The true origin of "OK". True origin of "OK" All correct

More meanings of the word and translation of ALL CORRECT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of ALL CORRECT from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for ALL CORRECT in dictionaries.

  • ALL CORRECT - everything is correct
  • ALL CORRECT - everything is correct
    English-Russian Dictionary of Economics
  • ALL CORRECT - ready to print
    English-Russian Dictionary of Printing and Publishing
  • ALL CORRECT - everything is correct
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • CORRECT - correct- see corriger
    Interlingua English vocab
  • CORRECT - I. kəˈrekt, rap. ˈkre- verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English correcten, from Latin correctus, past participle of corrigere to …
  • ALL
    Webster's New International English Dictionary
  • CORRECT - (v. t.) To counteract the qualities of one thing by those of another; -- said of whatever is wrong or …
    Webster English Dictionary
  • CORRECT — (a.) Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; not faulty...
    Webster English Dictionary
  • CORRECT — (a.) Set right, or made straight; hence, conformable to truth, rectitude, or propriety, or to a just standard; ...
    Webster's Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • CORRECT — — correctable, correctible, adj. - correctability, correctibility, n. - correctingly, adv. — correctly, adv. - correctness...
  • ALL - /awl/, adj. 1. the whole of (used in referring to quantity, extent, or duration): all the cake; all the...
    Random House Webster's Unabridged English Dictionary
  • CORRECT — I. kə-ˈrekt transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin correctus, past participle of corrigere, from com- + regere to lead …
    Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary
  • CORRECT - vt to make right; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; to rectify; as, to correct manners...
    Webster English vocab
  • CORRECT - vt (14c) 1 ...
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • CORRECT — correct BrE AmE kə ˈrekt ▷ correct|ed ɪd əd ▷ correct|ing ɪŋ ▷ correct|ly li ▷ correct|ness nəs nɪs ▷ …
    Longman Pronunciation English Dictionary
  • CORRECT – /kəˈrekt; NAmE / adjective, verb ■ adjective 1. accurate or true, without any mistakes SYN right: Do ...
  • ALL - / ɔːl; NAmE / determiner, pronoun, adverb ■ determiner 1. (used with plural nouns. The noun may have ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • CORRECT - I. cor ‧ rect 1 S1 W2 /kəˈrekt/ BrE AmE adjective [ Word Family: noun: correction , …
  • ALL - I. all 1 S1 W1 /ɔːl $ ɒːl/ BrE AmE determiner, predeterminer, pronoun 1. the whole of…
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • ALL - adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a the whole amount, quantity, or extent of (waited all day; all his life; …
    English Basic Spoken Dictionary
  • ALL - adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 a the whole amount, quantity, or extent of (waited all day; all his life; …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • ALL - adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1. a whole amount, quantity, or extent of (waited all day; all his life; …
    Oxford English vocab
  • CORRECT - (corrects, correcting, corrected) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something...
  • ALL — Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use everything to indicate that...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  • ALL
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • CORRECT — [T]Students said it was helpful if the teacher corrected them (= told them what was right when they had …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • CORRECT — Used to describe a person conspicuously committed to politically correct causes or liberal ideology. Example: The man is so correct…
    Slang English vocab
  • CORRECT - I. verb 1. to set right something that is wrong correct a misstatement Synonyms: amend, emend, mend, rectify, right Related …
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • CORRECT — I. verb Correct is used with these nouns as the object: bias, defect, deficiency, …
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • CORRECT - adj. 25B6; adjective the correct answer: RIGHT, accurate, true, exact, precise, unerring, faithful, strict, faultless, flawless, error-free, perfect, word-perfect; ...
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • CORRECT - v. 1 right, set or put right, amend, redress, rectify, remedy, repair, fix; cure A good mechanic will be able…
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • CORRECT - 1. adj. 1) correct, appropriate, proper (corresponding to generally accepted standards) Syn: proper 2) correct, true, correct, accurate (corresponding to the facts) Syn ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • ALL - I adj. 1) all, all, everything, whole all her life ≈ all her life He lived here all his life. ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • CORRECT - correct.ogg 1. kəʹrekt a 1. correct, true, accurate; correct correct answer - correct answer correct calculation - correct calculation; correct …
  • ALL
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • CORRECT - 1) error-free, true, correct; correct 2) accurate, true 3) make corrections, correct, correct 4) eliminate errors. correct in the first order - math. loyal …
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • CORRECT - correct adj. 1) correct, appropriate, proper (corresponding to generally recognized standards) Syn:proper 2) correct, true, correct, accurate (corresponding to the facts) Syn:exact, precise, accurate, true, ...
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • ALL - I all adj. 1) all, all, everything, whole (taken in full); everything (exhaustively covering homogeneous objects, covering everyone without exception) ...
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger
  • CORRECT - 1. kəʹrekt a 1. correct, true, accurate; correct correct answer - correct answer correct calculation - correct calculation; correct calculation...
  • ALL - 1. ɔ:l n 1. (often All) everything that exists; world, universe this above all - this is above all 2. the most ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • ALL - 1. adj. 1) all, all, everything; whole (taken in full); everything (exhaustively covering homogeneous objects, ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • ALL - 1. adj. 1) all, all, everything; whole (taken in full); all (exhaustively covering homogeneous subjects, covering everyone without exception) all England ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • CORRECT — 1. _a. 1> correct, true, accurate 2> appropriate, suitable (about behavior, clothing) - correct card _Syn: accurate 2. _v. 1>...
  • ALL - _I _a. 1> whole, whole, all, everything; all her life - her whole life; he lived here all his life…
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • CORRECT - 1. a. 1. correct, true, accurate 2. appropriate, appropriate (about behavior, clothing) - correct card Syn: accurate 2. v. 1. …
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - editor bed

Vt. 1. to make right; change from wrong to right; remove errors from 2. to point out or mark the errors or faults of 3.… … English World dictionary

all present and correct- spoken phrase used for saying that everyone or everything that should be somewhere is in fact there Thesaurus: everything and including everythingsynonym everyone and everyonesynonym Main entry: present * * * all ˌpre … Useful english dictionary

All That Fall- is a one act radio play by Samuel Beckett produced following a request :
Hey Mura.
Gloomy season!

[Verse 1, Murovei]:
E! Everything will work out! E!
My day in a special way.
I want everyone to hear
And they caught a kick while making the bed.

Someone's working on this (who, who?)
It's a shame it doesn't play everywhere.
But for our people this is secondary
And it doesn’t change the intensity of passions! OK!

The rotten fish eats the one
Whoever is smaller and quietly lies on the bottom.
I walk around the parallel like crazy.
A landmark plan for a dark season.

Twenty-seven is not the time to go gray.
Quote the lines while they're here.
First-hand information, not like gossip.
(Not like what you cook, kids)

Feeling of freedom and creativity
The album is well soaked.
This impulse will never end,
I don’t find myself in anything else.

I’m investing here and not in promo,
We go to bed late and get up early.
Music is nearby, she is homeless -
As a keepsake for people, closing palms

In gratitude
I'm trying to hide a higher message in it
And a healthy vector. I will gladly accept respects
From those who felt it for the moment.

One Love!
Fate will experiment on us here,
But we will go this way without problems,
But we will walk this path to the end!

With you is a simple man, not a superman -
He feels pain and laughs.
He will sit down and write at once, like a villain;
Who divides into small portions, practice!

Somehow you can pull these guys, motherfucker!
Now it's my turn, tell me why?
If you have it, spend it (if you have it, spend it).

[Chorus, Kizaru + Murovei]:

(the devil knows, the devil knows)

Everyone around will forget about them -

Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (The bastards are not with us).

[Verse 2, Kizaru]
Well, why did you appear on my square, guy?
Bitch, bitch, I'm from the outskirts, if you want, we'll play -
There are too few here who have exceeded many expectations.
You know me, boy, wish-fulfiller.

These people are controlled by greed -
Below zero, I don't feel sorry for anyone.
No matter how much empty p*ss there is around -
It's time to grow up, it's time to learn respect.

Rappers change, fall out of the role -
They know who his mother is, a warrior on the field.
Fuck it, I don't have anyone to share.
Everyone who once worked has been fired.

Uh, I don’t believe what kind of down he’s arguing there.
He probably wants to leave in an ambulance.
Just look, someone is moaning on the floor.
You better not fuck, you shouldn't fuck with me.

Here's another bullet for you, Murovey is with me.
Mura is the way of the samurai, Hagakure, e, fight.
Make culture! Yes, I make culture.
Fuck your hackwork and these bitches love powder!

I'm exploding purple, but for now
All your rhymes quietly fly into the trash can -
Two queens came to me and I will kick them out only in the morning.
All that dope won't make you any wiser.

[Chorus, Kizaru + Murovei]:
Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (the bastards are not with us).

Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (the bastards are not with us).

Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (the bastards are not with us).

Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (the bastards are not with us).

Hey, Mura, tell me why everyone is driving around
Like they don't care about themselves?
(the devil knows, the devil knows)
So they will be killed by dreams.

Why are there so many fakes these days?
Everyone around will forget about them -
They will leave without a trace (the devil knows)
They will leave without a trace (the bastards are not with us).

[The final]:
Hey Mura.
One Love.
God damn.
Practice, practice.
Hey Mura!

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song Murovei feat. kizaru - Oll Correct.
Album "Gloomy Season".
Text authors: Murovei and Kizaru.
Recording: D"HOPE & ODO.
Mastering: FiNt iZReaL.
Warsaw. July 12, 2018.