year: SpaceX rocket will go to Mars. year: new countries may appear on the world map

The Mobile World Congress, taking place this week in Barcelona, ​​was not limited to presentations of new smartphones and tablets. Thus, Kaspersky Lab launched a large-scale interactive project “Earth 2050” - a website that collects and visually embodies all the ideas of experts and futurologists about the technological development of the planet in the next 10, 20 and 30 years.

In implementing the project, Kaspersky Lab programmers were helped by the world's leading futurologists, including Ian Pearson, whose predictions come true with a high degree of accuracy. At first, on the website you can see scenarios of technological development of 80 cities around the world, gradually the number of locations will increase. Of the Russian locations, only three are represented in the project so far - the city of Tomsk, the port of Dikson and the Vostochny cosmodrome.

“Earth 2050” is an interactive project, so site visitors can not only look at the landscapes of future megacities and read the predictions of futurologists, but also agree or disagree with these predictions and even send their own forecasts, which will be processed by experts and, perhaps, appear soon Online.


Most of the forecasts are devoted to New York. According to scientists, the problem of traffic jams in America's largest city will be solved by transformable cars, which, if necessary, will be able to spread their wings and rise above the ground, and in normal traffic, turn back into an ordinary compact city car.

The city center will turn into a huge “green zone”, where traffic will be prohibited, and movement will only be possible on bicycles. However, bicycles will also change - cyclists will no longer need to pedal, since all bicycles will be equipped with electric motors. This will allow cyclists not to spend a lot of energy on riding and cover much longer distances.

The clothes of the residents of the metropolis will also change - graphene will replace the current materials. Clothing made from graphene is waterproof, does not get dirty, and can last up to 200 (!) years. In addition, clothes will become smart - they will take the shape of your body and remember your usual temperature regime in order to maintain it in the future.

City buildings will become energy independent, centralized electrification will disappear into oblivion. Instead, each home will be equipped with solar panels and wind generators, providing residents with the energy they need.


Asia's most technologically advanced city is predicted to be very different from New York. Thus, cars with ball-shaped wheels are planned to appear here by 2030. This form will allow vehicles to move in any direction and give them unprecedented freedom. In addition, most cars will be driverless, so the car owner can go about his business on the road, not paying attention to what is happening around him.

Another transport innovation is the Hyperloop vacuum train, the first line of which has already begun to be built in the United Arab Emirates. Shanghai has also expressed a desire to acquire a train, which, according to plans, should travel faster than an airplane and reach a speed of about 1,200 km/h.

It will become easier to navigate the city thanks to the “Virtual City” system - you put on 3D glasses and a three-dimensional hologram of the metropolis appears in front of you, which you can zoom in and out depending on need, just like on online maps. Delivery of correspondence, parcels and purchases throughout the city will be carried out using drones, and a special multi-level parking for drones, the so-called “drone hive,” will appear in the city center.

A new type of clothing that will be popular in Shanghai in 20-25 years is spray clothing. The essence of the technology is this: you choose the style of dress you like, after which the robot scans your figure and creates a dress right on you using instantly drying sprays.


By 2040, the mining industry will become fully automated, and the miner's profession will cease to exist due to serious harm and danger to life and health. Airships, which have lost their importance for aviation, will receive a new impetus for development. These aircraft, with a carrying capacity of up to 60 tons and moving at speeds of up to 140 km/h, will make cargo transportation much safer and more efficient. In addition, airships will solve transport problems in Siberia.

Global warming, according to futurologists, will give a serious impetus to the development of Siberia. Every ten years, the boundaries of climate zones shift approximately 70 km to the north, which will soon allow Siberia to become the main agricultural region of Russia.

You don't need to be a psychic to predict the future, because it's enough to analyze what's happening before your eyes. So what events are we most likely to see by the middle of the 21st century?

2019: New countries will appear on the map

The island of Bougainville, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, is now officially an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea. However, it could gain independence in 2019 if the majority of its population votes in favor of the decision in a referendum. New Caledonia, which is now part of France, could also become a separate country.

2020: Construction of the tallest building on the planet will be completed

The tallest building today is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, but this record may be broken in 2020. Saudi Arabia plans to complete construction of the Jeddah Tower by then. Its height will be 1 kilometer.

2020: The first hotel in space will be opened

Bigelow Aerospace is about to launch a ship into orbit that could become a hotel for people arriving from Earth. Tests of such ships were successful, and cosmonauts on the ISS even used one of them as storage.

2024: A SpaceX rocket will go to Mars

SpaceX, founded by Elon Musk in 2002, plans to send a cargo ship to the Red Planet. Later they want to send the first people there.

2025: The world's population will grow to 8 billion people

UN experts predict that by 2025 there will be 8 billion people living on Earth. By 2050 there will be 10 billion of us.

2026: Construction of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona will be completed

Construction of this cathedral began in 1883. The biggest problem is the need to design special stone blocks, which takes a lot of time.

2028: Venice may become uninhabited

This does not mean that the city will be completely under water (this could happen, but not earlier than 2100). But there is fear that living in houses will become impossible due to a significant increase in water levels.

2029: Asteroid Apophis will approach Earth at 38,398 kilometers

According to the first estimates of scientists, the probability that this asteroid will fall to Earth in 2029 was 2.7%. However, later it dropped to 0, which cannot be said about the more distant future, when the asteroid again approaches our planet.

2030: The area of ​​the Arctic ice sheet will be greatly reduced

The area of ​​the Arctic ice sheet is shrinking sharply. According to some estimates, by the end of this century the Arctic Ocean will be completely ice-free in summer.

2033: A manned mission called Aurora will go to Mars

The European Space Agency's program includes exploration of the Moon, Mars and asteroids, and includes both robotic and manned missions. But before humans get to Mars, the agency plans to send cargo there, as well as develop technology that will allow landing on the Red Planet and returning to Earth.

2035: Quantum teleportation will be carried out in Russia

We are not talking about instantaneous teleportation of real objects through space. Quantum teleportation will become possible thanks to the creation of a reliable communication system with which it will be possible to transmit polarized photons in space.

2036: Probes will be sent to explore the Alpha Centauri star system

The Breakthrough Starshot project is about to send a fleet of spaceships to the nearest star. Solar sails will be installed on them. The probes will fly to Alpha Centauri for 20 years, but it will take another 5 to send a message to Earth about their successful arrival.

2038: We finally find out who killed John F. Kennedy

Although Lee Harvey Oswald is generally believed to be the man who killed John F. Kennedy, this version still raises questions. Many people do not believe that he was the one who killed Kennedy. However, information about the murder will remain classified until 2038.

2040: The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor will be put into operation

Construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor began back in 2007 in the south of France, 65 kilometers from Marseille. This reactor is considered safer than traditional nuclear ones, because even in the event of an accident, the amount of emissions will be so small that we will not need to evacuate.

2045: The era of technological singularity will begin

According to people who believe in the theory of technological singularity, one day there will come a time when technological progress will become too complex for us to understand. It is expected that at this point technology will be integrated into the human body, which will contribute to the emergence of a new type of people.

2048: The ban on mining in Antarctica will disappear

According to the Antarctic Treaty System, no country can own its territory, and the continent itself is a non-nuclear zone. Mining is also strictly prohibited, but the agreement may be renegotiated after 2048.

2050: Colonization of Mars begins

It is believed that by 2050 the first colonists will appear on Mars. They will be able to fly to the Red Planet as part of the Mars One project, but before that, scientists will have to solve many problems associated with interplanetary travel. However, some people, such as Steve Wozniak, believe that we will never be able to visit other planets.

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You don't have to be a psychic to predict the future. Sometimes it is enough just to analyze the present.

website compiled a list of 17 events that are highly likely to occur before the end of the first half of the 21st century.

2019: new countries may appear on the world map

The island of Bougainville in the Pacific Ocean is formally an autonomous territory of Papua New Guinea, but as early as 2019 it could become a separate state, provided that a majority of its residents vote in favor of this decision in a referendum. New Caledonia, which is currently part of France, could also become a separate state.

2020: The tallest building in the world will be completed

Today, the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, but this record will be broken in 2020. By that time, the construction of the Jeddah Tower building will be completed in Saudi Arabia, the height of which, together with the spire, will be 1,007 meters.

2020: the first space hotel will open

The private company Bigelow Aerospace plans to launch a habitable module into low-Earth orbit, designed to receive guests from Earth. Tests of such modules were successful, and one of them is even used by ISS astronauts as a storage room.

2024: SpaceX rocket will go to Mars

SpaceX, founded in 2002 by Elon Musk, plans to send first a cargo ship to the Red Planet, and eventually the first man.

2025: The world's population will reach 8 billion people

According to UN forecasts, the population of our planet in 2025 will be 8 billion people, and by 2050, according to some estimates, it could reach 10 billion.

2026: Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona will be completed

This church is a real long-term construction, because it began to be built with public donations back in 1883. The speedy completion of construction is hampered by the complexity of making stone blocks, since each of them requires individual processing and adjustment.

2028: Venice may become uninhabitable

2029: the Earth will approach the asteroid Apophis at a distance of 38,400 km

According to initial estimates by scientists, the probability of this asteroid colliding with Earth in 2029 was 2.7%. But then it was completely excluded, which cannot yet be said about the next approaches of Apophis with our planet.

2030: Arctic ice cover reaches new low

The size of the Arctic ice cover is steadily decreasing and, according to some statements, before the end of the 21st century, the Arctic Ocean will begin to become completely ice-free in the summer.

2033: a manned flight to Mars will take place under the Aurora program

The European Space Agency program is aimed at studying the Moon, Mars and asteroids and includes both automatic and manned flights. Before people are sent to Mars, cargo will be sent there and technologies for landing and returning to Earth will be developed.

2035: Russia plans to introduce quantum teleportation

Let us immediately make a reservation that we are not talking about any instantaneous movement of material objects in space here. Quantum teleportation involves the creation of a reliable communication system that will transfer the polarization state of photons in space.

2036: probes will set off to explore the Alpha Centauri star system

As part of the Breakthrough Starshot project, it is planned to send a fleet of spaceships equipped with a solar sail to our nearest solar system. It will take them about 20 years to reach the Alpha Centauri system and about 5 more years to report back to Earth about their successful arrival.

2038: The US National Archives will reveal the mystery of the assassination of John F. Kennedy

Despite the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald was recognized as the killer of John F. Kennedy, this version still raises many questions: not everyone believes in it. But, be that as it may, information about this crime was classified until 2038 - probably for good reason.

Look carefully, this video has become a real hit on the American Internet. It very simply and unpretentiously shows the future of our country: in just a few decades it will collapse into several independent states. In other words, other countries will appear in Russia’s place. True, these countries will not be independent for long. By 2050 they will become part of China, the European Union and the United States. Look again at the footage of the American video. The United States lays claim to the largest piece of our country: the Far East and Siberia. Of course, you might think that this is just an Internet joke, but listen to what American politicians say about our country:

"Siberia is too big a region to be ruled by one country"- Condoleezza Rice, from 2005 to 2009 - US Secretary of State. Surprisingly, the plan for the collapse of Russia in the United States appeared in the early 60s, when Congress passed Law No. 86-90 “On Captive Peoples.” The enslaved peoples in this document were the peoples of the USSR. To free them, each nation, according to this American law, had to be helped to gain independence. In reality, this meant the collapse of the state. Here is just one quote from this document:

"The United States must strive to dismember the Soviet monster into twenty-two states"


The document was well-developed; it even outlined in detail the boundaries of future states that were to arise on the territory of the USSR. This is Belarus. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other currently independent states. Our country has already passed this stage of collapse, but the law is still in force, moreover, its plan has not been fully implemented, because it names Siberia, the Far East, Idel-Ural, and Cossacks as sovereign states. It is not difficult to guess that we are talking about the collapse of Russia itself.

By the way, American officials apparently remember that the “law on the enslaved peoples of Russia” is still in effect and are trying to help both morally and, naturally, financially, various organizations that are trying to make a patchwork quilt out of Russia. Here is a striking example: an organization called “Regional Organization of Siberia” is fighting to transform Siberia into an independent state. And here is the website of another one called “Siberians”, and another one - “New Roads of Siberia”. All these organizations regularly hold various forums where they discuss the future of Siberia. Moreover, they are increasingly trying to convince residents of the region that a “Siberian” is not a place of specific residence, but almost a separate nation that has the right to self-determination. And here is another organization - "Siberian Movement". On her website they even began to develop the design of the flag of independent Siberia. Here's a look at what it will look like:

Many experts are confident that such organizations receive grants from the United States, which is why they advocate separation from Russia. In Siberia itself, this idea is becoming more and more popular, which is why local bloggers, without hesitating anyone, leave the following entries on their pages:

"Siberia is a colony within Russia" and some, like a certain Leonid Kislan, even create entire websites where they post the following publications: “The only path to real prosperity is for the territory to become part of the United States.” Many political scientists believe: after the recent events in Ukraine, the United States, in pursuit of resources, will try even more persistently to tear off pieces of Russia, especially those that are rich in resources, such as Siberia.

Purchase of Siberia

Few people know, but the Americans tried to buy Siberia from Russia back in 1988, when our country was going through a serious crisis.

Look, here is an article in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper from 1988. In it, a Soviet special correspondent in Washington states: “political scientists from Washington are seriously discussing the possible purchase by George Bush Sr. of Siberian lands, which should become the 51st state of the United States of America.”

In 1988, the attempt failed, and the Americans tried to repeat it a few years later in 1992.

They wanted to buy Siberia for only three trillion dollars. Look, this is the author of the scandalous “American Siberia” project, Walter Russell Mead, a former adviser to the US Institute of World Policy. Walter Mead submitted the "American Siberia" project to the US government for consideration. This was an absolutely cynical and enslaving project for Russia in all respects, because Russia was supposed to transfer the territory immediately after the deal, but the United States was not going to pay immediately, but in installments of 20 years. In addition, of the annual amount paid for the purchase of Siberia, Russia had to spend half on the purchase of goods produced in the United States.

The idea of ​​buying Siberia in the 90s failed, but the United States still does not hide its enormous interest in this region of Russia. And all because there is what the Americans constantly fight for - oil.

An example is the speech of American journalist Thomas Friedman. With such a simple diagram, he showed the main postulate of the United States:

"Oil, the main resource in the world, has the right to be owned only by the most democratic and fair state on earth, i.e. the USA."

“The higher world prices for crude oil, the more authoritarian and militant the leaders of oil-producing countries; the lower the prices, the more pliable and compliant they are.”

The separation roller itself:

Tech Insider asked British futurist Ian Pearson (known for his 85% forecast accuracy) about the innovations that will soon revolutionize the technological world. We publish a translation of the Tech Insider material with expert answers.

We will be able to see drone delivery within the next two years.

Source: Google

The main limitation here is legislative regulation rather than technological progress. But according to Pearson, by 2018, drones will be used, for example, in the supply of medical supplies to hospitals.

At the same time, the researcher believes that the authorities will not allow drones to spread too widely. Thus, flying vehicles will be able to transport only important cargo, but will not be involved in such mundane activities as pizza delivery.

Long-distance hyperloop travel could become a reality in six years.

Source: Reuters/Steve Marcus

As you know, the high-speed hyperloop transport system will soon show itself in action. In May, the startup Hyperloop One already conducted a test launch of its prototype. The company has also entered into an agreement with Moscow authorities to launch one of these trains in Russia.

In five to six years, Pearson expects to see a short-haul hyperloop carrying passengers between cities.

Machines will likely begin to think like humans by 2025.

Source: DNA Films/Film4/Universal Pictures

According to Pearson, it is quite plausible that computers will acquire consciousness by 2025, even earlier - by 2020.

“Google DeepMind has not yet reached this level, but I am really confident that they are on the right track, and by 2020 their computer can surpass humans and become conscious,” the expert says. "This could be the beginning of the end, seriously."

The first human flight to Mars could take place in 2030.

Source: Reuters/ESA

This forecast, in fact, gives Elon Musk some time to realize his plan to send people to Mars. In June, at Vox's Code Conference, Musk announced plans to send astronauts to the Red Planet in 2024, with them reaching their destination within a year.

“We will see the first people flying to Mars, and robots will prepare the necessary things, for example, create the necessary materials [on Mars - approx. Tech Insider],” says Pearson. “We will have to do this, because you can only take so much [cargo - approx. per]".

In the next 10 years, prosthetics may become advanced enough to give people new capabilities.

Source: Omkaar Kotedia

We are already seeing people with high-tech prosthetics. Twenty-five-year-old biologist James Young uses artificial arm with built-in flashlight and personal drone. A prosthesis French artist performs the functions of a tattoo machine.

According to Pearson, artificial limbs will continue to develop and will reach the point where people will be completely satisfied with the fusion of technology and the body. For example, those who wish will be able to use cybernetic implants to strengthen their own legs.

Within 10 years, clothes can give us superpowers.

Source: Hyundai

The most obvious example, according to Pearson, is the exoskeleton. Recently this costume, designed for heavy lifting, was developed by Hyundai.

But the futurist also foretells the emergence of other types of advanced clothing, like leggings, that make walking and running easier. Or a suit, like Spider-Man, made of polymer gels that can increase physical strength.

In 10 years, virtual reality can replace textbooks.

Source: Google

“You could take students back to a past setting and show a battle or other events that took place,” says Pearson. “These things are easier to explain if students see them in action rather than on the pages of textbooks.”

Project Google Expeditions is already allowing students to travel via VR to places such as the Great Barrier Reef. A beta version of this application was released in September.

Smartphones will no longer be used until 2025.

According to Pearson, by 2025 smartphones will be obsolete due to the development of augmented reality.

“If you have a smartphone in 2025, you will become a laughing stock,” says the expert.

Over the next decade, augmented reality displays could be built into small bracelets or other jewelry, eliminating the need to carry smartphones. Companies like Magic Leap are preparing AR technology for the mass market.

Self-driving vehicles could become ubiquitous within 10 years.

Source: Ford

Whether these will be cars or not, according to Pearson, is a debatable question.

A futurist describes a rental vehicle system in which people could rent "cheap steel boxes" carrying passengers. A capsule-like self-driving system would be more cost-effective than something more complex like self-driving cars.

However, with so many manufacturers developing self-driving cars, it's likely we'll see the fruits of their work within a decade.

In the next 20 years, 3D printing could be used to build even more buildings.

Chinese company prints houses at a rate of 10 buildings per day

Architects from all over the world compete to create the tallest printed building.

Winsun said it printed 10 houses in China in one day, spending $5,000 on each. A professor at the University of Southern California is working on a giant 3D printer that can print entire houses, complete with electrical and plumbing systems.

Pearson believes that due to population growth in cities, the ability to print cheap houses will become even more in demand.

People will likely start using robots for housework and friendships starting in 2030.

“Artificial intelligence and robotics will provide us with more machines to help and communicate as many people live alone,” says Pearson. “So communication is one of the main goals for future robots.”

Toyota has already announced its plans to produce robots equipped to help people in everyday life.

We could live in a virtual world like the Matrix by 2045.

Source: The Matrix

According to Pearson, the development of nanotechnology will allow us to connect the brain to a computer and live in a simulation of reality.

“It will definitely be possible to create something like the Matrix if you want,” says the expert. Somewhere in 2045, 2050, it will be possible to connect the human brain to a computer so that people will believe that they are living in a virtual world.”

According to the futurist, this idea echoes Elon Musk’s thoughts about neural lace, which the head of Tesla voiced at Vox’s Code Conference in Southern California.

Neural lace is a wireless neural interface that could add a digital layer of intelligence to our brain. This is a concept that nanotechnologists are working on.

Humans could become cyborgs by 2045.