Name day October 29 women's names. Komsomol Birthday

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Name day October 29


Origin of the name. The name Alexei comes from the Greek Alexios, which means “protector”. He truly becomes a true support for his family and friends. At baptism, the old Russian version of the name is used - Alexy.

Short form of the name. Alekseyka, Alekha, Lekha, Alyosha, Lesha, Leshenka, Alenya, Lenya, Lelya, Alya, Alyunya, Lyunya, Lekseyka, Lexa, Lexya


Origin of the name. The proud and beautiful male name George comes from the ancient Greek name Georgios, which in turn was formed from the word “georgos”, meaning “cultivator of the land”, that is, “farmer”. Today it is not very fashionable and is not particularly popular among newborn children.

Short form of the name. Goga, Garya, Mountain, Grief, Zhora, Zhorik, Zhorzhik, Gera, Gerya, Gesha, Gosha, Goshulya, Gulya, Goshunya.


Origin of the name. The name Eugene comes from the ancient Greek Eugenios, which in turn was derived from the word “eugenesi” and means “with good genes,” “noble, from a good family.”

Short form of the name. Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenechka, Zheka, Zhenyusha, Zhesha, Evgekha, Evgesha, Gesha, Enyuta, Enyukha, Enyusha, Enyasha, Evgenyushka, Evgenya, Genya.


Origin of the name. The name Ivan (John, Yohanan) is of biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew it means “God’s favor”, “God’s mercy”. In Russia, until 1917, among peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Ishu.


Origin of the name. The male name Kuzma is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Kosmas, which translated into Russian means “blacksmith”. You can also find meanings such as “world”, “universe”, “outfit”, “decoration”.

Short form of the name. Kuzya, Kuzyuta, Kuzyakha, Kuzyasha, Kosek, Kosmik, Kosek, Kosmasek, Kosmake, Kuz, Kuzko, Kuzema, Kuzemka, Kuzemochka, Kuzmichok, Kuzmina.


Origin of the name. The male name Leonty is of ancient Greek origin. It was formed from the name Leontios, which in turn arose from the word “leonteios”. The meaning of the name translated into Russian is “lion”.

Short form of the name. Leon, Leosh, Leonte.

Signs for October 29

  • With variable winds, winter will be unstable.
  • If on a cloudy day the sun shines brightly before sunset, there will be prolonged bad weather.
  • The ring around the moon is towards the wind.
  • A dim moon means phlegm; clear - for dry weather.
  • The moon is pale and cloudy - there will be snow and frost.
  • The wind blows from the north, which means there will be no rain and the sky will become clear.
  • When the sun sets, the sky is clear - for a fine day tomorrow.
  • A pillar is visible above the moon - towards the bucket.
  • The trees are covered with frost - for the upcoming frosts.
  • A bright starry sky means good weather, a dim sky means snow and rain.
  • If a goose stands on one paw, it will get colder.
  • If the sun is all in the clouds, like in a fog, there will be bad weather.
  • If the leaves turn yellow, but practically do not fall off, then frost will not come soon.
  • The crow always sits with its beak towards the wind.
  • The appearance of prolonged fogs means a thaw.

Orthodox holidays October 29

  • memory of the martyr Longinus, like those at the Cross of the Lord (1st century);
  • memory of Longin, goalkeeper of Pechersk, in the Far Caves (XIII-XIV centuries);
  • memory of the Venerable Longin of Yarenga (1544-1545);
  • memory of Saint George of the Trinity, confessor, presbyter (1931);
  • memory of the holy martyr Evgeniy Elkhovsky, presbyter (1937);
  • memory of the Hieromartyr Alexy Nikonov, presbyter (1938);
  • memory of the Hieromartyr John Zasedatelev, presbyter (1942).

Who was born on October 29

Horoscope for those born on October 29

If you were born on October 29, then your zodiac sign Scorpion. Look at yours

Men's and women's name days are October 29 according to the church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Complete list of female and male names and their meanings in the Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day October 29

Dementius (Dometius)Slavic name with Latin roots. A related form of the name Dometius. Means “tamer”, “pacifier”. Honoring the martyr Dometius.
DomninDerived from Latin. Derived from the word “dominus”, which means “lord”. Diminutive form of Domn. Veneration of the martyr Domnin.
LeontyIt is of ancient Greek origin. Derived from the name Leontios, which comes from the word “leonteios”. Translated into Russian it means “lion”. Martyr Leonty.
LonginusLatin male name. Comes from the Latin word “longinus”, which translated into Russian means “remote”. Veneration of the martyr Longinus, centurion at the Cross of the Lord.

Has two versions of origin. From Slavic and Latin. In the first case it means “small”. According to the second version, it is derived from the Latin word “malus”, which translated into Russian means “evil”. Reverend Mal, hermit.

TerentyDerived from Latin. It means “annoying”, “threshing”. Honoring the martyr Terenty.

Women's name day October 29

ViolaDerived from Latin and English. In the first case, it is derived from the Latin word “violet”, which is translated into Russian as “violet”. The English name is derived from the word “alto” - the name of a musical instrument.
EupraxiaGreek female name. Translated into Russian it means “charity worker”. Honoring the blessed princess Eupraxia of Pskov, in the world of Euphrosyne.
EuphrosyneFeminine form of the male name Euphrosyne. Greek name. Derived from the Greek word “euphrosune”, which means “cheerfulness, joy”.

The veneration of the martyr Longinus is celebrated. The saint was originally from Cappadocia. He served under Pilate, the Roman ruler of Judea. During the suffering of Christ on the cross, he was on guard with Him. Having seen the miracles that happened during the suffering of Jesus, I believed in Him. Longinus left his service and went home to preach about Christ. The Jews, having learned about this, got Pilate to execute Longinus. The Roman governor gave the order to behead him. The hand of the martyr Longinus is in the Cathedral of St. Peter the Apostle in Rome.
Honoring Princess Eupraxia of Pskov, wife of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich of Pskov. Leaving his wife and children, the prince went to the knights in Livonia. Eupraxia, left without a husband, devoted her life to deeds of piety. In Pskov she founded the convent of the Forerunner, of which she later became abbess. The princess accepted death at the hands of her stepson. The saint's body was buried in her monastery and was soon marked by numerous miracles.

People celebrating their name day on October 29 are distinguished by their assertive character, nobility, and devotion. They are ambitious and practical. They act decisively and masterfully solve problems. They know how to achieve their goals without betraying their principles and ideals. You can find a suitable name for a child born on this day in the Saints: on October 29, the memory of 14 saints is celebrated.

What name to choose for a boy

October boys are loyal friends, reliable husbands, a strong support for the whole family. They often make an unfavorable impression: young people express their opinions directly under any circumstances. Names chosen in honor of saints will help improve a child’s character.

Guys' names from A to D

Alexei Since childhood he has been attached to his mother. He considers himself her protector. It's always nice to be with him

communicate, he knows how to listen. He sincerely worries about the other person and tries to help him. Responsive. Prefers to prove his words with actions. Doesn't consider himself grand. He is ordinary, reliable, gentle. Sharp turns, passions, sharp ups and downs are not his element.

Name Georgiy(Egor) endows the boy with generosity, self-confidence, and generosity. In front of strangers he is silent and reserved, but in the circle of family and friends he is talkative and cheerful. Cheerful, loves parties and noisy companies. He prefers to relax in nature. In his character there is a rare quality - forgiveness. He is clean at home and loves order. He tries to take only “helpful” people as friends, but he carefully hides it.

From the crowd Dementy stands out for his positive outlook on life. Creatively approaches problem solving. He is kind, hardworking, reliable, responsible. As a child, he shows excessive gentleness and obedience. Ready to help everyone. Able to empathize and keep secrets. Dementia can become a good doctor or teacher. Responsible for work.

U Domnina innate talent for creativity. The boy is a bright personality, constantly looking for a use for his abilities. It has a dynamic, lively character. Relies on intuition. A person is capable of sacrifice not for the sake of a lofty goal, but only because he can afford it. Sociable, cheerful, smart, charismatic, optimistic.

Male names from E to K

Angel Day on October 29th is celebrated by boys with the name Eugene. Their character combines such qualities as fearfulness, weakness, but at the same time masculinity and strength. It’s easy to unbalance men and make them nervous. Young people are stubborn and strive to get their way. They are friendly in communication and know how to laugh at themselves. They behave like gentlemen with girls. They treat loved ones and relatives with understanding, value their location, and are ready to help.

Any Ivana(Yan) can be called a real symbol of the Russian soul: his generosity can turn into squandering, lightness into recklessness, gullibility into stupidity. A man strives to gain a high status in society. He is characterized by some complacency, so many consider Ivan a hypocritical, vain person, which often does not correspond to reality. He rarely becomes the instigator of a quarrel. He has few ill-wishers, because the young man has an easy disposition and an excellent sense of humor.

October 29th is the name day of the male name Kuzma. The boy grows up kind, smiling, calm. He is not touchy and forgives quickly. Unhurried, often distracted, in no hurry to solve problems.

Kuzya is calm, does not like to argue or swear. His slowness annoys those around him. He has few friends, but the man does not suffer from loneliness. A homebody, he does not like to be away from home for a long time.

Boys from L to Z

Leonty - stubborn, difficult to communicate with. Often pursues profit when choosing friends. Greedy, treats strangers with arrogance. Masters a variety of professions:

  • doctor;
  • carpenter;
  • investigator;
  • actor, etc.

It is popular among women. In important situations he gives up and does not dare to enter into a serious relationship. Shy, but tries to hide this quality. Has excellent intuition.

Sensitivity, susceptibility to depression, self-isolation, silence - this is about Sergei’s character. He is reserved and does not show his emotions. However, he always acts decisively, does not forgive or forget anything. He understands people very well. Stoically endures life's problems and hardships. He never loses heart, tries to support the person dear to him.

Spiritual life for Terentia more important than the vanity of life. He despises troublemakers and appreciates generous people. Prefers solitude. The birthday boy is taciturn and reserved. Stays apart. He is hardworking, in his hands any work is successful.

Kindness and selflessness distinguish the adult Terenty. Those around him often abuse his qualities. This hurts the man deeply.

Names for girls

Girls have natural magnetism from birth. They are emotionally hidden, energetic, and purposeful. They have a tendency to develop bad habits. Maximalists in all areas of life. The girls who celebrate Angel Day on October 29 are determined and persistent.

The following female names are mentioned in the Saints:

Parents should understand that they are responsible to their children for naming them. After all, it can correct a person’s destiny.

It is better to consult with a clergyman about resolving this issue. He will help you choose a more common colloquial name for the baby if the parents don’t like the church name.

Attention, TODAY only!

Day of private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Non-departmental security was created as part of the internal affairs bodies in 1952 by the corresponding order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the protection of economic facilities, regardless of their departmental affiliation (this explains the name of the service). Today, units of this service effectively ensure the security of more than one and a half million private apartments and 500 thousand objects in Russia.

Day of adoption of the Constitution of Serbia

On October 28-29, 2006, in Serbia, based on the results of a popular referendum, a new Constitution of the country was adopted, replacing the previous one, in force since 1990. Parliament approved the new Constitution in November 2006. According to its preamble, Serbia is the state of the Serbian people and the citizens who live in it. Unlike the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia of 1990-2006, which proclaimed the Serbo-Croatian language as the official language in the country and the official alphabets as Latin and Cyrillic, the new Constitution established the Serbian language as the single state language and the official alphabet as the Cyrillic alphabet.

Republic Day in Turkey

This holiday commemorates the day of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. This happened after amendments were made to the Turkish Constitution, which led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This holiday is celebrated throughout the country. On this day, the facades of houses and various institutions are decorated with national flags, people attend festive events and take part in festive processions, and in the evening everyone can watch celebrity performances in squares and boulevards and admire beautiful fireworks.

Komsomol Birthday

This holiday was established in memory of the day when, in 1918, the First All-Russian Congress of Workers' and Peasants' Youth decided to create the Russian Communist Youth Union, which later became known as the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (VLKSM). For several generations of Soviet people, the Komsomol is their restless youth, large-scale construction projects, heroism and real Komsomol brotherhood. At one time, two hundred million citizens of the country were Komsomol members, for whom this day, even after it lost its ideological meaning, remained a real holiday.

Other memorable events on October 29:

Creation of the International Red Cross

On October 29, 1863, the Swiss Henri Dunant founded the International Red Cross, a humanitarian organization that operates on the principles of neutrality. Since its founding, it has protected and provided assistance to people affected by armed conflicts and internal strife. The headquarters of the Red Cross is in Geneva. Today this organization employs about 12 thousand people in 80 countries.

Launching of the icebreaker "Ermak"

On this day in 1898, the Russian icebreaker Ermak was launched, which became the world's first Arctic-class icebreaker capable of crossing heavy ice two meters thick. The construction of the icebreaker was supervised by a commission headed by Admiral Makarov. The Ermak passed its first test with honor in March 1899, freeing 11 steamships trapped in the Revel area from ice captivity.

Opening of the Revolution Theater in Moscow

On October 29, 1929, the Theater of Revolution opened in Moscow, which we know today as the Moscow Academic Theater named after Vladimir Mayakovsky. He was one of the founders of Soviet drama theaters. In 1964 the theater became Academic. Over the years it was led by V. Meyerhold, A. Popov, I. Shlepyanov, N. Okhlopkov, A. Goncharov, Y. Ioffe, S. Artsibashev and others.

Folk calendar October 29 (old style - October 16):

On October 29, the Orthodox world honors the martyr Longinus. The Roman centurion Gaius Cassius Longinus, along with other guards, guarded the site of Christ's crucifixion. When the Savior was executed, His blood splashed onto the eyes of Longinus, who suffered from cataracts, and healed him. So Longinus believed in the divine origin of Jesus. Three days later, having witnessed his resurrection with other soldiers, he went to preach in Cappadocia, where he was from. He was accompanied by two more soldiers who saw Christ risen. By order of Pontius Pilate, they were caught and beheaded. When the blind woman who found the heads of Christians buried them in the earth, she regained her sight. Since then, Longinus began to be considered a healer of eye diseases, to whom one should pray for their cure.

On Longinus it was customary to take winter clothes out of chests for airing. People believed that under the influence of the last sun and the first frost it would be filled with useful energy and protect them from cold and disease.

Name day October 29:

On this day, Alexey, Georgy, Evgeny, Ivan, Kuzma, Leonty, Terenty are honored.

Significant historical events on October 29:

October 29 in 1611 Celebrations related to the “final” victory over Muscovy took place in Warsaw. These events took place during the so-called “Time of Troubles,” which brought Polish-Swedish intervention and a crisis in the political, economic and social spheres to Russia. In July 1610, as a result of the Battle of Klushino, the Russian-Swedish army was defeated and the way to Moscow was opened for the Poles. This defeat of Vasily Shuisky's troops became the reason for the political revolution in Moscow and Shuisky's excommunication from power. A series of bloody events followed, and on October 29, 1611, the Polish king Sigismund III organized a celebration in Warsaw to mark the conquest of Muscovy. But Kuzma Minin was already gathering a militia in Nizhny Novgorod, which in August 1612 would defeat the Polish army near Moscow and by October 1612 would completely clear the capital of invaders.

October 29 in 1768 Catherine II initiated smallpox vaccination in Russia by inoculating herself against smallpox. Together with her, her son Pavel Petrovich and Grand Duchess Maria Feodorovna also received the vaccine. The peasant boy Markov, from whom the Empress received the vaccine, subsequently became the owner of a noble title, coat of arms and the surname Ospenny.

October 29, 1929 There was a stock market crash on the New York Stock Exchange, which became known as “Black Tuesday.” That morning, immediately after trading opened, desperate brokers, investors and bankers sold off tens of thousands of shares, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 12.5%. Black Tuesday marked the beginning of the long global economic crisis that we know as the Great Depression.

October 29, 1955 In the Northern Bay of Sevastopol, the battleship Novorossiysk, which was the flagship of the Black Sea squadron of the Soviet Navy, sank. His death is considered one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Russian fleet. In this maritime incident, more than 600 sailors were killed and about 200 were injured. After investigating the circumstances of the death of the battleship, the State Commission concluded that the cause of the explosion was a German mine that had remained in the Northern Bay since the Great Patriotic War, which was confirmed by the nature and shape of the explosion.

October 29, 1956 Israel carried out an armed attack on Egypt. A few days later, France and Great Britain became participants in this armed conflict. Thanks to the threat of direct intervention by the Soviet Union, an attempt to take control of the Suez Canal, nationalized by Egypt, and remove Egyptian President Nasser from power was prevented.

October 29, 1998 The space shuttle Discovery was launched into space, piloted by 77-year-old John Glenn, who was the first American astronaut, and after this flight became the oldest astronaut in history.

Born on October 29:

Alexey Gorbunov(born in 1961), theater and film actor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, who has played in more than 40 films, known for the films “Cargo Unmarked”, “Filer”, “The Pit”, “Gold of the Party”, “Countess de Monsoreau” ", "Country of the Deaf", "Kamenskaya", "Hipsters", etc.

Elena Drapeko(born in 1948), Soviet film actress, known for the films “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “Fatherlessness”, “The Singles Are Provided with a Hostel”, etc. Elena Drapeko is a deputy of the Russian State Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Winona Ryder(born 1971), American film actress, known for the films “The Age of Innocence”, “Mermaids”, “Dracula”.

Abram Fedorovich Ioffe(1880-1960), Russian and Soviet physicist, engaged in the experimental substantiation of the theory of light, solid state physics, dielectrics and semiconductors; editor of many scientific journals, author of a number of monographs, textbooks and popular books.

Varvara Fedorovna Stepanova(1894-1958), Soviet painter, who was also a talented graphic artist, set designer, and applied art artist. The works of Varvara Stepanova have become the property of many leading museums in the world, decorating the halls of the New York Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Moscow State Tretyakov Gallery, the St. Petersburg State Russian Museum, etc.

Joseph Goebbels(1897-1945), Nazi criminal who was a statesman and politician in Nazi Germany.

Names for October 29 according to the church calendar (saints)

October 29 / November 11

Abramy (Abram) - father of nations, exalted father (Heb.);
Agathia (Agafia) - kind, good, noble, good (Greek);
Alexy (Alexey) - protect, protector (Greek); assistant, help (lat.);
Anastasia (Nastasya) - resurrected, reborn (Greek);
Andrey - brave, courageous (Greek);
Anna - grace, grace, comeliness, mercy (Heb.);
Asterium - starry, studded with stars (Greek);
Vasily - king, royal, royal (Greek);
Victor - winner (lat.);
Eugene - noble (Greek);
John (Ivan) - God has mercy, the grace of God, God is pleased (Heb.);
Claudius (Claudeus) - lame, lame (lat.);
Cosma (Kuzma, Kozma, Kosma) - a world that cares about beauty, order, decoration, the universe (Greek);
Leonidas - like a lion (Greek);
Mary - lady, hope (Heb.);
Nahum - comforting, consolation (Heb.);
Neon – new, young, floating, youth (Greek);
Nicholas - conquering people (Greek);
Pavel - small, small (lat.);
Feonilla - godly, divinity (Greek);
Philip (Philipius) - lover of horses (Greek).

Do you know that...

October 29 (November 11) is the day of remembrance of the early Christian martyr Anastasia of Rome. Anastasia was orphaned early and was raised in a monastery in the vicinity of Rome. During the serious persecution of Christians, the girl was accused of considering the crucified Christ to be God, and despising and rejecting noble suitors.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.
