Characteristics for a student undergoing internship as a cook, sample. Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template

Conclusion of the responsible supervisor of the internship on the student’s work (technical skills, scope of work, quality, activity, discipline)

Examples of student characteristics from the internship site

During her internship at the state educational institution of secondary vocational education “College of Arts”, student _________________ proved herself to be disciplined, striving to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary in this area of ​​management. The main task of her practical work was to familiarize herself with the main aspects of the work of the college’s human resources department. Under the guidance of an experienced specialist, the head of the college’s personnel departments, she studied the main legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management; labor legislation; structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects; personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise; the procedure for drawing up forecasts, determining future and current staffing needs; sources of supplying the enterprise with personnel; state of the labor market; systems and methods of personnel assessment; methods for analyzing the professional qualification structure of personnel; the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement; the procedure for creating and maintaining a data bank about the personnel of the enterprise; methods for recording the movement of personnel, the procedure for drawing up established reporting; possibilities of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services.

Despite the short period of internship, ___________ showed herself to be an active, disciplined student and was able to cover a very large amount of necessary information. Helped prepare personal files for newly hired employees. I studied the basics of working with the Garant and Consultant information and legal systems.

______________ treated all the tasks of her industrial practice very responsibly, and carried out assignments with documents carefully. Practical work ____________ deserves high praise.

During my internship, I became familiar with the structure of the organization, the procedure for conducting personnel records, recording and storing documents. Participated in the preparation of documents.

In terms of professional qualities, _____________ has proven herself to be a competent, efficient, careful person who takes responsibility for assigned tasks. Skillfully applies theoretical knowledge acquired during training in practical activities ______________ is attentive when working with documents, easily navigates their content. Possesses computer skills, which she used when drawing up various documents.

In interpersonal relationships, she is polite, sociable, and easily adapts to working in a team.

During her internship, ___________________ proved herself to be a disciplined and responsible employee. Strictly observed the company's workday schedule, followed the given instructions and tasks.

I studied the company's personnel management process, applied theoretical and practical skills in my work. In the process, the student had the opportunity not only to study the documentation, but also took part in its preparation, which showed the highest degree of knowledge in the field of personnel document flow.

In my opinion, ______________ showed good knowledge of theory in practice.

The standard specification contains the following information:

1. First name, patronymic and last name of the employee, date of birth, education.

2. The place of work from which the reference is issued is indicated, the positions held by the employee while working in this company, and the duties that he performed are named.

3. The positive qualities of the employee (personal and business) are indicated; information about incentives and awards.

4. Information about advanced training courses that the employee has completed, as well as his participation in various company projects.

5. It is indicated for what purposes and for whom the characteristic is issued.

Example of characteristics for an employee


For marketer of DownTown LLC Nikolay Evgenievich Ivanov

Ivanov Nikolay Evgenievich born in 1985. In 2007 he graduated with honors from the State University of Humanities.

She has been working as a marketing specialist since October 2009.

During his work, he proved himself to be a qualified specialist. He is a true professional, skillfully manages the area entrusted to him, and enjoys well-deserved respect among his employees.

N. E. Ivanov constantly improves his professional level: attends thematic events, trainings and seminars, reads specialized literature, and takes his job duties responsibly and seriously.

The company's management highlights N. E. Ivanov's constant desire for professional development: he is currently receiving additional professional education in the specialty “personnel management”.

For his conscientious attitude to work, he was awarded the “Best Employee of 2009” diploma.

In communication with colleagues he is friendly and attentive. During his work, he introduced specific proposals that had a beneficial impact on the company’s activities.

The characteristics were issued for presentation at the place of request.


A. A. Andreev

Date, stamp
Example of characteristics for a student


Ivanov Nikolai Evgenievich
Born in 1985, Ukrainian, higher education

Ivanov N.E. - graduate of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design. During his studies, he proved himself to be a diligent student and constantly improved his professional level. Ivanov N.E. has repeatedly taken part in scientific conferences. He gave informative reports on marketing topics. The graduate also took part in the inter-university student conference “New Generation of Marketers”, where he spoke on the topic: “Falling media budgets during the financial crisis.”

Ivanov N.E. has been working on the topic of his thesis “Internet Marketing” since his first year. The thesis shows that the graduate is well versed in the researched material and is fluent in theoretical foundations, successfully combining theory with practical analysis of real companies.

It should be noted that Ivanov N.E. was published in the magazines “Graduate” and “Young Entrepreneurs”.

The graduate is demanding of himself and is respected among his comrades and faculty members.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics

L. K. Sidorova

Graduate of the Faculty of Engineering and Economics of the State University of Humanities (specialty: marketing, full-time education). Date, stamp

An example of a student's characteristics from the place of practice


1. Name of practice: pre-graduation.

2. Place of internship:
LLC "DownTown"
Moscow, st. Timur Frunze 2. of. 1,
tel. (044) ___ __ __

3. Work performed by the student at the enterprise (division):
Studying the company’s internal documentation (HR documents, internal procedures, job descriptions), studying the experience of the DownTown company, analyzing the company’s activities, becoming familiar with the company’s reporting and plans.

4. Evaluation of the internship (student’s activities) by the head of the enterprise (division):
During his pre-diploma internship, Nikolay Evgenievich Ivanov showed a good theoretical level of preparation in matters of enterprise management. He performed all assigned work conscientiously. I strived to acquire new knowledge in order to be even more useful. In general, Nikolaev N.A.’s work can be assessed as “excellent”.

5. Practice time:
Arrived ______________
Departed ________________

General Director of DownTown LLC

S. G. Muzafarov

This characteristic was issued to a student of the State University of Humanities, Nikolai Evgenievich Ivanov.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice is a document attached to the report on pre-diploma or industrial practice. It is compiled by the responsible person of the organization or the student’s supervisor. But, as a rule, the supervisor trusts the student to write a testimonial for himself. Let's consider its content and basic design requirements.
What is written in a student's characteristics?

Heading indicating the place of passage, information about the organization and its details
This information must be legally reliable.

Information about internship dates
Can be located at any location in the characteristic (see below).

Student Job Description
Example: The duties of trainee V.D. Petrova included drawing up employment contracts, checking the personal data of the organization’s employees, working with accounting documents and preparing archival documentation.

Characteristics of the student’s theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills
Example: Trainee Ivanov A.B. successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the University to perform tasks in production. Besides,
During the internship, the student studied the structure of the enterprise and the coordination of departments, mastered the basic principles of document management, reporting and contracts.
Evaluation of the work completed by the student
Example: The management of the organization Obrazec LLC positively evaluates the work of student P.S. Petrov. in the period from ___ to ____, all assigned tasks were completed on time in compliance with the quality requirements.

Characteristics of the student’s professional qualities
Shows attention to detail, especially financial documents. Efficient, efficient. Competent in the professional field.

Assessment of the trainee’s personal qualities
Example: Sociable, friendly, takes initiative, strives to help colleagues and work in a team.

final grade
Example: Results of the work of student V.G. Petrov within the framework of industrial practice they deserve an "excellent" rating.

Stamp, date, manager’s signature
The signature must be certified by the HR department.

Note that, unlike a review of a thesis, it is not necessary to indicate shortcomings and shortcomings.
Example of characteristics from the place of practice

See more examples below.


For student Mikhail Lvovich Kafelnikov, who completed his internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electroavtomatika" from 04/11/11 to 04/28/11.

Student Kafelnikov M.L. completed an internship in the department of development and implementation of automated systems. During industrial practice at Kafelnikov M.L. The following responsibilities were assigned:

Drawing up design diagrams for assembling low-power engines.
Systematization of reporting documentation.
Finalization of drawings of basic parts of production equipment.

Throughout the entire practice, Kafelnikov M.V. showed himself exclusively on the positive side. Personal qualities were manifested in the ability to find a common language with colleagues in solving assigned problems. Differs in sociability and initiative. Purposeful, always brings the solution of assigned tasks to the end.
Successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in the field of mechanical engineering, consolidating and developing it in the process of industrial practice.

During the work, the student mastered and consolidated the following practical skills:

Drawing up design drawings.
Installation of basic parts of industrial equipment.
Adjustment of operating parameters of production units.

The trainee also gained experience working in an engineering team (team work).

I evaluate the work of student M.V. Kafelnikov. throughout the entire period of practice with excellent marks and I recommend him for enrollment in the production staff of the enterprise upon graduation from the university.

Chief Engineer of FSUE "Electroavtomatika", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Beloborodov S.V.

Characteristics of a student from the place of practice is a document attached to the report on pre-diploma or industrial practice. It is compiled by the responsible person of the organization or the student’s supervisor. But, as a rule, the supervisor trusts the student to write a testimonial for himself. Let's consider its content and basic design requirements.

What is written in a student's characteristics?

Heading indicating the place of passage, information about the organization and its details
This information must be legally reliable.

Information about internship dates
Can be located at any location in the characteristic (see below).

Student Job Description
Example: The duties of trainee V.D. Petrova included drawing up employment contracts, checking the personal data of the organization’s employees, working with accounting documents and preparing archival documentation.

Characteristics of the student’s theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills
Example: Trainee Ivanov A.B. successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the University to perform tasks in production. Besides,
During the internship, the student studied the structure of the enterprise and the coordination of departments, mastered the basic principles of document management, reporting and contracts.
Evaluation of the work completed by the student
Example: The management of the organization Obrazec LLC positively evaluates the work of student P.S. Petrov. in the period from ___ to ____, all assigned tasks were completed on time in compliance with the quality requirements.

Characteristics of the student’s professional qualities
Shows attention to detail, especially financial documents. Efficient, efficient. Competent in the professional field.

Assessment of the trainee’s personal qualities
Example: Sociable, friendly, takes initiative, strives to help colleagues and work in a team.

final grade
Example: Results of the work of student V.G. Petrov within the framework of industrial practice they deserve an "excellent" rating.

Stamp, date, manager’s signature
The signature must be certified by the HR department.

Note that, unlike a review of a thesis, it is not necessary to indicate shortcomings and shortcomings.

Example of characteristics from the place of practice

See more examples below.


for student Mikhail Lvovich Kafelnikov, who completed an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electroavtomatika" from 04/11/11 to 04/28/11.

Student Kafelnikov M.L. completed an internship in the department of development and implementation of automated systems. During industrial practice at Kafelnikov M.L. The following responsibilities were assigned:
  • Drawing up design diagrams for assembling low-power engines.
  • Systematization of reporting documentation.
  • Finalization of drawings of basic parts of production equipment.
Throughout the entire practice, Kafelnikov M.V. showed himself exclusively on the positive side. Personal qualities were manifested in the ability to find a common language with colleagues in solving assigned problems. Differs in sociability and initiative. Purposeful, always brings the solution of assigned tasks to the end.
Successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in the field of mechanical engineering, consolidating and developing it in the process of industrial practice.

During the work, the student mastered and consolidated the following practical skills:

  • Drawing up design drawings.
  • Installation of basic parts of industrial equipment.
  • Adjustment of operating parameters of production units.
The trainee also gained experience working in an engineering team (team work).

I evaluate the work of student M.V. Kafelnikov. throughout the entire period of practice with excellent marks and I recommend him for enrollment in the production staff of the enterprise upon graduation from the university.

The Soviet system of personnel distribution is a thing of the past. Today, for successful employment, a graduate must demonstrate deep knowledge and practical skills in the chosen profession. An internship in a company organized by a higher or secondary educational institution helps to acquire the latter. Upon completion, the student is issued a certificate and student characteristics from the place of practice. Based on these documents, a final grade is assigned and a decision is made on admission to defend the diploma.

Often, the need for excursions to the enterprise, conversations with specialists and internships is perceived with hostility by students. However, modern realities show that a practical course is an important part of the educational process. It is aimed at solving problems:

Getting to know your future profession - by immersing yourself in your chosen specialty, the student understands whether it is suitable for him. This is additional motivation for further education or a “wake-up call” demonstrating the need to change profession.

Acquiring connections in professional circles - the student gets to know colleagues and management. The contacts he has developed can help him find a job after graduation.

Assessment of knowledge - a characteristic for a student who has undergone internship, helps teachers to objectively assess the level of his knowledge. The student himself can understand in which areas he is strong, and where he needs to work on the theoretical basis.

Collecting data for writing a thesis - observing the real “life” of the enterprise, the trainee collects empirical material, on the basis of which he will conduct research reflected in the final work.

The student’s characteristics from the place of practical training is one of the documents needed by the university to transfer the student to a subsequent course or admit him to defend his diploma. This is not a “whim” of an educational institution, but a rule regulated by orders of the Ministry of Education.

What is educational practice?

One of the types of student practice is educational. Its key goal is to strengthen the theoretical basis laid down during lectures and seminars. Students have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in real situations, demonstrate the depth of assimilation of the material covered, and “try on” their chosen specialty.

The program of educational practice is drawn up by the teaching staff of a higher or secondary educational institution, but the success of the event depends not only on it, but also on the organization of the reception on site. The content and structure of the cycle must necessarily comply with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard. The course is conducted on the basis of an agreement between the institute and a commercial company.

The educational practice may include the following activities:

  • familiarization with the organizational structure of the company and the organization of business processes;
  • excursions to the enterprise;
  • studying the peculiarities of the work of individual departments;
  • studying the company’s internal regulatory documents;
  • collecting data for writing term papers.

The course does not involve direct participation in business processes, but is limited to familiarization with the specialty and the development of abilities for independent research.

The characteristics of practice from an enterprise to a student in this case may be as follows:

"Ivanova T.P. demonstrated excellent knowledge in the field of economic planning. She is independent, strives to apply the theoretical basis in practice, and acquire new skills.

During the practice of Ivanova T.P. studied the planning and economic indicators of Gamma LLC. Showed a high level of theoretical training. Performed practical tasks conscientiously and responsibly, and showed a desire to acquire new knowledge.

The finished report has all the hallmarks of research work, sufficient relevance and depth.”

Educational practice is organized mainly in the form of excursions to enterprises, communication with professionals, and the performance of individual functions characteristic of a particular profession (for example, participation in the activities of a company as an assistant specialist).

What is industrial practice?

Industrial practice is the part of the educational cycle that takes place directly in companies and implies the complete immersion of students in the production or business process. The location of the course is usually chosen by the responsible department, but students can independently agree on an enterprise that suits their professional interests.

The objectives of the course are:

  • consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired in an educational institution;
  • obtaining professional skills;
  • adaptation to the conditions of real professional activity.

The duration of the cycle is from several weeks to several months.

Industrial practice is organized for senior students. Their functions are as close as possible to the conditions of real economic activity. Trainees work as backups or assistants to key specialists, and if there are vacancies in the company, they can be accepted into its ranks on the terms of a fixed-term employment contract.

A completed reference for a student who has undergone an internship should describe him as an accomplished specialist in a specific field. It is necessary to focus on describing the list of responsibilities performed by the student.

An example might look like this:

"Petrova A.S. During her internship, she actively participated in the work of the bank department. She was entrusted with the following list of responsibilities:

  • compiling and sorting documents regarding conversion transactions;
  • registration of credit dossiers of bank clients;
  • systematization of reporting."

The student intern's characteristics must contain a description of his significant professional qualities, for example:

"Petrova A.S. conscientiously fulfilled the duties assigned to her, showed due care and accuracy when working with documents. She has established herself as a disciplined and efficient employee. She successfully applied in her activities the theoretical knowledge in the field of banking acquired at the institute.”

What is pre-graduation practice?

Pre-diploma work experience is a practical internship that completes a course of study at a university and precedes the defense of a final thesis. It gives the student the opportunity to consolidate acquired theoretical knowledge, delve into their future profession, and collect empirical data necessary to write a diploma.

Pre-diploma practice is organized by representatives of the department in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Its key difference from other types is that when participating in production processes, the student must focus precisely on the moments that are significant for writing his final work. For example, if the diploma is devoted to methods of improving accounting at an enterprise, you need to analyze the existing system and accounting policies of the company and formulate ways to improve its efficiency.

Completing pre-diploma internship is a prerequisite for admission to defending your final thesis. The role of student mentors is performed by two people - a responsible person from the university and from the enterprise. The cycle program is developed individually, taking into account the topic chosen by the student for the diploma.

The student’s characteristics from the place of pre-diploma internship should describe the independent and research work he has done.

For example:

“Kovalyova D.S. studied the marketing system of Delta LLC. Based on the results of the analysis, proposals were put forward to her to improve the efficiency of the system, which were of interest to management and of practical significance.”

In the description of a trainee from the enterprise, one should also mention the qualities that characterize him as a good worker: diligence, punctuality, ability to work in multitasking conditions, initiative, prudence, etc.

It would be worth noting that the trainee quickly got along with the team, showed friendliness, punctuality, and knew how to find the right approach to clients.

Characteristics of a student: meaning and purpose

A completed testimonial for a student is an official document, certified by the signature of the person in charge, reflecting the order of the practical cycle and the results achieved. It is submitted to the dean’s office of a higher or secondary educational institution at the end of the cycle with other forms: a report and a certificate.

A completed student reference is proof of completion of the practical cycle, on the basis of which the university can transfer the student to the next course or allow him to defend his diploma. This rule is prescribed in the orders of the Ministry of Education.

It is assumed that the reference is drawn up by the student’s supervisor and mentor and sets out objective conclusions about the personal and professional qualities of the trainee, diligence in performing duties, and results achieved. The document indicates what grade the student deserves.

How to write a reference for a student who has undergone an internship?

The paper for the trainee is prepared by the person who performed the role of his supervisor-mentor in the organization. It reflects the level of professionalism and qualifications required to grade a completed course. The document is drawn up on the company’s official letterhead, or, if there is none, on a regular blank sheet of paper.

If you carefully study the sample reference for a student undergoing an internship, it becomes obvious that the document should describe the events that happened earlier from a third party. It is necessary to write down: “proved himself”, “did”, “achieved”, “showed results”, etc.

The official form must include a mandatory set of significant points:

  • name of the host company, location address, contact phone number;
  • document title – “Characteristics”;
  • Full name of the trainee, course, faculty;
  • dates of practical training;
  • the specialty in which the student practiced;
  • a complete list of responsibilities performed by the student;
  • special achievements of the student (receiving gratitude from management, assistance in organizing a corporate holiday, etc.);
  • description of the trainee’s personal and professional qualities noted by the supervisor;
  • the assessment that the trainee deserves;
  • date of document preparation, manager’s signature, seal.

Characteristics of a student who has undergone an internship at an enterprise are needed in order to assess what professional heights the student has achieved. This means that the list of functions and responsibilities should be as detailed and complete as possible.

For example, you can indicate that a student who practiced at a bank attended meetings of the credit committee, participated in compiling a customer database, studied internal regulations and regulations, helped compile depositor files, etc.

It is not customary to write negative points in the list of student qualities unless the boss requires it. The following qualities of a trainee can be noted:

  • diligence;
  • attentiveness;
  • hard work;
  • perseverance;
  • initiative;
  • punctuality.

The characteristics of the internship for the student should describe the qualities that are important for working in a team: sociability, friendliness, participation in public life, lack of conflict. An additional bonus is the use of foreign languages ​​when communicating with partners from other countries.

The characteristics must be drawn up by the head of the department in which the student completed his internship. If this employee refuses the student due to being very busy, you can fill out the document yourself, guided by the samples available on the Internet. The main thing is that the paper must be certified by authorized persons and a seal. This is how representatives of the organization express their agreement with its content.

Production characteristics for a student intern: sample

Higher and secondary educational institutions can organize different types of internship: production, educational, pre-graduation. The form of characteristics of students remains unchanged, only the described responsibilities, personal and professional qualities noted in the document vary.

The purpose of compiling the paper is to provide an expert assessment of the trainee’s knowledge and the level of professional training received as a result of the cycle. The principles of its writing do not change depending on the location of the internship: be it a store, the accounting department of a large company, a workshop of a manufacturing enterprise, or a kindergarten.

There are no clear legal requirements governing the preparation of the document. However, experts advise that in order to avoid problems, take as a basis an example of a student’s characteristics from the place of practice, provided by the university or found on a trustworthy resource.

The document might look like this:


The reference was issued to Ivan Ivanovich Petrov based on the results of industrial practice lasting from 06/15/2016 to 07/02/2016.

The student was assigned the following responsibilities:

It is necessary to list all the responsibilities assigned to the student.

During the internship period, Ivan Ivanovich Petrov proved himself to be a reliable, proactive, disciplined and attentive employee, who delved deeply into the content of the work.

The student showed deep theoretical training and the ability to apply knowledge in practice. Petrov I.I. fully coped with the assigned responsibilities, completed the course program 100%, and showed a desire for independent and research work.

Petrov I.I. deserves an "excellent" rating.

Where should the reference letter from the internship place be submitted?

The completed paper, signed by the management and certified by the company’s seal, must be submitted to the dean’s office of the university. It will become the basis for transferring the student to the next year or for admission to defend his final thesis. This is documentary evidence that the student has completed a program developed in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education.

The characteristics of a student who has undergone pre-diploma internship is not the only form to be filled out. At the same time, a certificate of completion of the course, signed by the mentor from the host organization, and a report made by the student independently are submitted.

The first paper confirms that the student actually attended classes and completed the established program. The second serves to present the conclusions drawn from the results of the cycle: what knowledge and skills the student has acquired, what new goals and motivations he has.

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Characteristics of the student from the place of practice- this is a document that contains an assessment of the student’s professional knowledge and training, his business and personal qualities during his industrial or pre-graduate internship.

The student’s profile is compiled by an employee of the human resources department or the head of the department of the organization in which the student completed his internship and is provided to the educational institution.

How to write a reference for a student

The student’s description from the place of practice is written in the third person past tense (for example, worked, performed, showed, etc.).

The characteristics form for a student intern contains the following information:

  • Date of preparation;
  • Title of the document;
  • Full name of the student intern, place and time of the internship;
  • description of the work performed;
  • assessment of professional training and knowledge, business and personal qualities of the student undergoing internship;
  • signatures of authorized persons of the organization that issues the characteristics, seal.

Sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice


This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who completed pre-graduation internship at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012.

During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

A reference is drawn up for the student who completed the internship on the organization’s letterhead.

An internship is a necessary element in the educational program of any educational institution - a student of a college, technical school, university, or institute must undergo it. Characteristics of a student from the place of practice allow you to evaluate the student’s work outside the walls of the educational institution and find out the opinion of a potential employer about the trainee as a future specialist. This document is submitted along with a completed practice report and diary. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

Characteristics of a student undergoing internship: how to write, where to get it

During production, and especially pre-graduation internship, the trainee studies the activities of the organization “from the inside”, his goal is to determine whether the volume of his knowledge is sufficient for independent work? He must demonstrate his knowledge and skills to the head of the practice from the organization, who, replacing the teacher, will express his opinion about the student in the reference, and also evaluate him from the point of view of a potential employer - after all, the student demonstrates, one might even say “advertises” himself as “ready” specialist – will he be valuable as a personnel? The characteristics of the student intern must be written by the head of the practice, who can be the manager or an employee appointed by him:

  • Department head;
  • team leader;
  • consultant;
  • chief specialist, etc.
But the student can write it himself, and if the manager from the organization agrees with the trainee’s praises addressed to him, he will sign the finished testimonial. It is advisable that the reference be drawn up on the letterhead of the organization (enterprise) indicating the address of the organization, legal form:
  • MBOU, etc.
The form or other document confirming the student’s internship and containing an assessment of his personal and professional data shall indicate contact telephone numbers.

It doesn’t matter what specialty the student is doing internship in - accounting, or he is a future lawyer, psychologist - the required minimum level of requirements in the characteristics must be met

Student Job Description

The trainee must complete the tasks of the internship supervisor from the teaching staff of the educational institution. For complete implementation, we recommend using scientific literature, being guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as local regulations adopted by the organization: department regulations, job descriptions. The following phrases may be written in the description: “the trainee’s responsibilities included conducting contractual work at the enterprise: drawing up contracts for the purchase and sale of office furniture, performing work on repairing a warehouse, providing furniture repair services, drawing up responses to written requests from citizens, filling out forms.”

It must be taken into account that the practical skills of a lawyer and an accountant will be different.

When assessing the job responsibilities of a physical education teacher, it is advisable to talk about his level of physical training and how this helps him when communicating with schoolchildren - after all, he can motivate them by his example. If the student is a future primary school teacher or educator, then the high level of his culture can be noted as a feature - after all, this is important in the educational process of teaching children.

Any organization that has established office work requires its employees to properly prepare documents. If the student took part in the preparation of documents somehow related to the activities of the organization, this should be noted, because employers are waiting for ready-made specialists who can prepare financial statements, write statements of claim, fill out journals and perform other paper work

Characteristics of the student’s theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills

The student's profile describes him from the employer's point of view: the ability to apply existing theoretical knowledge in practice, assessment of the student's qualities as a possible employee.

Example: " In the period from "___"_______ to "___"_______, Ivanova Irina Ivanovna completed an internship in her specialty at Romashka LLC. The trainee demonstrated a high level of mastery of theoretical training and correctly applied the existing knowledge in her work. Consulted on legal issues, guided by current legislation. The student sought to improve her practical skills. I learned to write statements of claim and reviews of them.

She was tactful and polite in the team, and treated all assignments conscientiously. Has high performance. She did not allow violations of labor discipline. She has established herself as a responsible and disciplined worker, striving to increase the level of her theoretical knowledge, supported by practical exercises. Completed the industrial practice plan in full.

She independently gave advice and made legal decisions in strict accordance with the law. The recommended rating in case of a positive defense of the practice report is “5 (excellent).”

Evaluation of the work completed by the student

The characteristics that the student brings from the place of practice must contain an assessment of the quality of the work. You can only receive an “excellent” grade from the teacher if the practice supervisor highly appreciates the work.

If it is indicated that the trainee took part in the direct activities of the organization, this will be considered an additional plus

Thus, it can be indicated that a student studying to become a lawyer took part in a court hearing or in the preparation of a claim, suit, supported a legal transaction or received applicants as an assistant lawyer; student - psychologist - in working with people; future specialist in economics, accountant - in preparing quarterly reports.

In conclusion, the practice manager must give a final assessment to the trainee: “The recommended rating is “5” (excellent).

Requirements for registration of student characteristics

There are no uniform design templates - the main thing is that it reflects the actual practical activities during the internship.

In order to identify a student who is given a reference from the place of practical training, it is necessary to indicate:

Next, you need to indicate data that allows you to identify the place of practice (its organizational and legal form, name, department), as well as the head of the practice - position, department, last name, first name, patronymic.

Given that there are different types of practice, it is accordingly advisable to indicate the specific type, its start and end date.

What did the student do during the internship? It should be noted what exactly the trainee did during the internship in accordance with the job responsibilities of the department employees.

And now the most interesting thing - the practice manager from the organization must evaluate the trainee from a professional point of view:

  • his personal qualities;
  • level of training available;
  • acquired new practical skills;
  • the ability to apply your theoretical experience in practice;
  • communicative qualities of the trainee.

The student's characteristics form from the place of practice is drawn up according to the general rules - in Russian with printed text 14 font Times New Roman with an interval of 1.5. It is advisable to write no more than 1 page of text.

As an example, you can take our samples given below and enter your data into them. It is not recommended to download ready-made characteristics from student websites - they are all individual, a sample student characteristics from the place of practice can be viewed here, by entering your data there.

The accuracy of the records must be confirmed by the signature of the head of the practice from the organization and certified by a seal.

Example of characteristics from the place of practice

In the attached files you can see a sample student profile from the internship site.

Characteristics of a student intern at primary school