Isomers differ in composition and molecular structure. Isomerism

1. Structural isomerism.

2. Conformational isomerism.

3. Geometric isomerism.

4. Optical isomerism.

Isomers- these are substances that have the same composition and molecular weight, but different physical and chemical properties. Differences in the properties of isomers are due to differences in their chemical or spatial structure. In this regard, two types of isomerism are distinguished.




carbon skeleton



Functional position




1. Structural isomerism

Structural isomers differ in chemical structure, i.e. the nature and sequence of bonds between atoms in a molecule. Structural isomers are isolated in pure form. They exist as individual, stable substances; their mutual transformation requires high energy - about 350 - 400 kJ/mol. Only structural isomers - tautomers - are in dynamic equilibrium. Tautomerism is a common phenomenon in organic chemistry. It is possible through the transfer of a mobile hydrogen atom in a molecule (carbonyl compounds, amines, heterocycles, etc.), intramolecular interactions (carbohydrates).

All structural isomers are presented in the form of structural formulas and named according to the IUPAC nomenclature. For example, the composition C 4 H 8 O corresponds to structural isomers:

A)with different carbon skeleton

unbranched C-chain - CH 3 -CH 2 -CH 2 -CH=O (butanal, aldehyde) and

branched C-chain -

(2-methylpropanal, aldehyde) or

cycle - (cyclobutanol, cyclic alcohol);

b)with different position of the functional group

butanone-2, ketone;

V)with different composition of the functional group

3-butenol-2, unsaturated alcohol;


A heteroatom functional group may be included in a carbon skeleton (cycle or chain). One of the possible isomers of this type of isomerism is CH 3 -O-CH 2 -CH=CH 2 (3-methoxypropene-1, ether);

d)tautomerism (keto-enol)

enol form keto form

Tautomers are in dynamic equilibrium, with the more stable form, the keto form, predominating in the mixture.

For aromatic compounds, structural isomerism is considered only for the side chain.

2. Spatial isomerism (stereoisomerism)

Spatial isomers have the same chemical structure and differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms in the molecule. This difference creates a difference in physical and chemical properties. Spatial isomers are depicted in the form of various projections or stereochemical formulas. The branch of chemistry that studies the spatial structure and its influence on the physical and chemical properties of compounds, on the direction and rate of their reactions, is called stereochemistry.

A)Conformational (rotational) isomerism

Without changing either bond angles or bond lengths, one can imagine many geometric shapes (conformations) of the molecule, differing from each other in the mutual rotation of carbon tetrahedra around the σ-C-C bond connecting them. As a result of this rotation, rotary isomers (conformers) arise. The energy of different conformers is not the same, but the energy barrier separating different conformational isomers is small for most organic compounds. Therefore, under ordinary conditions, as a rule, it is impossible to fix molecules in one strictly defined conformation. Typically, several conformational isomers easily transform into each other coexist in equilibrium.

The methods of depiction and the nomenclature of isomers can be considered using the example of the ethane molecule. For it, we can foresee the existence of two conformations that differ maximally in energy, which can be depicted in the form perspective projections(1) (“sawmill goats”) or projections Newman(2):

inhibited conformation eclipsed conformation

In perspective projection (1) the C-C connection must be imagined going into the distance; The carbon atom on the left is close to the observer, and the carbon atom on the right is farther away from him.

In the Newman projection (2), the molecule is viewed along the C-C bond. Three lines diverging at an angle of 120° from the center of the circle indicate the bonds of the carbon atom closest to the observer; the lines “poking out” from behind the circle are the bonds of the distant carbon atom.

The conformation shown on the right is called obscured . This name reminds us that the hydrogen atoms of both CH 3 groups are opposite each other. The eclipsed conformation has increased internal energy and is therefore unfavorable. The conformation shown on the left is called inhibited , implying that free rotation around the C-C bond is “inhibited” in this position, i.e. the molecule exists predominantly in this conformation.

The minimum energy required to completely rotate a molecule around a particular bond is called the rotation barrier for that bond. The rotation barrier in a molecule like ethane can be expressed in terms of the change in the potential energy of the molecule as a function of the change in the dihedral (torsion - τ) angle of the system. The energy profile of rotation around the C-C bond in ethane is shown in Figure 1. The rotation barrier separating the two forms of ethane is about 3 kcal/mol (12.6 kJ/mol). The minima of the potential energy curve correspond to inhibited conformations, and the maxima correspond to occluded conformations. Since at room temperature the energy of some molecular collisions can reach 20 kcal/mol (about 80 kJ/mol), this barrier of 12.6 kJ/mol is easily overcome and rotation in ethane is considered free. In a mixture of all possible conformations, inhibited conformations predominate.

Fig.1. Potential energy diagram of ethane conformations.

For more complex molecules, the number of possible conformations increases. Yes, for n-butane can already be depicted in six conformations that arise when rotating around the central C 2 - C 3 bond and differing in the mutual arrangement of CH 3 groups. The different eclipsed and inhibited conformations of butane differ in energy. Inhibited conformations are energetically more favorable.

The energy profile of rotation around the C 2 -C 3 bond in butane is shown in Figure 2.

Fig.2. Potential energy diagram of n-butane conformations.

For a molecule with a long carbon chain, the number of conformational forms increases.

The molecule of alicyclic compounds is characterized by different conformational forms of the cycle (for example, for cyclohexane armchair, bath, twist-forms).

So, conformations are different spatial forms of a molecule that has a certain configuration. Conformers are stereoisomeric structures that correspond to energy minima on the potential energy diagram, are in mobile equilibrium and are capable of interconversion by rotation around simple σ bonds.

If the barrier to such transformations becomes high enough, then stereoisomeric forms can be separated (for example, optically active biphenyls). In such cases, we no longer talk about conformers, but about actually existing stereoisomers.

b)Geometric isomerism

Geometric isomers arise as a result of the absence in the molecule of:

1. rotation of carbon atoms relative to each other is a consequence of the rigidity of the C=C double bond or cyclic structure;

2. two identical groups at one carbon atom of a double bond or ring.

Geometric isomers, unlike conformers, can be isolated in pure form and exist as individual, stable substances. For their mutual transformation, higher energy is required - about 125-170 kJ/mol (30-40 kcal/mol).

There are cis-trans-(Z,E) isomers; cis- forms are geometric isomers in which identical substituents lie on the same side of the plane of the π bond or ring, trance- forms are geometric isomers in which identical substituents lie on opposite sides of the plane of the π bond or ring.

The simplest example is the isomers of butene-2, which exists in the form of cis-, trans-geometric isomers:

cis-butene-2 ​​trans-butene-2

melting temperature

138.9 0 C - 105.6 0 C

boiling temperature

3.72 0 С 1.00 0 С


1,2 – dichlorocyclopropane exists in the form of cis-, trans-isomers:

cis-1,2-dichlorocyclopropane trans-1,2-dichlorocyclopropane

In more complex cases it is used Z,E-nomenclature (Kanna, Ingold, Prelog nomenclature - KIP, nomenclature of seniority of deputies). In connection

1-bromo-2-methyl-1-chlorobutene-1 (Br)(CI)C=C(CH 3) - CH 2 -CH 3 all substituents on carbon atoms with a double bond are different; therefore, this compound exists in the form of Z-, E- geometric isomers:

E-1-bromo-2-methyl-1-chlorobutene-1 Z-1-bromo-2-methyl-1-chlorobutene-1.

To indicate the isomer configuration, indicate the arrangement of senior substituents at a double bond (or ring) is Z- (from the German Zusammen - together) or E- (from the German Entgegen - opposite).

In the Z,E system, substituents with a large atomic number are considered senior. If the atoms directly bonded to the unsaturated carbon atoms are the same, then move on to the “second layer”, if necessary - to the “third layer”, etc.

In the first projection, the senior groups are opposite each other relative to the double bond, so it is an E isomer. In the second projection, the senior groups are on the same side of the double bond (together), so it is a Z-isomer.

Geometric isomers are widespread in nature. For example, natural polymers rubber (cis-isomer) and gutta-percha (trans-isomer), natural fumaric (trans-butenedioic acid) and synthetic maleic (cis-butenedioic acid) acids, in the composition of fats - cis-oleic, linoleic, linolenic acids.

V)Optical isomerism

Molecules of organic compounds can be chiral and achiral. Chirality (from the Greek cheir - hand) is the incompatibility of a molecule with its mirror image.

Chiral substances are capable of rotating the plane of polarization of light. This phenomenon is called optical activity, and the corresponding substances are optically active. Optically active substances occur in pairs optical antipodes- isomers, the physical and chemical properties of which are the same under normal conditions, with the exception of one thing - the sign of rotation of the plane of polarization: one of the optical antipodes deflects the plane of polarization to the right (+, dextrorotatory isomer), the other - to the left (-, levorotatory). The configuration of optical antipodes can be determined experimentally using a device - a polarimeter.

Optical isomerism appears when the molecule contains asymmetric carbon atom(there are other reasons for the chirality of a molecule). This is the name given to the carbon atom in sp 3 - hybridization and associated with four different substituents. Two tetrahedral arrangements of substituents around an asymmetric atom are possible. In this case, two spatial forms cannot be combined by any rotation; one of them is a mirror image of the other:

Both mirror forms form a pair of optical antipodes or enantiomers .

Optical isomers are depicted in the form of projection formulas by E. Fischer. They are obtained by projecting a molecule with an asymmetric carbon atom. In this case, the asymmetric carbon atom itself on the plane is designated by a dot, and on the horizontal line are indicated by the symbols of the substituents protruding in front of the plane of the drawing. The vertical line (dashed or solid) indicates substituents that are removed beyond the plane of the drawing. Below are different ways to write the projection formula corresponding to the left model in the previous figure:

In projection, the main carbon chain is depicted vertically; the main function, if it is at the end of the chain, is indicated at the top of the projection. For example, the stereochemical and projection formulas of (+) and (-) alanine - CH 3 - * CH(NH 2)-COOH are presented as follows:

A mixture with the same content of enantiomers is called a racemate. The racemate does not have optical activity and is characterized by physical properties different from the enantiomers.

Rules for transforming projection formulas.

1. Formulas can be rotated 180° in the drawing plane without changing their stereochemical meaning:

2. Two (or any even number) rearrangements of substituents on one asymmetric atom do not change the stereochemical meaning of the formula:

3. One (or any odd number) rearrangement of substituents at the asymmetric center leads to the formula for the optical antipode:

4. A 90° rotation in the drawing plane turns the formula into an antipode.

5. Rotation of any three substituents clockwise or counterclockwise does not change the stereochemical meaning of the formula:

6. Projection formulas cannot be derived from the drawing plane.

Optical activity is possessed by organic compounds in whose molecules other atoms, such as silicon, phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur, are chiral centers.

Compounds with several asymmetric carbon atoms exist in the form diastereomers , i.e. spatial isomers that do not constitute optical antipodes with each other.

Diastereomers differ from each other not only in optical rotation, but also in all other physical constants: they have different melting and boiling points, different solubilities, etc.

The number of spatial isomers is determined by the Fischer formula N=2 n, where n is the number of asymmetric carbon atoms. The number of stereoisomers may decrease due to partial symmetry appearing in some structures. Optically inactive diastereomers are called meso-forms.

Nomenclature of optical isomers:

a) D-, L- nomenclature

To determine the D- or L-series of an isomer, the configuration (position of the OH group at the asymmetric carbon atom) is compared with the configurations of the enantiomers of glyceraldehyde (glycerol key):

L-glyceraldehyde D-glyceraldehyde

The use of D-, L-nomenclature is currently limited to three classes of optically active substances: carbohydrates, amino acids and hydroxy acids.

b) R -, S-nomenclature (nomenclature of Kahn, Ingold and Prelog)

To determine the R (right) or S (left) configuration of an optical isomer, it is necessary to arrange the substituents in the tetrahedron (stereochemical formula) around the asymmetric carbon atom in such a way that the youngest substituent (usually hydrogen) has the direction “away from the observer.” If the transition of the three remaining substituents from senior to middle and junior in seniority occurs clockwise, this is an R-isomer (the decrease in seniority coincides with the movement of the hand when writing the upper part of the letter R). If the transition occurs counterclockwise, it is S - isomer (declining precedence coincides with the movement of the hand when writing the top of the letter S).

To determine the R- or S-configuration of an optical isomer using the projection formula, it is necessary to arrange the substituents by an even number of permutations so that the youngest of them is at the bottom of the projection. The decrease in seniority of the remaining three substituents clockwise corresponds to the R-configuration, and counterclockwise to the S-configuration.

Optical isomers are obtained by the following methods:

a) isolation from natural materials containing optically active compounds, such as proteins and amino acids, carbohydrates, many hydroxy acids (tartaric, malic, almond), terpene hydrocarbons, terpene alcohols and ketones, steroids, alkaloids, etc.

b) splitting of racemates;

c) asymmetric synthesis;

d) biochemical production of optically active substances.


The phenomenon of isomerism (from the Greek - isos - different and meros - share, part) opened in 1823. J. Liebig and F. Wöhler using the example of salts of two inorganic acids: cyanic H-O-C≡N and explosive H-O-N= C.

In 1830, J. Dumas extended the concept of isomerism to organic compounds.

In 1831 the term “isomer” for organic compounds was proposed by J. Berzelius.

Stereoisomers of natural compounds are characterized by different biological activities (amino acids, carbohydrates, alkaloids, hormones, pheromones, medicinal substances of natural origin, etc.).


Isomerism ( Greek isos - identical, meros - part) is one of the most important concepts in chemistry, mainly in organic. Substances may have the same composition and molecular weight, but different structures and compounds containing the same elements in the same quantity, but differing in the spatial arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms, are called isomers. Isomerism is one of the reasons that organic compounds are so numerous and varied.

History of the discovery of isomerism

Isomerism was first discovered by J. Liebig in 1823, who established that the silver salts of fulminate and isocyanic acids: Ag-O-N=C and Ag-N=C=O have the same composition, but different properties. The term “Isomerism” was introduced in 1830 by I. Berzelius, who suggested that differences in the properties of compounds of the same composition arise due to the fact that the atoms in the molecule are arranged in a different order. The concept of isomerism was finally formed after A. M. Butlerov created the theory of chemical structure (1860s). Isomerism received a true explanation only in the 2nd half of the 19th century. based on the theory of chemical structure of A.M. Butlerov (structural isomerism) and stereochemical teachings of Ya.G. Van't Hoff (spatial isomerism). Based on this theory, he proposed that there should be four different butanols (Fig. 1). By the time the theory was created, only one butanol was known (CH 3) 2 CHCH 2 OH, obtained from plant materials

Fig.1. Various positions of the OH group in the butanol molecule.

The subsequent synthesis of all butanol isomers and determination of their properties became convincing confirmation of the theory.

According to the modern definition, two compounds of the same composition are considered isomers if their molecules cannot be combined in space so that they completely coincide. Combination, as a rule, is done mentally; in complex cases, spatial models or calculation methods are used.

Types of isomerism

In isomerism, two main types can be distinguished: structural isomerism and spatial isomerism, or, as it is also called, stereoisomerism.

In turn, structural is divided into:

isomerism of the carbon chain (carbon skeleton)

valence isomerism

functional group isomerism

positional isomerism.

Spatial isomerism (stereoisomerism) is divided into:

diastereomerism (cis, trans - isomerism)

enantiomerism (optical isomerism).

Structural isomerism

As a rule, it is caused by differences in the structure of the hydrocarbon skeleton or unequal arrangement of functional groups or multiple bonds.

Isomerism of the hydrocarbon skeleton

Saturated hydrocarbons containing from one to three carbon atoms (methane, ethane, propane) have no isomers. For a compound with four carbon atoms C 4 H 10 (butane), two isomers are possible, for pentane C 5 H 12 - three isomers, for hexane C 6 H 14 - five (Fig. 2):


As the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon molecule increases, the number of possible isomers increases dramatically. For heptane C 7 H 16 there are nine isomers, for hydrocarbon C 14 H 30 - 1885 isomers, for hydrocarbon C 20 H 42 - over 366,000. In complex cases, the question of whether two compounds are isomers is solved using various turns around valence bonds (simple bonds allow this, which to a certain extent corresponds to their physical properties). After moving individual fragments of the molecule (without breaking the bonds), one molecule is superimposed on another. If two molecules are completely identical, then these are not isomers, but the same compound. Isomers that differ in skeletal structure usually have different physical properties (melting point, boiling point, etc.), which makes it possible to separate one from the other. This type of isomerism also exists in aromatic hydrocarbons (Fig. 4).

Lecture No. 5

Topic: “Isomerism and its types”

Class type: combined

Purpose: 1. To reveal the main position of the theory of structure on the phenomenon of isomerism. Give a general idea of ​​the types of isomerism. Show the main directions of development of the theory of structure using stereoisomerism as an example.

2. continue to develop the ability to construct formulas of isomers, name substances using formulas.

3. cultivate a cognitive attitude towards learning

Equipment: models of Stewart-Brigleb molecules, colored plasticine, matches, a pair of gloves, caraway seeds, mint chewing gum, three test tubes.

Lesson plan

    Greeting, roll call

    Core knowledge survey

    Learning new material:

    Theory of structure and the phenomenon of isomerism;

    Types of isomerism;


Progress of the lesson

2. Survey of basic knowledge: frontal

    Explain by what criteria organic compounds are classified using a diagram.

    Name the main classes of organic compounds and their structural features

    Complete exercises No. 1 and 2 §6. One student at the blackboard, the rest in notebooks

3. Learning new material: Theory of structure and the phenomenon of isomerism

Remember the definition of isomerism and isomers. Explain the reason for their existence.

The phenomenon of isomerism (from the Greek isos - different and meros - share, part) was discovered in 1823 by J. Liebig and F. Wöhler using the example of salts of two inorganic acids: cyanic and explosive. NOSE = N cyan; N-O-N = C rattlesnake

In 1830, J. Dumas extended the concept of isomerism to organic compounds. The term “Isomer” appeared a year later, and was suggested by J. Bercellius. Since complete chaos reigned in the field of structure of both organic and inorganic substances at that time, they did not attach much importance to the discovery.

A scientific explanation for the phenomenon of isomerism was given by A.M. Butlerov within the framework of the theory of structure, while neither the theory of types nor the theory of radicals revealed the essence of this phenomenon. A.M. Butlerov saw the reason for isomerism in the fact that the atoms in the molecules of isomers are connected in different orders. The theory of structure made it possible to predict the number of possible isomers and their structure, which was brilliantly confirmed in practice by A.M. Butlerov himself and his followers.

Types of isomerism: give an example of isomers and suggest a sign by which isomers could be classified?(obviously, the structure of the isomer molecules will be the basis). I explain the material using the diagram:

There are two types of isomerism: structural and spatial (stereoisomerism). Structural isomers are those that have different bonding orders between the atoms in the molecule. Spatial isomers have the same substituents on each carbon atom, but differ in their relative location in space.

Structural isomerism is of three types: interclass isomerism associated with the structure of the carbon skeleton, and isomerism of the position of a functional group or multiple bond.

Interclass isomers contain different functional groups and belong to different classes of organic compounds, and therefore the physical and chemical properties of interclass isomers differ significantly.

The isomerism of the carbon skeleton is already familiar to you; the physical properties are different, but the chemical properties are similar, because these substances belong to the same class.

Isomerism of the position of a functional group or the position of multiple bonds. The physical properties of such isomers are different, but the chemical properties are similar

Geometric isomerism: have different physical constants but similar chemical properties

Optical isomers are mirror images of each other; like two palms, they cannot be brought together so that they coincide.

4. Consolidation: recognize isomers, determine the type of isomerism in substances whose formula: perform exercise 3§ 7

Lectures for students of the Faculty of Pediatrics


Topic: Spatial structure of organic compounds

Target: acquaintance with the types of structural and spatial isomerism of organic compounds.


    Classification of isomerism.

    Structural isomerism.

    Spatial isomerism

    Optical isomerism

The first attempts to understand the structure of organic molecules date back to the beginning of the 19th century. The phenomenon of isomerism was first discovered by J. Berzelius, and A. M. Butlerov in 1861 proposed a theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds, which explained the phenomenon of isomerism.

Isomerism is the existence of compounds with the same qualitative and quantitative composition, but different structure or location in space, and the substances themselves are called isomers.

    Classification of isomers


(different order of connection of atoms)


(different arrangement of atoms in space)

Multiple connection provisions

Functional Group Provisions



    Structural isomerism.

Structural isomers are isomers that have the same qualitative and quantitative composition, but differ in chemical structure.

Structural isomerism determines the diversity of organic compounds, in particular alkanes. With an increase in the number of carbon atoms in molecules alkanes, the number of structural isomers rapidly increases. So, for hexane (C 6 H 14) it is 5, for nonane (C 9 H 20) - 35.

Carbon atoms vary in location in the chain. The carbon atom at the beginning of the chain is bonded to one carbon atom and is called primary. A carbon atom bonded to two carbon atoms – secondary, with three – tertiary, with four – quaternary. Straight-chain alkanes contain only primary and secondary carbon atoms, while branched-chain alkanes contain both tertiary and quaternary carbon atoms.

Types of structural isomerism.

    Metamers– compounds belonging to the same class of compounds, but having different radicals:

H 3 C – O – C 3 H 7 – methylpropyl ether,

H 5 C 2 – O – C 2 H 5 – diethyl ether

    Interclass isomerism. Despite the same qualitative and quantitative composition of molecules, the structure of substances is different.

For example: aldehydes are isomeric to ketones:

Alkynes – alkadienes

H 2 C = CH – CH = CH 2 butadiene -1.3 HC = C - CH 2 – CH 3 – butine-1

Structural isomerism also determines the diversity of hydrocarbon radicals. The isomerism of radicals begins with propane, for which two radicals are possible. If a hydrogen atom is subtracted from the primary carbon atom, the radical propyl (n-propyl) is obtained. If a hydrogen atom is subtracted from a secondary carbon atom, the radical isopropyl is obtained.



CH 2 – CH 2 – CH 3 - cut

    Spatial isomerism (stereoisomerism)

This is the existence of isomers that have the same composition and order of connection of atoms, but differ in the nature of the arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms in space relative to each other.

This type of isomerism was described by L. Pasteur (1848), J. Van't Hoff, Le Bel (1874).

In real conditions, the molecule itself and its individual parts (atoms, groups of atoms) are in a state of vibrational-rotational motion, and this movement greatly changes the relative arrangement of atoms in the molecule. At this time, chemical bonds are stretched and bond angles change, and thus different configurations and conformations of molecules arise.

Therefore, spatial isomers are divided into two types: conformational and configurational.

Configurations are the order in which atoms are arranged in space without taking into account the differences that result from rotation around single bonds. These isomers exist in different conformations.

Conformations are very unstable dynamic forms of the same molecule that arise as a result of the rotation of atoms or groups of atoms around single bonds, as a result of which the atoms occupy different spatial positions. Each conformation of a molecule is characterized by a specific configuration.

The b-bond allows rotation around it, so one molecule can have many conformations. Of the many conformations, only six are taken into account, because The minimum angle of rotation is considered to be an angle equal to 60°, which is called torsion angle.

There are: eclipsed and inhibited conformations.

Eclipsed conformation occurs when identical substituents are located at a minimum distance from each other and mutual repulsion forces arise between them, and the molecule must have a large supply of energy to maintain this conformation. This conformation is energetically unfavorable.

Inhibited conformation – occurs when identical substituents are as far apart as possible from each other and the molecule has a minimum energy reserve. This conformation is energetically favorable.

P The first compound for which the existence of conformational isomers is known is ethane. Its structure in space is depicted by the perspective formula or Newman's formula:

WITH 2 N 6

obscured inhibited

conformation conformation

Newman's projection formulas.

The carbon atom closest to us is designated by a dot in the center of the circle, the circle represents the distant carbon atom. The three bonds of each atom are depicted as lines diverging from the center of the circle - for the nearest carbon atom and small ones - for the distant carbon atom.

In long carbon chains, rotation is possible around several C–C bonds. Therefore, the entire chain can take on a variety of geometric shapes. According to X-ray diffraction data, long chains of saturated hydrocarbons have a zigzag and claw-shaped conformation. For example: palmitic (C 15 H 31 COOH) and stearic (C 17 H 35 COOH) acids in zigzag conformations are part of the lipids of cell membranes, and monosaccharide molecules in solution take on a claw-shaped conformation.

Conformations of cyclic compounds

Cyclic connections are characterized by angular stress associated with the presence of a closed cycle.

If we consider the cycles to be flat, then for many of them the bond angles will deviate significantly from normal. The stress caused by the deviation of bond angles between carbon atoms in the ring from the normal value is called corner or Bayer's

For example, in cyclohexane the carbon atoms are in the sp 3 hybrid state and, accordingly, the bond angle should be equal to 109 o 28 /. If the carbon atoms lay in the same plane, then in the planar ring the internal bond angles would be equal to 120°, and all the hydrogen atoms would be in an eclipsed conformation. But cyclohexane cannot be flat due to the presence of strong angular and torsional stresses. It develops less stressed non-planar conformations due to partial rotation around ϭ-bonds, among which the conformations are more stable armchairs And baths.

The chair conformation is the most energetically favorable, since it does not have occluded positions of hydrogen and carbon atoms. The arrangement of the H atoms of all C atoms is the same as in the inhibited conformation of ethane. In this conformation, all hydrogen atoms are open and available for reactions.

The bath conformation is less energetically favorable, since 2 pairs of C atoms (C-2 and C-3), (C-5 and C-6) lying at the base have H atoms in an eclipsed conformation, therefore this conformation has large reserve of energy and unstable.

C 6 H 12 cyclohexane

The “chair” shape is more energetically beneficial than the “bathtub”.

    Optical isomerism.

At the end of the 19th century, it was discovered that many organic compounds are capable of rotating the plane of a polarized beam left and right. That is, a light beam incident on a molecule interacts with its electron shells, and polarization of the electrons occurs, which leads to a change in the direction of oscillations in the electric field. If a substance rotates the plane of vibration clockwise, it is called dextrorotatory(+) if counterclockwise – left-handed(-). These substances were called optical isomers. Optically active isomers contain an asymmetric carbon atom (chiral) - this is an atom containing four different substituents. The second important condition is the absence of all types of symmetry (axis, plane). These include many hydroxy and amino acids

Studies have shown that such compounds differ in the order of arrangement of substituents on carbon atoms in sp 3 hybridization.

P The simplest compound is lactic acid (2-hydroxypropanoic acid)

Stereoisomers whose molecules are related to each other as an object and an incompatible mirror image or as a left and right hand are called enantiomers(optical isomers, mirror isomers, antipodes, and the phenomenon is called enantiomerism. All chemical and physical properties of enantiomers are the same, except for two: rotation of the plane of polarized light (in a polarimeter device) and biological activity.

The absolute configuration of molecules is determined by complex physicochemical methods.

The relative configuration of optically active compounds is determined by comparison with a glyceraldehyde standard. Optically active substances having the configuration of dextrorotatory or levorotatory glyceraldehyde (M. Rozanov, 1906) are called substances of the D- and L-series. An equal mixture of dextro- and levorotary isomers of one compound is called a racemate and is optically inactive.

Studies have shown that the sign of the rotation of light cannot be associated with the belonging of a substance to the D- and L-series; it is determined only experimentally in instruments - polarimeters. For example, L-lactic acid has a rotation angle of +3.8 o, D-lactic acid - 3.8 o.

Enantiomers are depicted using Fischer's formulas.

    The carbon chain is represented by a vertical line.

    The senior functional group is placed at the top, the junior functional group at the bottom.

    An asymmetric carbon atom is represented by a horizontal line, at the ends of which there are substituents.

    The number of isomers is determined by the formula 2 n, n is the number of asymmetric carbon atoms.

L-row D-row

Among enantiomers there may be symmetrical molecules that do not have optical activity, and are called mesoisomers.

For example: Wine house

D – (+) – row L – (–) – row

Mezovinnaya k-ta

Racemate – grape juice

Optical isomers that are not mirror isomers, differing in the configuration of several, but not all asymmetric C atoms, having different physical and chemical properties, are called - di-A-stereoisomers.

-Diastereomers (geometric isomers) are stereomers that have a  bond in the molecule. They are found in alkenes, unsaturated higher carbon compounds, unsaturated dicarbonic compounds. For example:

Cis-butene-2 ​​Trans-butene-2

The biological activity of organic substances is related to their structure. For example:

Cis-butenediic acid, Trans-butenediic acid,

maleic acid - fumaric acid - non-toxic,

very toxic found in the body

All natural unsaturated higher carbon compounds are cis-isomers.

The content of the article

ISOMERIA(Greek isos - identical, meros - part) is one of the most important concepts in chemistry, mainly in organic. Substances may have the same composition and molecular weight, but different structures and compounds containing the same elements in the same quantity, but differing in the spatial arrangement of atoms or groups of atoms, are called isomers. Isomerism is one of the reasons that organic compounds are so numerous and varied.

Isomerism was first discovered by J. Liebig in 1823, who established that silver salts of fulminate and isocyanic acids: Ag-O-N=C and Ag-N=C=O have the same composition, but different properties. The term “Isomerism” was introduced in 1830 by I. Berzelius, who suggested that differences in the properties of compounds of the same composition arise due to the fact that the atoms in the molecule are arranged in a different order. The idea of ​​isomerism was finally formed after A.M. Butlerov created the theory of chemical structure (1860s). Based on this theory, he proposed that there should be four different butanols (Fig. 1). By the time the theory was created, only one butanol was known (CH 3) 2 CHCH 2 OH, obtained from plant materials.

Rice. 1. Butanol isomers

The subsequent synthesis of all butanol isomers and determination of their properties became convincing confirmation of the theory.

According to the modern definition, two compounds of the same composition are considered isomers if their molecules cannot be combined in space so that they completely coincide. Combination, as a rule, is done mentally; in complex cases, spatial models or calculation methods are used.

There are several reasons for isomerism.


As a rule, it is caused by differences in the structure of the hydrocarbon skeleton or unequal arrangement of functional groups or multiple bonds.

Isomerism of the hydrocarbon skeleton.

Saturated hydrocarbons containing from one to three carbon atoms (methane, ethane, propane) have no isomers. For a compound with four carbon atoms C 4 H 10 (butane), two isomers are possible, for pentane C 5 H 12 - three isomers, for hexane C 6 H 14 - five (Fig. 2):

Rice. 2. Isomers of the simplest hydrocarbons

As the number of carbon atoms in a hydrocarbon molecule increases, the number of possible isomers increases dramatically. For heptane C 7 H 16 there are nine isomers, for the hydrocarbon C 14 H 30 there are 1885 isomers, for the hydrocarbon C 20 H 42 there are over 366,000.

In complex cases, the question of whether two compounds are isomers is resolved using various rotations around the valence bonds (simple bonds allow this, which to a certain extent corresponds to their physical properties). After moving individual fragments of the molecule (without breaking the bonds), one molecule is superimposed on another (Fig. 3). If two molecules are completely identical, then these are not isomers, but the same compound:

Isomers that differ in skeletal structure usually have different physical properties (melting point, boiling point, etc.), which makes it possible to separate one from the other. This type of isomerism also exists in aromatic hydrocarbons (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Aromatic isomers

Positional isomerism.

Another type of structural isomerism, positional isomerism, occurs in cases where functional groups, individual heteroatoms or multiple bonds are located in different places in the hydrocarbon skeleton. Structural isomers can belong to different classes of organic compounds, so they can differ not only in physical, but also in chemical properties. In Fig. Figure 5 shows three isomers for the compound C 3 H 8 O, two of them are alcohols, and the third is an ether

Rice. 5. Position isomers

Often, the differences in the structure of positional isomers are so obvious that it is not even necessary to mentally combine them in space, for example, the isomers of butene or dichlorobenzene (Fig. 6):

Rice. 6. Isomers of butene and dichlorobenzene

Sometimes structural isomers combine the characteristics of hydrocarbon skeleton isomerism and positional isomerism (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Combination of two types of structural isomerism

In matters of isomerism, theoretical considerations and experiment are interconnected. If considerations show that isomers cannot exist, then experiments should show the same. If calculations indicate a certain number of isomers, then the same number or less of them can be obtained, but not more - not all theoretically calculated isomers can be obtained, since interatomic distances or bond angles in the proposed isomer may be outside the permissible limits. For a substance containing six CH groups (for example, benzene), 6 isomers are theoretically possible (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Benzene isomers

The first five of the isomers shown exist (the second, third, fourth and fifth isomers were obtained almost 100 years after the structure of benzene was established). The latter isomer will most likely never be obtained. Represented as a hexagon, it is the least likely to form, and its deformations result in structures in the form of a beveled prism, a three-pointed star, an incomplete pyramid, and a double pyramid (an incomplete octahedron). Each of these options contains either very different C-C bonds in size or highly distorted bond angles (Fig. 9):

Chemical transformations as a result of which structural isomers are converted into each other are called isomerization.


arises due to the different arrangement of atoms in space with the same order of bonds between them.

One type of stereoisomerism is cis-trans isomerism (cis - lat. on one side, trans - lat. through, on different sides) is observed in compounds containing multiple bonds or planar cycles. Unlike a single bond, a multiple bond does not allow individual fragments of the molecule to rotate around it. In order to determine the type of isomer, a plane is mentally drawn through the double bond and then the way the substituents are placed relative to this plane is analyzed. If identical groups are on the same side of the plane, then this cis-isomer, if on opposite sides – trance-isomer:

Physical and chemical properties cis- And trance-isomers are sometimes noticeably different; in maleic acid, the carboxyl groups –COOH are spatially close, they can react (Fig. 11), forming maleic acid anhydride (this reaction does not occur for fumaric acid):

Rice. 11. Formation of maleic anhydride

In the case of flat cyclic molecules, it is not necessary to mentally draw a plane, since it is already given by the shape of the molecule, as, for example, in cyclic siloxanes (Fig. 12):

Rice. 12. Isomers of cyclosiloxane

In complex metal compounds cis-isomer is a compound in which two identical groups, from those surrounding the metal, are located nearby, in trance-isomer, they are separated by other groups (Fig. 13):

Rice. 13. Isomers of cobalt complex

The second type of stereoisomerism, optical isomerism, occurs in cases where two isomers (in accordance with the definition formulated earlier, two molecules that are not compatible in space) are mirror images of each other. This property is possessed by molecules that can be represented as a single carbon atom having four different substituents. The valencies of the central carbon atom bound to four substituents are directed towards the vertices of a mental tetrahedron - a regular tetrahedron ( cm. ORBITAL) and rigidly fixed. Four unequal substituents are shown in Fig. 14 in the form of four balls with different colors:

Rice. 14. Carbon atom with four different substituents

To detect the possible formation of an optical isomer, it is necessary (Fig. 15) to reflect the molecule in a mirror, then the mirror image should be taken as a real molecule, placed under the original one so that their vertical axes coincide, and the second molecule should be rotated around the vertical axis so that the red ball the upper and lower molecules were located under each other. As a result, the position of only two balls, beige and red, coincides (marked by double arrows). If you rotate the lower molecule so that the blue balls align, then the position of only two balls will again coincide - beige and blue (also marked with double arrows). Everything becomes obvious if these two molecules are mentally combined in space, putting one into the other, like a knife in a sheath, the red and green ball do not coincide:

For any mutual orientation in space, two such molecules cannot achieve complete coincidence when combined; according to the definition, these are isomers. It is important to note that if the central carbon atom has not four, but only three different substituents (that is, two of them are the same), then when such a molecule is reflected in a mirror, an optical isomer is not formed, since the molecule and its reflection can be combined in space (Fig. . 16):

In addition to carbon, other atoms in which covalent bonds are directed towards the corners of the tetrahedron, for example, silicon, tin, phosphorus, can act as asymmetric centers.

Optical isomerism occurs not only in the case of an asymmetric atom, it is also realized in some framework molecules in the presence of a certain number of different substituents. For example, the framework hydrocarbon adamantane, which has four different substituents (Fig. 17), can have an optical isomer, with the entire molecule playing the role of an asymmetric center, which becomes obvious if the adamantane framework is mentally contracted to a point. Similarly, siloxane, which has a cubic structure (Fig. 17), also becomes optically active in the case of four different substituents:

Rice. 17. Optically active scaffold molecules

Options are possible when the molecule does not contain an asymmetric center, even in a hidden form, but may itself be generally asymmetrical, and optical isomers are also possible. For example, in a beryllium complex compound, two cyclic fragments are located in mutually perpendicular planes; in this case, two different substituents are sufficient to obtain an optical isomer (Fig. 18). For a ferrocene molecule, which has the shape of a pentahedral prism, three substituents are needed for the same purpose; the hydrogen atom in this case plays the role of one of the substituents (Fig. 18):

Rice. 18. Optical isomerism of asymmetric molecules

In most cases, the structural formula of a compound allows us to understand what exactly needs to be changed in it to make the substance optically active.

Syntheses of optically active stereoisomers usually produce a mixture of dextro- and levorotatory compounds. The separation of isomers is carried out by reacting a mixture of isomers with reagents (usually of natural origin) containing an asymmetric reaction center. Some living organisms, including bacteria, preferentially metabolize levorotatory isomers.

Processes (called asymmetric synthesis) have now been developed to specifically produce a specific optical isomer.

There are reactions that allow you to convert an optical isomer into its antipode ( cm. WALDEN CONVERSION).

Mikhail Levitsky