The best institutions of international relations. Faculty of International Relations: who to work with

What exams do you need to pass to enter the international relations major?

For admission to a bachelor's degree program, the core subject is history or social studies. A Russian language exam is required. The choice of the third, and sometimes also the fourth, exam is carried out by the higher education institution; as a rule, it is geography or a foreign language.

The passing grade often depends on the prestige and popularity of the university, as well as the form of education. According to the latest data, in order to take a budget place, you need to score an average of 376-392 points - this figure varies in different universities. To study on a paid basis, it is enough to score 315-337 points.

Each specialty is identified by a digital code, including international relations; a humanitarian specialty that provides educational qualifications as a specialist in various areas of interstate relations.

Form and duration of training

The duration of study for a bachelor's degree is 4 years, for a master's degree - 1 year. The qualification obtained corresponds to the level of an international relations specialist with knowledge of one or more foreign languages.

Most universities provide students with the opportunity to choose full-time, part-time, full-time, evening, distance, part-time and part-time forms of study, as well as obtaining a second higher education.

The Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry provides the opportunity to continue postgraduate studies to obtain a specialty in the field of political and economic global development.

What is the specialty international economic relations?

The main direction of the Faculty of International Economic Relations is economic relations at the interstate level. Core subjects are world economics, international law, computer science, public relations (PR). Students improve their knowledge in the field of foreign policy and diplomatic etiquette, conducting consular protocols, and foreign languages. Graduates of the master's program are fluent in two foreign languages, one of which is specialized; MGIMO graduates speak three foreign languages. The program includes

  • sociology,
  • psychology,
  • philosophy,
  • in-depth study of history and political science.

Specialty: Economics of International Relations

The economics of international relations considers both the domestic hierarchy and international relations between enterprises, trade structures, financial organizations, scientific and technical institutions, tourism and other services provided at the international level, and migration relations.

History of the specialty international relations

The historical beginning of this discipline is considered to be the British University of Aberystwyth. Initially, the department was created with the aim of identifying the causes of the outbreak of the First World War.
Today, international relations includes the study of a wide range of transnational issues, such as political economy and international security.

Specialty: International Relations - Universities

Many Russian universities with a humanitarian orientation offer bachelor's, master's and second higher education in the field of international relations. These are Moscow universities specializing in international relations and higher education institutions in other cities that have a corresponding department.

The bachelor's program consists of basic disciplines, the master's program is focused on specialized specialization, depending on the main focus of the university. At NRU, the emphasis is on the global economy and international management of Eurasia. IBDA RANEPA trains specialists in the field of world politics and global processes. MGIMO programs specialize in issues of politics, diplomacy and energy. At MSLU, special attention is paid to maintaining protocols and international administration. At universities you can obtain such specialties as oriental studies and regional studies. Studying and internships abroad are widely practiced.

Specialty international relations - who to work with

Studying in international relations includes a wide range of professional competencies in various industries. One of the main reasons for the popularity of this educational direction is its versatility. Bachelors and masters who have graduated from universities with a major in international relations have a very wide choice of further employment.

The training program includes historical, legal and economic disciplines, as well as foreign languages. Graduates have excellent prospects for working in international relations.

At first, after graduating from a university, work in the specialty of international relations may be the position of a translator, an intern of a junior researcher. In the future, graduates’ careers develop in such areas as political science, scientific research, international consulting services, journalism and translation activities.

You might be interested.

International relations can be defined as the collection of various political, economic, social and environmental relationships between sovereign countries, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, international corporations and public institutions at the global, regional or international levels.

The first international relations degree program began in 1919 at Aberystwyth University in the UK to study the causes of the devastating First World War.
International relations involves many specializations in a variety of areas, for example, international security, political economy, negotiations, research, etc.


A fairly large percentage of applicants to the international education program are attracted by the opportunity to intensively study two foreign languages, fortunately this is included in the curriculum of each such program (in some universities, for example, at MGIMO, sometimes even three languages ​​are studied). Students are taught translation skills, organizing international events, drafting diplomatic documents, negotiations, conflict management, diplomatic relations, PR and GR, etc.

If the basic fundamental disciplines are taught at the undergraduate level, but a narrower specialization begins. And here everything depends on the university. At the National Research University Higher School of Economics, for example, you can specialize in global economics, European and Asian studies, international business or international relations in Eurasia. IBDA RANEPA offers a number of programs in the field of international management, from bachelor's to. Another division of RANEPA (International Institute of Public Service and Management) trains specialists and masters in the “Foreign Regional Studies” program. The programs of the Faculty of World Politics and the Faculty of Global Processes of Moscow State University differ significantly in content. M.V. Lomonosov. It is clear what specialization the International Relations program at the MGIMO Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy has.


Of course, a career in international relations is interesting, promising and tempting. However, it is important to choose the right specialization and place of work. The simplest and most logical way is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, salaries here are very low, and you can wait a long time for serious career advancements. It is much more promising to work in large international companies, but in addition to knowledge of foreign languages, it would be good to have some other related specialty, for example, in the field of economics, management or jurisprudence. That is why the specialty “International Relations” is popular in the second higher education or in the master’s degree, and those who received it in the bachelor’s degree often go for additional education.

Naturally, working in the field of international relations, regardless of the organization, involves frequent business trips. Often, the career of a graduate of such a program develops further in the field of international journalism, political science or translation.


To enroll in a bachelor's degree program in international relations, you must pass the Unified State Examination in history (major), Russian language, and one of the three universities you can choose from: geography, social studies, or a foreign language. Sometimes a university also requires a fourth exam - in a foreign language or geography.

Universities and directions

Many Russian universities with a humanitarian orientation offer bachelor's degrees in the field of international relations.

Actually according to the program "International relationships" You can study at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow State Linguistic University, RANEPA (Faculty of International Relations; Institute of Business and Business Administration and Institute of Management and Marketing), RGSU, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (Faculty of World Politics and Faculty of Global Processes), MGIMO (three programs - at the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Political Science and the International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy), MEPhI, Russian State University for the Humanities, RUDN University, Diplomatic Academy, Institute of Oriental Countries.

In addition, such specialties as "Oriental and African Studies"(Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University (Institute of Asian and African Countries), Russian State University for the Humanities) and "Foreign Regional Studies"(MSLU, RANEPA, RGSU, Institute of World Civilizations, Moscow State University (Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies), Russian State University for the Humanities, RUDN University).

Communicate with university representatives personally

As you can see, there are a great many universities and programs in this specialty. Therefore, you can make your choice easier and faster by visiting the free exhibition “Master’s and Further Education” in or.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
Most universities require students to pass entrance tests in three areas. History serves as a profile exam. The second exam can be set at the choice of the educational institution - Russian language, social studies and geography. Most often, the elective exam is Russian.
Additionally, applicants are usually required to pass a test in a foreign language.

International relations is a fairly in-demand industry that is constantly growing and developing. Highly qualified specialists in the field of international relations are in incredible demand at the interstate level. Mastering this specialty is the key to successful employment anywhere on our planet.

Brief description of the specialty

A bachelor in this area is a specialist who ideally knows all aspects of the development of the area being studied (region or countries): economic, political, cultural, legal and more. Or is a qualified expert in one of the areas of international relations. Students can choose one of the study profiles that are closest to them.

The direction provides a choice among the following options:

  • international security;
  • contemporary global issues;
  • history of international relations;
  • world politics and international business;
  • international relations and foreign policy.

Large universities

  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;
  • Moscow State Linguistic University;
  • Mari State University;
  • Kazan (Volga region) Federal University;
  • Institute of Oriental Countries;
  • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. ON THE. Dobrolyubova.

Terms and forms of training

Mastering the qualification lasts 4 years with full-time (full-time) education. Some universities, as an exception, offer full-time and part-time forms of education, but on the basis of existing specialized education.

Subjects studied

In the process of mastering the specialty, students study many specialized disciplines, among which an important role is given to the legal direction.

These are items such as:

  • European law;
  • international Court;
  • constitutional law of foreign countries;
  • public international law;
  • international environmental law and others.

Economic disciplines also occupy a special place, among which the following can be noted:

  • world economy;
  • international monetary relations;
  • international economic relations and others.

Political disciplines are also one of the main ones when studying in this specialty:

  • political processes in modern Russia;
  • foreign policy of the Russian Federation (modern);
  • international conflicts;
  • international political analysis (basics);
  • world politics, etc.

The program provides for the study of two foreign languages, the first is international, the second is the language of the region being studied. Particular importance is given to special disciplines such as diplomacy, consular service and others. Among the disciplines, many belong to the geographical direction, for example, world geography, geography of the region being studied, and others.

Gained knowledge and skills

A graduate of this direction must:

  • speak two languages ​​at the required level, including speaking, writing, reading and listening, translating texts oral and written;
  • know history, world politics, diplomacy, foreign policy of the native state and the leading countries of the world, know the basics of analysis of international relations;
  • master the basic principles of mathematics, ecology, computer science;
  • have skills in using computer networks and the Internet;
  • be able to use applied analysis methods in practice for the purpose of the necessary orientation in the international field;
  • be able to perform executive and organizational functions at the international level;
  • be able to work in international teams, performing executive and leadership functions.

Who to work with

Graduates can get a job in the following positions:

  • junior and mid-level personnel (in international government agencies);
  • in diplomatic missions;
  • international divisions and departments;
  • commercial and government organizations of international profile.

Bachelors can work:

  • referents;
  • secretaries;
  • translators;
  • laboratory assistants;
  • assistants;
  • consultants;
  • analysts;
  • managers;
  • administrators;
  • advisors;
  • teachers;
  • tour guides;
  • experts on a specific country or region.

A career as an international relations specialist is quite complex and requires maximum dedication, so most bachelor's degree graduates choose a job in foreign economic activity, which promises them fairly broad prospects. The salary of foreign trade consultants starts from 50,000 rubles. Paid business trips also have their own charm - the opportunity to see other countries and show your best side. The most in demand on the market are those specialists who simultaneously possess diverse skills, for example, good knowledge of economics and international law.

Continuing training in the specialty

In order to make an excellent career at the international level, you need to be a real pro in your field. Therefore, many students do not stop at the knowledge and skills they acquire at the undergraduate level. Upon completion of training, graduates, if desired, can continue to master their specialty in master's and postgraduate studies.

MGIMO is one of the most respected higher education institutions in the country. The main areas of study are diplomacy, economics, law, journalism. Graduates, for the most part, are provided with excellent jobs and prospects - which is why studying here is so attractive. Considering the huge competition at MGIMO, admission is a long and difficult path.

Recruitment for study programs is carried out by the following faculties:

  • Faculty of International Relations (IR)
  • Faculty of International Law (MP)
  • Faculty of International Economic Relations (IER)
  • Faculty of International Journalism (MF)
  • Faculty of International Business and Business Administration (IBA)
  • Faculty of Applied Economics and Commerce (PEC)
  • International Institute of Energy Policy and Diplomacy (IIEP)

The first thing you need to find out before taking the package of documents to MGIMO is the Unified State Examination, which is required for each specialization. All faculties, without exception, require three exams: this is the Russian language required for all graduates, an additional foreign language, and an exam in one more discipline, determined by each of the university departments independently:

  • MO - history;
  • MP - social studies;
  • MEO - mathematics;
  • MJ - literature for the “International Journalism” program, social science for the “Sociology of Mass Communications” and “Public Relations”;
  • MBDA - mathematics;
  • PEC - mathematics for the direction of “Commercial Business”; geography for the direction “Ecology and environmental management”;
  • MIEP - history, mathematics, social studies (depending on the direction)

In addition to the Unified State Exam, each applicant will be given additional exams at MGIMO. They are usually held on the tenth of July, i.e. towards the middle of the admissions period. For most areas, this is an additional exam in a foreign language, during which it is checked how well the applicant has vocabulary, how good his knowledge of grammar and skills in working with text are. Its structure is somewhat different from the Unified State Exam and requires different skills and knowledge from applicants.

Traditionally, the foreign language chosen is the same as for the Unified State Exam, however, applicants entering, for example, departments specializing in oriental languages, can choose Arabic, Chinese, Korean or Turkish.

Applicants to the International Journalism major must be prepared to take an additional test in two stages. The first is an essay on a socio-political topic, the second is an oral presentation of your portfolio. The larger the portfolio, the better, but you should remember that all newspaper clippings, articles in magazines and on the pages of online publications must, firstly, be properly designed, and secondly, certified with a round seal and the signature of the editor-in-chief.

Knowing which exams need to be taken, the applicant can begin to estimate the passing grade required at MGIMO. As in all universities, it only increases every year. According to statistics for 2016, the average score for state employees is 94, for contract employees - 86. The number of hundred-salter students in one or more disciplines has exceeded three hundred.

In 2018, the Unified State Exam scores required to participate in the competition at MGIMO are:

  • in the Russian language - 70 points (in the areas of “Management”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Commercial Affairs”, “Public Administration” - 60 points);
  • in a foreign language - 70 points (in the areas of “Management”, “Ecology and Environmental Management”, “Commercial Business”, “Public Administration” - 60 points);
  • in mathematics - 27 points (for the direction “Economics” - 60 points);
  • in social studies - 42 points;
  • in geography - 37 points;
  • in literature - 32 points.
  • in history - 32 points.

DVI in foreign languages ​​are also assessed on a 100-point scale. For example, an English language exam includes five tasks, two of which are worth ten points (vocabulary and reading comprehension), two are worth twenty (knowledge of prepositions and the ability to translate from Russian into English), and one is worth forty ( mastery of verb forms). The minimum score for the DVI (foreign language) is 60.

The creative competition in the field of “Journalism” is assessed on a 100-point scale. Fifty points are spent on assessing the style of the work, its content and relevance to the topic covered, another twenty on assessing literacy (punctuation, spelling, speech errors). Another thirty points go to the oral part - during the answer, the student’s ability to understand and answer questions, argue his point of view, and the culture of his speech are assessed.

Applicants who score less than sixty points for , are excluded from participation in the competition (both for budget places and contract places).