Once upon a time, his youthful heart. Another time I would have gone crazy from these unpleasant words, (1) again I would have thrown something away, (2) maybe, (3) but here I barely heard

OGE in Russian language. 2017

Option No. 18

Beginning of the form

Part No. 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14.

(1) Once upon a time there were three brothers. (2) One day during an evening conversation they started talking about the Dream.

(3) A person cannot live without a Dream, said the Elder. – (4) A dream is a support. (5) She gives wings, she adds strength, she helps to live.

(6) “A dream is a lighthouse,” replied the Middle One. - (7) You won’t get lost in life with her, she will always show you the way.

(8) I don’t agree,” the Elder got excited. – (9) A dream is like faith. (10) If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

(11) How can you walk without seeing the way? – (12) The middle one was more reasonable. - (13) A dream is more like a hope, because if you don’t have a goal, even faith can be blind!

(14) “And I think,” said Junior, lowering his eyes, “that the Dream is salvation. (15) Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up, like a sprout in the desert.

(16) The dream must be high, said the Elder. – (17) The higher the Dream, the more strength it gives to the walker. (18) For example, I dream of making people happy. (19) What could be higher and more joyful?

(20) “The dream must be achievable,” objected the Middle One. - (21) They say that in order for life not to be in vain, you need to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. (22) This is my Dream.

(23) “And I dream of Perfection,” Junior said quietly, still without raising his eyes. – (24) I dream of being a master and helping others become masters, because mastery dies if it remains in one person.

(25) After a short silence, the Middle one said:

(26) Well, brothers, isn’t it time for us to go towards our Dream?

(27) It's time! – the brothers answered warmly.

(28) Then it’s decided: tomorrow we’ll hit the road!

(29) The brothers walked for a long time across their native land. (30) And they stopped one day at a fork in three roads.

(31) This sign from above is not accidental,” said the Elder. - (32) Since each of us has our own Dream, it follows that we are each destined to follow our own path. (33) It is getting dark, however. (34) We’ll spend the night here, and until the morning we’ll think about who should go which way.

(35) Having woken up, the brothers sat silently for a long time by the burnt out fire. (36) Everyone thought about their own things, but everyone thought about the same thing. (37) Doubts tormented their souls. (38) The brothers hugged goodbye and each went their own way.

(39) Many years have passed since then. (40) And as the brothers then went their separate ways, they never met again.

(41) The elder did not understand that no one can make a person happy except himself. (42) Each person is the creator of his own happiness, and until the Elder realizes this, he will continue to live with his unfulfilled dream.

(43) And the middle brother? (44) He has a house, a garden, a family. (45) Didn’t his dream come true? (46) But he drove his innermost Dream into the tight and dusty circle of his home. (47) Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way. (48) But “to build a house” means to gain spiritual support, a firm position in life, not subject to storms and hurricanes. (49) “Planting a tree” means sowing seeds of goodness in people, carefully stored in your heart, and “raising a son” means passing on your experience to others, like children reaching out to your light.

(50) And only the Younger realized that it is not the dream that serves the person, but the person – the dream. (51) His Dream can be called in one word - Love. (52) Not for a specific person, but Love for Perfection, for Beauty, Love for people. (53) He became a Master and showed his students the path to happiness, which the elder brother did not achieve, sowed seeds and grew fruits, which the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of. (54) Only he found the true path.

(According to V.A. Tuzlukov*)

* Viktor Anatolyevich Tuzlukov (born in 1964) is a modern writer, publicist, laureate of literary awards.

The answers to tasks 2–14 are a number, a sequence of numbers or a word (phrase), which should be written in the answer field in the text of the work.

2Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why did each brother go his own way?”

1) The brothers quarreled, arguing about the Dream.

2) Everyone had their own Dream, therefore, everyone had to go their own way.

3) It was destined to be so.

4) The brothers did not know what to do, they argued, it was a compromise solution.

3Indicate the answer option in which the means of expressive speech is an epithet.

1) A dream is like faith. If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

2) Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up, like a sprout in the desert.

3) Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way.

4) He became a Master and showed his students the path to happiness, which the elder brother did not achieve, sowed seeds and grew fruits, which the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of.

4From sentences 50–53, write down a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5From sentences 24–31, write down a word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: “In short passive past participles, one letter N is written.”

6Replace the colloquial word “one” in sentence 32 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7Replace the phrase “youthful heart” (sentence 47), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection management. Write the resulting phrase.

8Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 11.

9Among sentences 29–38, find a sentence complicated by a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas in the introductory word.

The dream must be high, (1) - said the Elder. – The higher the Dream, (2) the more strength it gives to the walker. I, (3) for example, (4) dream of making people happy. What could be higher and more joyful?

11Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 10. Write the answer in numbers.

12In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a subordinate connection.

The elder did not understand (1) that no one can make a person happy, (2) except himself. Each person is the creator of his own happiness, (3) and, (4) until the Elder realizes this, (5) he will continue to live with his unfulfilled dream.

13Among sentences 47–52, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14Among sentences 39–47, find a complex sentence with a conjunctional coordinating and subordinating connection between the parts. Write the number of this offer.

End of form

Stop it! - I yelled, (4) glaring at the squirrel, (5) already barely moving along the wall.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 31. Write the answer in numbers.

subordinating communication

The taiga was nearby, (1) squirrels often ran into the village, (2) but they easily ran back through the trees, (3) but this one was unlucky, (4) she, (5) probably, (6) ran across the ground, ( 7) when she was noticed, (8) rushed towards the house and was now climbing the wall, (9) defenseless against the blows of snowballs.

13. Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with a subordinate clause circumstantial time

14. Among sentences 30–37, find complex offer with

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba: “By means of a noun, we can represent any lexical meanings, actions, states, and qualities, not to mention objects.”


You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of L.V. Shcherby.

Work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text) will not be graded.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last sentence of the text: “I saw everything,” he said, catching his breath, “you did great!”.

Bring it in your essay two

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

KINDNESSWhat is kindness one example second– from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 93

(1) If Gray singled out anyone from the class, it was Natalya Loskutikova. (2) First of all - for intelligence and excellent success.

(3) About Gray himself, the teachers said that he was capable, but did not want to study. (4) Sergei did not completely deny this version; it still consoled him, but he knew his exact price. (5) What is true is true: he solved problems not just on the fly, but with a single glance. (6) But he could not study well in literature and all other verbose subjects. (7) The essence of all these stories, tales, poems was contained in one phrase, and the teachers demanded a detailed answer. (8) Of course, Gray didn’t mind the words, but for the sake of the “A” he didn’t want to say as much as he deserved to get that “A”. ( 9) Well, what can we tell you about Taras Bulba? (10) He’s a Cossack! (11) And the fate he got was that of a villain. (12) Gray read the story seven times and cried all seven times.

(13) In short, the school life of sixth-grader Chumak was very difficult. (14) And he singled out Natalya Loskutikova not only for her intelligence and her eyes of heavenly joy. (15) The main thing is that her life at school was clear, because Natalya did not chase grades, they themselves stuck to her like flies to sweets.

(16) So today the lesson was “Marine Coelenterates.” (17) The textbook contains polyps, coral reefs and jellyfish. (18) And Natalya also reported about echinoderms. (19) And she didn’t just throw words at her, she took chalk and drew everything on the board.

(20) Of course, “five”!

(21) Teacher Klara Nilovna says:

- (22) I see that you liked your friend’s answer. (23) But who is stopping you from studying like this? (24) Why is Loskutikova interested in the life of the sea, but you, people born at sea, don’t seem to care about this life?

(25) After the lesson, Gray approached Loskutikova:

- (26) Natalya, would you like me to show you one thing?

- (27) Show me! – Loskutikova was surprised.

(28) They jumped out of the school and ran around the corner. (29) Gray paused near the steps to the basement and looked around.

“(30) Natalya, I have swans there,” admitted Sergei, “

There is ice on the lake, they can die.

(31) Light entered the basement through a barred window, and it took a while for my eyes to get used to the darkness.

- (32) There is water here! – Loskutikova shuddered indignantly.

(33) Gray took Natalya by the hand, led her to a dry place, and then she saw: swan necks looming in the darkness. (34) Gray took bread out of his pockets, rubbed it in his palms, and threw it to the swans.

- (35) These are white swans?! – Loskutikova grinned.

“(36) The most real,” Gray said proudly.

- (37) Yes, they are not white, but dirty. (38) Phew, that smells great!

(39) And Loskutikova, running across the water in her heels, jumped out of the basement. (40) Gray stood, looking after the girl in bewilderment, and for some reason he did not want to single out Loskutikova anymore either for her intelligence or for her eyes of heavenly joy...

(According to V.A. Bakhrevsky*)

*Vladislav Anatolyevich Bakhrevsky(born in 1936) - Russian Soviet writer, poet, classic of children's literature.

2. Which answer is correct? continuation statements: “Sery didn’t want to single out Loskutikova anymore because...”?

1) her eyes were not at all like the eyes of heavenly joy.

2) Loskutikova knew nothing about the difficult life of swans in the winter.

3) Natalya Loskutikova was too smart.

4) The girl, who knows so much about the life of animals, showed herself to be indifferent and heartless.

3. Indicate the name of the highlighted means of expression used in the sentence:

The main thing is that her life at school was clear, because Natalya did not chase grades, they clung to her like flies for sweets.

1) personification 2) metaphor 3) comparison 4) colloquial vocabulary

4. From sentences 28–32, write down the word in which the spelling consoles determined by its meaning – “ incompleteness of action».

5. From sentences 31–36, write down the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “The same number of Ns is written in an adverb as in the word from which this adverb is derived.”

« nowadays» in sentence 16 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase “ life of the sea coordination

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 9.

9. Among sentences 16–24, find a sentence with standalone application. Write the number of this offer.

introductory design.

In short, (1) the school life of sixth-grader Chumak was very difficult. And he singled out Natalya Loskutikova not only for her intelligence and her eyes of heavenly joy. The main thing is (2) that her life at school was clear, (3) because Natalya did not chase grades, (4) they clung to her, (5) like flies to sweets.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 4. Write the answer in numbers.

creative writing communication

The essence of all these stories, (1) novels, (2) poems was contained in one phrase, (3) and the teachers demanded a detailed answer. Of course, (4) Gray didn’t mind the words, (5) but for the sake of the “A” he didn’t want to say as much (6) as would be worth it for that “A”.

13. Among sentences 8–15, find a complex sentence with consistent and homogeneous

14. Among sentences 33–40, find complex offer with non-union and union composition connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the writer Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak: “ Sometimes a poet (writer) may find it most useful a word snatched from lively colloquial speech.».

To justify your answer, give two example from the text read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of S.Ya. Marshak.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “Sery stood, looking after the girl in bewilderment, and for some reason he did not want to single out Loskutikova anymore either for her intelligence or for the eyes of her heavenly joy...”

Bring it in your essay two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? « What is kindness» one example-give an argument from the text you read, and second– from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 94

(1) Every inhabitant of the apartment in which I lived knew how ugly the Ugly was.

(2) Local cat. (3) Ordinary, not purebred. (4) He had only one eye, and in the place of the other there was a gaping hole, barely covered by the cat’s eyelids, on the same side there was no ear, and his left leg was once broken and fused at some incredible angle, thanks to which he created the impression that the cat is always planning to turn the corner. (5) His tail had been missing for a long time, only a small stub remained, which was constantly twitching...

(6) If it weren’t for the many sores, he probably could have been called a dark gray tabby cat from the yard. (7) Anyone who looked at him at least once had the same reaction: what an ugly cat. (8) All children were strictly forbidden to touch him, and adults watered him with a hose when he tried to enter the house.

(9) But a strange thing: to all the actions of children and adults, the Ugly always showed the same reaction. (10) If he saw children, he ran to them and rubbed his head against his hands and meowed loudly, begging for affection. (11) If someone did pick him up, he immediately began to suck the corner of his shirt or anything else he could reach.

(12) One day Ugly tried to make friends with the neighbor's dogs. (13) From my window I heard his screams and immediately rushed to help.

(14) When I reached him, Ugly was severely bitten. (15) He lay curled up in a ball, his only eye closed, and a trace of a tear crossed his nose. (16) But what’s surprising: while I was carrying him home, he wheezed, gasped, but tried to lick me with his soft, rough tongue.

(17) I carried him home and most of all I was afraid of harming him even more. (18) Meanwhile, he tried to lick my ear. (19) I pressed him to me. (20) He touched his head to the palm of my hand, his golden eye turned in my direction, and I heard a purr. (21) Even experiencing such terrible pain, the cat asked for one thing - a drop of affection! (22) Perhaps about a little bit of compassion and love.

(23) And at that moment I thought that I was dealing with the most loving creature I had ever met in my life. (24) The most loving and the most beautiful. (25) He will never even try to bite me, or scratch me, or simply leave me. (26) And he looked at me, confident that I would be able to soften his pain, that now everything would be fine for him, that he had finally found a real owner to whom he could give all the power of unspent love...

(27) Subsequently, I thought a lot about how one unfortunate crippled cat was able to change my ideas about what true purity of spirit, faithful and boundless love is. (28) That’s how it really was. (29) Ugly told me more about compassion than a thousand books, lectures, sermons or conversations. (30) The time has come for me to learn to love truly and deeply, to give everything to my neighbor without reserve...

(According to V. Chernorechin*)

*Vadim Chernorechin– modern publicist, blogger, author of audio books.

2. Indicate sentences that contain the information necessary for explanations sentence 27: “Subsequently, I thought a lot about how one unfortunate crippled cat could change my ideas about what true purity of spirit, faithful and boundless love is?”

1) 1–3 2) 7–8 3) 14–15 4) 20–23


1) His tail had been missing for a long time, only a small stub remained, which was constantly twitching...

2) If it weren’t for a lot of sores, he probably could have been called a dark gray tabby cat from the yard.

3) He touched his head to the palm of my hand, his golden eye turned in my direction, and I heard a purr.

4) He lay curled up in a ball, his only eye closed, and a trace of a tear crossed his nose.

4. From sentences 23–26, write down the word in which the spelling consoles

5. From sentences 23–27, write down the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “In an adjective formed from a noun with a stem in -N, NN is written.”

6. Replace the book word " adjacent» in sentence 15 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase “ cat from the yard", built on the basis of management, a synonymous phrase with communication coordination.Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 28.

9. Among sentences 14–20, find a sentence with isolated circumstances. Write the number of this offer.

introductory words.

If it were not for the many sores, (1) he, (2) probably, (3) could be called a dark gray tabby cat from the yard. Anyone (4) who even once looked at him (5) had the same reaction: what an ugly cat.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 16. Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

When I reached him, (1) The ugly one was badly bitten. He lay, (2) curled up into a ball, (3) with his only eye closed, (4) and a trace of a tear crossed his nose. But what’s surprising: while I was carrying him home, (5) he wheezed, (6) gasped, (7) but tried to lick me with his soft, rough tongue.

13. Among sentences 1–7, find a complex sentence with heterogeneous (parallel) subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 6–11, find complex non-union offers. Write the numbers of these sentences.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by linguist Irina Borisovna Golub: “Various syntactic structures of homogeneous members help to avoid monotony when listing concepts, phenomena, actions.”

To justify your answer, give two example from the text read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of I.B. Blue

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text) will not be graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the ending of the text: “ The time has come for me to learn to love truly and deeply, to give everything to my neighbor without a trace...»

Bring it in your essay two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word KINDNESS? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “ What is kindness", taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example-give an argument from the text you read, and second– from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 95

(1) The fog has not yet cleared; in it the outlines of a huge ship faded, slowly turning towards the mouth of the river. (2) Its furled sails came to life, hanging in festoons, straightening out and covering the masts with powerless shields of huge folds; Voices and footsteps were heard. (3) The coastal wind, trying to blow, lazily fiddled with the sails. (4) Finally, the warmth of the sun produced the desired effect; the air pressure intensified, easily dissipated the fog and poured out along the yards into scarlet forms full of roses. (5) Pink shadows slid across the whiteness of the masts and rigging; everything was white except the outstretched, smoothly moving sails, the color of deep joy.

(6) While the “Secret” was moving along the riverbed, Gray stood at the helm, not trusting the sailor to take the helm - he was afraid of the shallows. (7) The helmsman sat nearby and still did not feel any connection between the scarlet decoration and Gray’s direct goal.

“(8) Now,” said Gray, “when my sails are red, the wind is good, and there is more happiness in my heart than an elephant at the sight of a small bun, I will try to tune you in with my thoughts, as I promised in Lisse.” (9) Note, I don’t think you’re stupid or stubborn, no; you are an exemplary sailor, and that is worth a lot. (10) But you, like the majority, listen to the voices of all simple truths through the thick glass of life. (11) They scream, but you won’t hear. (12) I do what exists as an ancient idea of ​​​​a beautiful, unrealizable thing, and which, in essence, is as possible as a country walk. (13) Soon you will see the girl Assol, who cannot, should not get married otherwise than in the way that I am developing before your eyes: her lover will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails. (14) She heard such a prediction in childhood from the wizard Egle.

(15) You see how closely fate, will and character traits are intertwined here. (16) I come to the one who is waiting and can only wait for me, but I don’t want anyone else but her, perhaps precisely because thanks to Assol I understood one simple truth. (17) It is to do so-called miracles with your own hands. (18) When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able. (19) He will have a new soul and you will have a new one. (20) When the head of the prison himself releases the prisoner, when the billionaire gives the scribe a villa, an operetta singer and a safe, and the jockey at least once holds his horse for another unlucky horse, then everyone will understand how pleasant it is, how inexpressibly wonderful. (21) But there are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness, and the right word spoken at the right time. (22) To own this means to own everything. (23) As for me, our beginning - mine and Assol's - will remain for us forever in the scarlet reflection of the sails created by the depths of the heart, which knows what love is. (24) Do you understand me?

(25) Gray turned around, looking up; the scarlet sails silently tore above him; the sun at their seams shone with purple smoke. (26) The “Secret” went out to sea, moving away from the shore. (27) There was no doubt about Gray’s sonorous soul - no dull sounds of alarm, no noise of petty worries. (28) Calmly, like a sail, he rushed towards an amazing goal, full of those thoughts that are ahead of words.

(According to A. Green*)

*Alexander Green(1880–1932) - Russian prose writer, poet, creator of the fictional country in which many of his works take place, including the most famous romantic books - “Running on the Waves” and “Scarlet Sails”.

justification answer to the question: “Why did Gray feel happy?”

1) Captain Gray managed to cope with a strong storm; favorable weather gave the hero the opportunity to rest.

2) The beauty and grandeur of the sea gave rise to more happiness in Gray’s heart than an elephant’s at the sight of a small bun.

3) The captain was one step away from his cherished dream - to give a miracle to Assol.

4) Gray understood that he would soon own all the treasures of the city.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is comparison.

1) She heard such a prediction in childhood from the wizard Egle.

2) When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle, if you are able.

3) There was no doubt about Gray’s sonorous soul - no dull sounds of alarm, no noise of petty worries.

4) Calmly, like a sail, he rushed towards an amazing goal, full of those thoughts that are ahead of words.

4. From sentences 12–14, write down the word in which the spelling consoles determined by its value - "approximation".

5. From sentences 13–16, write down the word in which the spelling suffix

6. Replace the book word "eager" in sentence 28 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "easily dissipated"(sentence 4), built on the basis of adjacency, a synonymous phrase with connection control

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 27.

9. Among sentences 1–5, find complicated sentences separate agreed common definition. Write the numbers of these sentences.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the number indicating the comma at introductory words.

The coastal wind, (1) trying to blow, (2) lazily tugged at the sails. Finally, (3) the warmth of the sun produced the desired effect; (4) the air pressure intensified, (5) easily dissipated the fog and poured out along the yards into scarlet forms, (6) full of roses. Pink shadows slid across the whiteness of the masts and rigging, (7) everything was white, (8) except for the outstretched, (9) smoothly moving sails, the color of deep joy.

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 18. Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentence below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

Soon you will see a girl (1) who cannot, (2) should not get married otherwise, (3) only in this way, (4) which I am developing before your eyes: her lover will come for her on a ship with scarlet sails.

13. Among sentences 17–21, find a complex sentence with homogeneous and parallel subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 4–8, find a complex sentence with non-union and allied subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement by the famous linguist N. Arutyunova: “Metaphor shortens speech, avoiding all kinds of explanations and justifications, and comparison spreads it”. To justify your answer, give two example from the text read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of N. Arutyunova.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text) will not be graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentences 16–17 of this text: “...thanks to her, I understood one simple truth. It’s about doing so-called miracles with your own hands.”.

Bring it in your essay two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic, using the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 96

(1) Once upon a time there were three brothers. (2) One day during an evening conversation they started talking about the Dream.

“(3) A person cannot live without a Dream,” said the Elder. – (4) A dream is a support. (5) She gives wings, she adds strength, she helps to live.

“(6) A dream is a lighthouse,” replied the Middle One. - (7) You won’t get lost in life with her, she will always show you the way.

“(8) I don’t agree,” the Elder got excited. – (9) A dream is like faith. (10) If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

– (11) How can you walk without seeing the way? – (12) The middle one was more reasonable. - (13) A dream is more like a hope, because if you don’t have a goal, even faith can be blind!

“(14) And I think,” said Junior, lowering his eyes, “that the Dream is salvation.” (15) Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up, like a sprout in the desert.

“(16) The dream must be high,” said the Elder. – (17) The higher the Dream, the more strength it gives to the walker. (18) For example, I dream of making people happy. (19) What could be higher and more joyful?

“(20) The dream must be achievable,” objected the Middle One. - (21) They say that in order for life not to be in vain, you need to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. (22) This is my Dream.

“(23) And I dream of Perfection,” Junior said quietly, still without raising his eyes. – (24) I dream of being a master and helping others become masters, because mastery dies if it remains in one person.

(25) After a short silence, the Middle one said:

- (26) Well, brothers, isn’t it time for us to go towards our Dream?

- (27) It's time! – the brothers answered warmly.

- (28) Then it’s decided: tomorrow we’ll hit the road!

…(29) The brothers walked for a long time across their native land. (30) And they stopped one day at a fork in three roads.

“(31) This sign from above is not accidental,” said the Elder. - (32) Since each of us has our own Dream, it follows that we are each destined to follow our own path. (33) It is getting dark, however. (34) We’ll spend the night here, and until the morning we’ll think about who should go which way. (35) Having woken up, the brothers sat silently for a long time by the burnt out fire. (36) Everyone thought about their own things, but everyone thought about the same thing. (37) Doubts tormented their souls. (38) The brothers hugged goodbye and each went their own way.

(39) Many years have passed since then. (40) And as the brothers then went their separate ways, they never met again.

(41) The elder did not understand that no one can make a person happy except himself. (42) Each person is the creator of his own happiness, and until the Elder realizes this, he will continue to live with his unfulfilled dream.

(43) And the middle brother? (44) He has a house, a garden, a family. (45) Didn’t his dream come true? (46) But he drove his innermost Dream into the tight and dusty circle of his home. (47) Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way. (48) But “to build a house” means to gain spiritual support, a firm position in life, not subject to storms and hurricanes. (49) “Plant a tree” -

means to sow the seeds of goodness in people, carefully stored in your heart, and “raising a son” means passing on your experience to others, like children reaching out to your light.

(50) And only the Younger realized that it is not the dream that serves the person, but the person – the dream. (51) His Dream can be called in one word - Love. (52) Not for a specific person, but Love for Perfection, for Beauty, Love for people. (53) He became a Master and showed his students the path to happiness, which the elder brother did not achieve, sowed seeds and grew fruits, which the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of. (54) Only he found the true path.

(According to V.A. Tuzlukov*)

*Victor Anatolyevich Tuzlukov(born in 1964) – modern writer, publicist, winner of literary awards.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justification answer to the question: « Why did each brother go his own way?

1) The brothers quarreled, arguing about the Dream.

2) Everyone had their own Dream, therefore, everyone had to go their own way.

3) It was destined to be so.

4) The brothers did not know what to do, they argued, it was a compromise solution.

3. Indicate the answer option in which the means of expressive speech is epithet.

1) A dream is like faith. If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

2) Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up, like a sprout in the desert.

3) Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way.

4) He became a Master and showed his students the path to happiness, which the elder brother did not achieve, sowed seeds and grew fruits, which the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of.

consoles depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. Among sentences 29–38, find a complicated sentence isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

6. Replace spoken word "once" in sentence 32 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "youthful heart" control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write it out grammatical basis proposals 11.

9. Among sentences 29–38, find a complicated sentence isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas in introductory words.

The dream must be high, (1) - said the Elder. – The higher the Dream, (2) the more strength it gives to the walker. I, (3) for example, (4) dream of making people happy. What could be higher and more joyful?

11. Specify quantity grammar basics in sentence 10. Write the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers indicating commas between the parts of a complex sentence connected subordinating communication

The elder did not understand (1) that no one can make a person happy, (2) except himself. Each person is the creator of his own happiness, (3) and, (4) until the Elder realizes this, (5) he will continue to live with his unfulfilled dream.

13. Among sentences 47–52, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 39–47, find a complex sentence with conjunctive coordinating and subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist A.I. Gorshkova: “Expressiveness is the property of what is said or written with its semantic form to attract special attention of the reader, to make a strong impression on him.” To justify your answer, give two example from the text read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a paper in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic using linguistic material. You can start your essay with the words of A.I. Gorshkova.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Work written without relying on the text read (not based on this text) will not be graded. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of sentence 15 of the text: “Without a Dream, the Soul will dry up like a sprout in the desert”.

Bring it in your essay two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the expression LIFE VALUES? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-discussion on the topic “What are life values?”, taking the definition you gave as a thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments that confirm your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the text you read, and second - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 97

(1) All magicians and other visiting artists who come to our city constantly stop in this house and give their performances. (2) Today there are posters hanging near the entrance: “The miracle artist paints with his feet.” (3) Of course, I plaintively ask:

– (4) Ma-a-ma...

(5) And of course, we go up the stairs. (6) In a large room - this is a performance hall - there are three rows of chairs in front of a small stage. (7) There are not many people. (8) The bell rings. (9) Someone is playing the piano. (10) The audience sits on chairs. (11) A man with a crumpled face comes out onto the stage, where there is a large easel and a chair, he clears his throat loudly and begins to say:

- (12) Dear audience, now you will, without a doubt, see the greatest miracle, an inexplicable mystery of nature, an artist who has lost both hands. (13) This artist learned to paint with his feet, and now you will see for yourself.

(14) A tall, slender man with a handsome face appears on the stage. (15) Both sleeves of his jacket are completely empty from top to bottom, and the ends of the sleeves are tucked into both pockets. (16) This is the armless artist. (17) He bows to the audience without a smile, with dignity. (18) The artist sits on a chair in front of the easel. (19) A man with a crumpled face inserts a piece of coal into the artist’s toes. (20) And the artist begins to draw with his foot. (21) First, something like a winding river appears on the easel. (22) Trees appear on both sides of it. (23) No, this is not a river, but a path in the forest. (24) Then the sun appears from behind the trees. (25) That's it.

– (26) “The road goes into the distance...”, explains the artist, “this is a landscape.

(27) Then he draws several more caricatures. (28) The spectators laugh and clap. (29) The artist gets up and feels for his shoes with his feet. (30) The assistant, pointing to the drawings just made by the artist, offers those who wish to purchase them. (31) There are no takers.

– (32) Inexpensive... (33) Buy it! – suggests the artist’s assistant.

(34) The artist stands motionless. (35) His eyes are lowered. (36) Lips tightly compressed.

- (37) How much? – I suddenly ask excitedly.

(38) Mom very decisively takes my hand. (39) The assistant rushes to us:

– (40) Cheap...

(41) I look at my mother with pleading eyes.

– (42) Mommy!..

(43) Mom pays thirty kopecks. (44) The artist approaches the edge of the stage, he says very cordially and simply:

- (45) Let the little lady take the drawing “The road goes into the distance...”. (46) When I was still an artist (and I was a real artist, please believe me!), this was my favorite theme: “Everything - forward, everything - into the distance! If you walk, don’t fall; if you fall, get up; if you hurt yourself, don’t whine. Everyone - go ahead! Everything - into the distance!..”

(47) The artist’s charcoal drawing on paper “The road goes into the distance...”, framed in a glass frame, was hung in my room. (48) For a number of years, when I opened my eyes, I saw the road among the trees from behind which the sun was rising, and I remembered the words of the artist: “If you fell, get up. If you hurt yourself, don’t whine. The road goes into the distance, the road goes forward! (49) These were courageous words of a courageous man. (50) The injury did not defeat him - he defeated his injury. (51) He was not at a loss, did not lose heart, he did not beg for alms, as cripples do, he worked as best he could. (52) The artist told me his wonderful words as parting words, and I remembered them for the rest of my life as a testament to the will to resist. (53) Oh, how these words have been useful to me in my life!

(According to A.Ya. Brushtein*)

*Alexandra Yakovlevna Brustein(1884–1968) – Russian Soviet writer and playwright.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justification answer to the question: “Why did the girl want to buy a drawing by a crippled artist?”

1) The girl felt sorry for the artist’s assistant, who did not have money for the basic necessities.

2) The artist asked the girl and her mother about this.

3) This was a drawing of a courageous man who did not submit to fate and continued to fight.

4) The drawing was unusually beautiful and inexpensive.

3. Indicate a sentence in which the means of expressive speech is phraseological unit.

1) A tall, slender man with a handsome face appears on the stage.

2) I look at my mother with pleading eyes.

3) These were courageous words of a courageous man.

4) He was not confused, did not lose heart, he did not ask for alms, as cripples do, he worked as best he could.

4. From sentences 50–53, write down the word in which the spelling consoles depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. From sentences 30–36, write down the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “In short passive past participles, one letter N is written.”

6. Replace spoken word "I hurt myself" in sentence 48 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "glass frame"(sentence 47), built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write it out grammatical basis sentences 47.

9. Among sentences 27–36, find a complicated sentence isolated common circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the text read, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers representing commas in introductory words.

Dear audience, (1) now you, (2) without a doubt, (3) will see the greatest miracle, (4) an inexplicable mystery of nature, (5) an artist, (6) who has lost both hands. This artist learned to draw with his feet, (7) and now you will see for yourself.

  • Biofeedback. Biofeedback is another way of using the concept of operant conditioning for therapeutic behavior change

  • Tale of a dream

    Once upon a time there lived three brothers. Accustomed to work and mutual assistance from childhood, they lived amicably, and together the work was successful and the rest was more fun. One day, during an evening conversation, the brothers started talking about the Dream.

    A person cannot live without a Dream,” said the Elder. - A dream is a support. She gives wings, she adds strength, she helps to live.

    “A dream is a lighthouse,” replied the Middle One. - you won’t get lost in life with her, she will always show you the way.

    “I don’t agree,” the Elder got excited. - A dream is like faith. If you have it, go wherever you want, everything will be a joy.

    How can you walk without seeing the path? - The middle one was more reasonable. - A dream is more like a hope, because without a goal, even faith can be blind!

    “And I think,” said Junior, lowering his eyes, “that the Dream is salvation.” Without it, the Soul will dry up like a sprout in the desert.

    The dream must be high,” said the Elder. - The higher the Dream, the more strength it gives to the walker. For example, I dream of making people happy. What could be higher and more joyful?

    The dream must be achievable,” objected the Middle One. - They say that in order for life not to be in vain, you need to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. This is my Dream.

    Well, why are you silent, brother? - They turned to Junior.

    “And I dream of Perfection,” he said quietly, still without raising his eyes. - I dream of being a master and helping others become masters, because mastery dies if it remains in one person.

    After a short silence, the Middle one said:

    Well, brothers, isn’t it time for us to go towards our Dream?

    It's time! - the Elder answered hotly.

    It’s time,” Junior exhaled.

    Then it's decided. Tomorrow - on the road!

    ... The brothers walked for a long time across their native land. And they stopped one day at a fork in three roads.

    This sign from above is not accidental,” said the Elder. - Since each of us has our own Dream, it means that we are each destined to go our own way.

    “I agree,” replied the Middle One. - However, it is getting dark. We'll spend the night here, and until the morning we'll think about who should go which way.

    That night, all three of them had the same dream. They dreamed that an ancient, ancient old man, gray as snow, in long white robes, approached their camp.

    “I know your dreams,” said the Elder. - They are tall. Yes, they just need to get stronger before they become for you what you think they are. Many tests await you, but one of them is the most important. Each of you has to face your Dream, recognize it among many others. And here lies your touchstone. If you find out, you will receive a key in your hands, by turning it you can open the treasured door to your happiness. If you don’t find out, don’t blame me, you will lose your Dream forever. Don't rush to move forward, think. Do you know well what you are going to? Are you ready to lose your Dream if you fail? This night and this crossroads are the boundary of your New Path. There will be no turning back for him. Think, decide!

    ... Waking up, the brothers sat silently for a long time by the burnt out fire. Everyone was thinking about their own things, but everyone was thinking about the same thing. Doubts tormented the Elder’s soul.

    “How can I find out my Dream? After all, every person has his own happiness, and every happiness has his own face. This means that my Dream is as many-sided as human happiness. But if out of thousands of faces I don’t recognize just one, will my Dream leave me forever? My faith, my support... No, it’s better to come back, let it remain unattainable, but it will live and warm my soul, like the distant Sun!”

    The middle one thought differently.

    “My Dream is simple and clear - how can you not recognize it? She, my star, my hope, shines for me as a guiding torch, is it possible to pass by her? No, I move forward, following her call, and no one can stop me!

    "All the will of God! - Thought Junior. - Even though I don’t yet know what my Dream looks like, but for the sake of the possibility of its realization, I am ready to risk losing not only Her, but even my life, because it is more important than my life. God knows, I set out on the road not for the sake of mastering Her, but for the sake of serving Her as something Great and Eternal. And if I don’t recognize Her, She won’t die for me, but I will die for Her, and this is not a big loss.”

    ... The Elder was the first to break the silence. When he spoke, the brothers did not even recognize him right away - he had aged so much that morning. Looking through them with an unseeing gaze, the brother dropped words like heavy weights.

    The elder brother turned around and, without saying goodbye, set off on his way back.

    “I respect your choice, brother,” Middle said after him. “It takes a lot of courage to soberly assess your strength and refuse further struggle, understanding the inevitability of defeat. The burden that you have taken upon yourself will be heavy - to live with a dream, realizing the impossibility of its fulfillment. God bless you! Well, as the middle brother, I know that I am destined to take the middle road.

    “I’ll go right,” Junior responded. - And if we don’t see each other again, forgive and farewell!

    The brothers hugged goodbye and went their separate ways.

    ... Many years have passed since then. And when the brothers went their separate ways, they never met again.” - the Old Master finished his leisurely story.

    The students were silent for a while, then started talking vying with each other.

    And what happened then?

    Why didn't they meet again?

    Did this really happen, or did you just make it up?

    I don’t know how the brothers’ fate turned out later. Whether it’s a fairy tale or a true story, think as you wish.

    What happened to Junior? - asked a curly-haired blond boy with clear blue eyes. - Like him, I dream of passing on my knowledge to people. When they arrive, of course,” he immediately added, embarrassed.

    The old man stood up, hiding a smile in his mustache.

    That's it, sparrows! It's time to leave - it's too late!

    When the noise of numerous voices died down and the spacious room was empty, the Master sat for a long time, resting his shaggy gray head in his hands and constantly looking at the flame of the candle. Bright lights danced in his eyes, and memories fluttered like light wings around his face.

    Why didn't you tell them the truth? - a quiet voice sounded behind the Master, making him flinch and instantly bringing him back to reality.

    The master turned around. The old man had not changed at all, and although many years had passed since their meeting in a distant dream, it was not difficult to recognize him.

    You didn't want to upset them by telling them about the fate of your brothers?

    “It would be a sad fairy tale,” the Master answered with a sigh.

    But didn't your Dream come true? Is there anyone equal to you in your skill in the entire region? Don’t you have worthy students who have adopted not only your skills, but also your attitude to life and desire to serve your Dream?

    But you talked about the Test that I had to go through, recognizing my Dream in person. Why didn't I wait for him?

    My friend! - The elder approached the Master and hugged him by the shoulders. - Remember again that night at the fork. This was your Test, and each of you came out of it in your own way. The eldest did not understand that no one can make a person happy except himself. Each person is the creator of his own happiness, and until the Elder realizes this, he will continue to live with his unfulfilled dream.

    What about the middle brother? He has a house, a garden, a family. Didn't his dream come true?

    It's more difficult for the average person. He did not recognize his hope, his innermost Dream, having driven it into the tight and dusty circle of his home. Once upon a time, his youthful heart responded to ancient wisdom, but his cold mind interpreted its meaning in its own way. But “building a house” means finding spiritual support, a firm position in life, not subject to storms and hurricanes. “Planting a tree” means sowing seeds of goodness in people, carefully stored in your heart, and “raising a son” means passing on your experience to others, like children reaching out to your light. Your brother locked himself in a small world of his own illusions and lost his Dream, which could be no less high than yours.

    But is he happy in his little world?

    At least that's what he thought the last time you saw each other. And now... I don’t want to upset you,” the Elder laughed.

    But why am I better than them? What have I done to deserve the honor of fulfilling my Dream?

    You passed your main test that same morning at the fork in the road. You understood then that it is not the dream that serves man, but the man who serves the dream. And having understood this, you subordinated your whole life to this service. Your Dream can be called in one word - Love. Not for a specific person, but Love for Perfection, for Beauty, Love for people. And service to such Love is Great Service. That is why you showed your students the path to happiness - what the elder brother did not achieve, sowed the seeds and grew the fruits - what the middle brother shied away from, and touched Perfection, which he himself once dreamed of. I have nothing more to say to you. You have found your way. Walk along it, and the Blessing of the One will be upon you!

    With these words, the Elder bowed and disappeared.

    The Master went to the window, looked at the sky, strewn with large, bright stars, and it seemed to him that through the scattering of stars a Face of such unearthly beauty was emerging that the Old Master took his breath away and tears came to his eyes.

    “So that’s what you are, my Dream! - a rapid thought flashed through. “Lord, this alone was worth living for!”

    The Master stood for a long time, looking at the pinking sky, and the stars melted in his eyes, forever capturing the Face of a Dream Come True.


    Once upon a time there lived three brothers. The first is the eldest, the second is...

    Once upon a time there lived three brothers. The first is the eldest, the second is the middle and the third is the youngest - Ivanushka.
    And one day these brothers were struck by a common thought: to go for a walk in the forest.
    But the forest is not simple, but fabulous, and in a fairy tale, as is customary, everything is unusual.
    The older brother is walking and suddenly looks - right in front of him there is a wide hole, and in the hole Happiness is sitting.
    “I want a Mercedes 600,” says the older brother.
    And a brand new, shiny Mercedes appears in front of him. He walked around the car, admired it, got into it and drove away.
    The middle brother is coming and, as it happens, he also ended up near this pit.
    - What do you want? - Happiness asks him.
    “I wish I had a million dollars,” says the middle brother.
    And then, out of nowhere, a briefcase appears in his hands, and in it, neat little green packets lie next to each other and smell of fresh paint. He looked at them, closed the diplomat and stomped away.
    And then my younger brother, Ivanushka, passed near this place. He sees - Happiness is sitting in a hole.
    Leaned towards him.
    - What do you want? - Happiness asks him.
    - And you? - asks Ivanushka.
    - I wish I could get out of this hole.
    Ivanushka extended his hand, pulled Happiness out of the hole and went his way.
    What about Happiness?
    And Happiness ran after him...
    I wish you good luck and happiness!

    OGE essay 15.3 on the topic What are LIFE VALUES and an example from the literature based on the text by V. A. Tuzlukov “Once upon a time there were three brothers. One day during an evening conversation they started talking about the Dream.”

    What are life values? In my opinion, life values ​​are various moral beliefs and principles that each person determines for himself. They may change over time, but our basic life values ​​are formed by our parents in childhood, raising us, scolding us and encouraging us for our actions. To prove my own opinion, I will give examples from the text and literature.

    In the proposed text by Viktor Anatolyevich Tuzlukov, each of the brothers had their own life values, their own views on life, different from the views of others, and their own ideas about what a dream is and what the meaning of life is.

    Having analyzed the text, we can conclude that for the author of the text, the main life value is the desire for perfection, to live for the sake of people and pass on his knowledge to subsequent generations.

    Many writers and poets have thought about what life values ​​are. Thus, in Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin’s work “The Minor,” Mitrofanushka’s mother, Mrs. Prostakova, who herself has a very bad character and does not have any moral principles, instills in him “wrong” life values ​​with her upbringing and attitude towards her son from childhood.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that life values ​​determine your attitude towards this or that phenomenon or person, your actions in certain situations and your views on life and the world in general. It is common for a person to change his life values ​​over time, because, as you know, whoever does not change does not move forward.

    Updated: 2017-12-13

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