How to feel beautiful all the time. What makes a girl attractive

“Don’t drink water off your face,” says a popular proverb. But still, we women want to be beautiful always and everywhere in any situation. It doesn’t matter that we just woke up or, on the contrary, we go to bed, we still want to be beautiful, like in foreign films. And it’s natural for men to compliment us, give us flowers and love us, love us!

In truth, being beautiful is not that difficult. I think that now thousands of girls will want to object to me and say that you, my nose is of the wrong shape (forehead, chin, chest, etc.) And who, in fact, told you that you have something wrong? For the most part, we ourselves come up with some standards of beauty and strive, strive to improve ourselves!

Of course, it happens that parents constantly tell their little ones from childhood: “Why are you so ugly!” or something else like that, and, here’s the result, the person feels ugly, defective. As a result, a person gets a complex for life and it becomes difficult for him to live with this complex. He cannot build a personal life, or if something works out in his personal life, then such a person will still be unsure of himself. And the result will be banal jealousy, with which he will torment a loved one.

In any situation, there are always at least two ways out - either lie down and suffer because they helped you become this way, or start working on yourself. You need to try to love yourself, despite someone’s words. Would you say it's not that easy? In some ways I agree with you. After all, it is not easy for a person who has lived some part of his life with the statement: “I am ugly!” But you need to believe that everything will work out for you, my dear women! After all, the main thing is to want to feel beautiful. If you have the desire, then you can do any business!

Someone will say that it’s easy for me to talk if everything is fine with me. No, my dears, once upon a time I was not too beautiful, rather thin, and my classmates often teased me. But I was able to overcome my complex and believe that I am beautiful!

How can you do all this, you ask? And for this I have some advice from my personal experience.

1. Start your morning with a smile

Remember, as in the song: “a smile will make everyone brighter.” Just smile at the new day and say thank you to it! After this you will feel more fun and joyful. After all, the main thing in any business is a positive attitude.

2. Admire yourself

Go to the mirror, and no matter what you look like there, tell yourself: “How beautiful I am!” or something like that. And tell yourself this every day, in the end, you will believe yourself, and you will have nowhere to go but to be beautiful.

3. Never be lazy to take care of yourself

After all, you love yourself! Even if your time is completely occupied with work, carve out fifteen minutes for yourself to take care of yourself. Do some masks, procedures, or just lie in a bath with sea salt. This will be beneficial not only for your body, but also for your soul, you will simply relax. You can sign up for a beauty salon and feel like a real queen and beauty when they take care of you.

4. Get yourself a hobby

You can sign up for some aerobics classes, not only to lose weight, but also to feel light and graceful. Energetic. And this, believe me, adds not only beauty, but also self-confidence, which is also important. It’s better to try to do something for yourself than to regret later what you didn’t do! You can also sign up for belly dancing classes. This is where you can feel like a real woman, a real beauty.

5. Don't worry

And don’t torment yourself that something is wrong with you. Trust yourself that you are beautiful, unique and one of a kind. If you don’t like, for example, your nose and someone doesn’t like it either, you just tell that person: “You know, I like my nose, this nose is our family trait!” And that’s it, no one will pester you anymore, because the person will see that this can no longer offend you, and you simply love yourself.

I myself chose this tactic when someone told me that I was thin and it wouldn’t hurt me to gain weight. To all these comments I said: “You know, all aristocrats are thin and in general I have a wonderful figure!” After that, people stopped telling me anything about this.

All these tips above are just a small part of how you can and should believe in yourself in order to be beautiful. Now a lot of literature has been written on this topic, so search, read and dare to conduct some experiments on yourself. And remember, you are all beautiful, there are no ugly women, there are only men who do not see the beauty in you!

1. Smile

A smile lights up your face. The brain begins to work as if you are absolutely happy. A smile makes those around you happy.

2. Watch your posture

Stand up straight. Raise your head. Pull your shoulders back. Now you are confident and slim.

Stop paying too much attention to your problem areas. There is no need to compare yourself to glossy photographs. Let your “worst” qualities fade into the background and focus on your strengths instead. After all, you are much more beautiful than you think.

4. Appreciate your imperfections

There are no perfect people. Treat all shortcomings as something that connects you with all of humanity. Flaws are the new ideal.

5. Get excited

Be enthusiastic about life. Don’t give your complexes related to appearance a reason to hide all the beauty of life from you. All this will certainly affect you.

6. Practice graceful movements

Try ballet, Chinese tai chi, yoga, or simply dancing that allows your body to beautifully bend in response.

7. Show kindness

A kind person is always graceful in his beauty. It is the inner beauty that makes the outside beautiful.

8. Create

Creativity is beauty that flows through you. Draw, write, garden, sew, cook, decorate - in a word, give free rein to your talents and you will feel that beauty comes from within.

9. Listen to beautiful music

Sometimes music revives the soul and beauty of a person. Listen to the classics, especially lyrical works by great composers.

10. Remember about healthy sleep

Lack of sleep can do terrible things to our appearance, not to mention our psychological health. Getting a good night's sleep is like getting a good facelift.

Don't clutter your mind with unpleasant thoughts about yourself or others. Don't dwell on unpleasant things. Don't watch scenes of violence or simply unpleasant programs on TV. Try to think only about pleasant things.

12. Decorate your food
Well-prepared, healthy and tasty food is beauty for the stomach and soul.

13. Get rid of stress

Anxiety, a raised eyebrow, a furrowed brow, hunched shoulders are all signs of stress. Find the cause of your anxiety and try to get rid of it. Radiate the light of your beauty in any situation.

14. Be confident

Show the whole world that you know very well that you are beautiful. Self-confidence grows in proportion to the growth of self-acceptance. Love the unique and beautiful person that you are and tell the world about it.

The world belongs to the beautiful ones. Success, money, fame, love and adoration of many men are all for them. Is it the lot of the ugly to resign themselves, feel sorry for themselves, and endlessly break mirrors? That's all? Like this, black and white? I'm sure not. Today my article is about how any woman can be beautiful if she has the necessary resources to take care of her basic needs, outside and inside. Despite the narrow view of beauty that popular culture conveys to us, each person finds beauty in different things. Therefore, the main thing is to find your own path to beauty and draw the goddess within yourself.

At all times there have been beautiful women and ugly women. Connoisseurs of female beauty can always easily choose the type to which this or that woman belongs. But eras change and, following them, the canons of beauty. Either the pale face or the bright blush are pleasing to the eye. But one thing remains unchanged: the woman who considers herself ugly is ugly.

ugly duck

There are women who consider themselves ugly. All their lives, from kindergarten, they are not noticed and ignored. They continue to live with the deep internal attitude “I am not beautiful” and do not give themselves the chance and opportunity to be happy. Because of this, it seems to them, they cannot find a job, a man, or success in business. They do not pretend to have love and an interesting life. They are waiting for old age, when others will not care about their appearance.

There is another category of women. They considered themselves ugly, but in the process of realizing themselves as individuals, they carefully worked on their appearance and inner world. They elevated some of their shortcomings into advantages, while others skillfully disguised them. And they found winning and irresistible angles and features of their appearance. They feel good and amazing because they decided to do so.

I think that Most ugly women consider themselves as such for two reasons: 1) their appearance does not coincide with modern ideas about beauty; 2) it is beneficial for them to consider themselves ugly. For example, if a woman is stupid and cannot achieve anything in life, it is easiest to attribute this to her unattractive appearance than to realize the true reasons.

For example, during my school years I was ordinary and inexpressive. The boys didn't pay much attention to me. I blossomed later. In general, I think that right now, at 28 years old, I have found the colors of my body and mind. There are three reasons for this: the genetic aspect, suggestion (or desire) and work on oneself. As a child, looking at photos of beautiful girls, I dreamed of growing up and being like some of them. In my imagination, my own personal standard of female beauty was formed. Hair color, waist, legs, hips, chest, lips, look, a certain magnetism. I was 13 years old. Then, I didn’t know what I would become in the future. But she was sure that she was exactly the one she had imagined herself to be. And recently, I came across a box in which I keep sentimental things from childhood. Among these cute little things, I found drawings that I made in childhood and youth and several photos of beautiful women. The most amazing thing is that the appearance and even the clothes were created by me already then. The selected dresses are my favorite now. I got the appearance identical to the one I dreamed of. Down to bust and waist size. I also knew (or wanted) then about what kind of man I wanted, and what I would do in the future. Everything turned out that way to one degree or another. This is all desire and faith, which were consolidated by enormous work on oneself, both physical and psychological. And I continue to work on myself. I'm sure this is an endless and exciting process.

The other side of the coin

Why is beauty so attractive to others? It's simple: beauty is associated with health, and the instinct of procreation forces one to choose the most beautiful individual.

But human nature still differs from animal instinct. When a man is introduced to two women - one beautiful and one not so beautiful, he will most likely look at the beautiful one first (in the first 10 seconds). But the most curious thing is that he will also look at the second one, but a little later - after 20 seconds, for example. And what happens between a man and a woman in a split second has absolutely nothing to do with beauty. And is a difference of 20 seconds really worth making the drama of a lifetime out of it?

Of course, it is easier for a beautiful woman to attract attention and win her over. Sometimes beauty makes it easier to achieve your goals and make the world revolve around you. But not everything is as magical and cloudless as it might seem. Each image has its own negative. And those women who possess the charms of beauty know all the delights of this “punishment”:

Always a beautiful woman in the spotlight. But, you must admit, there are times in life when this is the last thing you want and this attention is terribly annoying.

The stereotype that a beautiful woman frivolous and empty, and the phrase “a beauty’s heart is prone to betrayal” still sits firmly in our minds.

A beautiful woman is more often object of envy, gossip or a victim of sexual harassment.

To a beautiful woman growing old isn't easy. Seeing how beauty fades every year is not a sweet experience.

- Beauty scares away. Many men, even if they strongly desire a woman, are actually afraid to approach her.

How to feel beautiful

If you think that beauty is an ensemble of beautiful facial features or figures, you are mistaken. There are women who have beautiful big eyes, thin waists, long legs. But all this is beautiful individually, and together it does not create the impression of hypnotizing beauty.

And there are other women whose appearance is far from perfect. But they present it so confidently and boldly and are not at all ashamed of their thin hair or crooked legs, that their incomparable sense of their own charm is involuntarily transmitted to those around them.

I'll say this being beautiful and feeling beautiful are two different things. External beauty depends not so much on natural factors, but on health, economic conditions, lighting, fashion, inner feelings, and mood. And in general, the problem of “beautiful - ugly” does not exist. It all comes down to the problem of gender relations.

Changes occur in a person's appearance. It is enough to learn to manage the nature of these changes. Nature can give you a completely ordinary appearance, but you can create yourself in a way that will be difficult to take your eyes off. This skill can be learned. If to be able to follow the path, not just to beauty as such, but specifically to one’s own beauty.

1. Love yourself. Everything beautiful comes from within. If you have self-esteem problems, or suffer from depression, or have any other problem that prevents you from loving yourself, get rid of it first.

2. Ask yourself what beauty is for . If in order to please men, then for this it is not at all necessary to be the standard of female beauty. You can be an amazing cook, a sexy panther or a business lady. After all, every man has his own preferences, and every woman has her own zest. Find her. And develop!

3. Satisfy your needs. Many women strive to satisfy other people's needs, completely forgetting about their own. However, you cannot fulfill other people's needs if you have not met your own needs.

4. Put your worries on paper. Make a list of those flaws that, in your opinion, make you ugly. Then burn this sheet. And forget about what you wrote. Don't even remember. This is not difficult, because it is human nature to forget what is unpleasant for him to remember.

5.Show empathy and compassion . These qualities help you stay grounded and prevent you from becoming selfish, and this, in turn, is the foundation for the beauty of your self-development.

6. Don't focus on shortcomings . Pay more attention to your strengths. They certainly are in you. Emphasize them, and then for those around you, and for yourself, attention will be focused only on the merits.

7. Take care of yourself. Those women who have no time to take care of themselves most often suffer from appearance complexes. It's hard to be beautiful inside and out if you're tired, undernourished, out of shape or unhealthy. Healthy food and sleep, beautiful and stylish clothes, cosmetics to highlight your strengths, a shaping course, weekly aromatherapy, etc. - all this will change you in your own eyes, and of course will affect your reality.

8.Only associate with people who support you and make you feel good about who you are. Stop relationships with those who criticize or insult and surround yourself with those who bring you joy. The beauty of your self-development occurs when the people around you develop it.

9. Engage in activities that are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually beneficial to you. Volunteer for a cause you love, go to a beautiful natural area, participate in a lively conversation, or take time out for meditation.

10.Be happy with yourself. The best way to stay beautiful is to feel confident in your own skin. Recognizing that you are a unique person can definitely change other areas of your life for the better.

Remember, beauty is a real and changeable substance, and it is an addition to something more important. And most importantly, do not confuse your desires and preferences with necessity. All you really need is what will make you feel happy and healthy. Placing your desires above what is necessary will only reflect your selfishness, not your beauty.

Feeling beautiful is a special experience. But like other emotions, such as joy or sadness, delight or fear, it is very changeable: it appears at one moment and can disappear the next. And we always perceive our appearance differently. This is a feeling that we cannot control.

If we've just come from the hairdresser and are waiting for others' reactions, but no one is paying attention to our new haircut, we may experience acute disappointment. Magazines and movies offer different images of beauty. But the general unspoken demand “be beautiful” remains unchanged, and it is difficult to escape its influence.

Some strive to be like universally recognized beauties and are disappointed, since lookalikes of Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are rare among us. Others try to ignore this call, but usually to no avail. This is what makes us unhappy. Isn't it better to choose the third path - to gain your own experience of beauty? The one that suits us, and not the one that is imposed on us.

Psychologists advise finding new reasons to take care of yourself. Going to the hairdresser is not to feel more beautiful, but for the sake of pleasure to allocate two hours of rest in your busy schedule. Going to the gym with a friend is not for the purpose of losing weight, but just to have a good time. Then that valuable feeling appears - “I feel good”, which protects us from worries about physical disabilities.

Becoming a “caring mother” for yourself, recognizing the best human qualities and focusing on them - this will allow you to feel more confident

Sophrologist Michelle Freud, a specialist in the formation of a harmonious consciousness, offers several exercises that will help you treat yourself more kindly. Becoming a “caring mother” for yourself, recognizing your best human qualities and focusing on them - all this will allow you to feel more confident and joyfully accept your appearance.

1. Find your face again

We are upset not by wrinkles, but by the discrepancy between the image that appears in the mirror and that others see with our inner image of ourselves. We feel like our face no longer reflects who we are. Let's try to find contact with him again.

Serene smile. Sit comfortably on a chair and breathe calmly, concentrate on your face. Inhale through your nose, clench your jaws, exhale and unclench them. Then inhale through your mouth, making the sound “o” with your lips alone, exhale and relax your entire face.

Inhale, pronouncing the sound “i” with your lips alone. Exhale. Your face relaxes even more. Gently move your lower jaw left and right. The lips open slightly, close without resistance, the tongue falls freely into place, the lips are relaxed, and you smile slightly.

Inner Light. Now think about your face. Touch it with your hands as if it were your most precious item. Imagine discovering it for the first time. Take time to “chat” with him. Imagine that you are carefully applying your favorite cream, with pleasure feeling how it penetrates into every wrinkle on your forehead, along the contour of your eyes, at the wings of your nose, around your mouth.

These movements bring comfort and peace. The skin becomes softer and smoother. Think about your face, smile at it. Pay attention to each part separately: forehead, eyes, lips, cheeks, wrinkles. Each time, inhale and exhale and send an inner, radiant smile to these areas. Then mentally surround your face with a halo of soft light. Keep this light within yourself and know that as soon as you look at yourself in the mirror, you will remember this pleasant moment.

2. Live in your body

The more we lose contact with our body, the more cruel and critical we look at it. We stop having any pleasant experiences, and as a result we develop a distorted view of ourselves. The goal of the next exercise, according to Michel Freud, is to replace “the body that we have” with “the body that we are.”

Full awareness.“If you listen to your body’s messages and give it the care it needs, your perception will change – and so will your body,” says Michelle Freud. To begin, feel how the water in the shower flows over your skin, caressing it and soothing it. Give yourself a massage with the cream, paying special attention to the areas you like least! Pay attention to your gestures, sensations and emotions.

Rooting.“A hunched back, crossed arms and legs create the impression of withdrawal. There is a pose that helps you feel better in your body,” notes the sophrologist. Stand up, close your eyes, relax your face, loosen your shoulders, bend your knees slightly. Place your feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Let your chin, solar plexus and lower abdomen be on the same line.

With every inhalation and exhalation, be aware of your body, which lives and breathes

Feel the stability and comfort of this position. With each inhalation, imagine beneficial energy rising through your body. With each exhalation, try to consolidate these pleasant sensations. Practice this exercise regularly, which only takes five minutes, and feel renewed strength.

Dialogue with yourself. Lie down and relax. Ask the question: “How am I feeling now?” With every inhalation and exhalation, be aware of your body, which lives and breathes. Notice the pleasant state of peace and comfort that you experience.

3. Enhance radiance

“She entered the room, and everything around brightened,” “she seemed to be glowing.” Some people give off a special radiance that is noticeable in their face and felt in their gait. It attracts other people's glances.

“To be able to present yourself in this way, start taking care of your appearance and pay special attention to your posture,” explains Michelle Freud. – Confident people hold their heads high, smile and look others in the eyes. Why not adopt these habits?” Consider what those whose confidence you admire look like and follow their example.

Creative visualization. Imagine yourself as the hero of a movie, whom someone looks at with admiration and compliments. Other people join him and also praise you from the bottom of their hearts. Watch this scene carefully. Review it regularly to preserve your experience.

Inner journey. Sit down and close your eyes. By taking a few deep breaths in and out from your belly, allow yourself to completely relax. Linger on the pleasant sensations that relaxation evokes. Imagine that you are traveling inside yourself, to a source of warmth and light. It can evoke different associations, but most of all it gives you a deep sense of self-confidence. This is a kind of center of your inner radiance.

Feel the energy that emanates from you and illuminates your entire being. Take a deep breath and connect even deeper to the light source. Do this exercise from time to time when you need to regain your confidence.

4. Overcome complexes

Negative attitudes toward physical handicaps are often a reflection of long-standing feelings that our parents did not look at us with love often enough and did not instill confidence in our own worth, explains Michelle Freud.

Exercise will help you make peace with the “hateful” parts of ourselves. If the degree of dissatisfaction with shortcomings is too high, consultation with a cognitive psychologist or body-oriented psychotherapist will help to understand the causes of psychological discomfort and find ways to cope with it.

A friendly look. Review your photos and select the ones you love. Then make two lists: “Things I like about myself” and “Things I don’t like.” Sit down, straighten your back and think about a flaw that is depressing you, perhaps the circles under your eyes. Then associate something you like with it, say the eyes.

Think about their color, shape, touch them, remember the compliments you were told about them, “hear” them. Hold these friendly remarks in your mind, fix them in memory with a gesture, for example, connecting your thumb and index finger. Do this exercise 4 times in a row. Think again about your shortcoming and, squeezing your thumb and forefinger, return to positive images.

Move from one to the other until you begin to stay focused on the positive aspect of your appearance. Every time you think about your shortcoming again, it will be enough to squeeze your thumb and forefinger to return to a positive image of yourself.

About the expert

“If a woman has not become a beauty by the age of thirty, then she is a fool” - this sharp phrase is attributed to Coco Chanel. Well, it’s worth figuring out whether this is so and what still forms that very feminine beauty? Is it just the appearance and a perfectly selected wardrobe? Let's talk about how to become and, most importantly, how to learn to feel like a truly beautiful woman.

How to become a beautiful, beautiful and well-groomed girl - How to feel beautiful?

  1. Self confidence

It’s trite but true - our beauty will not be reflected in the outside world if we ourselves lack confidence in our own attractiveness and strength. One can endlessly list famous beauties who did not have ideal facial features, but radiated such confidence in their attractiveness that there was no end to attention. Where to start? Start with yourself. 🙂 Engage in your inner world and analyze how you evaluate yourself, regardless of other people. Unfortunately, most women form their self-esteem at the expense of the outside world and other people's opinions. And that's wrong. You must understand what you think about yourself. And if you think badly about yourself, then you need to understand the reasons for this attitude and, in small steps, pull the insecure woman out of yourself. You are absolutely no worse than others! Start cultivating this in yourself every day. And most importantly, stop comparing yourself to others. You in the past and you now are your main reference points.

2. Self-care

Of course, a woman’s beauty goes hand in hand with grooming. A pleasant train from the body, well-groomed clothes, hair and skin - all this speaks, first of all, about your love for yourself. And, as you understand, it brings us back to the first point. Surely, what comes to your mind are familiar ladies who enter the room and are alluring with their luster and their well-groomed, pleasant image charms everyone around. So start practicing morning and evening self-care rituals every day. Pamper yourself with massages, spas and other pleasant treatments - when, if not now?

3. Sports and nutrition

If you decide to truly love yourself and become a beauty, then it’s time to love your body. Of course, it is necessary to accept the body here and now - with cellulite, extra pounds and unevenness. But nevertheless, your body, like you, needs a healthy lifestyle. Self-love cannot be expressed solely by buying new shoes or a dress. Take care of your body. Eat healthy, exercise. In addition, sports will obviously help you feel beautiful and confident much faster. Don’t perceive it as torture - when you get used to it, sports and proper nutrition will seem not like hard labor to you, but a pill for a great mood and an integral part of life.

4. Find your style

5. Positive attitude

Remember that the key to beauty lies not only in attractive appearance and an ideal figure, but in a general positive attitude towards life. Watch yourself - how often do you smile or, conversely, frown? Firstly, a sad face will add wrinkles to you. Well, secondly, what kind of beauty can we talk about if your face always expresses dissatisfaction with life?

6. Love your flaws

We all look in the mirror and, of course, find those same imperfections in our figure, face, hair and much more. As they say, those who seek will always find. 🙂 Long nose, short legs, small mouth, big ears, short height, etc. You have only two options - either accept your imperfections or correct them. But remember that by remodeling yourself from head to toe, you most likely will not come to the self-love that we talked about above. And accordingly, you will never be able to feel beautiful. Your desire to make your lips according to a template is unlikely to be due to the fact that you do not like the size of your lips, but most likely due to your dependence on the outside world and evaluating yourself through it. Therefore, think again - are your legs, ears, nose, eyes really that bad? Do you cover your ears with your hair? Are you unable to smile because of a gap in your teeth? Are you slouching because you're tall? Try to be brave and reveal your flaws, show what you have always hidden because it did not fit into generally accepted beauty standards. Perhaps your “flaw” will become your feature, your “highlight”, your sweet charm, just try it.

Please love your imperfections, they have needed it for a long time! 🙂

Be happy and beautiful, dear girls!