Logo of the year of ecology and public spaces. Tatarstan announces the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces

President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov addressed his annual message to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In his address, he spoke about the economic, industrial and social achievements of Tatarstan. The head of the republic noted that the sustainable socio-economic development of the region, the preservation of socio-political stability, allow us to solve our main task - improving the quality of life of people.

The successes of the republic are inextricably linked with the development of our country and the strengthening of its position in the international arena, emphasized Rustam Minnikhanov. - In the implementation of all its initiatives, Tatarstan invariably receives the full support of the president and government of the country.

In his message, he paid special attention to the projects “The Year of Parks and Public Gardens” and the “Year of Water Protection Zones” in Tatarstan. The President of the Republic of Tatarstan called them a positive example of civic involvement.

Photo: Maxim Bogodvid/RIA Novosti

We managed to involve residents in the process of creating a comfortable living environment for themselves,” he said. - Through joint efforts in 2015-2016, we built and put in order 183 parks and squares throughout Tatarstan. In addition, new recreational areas near the water will appear in 20 regions of the republic, in particular in Kazan - the Nizhny Bulak embankment and the Lebyazhye forest park area.

In continuation of the work to create a comfortable environment, Rustam Minnikhanov declared 2017 in the republic the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces.

At the same time, taking into account the Year of Ecology declared in Russia, we will continue to plant trees in our cities and villages and develop water bodies,” he said. - Particular attention should be paid to adjacent areas. There is good experience in putting them in order in Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk and a number of other cities of the republic. In addition, it is necessary to continue work on introducing green standards in the field of housing and road construction, developing the gas motor fuel market, as well as increasing the efficiency of treatment facilities and environmental friendliness of production.

Creating a comfortable environment for our residents helps to increase the tourist attractiveness of the republic. Closer attention should be paid to the hospitality industry.

Another important topic in the message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan is the efficient use of land resources. First of all, he called for a complete inventory of the land fund of Tatarstan.

“Many owners treat land as a means of accumulating capital and even speculation,” Rustam Minnikhanov was indignant. - As a result, many plots are not involved in economic turnover and are empty. In particular, the situation with changes in land categories is causing concern. Over the past 10 years, in the suburbs of Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny alone, tens of thousands of hectares of agricultural land have been annexed to the lands of populated areas. The massive nature of the transfers has led, on the one hand, to a significant reduction in agricultural land, and on the other hand, to the fact that plots transferred for individual housing construction are sold without engineering and social infrastructure and, often, at speculative prices. The heads of municipalities and the government of the republic should be more selective in their decisions, take an irreconcilable position regarding lands that have already been transferred and have not been developed for a long time, using all available levers, starting with the tax burden and ending with seizure.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan complained about the low quality of preparation of territorial planning documents. And they should become an effective tool for the development of the territory.

Photo: Maxim Bogodvid/RIA Novosti

Along with competent planning of territories, we must not forget about the appearance,” noted Rustam Minnikhanov. - Today, the regions of the republic are not being developed here. The task is not just to build objects. They should fit harmoniously into and decorate our cities and regions. Beautiful, well-kept streets, squares, and buildings create a pleasant atmosphere, a comfortable living environment, and increase the attractiveness of the area in the eyes of investors. Each municipality needs to adopt its own regulations for the development of territories with the involvement of both citizens themselves and professional architects and designers. Today, half of the employees of regional architecture and construction authorities do not have a specialized education; in many districts, architectural services combine their functions with other areas of activity; in 15 municipal districts, the staff of specialized departments consists of only one employee.

In this regard, the President of Tatarstan appealed to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Tatarstan to make proposals for improving work in this area.

2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces in the Republic of Tatarstan. This was announced by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov in his annual message to the State Council at the twentieth meeting of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan, which took place last week.

A positive example, according to Rustam Minnikhanov, were the events of the Year of Parks and Public Gardens and the Year of Water Protection Zones:

– We managed to involve residents in the process of creating a comfortable environment for their own living. By joint efforts in 2015-2016, we will build and put in order 183 parks and squares throughout Tatarstan. In addition, new recreational areas near the water will appear in twenty regions of the republic, in particular, in Kazan - the Nizhny Bulak embankment and the Lebyazhye forest park area. The main indicator of the effectiveness of our work is the demand by the population for these objects. A modern culture of active recreation is being formed here. And this makes us happy.

– In continuation of the work begun to create a comfortable environment, 2017 is declared the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces in the republic. At the same time, taking into account the Year of Ecology declared in Russia, we will continue to green our cities and villages and develop water bodies. Particular attention should be paid to adjacent areas. There is good experience in putting them in order in Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk and a number of other cities of the republic. In addition, it is necessary to continue work on introducing green standards in the field of housing and road construction, developing the gas motor fuel market, as well as increasing the efficiency of treatment facilities and environmental friendliness of production, noted Rustam Minnikhanov, adding that a favorable environmental situation helps to increase the tourist attractiveness of the republic .

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Farid Abdulganiev shared the successes already achieved by Tatarstan in the field of ecology and the environment, and also gave some advice to local leaders:

– Every resident of the republic understands their importance and makes a significant contribution to environmental protection – this year more than a million people took part in various clean-up days and clean-up events. As for industrial enterprises, each production facility in the republic today has its own environmental program. Economy and ecology are moving in parallel today. The results are not long in coming - Nizhnekamsk is excluded from the list of cities with high anthropogenic load, and the city of Kazan is among the leaders in air quality. Every year, while recording the growth of various industries, we record a decrease in the amount of polluted emissions into the atmosphere. Times change, and so do working methods. Today, the work of our inspectors is so simplified that, being in any area, having discovered an unauthorized landfill, he can take a photo and immediately place it on the environmental map of the Republic of Tatarstan. The head of a particular district can monitor sanitary conditions online. Snowmobiles, boats, geodetic receivers, video cameras, video recorders, quadcopters, unmanned aerial vehicles with a thermal imager, walkie-talkies, express methods of analysis and monitoring allow us to work efficiently and quickly today. But it is worth understanding that we will achieve high results only when we unite into one big team,” the department’s press service quotes the minister.

The next 2017 in Tatarstan has been declared the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces. About this today during annual message to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on issues of the internal and external situation of the republic said the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The head of the Republic of Tatarstan noted that 2015 was declared the Year of Parks and Squares, and 2016 - the Year of Water Protection Zones. As a result, 183 parks and public gardens were built and maintained in the republic. New recreational areas near the water will appear in 20 districts of Tatarstan.

“In continuation of the work begun to create a comfortable environment, 2017 is being declared the Year of Ecology and Public Spaces in the republic,” Minnikhanov said.

Next year, according to him, the republic will continue work on landscaping cities and villages and improving water bodies. Particular attention will be paid to local areas. Tatarstan will continue to implement green standards in the field of housing and road construction, develop the gas motor fuel market, increase the efficiency of treatment facilities and the environmental friendliness of production.

Let us remind you that in Russia 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology.