How to deal with emptiness in your soul. Away from the emotional emptiness

If emptiness has settled in the soul for a long time and prevents you from breathing deeply, a person needs help. Whether you believe in the existence of the soul or not, such a feeling arises sooner or later. This phenomenon is also called psychological pain.

What is the soul?

In order to determine that emptiness has settled in the soul, one must understand what a soul is in general. In many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, the feeling of emptiness is characterized from completely polar angles. In general understanding, the soul is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Psychology defines the soul as the mental abilities of a living being: mind, character, feelings, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking. Without all of the above, a person is overtaken by emptiness in life.

Depending on the philosophical system, the soul can be mortal or immortal. In Judaism and Christianity, only humans have immortal souls. The Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas ascribed a “soul” (anima) to all organisms, but argued that only human souls are immortal, and accordingly, the emptiness of the soul is inherent only in people. Other religions (most notably Hinduism and Jainism) believe that all biological organisms have souls, and some teach that even non-biological objects (such as rivers and mountains) have souls. The latter belief is called animism. Thus, spiritual emptiness is attributed to everything that exists.

In science, the soul is also used as a construct to designate a certain substance in the human brain. It is important to note that science has not yet proven or disproved the existence of the soul.

Biologist Cyril Barrett wrote that soul is a word to designate an idea that humans have invented and cultivated within themselves to represent the feeling that their existence is endowed with a conscience. Barrett explains that the soul is a property that emerges from the complex organization of matter in the brain, so the emptiness of the soul has a biological explanation.

In 1901, Duncan McDougall conducted an experiment in which he measured the weight of patients while they were alive and after they died. He claimed that at the time of death there was a loss of weight to varying degrees, as a result of which he concluded that the soul weighed 21 g and was located in the patient's heart. In response to this, the eminent physicist Robert L. Park wrote that McDougall's experiments do not have any scientific value today.

Causes of spiritual emptiness

There is only one thing that can fill the spiritual emptiness - love. There is only one reason for inner emptiness - lack of love. But it is not the absence of someone else’s love that provokes inner emptiness. And it, in turn, is caused by self-forgetfulness from self-dislike.

Inner emptiness stems from a person's lack of connection with the spiritual source of love. When you deny yourself, judge yourself, ignore your feelings, try to destroy feelings through addiction to drugs and rituals, you will certainly feel empty. In this case, oblivion sets in, which is what is called “emptiness in the soul.”

In this case, your ego is wounded and filled with false beliefs about who you are. A wounded ego can cause a person to view themselves as inadequate, unattractive, not good enough, unimportant, bad and wrong. A long stay in this state dooms a person to loneliness and detachment from reality.

These are programmed beliefs that have no basis in truth, but they can control a person's life and make him feel depressed. When you think that you are not good enough, then you turn to dangerous “helpers” (drugs, alcohol) to try to forget yourself, to feel good, to fill the emptiness that arises in your soul. But emptiness outside and inside are completely different things.

False reasons for emptiness in the soul

Do you often feel empty inside? Discover the true cause of inner emptiness and determine what to do about it.

Many people feel empty inside, and most people have false beliefs about the occurrence of a state of emptiness. Common reasons why a person feels empty:

  1. The partner does not give the person enough attention and affection.
  2. There is no reliable partner for a fulfilling life.
  3. The work does not satisfy one’s ambitions, and at the end of the working day one feels as if one’s soul has been stripped away.
  4. The long-awaited success and rise up the career ladder does not come.
  5. There is not enough money for a comfortable life.
  6. Life is boring and uninteresting.
  7. There is not enough love, attention and approval from friends and relatives. Life is perceived as hopeless gray everyday life.
  8. There is an acute lack of sex, and how to fill internal turmoil seems quite realistic.

None of these situations are the real cause of inner emptiness. What does a person usually do to try to fill the emptiness within? A person begins to perform the following rituals:

  1. Eating a large amount of food (especially sweets), alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are also used, even if this was not wanted before.
  2. Detachment from the real world by immersing yourself in television or the Internet. Passion for gambling or shopping. The emptiness is filled at such moments, but this feeling is false.
  3. Trying to gain other people's attention or approval through inappropriate behavior.

There are many rituals that people begin to perform to try to get rid of the emptiness in their souls. They may work at a certain moment, but soon the emptiness will return anyway, and the person will again seek dependence in order to create the appearance of fullness in life and soul. The fact is that any method (be it eating sweets or shopping) only helps to eliminate some symptoms if emptiness has settled in the soul. The underlying cause of mental illness still remains “behind the scenes.”

Symptoms of spiritual emptiness

There are some symptoms that signal a person’s spiritual emptiness. The symptoms were formed thanks to the efforts of psychologists and psychoanalysts. Possible signs that internal emptiness is still present.

  1. The feeling that a person is not as good as others.

2. The desire to be useful, a false sense of guilt in front of everyone.

3. The vain striving for an absolute ideal always and in everything.

4. I don’t want to do anything and I don’t want to talk to anyone.

One of the definitions of happiness that I love very much is: the absence of bad emotions. If you woke up not feeling depressed, bored, stressed or anxious, how would you feel?

That's right: satisfied, relaxed, in other words, you will be simply happy.

So if you stop receiving negative emotions, you will feel better. One of the bad emotions that prevents people from feeling happy is emotional emptiness.

What do you feel when you don't eat for ten hours straight? Hunger because your stomach is empty. Likewise, if you don't drink for ten hours, you will feel thirsty because your body won't have enough fluid.

But how would you feel if something prevented you from loving your friends? How would you feel if you couldn't achieve the success you wanted for years? What if you weren't loved?

Sometimes you feel empty, but it's not because you have an empty stomach - it's because you have an empty soul. Emotional emptiness is the signal your brain sends when there is an unfulfilled dream, and it lasts for a long time.

Being lonely for years, having no friends, being hated and a failure can all bring feelings of emptiness. This happens when your brain craves something and you don't give it to it.

I think the worst emotions a person can experience are emptiness and depression. The worst thing that can happen to you is to experience everything at once. Don't worry, this is a very common practice, which is why I put them in the same row. When we are depressed, we feel disconnected from others and can feel lonely. very often arises from an unfulfilled need, and then we also feel empty.

Away from the emotional emptiness

I know you have a hard time with all the emotions, but you won't get rid of them until you do one thing. Until you start taking action! Stop reading and write a list of what you need to do to get out of depression and feel happy again.

Once you define this for yourself, your mission in life will be to achieve these things. The emptiness disappears as soon as you begin to move towards your goal. Hunger disappears when you take the first bite - emptiness disappears as soon as you begin serious action.

You may say, “I started to take action, but my soul is still empty and depressed.” When you see a lot of food on the table and take the first bite, you are confident that you will be full soon, and most hunger signals disappear. However, when you solve emotional problems, no one knows whether it will work or not until your brain is convinced of it.

Bad signals disappear when your brain stumbles upon serious action or at least the belief that everything will work out for you. If you have already made a plan and did not act on it, your brain will never remove its signals while you are writing this plan, because it is not confident in its implementation.

To be happy, you must start with a clean slate and strictly follow the plan that you make for yourself. Once your subconscious mind is convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, it will begin to trust you, and the next time you decide to stick to the plan, it will immediately remove the bad emotions.

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Emptiness in the soul is a syndrome that a person does not have enough energy for active actions. Our psyche has something like a fuse that blocks activity if the energy required for this activity exceeds our capabilities.

The cause of a lack of energy can be many reasons: from illness to a serious internal conflict in which a person’s personality is located. Therefore, if a person has emptiness in his soul, the first thing to do is check his health. What if it's a matter of physiology? It is imperative to exclude serious physical causes. And only after that go to a psychologist.

Psychological causes of emptiness in the soul

For what psychological reasons can a person feel a lack of vitality?The fact is that our psyche is very sensitive to spending time and effort. If something does not bring the desired result for a long time, then further efforts in this direction are inappropriate. For this reason, this behavior is no longer reinforced by endogenous drugs (neurotransmitters, hormones, etc.).

At the sensory level, this manifests itself as a lack of positive emotions, interest, joy from activity, lack of energy for further activity. People call this state differently: apathy, depression (in the common sense), emptiness in the soul, and so on.

For example, if a person’s goal is to earn money, but at work he is paid poorly or irregularly, then very soon the person’s interest in such work will cool down. Moreover, at the level of the mind, he may still want to complete it, but at the level of feelings and emotions, he will experience laziness, irritation, drowsiness, lack of thoughts, and so on.

However, this is a special case when a person in general is still capable of activity; some part of a person’s life is simply blocked, where he does not feel sufficient motivation.

Emptiness in the soul is when this condition affects a person’s entire life. When this happens, there can be two reasons: either extremely unfavorable life circumstances, or overly inflated claims.

First optionextremely rare in the modern world. It is unlikely that a person can suffer continuous defeats in all areas of life for a long time. Somewhere, let there be a ray of light. However, a person can feel something similar with unrequited love. A person invests and invests, but does not receive any return. Sooner or later, such a person’s “emotional battery will run out” and there will be emptiness in his soul.

Second optionmore likely. When a person's aspirations to life are inadequately inflated, the person will not be able to receive reinforcement for achieving his goals. In this case, the person will feel worthless, low self-esteem, and so on. Due to the fact that a person does not receive reinforcements for his efforts, he will not receive energy to further move towards his goal.

It can be compared to a long car ride. The car needs to be refueled along the way. If you plan only for a long-term goal and do not stop at gas stations, then sooner or later the car will stop somewhere in the middle “nowhere”, unable to continue moving and unable to “refuel”.

It's the same in life. People who want everything at once become emotionally exhausted very quickly and feel empty in their souls. I don't mean that you shouldn't dream big. It's very worth it. But on the way to this greater goal, you need to set clear and realistically achievable goals.

What can cause such high expectations from life? False beliefs.

Emptiness in the soul and the beliefs that lead to it

Our behavior is determined by the beliefs we believe. When our beliefs are good, they lead us to happiness and prosperity, but false beliefs lead us to the wrong place. What are false beliefs? These are beliefs that do not correspond to reality. Let's look at some of them.

“Everything should be easy”

People very rarely articulate this belief into such a formalized thought, but this is precisely the approach to life that they consider correct. If a person has low expectations from life, then it will even work. However, if a person wants something more, then this belief will greatly limit him. The fact is that a person who has this attitude towards life will be able to pursue only easy and quickly achievable goals. He simply doesn’t have enough “breath” for more. The way our world works is that the lighter something is, the less profit it brings. It is easy to explain why this happens. If something is easily available, then there are many competitors and its value decreases.

It will be extremely difficult for a person with such a conviction to get ready for serious work. This leads to failure to achieve goals, loss of motivation and interest. Ultimately, there is emptiness in the soul.

"All or nothing!"

A person with such an attitude refuses many opportunities that are supposedly unworthy of him. He will refuse good jobs that are offered to him, relationships, and so on.

In life, in order to get to the top, you need to go through many steps. No one has ever climbed a mountain in one leap.

If a person considers the intermediate steps unworthy of him, then he himself is unworthy of the goal. Failure to achieve your plans, according to the scheme already known to us, leads to loss of motivation and emptiness in the soul.

How to get rid of emptiness in your soul?

What will you do if you run out of gas while traveling? It is unlikely that you will push the car yourself. You will probably ask for help. The best option would be to call the appropriate services that will take you to the nearest gas station.

If you have emptiness in your soul, then you should do the same. Personally, I would turn to a psychologist who would help restore the joy of life and identify how I ended up in this situation.

How to fill the emptiness in your soul? It happens that life loses its colors, emotions and feelings become dull, energy drops, and nothing interests you anymore. A person begins to feel boredom, apathy, the meaninglessness of existence takes possession of him, and depression sets in. Emptiness in the soul: the reasons for this phenomenon can be different. You need to get rid of emptiness one way or another, since it affects mental and physical health.

What is the soul

When answering the question of what to do if there is emptiness in the soul, it is worth understanding what the soul is. Religious, philosophical and mythological traditions characterize the feeling of emptiness from different perspectives.

Most often, the concept of soul includes an incorporeal entity that is located in a living being. From the point of view of psychology, these are the mind, feelings, character, awareness of reality, human memory, perception and thinking. If one of the components is missing, then it is generally accepted that emptiness settles in life.

Philosophical systems can recognize or deny the immortality of the soul. In Christianity and Judaism, the soul is believed to be immortal. Thomas Aquinas (Catholic theologian) said that the essence of man does not die. He also argued that only humanity had a soul (animals, according to his theory, did not have souls).

In other religions there is a teaching that all organisms have a soul. For example, confirmation of this can be found in Hinduism and Jainism. Some non-biological objects can also be alive - this is evidenced by animism. Therefore, all things can have spiritual emptiness.

Science views the soul as a construct denoting a specific substance. It is located in the human brain. Scientists still cannot prove or disprove the existence of a higher essence in man, the living and inanimate world.

According to biologist Cyril Barrett, soul refers to an idea that was invented and cultivated by humans themselves. They wanted to imagine that existence had a conscience. The expert referred to the fact that the highest essence is the complex organization of matter in the human brain. The soul has a biological explanation.

At the beginning of the last century, an experiment was conducted by Duncan McDougall. He measured the weight of patients during their lifetime and after leaving the world. The scientist believed that at the time of death the person was losing weight. The soul weighed 21 grams. Presumably the essence was located in the heart.

Mental emptiness: the reason

There is emptiness in my soul. What to do? Fill your heart with love. This is the simplest answer to a complex question. Usually an emptiness arises inside a person because he has no interests or does not love anyone. It is important to love yourself first.

Fill the emptiness in your soul possible with the help of a spiritual source of love. We need to establish connections with him, How As soon as a person loves himself, stops ignoring his feelings, trying to overshadow them with drugs and rituals, then the feeling of empty space and meaninglessness will disappear.

It is important not to have false ideas about yourself. In this case, wounds remain on the ego. It makes a person think that they are unattractive or not good enough. Creation cannot be wrong or bad. It is ideal by nature, and this must always be remembered. When you spend a long time feeling a lack of inner love and not knowing how to fill the emptiness in your soul, a feeling of deep loneliness and detachment from the real world arises.

Programmed beliefs about self-destruction have no true basis. They try to control a person's life, constantly make them feel depressed, and focus on negative emotions. The individual thinks that he is not good enough, so he turns to drugs and alcohol as a means of escaping reality. This is a defensive reaction that leads nowhere. This way you won’t be able to fill the empty space inside.

False reasons for emptiness in the soul

How to fill the emptiness in your soul? Is it possible to always feel happy? How about being in harmony with yourself and the outside world? The answer is clear - yes. One has only to discover the truth that a person has the power to fill his life with positive energy and manage it independently.

The main reason for the feeling of empty space within oneself lies in false beliefs about the emergence of the process. These are usually considered:

  1. The partner does not give enough affection and does not pay the necessary attention.
  2. There is no reliable life partner.
  3. High ambitions that cannot be satisfied at work.
  4. Expectations from climbing the career ladder, their unjustification.
  5. Lack of funds for a certain standard of living.
  6. Boring and uninteresting everyday life.
  7. Lack of love and attention from a close circle of people.
  8. Life is seen as continuous workdays.

An acute lack of love relationships may also be the cause. Sometimes an individual does not know how to properly cope with problems and minor troubles that develop into serious conflict situations.

The above points can be easily resolved. You shouldn’t take them to heart, much less make them the cause of emptiness in your soul. To cope with this condition, people usually perform rituals:

  1. They eat a lot of sweets. Drugs and alcohol are used, even if there was no craving for this before.
  2. Detachment from the real state of things in the world, which contributes to immersion in television, the Internet, shopping, and gambling.
  3. At such moments, the emptiness begins to fill, but this is a false feeling.
  4. Inappropriate behavior is another attempt to combat the problem. This attracts the attention of people around you.

How to fill the emptiness in your soul, and what to do if nothing helps? At a minimum, abandon the listed rituals. They do not solve the situation, but only make it worse. Such methods only work for a short time, after which the individual returns to a depressed state. Individual symptoms are removed, but the overall picture does not change.


There are certain symptoms when you can understand that a person has emptiness in his soul. The symptoms were formulated by psychologists and psychoanalysts:

  1. The individual thinks that he is not good enough, or that certain people have high expectations of him.
  2. Constant desire to be useful to everyone. Such people have a false sense of guilt before literally everyone.
  3. A person always wants to be perfect in everything.
  4. A person does not want to do anything and not have a conversation with anyone.
  5. Fears prevent you from living a life of complete joy and happiness. Obsessive phobias follow closely behind.
  6. Every day an individual experiences anxiety that he is not smart, beautiful or successful enough. The result is apathy.
  7. There is a feeling of oneself as a victim, of the fatality and irrevocability of life.
  8. An understanding of the meaninglessness of existence arises, ideas no longer appear on how to fill the emptiness in the soul.

The owner of this disorder constantly feels helpless and unhappy. Pessimistic thoughts slip through, they may not leave the consciousness for a long time.

It seems to a person that his love and feelings are not important. He doesn’t want to give his love to anyone or appreciate anyone. An individual loses or gains weight for no reason, he develops chronic pain and insomnia. There may also be skin and gastrointestinal diseases.

In rare cases, suicidal thoughts appear. The personality thinks that emptiness can only go away after death. Feeling anxious and depressed. Such people expect others to discuss their activities and personal lives and constantly envy their success.

When people are looking for an answer to the question of how to fill the emptiness in their souls, they usually lean towards various addictions. Alcohol and drugs come to the fore. They give a false sense of fullness.

What to do

Conquering the state of emptiness within yourself is not easy, but it is possible. You cannot have a superficial attitude towards such a situation. It must be remembered that such a feeling requires treatment, like any phobia or depression.

In most cases, a person feels internal discomfort. It is important at this moment to seek help from a specialist:

  • psychologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • psychoanalyst.

It also happens that additional support is needed from doctors from other areas. Everything is individual and directly depends on the symptoms of mental pain. Changes without a reason at the mental and physical level are diagnosed by an endocrinologist and nutritionist. Against the backdrop of spiritual emptiness, a therapist will help you get rid of chronic pain. He usually recommends taking painkillers with a gentle effect.

In addition to medication treatment, you may need serious work on yourself. This eliminates the feeling of empty space. There are times when you need to have the courage to make changes in your daily life. It is important to choose completely unexpected methods, to identify and eradicate sources of internal discomfort. These could be old friends, an uninteresting job, an unsuitable life partner. Sometimes being creative helps, getting rid of unhealthy relationships and old habits.

How to fill the emptiness in your soul? You need to try to love yourself and the world around you. Make changes to the actions that are performed every day, make your inner world and your guidelines different.

First aid

Inner emptiness can develop into deep depression. For this reason, attention is needed both to oneself and from loved ones. Sometimes this phenomenon is difficult to cope with on your own. This requires a lot of willpower. You need to ask the question: who do I want to be, how fulfilling am I living, and what needs to be done to correct the situation.

Emergency measures look like this:

  1. It's worth complaining to everyone, everywhere. This way you can look at yourself from the outside, voice everything that worries you. The main thing is to find a person who is ready to listen to all your aspirations.
  2. Trust people as much as possible. This is often difficult to do, especially after a recent betrayal. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings more often, look for reliable partners and friends.
  3. Looking for the cause of your internal state on your own is another way to combat depression. Self-examination will help. It is important not to get too carried away, try to find rational arguments about what actions were wrong, what you would like to correct.

Psychologists also recommend looking for the cause of your condition. You need to stir up your emotions as soon as possible. It is important not to be indifferent. Adrenaline should rush into the blood. For example, it is recommended to engage in active sports, read a dramatic book or watch a funny movie.

It’s worth finding things that might really interest you and think about future events. For example, if you love books, psychologists advise visiting bookstores more often. The plot is easily captivating, and the same applies to fans of TV series.

In this condition, it is better to refrain from communicating with advisers; you need to be careful when choosing an interlocutor. Wrong decisions or untimely information plunges a person into deep depression. It is recommended to invite people with a positive outlook on life, a thirst for energy and action. It is desirable that there is laughter and jokes in the company.

Another option is listening to your favorite music. There is no need to be shy to sing along to your favorite artist or dance. In some cases, it is enough to visit an art gallery or exhibition in a museum.

Having pets also helps. They require constant love and care. It is important to pay attention to them. Responsibility for younger brothers distracts from problems and worries, and gradually pulls you out of depression.

A change in image is suitable for a woman. It is best to go to a beauty salon, change your hair color, and do several procedures that will be beneficial for your body and face. This will instill a charge of vigor and confidence in the future.

It is worth remembering that people are almost never alone. Most have a circle of relatives and friends. You can visit them, ask them by phone how they are doing, what they are passionate about. The meaning of life is given by participation in their affairs.

Your Soul wants happiness, joy and satisfaction from what it feels and what it does.

Emptiness... empty space, unoccupied by absolutely nothing.

It's like an abandoned house, once full of life and fun... or a burnt forest... or abandoned bird nests...

This is a black and white world that was once in color.

Sad picture, isn't it?

At the same time, you usually feel lonely. It may be temporary.

It can be total, when you want to cry for a long time, because nothing helps to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Where does emptiness in the soul come from?

Loneliness and emptiness in the Soul means that you have lost touch with yourself, which means you have lost touch with the rest of the world.

You can try to drown out this emptiness within yourself by simply calling a friend or going to a party.

You can get married or get married. But it is possible that this will not make you happy or happy.

In the end, you bury your emptiness behind the bustle and everyday life, overwhelming yourself with work, various worries and affairs, shopping or visiting beauty salons, fitness and everything else that you can visit.

But emptiness has the unpleasant property of breaking through to the surface not only on your most unhappy and difficult days, it makes its way to the top even when you are in a slightly bad mood.

The problem begins to intensify because you cannot deceive yourself for long. The soul strives to fill the void with something important and real. With what you are unable to fill it with, because you don’t remember or don’t understand what is important to you.

You rush from side to side, trying to lead a busy social life, rushing to where advertising on TV or on the street invites you: to the Ice Show, to gala concerts, to the next blockbuster.

You can go to a good play and be immersed in the story on stage, not understanding why tears well up in your eyes if the play you are watching is a simple melodrama. This is because what unfolds on stage reflects the reasons for your condition.

Emptiness grows into stress, depression or depression.

And finally, you find the strength to ask the question: What is happening to me?

Why are you so unhappy?

Because you have lost touch with your true Self and left your true path.

Because one day you gave up your needs, desires and dreams. It was easier that way.

It was easier to agree with the opinions of your family and important people. They knew better that your dream would lead nowhere, that your desires were so naive and had nothing to do with reality.

And in order to earn the praise of these people, to make them proud of you, you decided to forget your Self.

And from here began a long journey to the top, which never bore your name, and was never intended for you.

You began to surround yourself with people who had no idea that you were different or different.

You have so securely entered into the role of a stranger that it has eaten into your skin and taken root in you, corroding your Soul and crippling your body. You start to get sick.

First mentally - your thoughts become more and more cynical and heavy.

Then physically - fatigue and a series of illnesses.

Sometimes, in order to fill the emptiness in the Soul, you need to reconsider your entire life. But changing it always starts small. From understanding what you really want to have in your life, who and with whom you want to be in it.

At a minimum, you need to achieve a balance between what you decide you must do and what you want to do, how you want to live.

For example, you can give up the “uphill path” that will quickly bring you the money you want to have per month, and choose an activity that will take you on a flatter path in terms of money, but you will be in harmony with yourself.

This is a conscious choice.

We all live in compromise. Often these compromises eat us alive because each time we give up some part of ourselves to please other people we don’t want to quarrel with, or a way of life we ​​don’t want to sacrifice because we’re afraid of change.

However, changes in life are an integral part of it..

We simply don’t notice that often changes that seem promising on the surface (new job, new relationship, new apartment, new people around) are actually marking time, because they fit into the same pattern.

How to understand this? The emptiness in your Soul will not go anywhere. It may be drowned out for a while due to the novelty of sensations. But when they pass, the emptiness will appear again.

Changes for the better for your Soul can bring with them painful sensations, because a new job, a new relationship, a new apartment, new people around can break the usual pattern. And you will feel uncomfortable at first. Very.

Naturally, rarely does anyone dare to make drastic changes on their own.

For me they started suddenly, abruptly, when the company where I worked closed its representative office in Russia and left the market. Personally, for my life it was like a gift of fate. Very peculiar.

For others, it may be a divorce. Loss of loved ones. The kind of big milestones that just scream for you to take a closer look at your life. Is everything like that there?

We usually cope better with change when it comes into our lives at a normal speed, i.e. slowly.

If you want to get rid of the emptiness in your Soul before the thunder strikes, then start with simple things.

What to do?

1. First you need to remember that you wanted to become someone, wanted to be someone. It wasn't the people around who wanted this. This is what you wanted for yourself. What is your calling and purpose in life?

2. Think What do you like to do. You love to communicate with someone. You love reading a certain type of story. You love to be somewhere. You love to enjoy your favorite foods.

Why do you love it?

Because in this you really rest your Soul? Or does peace and tranquility come over you? Or are you feeling empowered?

3. Focus on what what gives you true pleasure, a little more time, if you don’t have much of it.

4. Devote more thoughts to what what you really like, and look for ways to spend more time doing things that you enjoy, that allow you to reach your real Self.

5. Look carefully what you react to emotionally. What movie scenes, excerpts from books, heard stories. This is how your subconscious communicates with you and hints that the same is true for you. That this is the reason for your state of mind. Don't brush off these emotions. They will take you to their place.