Kindergarten English language game. Types of educational games in English

Tatyana Efremova
Outdoor games used in teaching English to preschoolers

Outdoor games- the most important means of physical education for children in preschool and, especially, school age. They always require active motor actions from the players, aimed at achieving a conditional goal specified in the rules. I offer a list of games that I use in my classes.

“Where is the monkey?”

Children close their eyes and count to 10 (in English, of course). The teacher hides a toy monkey (or another, but always the same toy) in the classroom. The teacher says Open your eyes! Where is the monkey? Children are looking for a toy. The one who finds the toy is the first to shout loudly: Here it is! The winner gets to drive.

“Touch your nose”

The teacher says: Touch your nose. Children touch their nose. The teacher continues by naming different parts of the body. Children follow commands until they hear:

“Don’t touch your nose!”

In response to the Don’t command, children should freeze in place. The one who continues to perform the action is eliminated from the game.

The winner gets to drive.


You name a color in English, for example, red. Children must find the named color on their clothes, on the street or in the room, touch it and repeat its name.

"Bring me"

Various things are laid out in the room or outside. The presenter asks the children to bring him some thing, naming it or describing it in English. Whoever finds and brings this item first wins. Bring me a pencil….

"Simon Says"

The presenter says the following phrase: “Simon says: “Stand up (Sit down, Run, Touch your nose, Jump).” Participants must follow all commands only if they are preceded by the introductory phrase “Simon says.”

"How I'm growing."

Children squat in a circle and say how old they are: “I am one.” I am two…”, while gradually rising higher and higher, depicting how they grow.

“You catch me”

Children stand in a circle. One child puts on a cat mask and stands behind the circle, and the other puts on a mouse mask and remains in the circle. Children say the words: “One, two, three – you catch me.” The cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse, but the players close the entrances in front of it. When the cat makes its way into the circle, the children immediately release the mouse from it. If the cat catches the mouse, then other children are assigned to their roles.


Children come to the store and buy toys, turning to the seller: “Give me a doll, please.” The seller gives the toy and says: “here you are.” The game can be played on different topics.


The players line up at the start. The presenter closes his eyes and counts out loud to three. At this time, everyone else is trying to reach the finish line. On the count of three, the presenter says “Stand still” and opens his eyes. The player whom the leader notices moving becomes the leader. Those players who reach the finish line win.

“What is your name?”

Children move to the music in a circle and sing the first verse of the song “What is your name?”. The boy or girl in the center of the circle answers them by telling them his or her name.

"What am I doing?"

Children form a circle. The leader stands in the middle of the circle and shows movements (eating, jumping, running, etc.). children must say in English what he is doing. The one who guesses first becomes the leader.

Relay race.

Children lined up one after another are given cards. The child standing first in the column names the subject of the image in English and runs to the end of the column. If the child forgets a word or pronounces it incorrectly, he should get help from a teacher. After some time, the children change cards in order to remember other words. The time allotted for the game is determined by the teacher.

Ball games.

1. Children, standing in a semicircle, throw the ball up and, while it flies, name the desired word or phrase (the word is determined by which card the teacher shows them).

2. Pass the ball to your neighbor. The teacher shows the card. The child names a word or phrase, passing the ball to a friend standing next to him.

3. Children in English name the word or phrases that the teacher pronounces in Russian. (The task is to hit the ball on the ground, say the desired word or phrase and catch the ball that bounced off the ground)

4. Throw the ball into a basket on the floor and call out the memorized word.

5. Children sit on the floor in a circle and randomly roll the ball to each other. The person receiving the ball must quickly say the word or phrase.

6. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Throwing the ball one at a time, he calls the Russian word, the child, returning the ball, calls this word in English. It is advisable to group words according to the topics “Products”, “Colors”, “Toys”, etc.


1. Jumping from foot to foot. Children name any 5 words, jumping from foot to foot.

2. Jumping rope while listing the names of toys, school supplies, and animals.

They sat down and stood up.

Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher shows the card. The child crouches and names the desired word or phrase. The rest of the children do the same. To return to the starting position, you need to say the next word in response to the card shown.


Step over the rope lying on the floor and name any familiar word.

Get in and get out

The child steps over the hoop lying on the floor twice, entering and exiting the center of the circle. At the same time, he names any two words or sentences from memory.

Publications on the topic:

“Creating a language environment for preschoolers when teaching a foreign language” Each of us knows how to talk. Some speak only one native language, while others speak two or three languages ​​at once.

Games with cards in English classes. Flashcard games. Yes/No For this game you need to divide the floor into two zones: the Yes zone and the No zone. All children stand in the Yes zone. The teacher shows the pictures and names them.

Summary of educational activities in English for older preschoolers “Travel to Great Britain (England)” Author: teacher of additional education MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Rainbow" Popova Olena Aleksandrovna Program content - to introduce.

Progress of the lesson. Good morning, boys and girls. 1. Phonetic exercise. Today our friend (Mr Tongue) Mr. Yazychek went to the zoo.

Goal: Repetition and consolidation of vocabulary on the topics “Zoo Animals”, “Colors”, “Verbs of Movement”. Progress of the lesson: Children stand in a circle. Teacher:

There is no need to talk long about the role of the English language in the modern world, since it is obvious that it is huge. Knowledge of the English language becomes one of the components of a successful person, which ensures stability and prosperity, well-being in life.

When should you start learning a language and what is necessary for this? It is worth starting to learn English as early as possible, because it is impossible to learn a language completely. Therefore, the sooner you start classes, the more you can learn.

However, how can you explain to a child that classes are necessary, that they need to learn this, since the knowledge acquired now will be useful to you in 10 or even more years?...

In fact, it will be easier and better if you do not waste precious time on explanations, which in most cases are useless and are not perceived by the child. The best solution would be to spend this time on effective activities with your child.

As a rule, the first impression of something matters a lot. If he liked the first lessons with a child in English, then the further learning process will be a joy, there will be a desire to learn new things, an incentive to learn more.

How to conduct games for children in English?

Academic studies for children are something incomprehensible and uninteresting, especially if they are still at an age when they do not attend school.

But even if they already go to school, the presence of additional English lessons for them is more of a burden than a joyful event.

It should also be remembered that children are not able to concentrate attention for a long time, this does not depend on the desire or unwillingness of the child, this is a physiological feature. In order for classes to bring maximum benefit, frequent changes in the type of activity are necessary.

In the initial stages, this should be done every five minutes with short intervals in between. The most effective method of teaching children is play. This is the simplest and most understandable, familiar to children and bringing positive emotions.

This unobtrusive form of learning English gives excellent results. This does not mean that you need to play the game for hours or all day, because there are many games and they are different.

You should alternate between different types of games, focusing on the child’s preferences and the result - the material learned.

By immersing yourself in the gameplay, the child not only gains new knowledge of the English language, but also develops imagination, logic, thinking, trains memory, improves perseverance and the ability to concentrate.

Educational outdoor games in English for children

All children are restless, energy simply bursts out of them in an inexhaustible stream, they need to move as much as possible. However, movement can also be beneficial! Outdoor games in English are ideal for useful activities with children.

Game Simon Says

  • Required materials for the game: not required.
  • Number of players: unlimited, minimum 3 people, one of whom is the host and two players.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, concentration of attention, and increased vocabulary in English are improved.
  • Rules of the game: It is necessary to choose a presenter who is fluent in English and does not make grammatical errors in simple sentences in order to avoid incorrect memorization of words by the rest of the game participants.

    The main task of the presenter is to give clear and loud commands. The presenter says a phrase, for example: “Simon says: Touch your ears!” (Simon says: Touch your ears!). The remaining players stand in front of the leader and execute this command.

    If one of the participants performed the command incorrectly and hesitated to watch how the others were doing it, he is eliminated. The presenter's commands can be constantly different or repeated several times, for example, touch your nose, chick, eye..;move your head to the right, up..; jump; sit down. You can complicate the task and give a command like this: “Touch you knee with your nose.” If the leader pronounces a command without the words “Simon says,” then the players should not carry it out; those who make a mistake and do so are eliminated from the game. The game continues until one player remains who has completed all the commands correctly and is the winner, who usually becomes the leader in the repeated game.

Game Sea - Ground

  • Required material: blue cloth, or chalk, or thread. It is necessary to delimit the space into 2 parts, one of which is the sea, the other land. You can put a blue canvas on the floor, which will represent the sea, or you can draw an area of ​​the sea with colored chalk; you can stretch a bright, clearly visible thread low above the ground, so that on one side of the thread there will be a sea, on the other there will be land.
  • Number of players: is not limited, but it is better to play in a group of up to 10 people, so that there is no crowding among children, which entails falls and injuries.
  • Benefits of the game: improving attention and coordination of movements.
  • Rules of the game: The leader stands to the side and says the words, when he says the word “Ground”, all children must stand on the marked area, which is conventionally designated as the ground.

    When the leader says the word "Sea", all children must jump to the sea area. You can complicate the task and say a phrase, for example, “Tigers go to us,” then the players need to escape and jump into the sea area.

    If a participant in the game makes a mistake in his actions, he is eliminated from the further game. The player who turns out to be the most dexterous and attentive, having accurately followed all the instructions of the presenter, becomes the winner.

Game Letters and Numbers

Option 1:

  • Required material: a badge or cards with letters and numbers that can be attached to clothing.
  • Number of players: 1 leader and 2 teams with an equal number of players.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, attention, teamwork skills, learning letters and numbers in English improves.
  • Rules of the game: the first team is the letter team, the second team is the numbers team, each player receives a badge with a letter or number. The presenter calls out a combination of letters and numbers, then gives the command to run. For example, “3D.Run!”, the command must be said quickly so that players have less time to think. Players who have the corresponding letter and number on their badges must run to the leader as quickly as possible. Whoever comes in second is eliminated from the game.

Option 2:

  • Required material: chalk or numbers and letters printed on paper.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: coordination of movements, attention, learning letters and numbers in English improves.
  • Rules of the game: Lay out or draw circles on the floor with numbers and letters inside. The presenter calls a letter or number, and the participants in the game must find it on the floor as quickly as possible and stand in that place.

Run-Freeze Game

  • Required material: not required.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improved coordination of movements, attention, vocabulary replenishment.
  • Rules of the game: One person is the leader, he gives the command: “Run”. All participants run in free form. After some time, the presenter gives the command: “Freeze! Pets! (can be changed to: musical instruments, transport, food, etc.)” Hearing these words, everyone freezes in place, trying to imitate one of the pets. The presenter guesses the figures and asks the players questions: “Are you a dog?” (or other pet)." Participants answer “Yes, I am or No, I am not.”

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Didactic games

Working in groups in a playful way contributes not only to learning English, but also to the development of children’s communication skills, which is very important and useful for the harmonious development of the child. Didactic games are ideal for optimization and high-quality development of educational material.

Pass the card game

  • Required material: cards with a picture and a word on a specific topic.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improving communication skills, working in a group, increasing vocabulary, training memory.
  • Rules of the game: Children sit in such a way that it is convenient to pass handouts from hand to hand; it is best to sit in a circle. Each participant in the game draws a card. The first one says: “I have...(what is shown in the picture)”, then the card is passed around the circle and each participant says out loud what he has and adds what has already been named by previous players.

Game What words do you know?

  • Required material: You can use cards with English letters for clarity, but this is not necessary.
  • Number of players: not limited. But it’s ideal to work in a small group, otherwise the game drags on and loses interest.
  • Benefits of the game: trains memory, attention, increases vocabulary.
  • Rules of the game: The presenter calls a letter or shows a card with a letter, and says a number from 1 to 10. Participants in a short time must select the number of words specified by the number that begin with this letter.

Game Is it true or not?

  • Required material: ball, but you can do without it.
  • Number of players: not limited.
  • Benefits of the game: improves communication skills, develops logical thinking, ingenuity, imagination, and increases vocabulary.
  • Rules of the game: The first player says a statement, for example: “all pigs can fly,” and throws the ball to one of the players. The one who has the ball in his hands must confirm or refute the statement. If the player did this correctly, he says his statement and passes the ball to the next player. If the answer is incorrect, the player is eliminated from the game.

Games based on songs

Games based on songs are practically well-known physical education lessons that are held at school. The difference is that in this way the student does not take a break from the lesson, but learns.

Song If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands

This is a well-known and very popular analogue of the Russian song “If you like it, then do it this way.” A very instructive and simple song with repeated words, which is very good for quickly memorizing and repeating body parts in English.

It is very good if at first children not only listen to the song, but also watch a video that shows the movements and contains the text. For example, this funny video with dancing animals will surely appeal to children

Song We're Going on a Bear Hunt

The song about a bear hunt is somewhat similar to the Russian “A clubfooted bear walks through the forest...”, and although it is quite long, even kids can easily cope with it.

You can come up with movements yourself so that they meaningfully fit the words of the song. For example, you can watch a video where children perform this song as a small skit:

Song "Head and Shoulders"

A fun song that will help you learn and reinforce the names of body parts in English. Children really like it for its rhythm and pleasant music. This kind of boy can make a pleasant company for learning a song:

Game ideas for English lessons for children

To prevent English lessons from turning into boring and uninteresting, you need to add something bright and unforgettable to them, for example, games.

Such informal parts of the lesson are very well remembered by students, so there is a high probability that all the useful information will be learned.

Of course, for different classes, games should be selected according to age and level of mastery of a foreign language.

For example, outdoor games and song games are well suited for the lower grades of school.

They contain a minimal amount of lexical material and, as a rule, they cover a specific topic.

Another advantage of such games is their duration; a song game takes a maximum of 5-7 minutes, which is quite enough for children of this age.

Middle school students usually prefer didactic games on various topics. Funny physical education lessons often cause laughter and stiffness of movements at this age, which violates discipline and brings less benefit than in elementary school, because the material on which the song is based is already well known to the students.

High school students require more thorough preparation for games in English. It is worth choosing complex didactic games for them.

A very good idea is to hold a brain-ring, where students can show not only their knowledge of the English language, but also their knowledge of the history of Great Britain and the United States, knowledge of the traditions, customs and culture of the British.

Games in English for schoolchildren online

Thanks to the Internet and access to a huge number of educational portals and sites, learning English has become much more enjoyable and effective. This is the case when you don’t have to worry about your child playing on the computer, because this is how he learns the language.

Typically, games are divided into themes and difficulty levels. There are games for beginners where they learn letters, numbers, and basic words by topic. There are games for those who are already familiar with English vocabulary and grammar. In a word, everyone can choose what they need.

Here are a few sources that have a good collection of games for children in English:

Playing should not only be fun, but also useful, so don’t waste your time: let’s start play!!!

When teaching children, we always remember about the peculiarities of their memory - they remember words easily, absorb everything new like sponges. And to make it interesting, we do it while playing!

To begin with, I would like to immediately say that everything is suitable for children. That is, you should also pay attention to the child’s channels of perception. Read more in the above article.

Games for memorizing English words

Game "Lexical Chair"

We place chairs in a circle, there are 1 fewer chairs than participants. A topic is announced, for example, “Vegetables”, the teacher names various words on this topic, the children walk around the chairs in a circle, as soon as they name a word from another topic (of course, a familiar word from what was studied earlier), the children quickly take the chairs. Those who did not have time leave the circle together with one chair, etc.

Game "Hangman"

Everyone knows the gallows. The presenter thinks of a word and draws dashes on the board, the number of which corresponds to the number of letters. Children guess the letters in a circle; if there is one, they write it in the corresponding dash; if not, they begin to draw a little man on the gallows. I changed this rule because one girl was very upset because she didn’t guess the letter and couldn’t “save the little man” :) So now we are not playing “gallows”, but “elephants” "spiders", "turtles" and so on. No one bears any responsibility for the life of the creature, we simply draw and for each unsolved letter we paint over a part of the body.

Game "Same or Different"

Practicing word recognition. We play with cards, in each group of words I throw in the “wrong” word from a different category.

Game "Crosses and Naughts"

Tic-tac-toe, everyone loves it. We divide into two teams, “crosses” and “toes”. I have prepared questions in advance that I give to these teams, they ask each other, the teams confer and answer. On the board I draw a standard grid for playing tic-tac-toe. If the answer is correct, then the team is told where to put their X or O. If not, they miss the turn. I love this game, because usually students remember for a long time and well what we practice.

Snowball game

Everyone knows the snowball, we repeat the words in a chain and add our own, etc. Sometimes I make the game a little different. We compose a very long sentence, starting with one word, and we can add something in any part of the sentence. For example, apples - green apples - Nick likes green apples - Nick likes green apples very much - Nick and his sister like green apples very much... and so on.

Game "Simon Says"

If we say a phrase starting with Simon says, then the command must be executed; if not, then there is no need to execute it. For example, Simon says “touch your elbow”, which means you need to do it, if you just “touch your elbow”, then you don’t need to do it. The game seems simple, but when you start speaking quickly, many people get confused. Children have fun, plus an additional opportunity to get up from their seats and warm up) Especially if you often say, Simon says “touch your toes.”

Game "Telephone"

Deaf phone, we say a word in the ear of the first one, the children convey what they heard in a whisper along the chain, the last one voices it. Such miracles happen, sometimes some hippo easily turns into a cat)

Game "Treasure Hunt"

I really love this game! I hide various notes around the classroom (or school) with assignments and instructions on where to look for the next one. Or the children have a map in advance on which they move, dividing into two or more teams. Only here will you need helpers. At the end, a treasure chest awaits them. You can throw some candy in there. "Treasure" is up to you. If I make cards, I heat the edges a little so that they look like antique ones.

Game "In The Bag"

We put various objects in an opaque bag, the children come up one by one, close their eyes, take out one object and identify it by touch and name it in English.

Hot Potato Game

The ball is a hot potato! You can’t hold it in your hands for too long, you’ll get burned! We throw the ball around in a circle, naming words from a certain topic or starting with a letter.

Game "Puzzles"

We write words or phrases on sheets of paper and cut them into pieces of different shapes. We divide into 2 teams and assemble the puzzle at speed.

Game "Card hopping"

Children love it when they can get some exercise in class. We make islands with pictures on A4 sheets, divide into 2 teams, mix the cards and give the same number to each team, in turn, each player must move to the other side (to the opposite wall), drawing out one card at a time, naming the object in English, throwing it on the floor and stepping on the "island".

Unscramble game

We are making cards with the words we have studied, but the letters in the words are mixed up, we need to fix this. We do it at speed. You can also later compare it with a picture, translation, definition, etc.

Miming Games

This game is easy to do with verbs and emotions. The student receives a card with a word and shows it with movements and facial expressions, the rest guess.

Game "Stand in a Line"

I hand out large cards with letters to the children, then I say the word, and the children line up in a certain order. Or they make up sentences from words, also lining up in a line.

Game "Find Your Match"

We divide into 2 teams, students of one receive cards with words, and the other with pictures, then everyone gets up and looks for their pair. After this, you can do some pair work so that the children do not get used to working with the same partner.

Game "Cakes or Cookies"

Again we divide into two teams, Cakes and Cookies. Some respond only to questions with a positive answer, others with a negative answer. Then we change, great for practicing simple general questions and answers.

Game "Fishing"

Here we need to prepare, we make fishing rods on which we attach magnets, and the fishermen need cards with words on which an iron clip is attached to catch.

Touch and Run Game

Noisy, fun, well suited for small children, while they still don’t speak much, but already understand quite well. We place cards with pictures throughout the classroom, on command, the children must find the card and show it to the teacher. The one who took the card first and showed it correctly keeps it. The student with the most cards wins.

Game "Blind Artist"

We blindfold the student and ask him to draw different objects. It turns out very funny.

Game "Opposites"

We stand in a circle, throw the ball, calling out the word, the one who caught the ball must name the antonym, then say his word and throw the ball to someone. Good for practicing adjectives. The options can be anything - degrees of comparison, synonyms, (name the next), days of the week (also name the next or previous), or we name a noun, and the one who catches the ball names the corresponding adjective, or a word starting with the last letter of the previous one and etc.!

Game "What's Missing"

We put toys, fruits, cards, whatever you like on the table. We all say it together, then the children close their eyes, we hide one object, they open their eyes and name which object is missing. You can start with a small number of items, then gradually increase.

Game "Secret Picture"

We show cards with pictures, then we cover the picture almost completely, leaving a tiny piece (the tip of a mouse’s tail, for example), the children must guess and name the word.

Game "Stand Up When You Hear"

Give each student a card (or several cards) with the words they have learned. Then the teacher reads a fairy tale or story, as soon as the student hears his word in it, he immediately gets up, repeats this word, and shows the card.

Bingo game

We draw a grid of 9 (or more) squares, enter any words from the given topic (from the chapter of the textbook, so that there are no unexpected words), then the teacher pronounces the words in any order, if the student has such a word, he crosses it out. The first one to cross out all the words says Bingo! and he, accordingly, is the winner.

Game "Explain the word"

We divide into two teams, one of the students of each team sits with his back to the board, the teacher writes down the word, the team members explain it in English (it is prohibited to name the word and similar words), the first one to guess brings the team one point, then the players change places, so that everyone is in the place of the guesser.

Game "Traffic Lights"

As children, we played this game in our native language, the leader turns away and calls, the one who has that color in his clothes can cross the road, the one who doesn’t must be able to run across).

In fact, there are a lot of games, we often improvise, change something depending on the level, number of people, etc., if the children are small, you can come up with all sorts of legends, for example, the teacher was bewitched and she forgot all the words, or “ Have you noticed how strong the wind is today? He mixed up all the letters in our words.”

In addition, you will learn several games for memorizing vocabulary from the video:

What games for memorizing English words do you know?

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We have already become acquainted with calm variants of “games”. Now it's time for outdoor games for children in English. In order to learn English, you can try a variety of ways to master the material. While adults can boast of perseverance, it is difficult for children to sit and look at a book for a long time. Teaching your child to speak English will become easier if you try a slightly unconventional approach. We will start from the fact that play is movement, and movement is life. You can, and sometimes even need to, learn English through outdoor games. Here are some scenarios for you and your children.

1) “Path” - “Road”

At home or outdoors, arrange pictures/objects in a straight line or in a semicircle. They should resemble a path (straight or winding). Children take turns walking along the objects and describing what they see. You can use phrases: “I can see ....”, “I have a ...,” “I like a ....”.

2) “Colors” - “Colors”

Take a white sheet. Draw letters, sounds, and numbers on it with colored paints. Next, you name the letter, sound, number, and the child finds and stands on it. Also, you can complicate the game and call words that start with this letter with a sound. Thus, games for children in English become more interesting and fun.

3) “Ball” - “Ball”

You need to name the letter and throw the ball to the player. When he catches it, he names a word starting with that letter and composes a sentence with that word. For example: F - football - I like to play football.

4) “True is not true” - “True of false”

The game can be played orally or with a ball. You say a phrase, throw the ball, and ask: “Is it true of false?” He catches the ball and answers “Yes, it is true,” or catches it and throws it back to you with the words “No, it is not true.” It is false." For example, let's take a few phrases:

Blue sky - true, green mouse - false.

White snow - true, gray sun - false.

Green grass - true, black apple - false.

5) “Racing” - “Race”

Stick pictures on the board or on the wall. Children can be divided into two teams. You name one picture. From each team, one player runs up to the board/wall and finds this item. Whoever has the most correct answers wins.

6) “Damaged phone”

It is better to divide the children into two teams. The first of each team approaches you, and you give everyone a task, but only so that no one hears. Then they each return to their team and whisper the task to each other. The last person to hear the task must complete it. For example: you asked “Put the dog on the chair”, the last one to hear must put the dog on the chair. If the players whispered the task correctly and the last player completed it, the team gets a point. Those who score more points win.

7) “Squats”

We divide the children into teams, lining them up in several rows. Each team is given a card with a specific picture. You begin to pronounce different words, and if one of the teams comes across a word among them, the whole team must sit down. If the given word is not spoken, they remain standing. The more correct answers bring victory to the team.

8) "Offer"

We form two teams. We lay out cards with ready-made words on separate tables. The first participants from each team go to their table and choose only one word. The next participant comes up and selects the second word. Third - third, etc. Words must form a sentence. Whoever comes up with the correct proposal wins.

So, we looked at the moving ones games for children in English that help to amuse and, most importantly, interest your child. You can do them yourself or get help. Don't be afraid to experiment!

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If you are a caring mother or a loving father, or a person interested in the future of your child, or a teacher “in search” of effective ones, this article is for you. You've probably heard or read that a child perceives information best in a playful form. With this technique, the child does not feel pressure or fear of making a mistake. He plays because he is interested, and it excites him! The earlier a child begins to study English, the easier and more interesting the learning itself is, the more knowledge and desire he has to learn further! When you devote enough time to studying a foreign language before school, especially if the study takes place in a playful way, then when school time comes, the child is more diligent, he is interested in learning, and the knowledge itself jumps into his head. I myself taught in a children's studio, where English was taught in the form of games. When entering school, our students achieved the highest results in the class. One little girl even said on the first of September: “This is the best day of my life! Finally I'm going to school! Such children already subconsciously perceive study as something interesting, as learning something new, as was originally intended.

Some parents complain that there is little activity and impact from children in such games. Is there any reason? I can confidently say yes. Many children can accumulate information for six months or a year, as I observed, and only after some time “give it all out.” They gain so-called passive knowledge, which later becomes active. Often it is even useful for them to watch how adults play with other children using English (if they themselves do not want to play). Under no circumstances should you stop, you must try to interest the child!

Everyone talks and writes that lessons should be interesting and rich, but what can we offer right now for children from 3 to 6-7 years old to learn English? I bring to your attention a few simple games that you can easily play at home or on the street. It is specially given in Russian letters so that parents can pronounce words correctly in games.

A game " Please show me...»
[please show me:] – Please show me...

Place figurines or pictures depicting newly learned animals (fruits, vegetables) on the table. Offer to the child(ren) in response to your request: “ Please show me a monkey! - show a picture of a monkey, and in response to the phrase: “ Please show me a rooster! - cockerel, etc.

A game " Please give me…»
[please give me:] – Please give me...

This game is very similar to the previous one. The only difference is that in response to the leader’s request, the child must find and give him a card with the image of the desired animal. When giving a card, for example, with a picture of a monkey, the child should say:

It is a monkey. [it from e decoy] - This is a monkey.

A game " Point to…»
[point that] - Point to...

This game is similar to the game " Please show me...”, differing only in that in response to the leader’s request, the child must point his finger at the named object. Play these games with your child as often as possible.

A game " What number is missing
[here is the nambe from mishin] - What number is missing?

The presenter says: “ What number is missing? [here is the nambe from misin] - What number is missing?” - after which he counts in English from one to twelve (depending on what numbers you have already learned). Children, listening carefully, name the missing number in English. Then you can skip two or three numbers. This and other games can be started with the command:

One, two, three! Look at me! [vann tu: sri: bow et mi:]- One two Three! Look at me!

Game of wits

The presenter names different objects in English. When objects that can fly are named (airplane, rocket, bird, bat, helicopter), the child should wave his arms, pretending to fly.

Game "So or not so?"

This is a very easy game that children enjoy playing. You can use drawings of objects from any topic (vegetables, transport, dishes, etc.) in it. The presenter shows the drawing and asks, for example:

Is this a potato?” [from zis e petateu]- Is this a potato?

If the picture shows a potato, the child should answer:

Yes, it is! [es, it from] - That's true!

If the picture shows something else, the child must answer:

No, it is not! [now, it from notes] - No, it’s not like that!

A game " Whose baby is it
[huz baby from it] - Whose baby is this?

Place pictures of animals and their babies on the table. The presenter asks a question, for example:

Whose baby is a puppy? [hu:z baby from e papi]– Whose baby is the puppy?

The child must find a card with a picture of the corresponding adult animal - a dog. Having found the right card, the child answers like this:

A puppy is a dog’s baby. [e papi from e dogs baby]– A puppy is a dog’s child.

A game " My favorite weather»
[May fair weather] – My favorite weather

When showing children pictures of different weather conditions, ask them to say things like:

I like sunny weather. [ah like sani veze]- I like sunny weather.

I like warm weather. [ah like vo:m vese]- I like warm weather.

Ask the children to talk about today's weather.

A game " Animals and weather»
[animals and weather] – Animals and weather

Using cards with pictures of different animals, talk to the children about what kind of weather certain animals like. For example:

Cats like sunny weather. [cats like sani vese]– Cats love sunny weather.

Frogs like rainy weather. [frogs like rainy wese]– Toads love rainy weather.

White bears like snowy and frosty weather. [white beez like snowy and frosty weese]- Polar bears love snowy and frosty weather.

Snakes like sunny and rainy weather. [sneix like sleigh and rainy veze]- Snakes love sunny and rainy weather.

Butterflies like sunny warm weather. [bateflyz like sleigh vo:m vese]- Butterflies love sunny, warm weather.

I think that after you have read a few game examples, you will easily be able to come up with your own games or diversify the ones you already have. In this area, the flight of imagination is unlimited! You can learn verbs by doing exercises and pretending to run, jump, etc. You can teach absolutely any topic using coloring - for example, tell your child to color a chair or a ball (in English). Poems can be sung to an invented melody. Songs can be depicted using gestures, dolls and toys. You can also use applications to study.