“Everyone lives for the minute”: the best quotes from the novel “Life on Borrow” by E.M. Remarque

How beautiful are these women who do not allow us to become demigods, turning us into fathers of families, into respectable burghers, into breadwinners; women who catch us in their nets, promising to turn us into gods...

There is no turning back in love. You can never start over: what happens remains in the blood... Love, like time, is irreversible. And neither sacrifices, nor readiness for anything, nor good will - nothing can help, such is the gloomy and ruthless law of love.

Whoever wants to hold on loses. They try to hold on to those who are ready to let go with a smile.

Who knows, maybe life was given to us as punishment for the crimes we committed somewhere in another world? Perhaps our life is hell and the churchmen are mistaken, promising us hellish torments after death.
- They also promise us heavenly bliss.
- Then maybe we are all fallen angels, and each of us is doomed to spend a certain number of years in a hard labor prison in this world.

In moments of difficult emotional experiences, dresses can become either good friends or sworn enemies; Without their help, a woman feels completely lost, but when they help her, as friendly hands help, it is much easier for a woman in a difficult moment. There is not an ounce of vulgarity in all this, we just shouldn’t forget how important little things are in life.

In the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, you cannot catch a cold, but it is easy to catch a cold in the dress that irritates you, or in the one whose double you see on another woman at the same evening.

A woman can leave her lover, but she will never leave her dresses.

In such cases, people always say false words, always lie, because the truth then is senseless cruelty, and then they experience bitterness and despair, because they were unable to part in any other way and because the last memories that remain for them are memories of quarrels, misunderstandings and hatred.

In difficult times, naivety is the most precious treasure, it is a magic cloak that hides those dangers that a smart guy jumps straight into, as if hypnotized.

I realized that there is no place that is so good that it is worth throwing your life away for. And there are almost no people for whom it would be worth doing this. Sometimes you reach the simplest truths in a roundabout way.

So why do I love you?
- Because I'm with you. And because you love life. And for you I am a nameless piece of life. Is it dangerous.
- For whom?
- For someone who has no name. It can be replaced at any time...

Everything in the world contains its opposite; nothing can exist without its opposite, like light without shadow, like truth without lies, like illusion without reality - all these concepts are not only related to each other, but also inseparable from each other...

You look so happy! Are you in Love?
- Yes. In a dress.
- Very reasonable! Love without fear and without difficulties.
- This doesn’t happen.
- No, it happens. This is an integral part of the only love that makes sense at all - love for oneself.

They don’t understand life, she thought. They hang out in their offices and bend their backs at their desks. You might think that each of them is doubly Methuselah. That's their whole sad secret. They live as if death does not exist. And at the same time they behave not like heroes, but like traders! They drive away the thought of the transience of life, they hide their heads like ostriches, pretending that they have the secret of immortality. Even the most decrepit old people try to deceive each other, increasing what has long turned them into slaves - money and power.

A person always becomes a prisoner of his own dream, and not of someone else’s.

Almost no person thinks about death until it comes close to him. The tragedy and at the same time the irony is that all people on earth, from the dictator to the last beggar, behave as if they will live forever. If we constantly lived with the awareness of the inevitability of death, we would be more humane and merciful.
“And more impatient, desperate and fearful,” Lillian said, laughing.
- And more understanding and generous...
- And more selfish...
- And more selfless, because you can’t take anything with you to the next world.

You are happy?
- What is happiness?
- You're right. Who knows what this is? Maybe stay above the abyss.

How was your first meeting with this world?
“I feel like I’m among people who are going to live forever.” At least that's how they behave. They are so busy with money that they have forgotten about life.

No one can escape fate. And no one knows when it will overtake you. What's the point of bargaining with time? And what, in essence, is a long life? Long past. Our future each time lasts only until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for the minute. Everything that awaits us after this minute is only hopes and illusions.

People live by feelings, and feelings don’t care who is right.

Reason is given to man so that he understands: it is impossible to live by reason alone.

Apparently, life loves paradoxes: when it seems to you that everything is in absolute order, you often look funny and stand on the edge of an abyss. But when you know that everything is lost, life literally gives you a gift - you may not even lift a finger, luck itself runs after you like a poodle.

  • - Do you think that marriage binds a woman more than clothes, and that she will return sooner? - I want to get married not so that you will come back, but so that you will always be with me.
  • There will always be people who are worse off than you.
  • Reason is given to man so that he understands: it is impossible to live by reason alone.
  • In fact, a person is truly happy only when he pays the least attention to time and when he is not driven by fear. And yet, even if you are driven by fear, you can laugh. What else is left to do?
  • I feel like I'm among people who are going to live forever. At least that's how they behave. They are so busy with money that they have forgotten about life.
  • - You are happy? - What is happiness? - You're right. Who knows what this is? Maybe stay above the abyss.
  • Courage is not the same as the absence of fear; the former involves the consciousness of danger, the latter the result of ignorance.
  • “I’m happy now,” he said. “And I don’t care whether we know what happiness is or not.”
  • “If you want to live somewhere, then you want to die there.”
  • -You look so happy! Are you in Love? - Yes. In a dress.
  • Whoever wants to hold on loses. They try to hold on to those who are ready to let go with a smile.
  • Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to experience a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death?
  • In general, I want to live without reasoning, without listening to advice, without any warnings. Live as you live.
  • “Freedom is not irresponsibility and not a life without a goal. It is easier to understand what it does not exist than what it is.”
  • Every man, if he does not lie to a woman, speaks nonsense.
  • Life is a sailboat with too many sails, so it can capsize at any moment.
  • When you see what wonderful buildings people built in the old days, you can’t help but think that they were happier than us
  • Everything in the world contains the opposite; nothing can exist without an opposite, like light without shadow, like truth without lies, like illusion without reality - all these concepts are not only related to each other, but also inseparable from each other...
  • “Some people leave too late, and some people leave too early,” he said, “we must leave on time... That's what Zarathustra said.”
  • I'm not leaving, I'm just not there sometimes
  • There is nothing to forgive in love.
  • People have lost respect for death. And this happened because of two world wars.
  • ...How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly his self-confidence flies away! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly dissipates like smoke, and he feels so insecure.

The novel “Life on Borrow” by E. M. Remarque, deliberately devoid of historical background and political background, is rightfully considered one of the most piercing and dramatic works about the meaning of life. It is with books like these that comes an understanding of the value of every day you live. The aphorisms and quotes from “Life on Borrow” that have become so firmly ingrained in our speech are actually the result of the writer’s deep philosophical reflections on the meaning of being, death, time, love, and inner freedom. We have collected the most beautiful and vivid sayings from this work, which attract not only with the beauty of the style, but also amaze with their wisdom, accuracy and relevance.

Life on loan. Life when you don’t regret anything, because, in essence, there is nothing left to lose. This is love on the verge of doom. This is luxury on the verge of ruin. This is fun on the verge of grief and risk on the verge of death. There is no future. Death is not a word, but a reality. Life goes on. Life is Beautiful!..

You think that I am throwing away my money, but I think that you are throwing away your life.

And what, in essence, is a long life? Long past. Our future each time lasts only until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for the minute. Everything that awaits us after this minute is only hopes and illusions.

You don't always do the right thing, my son. Even if you yourself are aware of it. But this is precisely the beauty of life sometimes.

About death and hardship

“Some people leave too late, and some people leave too early,” he said, “you have to leave on time...”

Really, in order to understand something, a person needs to experience a catastrophe, pain, poverty, the proximity of death?

The tragedy and at the same time the irony lie in the fact that all people on earth, from the dictator to the last beggar, behave as if they will live forever. If we constantly lived with the awareness of the inevitability of death, we would be more humane and merciful.

About the mind, feelings and desires

Reason is given to man so that he understands: it is impossible to live by reason alone. People live by feelings, and feelings don’t care who is right.

A person always becomes a prisoner of his own dream, and not of someone else’s.

There will always be people who are worse off than you.

The fireworks have gone out, why rummage through the ashes?

I want to own everything, which means owning nothing.

About happiness and love

In fact, a person is truly happy only when he pays the least attention to time and when he is not driven by fear.

– You look so happy! Are you in Love?
- Yes. In a dress.
- Very reasonable! - said Pestr. – Love without fear and without difficulties.
- This doesn’t happen.
- No, it happens. This is an integral part of the only love that makes sense at all - love for oneself.

...How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly his self-confidence flies away! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly dissipates like smoke, and he feels so insecure.

Whoever wants to hold on loses. They try to hold on to those who are ready to let go with a smile.

A writer becomes great when his works are widely quoted. Even if you see some of them for the first time, they are already able to surprise you with the strength, depth and subtlety of thought. After all, wise sayings are also an excellent guide to our own world of feelings and experiences.

I decided to open a new section where quotes about style will be published, of course, indicating the author and the work.

Today - Erich Maria Remarque "Life on Borrow".

1. "Lillian chose four suits. When she tried them on, the saleswoman was especially attentive to her.

“You chose well,” she said. - It seems as if these things were sewn especially for you. This happens rarely. Most women buy outfits they like; you buy what suits you. You look wonderful in this wide trouser suit.

Lillian looked at herself in the mirror. Her face seemed more tanned in Paris than in the mountains; my shoulders were also tanned. New dresses emphasized the lines of her figure and the uniqueness of her face. She suddenly became very beautiful, moreover, her transparent eyes, which did not recognize anyone and looked as if through the surrounding objects, gave her a special sad charm and a kind of detachment from everything that touched the heart. She heard the conversations of the women in the neighboring booths, saw how they looked at her as they left, these tireless warriors for the rights of their sex, but Lillian knew that she had little in common with them. Dresses were not a weapon for her in the fight for a man. Her goal was life and herself.

On the fourth day, the senior saleswoman came for a fitting. A week later Balenciaga himself appeared. They realized that this customer could wear their designs with special chic. Lilian said little, but stood patiently in front of the mirror; the subtle Spanish flavor of the things she chose gave her young appearance something tragic, which, however, was not too deliberate. When she put on black or bright red dresses, like Mexican shawls, or short jackets, like matadors, or immensely wide coats, in which the body seemed weightless, so that all attention was concentrated only on the face, the the melancholy that was characteristic of her.

“You made a great choice,” said the senior saleswoman. — These things will never go out of fashion; you can wear them for many years."

2. “A dress is something more than a fancy dress. In new clothes, a person becomes different, although this is not immediately noticeable. Those who truly know how to wear dresses perceive something from them; oddly enough, dresses and people influence each other, and this has nothing to do with rough dressing up at a masquerade. You can adapt to clothes and at the same time not lose your individuality. Those who understand this, dresses do not kill, like most women who buy their own outfits. How On the contrary, dresses love and protect such a person, they help him more than any confessor, than unfaithful friends, and even than a lover.

Lillian knew all this. She knew that a hat that suits you serves as a greater moral support than a whole set of laws. She knew that in the thinnest evening dress, if it fits well, you cannot catch a cold, but it is easy to catch a cold in the dress that irritates you, or in the one whose double you see on another woman at the same evening; such things seemed as irrefutable to Lillian as chemical formulas. But she knew. also that in moments of difficult emotional experiences, dresses can become either good friends or sworn enemies; Without their help, a woman feels completely lost, but when they help her, as friendly hands help, it is much easier for a woman in a difficult moment. There is not an ounce of vulgarity in all this, we just shouldn’t forget how important little things are in life.”

The beginning of the 50s of the last century. Race car driver Klerfe comes to visit his old friend at the Montana sanatorium in Switzerland. There he meets a terminally ill girl, Lillian. Tired of the strict rules of the sanatorium, of routine and monotony, she decides to run away with Klerfe to where there is another life, a life that speaks the language of books, paintings and music... Both fugitives, despite all the dissimilarity, have one thing in common - the absence confidence in the future. Clairefe lives from race to race, and Lilian knows that her disease is progressing and she has very little time left to live. Their romance is developing very rapidly, they love each other as only people can love who know that everything will end soon... But not now! And while life goes on, it is wonderful!

I love quotes from him... I once wrote them down with careful accuracy in a separate notebook...

...No one can escape fate...And no one knows when it will overtake you. What's the point of bargaining with time? And what, in essence, is a long life? Long past. Our future each time lasts only until the next breath. Nobody knows what will happen next. Each of us lives for the minute. Everything that awaits us after this minute is only hopes and illusions.

...How clumsy a person becomes when he truly loves! How quickly his self-confidence flies away! And how lonely he seems to himself; all his vaunted experience suddenly dissipates like smoke, and he feels so insecure.

... “The place where you live has nothing to do with life itself,” he said slowly. “I realized that there is no place that would be so good that it would be worth throwing your life for. And there are almost no people for whom it would be worth doing this. Sometimes you reach the simplest truths in a roundabout way.
- But when they tell you about it, it still doesn’t help. Is it true?
- Yes, it doesn’t help. You have to experience it yourself. Otherwise it will always seem like you missed the most important thing.

...as long as you remember the constant fall, nothing is lost. Apparently, life loves paradoxes; when it seems to you that everything is absolutely in order, you often look funny and stand on the edge of an abyss, but when you know that everything is lost, life literally gives you a gift. You may not even lift a finger, luck itself runs after you like a poodle.

Life is a sailboat with too many sails, so it can capsize at any moment.

To understand something, a person needs to experience a catastrophe, pain, poverty, and the proximity of death.

Almost no person thinks about death until it comes close to him.

Erich Maria Remarque
Germany, 06/22/1898 – 09/25/1970

Born in Osnabrück, Germany. In his metric it was written “Erich Paul Remarque”; He later took the second name “Maria” in memory of his mother. In 1916, he volunteered to go to the front, was seriously wounded, and spent a long time in the hospital. In 1928, he published the famous novel All Quiet on the Western Front, which instantly brought him popularity. In 1933, Remarque's books were banned in Germany; five years later, the writer was deprived of citizenship, and he and his family left for the United States, and after the war, in 1947, he accepted American citizenship.
In 1948, Remarque returned to Switzerland, where he lived for some time before emigrating to the United States, and returned to spend the rest of his life in this country.

Other works:

“Three Comrades”, “Arc de Triomphe”, “All Quiet on the Western Front”, “Black Obelisk”, “A Time to Live, a Time to Die”, “Shadows in Paradise”, etc.