The city liberated by Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc - warrior, martyr, saint

In order to understand the number of rumors and correct information from “eyewitnesses” regarding what is done to rapists in prison, you need to study in detail the article of the Criminal Code, the differences between zones and colonies.


Articles 131-135 provide punishment for indecent acts or violence. They consider with minors, as well as forced sexual intercourse without mutual consent using threats, physical force by one person or a crime committed by a group of people. IN misconduct also includes harassment of persons under the age of 14-16 years.

The Russian state prescribes and applies punishment for each individual episode, taking into account the circumstances. This includes both administrative punishment - in the form of community service or a fine, and criminal punishment (from 3 to 6 years). This is the stay of the criminal in prison and isolation from society. rape can be reported by a person who has reached the age of 18, parents or guardianship authorities.

Pre-trial detention center

Once the application is submitted, the process of bringing the perpetrator to justice begins. Given the gravity of the crime, the accused may await trial at home or in a pre-trial detention center.

In a pre-trial detention center, a person accused of charges of violence must be placed in a separate cell for more convenient work of the defense authorities and the prosecutor's office. But in practice, it is not customary to isolate a “status” person so that he can take part in the investigative work with greater zeal and begin to cooperate. Therefore, the convict is put in a general cell, where he undergoes “training,” that is, there he is simply beaten.

Court and stage

If the court decides that the accused is guilty, he is given a punishment and a place of imprisonment.

In practice, convicts are distributed according to the severity of the crime. If the period is short, the person may be left in a colony at his place of residence. If the guilt is serious, the convicted person is sent away to serve his punishment. This is justified for several reasons. Firstly, it reduces the possibility of a rebellion by the offender, and secondly, the relatives of the victim have less chance of taking revenge on the offender on their own.

The stage is the transportation of the convicted person to the place of serving his sentence.

How rapists are treated in prison and in the zone

Until the 90s, the laws of the criminal world were based on purity of thoughts. Theft and murder were considered elite activities in which there was no place for violence. This is a “noble” job, and it should not be disgraced by the senseless and useless mockery of the victim. In this regard, rapists were considered despicable members of society, not people, and were subjected to humiliation. The “lowering” occurred both on sexual grounds and in the form of a person’s psychological breakdown.

What awaits rapists in prison these days? By 2015, priorities had shifted slightly. Sexual acts involving force no longer have such a shameful status. Especially if the prisoner proved to his fellow inmates the “necessity of what he did” or the guilt of the victim. The status of pedophiles and people with a morbid craving for cruelty (maniacs) remains invariably low. In these cases, no excuses will be considered.

Subtleties of prison laws

A new person is assigned status quite quickly. His determination is influenced by the reputation he earned in freedom, the article and personal behavior. Some strict laws do not adhere to, but decide in each case separately. Therefore, not only a rapist, but also a person who behaves incorrectly or is seen in “rat” actions can be “put down.”

"Lowered" and "roosters"

What do they do in prison with rapists? The “observers” find out the circumstances in detail and make decisions. If we are talking about violence against a woman, then a person has the opportunity to take advantage of exculpatory moments. This includes blackmail of an “insidious” mistress for the purpose of marriage, and revenge for infidelity and deception. Such stories are perceived with sympathy and justify the action.

What do they do in prison with male rapists? They are being "cocked". Homosexuality is strongly discouraged in criminal society. Here it is difficult for the convicted person to find an excuse, and he becomes a common “lover”.

It is necessary to define the difference, because “lowering” and “cocking” are not the same thing. "Down" may not be "cock". He sleeps by the bucket, cleans the cell, fulfills any whim of his cellmates, from telling fairy tales to spoon-feeding. This is a common slave, but he also has his own privileges. If the “low-down” person fulfills his duties well and conscientiously, he should not be beaten in vain and for no reason and have sex with him. You can even pet him like a pet and feed him good food. But you can’t shake his hand and eat from the same plate.

What do they do with rapists in the zone if they are “flogged out”? Such a person has his own responsibilities. This is the fulfillment of the owner's sexual desires. He may have one lover or everyone may use his services. If he has one owner, then the “rooster” can please him with fairy tales and foot massages, but he will not do this to others. He is not obliged to wash the bucket and clean up after his cellmates. This distribution is considered logical so as not to mix sex and human waste.

What do they do in prison with rapists and do they have a good life there? If a prisoner has proven his innocence according to the moral code of the “thieves,” then he has every chance of being considered a “muzhik,” that is, a respected person. If there is no way to prove that you were right, then you can always just brush it off. There are cases in history when a person carried a knife and simply did not allow the punishment group to approach him.

In any case, you should not hide either the article or the motives. Prison is long gone isolated society and you can get truthful information quickly and easily. In this case, deception is not forgiven. Unless during the verification period the rapist has proven himself to be a best side in front of the beholder and fellow inmates.

Child abuse

Pedophilia is not forgiven and is not justified by anything. IN underworld Little is sacred, but children and mother are inviolable concepts. What do they do to child rapists in prison? They are killed in both the “red” and “black” zones. According to the concepts, such people should not leave the place of detention. They are not “cocked” or “put down”: if guilt is proven, they will not live.

By law, rapists and maniacs must be kept in isolated confinement. But in any case, the heads of the zones and the “thieves” will find a way to get rid of the unnecessary element. “Remove” can be “accidentally” during transportation, justifying this as a necessary measure when trying to escape. And at the place of imprisonment an “accident” may occur.

But if the guilt of a maniac or rapist is proven by a court and the article is enough for a death sentence among cellmates, then pedophilia still needs to be proven or disproved.

Justification for pedophilia in prison

Modern guardianship authorities and parents of teenagers sometimes reach the point of insanity in their educational zeal. If a convict proves in prison that he was imprisoned because he kissed his daughter on the cheek or slapped her bottom so that she would not be capricious, they do not touch him and treat him with sympathy. They also believe the stories that he was seduced in a club by a girl with makeup, but her passport turned out to be underage, and her parents filed a lawsuit.

The risk group includes teachers physical culture and trainers, as well as heads of studios and clubs. In the modern world, pedophilia is a fear and a disease of society. Therefore, in 80% of cases legal proceedings- it's just hysteria. But suspects under this article are most often convicted, even if there is no direct evidence.

What happens to child rapists in prison while fellow inmates are trying to determine whether the convict is guilty or not? They are beaten. Until proven innocence, those convicted of pedophilia are beaten by anyone who wants to. They can defend themselves to a certain extent. That is, you can close yourself, but you shouldn’t cause significant harm to the beating people. In this case, you may not wait for an acquittal from the outside and be “lowered” without the right to return to the “men.”

We looked at how rapists are treated in prison. They are beaten always and everywhere, in the pre-trial detention center, at the stage and in the zone. This is called "training". Often, cellmates do not wait for evidence or a court decision and “release” suspects already in the pre-trial detention center.

What do they do with rapists in the zone and how does “lowering” happen? There are many fantasies on this topic. They can put underwear on a person’s head, smear feces or a member on the lips while sleeping, dip them in a bucket, and so on. If you were “let go” while still in the pre-trial detention center, then you can’t hide in the zone that you are “got down”. Because in the zone they may mistake such a person for a “man” (respected), shake hands, drink from the same mug, and when it turns out that he was a “lower”, then everyone who touched him will also be considered “lowered” . For such deception they are immediately killed.

Payback from punishment

What do they do in prison with rapists if they have the opportunity to pay off? If this is a pedophile or a maniac whose guilt has not yet been proven, then there is an opportunity to buy immunity. The amount is determined individually each time and can be either a one-time payment or multiple payments throughout the entire period. If during the sentence the rapist was transferred to another zone, then he will have to pay again. The previous buyout does not count.


How are rapists treated in prison if the sexual acts without the woman's consent do not have a valid reason? If an action is not justified by anything other than the painful satisfaction of one’s desires, there can be no sympathy or redemption. Along with pedophiles, a maniac is considered the most useless person. The hatred for such people is such that they usually do not even live to see trial. A case was recorded in the Perm region when, in one case, 4 suspects were arrested in turn and they were all killed by their cellmates while still in the pre-trial detention center.

Prison is life

It doesn’t matter what a person was convicted for, there are just people in prison. Each of them has its own time and trouble. You cannot judge places of detention based on films and books. Among the criminals there are both normal people and not so normal people, everything is just like in life. The only caution can be only one: do not trust anyone. There are no “good” ones there. If someone suddenly begins to care about your well-being, then you cannot make close friendships with anyone. Firstly, they establish friendly relations with new people in order to set them up later, and secondly, if the “friend” is let down, then you are also included in the company.

What they do with rapists in prison, only someone who has served a sentence can answer for sure. But such people usually do not blog or write articles, and do not like to be frank. Therefore, we have to trust oral stories through second hands.


Warning: words in CAPITAL LETTERS do not mean irritation, CAPS in this article is used by the author mainly INSTEAD OF ITALICS.

Unfortunately, many people in Russia, and in other countries, still do not understand that homophobes, that is, citizens who despise/hate LGBT people, are for the most part latent homosexuals, or, as they are also called, latents. Latents of both sexes - in the sense of latent homosexuals, latent bisexuals/bisexuals and latent lesbians - experience strong subconscious same-sex attraction, but they have a complex and are afraid to admit it to themselves. That is why they hate representatives of sexual minorities (because “perverts” evoke “unhealthy” fantasies in them) and unconsciously envy the members of the Elgebet. It’s simply stupid to argue with this, because... this theory is confirmed by all progressive science - such famous scientists as Sigmund Freud, Alexander Lowen, Igor Kon and others wrote about latent homosexuality, see the note "SCIENTISTS about HOMOPHOBES" - as well as articles on homophobia in dictionaries: .
Often, latents, brutalized and distraught from homosexual starvation, gradually turn into sociopaths, recidivist criminals, sadistic rapists, and maniacal killers. They splash out their aggression not only on LGBT people, but also on the so-called. straight people, old people, children, women. Latent ones maim, degrade or simply rape members of their own sex, including minors, beat up people of the opposite sex (out of hatred), become false religious extremists, terrorists, unleash wars of aggression- see "HOMOPHOBIA: causes and CONSEQUENCES" -. In less severe cases, homophobes and homophobes simply turn into irritable and slow-thinking individuals. At the same time, those in power in Russia carefully hide information about latent homosexuality from the population, and at the same time whip up homophobic hysteria in society. It is beneficial for politicians and pseudo-priests that there are as many homophobes as possible, so that narrow-minded aggressive latents and everyone else squabble among themselves, rape/kill each other and hide from maniacs. It is beneficial mainly because people in such a position pay less attention to the crimes of the authorities - often they simply have no time for it.

The propaganda of homophobia in Russia did not start yesterday; homophobic propaganda in our latitudes has been going on for centuries. And as a result, the hammering of homophobic views into people's heads led to the emergence of a whole class of latent homosexual homophobic criminals. Such latents commit crimes for the most part in order to show themselves as “real tough men (guys)”, and also WITH THE PURPOSE OF ENDING UP IN PLACES OF IMPRISONMENT MORE FREQUENTLY IN ORDER TO RAPE THERE PEOPLE OF THE SAME SEX AND “VOLUNTARY FORCEDLY” USE OFFICERS (see below ). Moreover, the latent ones are not aware of this: when raping and using young men/men, homophobes justify themselves by the fact that they do not have women in the zone, or by the fact that their victims simply need to be dismissed according to concepts, etc. In accordance with the concepts that they come up with For themselves, latent homosexual criminals, they themselves are not, as it were, homo(bi)sexuals, although often these patients enter into numerous same-sex contacts. In Russia, such rapists usually enjoy respect both among ordinary, narrow-minded citizens, and, say, among false priests (and this despite the fact that the Bible, the Koran and other scriptures condemn homosexual violence; voluntary same-sex relationships in the above-mentioned books are in essence are not condemned - read the articles at the link). And some homophobes, apparently, experience painful latent masochistic desires, and subconsciously strive to get into the zone in order to be subjected to lowering and other torture/humiliation there.
In the Russian Federation in our time, about 10% of adult prisoners and up to 30-40% of minors serving sentences are convicts. And in our country, lowering is practiced not only in places of deprivation of liberty, but also in the wild, as well as in the army, which, however, is also essentially a place of deprivation of liberty... At the same time, it seems that many Russian residents sincerely consider latent homosexual rapists "straights". Therefore, it seems to me that it would not hurt people to finally figure out who these “real men (boys)” who live according to concepts actually are. (Latent lesbians/bisexuals, just like their male “colleagues,” commit acts of violence and other crimes and subconsciously strive to get into the zone to engage in same-sex sex -; however, in this article we will mainly consider problems associated with male latent homosexuality, because criminal latents in our country, although they create many problems, do not make a difference, as they say.).

Here is how academician Igor Kon wrote about latent homosexual violence in Soviet/Russian prisons:

"Criminal sexual symbolism, language and rituals are everywhere closely associated with hierarchical relations of power, domination and subordination; they are more or less stable and universal in almost all closed male communities. [...] The victim, no matter how much she resists, loses their male dignity and prestige, and the rapist, on the contrary, increases them. During the “change of power”, the former leaders, in turn, are raped and thereby irreversibly fall down the hierarchy [...]

The most likely candidates for rape are YOUNG prisoners. In a medical and sociological study of 246 prisoners who had homosexual contacts known to the camp administration, every second said that they had been raped in the pre-trial detention cell, 39 percent - on the way to the colony, and 11 percent - in the camp itself. MOST OF THESE MEN HAD NO HOMOSEXUAL EXPERIENCE BEFORE, but after the rape that left them "down," there was no turning back for them. [...]

“Not only those who had a penchant for homosexuality in the wild (in the camp itself, only a passive role is reprehensible) end up in prison, but also according to the most for various reasons. Sometimes it is ENOUGH TO HAVE A CUTE APPEARANCE and weak character. Let's say they brought a detachment to the bathhouse. We washed ourselves (what kind of washing is there: there is only one tap for every hundred people, there are not enough gangs, the shower does not work), we went to the dressing room. The thief in charge looks around everyone with an appraising glance. He decides: “You, you and you - stay for cleaning,” and grins wickedly. The boys who were chosen go back to the bathhouse. A crowd of noble thieves burst into the dressing room, cackling. They undress and, bluish-blue from the full tattoo, flexing their muscles, walk to where our guys had just disappeared. The squad is being taken away. Late in the evening, the guys come back crying and huddle in a corner in a group. Nobody approaches them. Their fate is determined.
But a pretty appearance is not necessary. About one prisoner - a small, nondescript, father of a family - they found out that he had once served in the police, a long time ago (otherwise he would have ended up in a special camp). Ah, cop! They “hooked” him (raped him), and he became a slave to his brigade. Upon arriving at work in the workshop, he was immediately taken to the workshop restroom, and from there he never left for the entire day. A CONTINUOUS LINE of people came to him there, and the requests were very varied. There were fifteen to twenty people per day. At the end of the working day, he trailed behind the detachment, barely alive..."

According to A.P. Albova and D.D. Isaev, who interviewed 1,100 male prisoners, the “offended” make up 8-10 percent of all prisoners. A third of them were convicted of rape. Each “offended” person is obliged to provide unfailing sexual service to anyone who wishes, having an average of 30-50 partners, or is the exclusive property of a privileged group of 10-15 men. Anyone who stands up for the “offended” or dares to be friends with him will face the same fate. This is well shown in the movie "Mayhem".

A similar, although less rigid, system exists in women’s camps, where rude, masculine “cobles” who bear masculine names push around the “pickers” who depend on them. These sex roles are also irreversible. If male criminals managed to break into the women's camp, it was considered the highest valor to rape the kobla, who was then obliged to commit suicide.

The administration of a prison or camp, even if desired, is practically powerless to change these relations, preferring to use them for own purposes. One informer, recruited by the KGB, said that when he reported to his detective about a completed or impending act of rape, he said: “Sasha, what difference does it make to us? For us, everyone is the same, but it’s better, of course, when there are more people raped, because they go faster.” contact with the administration and, most importantly, they work like trophy horses, because they have nothing else to do but lose themselves in their work and seek our help from the “wolves”... In general, to hell with them, “roosters”...

The threat of "out...daring" was often used by investigators and camp guards to obtain the necessary testimony from the victim or to recruit him.

Generally speaking, the customs of Soviet prisons and the rituals, language and symbols adopted in them are not much different from American or other penitentiary institutions, but Soviet prisons are much less comfortable than Western ones, so everything here is still more cruel and scary.

From here, from the criminal subculture that permeated all aspects of the life of Soviet society, the corresponding morals spread to the army. "Hazing", hazing, the tyrannical power of old-timers over new recruits, VERY OFTEN INCLUDE obvious or hidden elements of SEXUAL VIOLENCE. The combination of long-term gender segregation, sexual deprivation and rigid hierarchical power relations between young men INEVITABLY gives rise to sexual violence. [...]
According to an anonymous author who interviewed more than 600 military personnel, “the technique of rape is the same everywhere: as a rule, after lights out, two or three senior soldiers take the intended victim to a drying room, a storeroom or other secluded place (Lenin’s rooms used to be popular) and, reinforcing their request with fists, they offer to “serve grandfather.” In exchange for compliance, the “solobon” is offered a “good life” - freedom from finery and patronage.
Promises are kept extremely rarely, and the gullible, whose sexual role soon becomes known to the entire company, bears double hardships throughout his entire service life and forever remains a “son,” serving even the boys of his conscription. MUCH RARELY RAPE, as well as behind bars, IS PUNISHMENT for theft, for failure to repay a debt or other “mean” [in our time, young military personnel in the Russian Federation are not only raped, but also forced into prostitution, serving officers and civilian clients, see - note author of the article].

Of course, the prevalence of this aspect of “hazing” in different military units depends on the attitude of the immediate army commanders to this."

Famous explorer problems associated with homosexuality, the author of books on psychology, Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan, writes about seriously ill latent homosexuals:

"How many latent homosexuals are there among men and women? It is impossible to answer the question yet. There is a point of view that the most ardent homophobes are precisely those who can be classified as latent homosexuals. In an effort to suppress their slightly, and sometimes significantly, felt homosexuality, they try expand heterosexual relationships, trying to convince themselves that they are the same as everyone else, that their gender does not interest them, does not bother them, does not attract them. They want to kill their own still latent homosexuality with numbers. It’s difficult. And it happens that they engage in homosexual acts. And here they discover their own sadism. They can not only beat up, but also kill their partner, as if in revenge for their own homosexuality.” ().

I would like to especially emphasize: latent homosexual rapists and maniacal murderers - both real and potential - are found NOT ONLY in the zone and in the army, “in civilian life” there are at least MANY TIMES MORE of them than in places of deprivation of liberty. The number of latent cases in the Russian Federation is approaching several MILLIONS. And this is also facilitated by the active propaganda of thieves’ romance.

Things have already reached the point where even YOUNG children are becoming homosexual rapists in our country. I think there is no need to explain at length that concepts and thieves’ romance have been more than actively promoted in our country for the last twenty years. At least thirty crime films and programs are broadcast on television every day, as a result of which today even young children are familiar with criminal homophobic “philosophy”. At the same time, no one prohibits the promotion of a criminal lifestyle - on the contrary, the authorities prohibit the promotion of legal, voluntary homosexual relationships. As a result, society gets CHILDREN who are firmly convinced: to be gay, i.e. a “pervert” entering into regular same-sex relationships is very bad, but BEING A RAPIST, putting down members of YOUR SAME SEX is GOOD, COOL. And here are the consequences this leads to:

"Emergency at a health camp near Voronezh: Children raped a six-year-old child, and the counselors laughed [...]

A scandal broke out in a children's camp near Voronezh a couple of days before the end of the first shift. His mother came to see 6-year-old [R.][...]
[R.] was “somewhat different”: with his ruff, like a sparrow, he sat next to her on the bench and was silent. The mother did not let up: “Son, what’s wrong with you? Maybe someone offended you?” And he told...
“The child didn’t even understand what really happened to him,” [the mother] is choked with tears. “He just didn’t like that when the boys did “this” to him, they twisted his arms very painfully.
“During a quiet hour, Andryusha [...] and Seryozha [...] came up to me,” the prosecutor’s office will later record from [R.’s] words. - They asked me to suck them... But I didn’t, I covered myself with a blanket and wanted to run away to the teacher. Then Andryusha grabbed my hands and held me like that, and Seryozha took off my panties and began to put them... in my ass."
- Can a six-year-old child come up with such details?! The counselors and teachers agreed - they insist that they didn’t notice anything like that. And [R.] says they saw how the boys pestered him, and even laughed, saying, what are you playing here? [...] - the mother is indignant."
("TVNZ" - ).

The Voronezh prosecutor's office did not initiate a criminal case on this fact.

However, child rapists are still a relatively atypical phenomenon. Teenagers rape each other much more actively - both in juvenile detention, that is, in juvenile detention centers, and in freedom (and some teenagers also sexually exploit small children, see "Two brothers beat and raped a first-grader" - etc.) d.). By the way, a teenager raped by a school “authority” was also in the class in which I once studied - practically no one communicated with him, although this was even before the “great criminal revolution”.

Information about homosexual violence among juvenile offenders is no secret to many. But some people naively believe that for almost all adult criminals, minors are sacred: they say, it’s no coincidence that pedophiles are released into prison! Yes, pedophiles are, of course, released from the zone. But mostly - simply because I WANT to omit it, and a shameful article is another, additional reason...
Unfortunately, I have to disappoint naive readers: imagining criminals who for the most part do not even look in the direction of minors is simply stupid. Of course, there are practically no young, immature children in adult prisons, and if one of the “right men” seduces or rapes a child in the wild, then “respected people” will most likely tell you that this is wrong.

But teenagers in places of deprivation of liberty sometimes intersect with adults, and this is how it sometimes ends, I quote:

"I glanced briefly at the boy. He was no more than 14, thin, good-eyed, not a prison kid at all. He was dressed in a red, unbuttoned flannel slob. Why did the boy make such an impression on me? The fact is that in in prison you can see anyone - a man, a woman (there are quite a few women among the prison workers, including young and attractive ones), a cat, a dog. The only thing is that you will never be able to see a single child during the entire period of imprisonment. A child is a purely free concept, a small piece of that free world behind barbed wire.
Probably many people were surprised by one question: How can it be that a child was in a cell with adults? That's right. Young children in prisons are kept separately from adults, especially since at the Butyrka prison there are no houses under investigation with them at all. In Moscow, young children sit on the Matroska. (Pre-trial detention center, called Sailor's Silence). The thing is that this story is not about “custody cells,” but about the so-called “confession cells.”
on "Matrosskaya Tishina", there are no such recognition cells, so young children are transferred to Butyrka. Moreover, in order to avoid suicide (suicide attempts), they are imprisoned not with those of the same age, but with adults. So, I ended up in the same hut with a boy named Alexey.
After staying in the cell for a week, I noticed for myself that my cellmates, “adults,” turned out to be rare scoundrels. One of the free men once practiced boxing and is in prison for beating his wife half to death. Another was driving a car while drunk and hit a child. The third robbed his neighbor after giving him vodka. All of them had only one thing in common - they were “bulls” physically, and “bulls” spiritually.
Twice a week the whole house took us to the shower. As a rule, the doors were closed during washing and no one was interested in what might be happening there. I got to see some of the scenes. But that’s not about that now. When I saw Lyoshka naked, I felt with horror that I had a problem. This often happens in prison - prolonged sexual hunger pushes people towards homosexuality. As one old prisoner told me, after a few years a person simply begins to be drawn to the body. It doesn't matter whose. A BOY, A YOUTH FOR CONVICTS IS ALWAYS A MORE SEDUCTIVE OBJECT, so outwardly closer to a girl than an adult hairy and bearded man. I realized that if I didn’t force myself not to look in his direction, I could get into trouble. Then, I did not yet know that if this had happened in relation to Alexei, it would have been accepted by the others WITH FULL UNDERSTANDING AND APPROVAL.
During my stay in the hut I became friends with Alyoshka. I felt that he was reaching out to me, probably his childhood intuition told him something. Returning to the cell from the doctor, I immediately realized that something had happened during my absence. Alexey sat on the bunk, lowered his head, and roared. I asked why he was roaring? In response, one of the cellmates smiled sarcastically and muttered through his teeth - because it was a girl. The meaning of these words did not reach me, and I thought that someone just hit him. It was only during dinner that I realized that the worst thing had happened. When the gruel was brought and we sat down at the table, Alexey remained on the bunk.

At about two in the morning, I woke up and sleepily wandered off to take a pee in the “dalnyak” (toilet). Having recovered, I turned around to go back to sleep, but suddenly I saw that Alyosha was sitting, hugging his knees with both hands, and quietly crying. Everyone in the cell was asleep. Alexey raised his head and looking at me with eyes full of tears and horror, began to silently say something to me. I could tell by the articulation of the lips. He kept saying the same phrase: Save me! I lowered my eyes, and defiantly looked around at the others, and just answered with my lips, saying: What can I do alone!? I lay down on the bunk and thought about the situation. I went through all sorts of options, how can I help him? Send the little guy to the investigative huts? Should I write back to Zakhar about the lawlessness (there was such a thief in prison at that time)? But who will be involved in the affairs of recognition?! And most importantly, there is no way back for the offended. For reference, the offended person does not have the right to sit at the table with others, eat from common dishes, touch common food, or shake hands. But he must wash the area and the floors. In addition, Alyoshka was not just offended, but depressed. Anyone who has been let down can continue to be raped. For a teenager to be bullied is a complete breakdown of his personality, the end of his life.
The next day I was pulled out of the hut to the opera house for a conversation. Before this, Alexey had already managed to tell me what happened in that cell. He was invited to play dominoes. He agreed. Then one said:
- Just play like that, not for fun!
- Well, what are we playing for then?
- Fuck you! (laughing, as if jokingly)
Alyoshka, of course, took it as a joke, and when he lost, they told him that they were playing seriously, that he had better not make a fuss, since paying according to the terms of the game is an indisputable prison rule. In general, they “got over his ears” for “notions.”
When I was brought to the opera, I was a little surprised by his courtesy, although this was the second time I had been in his office [...]. Calling me by name, he asked me to sit down, put a pack of Cosmos in front of me and asked if I would like some coffee and cookies? Gee...Oh, these cops are so cunning, they’ll get into your ass without soap when they need something. I knew that he was “pushing his balls” towards something, but I just couldn’t understand what. In fact, we didn’t have to wait long for an explanation:

Listen Sergey, I HAVE A SEVERAL MORE YOUNG CHILDREN, THE SAME CRAP WITH THEM..." (end of quote; see also "In the Urals, a repeat offender received 22 years for raping a woman and teenagers" -).

I’ll quote another story from the same Kon’s book (see above):

"Here is an example described by Elena Svetlova in the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper:
“They told me: “He won’t talk to you.” He agreed. A short, handsome boy, who was not spoiled in the least by either his black robe or his short haircut, almost to the point of zero. He recently turned sixteen. In prison - eight months. Term - three years. He was arrested for pickpocketing. In the colony, no one is friends with him. He is completely alone. No one would think of treating him to his mother’s pie or the sweets he brought from his family. He will smoke a cigarette himself - after him, no one will take a puff. In the pre-trial detention center, his cellmates abused him.
- In the hut (pre-trial detention cell in the jargon) there were five of them, three of 117 (rape) and TWO ADULTS. They closed the peephole. After the third blow I lost consciousness. Then this happened... What could I do?
- How long were you there?
- Three and a half days.
- But couldn’t you have called for help, asked to be transferred to another cell?
- No. Useless. There is an "internal telephone" in prison. At the moment when they were sent for transfer, they shouted about me throughout the prison courtyards...
- How do you like living here?
- Now it's normal. They don't look right, they don't say hello. But they don’t hit, no.
-Did you tell about your trouble yourself?
- No. The chairman of the detachment said, “We know everything.” From that “hut” they found out who would go with me and told me.”

“They don’t look at you right”, “they don’t greet you” - these are nothing. As a rule, those who are "lowered" are allowed to fully feel like outcasts. “Just like that,” bowls are broken for them, they sit separately, at the last table...” (c).

However, today some homophobic criminals and their sympathizers claim: they say, in our time in the criminal environment, in the zone, no one is raped anymore, this only happened in the times Soviet Union. However, it seems to me that often these are just stories from the category “We are not bandits! We are noble pirates!” - like “thieves observe a code of honor - they live by thieves’ law”, “bandits rob only grabby businessmen, and do not touch ordinary citizens”, etc. In addition, such rumors can be spread by latent rapists - so that interesting young men/men are not afraid to join them in gangs/in the zone, and these same rapists always have a lot of people on hand.

Here is how one citizen who served time in prison several times responded (“Two terms: “excursion” - 8 prisons and 2 camps, 10 years of exile”) to a certain user’s statement that they supposedly don’t rape in the zones now:

“Nonsense!(((They raped and `n a s i l u u t!(((And often in a wild and unreasonable manner - someone didn’t like the mug. I know a case where they let go of a “man”, only for that , that his last name is Petukhov: “Rooster, rooster...”, - and then a bullish game, they cut him off on the head with a pipe out of drunkenness... He subsequently killed the one who brewed this and was already sitting on the 102nd, but already in life - a “rooster” forever! (((
And anyone can get caught in the “offense”, I know very well worthy people who have found themselves in such a situation. Hysterical people get out of such situations by trying to open them up.
Why are you chattering, what do you know the least about? (((" (c).

And here’s how one, apparently a latent homosexual, described “Zon’s concepts” on one of the forums

Naturally, this post, like the previous quoted comment, was written not in Soviet times, but in our time:

"The most important and most difficult question in the topic about the grounds for lowering the question, is there any punishment in the zone for ***m [probably “punishment with a dick”, a member - note from the author of the article], that is, is it possible to transfer a prisoner to roosters or Any omission for any reason is lawlessness?
It is immediately necessary to make a reservation consensus on this issue no. Some, mostly old thugs, say that in the *** zone they don’t punish, that the rooster caste was created by garbage in order to scare normal inmates with roosters (if you don’t obey, you’ll end up in the roosters).
In principle, in the thieves’ law there is such a concept: “There is no punishment in the zone.” It means that you should avoid poking your **** at people. That is, if the kosyachnik himself understood that he needed to move things to the offender, or if this was explained to him, or if he was kicked into the offender - then honor and praise to such boys, and it will be easier for the offender himself to live.
But despite all the vehemence with which some defend this point of view, the MOST people who understand this topic (and are also very AUTHORITATIVE) still believe that for some mistakes it is POSSIBLE, and in some cases EVEN NECESSARY. Moreover, lowering into in this case- This is not a punishment, but an instruction. An indication to the kosyachnik of his place in this life in general and in this house in particular. The argument goes like this. Let's say they threw a former trash into your house, who raped several youngsters in a perverted form. What should you do with him, sit him down at the table next to you and treat him to chifir? No, the place for such scum is at the bucket. And in order for him to live by the bucket legally, you need to do a number of actions (well, like, official procedures), the best of which is fuck you in the ass. You can simplify the procedure - swipe the *** in the face or pour water from a bucket. If this is not done, then this particular scum will try to prove every time that he is not a rooster, but a normal housekeeper.

So, if we admit that lowering is not always chaos, then you can get into the lowered ones in the following way.

You can get to the lowered ones through one of four ways: without a bazaar, at a bazaar, through lawlessness and voluntarily.

Without a market, i.e. automatically, when a particular fact is established, the bastards are transferred to the omitted category, i.e. convicted on nasty (sexual) charges. Personally, I support that the entire 131 article be omitted without a bazaar, but in practice, only those who raped minors and minors are omitted without a bazaar. The rest of the furry thieves are dropped at the bazaar, and sometimes they aren’t dropped at all. For example, in some zones, bandits bargained for themselves the right not to be transferred to roosters for the “choir”, i.e. gang rape for the purpose of intimidation or punishment of the terpilas. In my opinion, this is not according to concepts.

Without the bazaar, all sorts of molesters are left there, i.e. 134 and 135 articles.

Automatically, all the cunts fall into roosters, since a cunt is a rooster. It doesn’t matter whether you voluntarily became a fagot (by nature) or were RELEASED IN THE WILL. If you ever gave your ass or took it in your mouth, then you are a fagot and went to scrub the bucket.

Here, in principle, are all the reasons for lowering without a market.

At the bazaar, YOU CAN IN PRINCIPLE LET OUT ANYONE AND FOR ANYTHING, and it will not be lawlessness. The bazaar, if it is authoritative, is supreme body authorities in a given zone, and it is assumed that all his decisions are correct.
For example, one came into our zone former businessman one of the cool ones, he had his own trading company there, and he got into a drunken fight and knocked out someone’s eye. So he constantly got into trouble, attacked thieves, including authorities, saying like I have two universities, a trading office, a lot of money, I have traveled half the world, and you are all mongrel cattle and except for your barn, i.e. prisons, you don’t know anything and the like. They did the latter to him once Chinese warning- set up a stool. He didn’t understand and continued to attack, then he was called to the market. So at the same bazaar he again began to show off, so the same bazaar decided to let him go, straight from the bazaar he was taken to the cock shower and there he was thoroughly treated. By the way, it helped: he became quiet and cleaned the bucket better than anyone else.

It's like a joke, you know. They throw a guy into a cell, and he starts breaking in and screaming:
- I am deputy Petukhov, I demand respect for my immunity!
- I am deputy Petukhov, I demand respect for human rights!
- I am deputy Petukhov, I demand a lawyer!
The monster rolls up to him, takes out his erect penis and says:
- Deputy Petukhov, come to the FIRST microphone! (emphasis on the first word) [if you are a HOMOSADIST rapist, then at this point you can already laugh - note from the author of the article].

But these are all rarities; in my memory, the only case with a cool guy was when he was let down for this. There are cases for which the bazaar gathers specifically on the occasion of whether or not it should be omitted. This primarily applies to bitches and rats. In principle, according to the concepts, **** [bitches] (those who cooperate with the zone administration - knocking, for example) and rats (those who steal from their own) should be omitted. However, there are a couple of points here. For example, in order to drop a rat, it is necessary for the one from whom the rat was hidden (or the one who saw that someone was hiding the rat) to roll out the present, i.e. came to authority and declared that such and such a prisoner squeezed such and such clothes from him. The authority gathers a bazaar, where they begin to find out where the clothes are, who saw what, who heard what, and so on. And if it turns out that the prisoner is actually a rat, then he is released. But any normal prisoner will not just roll out a document if he is not sure that it will be confirmed. After all, if the presentation is wrapped up, then the one who was accused can have a good time with the one who accused. He can’t lower it, but breaking a couple of ribs or knocking out a couple of teeth is a matter of concept. But if the presentment turns out to be a setup (well, for example, if the one from whom the clothes were allegedly squeezed actually planted it on another prisoner), then the framer himself can be omitted.

Things are even more complicated with ****s. Very often people become ****s due to the lawlessness of the cops. That is, the godfather or someone else tells the prisoner: either you knock, or we will assign you to the press hut, where they will let you down with a machine gun. The prisoner has nowhere to go and starts knocking. When this becomes clear, the bazaars can be very long and are resolved in different ways. As a rule, if the prisoner himself said that he was forced to snitch, then he is forgiven, but if the lads found out, then they let him go. If the prisoner became a bitch of his own free will, then they decide to let him go at the market.

Only through the bazaar can you drop the jambs. A joint is an act that a decent prisoner is not supposed to do. As a rule, this applies to relationships with roosters. Well, for example, if a prisoner took something from a rooster, or sat on a rooster’s bench, or took a leak in a rooster’s ass, or just talked with a fagot, except on the topic: “F*ck, take it in your mouth.” Such a convict is called to the market and transferred to a parachute, this is not quite a cunt, it’s only a finished one, but from a parachute to a cunt is not far. However, there are scenarios when they became paratroopers simply out of ignorance or by accident, then the convict remained a paratrooper throughout his entire career and did not get into trouble. By the way, very often those who have their first trip and who got into trouble are forgiven at the market, well, because the first trip is the first trip.

Former cops are also being transferred to roosters. Those who were imprisoned while working as cops, as a rule, sit in special zones, they have their own cop arrangements there. But former cops very often end up on the common fund. As soon as it turns out that the prisoner is a former cop, he is immediately released. Because if you worked in a garbage industry, then your brain is garbage, and you are garbage in life. And the garbage needs to be put down. Or you can soak it. By the way, former garbage can be converted into roosters without a market.

Well, at the market they can let you down for gambling debts. True, this is now a rarity. As a rule, such a prisoner is put on the counter and forced to work. They omit it only if, while on the counter, he began to play again, lost and did not give it back.

Sometimes they also leave out all sorts of psychos and idiots. Well, like, you tell him to do this and that, but he becomes inappropriate, starts talking some kind of bullshit, etc. But this is quite rare.

Well, basically, about bazaars and that’s it. Of course, there are different scenarios, different ways dudes get into trouble, but in principle, everything else is chaos.

There are two types of lawlessness: thieves' and cops'. Everything is clear with the thieves. Lawlessness is mean. The lawless man in the end either ends up in the cocks himself, or gets killed. But with cop lawlessness it’s more difficult. Let’s say the guy turned out to be right and didn’t break down, didn’t split, didn’t get upset, and for this the cops put him in a press hut or in a cell with the roosters. He comes out of there already lowered and what happens: the man did everything according to the concepts, but if you had a dick in your ass or in your mouth, then you are a cunt anyway, and nothing can be done. By the way, it’s not uncommon for cops to let go of thieves, including authoritative ones. Of course, they explain to the rooster’s mother that such a lowered one cannot be touched, well, put on a bucket in the outfits, and so on. But the prisoner is already a rooster. So this is fate.

Well, voluntarily everything is simple here. I admit it myself, I have a sin. They transferred one handsome guy to us when he was a teenager: curly hair, fluffy eyelashes, he’s all young and looks like a fag. Well, I approached him as a joke: take him in your mouth for money. I was purely kidding, I didn’t need his fucking mouth, either directly or indirectly. figuratively. In general, the toad was strangling me for my money. And he was a fool and agreed. For a hundred rubles. Later, at the market, I was almost accused of lawlessness, but I agreed with him that he would say that he himself wanted to take it into his mouth. Well, just like that. He is a waffler and a waffler in Africa. By the way, then it turned out interesting, HE BECAME MY GIRL. And he gets a kick out of it, they didn’t bother him, AND I FEEL GOOD: he gets a blowjob every day, and if the thieves have his own girl, then it ADDS RESPECT. But in general, every year there are more and more voluntary fags: more and more gays come from the outside and more and more agree for money." (end of quote).

I’ll add on my own behalf: guys/men who performed cunnilingus on adult girls/women can also be omitted. That is, rape is not forbidden for voluntary non-pedophilic HETEROSEXUAL contacts, as well as, as already mentioned, for “morons” who SIMPLY DO NOT OBEY “decent prisoners.” Let me emphasize: in principle, according to the concepts, YOU CAN LEAVE “ANYONE AND FOR ANYTHING” (see above) - and using this, at least tens of thousands of latent homosexuals in Russia constantly rape and force the boys and men they stupidly like to have sex. It is believed that in some zones, “roosters” are obliged to give themselves to other prisoners on demand, and in case of refusal, the “rooster” is beaten or raped - and sometimes this leads to the fact that the one who has been omitted has to “serve” several dozen people a day; in other zones, “roosters” are allegedly used sexually only with their consent. However, I personally find it difficult to imagine a colony where all the rejected latents lower their eyes in embarrassment and silently step aside...

By the way, according to experts, homophobes who behave the most brutally and aggressively are, on a subconscious level, more likely than others to play a passive role in sex. And vice versa, male representatives who do not try to pretend to be tough are generally active by nature - therefore they do not have the need to compensate for their “unmasculinity” with the help of aggression and violence. It is necessary to clearly understand: if this or that homo-hater behaves aggressively, insults/beats, dreams of killing, etc. “f*ggot” means he subconsciously strives to “kill the fagot” primarily in himself, that is, he is trying to get rid of his own passive homosexual inclinations, and he is trying unsuccessfully.
Partly for this reason, many latent homosexual criminals also commit non-sadistic homosexual acts, that is, DO ESSENTIALLY THE SAME THINGS MANIACS LIKE CHIKATILO DID. For example, in Volgograd, three thugs raped a gay man(?) with bottles, and then set him on fire and crushed the victim’s head with a stone, after which the unfortunate man, naturally, died. And one rural “authority” actually killed, by impaling, a 27-year-old man whom he suspected of stealing his motorcycle... If someone doesn’t know, with scientific point From our point of view, such “entertainment” is a manifestation of latent homosexual necrosadism, EVEN IF AT FIRST LOOK THEY DO NOT HAVE A SEXUAL tinge - read the article “SADISTS AMONG US, or HOW TO RECOGNIZE A MANIAC” - .

In a word, we can say with confidence: criminal latent homosexuals have come up with a whole system of concepts with the help of which they can satisfy their latent homosexual desires, while remaining, in their own eyes and in the eyes of those around them, “normal men - straight men.” Whether such “real men” deserve “respect” (respect) is up to you to decide; I don’t want to impose my point of view on anyone.


The author does not call for inciting hatred and does not claim that all members of the mentioned social groups without exception are inferior/dangerous to society. Homosexual rape and other homosadistic acts are committed not only by the “inveterate” criminals described above, military personnel, etc., but also by some representatives of other segments of the population.

The material is offered free of charge for free distribution - it can be copied into forums, blogs, etc., in whole or in part; When copying, it is advisable to provide a link to this resource.


In our prison world there are several castes, that is, groups of prisoners of different “dignity”. There are four main castes, and there can be many more intermediate castes in each zone (by the way, this is exactly what they say among prisoners: in prison, in zone).

The first, highest caste is the thieves; the second, most numerous - men; the third, more or less large (depending on the zone) - goats; fourth, lowest - roosters, outcasts. I don’t know whether outcasts can be considered a separate caste, but this is an academic question. And we will assume that there are four castes. Let's start from the top.


That's not what they call themselves. They replace the word “thieves” with “lads”, “prisoners”, “tramps”, “tramps”, “swindlers”, “travelers”, and half a century ago they called themselves “zhigans”, “people”.. These are professional criminals. Prisons and camps for them - required steps their professional career. Our criminal world is a special world; it is very difficult, almost impossible, for an outsider to get there. Committing a crime, even the most professional one - robbing a bank, for example - does not mean being accepted into this world. Any, even casual, relation to the structures of power, its political institutions(for example, membership in a party or Komsomol) forever closes a person’s path to the “thieves’ world,” no matter how professional a criminal he subsequently becomes. In addition to the “clean profile”, the candidate for thieves must adhere to the “correct concepts”; over time, these concepts also change (we will talk about this later). The elite of the criminal world are thieves in law. This is not necessarily the name given to those who earn their living by theft. These are rather informal leaders, a kind of “initiates”, recognized by well-known authorities and having received their recommendation, elected to “ full members”at a meeting (at the “gathering”) of all thieves located in a given prison, camp or region. According to various estimates, there are now thieves in law in the territory former Union only a few hundred. They are united into several groups.

If there is no real thief in the zone, the world of thieves tries to send there a “supervisor,” that is, its representative, who will ensure that the prisoners comply with the thieves’ law and the thieves’ orders. Thieves' orders are usually a new rule created as a result of some dispute between prisoners, or as a response to a new Ministry of Internal Affairs action. The unwritten prison law continues to be constantly drawn up from orders. The will of the beholder is the same law for other prisoners as the will of the thief. The watcher or thief is surrounded by a group of assistants. This is the highest caste in the camp - the thieves. Of course, in some camp there may not be a real thief or watcher. But in every camp there are people who consider themselves professionals, the prison as their home, and all its other inhabitants as aliens.

In the caste of thieves there is a main one - “godfather”, “authority”. Under the boss there is something like a presidential team, several thieves, each of whom does his own thing: one looks after the men, another looks after the “common fund” (that’s the name of the common prison treasury), the third looks after something else. They can also be called “authorities”. The godfather and his entourage have a guard - “athletes”, “fighters”, “gladiators”.

Not every prisoner can become a criminal. First of all, he must be pure in his free life. Previously, for example, the path to the highest caste was closed to those who served in the army or who at least once went to work in the zone. These requirements have now been lifted in some places. And in some zones, thieves can go to work - in the event, however, that this is not work as a foreman, orderly, etc., that is, if it does not give him at least some kind of official power over the others. Those who worked in the service sector in freedom, that is, were waiters or taxi drivers, cannot become thieves either. Former bosses too. There are many other requirements for applicants for the status of a criminal. Each zone may have its own special requirements.

The thieves are the real power in some zones, the power that fights with the official power, that is, with the administration of the zone. In addition to power, thieves have privileges - the right not to work, the right to keep whatever they deem necessary from the common fund. The thieves also have responsibilities. The right boss is obliged to ensure that the zone is “warmed up”, that is, it receives food, tea, tobacco, vodka, and clothing through illegal means. He is also obliged to resolve disputes that arise between other prisoners, and generally not allow any clashes between them, to ensure that no one is unfairly punished, offended, or deprived. All this does not mean, of course, that for the boss the correct order in the zone is more important than personal benefits. Often his concern for the lads is just an excuse to crush them and take everything for himself. But there are also enough zones where the godfather does not get out of the punishment cell (punishment cell) and spends his entire sentence on bread and water so that the lads can live peacefully and not from hand to mouth.

Those who adhere to the correct concepts and prison law in the zone or in prison are called by the administration deniers, deniers. This includes not only thieves, but everyone who provides active resistance administration. It happens that a person simply found himself out of favor with the detachment (detachment leader) and refused the left-handed work that he was forced to do. In general, the case also means a lot here.

Especially for denial, Article 1883 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR was invented - “Malicious disobedience to the legal requirements of the administration of the ITU.” This is Andropov’s article, introduced in 1983. According to it, a person could be endlessly added to his sentence from one to five years. Many were promoted this way. Currently there is no such article in criminal law. Article 321 of the Criminal Code Russian Federation is called “Disorganization of the normal activities of institutions that ensure isolation from society,” but it refers to violence or the threat of violence against prison staff or other prisoners.

There are also zones where thieves work together with the administration, or more precisely, with the operational unit. Sometimes special “inserts” are made - the newly arrived authoritative thieves are talked into cooperation and begin to help him in everything, the former thieves are discredited or removed from the zone, and the new “supervisor” is provided with assistance (naturally, behind the scenes). He becomes the boss, everything goes to him: vodka, marijuana, tea, smoking. And for this he brings order to the zone that the administration needs.

It is this type of thieves that is most common in the zones now. The criminal world has changed no less than the big world. Once upon a time, thieves were not allowed to have documents, sign papers, get married, or go to work in the camp. Today, the criminal world is actively involved in business and politics. How can you do without paperwork in business? What kind of politician is this without a family, that is, without hostages? Tumbleweeds, no one will believe him... Starting around the 70s, the title of thief in law, honorable for the criminal world, began to be bought and, what is much more important, sold. There was even a name for such newly minted thieves in law - “oranges”. These people, in general, are no longer as ideological as the former thieves. They used to die and go to the fires, but they refused to kiss the bitch’s knife (this was the way of getting laid during the bitch’s war). Honor and respect are also a huge value. Well, then concrete things began to be respected - money, the opportunity to make money. Morals have changed in the criminal world, and they have changed in prison as well.


This is the next caste. It consists of random, generally speaking, people in the zone. One was imprisoned by his wife for drunkenness, another stole some small change, he is imprisoned for fighting, and this one was given a case - he got caught. In general, from fifty to ninety percent of prisoners in our country are people whom in some western country They would simply be fined and that would be the end of it. There, prisons only bring losses, but here they have been profitable for many years, that’s the whole point. This is only if you consider legal profits. And it’s better not to tell how the camp administration, and its bosses, and the mafia, and the same freemen who go to the camps to work, and those who live near the camps, profited from the zones.

Today, camps in Russia also bring mostly losses, unemployment there is worse than in the wild. Slave work could replace the free one only when relatively simple things were done in freedom that did not require initiative or creative imagination. Those times are gone - only those who react instantly survive in the market. But our criminal justice system continues to live on the inertia of Gulag times. And many people are still imprisoned in vain, to the detriment of them, society, and the victims, for whom they cannot even compensate for the damage - unemployment. These people form the caste of men.

The men do not claim any power in the zone, do not serve anyone, and do not cooperate with the administration. They cannot interfere in the affairs of thieves. Men do not have the right to vote in their “showdowns”. But there are, of course, respected people among them, to whom the thieves listen, not to mention the rest of the men. In a word, men are prisoners who are going to return to normal life after serving their sentence.


These are open employees of the camp administration. Those who agreed to accept some position - caretaker, club manager, librarian, zone commandant. Those who put on "jambs" - an armband. Those who joined the SPP - "section crime prevention", that is, to the internal police of the camp. They are also called “bitches.” “Bitches” - those who agreed to work for the cops. The administration calls the goats an “asset,” “persons who are firmly on the path of reform.” Of course, the prisoners treat them badly. Traitors are treated poorly everywhere, and if you consider that in every zone between the administration and prisoners the war is on- sometimes “cold”, sometimes real - such an attitude will become understandable.

In the goats in different ways they get there: some of their own free will, some are forced, some are intimidated. In some zones, the arriving stage is generally given padded jackets with bandages already sewn on. If you put it on, you'll get bored. If you don’t put it on, you rip off the bandage and they’ll put you in a punishment cell, and when you leave you’ll get the same padded jacket, the same offer, and the same punishment cell for refusal. And so on for many months in a row. Some survive - through hunger, through tuberculosis. Well, if you can’t stand it, you’ll become an asshole. You will do the same as all the goats - be on duty at the checkpoint between the "local areas" - fences inside the zone, or between the "residential area" and the "industrial area" - the residential and industrial parts of the zone. You will be handing over prisoners like yourself to the “godfather”, the head of the operational unit. And even if you don’t sign up for the SPP, but, for example, work in the library, you’re still a goat, and the lads won’t accept you. In the zone there is generally no upward movement, from the lowest caste to the highest.

You can greet goats, communicate with them, touch them, but they are not allowed into the common fund. In the camps, by the way, there is such a legend: there is a secret order according to which, in the event of war, all the goats must be shot as potential traitors. But this, of course, is just a legend. Although during the war, German punitive detachments were not composed of army soldiers and not even always of SS men, but primarily of policemen. The Germans were not so crazy as to corrupt their army with such things.


The last caste is COOSTERS, they are also “offended”, “lowered”, “faggots” and so on. This is a caste of outcasts, untouchables, outcasts, among them there are also passive homosexuals. At the same level in the zone there is an intermediate caste - “chushki”, “devils”. The only difference is that they are not used as passive pederasts - they are simply untouchables.

Homosexuality has always existed in prisons; it was, as a rule, voluntary. But after some time - according to some information, with the reform of the "corrective labor" system in 1961 - a custom began to spread in the zones: punishment in the form of forcibly converting the perpetrator into a pederast. Some Gulag veterans believe that this custom was invented by the opera - it became their weapon in the fight against the deniers. There is a similar custom among some backward tribes in Africa - there boys who fail the test of initiation into men are given feminine names and dressed in women's clothing and are resettled to the outskirts of the camp. That is, they are made as if they were not men. A similar thing occurs in some species of monkeys - the leader of the pack, as a sign of victory over the offending male, rapes him.

IN correct concepts there is a law: “they don’t punish you.” That is, prison law directly prohibits punishing anyone in this way. If a person is found guilty - and guilty only of prison life, and not of freedom - he can be fined - a pack of Belomor, a million rubles, etc. If they decide to do so at the showdown, he can be beaten, his bones broken, and finally killed. But you can't put it down.

I have already said that the omitted appeared in the prison community after the 1961 reform. Before this reform, there was one type of camp for all prisoners. The reform divided the camps into regimes: general, reinforced, strict, special. As a result, the pioneers, who began to be imprisoned in general regime camps, were separated from the repeat offenders. They ended up in other regimes - so as not to influence the pioneers bad influence". Thus, they separated the pioneers from the experience of forced labor developed by many generations life together, which repeat offenders, among other things, owned. This experience allowed (we are talking about the second half of the fifties) to at least live in peace. In the previous camps there were also people of all ages. And the struggle for supremacy there was to some extent mitigated by the existence of a large number of elderly and old people. Of course, they might not be afraid or respected, but still there are things that people do not do or try not to do in the presence of their elders - this is in every person. Now imagine: hordes of young men (and the pioneers, as a rule, are people of the same age, 20-22 years old), whom nature itself doomed to constant competition and finding out who is more important, stronger, smarter. Naturally, there will always be bickering between them, since they cannot at least separate for a while, relax, communicate with those with whom it makes no sense to compete - with old people, women, children. By the way, things are even worse in the minors precisely because there are no elders there. Even the prison administration understands this and puts “father” - an adult prisoner - in the cells of youngsters. And these “fathers” sometimes rob young children, which is why the position of “father” is considered a bad one.

Most people are imprisoned in areas for minors, that is, where they do not know the prison law, albeit terrible and cruel, but the only one under which people can remain human and simply survive. After juvenile detention, prisons produce the most children. For the same reason that registration is arranged - they believe that this is how it is supposed to be. In camps people are released much less frequently than in prisons. The stricter the regime, the less often. In general, the more difficult the regime in the camp, the easier it is for those who are in it.

They say it's better to die than to become a "rooster". They treat them very cruelly: they force them to live in trees, eat mice, put light bulbs in their asses - whoever cares. But this, again, depends on the regime. The wildest things happen to them in general mode, not to mention when they are young. It’s easier for them on strict. Every prisoner there knows his place. Usually in a strict regime, and indeed in any correct zone, a rooster is simply a rejected person. Everything is separate for him, and he doesn’t dare touch anyone. But if he was offended, if he was treated unfairly, he can complain to the authorities, and they will protect him, because experienced people understand: those who are muzzled by their own people will go to seek protection from strangers. That is, he will work for the administration, knock.

The roosters have separate places, separate dishes, separate work - a parade ground for revenge, washing toilets. You can't take anything from them. But you can give it, throw it so as not to accidentally touch it. Although there are exceptions here. When they are "used", this is not considered defiling contact. In a punishment cell, sometimes you can only convey something through a rooster - if between the punishment cell and the residential area there is a “ban,” a forbidden zone. Only the one who levels it can be on it, that is, the roosters - this is their job. It is through them that the heat is transmitted. It is believed that in such a situation, neither the things that passed through the hands of the rooster, nor the one who received them, are “grinded”, that is, they are not desecrated.

In prison conditions, in special and strict regime colonies, there are usually few roosters - from one to five percent. In the intensive and general regime, their share can reach 10-12%, and in the minors - up to 20. The softer the regime, the more there are. In some zones there are entire barracks of them - “monkey houses”, “offenders”. But in normal zones they simply sleep at the entrance to the barracks and do not go further. Roosters usually have their own “godfather” - the chief rooster. This is an influential figure. After all, he can order some rooster to kiss, say, someone in front of everyone. The rooster, of course, can be killed for this, but the one he kisses automatically becomes a rooster himself. The chief petukh is at the same time an intermediary between the untouchable caste and the entire camp community. All claims of those who have been omitted, all their proposals are conveyed to the authorities (gangway) through this leader. Through him, this group of outcasts and people formally removed from normal life is controlled by those in authority. The head rooster is an optional figure; sometimes there are two leaders (“folder” and “mother”) or even more. It should be noted that the leaders of the roosters are very informed about inner life zone people. They know many intrigues, they can know who the real “overseer” is (often the prisoner who appears to be the “overseer” is a dummy figure, and true leader zones are not illuminated), and much more.

Roosters become roosters for life. If a rooster comes to a zone where no one knows him - when he is transferred there, or from outside if he is imprisoned a second time - he is obliged to inform the lads about his status. There is no use in hiding this; sooner or later the rooster's past becomes known, and then the exposed roosters are punished, beaten, and often killed. After all, it is believed that such a rooster “grinded” all those who considered him an equal.

Since the beginning of the 90s, since prison morals began to rapidly spread in the wild, those who had been deported began to come from there, with a ready-made status.

By the way, among those left out there are not so many passive homosexuals and “prostitutes”, contrary to popular belief. Basically, as I have already said, they end up in prison for gross violations of prison law, for example, for snitching, for ratting (theft from one’s own), for lawlessness, for non-payment of a gambling debt. Those who themselves lowered or were the plowman of the cell in which someone was lowered without guilt are also very likely candidates for roosters. However, they can lower you for anything. They can let you down for having beautiful eyes. It is difficult to rape an adult man - he will resist. Therefore, there are a number of replacement rituals. For example, they touch the lips of a sleeping person h...m. Or they soak a towel with sperm and rub it over the face. Sometimes they deceive first movers: let me fuck you and you’ll get a pack of cigarettes. There are some smokers who can live without water and bread, but cannot live without smoking. So they sell them for smokes, or they just pick up bulls from the ground - they make a mess of themselves.

They can promise support and protection for “services” - whatever they want. It's called "talk the fuck out." Such deception is considered a major mistake: the deceivers themselves are then put down on a par with rapists and thugs. They can - and this is also the biggest problem - to frame an inexperienced novice prisoner who has taken a fancy to someone. Let's say they occupy all the chairs in the hairdresser except for one, which is scattered. A man, not sensing trouble, enters the hairdresser and sits on the only free chair. “Countryman, where are you sitting?! - What is it? - Yes, this is a place for fagots! - But I didn’t know... - Well, you never know, I didn’t know!”

Card debtors often end up lost. Those who have not paid a debt (and even in the form of a smoke) in the zone can simply be killed - this is not a will, they seriously punish for debts there. And so, in order to avoid punishment, a person voluntarily becomes a rooster. At night he takes his mattress and moves to the rooster's perch. Now, like any rooster, you can’t take anything from him.

- If a prisoner’s last name is Petukhov, for example, does this affect his position in the zone?

The surname itself has no effect. Now, if a person is not liked by others for some reason, it will ruin his life.

“I’ve heard that those who are rejected usually include unscrupulous people or those suffering from skin diseases.”

Lies. Or a typical sample and “research by Fan Fanych”. Prison law seen through a peephole.

Skin diseases cannot be the cause of “sinking”. Of course, the leper himself will sleep separately and drink from his own mug so as not to infect the lads. But there will be no rejection from the lads - he is a full member.

As for the unscrupulous, this is a consequence, not a cause. It is very difficult for a rooster to maintain personal hygiene; he cannot use a common washbasin. And he does the dirtiest work. Uncleanliness is also a violation of prison law. But a person is unlikely to be released for this alone. After all, this happens all the time - where there is an unclean body, there are unclean thoughts and deeds, or simply disrespect for others. Well, where there is dirt, there skin diseases- it `s naturally.

To finish with castes, we need to mention a few more groups. In addition to “chushkov” and “devils”, there are also “sixes” in the zones - servants. Sixes include people who are too weak or helpful. Both in prisons and in camps, excessive helpfulness is not honored. If you are asked to do something, say, wash someone else’s socks, and you agree, you will be a six. Even if you do it for a fee. In prison, it is customary to look after yourself. Anyone who cannot endure difficulties, who starts doing and doing everything for a piece of bread, does not deserve respect. But, you understand, this does not mean that you should not fulfill any requests at all. It all depends on the situation in which the request is fulfilled, and on who and how it is fulfilled. Sometimes even the person who served the mug of water becomes a six.

Different from roosters are other passive homosexuals - the personal lovers of thieves, all these Jackdaws, Svetkas, Mashkas. They don’t beat them, they don’t keep them in a black body, on the contrary, they excuse them from work - so that they are soft. But they are also not allowed to do too much. It is better not to mess with these individuals.

The “sniffs” stay apart in the zones - orderlies in detachments, cleaners in headquarters, canteens, medical units, etc. This is also a low-respect audience, something like goats of the latest sort.

They say that in prisons and camps they don’t particularly favor those who are imprisoned for rape. What other articles, besides 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (rape), are considered shameful? If I was imprisoned for some of the “dirty” articles, is there any point in hiding it?

In general, people in the zone are already accustomed to “rape.” There are worse articles. For example, for evading treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Also for homosexuality, for indecent acts against minors.

As for rape, the attitude towards those imprisoned under this article is not always the same. It happens that there was no rape - they just wanted to imprison a person and they imprisoned him, albeit under an article for rape (in the old Criminal Code it was the famous 117th, “youth” article). This is a fairly common case.

Previously, articles for vagrancy, hooliganism, and living without registration were also considered unprestigious. In general, respect in the criminal world is enjoyed by those who do their “work” without corpses, without violence, and so on.

I don't know if I should hide my article. Usually such things become known over time.