Safbd group. Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking: overview, features, contacts and reviews

Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)

Faculty of Higher Professional Education of the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)

Bachelor's areas:
- Economics (Bachelor of Economics degree);
- Management (Bachelor of Management degree);
- Applied Informatics (degree “Bachelor of Applied Informatics”).

- Finance and credit (qualification “Economist”);
- Accounting, analysis and audit (qualification “Economist”);
- Organizational management (qualification “Manager”);
- Crisis management (qualification “Economist-Manager”);
- Applied informatics (in economics) (qualification “Informatician-economist”);
- Vocational training (economics and management) (qualification “Vocational training teacher”).

Training at the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)

Forms of training: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time.

Admission conditions

For applicants on the basis of secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational (not specialized) and incomplete higher education - based on the results of the Unified State Exam (mathematics, Russian language, social studies);
for those entering on the basis of specialized secondary vocational education - based on the results of entrance examinations of the university;
for applicants on the basis of higher education - based on the results of entrance examinations.
Preparatory courses (preparation for the Unified State Exam):
start of classes: from October 1 (7 months), from December 1 (5 months), from February 1 (3 months).

Duration of training

- Bachelor's degree: 4 years (based on secondary (complete) general education);
- Specialty: 5 years (based on secondary (complete) general education),
3.5 years - based on secondary vocational (profile) education.

Part-time and part-time (evening) forms:
- Bachelor's degree: on the basis of secondary (complete) general education (11 grades) - 4.5 years.
- Specialty: on the basis of secondary (complete) general education (11 classes) - 5.5 years;
on the basis of incomplete higher and secondary vocational education - 3.5-4.5 years;
on the basis of higher education - 2.5-3.5 years.

Admission to the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)

Documents for admission:
application addressed to the rector,
original document of education,
certificate of results of passing the Unified State Exam,
medical certificate,
4 photographs 3x4 cm.

Master's degree at the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)

Direction "Economics"(Master's degree in Economics).
- Banks and banking activities;
- Finance;
- Accounting, analysis and audit.

Direction "Management"(Master of Management degree).
- Financial management;
- Marketing;
- Accounting and auditing.

Duration of training:
on the basis of higher education: 2 years (full-time); 2.5 years (correspondence and part-time forms of study).
Forms of education: full-time, part-time, part-time.

Admission conditions: based on the results of entrance tests for the profile.

The university operates a postgraduate course, as well as a faculty of secondary vocational education (see section “Secondary specialized educational institutions”) and a faculty of additional education (see section “Additional education”).
Graduates of all directions and specialties of the university receive state diplomas.
During full-time study, a deferment of military service is granted.
Training is paid.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 18:00

Latest reviews from SAFBD

Nailya Tushakova 11:07 04/23/2018

I was “lucky” to participate in the conference on the basis of SAFBD. I sent the article as expected within the required time frame, a letter confirming that the article had been approved did not arrive, and the deadlines for the conference were already running out, I called the academy, they told me that they looked at everything, but there was no time to respond yet, come speak, everything will be fine, they will publish you . I came from Seversk to Novosibirsk (4 hours drive) (+ missed school), checked into a hotel (1500 rubles per day), paid for the publication and certificate (1000 ...

Valentina Gridneva 18:03 05/06/2013

Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD). This is a university where bank employees, accountants and, of course, managers are trained. At least the majority of graduates go to work in banks, or vice versa, bank employees go to study at SAFBD as a specialized institution. Graduates of both the ninth and eleventh grades can enter the academy. This is one of the advantages of SAFBD. Competitive selection increases every year. I entered in 2008, when...

general information

Private educational institution of higher education "Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking"


No. 01934 valid indefinitely from 02/12/2016


No. 01861 is valid from 04/20/2016 to 09/01/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for SAFBD

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study52.66 51.87 56.34 59.99 49.54
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget- - - - -
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis53.56 51.1 57.55 68.58 50.4
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled45.97 42.2 35.00 41.50 42
Number of students1212 1341 1402 1594 1774
Full-time department269 371 327 421 338
Part-time department306 206 81 116 155
Extramural637 764 994 1057 1281
All data Report Report Report Report Report


The history of the non-state educational institution of the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking begins in 1992 with the opening of the Siberian International Higher School of Banking. Academic training, which is provided by the academy’s teachers, corresponds to the level of classical world universities, and the training profiles are unique for the Siberian region.

Higher professional education at SAFBD can be obtained in two departments of the university, located in the Kalininsky and Soviet branches of the educational institution. The following undergraduate specialties are available for study: “Vocational training (economics and management)”, “Economics”, “Finance and credit”, “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Management”, “Crisis management”, “Organization management”, “Applied Informatics”, “Trading”, “Banking”. Training is possible at full-time, part-time and part-time courses. The start of classes in all specialties is September 1. During their studies, students are given a deferment from military service. Upon completion of training, state diplomas are issued with assigned qualifications in the specialty. Master's degrees in socio-economic science and business education are also offered. Training at the academy is carried out on a commercial basis, at the expense of individuals or legal entities. The Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking also provides a unique opportunity for excellent school and college graduates to receive a grant in the amount of 50% of the cost of higher professional education. This grant is available to students who enroll full-time.

The university has a faculty of secondary vocational education, offering students, on the basis of basic general education, to obtain professional qualifications and the opportunity to master higher professional education specialties.

International educational programs are implemented on the basis of the academy, including those according to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) standard. For university graduates, the employment service provides access to a database of current vacancies in banks, credit institutions, and financial departments of commercial and government companies. Already during your studies, you have the opportunity to undergo international or interregional internships in leading companies in the banking or financial sector.

Among the activities of the university is the publication of the scientific and practical journal “Siberian Financial School” with articles by students, graduate students and researchers of specialized universities; since 2005, the periodical has been included in the list of peer-reviewed journals that are recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation for publishing research results for the competition. scientific degree.

For all secondary and higher vocational education programs, the use of distance technologies in the learning process is available. The educational process is implemented in conditions close to those of the best specialized universities in the world. Each classroom has computers with modern software necessary for high-quality training of specialists in the financial and economic sphere.

Educational services offered by non-state higher education institutions are often considered to be of poor quality. Many people formed this opinion due to the dissemination of information about inspections of such universities. Very often, non-state educational organizations have shown and continue to show unsatisfactory results of their activities. Is the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD) classified as an ineffective university? What is this educational institution?

General information about getting started and continuing

Today, several non-state universities operate in Novosibirsk. One of them is SAFBD. The Academy appeared in 1992. In Novosibirsk at that time it was considered the first non-state university. The name of the academy, naturally, was different. It was called the Siberian International Higher School of Banking.

After 3 years, the university received an almost modern name. There was only one difference - status. The educational institution began to be considered an institute. Before the academy, the university grew for quite a long time, more than 10 years. In 2007, Rosobrnadzor assigned this status to it based on the results of inspections performed.

Address, university contacts and work efficiency

The Siberian Academy of Banking and Finance is located at the address: Novosibirsk, Polzunova Street, 7. The educational institution is spoken of as an effective university. The Academy operates under a perpetual license. From time to time, an educational organization undergoes the state accreditation procedure. The certificate issued as a result confirms that the available educational programs and the quality of student training meet state standards in education.

Many people are interested in contacts of the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking. The most necessary of them is the address. The admissions office operates in the building on Polzunova Street, 7. You can ask all your questions there. If necessary, the admissions committee can be contacted through the official website of the academy. It has a special shape. University staff contact people who applied by calling a contact number or sending a letter to an email address.

The effectiveness of the university and its educational activities can be assessed by statistical information showing the employment of full-time graduates of 2015/2016. 91.7% of people found suitable vacancies for themselves. The majority of graduates are employed in their specialty. Former students work in various organizations. These are Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Acceptance Bank, FC Broker Credit Service, Computer and Networks Group, etc.

Offered educational programs

The Siberian Academy of Banking and Finance is one of those universities that not only offer applicants areas of training and specialties of higher education (HE), but also implement secondary vocational education (SVE) programs. The latter include:

  • “Economics and accounting (by industry).”
  • "Operational activities in logistics."
  • “Commerce (by industry).”
  • "Finance".
  • "Banking".

All of the above specialties for training mid-level personnel are designed for graduates of grades 9 and 11. The academy offers bachelor's degrees to those wishing to obtain higher education. It implements 5 programs such as “Economics”, “Management”, “Human Resources Management”, “Trading”, “Municipal and Public Administration”.

Advantages of the educational institution

It is comfortable to study at the Academy of Finance and Banking, because it has the necessary material and technical base. The building on Polzunova Street, 7 has a sufficient number of educational and training laboratory premises. There is also a conference room, a dining room, a medical office, 2 gyms with treadmills and weight training equipment.

It is especially worth noting the presence of 7 computer classes at the Siberian Academy of Banking and Finance, because without modern technology an effective educational process is impossible. The university specially equipped 7 classrooms. They contain computers and multimedia projectors. Students in computer classrooms study software, get acquainted with the information systems “ConsultantPlus”, “Garant”, “Kodeks”, and search for educational information on the Internet.

Focus on a healthy lifestyle

The effectiveness of people's work depends not only on their education. Health also plays an important role. The academy staff understands this very well, so they are engaged not only in teaching professional disciplines, but also in the physical education of students. In the building of the educational institution on the street. Polzunova, 7 regularly conducts classes in the discipline “Physical Education”.

For additional training and sporting events, the academy offers the sports hall of the Novosibirsk College of Light Industry and Service. The university uses this premises in accordance with the established strategic partnership agreement. The Academy also enters into agreements every year:

  • with the administration of the swimming pool of the Siberian Railway University to conduct swimming lessons;
  • with ski resorts for winter sports.

Social conditions for students

As a rule, non-state universities do not offer dormitories to their students. The Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking is not included in the list of such educational institutions. The educational organization has a special building, taken under a lease agreement. It is located on Dzerzhinsky Avenue, 38.

The academy's dormitory is designed primarily for full-time students. Places are distributed among students taking into account the remoteness of their permanent place of residence and financial situation. The rooms are provided with beds, wardrobes, chairs, tables. There is a shower and 2 refrigerators in the building. Each resident can cook their own food using the electric stoves available in the hostel.

Student activities outside of class time

The staff of the Academy of Finance (SAFBD) do a lot to ensure the leisure activities of each student. They created a student club. A separate audience is allocated for meetings and discussions of various issues. In it, students who are members of the club come up with interesting events, organize holidays, open days, and initiation of freshmen. For the student club, the academy purchased modern equipment (microphones, video and audio equipment, multimedia projector, etc.).

Active and inquisitive students participate in the compilation of the electronic magazine “My Academy”. In it they cover events that happened at the university, scientific conferences, festive events, and entertainment balls. Successful students publish information about themselves in the magazine and introduce readers to their achievements, which they were able to achieve thanks to their studies at the university.

Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD), detailed information:
Faculty of Higher Professional Education
Direction "Economics"

“Finance and Credit”, “Banking”, “Financial Management”, “Accounting, Analysis and Audit”, “Economics of Enterprises and Organizations”.

Direction "Management"

“Organization Management”, “Crisis Management”, “Financial Management”, “Project Management”, “Management and Financial Accounting”, “Marketing”, “Logistics”.

Direction "State and municipal management"
Profile "State and municipal management".

Direction "Human Resources Management"
Profile "Human Resources Management"

Direction "Trading"
Profile "Marketing and logistics in trading activities."
Profile "Economics".

Direction “Vocational training (by industry)”
Profile "Economics and Management".

Direction "Documentation and archival science"
Profile “Documentation support of management”.

Forms of training: full-time, part-time (evening), part-time, part-time with the use of distance learning technologies (DET).

Admission conditions:
For applicants on the basis of 11 grades, secondary vocational (non-core) and incomplete higher education (non-core) - based on the results of the Unified State Exam (mathematics (for “Documentation and Archival Science” - history), Russian language, social studies);
for applicants on the basis of a specialized secondary prof. education - based on the results of university entrance examinations (mathematics (history), Russian language, social studies);
for applicants on the basis of higher education - based on the results of entrance examinations.

Duration of training:

based on 11 classes and non-core secondary vocational - 4 years;
based on specialized secondary vocational training - 3 years.
Part-time and part-time (evening) forms:
on the basis of secondary vocational and incomplete higher education - 3.5-4.5 years;
based on 11 classes - 4.5 years.

Documents for admission:
- application addressed to the rector;
- original document of education;
- certificate of results of passing the Unified State Exam (for applicants based on 11th grade);
- medical certificate;
- 4 photographs 3x4 cm.

Preparatory courses (preparation for the Unified State Exam):
start of classes: in February (3 months), in April (1 month).

Master's degree at the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking (SAFBD)
Direction "Economics"
- Corporate finance and business valuation;
- Accounting, analysis and audit.

Direction "Management"
- Financial and tax management in the company;
- Banking management and banking risk management;
- Strategic analysis in the system of state (municipal) management;
- Human resource management and corporate culture development;
- Strategic crisis management in organizations;
- Project, program and organizational change management;
- Strategic management and innovation management.

Direction "Finance and Credit"
- State and municipal finances;
- Banks and banking activities.

Direction "Vocational training"
- Innovative technologies in vocational training.

Forms of training: full-time, part-time, part-time.
Duration of training:
on the basis of higher education: 2 years (full-time);
2.5 years (correspondence and part-time forms of study).

Admission conditions:
Based on the results of a comprehensive exam in the field of study.

The university has graduate school, and Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education(see section “Secondary vocational education”) and Institute of Additional Business Education(see section “Additional education”).
Graduates of all directions and specialties of the university receive state diplomas.
For a while full-time training provided deferment from conscription.

Specialty) in the field of economics, finance, accounting, banking, management and trade. The total number of students in 2016 is 1402, of which 332 are full-time students.

Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking
International name Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking
Former names Siberian International Higher School of Banking
Siberian Institute of Finance and Banking
Year of foundation
Type non-state
Rector Fadeikina Natalya Vasilievna
Students 1402 (2016)
Legal address 630051, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, st. Polzunova, 7

In 2007, it became the first non-state educational institution beyond the Urals to receive the status of an academy.


The idea of ​​creating an educational institution in the Siberian region to train banking specialists was formulated in April 1992. On July 14, a decision was made to create the Siberian School of Banking Business; on August 4 (the official date of the establishment of the university), a constituent meeting was held, which resulted in the registration of the Siberian International Higher School of Banking LLP (SIMHSBD). On November 10, the new university issued its first license for educational activities in the field of Economics.

On November 23, 1992, the correspondence department was opened, and the first group of students began classes. On February 27, 1993, the evening department opened. On May 17, 1993, students of the first group of the correspondence department began classes on the basis of secondary specialized and incomplete higher education. On September 28, 1993, a decision was made to create the Finance and Banking College as a structural unit of the SMVSHBD, which became the basis for secondary vocational education in the structure of the university.

At the beginning of the 1994 academic year, the SMVSHBD included the departments of economics (head - V. E. Tekutyev), general theoretical disciplines (head - O. A. Melnikov), financial informatics (head - V. I. Kotyukov), accounting, audit and taxation (head - Polosatkina E. A.), financial management (head - Bolgova E. K.), finance and credit (head - Fadeikina N. V.).

On September 23, 1994, SMVSHBD was the first in Siberia to acquire the right to carry out theoretical training for employees of commercial banks to conduct transactions in foreign currency, as well as advanced training for specialists of commercial banks.

In 1995, the list of departments was supplemented by the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines, which was later reorganized into the Department of Philosophy.

In 1996, the Siberian International Higher School of Banking, in connection with the reorganization on the basis of the new Federal Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education,” was renamed into a non-state educational institution of higher professional education “Siberian Institute of Finance and Banking” (SIFBD).

The Institute begins publishing the journal “Siberian Financial School”, the editor-in-chief of which, since 1997, has been the rector of the Institute, N.V. Faidekina. The journal publishes research that is of interest not only to economic theorists, but also to practitioners and employees of legislative and executive authorities in the region. Due to changes in Russian legislation, the course training unit of the SIFBD was renamed the Faculty of Further Education. An educational and methodological center for training and retraining professional accountants has been created.

In 1997, SIFBD received accreditation as a training center for the training and certification of arbitration and crisis managers and passed state accreditation.

In 1998, SIFBD received the right to open a postgraduate course in the specialty “Finance, money circulation and credit”. The structure of the institute's departments has undergone changes, and the department of pedagogy and psychology has appeared.

In 1999, the Department of Foreign Languages ​​was formed by separation from the Department of General Theoretical Disciplines.

In 2000, the institute successfully passed the next certification and state accreditation.

On April 18, 2003, on the basis of the SIFBD, a regional dissertation council was opened for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science in the specialties “Finance, monetary circulation and credit” and “Economics and management of the national economy”.

In 2004, SIBFD opened a master's program in the specialties “Accounting, Audit and Analysis”, “Finance”, “Banks and Banking Activities”, “Management”.

In 2005, the journal “Siberian Financial School” was included in the list of periodicals and scientific and technical publications published in the Russian Federation, permitted for the publication of the main results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science. In the same year, on the basis of secondary school No. 163, a department of the correspondence faculty of higher professional education was opened in the Sovetsky district (Akademgorodok) of Novosibirsk.

In 2007, the university received a new status - an academy, becoming the first private academy beyond the Urals.


  1. License (Russian). Rosobrnadzor. Retrieved November 10, 2016.
  2. Information about the educational organization (undefined) . SAFBD.
  3. Monitoring (undefined) . Retrieved November 10, 2016.