Lee has Nicholas 2 tattoo. Where did the snake tattoo on the arm of Nicholas II come from?

Today, tattoos on the skin are not at all uncommon. They are worn by representatives of all professions and social classes. Very often tattoos are done in the army or prison. What about the powers that be? It is known that Russia had at least three rulers with tattoos...

Peter I and Catherine II

During the period of paganism, tattoos in Rus' were commonplace. However, after the adoption of Christianity, the church banned them as “satanic” symbols. The art of tattooing began to be revived only in the era of Peter the Great.

As you know, Peter I loved everything that was most advanced. In Western culture, which he favored so much, tattoos were not at all prohibited. They say that he was the first of the Russian nobility to get a tattoo of a battle ax on his arm. Peter then set to work on the soldiers of his army. By his order, tattoos in the form of a cross and a personal number were made on their wrists. First, the image was cut out, then gunpowder was rubbed into the wound and bandaged. This was done so that the soldier could be easily identified. Then tattoos began to be given to criminals. Thieves and robbers had an image of an eagle carved on their cheek. Later, robbers began to cut out the letter “B,” which meant “thief.”

By the way, according to unverified data, Catherine II also had a tattoo, and of a very intimate nature. Under her, criminals were also branded with tattoos: the letter “U” was cut out on the forehead and cheeks of murderers, and “L” was cut out for liars (for example, false witnesses).

Nicholas II

At the end of the 19th century, tattoos became very fashionable in Russia. Moreover, the tone here was set by representatives of high society. Many aristocrats had tattoos.

Emperor Nicholas II had several tattoos on his body. While still heir to the throne, he visited Japan, where he had a multi-colored dragon tattooed on his right forearm. In the East, this animal is a symbol of four elements at once - Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, as well as the four cardinal directions. According to legend, a dragon tattoo gives its owner strength, power, as well as special magical and spiritual qualities.

Later, the king made himself two more tattoos - a sword on his chest and his wife’s name on his hand. During the reign of Nicholas, oriental motifs, in particular Japanese patterns and hieroglyphs, became fashionable at court. In 1906, the first artistic tattoo salon in Russia opened on Kazanskaya Street.

True, tattoos did not help Nicholas II too much. In July 1918, he was shot along with his entire family. Who knows if tattoos played a fatal role in his life? According to experts, it is better to avoid tattoos of an overly aggressive nature - they may not have the best effect on the fate of their wearer...

Joseph Stalin

The future leader of the Soviet country, Joseph Dzhugashvili, got a tattoo while in prison - before the revolution, he spent many years in prison and exile. A grinning blue skull was carved into his chest. The composition for applying the pattern was prepared from improvised means - sugar, soot from a burnt heel of a tarpaulin boot and... diluted urine.

It is curious that after the October Revolution, people with tattoos began to be persecuted, declaring them “relics of tsarist times.” Meanwhile, the most common tattoo in Soviet prisons, camps and colonies was... a portrait of Stalin. The prisoners even believed that she would help avoid execution...

“It is impossible to name a single country, from the polar region in the north to New Zealand in the south, whose indigenous people do not decorate their bodies with tattoos,”- it was not said by anyone, but by himself Charles Robert Darwin in his book "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection", which was published in 1871.

Indeed, it is very funny to hear phrases like this “tattoos have become fashionable these days”. How can something that existed long before the emergence of states, civilizations, and religions come into fashion? There was nothing on planet Earth, but there were already tattoos. Indisputable proof of this is found in the Tyrolean Alps; scientists claim that it is almost 6,000 years old.

Perhaps a person became intelligent at the moment when he consciously applied a permanent, indelible pattern to his body. Tattoos were, are and will be! Despite the attitude of society towards this phenomenon, despite the prohibitions and persecution from church organizations. Simply because it is part of human culture.

Joseph Stalin

Leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953. Had a skull tattoo on his chest.

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. He wore an anchor tattoo on his left forearm.

Thomas Edison

The most famous American inventor of the 19th century, he received a total of more than 4,000 patents. It is believed that he was the creator of the first prototype of a mechanical tattoo machine. I made myself a “five dots” tattoo.

Dorothy Parker

American writer and poet, known for her caustic humor about urban life in the early 20th century. In 1930, being fairly drunk, she agreed to have a small star tattooed on her right elbow.

Elizabeth of Bavaria

Empress of Austria and Hungary during the second half of the 19th century. In 1888, in memory of her visit to Greece, she got an anchor tattooed on her left shoulder.

Andrew Jackson

7th President of the United States of America from 1829 to 1837. He had a tomahawk tattoo on the inside of his right thigh.

Nicholas II

The last Russian Tsar from the Romanov dynasty. Ended his reign in 1917. From a diplomatic trip to Japan I brought back a souvenir - a full-color dragon tattoo on my right hand.

Theodore Roosevelt

26th President of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He wore a large tattoo of his family coat of arms on his chest.

Queen Victoria

Queen of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901. There were rumors that she had tiger and python tattoos in her intimate area.

George Orwell

British writer and publicist of the mid-20th century. He introduced the term “cold war” into political language. In Burma, he got tattoos on his finger bones - blue circles, which symbolized the struggle against the ruling class of imperialists.

Where did the snake tattoo on Nicholas II's hand come from?

Attentive bloggers examined the tattoo on the right hand of Emperor Nicholas II of the Russian Empire. It depicts serpent dragon. Naturally, the reason for the tattoo and its meaning are of great interest to lovers of Russian and world history. Various explanations are given. But they are all far from the truth. And the correct interpretation is simply shocking.

I'll tell you in detail. There is the most ancient Russian myth. Based on archaeological finds, cultural scientists date it on the territory of Rus' to the 50th – 30th millennia BC. This is the first myth that man created. This myth tells that once upon a time in the vastness of prehistoric Rus' there lived cousins ​​- the hero Svarog and snakes Koschey(see "Garden of Eden"). Svarog is the king of England, that is, Upper Rus' - Moscow, Hyperborea, Koschey - the emperor of Lower Rus' - Novgorod, Atlantis.

It was these brothers - the hero Svarog and the snake Koschey - who plowed a defensive furrow along the Russian land, which still exists today and is called Serpentine Shafts. The time of its construction is unknown. Researchprohibited. The length of the entire “furrow” is enormous - England, Germany, Poland, Rus', Georgia, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, China (the Great Wall of China) - and up to Korea. This unique engineering structure is described in detail in my book “Russian China: Export of Civilization” (2014).

And the plot about a pair of brothers - the hero Svarog and the snake Koshchei - migrated into later tales, as well as into religious texts and, most interestingly, into official history. In the Christian religion, Svarog turned into a fallen angel Lucifer, and the immortal snake Koschey - into the immortal snake Jesus Christ. In history, this same couple turned into a pair of “real” cousins ​​- George V And Nicholas II.

In myths, Nikolai is always a negative character, he is a murderer of the people. Lucifer is always positive, he is a victorious people. In Russian mythology, this couple always walks side by side - Minin(Mikolay) and Pozharsky(Lucifer), Pashko And Zazhoga, Pushkin And Dantes, Ulyanov And Stalin etc. Even within Moscow there is a confrontation between the streets: Nikolskaya– north of the center, Lyusinovskaya- to the south.

Thus, as a couple, Nicholas and Lucifer entered the modern mythology of New Year's festivities. In Catholic countries, on the night of December 5-6, Saint Nicholas appears in the form of Santa Claus. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Nicholas (Mikulas) walks in a bishop's dress, accompanied by Lucifer (an angel). In the Alpine region (Austria, Southern Bavaria, Hungary, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, northern Italy and Croatia), the companion of St. Nicholas is Krampus (the devil).

The transition from Summer to Winter, from LIGHT to DARKNESS in the mythology of the holiday is shown as a transition from Lucifer (December 5, German Krampuslauf - “Krampus Day”) to Nicholas (December 6, German Nikolotag - “Nicholas Day”). Later, already in religion, the concepts of Lucifer and Nicholas were collected in one name for the holiday - Saint (i.e. Lucifer) Nicholas. Since summer still comes after winter, the holidays reflect this phenomenon. If in December winter-Nicholas defeats summer-Lucifer, then in the spring everything happens the other way around - summer-Lucifer defeats winter-Nicholas. The Church, turning calendar holidays into a religion, called Nicholas a miracle worker - for the countless number of “miraculous resurrections from the dead” he performed, that is, for the annual calendar resurrections...

If the winter holiday of Nicholas is celebrated on December 6, then the spring holiday is celebrated on May 9 (22). On this day, the Red Knight Lucifer brings Light to Earth and defeats the Black Snake Nicholas. This is where it starts Victory Day May 9 And Victory parade, that is, Nika (Nicholas) parade. In former times, it took place in Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi - in the town of Romanovsk, located not far from the Christian Ark. That's why the 2014 Olympic Games took place there. After the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Parade was moved to Moscow - to Red Square.

Rice. Soviet poster from the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945: a red Soviet warrior defeats a black snake coiled in the form of a fascist symbol; reptile - lit. "snake".

The “history” of the royal house of the Romanovs is written according to the outline of calendar holidays (see “The Romanovs and Romanticism”). The pseudo-historical pair is built on this myth - red George V and black Nicholas II. It means the same thing as George beats the Snake, that is, George V beats the serpent Nicholas II. By the way, the modern theater in which this biblical tragedy is played out every day is Donbass (see “Ukraine: biblical theater and the mythology of the Ukrainian war”). Writers, directors and producers of this war are Romanovs, Rothschilds and Rockefellers(see “Who is fighting the war? The alignment of world forces”).

The tattoo in the form of a SERPENT on the hand of the serpent of Nicholas II just shows that HeSNAKE Koschey. But we must understand that in the myth mentioned above, the Svarog-Koshchei couple shows the cycle of power. The old king becomes Koshchei, and the new king Svarog comes in his place. None of them die. One transforms into the other, the other into the first. It is for this reason that there is no the execution of the royal family did not actually happen(see “The Royal Family: real life after the imaginary execution”). These are all fairy tales. And in them German Nicholas II fled to England and became King George V there(See “Cloning in the 19th century! Sheep “Nicholas II” and “George V””).

Until 1906, the surname "Romanov" not even mentioned in the Basic State Laws, and at the end of March 1917, the Minister of the Provisional Government P. N. Milyukov sent Nicholas II and his family to England - into the care of George V, who immediately (July 17, 1917) established in England House of Windsor. The newly established House of Romanov remained abandoned in Russia... (see “The mysterious year 1917 and the mystery of the name and abdication of Emperor Nicholas II”). In 2006, it became known that the MI 1 unit of the British Military Intelligence Agency was involved in the rescue of Nicholas II (see “British spies in plot to save tsar The Sunday Times October 15, 2006”).

The military ranks and titles of Nicholas II reveal an extremely strange picture. In the Russian Empire, at the age of 7, he began as an ensign of the guard (1875), became a second lieutenant of the guard (1880), entered active service at the age of 16 (1884), became a staff captain of the guard (1887), aide-de-camp (1889), captain of the guard (1891), at the age of 24 he became a colonel (1892), and in subsequent years For 26 years I have not received a single title! Even in the status of emperor (since 1896) in Russia, Nicholas II was not awarded a single military rank! But in 1908, he, Nicholas II, made an excellent military career in England: he received the rank Fleet Admiral(1908) and in 1915 – Field Marshal of the British Army(the highest military rank of the Holy Roman Empire).

The British King George V has a mirror situation. In 1901 he became a German admiral. Then George V became King of England and immediately received several titles: British Field Marshal (1910) and British Admiral of the Fleet (1910), Honorary Danish Admiral (1910) and, most surprisingly, Russian admiral(1910). Thus, the clones Nicholas II and George V in Great Britain had the same titles - both were British field marshals and naval admirals. But in the Russian army George V was much older Nicholas II by rank: he was an admiral, and the Russian emperor was just a colonel.

The case of the Order of St. George is simply amazing. First Nicholas II received the Order of St. George 4 degrees (1915). Then George V On March 14, 1918, he received the Russian Order of St. George, but already the next, higher – 3rd degree, which, according to the statute, he had the right to receive only after possessing the same order of the 4th degree. At George V's did not have Order of St. George, 4th degree. Moreover, the Order of St. George is the highest military award of the Russian Empire, which during the period under review was awarded only by Nicholas II; in Soviet Russia, this order was abolished a year before the events described (in 1917).

George V, aka Nicholas II, received the Order of St. George on March 14, 1918 because his British troops landed on March 6, 1918 in Murmansk and Kola. They covered the VII Congress of the RCP(b), which opened in Petrograd, that is, they provided military cover for the red coup in Russia. It is not for nothing that in August 2016, the British Princess Anne visited the battlefields of her ancestor, George V, in Arkhangelsk (see “New intervention? Nobody met Princess Anne of Great Britain in Arkhangelsk”).

Rice. Photos with Georg-Nikolai.

In Queen Victoria's archives there is a photograph from 1872: “The Tsesarevna of Russia and her son, the Grand Duke George” (c. 1870. Georg Emiil Hansen (1833-91)). That is, “Tsesarevna of Russia with her son, Grand Duke George.” Here is the link . And the description for the same photograph says: “A postcard depicting a double portrait of Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna, Tsesarevna of Russia (1847 - 1928) together with one of her sons, perhaps this is Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich of Russia (1868 - 1918), on the back "

Rice. Queen Mary and King George V.

The caption on another photo states that it shows: “King George V(1865 – 1936) and the Queen Maria(1867 – 1953), Duke and Duchess of York at Devonshire House Ball. Photo portrait of Lafayette's studio. Photo. London, England, 1897" (King George V (1835-1936) and Queen Mary (1867-1953) when Duke and Duchess of York in the Devonshire House Ball, photo Lafayette Portrait Studios. Photograph. London, England, 1897). Please note that the photograph is dated 1897, and the characters in it are called “king” and “queen”. But George V became king only in 1910, that is, in 1897 he was not the king. Yes, and the Queen in 1897 it was not Maria, but Victoria. But when viewed “from Russia” everything matches: Nicholas II became emperor in 1894, his coronation took place in 1896. That is it was Nicholas II who was the legitimate king in 1897

...So, the history of Russia, as well as the history of the rest of the world, completely sucked out of thin air by historians– the one that points them in the right direction of the story. The official story has nothing to do with reality. All around is political falsification, turned in a way that is beneficial to the reigning despot. The images of Emperor Nicholas II and King George V are simply taken from myths and fairy tales. A non-existent enmity is attributed to them - the same one that has existed for centuries between the Serpent and the Bogatyr. And so that those initiated into this falsehood would not forget it, a tattoo was placed on the hand of the serpent of Nicholas II - with the image of the Serpent.

Nicholas II. Was Bloody, Became Saint


More details and a variety of information about events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website “Keys of Knowledge”. All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite everyone who wakes up and is interested...

He offers a version that tends to be sensational - about the tattoos on both hands of Nicholas II / although this issue is discussed on a number of forums - it is believed that Nicholas only has a dragon tattoo on his right one /.

But it really looks like the tattoo is on the left too

They write and have written all sorts of things about Nikolai’s tattoo - I especially like hoaxes and conspiracy theories about snakes, the knee given, etc. (For example)

In general, anyone who wants to plunge into the whirlpool of morphinism and debauchery of the thick mixture of the struggle of the Rurikovichs with the knee of Dan I recommend

IN AND. Karpets Windsors vs. Rurikovichs
/a lot of emotions are guaranteed)_excerpt offhand: don’t go under the cut - spare yourself:

So, there are two Norths - the Polar North and the Atlantic North. North is primary and North is secondary.
Fixed and “separating”, “escaping”. Athalanta Fugiens.

Let us note, however, once again. It turns out exactly like this. Thuata de Dannan = Athalanta Fugiens. Moreover, it turns out even worse: we are talking about “Aryan traitors” (albeit objectively, due to the secondary nature of the tradition itself), “White traitors,” notes the metaphysician Miguel Serrano, - terrestrial and superterrestrial aliens, such as Charlemagne And Boniface, and many others."

Following the images from Parsifal Wolfram von Eschenbach, Miguel Serrano says: “The Demiurge's troops consist of "Neutral Angels", like gods and deceived by the Demiurge. They exist on extraterrestrial planes and do not incarnate on earth. They are under the hypnosis of an evil spell, like prisoners in a castle Klingsor. The white traitors, Arya, Vira, who are already here on earth entering the service of the Enemy, helping him in the destruction of creatures belonging to their own type, clan, are also ringed. The Demiurge took possession of them, breathed into their Aryan bodies other souls, an alien substance<…>introducing a killer snake into them. Which drains the energy of their divine blood.”
Moreover, according to Serrano, “the same agent is the Force of Gravity (note, “discovered” precisely in Britain. - V.K.) (as opposed to the force of Plasmation with its hypothetical gravitational waves, and therefore Space and Time themselves) "

Exactly like this Danites known in all corners of the earth.
Danaans from the Iliad, danauna (dnwn ) in the list of "peoples of the sea" of the Egyptian chronicles, Danavas - opponents of the Hindu “gods”-Datyas, who deceived them from the “nectar of immortality”, jointly obtained by the Danavas and Datyas ; Danai, Danaids, Danae in Hellenic mythology, tribe Danov in Scandinavia, who gave their name to the country Denmark, and legendary Irish Thuata de Dannan, goddess tribes Are given, which was known by the same name to the Slavs and Indians, the Romans knew it as Diana, Sumerians like Tiamat.
All major rivers of Eastern Europe, such as the Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, Don, contain the root dn .

“Tattoos” were also given by the duelist Tolstoy.

There is no exact information about the time when the custom of tattooing appeared in the Russian navy / is it related to the circumnavigation of Russian ships in the first half and mid-nineteenth century? sailors and officers became acquainted with the customs that existed in the Far Eastern countries and on the Pacific Islands, and adopted the practice of tattooing from their inhabitants.

Tattoos on the bodies of sailors and officers could also be done by professional tattoo artists in the ports of China and Japan.
Some officers decorated their bodies with tattoos.
According to one of the naval legends, Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich gave himself a luxurious tattoo.

But this practice spread most widely among the lower ranks. Published documents dating back to 1913 are the earliest discovered documentary evidence of the practice of tattooing among sailors.

Despite measures to combat this widespread phenomenon, the exotic custom took root among sailors and spread to the Soviet fleet.

Thus, in one of the documents from 1926, dedicated to naval traditions preserved from pre-revolutionary times, one can read: “Tattooing should also be included among the bad traditions of the Red Navy (although it is now “going underground”).” However, this custom has not disappeared, but continues to exist to this day.

V.N. Chernetsov considered identification to be one of the main motives for their application: “Tamgas tattooed on the body of representatives of the Mansi people symbolized not only the belonging of their owner to a certain clan, but were also formed as personal, family tattooed images with general similarities and differences in details.” And in Ancient Greece and Rome there was not only a custom, but also legal recognition of tattooing people, associated with their future identification. Thus, forced and voluntary tattooing was introduced among the soldiers of Ancient Rome, depending on their military affiliation. For example, the gunsmiths of the Roman legions were forcibly impaled with special signs on the orders of the Caesars; on this matter, the instructions of the Western Roman Honorius (384-423) and the Eastern Roman Arcadius (377-408) were preserved. The last of the Scandinavian kings of the Anglo-Saxon dynasty, Harold II (1022-1066), who died at the Battle of Hastings in 1066, was identified on the battlefield only due to the word “Edith” tattooed on his chest, meaning the name of his wife. Another example. A tattoo applied to the shoulder of a French knight named d'Amalet, who served King Henry IV of France (1553-1610), allowed the then famous courtesan, the beautiful Raveria, to identify her lover among those killed in the battle of Saint-Denis in 1591 In the 18th century, tattooing was used as a means of identification by progressive social and professional groups.For example, in one of the Paris hospitals for the disadvantaged, midwives applied identical tattoos to newborns and their mothers so that they could recognize their child. For a similar purpose Tyrolean peasants tattooed their faces (in the form of small signs) on their children, who were sent to work on the other side of the Alps.When, after many years in a foreign land, children returned to their native villages, they were recognized by their loved ones by their appearance, but more by such a special sign, like a tattoo.Perhaps the only country that in the 18th century officially introduced tattooing at the state level as a means of identification protection for risk groups was Russia: by decree of Peter I (1712), tattooing was a mandatory procedure for recruits selected for service in the army and navy.
As K. Velishevsky testifies, a stamp made of needles was applied to the wrists of Russian recruits; the position of these needles, in accordance with the identification task, could be changed to apply the personal number of its owner and a cross.

The popularity of tattoos among soldiers of all armies who fought during the Napoleonic wars of 1803-1815 is evidenced by the results of studies conducted around 1850 by the German lawyer L. Kasper and the French doctor J. Hutin among residents of homes for war veterans and disabled people in Berlin and Paris.

The results of these studies suggest that about 20% of them had tattoos.

The most popular images were dates associated with various periods of past wars, types of weapons, crossed swords or gun barrels, figures of soldiers, hearts with initials. Reflecting on the desire of sailors and soldiers to have memorable and cult-protective protective symbols and signs in the form of certain tattoos, the authors believe that it is possible that it is in imitation of the Russian experience ( this refers to the decree of Peter I on the mandatory tattooing of recruits) Rifle Cavalry Sergeant Riley during breaks in hostilities in the Boer War of 1899-1902. applied tattoos depicting regimental symbols and memorial signs of this campaign to the bodies of officers and their subordinate soldiers and sergeants.
For completing this mission, Riley was encouraged by the Commander-in-Chief, Lord F.S. Roberts, who saw tattooing as a means of identifying those killed during hostilities. During the American Civil War (1861-1865), the German emigrant M. Hildebrant tattooed various symbols to the combatants, which were based on an identification motif. The main, dominant psychological and personal factor that explains the increased interest of sailors and soldiers in tattooing is the subconscious instinct of self-preservation (to be identified when killed).
This thesis is confirmed by a well-known historical fact, made public by a doctor at the Munich headquarters: there are tattoo people who make a living by tattooing soldiers shortly after their recruitment (at five pfennigs per symbol). The Finnish archaeologist-ethnographer Pälsi said it best about people with the nature of a sailor: “Their greatest joy is to go on a journey, and their favorite place is the road.” There is no doubt that the cultural experience of skin painting among sailors and military personnel “carries the experience of past generations, orients the individual” in the system of historical coordinates of world civilization and at the same time helps people not to be nameless and to receive modern medical care when indicating their blood type with a tattoo.

Rector: Dirk read somewhere that Emperor Nicholas II had tattoos on both arms depicting dragons.

in the 18th-19th centuries, to protect against corporal punishment, which was widely practiced in the English navy at that time, British sailors depicted huge crucifixes on their backs.
At the end of the nineteenth century, England and the entire English-speaking world were gripped by a passion for tattooing.
As tattooing developed after its revival, the influence of “souvenir” tattoos brought by sailors and travelers declined.

The turning point in relation to tattooing was laid by the Prince of Wales, who later became King Edward VII, who lived from 1841 to 1910. While on an unofficial visit to Japan in 1881, the prince visited the studio of Hori Chio, a major Japanese tattoo artist who performed tattoos on the prince’s body. drawing in the form of a dragon.
London journalists first learned about this, and then the general public.

Thus, tattooing gained popularity first in high circles, and then throughout society. The list of high-ranking tattooed persons includes Jenny Jerome, Winston Churchill's mother Lady Randolph Churchill, King George V, the Austrian archdukes Franz Ferdinand and Rudolph, the great Russian princes Alexei and Constantine, and Tsar Nicholas II himself, the Greek king John I with Queen Olga, Prince Waldemar in Denmark, the kings of Sweden Oscar II Bernadotte and Norway Haakon VII of Oldenburg, the Egyptian ruler Khedive Abbas.

King Frederik of Denmark

Georg G-L: While traveling in the East, he got himself several tattoos and most of all conquered his wife by inking her name - Sasha. (tyts)

They write that he had a lotus flower on his shoulder or a colored dragon on his back.

Rector: Alisa received the name Sasha only in 1894.

Georg G-L: there is not a single reliable source indicating that Nikolai had a tattoo... everything is at the level of rumors...

Georg G-L: Rector writes: Sasha Or maybe Sunny - “Sunny”, as Alix’s relatives called her...

Ermak: In Libau, according to local newspapers, one sailor, attempting suicide, injured himself, as a result of which medical assistance was called. Here it was discovered that he had a tattoo on his body; on the chest was “Proletarians of all countries, unite”, on the right hand - “In the struggle you will find your right”, on the left hand - “God bless the sailor” and the state emblem, and on the shoulders - rear admiral’s epaulettes. Judging by the tattoo, one cannot say that the subject has “strong political views.” "Voice of Moscow" December 12 (November 29), 1908. (tyts)

In 1891, Horicho, the famous irezumi artist from Kobe, tattooed Tsarevich Nicholas on his right hand.

At one of the official events, the Tsarevich asked the Japanese to introduce him to local tattoo artists, whose art he had read about in a tourist guide.
The very next day, a tattoo artist from Nagasaki applied a tattoo to right forearm of the Russian Tsarevich.
The operation lasted seven hours.
Nikolai Alexandrovich acquired an image of a black dragon with yellow horns, green paws and a red belly.

10 years earlier, the dragon tattoo was made by Nicholas II’s cousin, King George V (then Duke of York), on his trip to Japan, who looked like the last Russian monarch.

Drawing of Georg's tattoo being struck - he did not demonstrate it live

They write that this is exactly what George’s tattoo looked like

about Nicholas they usually reconstruct this version