Maurice Thorez Institute second higher education. Admissions Committee Information

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Latest reviews from MSLU

Anonymous review 01:18 05/31/2017

This year I am graduating from Moscow State Linguistic University with honors in the Faculty of English, my second language is Spanish. I came here because of InYaz’s reputation as the best language university in the country. I was left absolutely disappointed - the percentage of teachers who are truly interested in teaching something is negligible. They don’t ask as strictly about the languages ​​themselves as they do about subjects that are not so important (in my opinion) for linguists, like computer science, physical education, Old English... The dean’s office doesn’t give a damn...

Anonymous review 19:09 05/25/2013

I graduated in 2000. I studied for free and did not pay anyone anything during my studies.

this is the best language knowledge that could be obtained in this country.

The only thing is that the 2nd language was not useful, because it was Dutch.

at work I speak English better than anyone, so very often I negotiate myself, not my bosses

MSLU Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Linguistic University"

University Reviews

Moscow universities that have budget places in the field of Linguistics. Admission 2013: list of Unified State Examinations, passing score, number of budget places and tuition fees.

TOP-5 minimum and maximum passing scores of the Unified State Exam in 2013 for budget places in Moscow universities in the field of study "Economics".

About MSLU

Moscow State Linguistic University is a rapidly developing university in Russia, one of the top ten classical universities in the Russian Federation, where students receive high-quality linguistic education. Bachelors, specialists and masters are trained here.

University education

There are 3 institutes operating on the basis of MSLU University.

  • Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after. Maurice Thorez under the leadership of director Galina Borisovna Voronina. It trains highly qualified specialists who will be able to work both as foreign language teachers in any educational institution and as a translator. Thanks to in-depth study of languages, graduates of the institute know two foreign languages ​​perfectly and can count on quick employment.
  • Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, headed by Arsen Yakovlevich Kasyuk. This institute was created in 2004 and now trains highly qualified specialists in the following programs: journalism, sociology, cultural studies, political science, public relations and foreign regional studies. To conduct classes, the institute uses a situation center, thanks to which students role-play a way out of various current situations that they will later have to face at work, and an enthogenesis center, which allows students to notice connections between the disciplines they study.
  • Institute of Law, Economics and Information Management, headed by Olga Ivanovna Titova, where bachelors are trained in the most popular specialties at present - economics, management, hotel management, document management and archiving, information security and jurisprudence.

In addition, at MSLU students study in 4 faculties:

  • translation, in which there are 13 language departments - English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Oriental and Scandinavian languages, English (as a second language), as well as translation from English, German, French and Spanish;
  • humanities and applied sciences, where students receive higher education in psychology, pedagogy, linguistics, as well as theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures;
  • German language, where the first foreign language is German and the second is English. For in-depth study of the German language, students can use the literature of the Austrian Library, which is available at MSLU, as well as 3,000 audio recordings of German texts, which are used by faculty teachers in practical classes;
  • French language, where the first foreign language of students is French, and the second is German or English. In addition to in-depth study of languages ​​and foreign culture, great attention is paid to such subjects as “Information and analytical products and services”, “Information resources”, “Intelligent information systems” and “Information technologies”, which will allow graduates to work not only as translators or librarians, but also in information and analytical centers.

To help applicants

To make it easier for applicants to pass the Unified State Examination and entrance exams to MSLU, the university operates a Pre-University Training Center under the leadership of Anna Anatolyevna Belik. Schoolchildren and lyceum students who want to deepen their knowledge in the disciplines that are included in the examination cycle are accepted here: foreign language, Russian language, mathematics, Russian history, biology, social studies, geography, computer science and literature.

Classes at the Center are taught by the best teachers of the university, who try to prepare course participants for exams. In recent years, about 80% of the children who attended the Pre-University Training Center were then able to successfully pass school exams and then enter university.

For Year 10 students, classes at the Center begin in the second week of September. First, course participants are tested in a foreign language and are enrolled in a group with applicants who have the same level of knowledge. And then studies begin for two semesters, after which students can enroll in training at the Pre-University Training Center for 11th grade students.

The program for 11th graders and school leavers also begins in the second week of September. Here, too, a foreign language test is first taken to be enrolled in a specific group. But applicants choose additional subjects themselves.

For 11th graders and school graduates, there is also the opportunity to study in the “Intensive” program, the duration of which is not 2 semesters, but one, but this program includes all the disciplines that are in the Unified State Exam. They can also choose the “Express Preparation” program, where course participants will be prepared for university entrance exams in 4 weeks.

International activities of MSLU

Since the main direction of study at the university is foreign languages, the most important aspect of the university’s activities is international activities. To ensure its effectiveness, the Department of International Cooperation was established in 2005.

The main management tasks are:

  • resolving legal issues and organizing cooperation with foreign partners of the university;
  • constant strengthening of relations with various international linguistic organizations and foreign universities;
  • holding international meetings and conferences for teachers and students on the basis of MSLU;
  • exchange of students between MSLU and foreign universities to exchange experiences and improve their knowledge of a foreign language;
  • assistance to foreign students arriving at MSLU in obtaining a visa and completing the necessary documents.

Dear applicant!

We are pleased to welcome you to the admissions committee page of the Moscow State Linguistic University website. We are sure that here you will be able to find information that will guide you in choosing a future profession, and you will have a desire to become a student at MSLU!

MSLU is one of the best linguistic universities in the country. Moscow State Linguistic University offers a wide range of educational programs for study. Each student has a unique opportunity to master foreign languages ​​and professional communication skills in parallel with obtaining their chosen specialty. The university trains bachelors, masters and specialists with knowledge of two foreign languages ​​in various specialties and areas. Only at our university you can choose from 36 foreign languages ​​for further study. The best foreign universities organize internships for our students, government institutions (ministries and departments), the largest Russian and Western companies first of all invite our students to practice and then employ our students. In addition, MSLU is one of the few universities that has retained a military department. After studying at the military department and successfully passing the state exam, graduates are awarded a military rank by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

We are proud of our university, its traditions, long history and are always glad to see new applicants and guests within its walls!

Information about the postal address for sending documents required for admission in 2019 - 8-499-766-92-28

Reception of foreign citizens - 8-499-245-38-79

Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee: Sergey Ivanovich Ivanov

Information about the place of receiving documents required for admission: 119034, Moscow, Ostozhenka, 38

Information about the postal address for sending documents required for admission:
119034, Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 38. MSLU Admissions Committee

Information about the email address for sending documents required for admission: [email protected]

Teacher about the university

Valery Sankov
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Union of Journalists

“I teach journalism and disciplines related to it. At MSLU you can get education in more than thirty specialties. But at every faculty and department, regardless of the profile, several languages ​​are studied. And you can choose from 35!

The linguistic university is remarkable and invaluable in that it provides a thorough knowledge of foreign languages ​​- at least two. And for a journalist with excellent knowledge of foreign languages, the horizons are vast. Just know how to look and choose. For a journalist-country specialist, there is a wide field of activity in news agencies, publishing houses, including foreign branches, in print and electronic media. In my memory, many of those who graduated from Moscow State Linguistic University work as correspondents in Italy, France, and Germany.

I am impressed by the efficiency of students - they, as a rule, know how and love to work. After all, you cannot learn a foreign language without diligence and perseverance. This is how important qualities for a journalist are developed - hard work, a sense of language, perseverance in finding the right, “wonderfully spoken” word.”

Courses with the highest passing scores in 2012

Translation and translation studies

The translation faculty at InYaz is specialized. In addition to the three Unified State Examinations, for admission they take an additional exam in a foreign language (English, French, German or Spanish). Studying is even more difficult than enrolling: the volume of vocabulary studied is approaching a thick dictionary. The faculty was organized in 1942, most of the famous Russian translators came from here. Graduates know at least three languages ​​- among which are Moldavian and Persian.


At MSLU they teach not just journalism; the specialty requires knowledge of two or three languages. Upon admission, you must show a portfolio - cuttings from newspapers and magazines, video or audio materials certified by the publisher. Works of fiction are not eligible. Those whose USE results and portfolio meet the requirements take an additional creative test. It is different every year: for example, analyze an excerpt from a foreign press, or write an essay on a given topic.

Tuition fee per year


Law has the highest passing score among specialties where you do not need to take additional exams. In order to enter in 2012, you had to score 255 out of 300 points in three Unified State Examinations. Starting in 2013, there will be an additional test - a social studies exam.

The most mysterious course

Linguistic semantics

At the Department of Linguistic Semantics they study linguistic typology, semiotics, morphological, syntactic and semantic text analysis, computer lexicography, computer-aided translation systems, cognitive linguistics and other amazing questions of the relationship between language units and the real world.

Famous teachers

Mikhail Zagot
translator of Mark Twain and Somerset Maugham

Teaches simultaneous translation

Dmitry Petrov
simultaneous interpreter who knows 30 languages, presenter of the “Polyglot” program on the “Culture” channel

Teaches simultaneous translation

Roman Silantiev
historian of religion, sociologist, researcher of Islam

Associate Professor of the Department of World Culture

Tofik Melikli
Turkologist, writer

Professor of the Department of Oriental Languages

Mikhail Tswilling
simultaneous interpreter, author of German dictionaries

Head of the Department of General Theory, History and Criticism of Translation

Famous graduates

3 important news of recent years

In 2011, student Malinin, expelled from MSLU, filed a lawsuit after the university administration offered him a paid repeat year as an alternative to expulsion. Malinin refused and was expelled. The court decided that the university had violated the expulsion procedure and ordered the student to be reinstated.

Since 2010, MSLU has been fighting for a plot of land on Ostozhenka, on which a new academic building can be built. In 2005, the land was transferred to the university for free use, but since the end of 2012, Moscow authorities have been asking MSLU to vacate the site - a parking lot for the nearest restaurant will be built there.

In 2008, the university renovated the academic building in Rostokino, which students dislike terribly because of its distance from the city center. The building is still heated with coal.


MSLU has a real university library; students use it with all their might and praise its volume, convenience and electronic catalogue. The university has its own printing house; books written by local teachers can be borrowed from the library or bought at a kiosk.

Main hangout spot

There is no recognized university-wide place at MSLU. During breaks, everyone goes to the canteen and smoking rooms. Directly opposite the main building on Ostozhenka there is a Coffee House, where you can always meet students and teachers - just like in other nearby cafes. But in Rostokino, besides McDonald's, there is nothing else.

Dining room

The Linguistic University has 6 different buildings where classes are held. There is a full-fledged dining room only in the main building on Ostozhenka. In the remaining buildings there are small cafes where semi-finished products and baked goods are heated. Prices everywhere, according to students, are high - a bun with tea costs more than a hundred rubles.

Students about the university

Lolita Khrunova
Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, 5th year

“It so happened that I have been associated with Ostozhenka Street for nine years now. First, four years at the linguistic lyceum at Moscow State Linguistic University, then at the alma mater, the university itself. Inyaz is a big brand. However, in recent years the university has been losing its position, although it is listed in various rankings. The shine of MSLU is gradually fading, and fewer and fewer lyceum graduates from Khilkov Lane come to Ostozhenka to apply. Most students complain about the scattering of buildings (many have heard a lot about our building in Rostokino, covered on all sides by forest, which almost everyone gets to by changing three types of transport). Some are dissatisfied with the quality of teaching disciplines, including languages, sometimes inappropriately strict administrative control and university regulations, additional payment for language classes (even for a budget department), the inability to independently choose languages, the constant change of teachers, as well as the presence of a certain internal censorship.

Egor Rodnenkov

“To tell the truth, I wasn’t particularly keen on going to MSLU. Accepting this as inevitable, at first I walked around with the dissatisfied face of a lost freshman. Of course, no one forced me, but I never had any plans to connect my life with linguistics. On top of everything else, I was given the Armenian language, so enthusiastic emotions about entering the university are not my story. Several years have passed since then, and if you ask what exactly didn’t suit me then, I’m unlikely to answer. Amazing language base, wonderful teachers, respectful attitude towards students, intimate and home-like classes. Even Armenian doesn’t sound so exotic now, and who can boast of such knowledge? Of course, this is not suitable for everyone. If you are not ready to bury your weekends with textbooks on linguistics, it is better to forget about the German language department, for example. Many take three foreign students at once, and then give up after a year - I know this from personal experience. It is very important to understand where you are actually taking the documents. It’s difficult to get into this university, but getting out of here is as easy as shelling pears. Cramming before an exam doesn’t help - in such universities they still remember what attendance and homework are.”

Eleonora Tsargush
Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, 3rd year

“The very first thing that comes to mind is physical education pairs. These two years it seemed to me that I was studying at the physical education department. In our university, it’s easy to get into trouble in this discipline if you don’t take it seriously, as a discipline, and not just a game of badminton. Also, speaking about MSLU, I cannot help but say that we have several buildings in Moscow. There are times when both students and teachers have to rush from one building to another within one day. In general, MSLU thinks about studying. We don't have many different events or competitions. Art lovers can join our student theater or choir. And they teach languages ​​well.”

Each applicant is attracted to a certain field of activity. Some people want to be creative, some are more attracted to business, and some dream of treating people... In general, each person has his own tastes and desires. There are also people who easily learn foreign languages ​​and want to connect their future lives with them. When choosing an educational institution, such applicants should take a closer look at Moscow Linguistic University. This is one of the best linguistic universities in our country. Is it difficult to enroll here? Does MSLU have a dormitory? This is what we will talk about.

Past and present

The linguistic university traces its history back to 1930. At this time, the Institute of New Languages ​​was created in Moscow. 5 years after its founding, the name was changed. The Pedagogical Institute continued to train specialists. languages. The university received its current name (linguistic university - MSLU) in 1990.

Over the years of its existence, the educational organization has achieved a lot. It has become the largest university in our country in the field of linguistics. Today it is a center of science, culture and education. Over 10 thousand students have chosen this university and are studying here in various areas of training. Education at the university is conducted in 35 languages. Particular attention was and is paid to the comfort of students. Over the years of the institution’s existence, a dormitory (and more than one) has been created at MSLU for the convenience of students. We’ll look at the existing buildings later, but for now let’s study the organizational structure of the university.

Faculties at MSLU

The Moscow Faculties consist of quite a large number of structural units. They train students in certain areas. The following faculties function at the university:

  1. Translation. It appeared in 1942. Since its founding, it has trained translators who know 2 foreign languages.
  2. Humanities. This is a young structural unit that began work in 2017. The faculty offers applicants to receive a humanitarian education by enrolling in such areas of training as “Psychological and Pedagogical Education,” “Cultural Studies,” “Theology,” and “Psychology.”
  3. Legal. Since 1995, this department has been functioning within the structure of the linguistic university. Its main task is to train qualified lawyers. The faculty is popular among applicants. People come from different parts of Russia to enroll at MSLU (dormitory accommodation is provided to non-residents).
  4. International information security. This faculty produces international-level specialists to work in the field of information security, archival and document management, and library and information activities.
  5. Distance learning. This faculty is attended by students who have chosen to study the educational material independently. The essence of such training is that during the semester people complete various tests and coursework and study educational literature. At the end of the semester, a study and examination session begins, including classes with teachers and passing tests and exams.
  6. Training of foreign citizens. The origins of this faculty lie in the 60s of the last century. It was at that time that foreign citizens began to come to the university wanting to gain new knowledge.
  7. Continuing education. This structural unit offers those interested a second higher education.

Institutes within MSLU

The linguistic university has not only faculties in its organizational structure. The university includes other institutes. One of them is the Institute of Socio-Political Sciences and International Relations. It appeared in 2004. This structural unit was created for those people who want to be political scientists, sociologists, journalists, international relations specialists and professionally speak 2 languages ​​in the future.

The Institute of Mathematical and Applied Linguistics is another component in the organizational structure of the linguistic university. The structural unit prepares bachelors and masters in the field of Linguistics. For postgraduate students there is a direction in “Literary Studies and Linguistics”. It is also worth noting that the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​trains specialists in the field of linguistics.


Many applicants, paying attention to the Moscow State Linguistic University (MSLU), hesitate in making a decision: is it worth enrolling in this university? A linguistic university has many advantages. Firstly, the university has a highly qualified teaching staff. Some of the employees of the educational organization are famous personalities.

Secondly, MSLU is notable for the quality of the educational process. Throughout the entire academic semester, students work hard to study the educational material, so those who come here are those who want and love to learn.

Another important nuance is that graduates of a linguistic university are in demand in the regional labor market. For example, in 2014, the university collected statistical information on the employment of former students. She showed that in 2013, 737 people graduated from the university. Of these, 97% of people were employed (this number also includes those graduates who decided to continue their studies). Only 11 people were unemployed, 7 people served in the army.

Information for applicants

Applicants entering the Moscow State Linguistic University are most concerned about the passing score. But before we talk about it, it is worth noting that the university offers future students a wide selection of educational programs. All of them can be combined into several large groups:

  • Information Security;
  • psychological sciences;
  • sociology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • political sciences and regional studies;
  • information librarianship and media;
  • service and tourism;
  • educational sciences and education;
  • literary criticism and linguistics;
  • history and archaeology;
  • theology;
  • cultural studies and sociocultural projects.

Budget places are quite high. In 2016, the selection committee, summing up the results of the admissions campaign, noted that the average passing score for “Legal Support of National Security” was 87, for “Advertising and Public Relations” - 88, for “Linguistics” - 80, for “International Relations” - 79 (the listed specialties are the most popular).

Dormitories for enrolled students

Moscow State Linguistic University has 4 student dormitories. They are located at the following addresses:

  • the first MSLU dormitory - Moscow, Petroverigsky lane, 6-8-10, building 1 (there are only 192 places for students, rooms are designed for 2-3 people);
  • st. Usacheva, 62 (the hostel is located on the 5th floor, it is designed to accommodate graduate students and doctoral students, 1 or 2 people per room);
  • st. Babaevskaya, 3 (the hostel is designed for foreign citizens, there are 138 places);
  • Komsomolsky Prospekt, 6 (the hostel has 300 beds for foreign teachers, interns, graduate students, and students who arrived at the university under interuniversity and international agreements).

The buildings have the necessary furniture, the kitchens are equipped with electric stoves, there are ironing rooms, toilets, and showers. Residents are provided with bed linen sets. This suggests that every dormitory in MSLU has everything for a comfortable stay.

Thus, Moscow Linguistic University is a university that provides all conditions for study. Many people who graduated from this institution did not regret their choice. MSLU has become an excellent launching pad for them to continue their studies and start a career.

Good day to everyone reading! I have been a student at MSLU since 2014, incl. I have some experience. Let's try to avoid one-sidedness when writing a review. Firstly, everyone has heard about the reputation of this university as the main linguistic one. There's not even anything to argue about here. You'll probably chuckle and ask, "Why?" Everything is quite simple here. Translation and linguistic areas have occupied and continue to occupy the most important position in the university. Consequently, they are given a decent amount of attention, and teachers keep the bar high. It is worth noting here that, of course, there are teachers, say, not with the highest teaching skills, however, there are also simply ideal, so to speak, dream teachers. What is typical is that the teaching staff rotates and changes every semester. Incl. even though you didn’t get the objectively best teacher, there is a decent chance that next semester you will have a new and more objective one. Secondly, it can be noted that some applicants believe that this university is only good for the two above-mentioned specialties/directions. This, I assure you, is not so. For example, my direction “Advertising and public relations in the commercial sector” exists quite successfully. Other areas are clearly staffed by teachers who are professionals in their field. Of course, there are some items in the program that make you wonder what they are doing here. But the absolute majority are relevant for the future profession. Thirdly, regarding the teaching staff. To be honest, I expected an “indifferent” attitude towards my person (and any student person), because... Since childhood, I was taught that “at university no one will chase you, you will have to do everything yourself.” It turned out completely wrong. There is a difference for teachers: they help with coursework/abstracts and other works with pleasure, if you have any additional questions, they try to answer without complaints, etc., etc. Of course, there are exceptions. But I hope you don't run into them. Fourthly, languages. Let's be honest with each other, the majority come here precisely because of them. There are languages ​​here in all directions. They receive the greatest attention regardless of specialty. Although, it is logical that upon completion of language specialties, the level of language proficiency is much higher than in others. Fifthly, now let's touch on the problematic side of learning, because it would be unfair to deprive you of information about it. Cases. They are scattered around Moscow: two in Sokolniki, three in Ostozhenka. Near the building on Rostokinsky Proezd in Sokolniki, physical training is being held in the park. I've heard that some people don't like it. I think it's pretty cool! Run. Open air. That's it. Building on Babaevskaya street. slightly both morally and physically outdated. But the auditoriums are maintained in more or less decent condition. Unlike the restrooms. Sixthly, a language can be given without the right to choose, i.e. the first is English, and the second is, for example, Korean. Incl. It’s worth checking in advance what languages ​​are available at the faculty you are applying to, and whether you can choose a second language (English, as a rule, is one of the default languages ​​for everyone). Seventhly, in some specialties an additional payment is required for training in professional vocabulary of the target language, at the end of which an additional diploma is issued stating that you are now the owner of the specialty “Professional translator in the field of...”. Well, or something like that. A nice bonus. Eighth, you have to study a lot in any specialty. Lots of homework. Very. It's worth being prepared for this. But at the end of the semester it feels like it was not in vain. Although an important note - the number of couples per day is not that large when compared with most other universities. In conclusion, I would like to add that the university is for those who really plan to study, and higher education is still rated as one of the best in Moscow (+ some programs allow you to get a double diploma: from MSLU and, for example, from the Goethe Institute) . I sincerely hope that this helps you in some way! In any case, good luck with your application (regardless of your choice of instagram) :D ;