State Agrarian Correspondence University. Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (rgazu)

The most important

  1. Official website of RGAZU
  2. Distance learning RGAZU entrance
  3. Electronic portfolio of RGAZU entrance

RGAZU is the largest Russian agricultural university at the federal level. This budget educational institution is located in the Moscow region in the city of Balashikha. It is a good starting platform for training professionals of various profiles. Ask for help with training

Its history spans over 90 years, but the current name appeared in 1995. Previously, the name of the university was designated by the abbreviations VSKHIZO, TSIZO, VIPKIZO. Such changes are caused by the transformation of the structure of the institution, i.e. merger of correspondence departments of various academies and agricultural institutes. In 2011, the institution received the status of a Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution.

Materials and educational programs for specialized disciplines are developed specifically for this educational format. The world's most popular educational web environment, MOODLE, has become the platform for the development of the DL system. For teaching staff and students, access to the site with teaching materials is open for all specialties.

Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (

On the basis of the Balashikha RGAZ (Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University), you can study for a bachelor's and master's degrees, and prepare to defend dissertations in graduate school or doctoral studies.

Three branches are located in Arzamas, Vladimir and Tula. There is also a network of representative offices throughout the Russian Federation. The DL system is based on innovative technologies that allow one to obtain knowledge that meets all state requirements.

Reviews from students show that receiving education remotely is convenient in any department of the university. The educational process in any of the disciplines is a video conference between teachers and students.

More detailed information can be obtained in the technical service section of the establishment on the official website. Consultations are also provided through a feedback channel at the institution’s www address on the Internet.

Areas of training

The Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University in Balashikha teaches in the following areas:

  • organisation management;
  • accounting, analysis and audit;
  • agricultural mechanization;
  • horticulture and viticulture;
  • economics and enterprise management

A complete list of faculties is presented on the official website of Balashikha University. One of the most popular was the Institute of Commerce, Management and Innovative Technologies (IKMIT). At its departments you can study to become managers, historians, and philosophers.

Distance learning RGAZU (

The distance system in the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education is a high-tech approach to the process of knowledge transfer that is fundamentally new for Russia. Students do not need to attend classes in person. All information can be obtained from home; you only need to have a computer, have access to the network and log into your own account on the university website.

Using your personal account gives you access to the exact class schedule of your department and the ability to download documents to your email. If presence is required, the session is divided into two parts: remote and main. Feedback from students shows positive assessments of this approach to learning.

Training takes place in stages. At the first stage there are lectures, at the second - practical exercises.

The first is conducted via videoconference and lasts 24-43 days. To listen to lectures you need to enter the “Webinars” section. The time of the second stage is reserved for performing laboratory work, passing exams and tests. The intramural part takes place in Balashikha (Moscow region), on the street. Yu. Fuchika, 1 or in one of the branches: Vladimirsky, Arzamassky or Tula. For correspondence courses, there is a system for remote knowledge acquisition on the www resource.

Electronic portfolio of RGAZU (

Every student needs a portfolio at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution. It is a set of documents reflecting the individual achievements of students. Login to the system is carried out after filling out the fields with personal data on the main portal. You will need to upload the following information:


A personal account on the platform is needed to gain access to information resources and lecture schedules. When you sign in, you run a meeting connection diagnostic to make sure your settings are correct.

The procedure for using the tips is indicated in the tips section of the official website. Additional information on materials is sent to students by email. From student reviews, it is noticeable that the help is presented in a form that is easy to understand.

Attention! To communicate with a teacher online, you will need headphones with a microphone and/or speakers. To become a participant in the webinar and listen to the lecture, you must log in to the room. You can find out her number from the schedule.

On the main page of the site there is a section “WEBINARS”. After entering it, the user is redirected to a list of rooms: to enter, simply click on the number of the required one.

Today, distance learning is becoming popular every day; most students, regardless of age and social status, prefer to study remotely. In large regions of our country, there has been a tendency to switch from other forms of education to distance learning; in addition, distance learning is popular among women on maternity leave, as well as for those who want to receive a higher education without interrupting work. There are currently a lot of companies on the Internet that offer assistance to students studying remotely. However, only a small proportion of them understand the nuances of this form of education. Among such companies, our company stands out, which has been working in this field for 8 years. We offer students not only ready-made papers, but also a turnkey session service, which will save you from all the problems associated with passing the session.

How to start collaborating with each other?

If you cannot pass the session on time! You don't understand difficult topics! If you cannot cope with the requirements imposed by distance learning, then the best solution for you is to contact us. Our company is known for many years of successful work; our employees include professionals of the highest level. It doesn’t matter to us where you are or what university you study at. Just leave an online request on our website and we will contact you. For us, distance assistance to students has long been the main focus of our work, in which we achieve all our goals.

Help for RGAZU students

Our company actively monitors all universities in our country and neighboring countries that offer their students, in addition to the usual forms of education, distance learning. At the moment, our team is collaborating, without exaggeration, with all universities that have been working remotely for more than six months. Among our clients there are many RGAZU students who are not only our regular clients, but also offer our services to their friends and classmates. We offer our regular customers a flexible system of discounts, which allows them to save not only money, but also time. The work done this semester for this university can be studied by looking at the personal account of the distance university, using the following Edu rgazu key. The Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University offers its students a huge selection of different professions, convenient working conditions, as well as a flexible schedule. It is worth noting that for this university we have completed a lot of work that not only met all the requirements, but also received the highest scores.

By accessing the resource, every student undergoing distance learning or distance learning will be able to receive the proper level of results from specialists. We have selected proven teachers who are well versed in a labor-intensive environment. And we are ready to introduce into the entire process guarantees of reliability and quick completion of assigned tasks for the student.

RGAZU entrance

On our page you can find a lot of relevant information, as well as highly qualified assistance from ordinary teachers who introduce quality into the entire process. And, most importantly, they offer a low cost for the work performed.

RGAZU Balashikha official website distance learning

Thanks to our specialists, you can find highly qualified assistance on the official website. We have selected the best teachers who are well versed in this field. And we are ready to provide solutions to tests, coursework, dissertations and any other tasks.

RGAZU Balashikha official website remote

By contacting our organization, you can order a turnkey session. And do not overpay a fabulous amount of funds for the entire process. Since our teachers are ready to provide training to students, as well as completely ready-made solutions delivered by teachers.


On our official website you can quickly register and find a list of offers from professionals. We have selected trained teachers who have unique skills in this field. And we are ready to provide solutions for completely different works on all kinds of subjects.

RGAZU platform

Our specialized resource allows students to get solutions to ready-made problems at the best price. Because we work professionally in a labor-intensive field and introduce quality and reliability guarantees into the process.

I'm going to

Any student, as well as a caring parent, can register on our resource. And get professional help from teachers who have unique skills in this field.

RGAZU distance learning Balashikha platform

Thanks to our company, distance learning has become much easier and more comfortable for any student. Since we allow the student to save as much time as possible on completing assigned tasks.

Http edu rgazu ru

By contacting our organization, you can get professional help via the Internet. To do this, you do not need to spend time on all kinds of searches and movements. Since the entire process is carried out online.

RGAZU distance learning login

By logging into a special system, you will receive highly qualified assistance from teachers. Because we have unique skills in the educational environment. And we introduce quality and reliability guarantees into every student’s studies.

RGAZU personal account

To receive professional assistance, you must register in your personal account. After which you will be able to conveniently order professional assistance and solutions to tests, dissertations or any other work, as well as a turnkey session.

Agricultural education is becoming more and more meaningful every year. The agricultural industry has set itself the task of import substitution, so the demand for qualified specialists with appropriate education has increased significantly. However, statistics from recent years show that with each admission campaign the number of applicants wishing to receive an agricultural education decreases. Everyone strives to build their career in economics, management, public administration, and jurisprudence.

The lack of demand for agricultural specialties is explained by the lack of awareness of applicants and their parents. Schoolchildren do not know about the prospects that open up for specialists with an agricultural education. If you are interested in this field, which university can you enroll in? One of the famous agricultural educational institutions is the Agrarian Correspondence University (Balashikha). Let's take a closer look at this educational organization.

Founding of the university

At the beginning of the last century, correspondence educational institutions began to be created in the country. In them, according to accelerated programs, on-the-job training of personnel required by the state was carried out. One of these universities was the All-Union Agricultural University. Institute of Correspondence Education. Year of creation - 1930.

A few years after its opening, the university was transformed into an institute of correspondence education and advanced training, and later it was merged with the correspondence departments of several universities related to agricultural activities. As a result, the All-Union Institute of Correspondence Education appeared.

Activities during the war

The Great Patriotic War, which began in 1941, dealt a blow to all functioning organizations and enterprises. It also affected the activities of the institute, which was evacuated to Omsk. The development of the educational institution during this period was not possible.

The situation changed when the war ended. The university was returned to Moscow, where it continued its work on training agronomists, engineers and livestock specialists. The name of the educational organization has been changed. It began to be renamed the Agricultural Institute.

In subsequent years, many significant events took place - the institution received a training base in Balashikha, new laboratories began to be created, and personnel training methods changed. In 1995, the agrarian Russian State Correspondence University was already functioning. Improving the quality of the educational process and the important achievements of the institute’s staff in the scientific field led to a change in status.

Modern history of the university

The Agrarian Russian State Correspondence University, currently operating, occupies an important place in the educational sphere of our country, because it produces highly qualified specialists for agriculture. Economists and managers, who are also needed by the agro-industrial complex, are being trained.

The main specialization of the university is distance learning in the implemented programs of secondary and higher vocational education (SVE and HE). Additionally, full-time and part-time departments were created. Electronic and distance learning technologies are widely used, which make it possible to study educational information in any convenient place and at the appropriate time.

Scientific activities of the university

Science plays an important role in the activities of a higher education institution. Development and research are carried out by university staff. Currently, specialists work in several areas:

  1. Development of highly efficient technologies for use in animal husbandry, crop production, mechanization, electrification, and ecology of agricultural production.
  2. Improving the organization of accounting. accounting and financial reporting, improving production management to achieve the most effective results in operations.

The university has several important developments that can be used in enterprises related to agriculture. For example, RGAZU (Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University) has created a special washing installation. Its purpose is to clean components and parts of agricultural machinery from fat, oil, asphalt-resin and other contaminants.

Specialties in an educational organization

The Agrarian Russian State Correspondence University offers applicants entering HE programs 15 undergraduate areas. Here are some of them:

  • "Biology";
  • "Gardening";
  • "Agroengineering";
  • “Operation of transport and technological complexes and machines”;
  • "Economy";
  • "Management";
  • "Applied Informatics";
  • "Municipal and public administration."

The university still implements 6 vocational education programs. They train future agronomists, dog handlers, accountants, game managers and technicians related to mechanization, electrification and automation of agriculture.

Budget places, hostel

Many applicants, when enrolling in a correspondence course, are interested in whether it is possible to get a free education. This opportunity is provided by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University" in specialized agrotechnological areas of undergraduate studies. A certain number of budget places are allocated annually.

The university also has dormitories. Full-time students live here permanently after concluding a rental agreement for residential premises during all years of study. There are different rules for correspondence students. They can live in dormitories only during sessions (when taking tests and exams) and defending their diploma projects.

How to enter a university

To enter the Agrarian Russian State Correspondence University, you must provide the necessary documents to the admissions committee: passport, certificate or diploma, 4 photographs. People choosing such areas of training as “Operation of transport and technological complexes and machines (automotive service)”, “Agroengineering” must also bring a medical certificate.

Applicants entering after graduation must have Unified State Examination results in those subjects that are approved as entrance tests. Graduates of universities and colleges may not take the Unified State Exam. exam. They are subject to special rules - for this category of applicants, entrance tests are held at the university.

Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University: reviews

They leave positive reviews about RGAZU. As students say, studying here is interesting. The university employs qualified and understanding teachers who treat students well. I am pleased with the large number of budget places and the low cost in those areas that provide education for a fee.

Those people who decide to enroll in a university should know that it is located not only in Balashikha. The university has several branches. Also, the Russian State Correspondence Agrarian University includes 14 additional structural ones - Dmitrovsky representative office, Kaluga, Kolomenskoye, Smolenskoye, Mordovia, Skopinskoye, Ryazanskoye, Volokolamskoye, Udmurtskoye, Bryansk, Sergiev Posadskoye, Shaturskoye, Lipetskoye, Aksenovskoye.


02/03/04. – “Zoology” - (biological, veterinary, geographical)

03.03.01. – “Physiology” - (biological, veterinary sciences)

03.00.08. – “Ecology” - (biological, agricultural, technical)

05.13.06. – “Automation and control of technological processes and production (agriculture) – (technical sciences)

05.20.01. – “Technologies and means of mechanization of agriculture” - (technical, agricultural sciences)

05.20.02. – “Electrical technologies and electrical equipment in agriculture” - (technical sciences)

05.20.03. – “Technologies and means of maintenance in agriculture” - (technical sciences)

05.23.07. – “Hydraulic engineering” - (technical sciences)

06.01.01.- “General agriculture” - (agricultural sciences)

01/06/02. – “Amelioration, reclamation and land protection” - (agricultural sciences)

01/06/04. – “Agrochemistry” - (agricultural, biological chemical sciences)

01/06/07. – “Plant protection” - (agricultural, biological sciences)

06.02.05.-“Veterinary sanitation, ecology, zoohygiene and veterinary and sanitary examination”

02/06/07. – “Breeding, selection, genetics and reproduction of farm animals”

02/06/08. – “Feed production, feeding of farm animals and feed technology” - (agricultural, biological sciences)

02/06/09. – “Animal farming and game management” - (agricultural, biological sciences)

02/06/10. – “Private animal science, technology for the production of livestock products” - (agricultural, biological sciences)

07.00.02. – “Domestic history” - (historical sciences)

08.00.05. – “Economics and management of the national economy” (economic sciences)

08.00.10. – “Finance, money circulation and credit” - (economic sciences)

08.00.12. – “Accounting, statistics” - (economic sciences)

08.00.13. – “Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics” - (economic, physical and mathematical sciences)

Persons with completed higher education are admitted to graduate school.

Training period:

full-time (with a break from work) – 3 years.

on part-time (on-the-job) – 4 years.

Submission of documents - until September 15; Entrance exams - from October 1 to October 30

2. Documents for admission to graduate school:

1. Application for admission to entrance examinations. Submitted to the rector of the university.

2. Personal HR record sheet, certified by the HR department.

3. Copies of a higher education diploma, TIN, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, passport data.

4. Photo 3pcs. (3x4).

5. Characteristics from the last place of work or study (for those who graduated from a higher educational institution this year), signed by the head of the enterprise (organization, institution).

7. Certificate in form No. 6 of passing the candidate minimum examinations provided for in this specialty, for persons who have fully or partially passed the candidate examinations.

8.Passport and diploma (original) of graduation from a higher educational institution.

9.Military ID.

10. Abstract on the chosen specialty.

11. Work book (for full-time workers).

12. A copy of the work book (for correspondence students).

3. Applicants to graduate school take the following competitive entrance exams in accordance with State educational standards of higher and postgraduate professional education:

1. special discipline

2. foreign language

3. philosophy

All entrance exams for applicants to graduate school are conducted according to approved and established programs.

4. Appeals and retaking entrance exams to graduate school are not allowed; passed entrance exams to graduate school are valid for a calendar year.

5. Those who do not appear for entrance exams without a valid reason or who receive an unsatisfactory grade are not allowed to take further entrance exams and are not enrolled in graduate school.

Persons who have passed the candidate exams in whole or in part upon admission to graduate school are exemptfrom the relevant exams upon presentation of a certificate of passing the candidate exams.

Full-time graduate students are granted a deferment from conscription for military service for the period of study and defense of their dissertation.