How to understand your psychotype. Human personality types: schizoid personality

Each person is unique from birth, plus all the innate psycho-physiological properties of people: from the genetically inherent characteristics of higher nervous activity, physique and interhemispheric asymmetry to innate intelligence, inclinations and mental abilities..., there are also individual emotional-psychological and cognitive-behavioral personality characteristics inherent in the process of education and socialization, which form human personality psychotypes (psychological types of people, men or women).

To determine psychological types, various methods of psychodiagnostics and personality testing are used, from complex multifactor personality questionnaires, such as the SMIL test or the Cattell test, to testing temperament and character accentuation, as well as to better determine human psychotype, use individual psychoanalytic conversation.

How to determine a person’s psychotype (psychological type of a person)

Since the time of Hippocrates, people began to be divided into psychopersonal types: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic - they are also temperaments.
Pavlov divided people according to psychological types of higher nervous activity, which also, in essence, relates to human temperament.

A similar theory of human psychotypes arose from Eysenck - his test for temperament and neuroticism (not to be confused with neurosis).

Jung divided people into extrovert, ambivert and introvert psychotypes.

Leonhard identified extreme psychological types of people based on character accentuations (10 psychotypes) - take the test with a description...

Similar work on distinguishing people by accentuations was done by Gannushkin and Lichko (13 “Devil’s Dozen” psychotypes), with an emphasis on borderline personality states (close to neuroses), for example, neurasthenic or psychopathy, psychasthenic, etc.

Kretschmer discovered differences in the psychological types of people and similarities with the temperaments of a person’s physique (“Athletic”, “Picnic” and “Asthenic”), which are associated with human behavior (“Practitioner”, “Interlocutor” and “Thinker”).

Also, psychotypes are distinguished by interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain: right hemisphere, left hemisphere and ambidexterity (test for the leading hemisphere).

People also differ in how they think and perceive information, i.e. according to the leading representative sensory system, for example such psychological types as “Kinesthetic”, “Visual”...

In a word, if you dig around, you can find many more differences between people according to all sorts of psychological types (psychotypes) in the works of different authors, including contemporaries.

Studying all these human psychotypes is necessary for psychologists, sociologists, advertisers and PR specialists, marketers and manipulators. The average person can only be driven by curiosity or real information and misinformation about the benefits of knowing one’s own and others’ psychological type.

For an ordinary person, of course, it is good to know your psychotype of personality, in order to level out the minuses and enhance the pluses. It is also good to know the psychological type of your partner, husband (wife), child, friend, etc. to build harmonious cooperative relationships and avoid unnecessary quarrels and conflicts.

But the main thing for the average person, nevertheless, is not the psychotype of the individual as such, but how a person lived, lives and will live his life, having this psychological type... what is his life scenario... who is he in life: “Winner”, Banal Average” or “ Jonah? And most importantly, is it possible to change anything in yourself and your life?

This is what is really useful for an ordinary person, and not a “game” of dividing into personality psychotypes... (

A person always strives for self-realization and he constantly has to adapt to changing conditions and interact with society. Since ancient times, philosophers and psychologists have tried to understand whether there is a pattern in the behavior and perception of the world by an individual. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud founded a theory about the structure of the psyche. Based on it, Carl Gustav Jung (a doctor from Switzerland) invented the concept of psychotypes.

Psychiatrists study theories of various personality classifications in order to determine why a person committed a certain act. Despite the fact that each person is individual, similar features in behavior are visible. Our words and our actions are guided by psychological appearance, which leaves an imprint on all our actions.

The science of studying the interaction between man and the world around him

The way a person knows how to interact with the world around him is studied by such a science as socionics. There are 16 personality types in total. Socionics in the modern world acts as a diagnostic tool in consulting doctors such as psychologists and psychiatrists.

According to the theory of Carl Jung, psychotypes have the following classification:

  • by attitudes (introverts and extroverts);
  • according to the dominant methods of mental activity (rationalism and irrationalism).

In order to obtain a new classification and attempts to determine individuals, psychiatrist A. Augustinaviciute decided to combine the concept of Jurg and the theory of information metabolism of A. Kempinski. The theory is based on the exchange of information flow between society and the individual, comparing them with human metabolism.

How were the names of the classification formed?

How did you manage to identify different types of human psychotypes and give them names? Each psychological classification received its definition due to one dominant attitude: extraversion or introversion, as well as two stronger functions - logic, ethics and sensory. For rational people, ethics or logic will prevail, for irrational people - intuition or sensory. Subsequently, 16 psychological types of a person were supplemented by other characteristics of the individual, which were more accessible to understanding by ordinary people. Knowing the external signs and behavioral characteristics of different psychological types, psychiatrists were able to quickly identify patients’ problems and adjust their behavior accordingly.

Carl Gustav Jung proposed a classification that consisted of eight main psychological types. Socionics offers a detailed classification of 16 types.

Psychotypes of personality

What does knowledge of various personality types give us? Knowing the personality type, you will be able to predict his actions in advance, you will be able to establish relationships, and learn to trust them. Socionics gives us 16 psychological types of people:

  1. OR - intuitive-logical introversion. This includes individuals who are capable of solving any problem. They are great strategists. Their shortcomings include indifference, they do not know how to express their emotions. They love comfort and simplicity. They try to avoid conflicts.
  2. LIE - logical-intuitive extraversion. Quite practical. Very purposeful. Sociable, loves risk.
  3. ILE - Intuitive-logical extraversion. They love to explore and invent things. They quickly assimilate new information, are principled, and insist on their own.
  4. LSE - logical-sensory extraversion. Good businessmen, consistent. They can be predicted. They are wary of new products.
  5. SLE - sensory-logical extraversion. Individuals who are quite harsh in their statements, unrestrained. Practical and responsible.
  6. LSI - logical-sensory introversion. These include calm, rational, disciplined people. Their shortcomings include their rancor.
  7. SLI - sensory-logical introversion. It tastes good. Quite emotional, conservative.
  8. ESE - ethical-sensory extraversion. Has the talent of persuasion. Good communicator. Optimist. Disadvantages include carelessness and lack of punctuality.
  9. SEE - sensory-ethical extraversion. This includes individuals with leadership abilities who know how to manage people and have planning skills. Subject to fits of anger.
  10. EIE - ethical-intuitive extraversion. Very emotional and artistic. They love to act out dramas in public.
  11. IEE - intuitive-ethical extraversion. They have an innate sense of tact and are very hot-tempered.
  12. ESI - ethical-sensory introversion. Moralists with a lot of patience. Reliable. Disadvantages include over-rationality.
  13. SEI - sensory-ethical introversion. Their shortcomings include their inability to make decisions. They love comfort and tranquility.
  14. EII - ethical-intuitive introversion. Dreamers who can empathize. Moralists.
  15. IEI - intuitive-ethical introversion. They don't like to endure difficulties. Lazy dreamers. Very sensitive to different situations.
  16. LII - logical-intuitive introversion. They have well-developed logic and are able to analyze. Logically gets to the bottom of different phenomena.

Definition of psychotype

Each of us wants to achieve our goal. To achieve success, you need to be able to understand yourself. Thus, the best way of self-knowledge will be to independently determine the psychotype of a person’s personality.

Is it possible to determine for yourself which psychotype you belong to? Today, there are quite a large number of personality psychotype tests that will help you determine what psychological type you belong to. The most popular test is the test that determines your temperament type. It involves simple psychological questions, the answers to which will help with the determination. It is very important to remember that these types of tests do not give the full picture, they are aimed at giving a general understanding of your personality traits.

The following classification of human psychotypes by K. Leonhard is known, which helps to more accurately determine your traits.

  1. Hyperthymic. This type includes people who have good communication skills, are talkative, and active. During a conversation, they often communicate using gestures and facial expressions. There are often cases when they move away from the main topic and talk abstractly about something else. The disadvantages of such people include their ability to start various conflicts and their frivolity. Loneliness is considered their enemy.
  2. Disthymic. Quite ascetic people do not like noisy companies, withdrawn into themselves. They have not been seen in conflicts; they prefer to stay on the sidelines. They speak little and have a keen sense of justice. They don't have many friends. They are excellent workers for monotonous work. Slow, sluggish, passive.
  3. Cycloid. People have a mood that changes at a fairly high speed. They love communication, are sweet, emotional. When they are in a bad mood, they withdraw into themselves and become irritable. With different moods, traits of different types can be observed - dysthymic or hyperthymic.
  4. Excitable. Probably the most gloomy, closed and do not like communication people. Conflict. The team doesn't like them for their rudeness and swearing. In relationships, those in power dictate their own rules. It is rare that they manage to control their emotions and outbursts of anger.
  5. Stuck. Silent people. Known as bores who love to read moral lectures. This type of people in a conflict is seen as an active party who constantly provokes. If a person of this type becomes a boss, his subordinates always suffer from him. He is accustomed to making high demands not only on himself, but also on those around him. Jealous, vindictive, proud, distrustful.
  6. Pedantic. Bureaucrats. They don't like to stick out. Good and reliable business partners, but in other respects they are bores and formalists.
  7. Anxious. Not proactive, uncommunicative. Often ideal for the scapegoat role.
  8. Emotive. People who are used to keeping all emotions to themselves. Prominent representatives of the psychological classification are “emo”. They know how to sympathize with others, they are dutiful.
  9. Demonstrative. Such people are always in the spotlight. They love praise and power. Disadvantages include their ability to substitute other people if they themselves need it. Hypocritical, boastful, selfish.
  10. Exalted. Sociable, contactable. They love arguments, but will not conflict openly. Romantic natures.
  11. Extroverted. They are talkative, easily fall under the influence of others, and frivolous.
  12. Introverted. Introverted thinkers do not like noisy and large companies. Restrained and principled. They stubbornly defend their point of view, which most often is wrong.

Today it is not difficult to pass the simplest tests in order to determine your psychotype and independently correct your behavior.


Everyone would probably like to know why this or that person commits such actions. What motivates a person to perform certain actions and statements? Each person is exceptional and individual in his own way, but people still have similarities in their traits. The words and actions of people are mainly guided by their psychotypes or psychological personality types. By recognizing these psychotypes, you can gain skills for better understanding people.

Psychologists divide psychological personality types into many types. They are rarely found in their purest form. But certain traits of a psychotype may be more pronounced in a certain person than others. Psychological types leave their mark on almost everything: the manner of dressing, speaking, thinking. Knowing a person well, you can accurately determine what his psychotype is.

Let's look at some of them:

Schizoid - This is the first psychological type. This psychotype is characterized by a tendency to theorize. This person is a thinker, but he does not take action. As a rule, he leads a leisurely and dispassionate lifestyle. Doesn't stand out, he listens more than talks. These people prefer clothes without any fuss; the main thing for them is comfort. People of this psychotype are most often scientists or choose similar professions.

Hysteroid - this psychotype is the opposite of a schizoid. Hysteroid and schizoid are mutually exclusive psychological types, rarely found in the temperament of one person.

For a hysteroid, the path of life is a vivid adventure in which he plays the main role. These people are prone to everything unusual, which is expressed in hobbies, habits, manner of dressing and behavior. Their main feature is originality. The hysterical type can most often be found among women for whom the goal of life is to be the one and only. People of the hysterical type choose creative professions: artist, singer, actor.

Epileptoid - This is the most measured variety among psychological types. People with this psychotype are quite pedantic and conservative. In clothing, their preference is given to the classic style, they are punctual and prudent, and love order in everything. Epileptoids do not forgive inconstancy and absent-mindedness. People of this psychotype make quite strict teachers and demanding leaders. However, not everything is so “sweet” - people of this psychological type are characterized by short temper, explosiveness, and aggression. Many of them feel constant superiority over others, and therefore are very selfish.

Hypertim is the most unusual and adventurous psychotype (except for hysterics, of course). Such people are full of energy, they are born leaders and innovators. Capable of taking risky and rash actions. Hypertrims are usually done first, and then think about the consequences. People who are characterized by this psychological type give their preference to extreme sports, among them there are many journalists and military personnel.

Asthenic is the complete opposite of the psychological type hyperthyma. Asthenics are people who are quite insecure. This is manifested in modest behavior, a quiet voice, neat and discreet clothing. Invisibility is the goal of life for such people. People of this psychotype are always afraid of being judged and being misunderstood. Asthenics, as a rule, choose modest and quiet professions that provide the least amount of communication with people.

Unstable psychotype - this is the most passive example known to psychological types. Often called " conformal "People of this type have an absolute reluctance to resist circumstances. They simply “go with the flow” and do not think about what life will bring them. These are rather lazy people who easily find themselves under the influence of others. They usually choose their specialty at the direction of their parents , or better, like your parents.

Labil - this psychological type lives from the heart. This is a person of mood, which can change very quickly and dramatically without reason. The character of such people is that of a capricious child, capable of throwing a tantrum for any reason or wholeheartedly admiring the most insignificant detail. Often this psychological type is also called “ cycloids " or " cyclothymics “, precisely because of this very cyclicality in mood. Very prone to depression.

Sensitive is the most emotional of all psychological types. Most of the traits inherent in him are also found in other psychotypes. People with this psychological type feel embarrassed in a large society, are able to be offended by rudeness, and react harshly to criticism. They have a tendency to have an inferiority complex. They often give in in disputes and cannot prove their own point of view. They often suffer from various neuroses.

One can consider a combination of psychological types in one person. In this case, a person can be endowed with diametric properties. But, in most cases, in the temperament of one person one can find psychological types that are similar in properties.

It should be added that various specialists in the field of mental state and human health (psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists) identify many more types and subtypes of psychological types of human personality, there are various classifications, opinions and terminology in this area, starting with the banal attempts of ancient scientists and philosophers (), dividing people into extro- and introverts, and ending with modern complex classifications, including up to thirty different psychological types of humans.

Our project shares modern trends in the approach to the classification of personality types, so we have collected powerful psychological tools for a comprehensive and individual approach to the analysis of your personality.

Based on the most striking character traits inherent in different people at first glance, psychologists combine them into several groups called psychotypes. There are many classifications of psychotypes, because each psychologist who studies them has his own criteria. Therefore, they are all rather arbitrary and subjective.

Psychotypes of people

For example, German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified the following psychotypes:

1. Hyperactive

Here he included energetic, proactive, sociable, talkative, optimistic people who cannot stand monotony and loneliness. These are people of action. On the one hand, they are a godsend for the employer and the soul of any company. But on the other hand, it is not easy to deal with such people, because they are authoritarian, they put their own opinion above all else, do not recognize other people’s rules, which is why they often come into conflict with those who disagree with them or try to put them in a framework .

2. Dysthymic

People of this type are the opposite of the previous one. They are laconic, withdrawn, slow and passive. Large and noisy companies are not for them. They are selective in choosing friends, so their social circle is quite small, but it includes people whom they trust and with whom they feel comfortable.

People of the disthymic psychotype prefer to be led, but they do not blindly follow everyone who claims to be a leader. They obey only those in whom they feel sympathy and trust.

Distimniks avoid conflicts and certainly do not initiate them. They can be entrusted with painstaking work that requires perseverance and attentiveness - work that people of a hyperactive psychotype do not tolerate.

3. Cycloid

As the name suggests, the behavior of these people is cyclical and depends on their mood. If it is bad, they are silent and withdrawn, like people of the dysthymic psychotype. If they are good, they are talkative and sociable, like a hyperactive person.

4. Excitable

You won’t envy someone who lives next door, works or is a relative of a person belonging to an excitable psychotype. At a time when he is calm, you can communicate with him, but this state of his is short-lived. He gets excited easily - and then be careful!

He is irritated by other people's children, animals, views, practices. It seems to him that he is being ignored, offended, and disrespected. And then he gives vent to irritation and anger, grumbles, enters into conflicts, so they try to avoid him if possible.

5. Stuck

Suspicious, touchy, vindictive, vain and incredibly boring. Thanks to these qualities, people of this type are often the initiators of conflicts.

6. Pedantic

Bureaucrats are about people of this psychotype. They love order and precision in everything and sometimes simply harass others with their demands. Employers treat them favorably, but others shun them, considering them boring and annoying, preferring people who are brighter and more interesting.

7. Anxious

The name of this psychotype speaks for itself: these people are timid, indecisive and lacking initiative. In difficult situations, when making decisions, they need support and support. They are characterized by a minor, depressing mood. They are often sad, depressed, melancholic. Loss of spirit, depression, despondency are a common state for them. In a team, they are often chosen as extreme ones - the so-called scapegoats.

8. Emotive

The name comes from the word emotional - emotional. People of this psychotype are impressionable, sensitive, kind-hearted, compassionate and responsive. The main place in their lives is occupied by feelings and experiences. They are efficient and very responsible.

9. Demonstrative

People of the demonstrative psychotype love to be the center of attention and consider themselves the standard of behavior. They are sociable, but at the same time they love intrigue and gossip. Still would! After all, by intriguing and pitting others against each other, they themselves fish in troubled waters: they achieve what they want. Namely - leadership and power. They imitate active activity more than they actually develop it.

10. Exalted

These are people with bright and sincere feelings and experiences. The simplest things and events evoke in them unbridled delight and a violent emotional reaction. They often overestimate both their own appearance, abilities and capabilities, and these same qualities in other people.

But their enthusiasm and liveliness are easily replaced by despair, melancholy and despondency if something does not go as they would like. What other people perceive as a slight disappointment becomes a disaster for people of an exalted psychotype.

A sharply changing mood - from stormy delight to sudden depression - is the main sign of an exalted person. By the way, people of this type are often the owners of good taste, who make outstanding artists, designers, etc.

They are amorous, affectionate, compassionate and talkative. Due to imbalance, they tend to panic.

11. Extroverted

People belonging to this psychotype are united by sociability and sociability. They have many friends and acquaintances, they are talkative, but they also know how to listen carefully. They avoid conflicts or play a passive role in them. They are efficient, but somewhat frivolous and easily fall under the influence of others.

12. Introverted

These people are reserved, reserved, they are prone to philosophizing and loneliness. They are principled and stubborn, they insist on their own even when they know that they are wrong. They are credited with emotional coldness and lack of attachment to anyone.

Having become familiar with each psychotype, you can identify your own and correct some of your character traits that interfere with your work and personal life. It is worth noting that there is hardly any “pure” psychotype. Each person usually recognizes himself in two, three, or even more psychotypes.


Another interesting division of people into psychotypes was proposed by the American psychologist Susan Dellinger. Psychogeometry is the name of its theory. What does geometry have to do with it? According to Susan Dellinger's theory, each person is associated with a certain geometric figure. Of course, here, too, there is no “pure” psychotype, but a mixed one, in which one main type predominates. So these are circles, triangles, squares, rectangles and zigzags.


These are the people who are called the life of the party: they are cheerful, sociable and optimistic. Not a single event, be it a corporate party, someone’s birthday or an ordinary get-together, takes place without their active participation.

They are good psychologists, they are trusted, people come to them to “cry”, get support and good advice. They don’t have enough “live” communication, so they are regulars on social networks, where they have many friends with whom they maintain active correspondence.

Circle people adore wildlife: they have pets, which become almost full-fledged members of the family, and plant flowers. And thanks to these hobbies, they find like-minded people and further expand their circle of acquaintances.

The disadvantages of circle people include a dislike of order and some dependence on the opinions of others, as a result of which they often fall under outside influence.

Triangle people

It is Triangle people who most often occupy leadership positions in business, politics and other areas of life, because they quickly make decisions and are not afraid to take responsibility. They grasp new information on the fly, know how to operate on it, and are able to simultaneously perform or control the execution of several tasks. It is impossible not to obey their orders: they give them quickly, clearly and competently.

It is not surprising that triangle people prefer expensive things that emphasize the status of their owner, be it clothes, a car, a smartphone, alcohol, etc.

These people do not tolerate objections; they are somewhat despotic and vain.

Square people

These are neat people and pedants. They do not allow themselves to be sloppy in anything: their things do not scream about status, they may be unfashionable and inexpensive, but they are always in perfect order. The same can be said about their workplace: here everything is always in its place. When buying a car or other necessary things, square people primarily consider practicality.

They make good administrators, accountants, business executives, and officials. Numbers, documents, orders, instructions - what bores others, their element, where they feel like a fish in water. They are efficient, reliable, calm and not prone to open expression of emotions.

Rectangle people

These are people with unstable psyches. When everything turns out the way they would like, they are filled with joy and love: “Life is good!” But then the white stripe gives way to black, and their mood changes dramatically. They do not know how to cope with troubles and failures.

They give up, and from cheerful optimists they instantly turn into gloomy pessimists and whiners. Their self-esteem changes just as quickly: it either rapidly soars or falls just as rapidly. Their mood can be judged by the state of their desktop: it is either in perfect order or in blatant chaos.

They are somewhat childish, immature and do not have strong convictions of their own. Their opinion fluctuates like a weather vane in the wind, depending on the opinions of others. They tend to copy not only other people's opinions, but also behavior, habits, and preferences. For example, when buying a car, they are not guided by their own interests, but pay attention to what brand other people choose. In the same way, they copy someone else’s style in clothing and manners, because due to lack of self-confidence they are not able to define their own.

According to Susan Dellinger, all psychogeometric types under stress become like rectangular people.

Zigzag people

Inventive, creative, emotional, fiery - this is how people of this psychotype can be characterized. Their behavior is unusual and impossible to predict. They are unusual in everything: in the way they speak, dress, and decorate their home. Zigzag people, as a rule, choose creative professions. They like to be different from everyone else and attract everyone's attention. These people, for the most part, are flighty and fickle.

A little humor

You can determine your psychotype by reading the description of each of them. But Susan Dellinger also suggests two funny tests.

In accordance with first You need to select and draw three from the five above-mentioned geometric shapes. The first one, which a person will portray, will determine his main psychotype. The next two figures he drew will show additional character traits, because, as you know, people are not “pure” psychotypes, but mixed ones, with a predominance of one.

In second The test asks you to answer 5 questions and, depending on the answer, determine your psychogeometric type.

So, we get on the bus and:

  1. We quickly take empty seats for ourselves and our companion, after which we continue the cheerful conversation, involving others in it;
  2. we choose a better place, then go deep into our thoughts and stubbornly do not notice anyone until we reach our stop;
  3. We are looking for free space. If we find one, we sit down; if there is none, we calmly ride while standing;
  4. we feel uncomfortable because we would prefer a taxi;
  5. We stop near the driver without wanting to go into the middle of the bus. We willingly enter into conversation both with him and with the other passengers.

In the first case, a circle man got on the bus, in the second - a triangle, in the third - a square, in the fourth - a rectangle and in the fifth - a zigzag.

A psychotype allows you to characterize a person from a psychological point of view. Character, personal qualities, temperament and other elements make up a person’s psychotype in psychological science. The psychotype has a direct influence on a person’s actions. That is, the actions that a person commits directly depend on his psychotype. The psychological type is as unique as the person himself. After all, it is extremely difficult to meet two identical people who would think the same and have identical actions. And all because how many people there are, so many varieties of psychotypes. But in science there is a unified classification of a person’s psychotype, which allows us to draw the most general picture of what types of people there are.

How to determine a psychotype?

First of all, it is worth noting that psychotype is a collective concept. A person’s psychological type is formed throughout his life. A special stage of formation is the time of personality formation. An experienced psychologist will help you determine a person’s psychotype. But it is worth noting that modern psychologists distinguish a great many types of human psychotypes. There are also different classification systems. You can determine a person’s psychotype by familiarizing yourself with the most popular and generally accepted types in classical psychology.

Types of psychotypes

  • Schizoid. This type is characteristic of those people who love theory, but stay away from practice. A schizoid is always a thinker and theorist, perhaps even a dreamer. For this type, the transition from theory to practice is extremely difficult.
  • Hysteroid. This type is the opposite psychological type of schizoid. The hysteroid does not like to think for a long time; he is used to acting, although not always correctly.
  • Epileptoid is a pedant and a conservative. Representatives of this psychological type lead a measured lifestyle. They love consistency, try to avoid change, and also hate absent-mindedness.
  • Hypertim is a rather unusual human psychotype. These are very energetic people. They are born leaders and innovators. They are characterized by active actions. They first do something, and then only think about their actions.
  • Asthenic is the opposite of hyperthymia. It is extremely difficult for this person to act. He is afraid to make decisions. He is also very concerned about the opinions of others. Before doing anything, he always thinks about what everyone will think of him.

Of course, these are not all psychological types. Modern science includes several dozen frequently occurring and fairly general psychotypes. A person with a certain type of psychotype always acts in a way that is characteristic of this particular type. However, it is worth considering that the psychotype is not inherent in a person from birth. It is formed along with the personality. That is, the formation of a psychotype is influenced by external circumstances, upbringing, as well as a person’s social circle. There are also people with a mixed psychotype.