Runet Book Prize. Runet Book Prize: users will choose the best books

Hello bloggers!

You've probably heard - this week the Runet Book Prize was awarded. Five main categories, three winners in each and three more special prizes. Who competed for the prize and who ultimately won? How different are store sales, virtual voices and expert opinion? Who became the favorite of the race?
Let's sum it up!

Five main nominations, which have been awarded for the third time are fiction, non-fiction, children's literature and business literature. The Runet Book Prize is the most open and democratic award, including because readers are allowed to vote for their favorite authors - not only with virtual hearts and likes, but also in rubles - one of the awards - “bestseller”, is given to the book that is the best sold on Ozone.
Let's look at the winners and compare.

Category: Fiction

Experts' choice:

Readers' Choice:

Bestseller Ozon:

Result: While readers love the fashionable Rowling and actively buy the erotic “Shades of Gray,” experts advocate spiritual values ​​and choose Archpriest Andrei Tkachev as their favorite. What can I say? The topic of religion this year was very sensitive. And here we also see a certain tribute to last year’s triumph of “Unholy Saints” - a book that was almost 1000 likes ahead of all other authors in the vote.

Nomination: Non-fiction

Experts' choice:

Readers' Choice:

Bestseller Ozon:

Result: it was noticed that experts are aesthetically pleasing and sympathize with the colorful Stalik, the fashionable Gibert with promises to “change everything” wins the vote, but the best seller is a simple and useful book about medicines for children.

Nomination: Children's literature
Experts' choice:

Readers' Choice:

Bestseller Ozon:

Result: everything is simple here: the experts are for the useful and educational Auster, the readers are for the charming Babaka Dog, but the French exoticism and the rules of good manners still win. And the greatest joy comes from the fact that a book that is interesting to children still won in the reader’s vote. not moms and dads.

Category: Business literature

Experts' choice:

Readers' Choice:

Bestseller Ozon:

Result: reflection on the 90s and rethinking the reforms of that time gained the most sympathy from the expert council. But readers like books that are practical and useful!

In addition, this time there were special nominations:
Man of his word- it was Dmitry Pomerantsev from Nizhny Novgorod. A man of his word, or the golden pen of "Ozone" - a reward for the one who left the most book reviews for Ozone.

EBook or Runet book - award from the Russian Association of Electronic Communications. This year it was given not to a book, but to a publishing house - Mann, Ivanov, Ferber. The publishing house is indeed developing very quickly and has made a qualitative leap over the past year.

Most of all, LJ followed its voting - for the first time the nomination "Best Book Blogger" was presented.
We have already written about who was nominated this year. In recent days, having far outstripped all competitors, the two most beloved blogs by readers have become favorites - the titled BlogBest bookeanarium And bookriot .
But in the end the reward for best book blog went to the Unfriendly Rabbit

On November 15, 2017, as part of the ONLINE AWARDS 2017, the best books on the Runet were named. Every year selects the best books on the Runet! The selection criterion is the most honest - the opinion of people who read them, reread them and tell their friends about them. Traditionally, the widest list of categories was devoted to literature. The bestseller of one of the most famous Russian psychologists, Mikhail Labkovsky, is the book “I want and I will. Accept yourself, love life and become happy” ─ won in 2 categories at once. “The fact that my book “I Want and Will” became the best in two categories at once - non-fiction and bestseller of the year - is an indicator that people finally began to think not about what should be done or how to do the right thing, but about what is really important to them, what brings them pleasure and helps them be happier. And this cannot but make me happy,” says psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky.

2017 winners in the Literature category:

1. Best fiction book. User selection
Olga Savelyeva “Oranges. An honest story of growing up"

“The aspen tree will not produce oranges” - do you agree with this statement? The author of this book, Olga Savelyeva, has her own point of view on this matter. At first glance, this is just a collection of stories. They are all independent and autonomous, in the sense that you can read from anywhere. But in fact, these are not just stories. Each of them is a step. And all these steps lead from childhood to adulthood. This is a whole staircase in the life of one little girl who will grow into an adult woman before the eyes of readers. Whether you skip along these stairs or walk thoughtfully, together with the author, growing up with every step, stopping on the staircase to realize and digest what you read - this, of course, is up to you. But one thing is for sure - this life story will definitely not leave you indifferent and will definitely resonate in your heart.
Read fragment

2. The best non-fiction book. User selection

“When a person who does not like his life realizes or at least begins to suspect that it’s not about the cruelty of the world or the coincidence of circumstances - it’s about himself, and he decides to change, then he has every chance! Chances of being happy. And at any age, marital status, wealth, etc. I not only believe, I know from the experience of a psychologist that being happy is a decision. And if you think that you have no problems that prevent you from enjoying life, you like everything - this book is not for you. This is a book for those who want and are ready to change.”
Mikhail Labkovsky

3. The best children's book. User selection
Ekaterina Sobol “Givers. Book 3. Game of the Wise Men"

In the third book of the saga “The Givers” we again find ourselves in the magical kingdom. Heart of Magic has returned, people are finding their gifts everywhere, here and there magical creatures are awakening after three hundred years of hibernation - and not only good ones. This means that Henry will have to leave his bow and arrows, take up his sword, mount his horse and go on a campaign, like an old white knight from fairy tales. He will not only have to fight the terrible Beast that has awakened in the Multi-Colored Rocks, but also become wiser and learn about himself something he never knew about, because “the journey is more important than the destination.”

4. Best-seller. Books
Mikhail Labkovsky “I want and I will.” Accept yourself, love life and become happy"

5. Best-seller. Digital book. Choice liters
Tatyana Ustinova “Selfie with destiny”

A rich lady was found strangled in the “Folk Craft” store in the village of Sokolnichye. She often visited the village, generously donated for the restoration of the bell tower and used respect. The criminal - a drunkard wandering nearby - is detained in hot pursuit... Professor Ilya Subbotin comes to the village to establish the truth. The physics teacher has a strange hobby - he solves crimes. All hope lies in him, because no one will dig deeper, the case is closed. In Sokolnichye, a strange company gathers around Ilya: a poetess with dreadlocks; sad beauty in furs; a cheerful couple busy posting selfies on the Internet; tour guide; clearly an eccentric guy hiding something; and a polished looking gentleman too. One of them killed a respectable lady. But who? And why?.. This story is about how life can change, and sometimes happiness comes very close, and you just need to look closely to notice it. There are people around with whom you can share everything in the world, and they will come to help, even if it seems that no one will help...

6. Choosing
Anna Starobinets “Look at him”

“Look at him” by Anna Starobinets is not only an honest and open conversation on an incredibly difficult topic. This is a kind of survival instruction for those who find themselves in the face of grief that seems unbearable.
Expecting a child is usually associated with hopes and joyful worries. But if the baby has a diagnosis incompatible with life, everything is different. The mother has to decide whether to terminate or carry such a pregnancy to term - and go through a difficult path, no matter what choice she makes. How should a woman behave so that grief does not break her? What should her family do? And what can doctors and society do for them?
In her autobiographical book, Anna Starobinets tells her own story with amazing courage.

7. Selecting a general media partner LENTA.RU
Henry Marsh "Calling" About choice, duty, and neurosurgery".

This book has it all: the everyday life of a doctor, and the most complex operations in extreme conditions, and the problem of choice, and reflections on one’s mistakes and failures, as well as feelings of guilt - about how come to terms with yourself and the fact that you are only human? But is it really so little to be human? Dr. Marsh answers all questions. I want to argue, find my own answers... and sometimes laugh at subtle jokes from the lips of a British doctor. Readers will also have a unique opportunity to learn more about the personal life of the genius of neurosurgery, who is worried about his upcoming retirement and farewell to the profession. But now he will have time... to ride an elephant, or make a house for an owl, or learn more about his own family - in a word, to finally do everything that he hasn’t gotten around to doing for so long.

Today the short list of nominees for the Runet Book Prize, organized by the online store, has been published. Voting is open on the Prize website, during which the best books will be selected according to users of the Russian-speaking part of the Internet.

The Runet Book Prize will be awarded this year for the first time. The shortlist for the award includes books by Russian and foreign authors and book projects published over the past year (from June 2010 to June 2011).

On the award website www ozon premia, users, using their account in one of the social networks, will be able to vote for books from four categories from July 1 to August 20: fiction books, non-fiction, business books and children's literature. In parallel with the user voting, the expert council will vote.

The winners will be awarded at the International Moscow Book Fair 2011 in September this year.

Alexey Kuzmenko, head of the “Printed and digital book products” department of the online store:“Our store is a leader in online book sales, it’s time to use our experience accumulated over 13 years. That’s why we decided to organize the Runet Book Prize. It's interesting to know what online book buyers think and what books they choose. It is quite possible that their preferences will turn out to be so different and original that the winners may be very unexpected and controversial books. Or maybe everything will be quite standard and expected, as in normal offline, and we will see among the awardees quite well-known and iconic book products in today’s print market.”

Sergey Plugotarenko, director of NP "RAEK" (Runet Book Prize is supported by RAEK): According to statistics, Runet users are among the most active. Thus, the average Russian Internet user spends approximately 10 hours a month on social networks. In addition, Runet readers are an active reading audience, as evidenced by the growth in online sales of books, including electronic ones. Fortunately, recently a huge number of smart and convenient devices have been presented on the market that make it easier to read texts - almost in the same quality as on paper. What do Runet users read? Finding out the answer to this question is not only interesting, but also useful. And if it is quite difficult for traditional offline online stores to conduct such a collective study, then the Internet giant in the field of e-commerce - - can handle such a study. That is why RAEC gladly supports the Runet Book Prize, designed to determine the most popular books - both in the opinion of Internet users, and in the opinion of the jury and according to the results of online sales.

Ivan Zasursky, editor-in-chief of the “Private Correspondent” portal, member of the expert council: “ There is a common belief that the Internet threatens the book: over time, the book, like a stack of bound paper sheets, will be preserved only as a souvenir. But will literature go away along with the book? Today, it is rather finding a second wind online. The Internet is able to perform the integrating function (the same one that the literary almanac of the last century performed) better than any paper publication. The inherent pluralism and diversity of the Net is more useful in this matter than the inevitably biased paper media, constrained by low circulation and distribution problems. The network not only facilitates access to existing cultural assets, but also allows new authors to make themselves known through electronic publications. In addition, the Internet is a fertile creative environment, the potential of which is not in demand and in many ways is not even realized.
The network eliminates barriers to the publication of texts, their discussion and analysis, and removes restrictions on distances and social circles. Today, its influence on the literary process is hampered not so much by a lack of resources as by their fragmentation and lack of any coordination.” 1997, project

The book prize is supported by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC).

Gift partner:

Information partners of the award: the network of magazines “Choose”, the magazine “The Chief”, the Internet portal E1.RU,, the community of managers, the Internet media, the magazine “Internet in Figures”, the magazine “UNIVERSITY BOOK”, Arguments and Facts, newspaper “Book Review”, BKC-International House, NANO TV channel, entertainment portal,,, T3 magazine, Federal network of city portals CITYCELEBRITY.RU , News Agency "GARANT", 24 MIBF, LiveJournal. is the most popular online store in Runet, founded in 1998 and is one of the first domestic large-scale e-commerce projects in the B2C segment. Daily site traffic is 500,000 people. The number of registered users of the online store is more than 4.7 million people. Every month the registration database is updated with 90 thousand new entries. More than 1,000,000 items of goods are available to select and place an order: books, electronics, DVDs, software and games, music, antiques, children's world and much more. The store supports 18 payment methods and 16 order delivery methods. Today, in 84 largest cities of the Russian Federation there is a network of agent companies that provide delivery of orders by courier or at the point of delivery.

Moscow, September 26, 2014. Today voting starts for the nominees for the Runet Book Prize, organized by the online megamarket with the support of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC), the e-book store liters and the Institute of Books.

The Runet Book Prize will be awarded for the fourth time in November this year. The shortlist included books by Russian and foreign authors, as well as book projects published over the past year (June 2013 – August 2014).

Traditionally, the winners will be selected in three main categories: the first – “ Choice of Runet users" On the award website, Internet users vote for the best books using their account on one of the social networks or a button on the page. Voting takes place in four categories: fiction books, non-fiction, business books and children's literature. " Selecting an Expert Council» is determined by council members - journalists, cultural and artistic figures. And the third nomination, “Bestsellers of the online megamarket”, are the store's sales leaders over the past year.

In addition to the three main categories, winners in special categories will be selected. The prize will be awarded for the first time "Foreign hit" the best book in a foreign language. "Digital book" this year will be awarded for the first time by the liters e-book store. "Best Book Blogger" awarded based on voting results. "Golden Feather" OZON. ru» will be received by the most active and popular buyer of books on - the one whose reviews are subscribed to by the maximum number of store customers. And according to tradition, RAEC will choose the winner in a special nomination - "Runet book". Among special nominations, an award will also be awarded "Editor's Choice" in the category “Fiction” from the general information partner LENTA.RU

Alexey Kuzmenko, head of the book department of the online megamarket “Over the 4 years of its existence, the Runet Book Prize has already become a real cultural event in the book life of our country. The award is highly anticipated, people actively vote and its nominees and winners are hotly discussed. Year after year, interest in our award shows healthy dynamics, which correlates with the excellent results shown by the online book sales segment.”



1. D. Bowen “A Street Cat Named Bob.” Ripol Classic

2. D. Green “The Fault in Our Stars”, AST

3. R. Galbraith “The Cuckoo’s Calling.” ABC-Atticus. Foreigner

4. D. Moyes. "See you later." ABC-Atticus

5. V. Polozkova “Delineation”. Gayatri/Livebook

6. Z. Prilepin “Abode”. Edited by Elena Shubina

7. E. Radzinsky “Prince. Notes from an informer." AST

8. D. Rubina “Russian Canary. Trilogy". Eksmo

9. P. Sanaev “Chronicles of Razdolbaya. Bury me behind plinth 2." AST

10. E. Sivanova Confession of a stepmother. Sinbad

11. V. Sorokin “Telluria”. Corpus

12. A. Sheps. "Heaven's Chosen" IG All


1. Akunin B. “History of the Russian State. From the origins to the Mongol invasion." AST

2. Bubnovsky S. “100 years of active life, or the secrets of healthy longevity.” Eksmo

3. Bukin D. “Development of memory according to the methods of special services.” Alpina Publisher

4. Zhukov D. “Wait, who’s leading? Biology of behavior of humans and other animals" (set of 2 books). Alpina non-fiction

5. Zeland V. Transurfing. Projector of separate reality IG "Ves"

6. Kazantseva A. “Who would have thought! How the brain makes us do stupid things." Corpus

7. Kochemasov A. “Barefoot on the clouds.” Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

8. Maksimov A. How not to become an enemy to your child. Peter

9. Rost Yu. “Group portrait against the backdrop of the world.” Alpiga Publisher

10. Starikov N. “Geopolitics. How it's done". Peter

11. Khankishiev S. “Kazan. Culinary tutorial." AST

12. Eco U. “History of illusions. Legendary places, lands and countries." WORD/SLOVO

Children's literature

1. Anderson A. “Elysium. Alix and the coins." Rosman

2. Belonoshchenko E. “Born with character.” Alpina non-fiction

3. Vasilyeva-Gangnus A. “The ABC of Politeness.” Nygma

4. Gippenreiter Yu. “Psychological games and activities with children” (+ 2 game sets). AST, Harvest

5. Cowell K. “How to Train Your Dragon.” ABC, ABC-Atticus

6. “Window to Europe.” Clover-Media-Group

7. Macauley D., Ardley N. “How everything works. Illustrated encyclopedia of devices and mechanisms." Mann, Ivanov, Ferber

8. Mizeliński D. and A. “Maps. A journey in pictures across continents, seas and cultures.” Scooter

9. Moore I. “House in the Woods.” Good book

10. Nagishkin D. “Amur Tales”. Speech

11. Olshansky I. “Unlucky. Some funny stories from the life of a seven-year-old who is unlucky.” NIGMA

12. Eyestad G. “Self-esteem in children and adolescents. A book for parents." Alpina Publisher

Business literature

1. Batyrev M. (battalion commander) “45 tattoos of a manager. Rules of the Russian leader." Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

2. Zhigiliy E. “Master of the bell. How to explain, convince, sell over the phone.” Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

3. Covey S. “The Third Alternative. Solving life's most difficult problems." Alpina Publisher

4. Lefever L. “The art of explaining. How to make sure that you are understood perfectly.” Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

5. Mann I. “Number 1. How to become the best at what you do.” Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

6. Nassim Nicholas Taleb “Antifragility. How to benefit from chaos." Colibri

7. Parabellum A., Mrochkovsky N. "Ruthless management. Real laws of personnel management." Peter

8. Sokolov-Mitrich D. “Yandex.Book”. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber

9. Stone B. “The Everything Store. Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon." ABC Business. ABC-Atticus

10. Sandberg S. “Don’t be afraid to act. Woman, work and the will to lead.” Alpina Publisher

11. Khakamada I. “In anticipation of myself. From image to style." Alpina Pvblisher

Information about OZON

OZON is five companies covering various aspects of e-commerce:, O-Courier,,, OZON Solutions. OZON is a private company whose investors include: Baring Vostok Private Equity Fund, AFK Sistema, MTS (Mobile TeleSystems), Index Ventures, ru-Net Ltd, Rakuten, Intel Capital, Holtzbrinck, Cisco. was founded in 1998. Leading online store in Russia. Site traffic is 750,000 unique visitors. offers a huge assortment - 3,500,000 products. 14 product categories: books and multimedia products (37%), DVDs, software, games, music, products for mothers

“Lenin. Pantocrator of solar motes".

Lev Danilkin is a Russian journalist, literary critic and writer. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology and graduate school at Moscow State University. Author of a fictional biography of Alexander Prokhanov, “The Man with an Egg,” and a book about Yuri Gagarin in the “Life of Remarkable People” series.

To write a new biography of the leader of the Russian revolution, literary critic Lev Danilkin studied a considerable number of serious sources. However, this did not turn the book into a dreary biography. Vladimir Ilyich turned out to be a lively person, with his own passions and difficult character, who loves to ride a bicycle, travel and joke.

Second Prize - Sergey Shargunov “Kataev: “The Pursuit of Eternal Spring”. Russian writer, journalist, public and political figure, radio and television presenter. Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation since October 5, 2016. Elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

The book presents the first detailed biography of the outstanding prose writer and poet, subtle master of words Valentin Petrovich Kataev (1897–1986), devoid of ideological bias. Few people know that the writer came from an old priestly family; among his close relatives were new martyred archbishops. Hero of Socialist Labor Kataev was at one time a white officer, a student of Bunin, and sat in the execution basement of the Odessa gubchek...

The writer Sergei Shargunov, relying on memories, archival documents, memoirs and biographical literature, brilliantly managed to recreate the difficult, partly mysterious, life of Valentin Kataev, closely intertwined with literary creativity, a complex and contradictory person deeply involved in the historical events of the 20th century.

A two-volume work by a literary critic, librarian and cultural scientist was awarded a special diploma Ekaterina Genieva"Favorites", which includes her works on English and Irish literature, articles, memoirs, lectures and interviews.

Literary Prize "Yasnaya Polyana"

In 2017, the short list for the “Modern Russian Prose” nomination included:

1. Ksenia Dragunskaya"Kolokolnikov - Podkolokolny". The story of Soviet youth and today's maturity begins between two Moscow lanes - Kolokolnikov and Podkolokolny. While the characters rush between youthful love and a midlife crisis, between loyalty to childhood friendship and the ability to be a real adult, between the collapse of illusions and hope for a new turn in life, the reader becomes nostalgic for the elusive Moscow and makes his own movie in its cozy alleys.

2. Oleg Ermakov "Song of the Tungus".

3. Vladimir Medvedev "Zahhok".

4. Mikhail Popov "On the rising chairs". The novel by Mikhail Popov tells about the life of the provincial village of Porkhnevichi, lost in the Nalibokskaya Pushcha, from 1908 to 1944. Three generations of villagers experience wars, revolutions, occupation, and life goes on as usual - families are created and broken up, children are born, old people die. “On the rising hills” is love and betrayal, crimes and exploits, which are often difficult to even distinguish from each other. One of the heroes, trying to save Porkhnevichi, becomes the commander of a partisan detachment in order to be able to take care of his own. The other is the surviving count's son, stolen from the estate in 1918, a looter and scoundrel, who joins the detachment, hiding from military justice. At a decisive moment in the Belarusian Pushcha, the Home Army partisans, the German punitive battalion, the Porchniewicz partisans collide... and the young “count” becomes the main character.

5. Andrey Rubanov "Patriot".

6. German Sadulaev "Ivan Auslander". The main character Sadulaev is far from politics The reader meets university teacher and Sanskrit specialist Ivan Auslender in St. Petersburg at a rally “for fair elections.” So the subtitle “Prose of Our Time” justifies itself from the very beginning. Vaguely similar to the hero of Houellebecq’s “Humility”, whom Sadulaev periodically mentions in the novel, Ivan Borisovich Auslander, an average teacher, devoid of a bright individuality, by an absurd coincidence becomes an active participant in the protest movement. He will have time to become disillusioned with politics, make an almost Onegin-like journey through Europe, discover himself practically a guru of a spontaneously formed sect, and write a text “on palm leaves.” A weak-willed man in the street from a university environment will give German Sadulayev the opportunity to play a postmodern game with the reader, rethink news reports, look at modernity without any illusions - after which he will disappear without a trace, without causing regret. “Ivan Auslander” is a journalistic vaccine implicated in literary play and sarcasm and generously diluted with Buddhism against dangerous fascination, no matter with politics or religious philosophy.

"Song of the Tungus".