man without a Head and others are looking at him. A thousand-year-old man with cats encourages the crowd to pet dry and black cats in order to infuse electrical sparks into the wires and stir up the world. The old man considers things to be the enemies of people and argues with a man with a stretched lip, who believes that things have a different soul and must be loved. V. Mayakovsky, who joined the conversation, says that all people are just bells on God’s cap.

An ordinary young man is trying to warn those gathered against rash actions. He talks about many useful activities: he himself invented a machine for chopping cutlets, and an acquaintance of his has been working on a trap for catching fleas for twenty-five years. Feeling growing anxiety, an ordinary young man begs people not to shed blood.

But thousands of feet strike the taut belly of the square. Those gathered want to erect a monument to red meat on the black granite of sin and vice, but soon forget about their intention. A man without an eye and a leg shouts that the old woman-time gave birth to a huge, crooked rebellion and all things rushed to throw off the rags of worn-out names.

The crowd declares V. Mayakovsky their prince. Women with knots bow to him. They bring their tears, tears and tears to the poet, offering to use them as beautiful shoe buckles.

The big, dirty man was given two kisses. He did not know what to do with them - they could not be used instead of galoshes, and the man gave up unnecessary kisses. And suddenly they came to life, began to grow, and rage. The man hanged himself. And while he was hanging, the factories began to produce millions of kisses with the fleshy levers of their spanking lips. Kisses run to the poet, each of them brings a tear.

V. Mayakovsky is trying to explain to the crowd how difficult it is for him to live with pain. But the crowd demands that he take the mountain of collected tears to his God. Finally, the poet promises to throw these tears to the dark God of thunderstorms at the source of animal faith. He feels blessed, who has given his thoughts inhuman space. Sometimes it seems to him that he is a Dutch rooster or the King of Pskov. And sometimes he likes his own surname most - Vladimir Mayakovsky.

“An extraordinary adventure that Vladimir Mayakovsky had in the summer at the dacha” Vladimir Mayakovsky

(Pushkino. Shark Mountain, Rumyantsev’s dacha,
27 versts along the Yaroslavl railway. dor.)

The sunset glowed with a hundred and forty suns,
Summer was rolling into July,
it was hot
the heat was floating -
it was at the dacha.
The hillock of Pushkino humped
Shark Mountain,
and the bottom of the mountain -
was a village
the roof was crooked with bark.
And beyond the village -
and probably into that hole
the sun went down every time
slow and steady.
And tomorrow
flood the world
The sun rose brightly.
And day after day
make me terribly angry
And so one day I got angry,
that everything faded in fear,
I shouted point blank to the sun:
“Get off!
Enough of hanging around in hell!”
I shouted to the sun:
you are covered in the clouds,
and here - you don’t know either winters or years,
sit down and draw posters!”
I shouted to the sun:
"Wait a minute!
listen, golden forehead,
than so,
go in idle
to me
It would be great for tea!”
What have I done!
I'm dead!
To me,
of my own free will,
spreading out his ray-steps,
the sun walks in the field.
I don’t want to show my fear -
and retreat backwards.
His eyes are already in the garden.
It's already passing through the garden.
In the windows,
at the door,
entering the gap,
a mass of sun fell,
tumbled in;
taking a breath,
spoke in a deep voice:
“I’m driving back the lights
for the first time since creation.
Did you call me?
Drive the teas,
drive away, poet, jam!”
Tears from my eyes -
the heat was driving me crazy
but I told him
for the samovar:
sit down, luminary!
The devil took away my insolence
yell at him -
I sat down on the corner of the bench,
I'm afraid it couldn't have turned out worse!
But the strange one from the sun is emerging
flowed -
and sedateness
having forgotten
I'm sitting talking
with the luminary
About that
I'm talking about this
something got stuck with Rosta,
and the sun:
do not be sad,
look at things simply!
And to me, do you think
- Go try it! —
And here you go -
started to go
you walk and keep your lights on!”
They chatted like that until dark -
until the previous night, that is.
How dark is it here?
No misters"
We are completely at home with him.
And soon,
no friendship,
I hit him on the shoulder.
And the sun too:
"You and me,
There are two of us, comrade!
Let's go, poet,
we look,
let's sing
the world is in gray trash.
I will pour my sunshine,
and you are yours,
Wall of shadows
nights in prison
fell under the sun with a double-barreled shotgun.
A mess of poetry and light
shine on anything!
It will get tired
and wants the night
lie down,
stupid dreamer.
Suddenly - I
with all the light I can -
and again the day rings.
Always shine
shine everywhere
until the last days of the Donetsk,
shine -
and no nails!
This is my slogan
and sun!

Analysis of Mayakovsky’s poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha”

Many of Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poems are famous for their amazing metaphorical nature. It was thanks to this simple technique that the author was able to create very imaginative works that can be compared with Russian folk tales. For example, the folk epic has a lot in common with the work “An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha,” which was written by the poet in the summer of 1920. The main character of this work is the sun, which the poet made into an animate creature. This is exactly how the heavenly body is depicted in fairy tales and legends, which gives life and warmth to the inhabitants of the earth. However, the author considered that the sun, which travels the same route across the sky every day, is a slacker and a parasite who simply has nothing to occupy itself with.

One day, watching how it “slowly and surely” descended beyond the village, Mayakovsky turned to the heavenly body with an angry speech, declaring that “it would have come to me for tea instead of coming in like this, doing nothing.” And - he himself turned out to be not happy with such an offer, since the sun really came to visit Mayakovsky, scorching him with its heat: “Did you call me? Drive the tea, drive it, poet, jam!” As a result, the heavenly and poetic luminaries spent the whole night at the same table, complaining to each other about how difficult their lives were. And Mayakovsky realized that he could at any moment abandon his poems and change his pen, for example, to an ordinary plane. However, the sun is deprived of this opportunity, and every day it needs to rise and illuminate the earth. Against the backdrop of the revelations of the heavenly guest, the author felt very uncomfortable and realized that only such selfless work could truly change this world, make it brighter and cleaner.

In the final part of the poem “An Unusual Adventure,” Mayakovsky calls on every person not only to follow his calling, but also to carry out any task with maximum dedication. Otherwise, the meaning of existence is simply lost. After all, people come into this world with a specific mission, which is to “always shine, shine everywhere until the last days.” Therefore, there is no point in complaining about fatigue and complaining that someone has been destined for an easier path in life. Taking an example from his guest, Mayakovsky declares: “Shine - and no nails! This is my slogan – and the sun!” And with this simple phrase he emphasizes how important the work of each of us is, be it a poet or an ordinary village worker.