Emotional outbursts. Frisson is a surge of emotions while listening to your favorite music

Frisson is a phenomenon of human nature that is still not fully known to scientists. This amazing state is not only pleasant, but also extremely useful. Most people feel an emotional chill when viewing works of art. This article will analyze this condition from a scientific point of view.

Frisson is an emotion that is difficult to describe

Many music lovers feel a pleasant shiver throughout their body while listening to their favorite compositions. Such a surge of emotions is familiar to many music lovers and even to those who have listened to music at least once. However, few people know the term that describes this feeling. And he is! Frisson is a word borrowed from French and means "trembling".

A large amount of research has been conducted on this topic for almost half a century. Are all people capable of reacting to music this way? Why does a person get goose bumps and so-called “goose bumps” appear? What causes this reaction? What kind of music can you achieve this state of mind with? Why do humans enjoy music, unlike animals? Scientists are still studying this issue, and they have some information about this phenomenon of human physiology.

Scientific data

Mitchell Clover, a graduate student who conducted research on the human body's responses to musical stimuli, published a paper in 2016. It talks about the mechanism of this process, its causes, and also which people have a tendency towards this.

About 55-80 percent of people were in an emotional state of frisson. However, not everyone gets goosebumps while listening to music. Why? It turns out that only some individuals who have a number of qualities have the ability to fall into a state of frisson. The most important criterion is the degree to which a person is immersed in the composition. In a number of experiments, the largest number of subjects “with shivers” had such character traits as openness to new things, have a good imagination and often reflect.

The cause of frisson is not only music: this condition also occurs due to climax moments in movies or observing amazingly beautiful natural landscapes. Although this feeling is a trigger for the body, unlike stress, it is pleasant.

The main reason for trembling in the body while playing music is contrast. That is, the melody may not be very harmonious, but the more unexpected transitions it has, the more likely it is to fall into a state of frisson. This phenomenon of the human body works on the principle of polarity (warm-cold).

Why does the body react this way?

Some experts and scientists believe that goosebumps and chills are an evolutionary rudiment. Thus, according to this thesis, the body of an ancient person with a greater degree of hairiness had thermoregulation under the hair. By the same principle, residents of southern countries have curly hair. However, wool, unlike hair, warmed the entire surface of the body.

With the evolution of man and his acquisition of a species close to the modern one, the trigger has changed. Now the body's reaction - trembling and chills - are a consequence of sudden changes in the emotional background, and not temperature. Frisson is primarily emotional stress. We can conclude that a stimulus can be any action that can cause a strong emotional breakthrough.

What kind of music does frisson occur to: the opinions of scientists

Many physiologists and specialists who have conducted research on this phenomenon have identified the ideal music for the galvanic skin effect. The compositions used in the experiment include the first minutes of Bach's St. John Passion, Chopin, Vangelis' Mythodea: Movement 6 and others. These songs gave listeners goosebumps. The main feature of these compositions is the unexpected musical transition.

If a participant in the experiment had goosebumps running through his body, he pressed a special button. The equipment recorded the following pattern: the most clicks occurred at the climax of the work. A discussion on this topic has been created on the Reddit platform: each participant posts music and moments from films that had a triggering effect on them.

Category of people susceptible to frisson

As mentioned earlier, about 55-80 percent of people were susceptible to this emotional state. After analyzing all the participants’ questionnaires, experts calculated some criteria. First, the main characteristic of people with feelings of frisson is openness to new experiences. This conclusion is the result of studying statistical tests and questionnaires. Secondly, having a vivid imagination and a love of daydreaming have a positive effect on the frequency of frisson. Thirdly, reflection and introspection also contribute to this phenomenon. Fourthly, the desire for variety in life and the search for new sensations is inherent in people who most often experience “emotional chills.”

From the above we can conclude that only emotional and open subjects were in a state of frisson. However, more reserved and less dreamy people need not worry. After all, this state depends not only on the qualities of the listener, but also on his mood. Almost everyone can experience frisson. It's not difficult, the main thing is to enjoy your favorite music and relax.

The psychological state greatly affects the functioning of the body. When a person experiences emotions, an energy surge occurs in the body, the strength of which directly depends on the strength of the experienced emotion and the time during which the emotion is experienced. This surge occurs because when a person experiences an emotion, the rhythm of the body’s work changes. Psychological arousal causes a response in the nervous system. The blood passing through the heart dramatically changes its pulsation rhythm. The “outflow” of blood from some parts of the body to others begins, in accordance with what emotion the person experienced. If it is fear, then to the feet - so that you can run away. If it’s anger, put anger in your hands, prepare for a fight. In case of a quarrel - to the head. Changes in brain waves begin, causing an increase and decrease in pressure, and other resulting consequences in the functioning of the body.
This sudden change in the functioning of the body disrupts the natural vibrations of the human body, consisting of vibrations from the work of the brain and internal organs. Sharply changed vibrations are splash.
In this burst, these suddenly arising new vibrations, information about what produced this burst is “recorded” at the energy level. This information is contained in the brain waves emitted from the moment the burst begins and for some time after it. Brain waves, vibrations containing information about the emotion, what its character was, positive = benevolent or negative = unkind, are woven into new vibrations (bursts), and programs energy with these vibrations.
When a person experiences positive emotions, on a subconscious level, a psychological reaction occurs to give kindness in return, to do something good. With negative emotions, a reaction appears to cause harm, to do something bad, to the person or factor that caused them, in one form or another. The information about this reaction, recorded in brain waves, is a program that sets the energy of the burst into which it was woven, a task on the topic “What to do.” This is the programmed burst energy energy emotions. The stronger the emotion, the stronger it is programmed. With very strong emotions, a surge of energy can flow into splash, in which most of the energy of emotion will leave the person. The outburst is a consequence of an unconscious desire to direct the energy of an emotion to the cause of its occurrence.
This outburst can have several consequences:
1. The energy of emotion will pour out of the body into the Biofield and Aura and remain there.
If a person quickly calms down or switches his attention to something else, then automatically, following the outgoing energy of emotions, a command is sent to stop. The energy stops and most of it remains within the human energy system. Perhaps a small part will have time to go beyond and dissipate in the surrounding space.
2. The energy of an emotion will result in the cause of its occurrence.
The stronger the emotion experienced, the harder it is for a person to calm down and bring himself into the normal rhythm of psychological and physical work. An emotional outburst can result in the cause that caused it, be it a person or a “phenomenon.”
If this is a person, then the energy is directed directly at the person, and the stronger the emotion, the more it penetrates into his energy system, even penetrating the chakras. If this is a positive emotion, then the person on whom the emotion was poured out will also feel good, and he will begin to experience positive emotions. Until the emergence of emotional exchange*. If this is a negative emotion, then a person may experience heaviness and also some kind of negative emotion. With parallel interaction between people, say a conversation, a quarrel may begin as a result of the exchange of negative emotions.
If the cause was not a person or a living creature, but, say, a phenomenon or an object, then positive or negative energy will flow onto it, charge it with this energy / will pour into the general energy of the phenomenon (sometimes into the egregor of this phenomenon).
A similar method is used by some vampiric entities that feed on the energy of fear. By directing any energies into a person that cause a feeling of strong fear, they bring the person to a state in which the person splashes out his fear - the energy of the emotion of fear - into the environment. The essence absorbs this energy into itself.
3. The energy of emotion will spill over into everything that comes to hand.
Even if a person restrains himself regarding the reason for the emergence of emotions, a person or a phenomenon, then sometimes he still needs to throw out this energy of emotion somewhere, since it begins to “burst” him, and is additionally pumped up, compacted, due to the fact that he cannot nowhere to leave the body. The instinct turns on to stop the overflow, “lighten” your energy system, or get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary, and disturbing (with negative emotions).
In the case of negative emotions, as a result of instinct, a person, to one degree or another, “breaks down” on anything. This “breakdown” is a splashing out of energy at any slightest irritation of the nervous system, which intensifies due to high excitability, even at something that in a normal psychological state would not cause irritation in a person. Such outbursts will continue as long as the energy of the emotion is felt by the person himself. As soon as a person stops feeling the primary emotion in himself, he will calm down. Although psychological calm is not an indicator of a complete absence of the energy of an experienced emotion in a person**.
4. The energy will remain completely within the person.
If a person, when experiencing an emotion, psychologically closes himself off from the external environment, trying to hide his emotion, then he automatically gives the energy of the emotion a program to remain inside and not spill out anywhere. At the same time, the energy of emotion mixes with the energy of a person, during the natural functioning of the body, and becomes part of its energy, partially reflected in the Aura of this person.

* Emotional exchange is when people interact, when one of them directs the energy of emotion to another person, and when the same emotions arise in him and the reciprocal direction of the energy of emotion in the first person, a kind of emotional energy “football” can begin between people. By driving emotion out of each other for a long time, these two people create a powerful energy layer around themselves, consisting of the energy of this emotion (it is for this reason that if people quarrel, a real big scandal can break out, since the emotional “heat”, like it is called and caused by this "football"). Among other things, this layer, the cocoon, affects not only this couple, but can also greatly affect people and the environment, and objects that are or for some time appear in the field of influence of this field.
** A person who does not work with energy has a greatly reduced sensitivity to subtle energies, so in small quantities they do not feel it at all, despite its origin and program. In the presence of any “not their own” energies, negative energies (their own and not their own), programs, influences, people generally feel not the energies themselves, but the manifestation on the physical level of the action of these energies on the human energy system.

Control of emotions

Why do you need to control your emotions? Control, to a greater extent, concerns negative emotions. Uncontrolled emotional outbursts and outbursts greatly affect a person’s physical condition. He becomes a “hostage” of his emotions. The physical body, getting used to the surges, begins to uncontrollably change the rhythm of its work, even at the slightest hint of some kind of emotion. Thus, the body simulates emotion and causes it intentionally. Such a sharp and frequent change in biological rhythms (during its replacement and restoration) has a very bad effect on health.
The psychological state becomes very precarious, the person becomes subject to the special influence of various factors that irritate the psyche. Which means a constant change of mood, which also negatively affects the body. This is especially evident when a person is in a state of fatigue, in which even a person trying to control his emotions can become irritable. A person who gets used to the uncontrolled emergence of negative emotions and almost does not react or suppresses positive emotions often falls into a state depression.

A person who cannot control his emotions is more prone to entering into a state of affect. Being in a state of passion, a person can perform actions that he would not do normally. conscious state. The state of affect is a consequence of experiencing a very strong emotion, in which the conscious part of our consciousness is eclipsed by the unconscious (sometimes this is confused with the Subconscious). All unconscious actions are performed by this part of consciousness. All secret thoughts and thoughts, all secret desires and abilities that a person does not realize in himself, or does not want to realize, all this is hidden in the unconscious. All natural instincts are also displayed here.
Any very strong emotion can cause a “cloudness of consciousness” - when the unconscious part “takes control”, and the person performs actions from which he had previously been distant. Thus, during an experience of very strong fear and stress, a person can unconsciously jump over 3-meter fences, without additional devices. Can give physical rebuff to a person many times stronger than him. Can develop high running speed without actually running in a normal state. Anger in a person can also cause an increase in strength, but other people may suffer.
The reason for the increase in physical strength during one and the second emotion is the adrenaline released in the body during these emotions. And coupled with the powerful energy of emotion, based on the response desires caused by this emotion, the brain switches from its usual area of ​​conscious “mode” and switches to an unconscious “mode”, as a mechanism of mental self-defense. And the person begins to perform actions that correspond to the desires of emotions.
Even if a complete transition to this state does not occur, an emotional person can very often be in an intermediate state, which is an unnecessary additional load on the brain. And very frequent transitions into a state of passion not only further worsen health, but with very strong stress on the physical body and psyche, they can lead to mental health problems - split personality, schizophrenia, “maniacism” (but this is a separate topic for consideration, because several psychological types of maniacs can be distinguished).

In situations that do not reach an extreme degree, any emotional outburst partially or severely disrupts the clarity of consciousness and the thought process (even an outburst of positive emotions). Again, due to the sharply disrupted rhythm of the brain. Being in a normal state, and even with the ability to partially control emotions, preventing them from spreading into the environment, a person for some time loses the ability to think clearly. At such moments, a person may not make the right decisions, but those that are beneficial to him in a given situation, without considering the consequences. This kind of thinking is called "situational thinking". The consequences of such decisions can sometimes be quite dire, and usually they are. Because emotionally made decisions are characterized by a desire that arises in response to an emotion. What is an unconscious, uncontrolled psychological reaction in response to the cause of the emotion. Sometimes this desire is inspired by a heightened natural instinct.
Even if for a person the consequences of his actions and decisions will be good, profitable, positive, then others who were directly related to the emotion that arose in the person may encounter negative aspects, as well as with whom the subsequent decision or action of the person was associated, after the arose emotions.
Therefore, no matter what emotions a person experiences, positive or negative, before making a decision it is necessary to analyze the consequences of a particular decision, which, first of all, can affect the person himself.

Uncontrolled bursts of emotional energy are fraught with negative consequences for the human energy system. First of all, the natural energetic vibrations of the body that arise during the biological activity of the body are sharply disrupted. The knocked down vibrations, and new ones that arise in their place in the form of a burst, leave “traces” in the human energy body, as a result of which the body begins to function in accordance with these vibrations, that is, it sharply rearranges the “functioning mode”, adjusting the functioning of the brain and internal organs to these vibrations. The energy body, having the memory of the “vibrational mode” corresponding to the normal functioning of the body, tries to bring the body to a normal state. The body begins to fight the energies of emotions within itself. The stronger the emotion and the greater its energy, the stronger the energy body brings the physical to normal mode ( By the way, this is why a person creates a state of “bursting” with emotions).
When experiencing positive emotions that are not harmful, but rather beneficial for the human body and energy, the energy body does not come into conflict with these energies, but, on the contrary, tries to include as many of these energies as possible into its energy flows and internal organs. Conflict occurs precisely with negative emotions.
The stronger the conflict, the more energy is needed to resolve it. The energy body begins to take this energy both from itself and from the Biofield, so as not to affect its “untouchable” reserve of energy.
Negative energy penetrates energy flows, settling on channels and chakras, settling on the internal organs of the energy body. Through chakras and channels it penetrates into the etheric body. Intertwined with the Biofield. The presence of negative emotions in us manifests itself in the aura, in the form of a certain color scheme. This attracts additional negative energies from the environment. As well as negative entities of a vampiric nature. A person fills himself with what is “energy dirt” - negative energy. When a person calms down, if there is no outburst of emotional energy immediately, part of the emotional energy remains in him, in the form of settled negativity, and part comes out through energy outlets into the energy of the environment.
A person who often experiences negative emotions and does not control them becomes very negative over time - he is completely filled with negative energy that settled in him during emotions. Such a person, receiving energy during sleep, transforms it with his negative energy into negative energy, and releases the same negative energy, which permeates everything with which the person interacts. And the problem here can be solved only by completely cleaning the entire energy system, as well as by working hard to control your negative emotions. As one of the options for some energetic relief, which can only partially, but cleanse the Aura, Biofield, and human body, this is a sincere experience of positive emotions - laughter, joy. The energy of laughter has a positive effect on a person. It strengthens the overall energy and sweeps away the negative energies surrounding a person, building a kind of temporary protection from them. The energy of laughter always spills out of a person, even if the person tries to calm down his laughter.
All of the above can be said in a couple of phrases. Like attracts like. Negative emotions attract negative energies and cause problems with a person’s physical, psychological and energetic health. Positive emotions attract positive energies and strengthen a person’s physical, psychological and energetic health.

Separately, it should be pointed out why for a magician or a person involved in energy development, the main rule from the very beginning of practice is control of emotions.

1. Controlling emotions is part of human development. The path of development itself is associated with numerous psychological stresses, and if you do not control your emotions and do not work to strengthen your psychological state, a person may begin to go crazy. Psychological struggle, restructuring of the psychological state is one of the stages of development, parallel to others, which can last for many years until the corresponding psychological state is fully formed.

2. When experiencing any strong negative emotion, the appearance of the energy of which the magician does not control, he can cause a several-fold intensified uncontrolled, but unconsciously desired, outburst of the energy of the emotion, reinforced by additional own energy, in the form of an energy attack. And this can have very unpleasant consequences. For example, fear, anger, resentment.

3. Control of emotions is necessary in many practices, as well as when interacting with entities of the Subtle Planes.

4. Controlling the occurrence of emotions ensures the internal energetic and psychological purity of the practitioner. Does not undermine the energy of the Biofield. Does not pollute the Aura.


To control emotions means to train your physical body, psyche and energy to the level at which controlled emotions arise to a greater extent at the level of thoughts, and manifest themselves maximum in the compression of the general energy, which is an energetic constraint on the process of developing the energy of emotion.
Control should not be confused with suppressing emotions. When practicing intentional suppression of emotions, the entire emotional system of a person “suffers”, and not only negative ones are suppressed, as is often claimed, but the ability to arise and feel positive emotions is also dulled.
Negative emotions involve unconscious desires and natural instincts in a person - the desire to harm something that has harmed you. The instinct of defense or attack is activated, which is nevertheless weakened by various psychological blocks, in the form of established moral values, ethical standards of behavior, etc.
Anger and Anger - cause a desire to intentionally cause harm, cruel treatment, both psychological and physical.
Envy is the desire to take something that a person has for himself.
Resentment is a desire for revenge, to offend in return, “childhood syndrome.”
Controlling emotions allows you not only to contain all these responses within yourself, working like a block, but to control their occurrence or non-occurrence, which means that in some situations, if it is really necessary, either reduce them to “no” or give them will.

The simplest practice for controlling emotions, available to all people, is breathing exercises.
Quickly focus your attention on your breathing. Start taking calm, deep breaths and long, calm exhalations, twice as long as your inhalation. Take 2-3 seconds between inhalation, exhalation and the next inhalation. Concentrate at the same time on the beating of your heart, and, breathing as described above, try to calm down its accelerated beating rhythm and return it to a normal rhythm. Continue to breathe in this manner until your body is completely calm and you feel calm and relaxed.
Important! Some people recommend breathing as follows during such breathing exercises to restore a normal pulse: 1 inhale, hold your breath for three heartbeats, exhale, hold your breath for 3 heartbeats. This method is absolutely not suitable for psychological calming. This method is best used when playing sports, especially after a long run, to restore not only the pulse, but also breathing if it has lost its way. The exercise described above is aimed mainly at psychological calming, parallel to which physical calming occurs.
During or after performing this exercise, you may experience slight dizziness and apathy - a complete lack of emotion. This is completely normal and will go away after some time. Dizziness appears as a result of sudden changes in intracranial and blood pressure, which rises sharply during emotion, and then (during exercise) drops to your normal level. The difference occurs due to the fact that blood begins to “rush” to the spine, in order to sit still. Pressure changes are accompanied by changes in the functioning of the brain, which, when calmed down, changes from beta waves to alpha waves - the beginning of entering a trance state. And in this state, the areas of the brain responsible for emotions and communication are immersed in a state of sleep, and VD - internal dialogue - a continuous thought process is turned off.
This state goes away quite quickly when a person begins to engage in some kind of work that is of an intellectual nature. The best thing is to solve the crossword puzzle. The necessary areas of the brain begin to work, the level of brain waves increases and the person returns to normal. calm state.
Despite the rather long description, the entire practice takes from 5 to 15 minutes. Although, with very strong emotional outbursts, a person may need a little more time.
By constantly using this technique, a person can train himself to a level where he only needs one inhalation and exhalation to calm the emotion that is trying to build up. In a couple of seconds, he himself will be able to stop the emergence of emotional energy, transfer his body to a different mode of operation, and calm his nerves. All this, with constant practice, will develop into a protective mechanism of the body, in which a person will react only to positive emotions, and all negative ones will arise only in the form of thoughts and some compression of his energy, as part of a protective mechanism to restrain the growth of unnecessary emotional energies .

The psychological state greatly affects the functioning of the body. When a person experiences emotions, an energy surge occurs in the body, the strength of which directly depends on the strength of the experienced emotion and the time during which the emotion is experienced. This surge occurs because when a person feels an emotion, the rhythm of the body’s work changes. Psychological arousal causes a response in the nervous system. The blood passing through the heart dramatically changes its pulsation rhythm. The “outflow” of blood from some parts of the body to others begins, in accordance with what emotion the person experienced.

If it is fear, then to your feet - so that you can run away. If it’s anger, put anger in your hands, prepare for a fight. In case of a quarrel - to the head. Changes in brain waves begin, causing an increase and decrease in pressure, and other resulting consequences in the functioning of the body.

This sudden change in the functioning of the body disrupts the natural vibrations of the human body, consisting of vibrations from the work of the brain and internal organs. Sharply changed vibrations are a surge.

In this burst, these suddenly arising new vibrations, information about what produced this burst is “recorded” at the energy level. This information is contained in the brain waves emitted from the moment the burst begins and for some time after it. Brain waves, vibrations containing information about the emotion, what its character was, positive = benevolent or negative = unkind, are woven into new vibrations (bursts), and programs energy with these vibrations.

When a person feels positive emotions, on a subconscious level, a psychological reaction arises to give kindness in return, to do something good. With negative emotions, a reaction appears to cause harm, to do something bad, to the person or factor that caused them, in one form or another. The information about this reaction, recorded in brain waves, is a program that sets the energy of the burst into which it was woven, a task on the topic “What to do.” The programmed energy of the surge is the energy of emotion. The stronger the emotion, the stronger it is programmed.

With very strong emotions, a surge of energy can flow into an outburst, in which most of the energy of the emotion leaves the person. The outburst is a consequence of an unconscious desire to direct the energy of an emotion to the cause of its occurrence.

This outburst can have several consequences:

1. The energy of emotion will pour out of the body into the Biofield and Aura and remain there.

If a person quickly calms down or switches his attention to something else, then automatically, following the outgoing energy of emotions, a command is sent to stop. The energy stops and most of it remains within the human energy system. Perhaps a small part will have time to go beyond and dissipate in the surrounding space.

2. The energy of the emotion will flow into the cause of its occurrence.

The stronger the emotion experienced, the harder it is for a person to calm down and bring himself into the normal rhythm of psychological and physical work. An emotional outburst can result in the cause that caused it, be it a person or a “phenomenon.”

If this is a person, then the energy is directed directly at the person, and the stronger the emotion, the more it penetrates into his energy system, even penetrating the chakras. If this is a positive emotion, then the person on whom the emotion was poured out will also feel good, and he will begin to experience positive emotions. Up to the emergence of emotional exchange*. If this is a negative emotion, then a person may experience heaviness and also some kind of negative emotion. With parallel interaction between people, say a conversation, a quarrel may begin as a result of the exchange of negative emotions.

If the cause was not a person or a living creature, but, say, a phenomenon or an object, then positive or negative energy will flow onto it, charge it with this energy / will pour into the general energy of the phenomenon (sometimes into the egregor of this phenomenon).

A similar method is used by some vampiric entities that feed on the energy of fear. By directing any energies into a person that cause a feeling of strong fear, they bring the person to a state in which the person splashes out his fear - the energy of the emotion of fear - into the environment. The essence absorbs this energy into itself.

3. The energy of emotion will spill over into everything that comes to hand.

Even if a person restrains himself regarding the reason for the emergence of emotions, a person or a phenomenon, then sometimes he still needs to throw out this energy of emotion somewhere, since it begins to “burst” him, and is additionally pumped up, compacted, due to the fact that he cannot nowhere to leave the body. The instinct turns on to stop the overflow, “lighten” your energy system, or get rid of everything superfluous, unnecessary, and disturbing (with negative emotions).

In the case of negative emotions, as a result of instinct, a person, to one degree or another, “breaks down” on anything. This “breakdown” is a splashing out of energy at any slightest irritation of the nervous system, which intensifies due to high excitability, even at something that in a normal psychological state would not cause irritation in a person. Such outbursts will continue as long as the energy of the emotion is felt by the person himself. As soon as a person stops feeling the primary emotion in himself, he will calm down. Although psychological calm is not an indicator of a complete absence of the energy of an experienced emotion in a person**.

4. The energy will remain completely inside the person.

If a person, when feeling an emotion, psychologically closes himself off from the external environment, trying to hide his emotion, then he automatically gives the energy of the emotion a program to remain inside and not spill out anywhere. At the same time, the energy of emotion mixes with the energy of a person, during the natural functioning of the body, and becomes part of its energy, partially reflected in the Aura of this person.


* Emotional exchange is when people interact, when one of them directs the energy of emotion to another person, and when the same emotions arise in him and the reciprocal direction of the energy of emotion in the first person, a kind of emotional energy “football” can begin between people. By driving emotion out of each other for a long time, these two people create a powerful energy layer around themselves, consisting of the energy of this emotion (it is for this reason that if people quarrel, a real big scandal can break out, since the emotional “heat”, like it is called and caused by this "football"). Among other things, this layer, the cocoon, affects not only this couple, but can also greatly affect people and the environment, and objects that are or for some time appear in the field of influence of this field.

** A person who does not work with energy has a greatly reduced sensitivity to subtle energies, so in small quantities they do not feel it at all, despite its origin and program. In the presence of any “not their own” energies, negative energies (their own and not their own), programs, influences, people generally feel not the energies themselves, but the manifestation on the physical level of the action of these energies on the human energy system.

Control of emotions

Why do you need to control your emotions? Control, to a greater extent, concerns negative emotions. Uncontrolled emotional outbursts and outbursts greatly affect a person’s physical condition. He becomes a “hostage” of his emotions. The physical body, getting used to the surges, begins to uncontrollably change the rhythm of its work, even at the slightest hint of some kind of emotion. Thus, the body simulates emotion and causes it intentionally. Such a sharp and frequent change in biological rhythms (during its replacement and restoration) has a very bad effect on health.

The psychological state becomes very precarious, the person becomes subject to the special influence of various factors that irritate the psyche. Which means a constant change of mood, which also negatively affects the body. This is especially evident when a person is in a state of fatigue, in which even a person trying to control his emotions can become irritable. A person who gets used to the uncontrolled emergence of negative emotions and hardly reacts or suppresses positive emotions often falls into a state of depression.

A person who cannot control his emotions is more prone to entering a state of passion. While in a state of passion, a person can perform actions that he would not do in a normal conscious state. The state of affect is a consequence of experiencing a very strong emotion, in which the conscious part of our consciousness is eclipsed by the unconscious (sometimes this is confused with the Subconscious). All unconscious actions are performed by this part of consciousness. All secret thoughts and thoughts, all secret desires and abilities that a person does not realize in himself, or does not want to realize, all this is hidden in the unconscious. All natural instincts are also displayed here.

Any very strong emotion can cause “cloudness of consciousness” - when the unconscious part “takes control”, and the person performs actions from which he had previously been distant. Thus, during an experience of very strong fear and stress, a person can unconsciously jump over 3-meter fences, without additional devices. Can give physical rebuff to a person many times stronger than him. Can develop high running speed without actually running in a normal state. Anger in a person can also cause an increase in strength, but other people may suffer.

The reason for the increase in physical strength during one and the second emotion is the adrenaline released in the body during these emotions. And coupled with the powerful energy of emotion, based on the response desires caused by this emotion, the brain switches from its usual area of ​​the conscious “mode” and switches to the unconscious “mode”, as a mechanism of mental self-defense. And the person begins to perform actions that correspond to the desires of emotions.

Even if a complete transition to this state does not occur, an emotional person can very often be in an intermediate state, which is an unnecessary additional load on the brain. And very frequent transitions into a state of passion not only further worsen health, but with very strong stress on the physical body and psyche, they can lead to mental health problems - split personality, schizophrenia, “maniacism” (but this is a separate topic for consideration, because several psychological types of maniacs can be distinguished).

In situations that do not reach an extreme degree, any emotional outburst partially or severely disrupts the clarity of consciousness and the thought process (even an outburst of positive emotions). Again, due to the sharply disrupted rhythm of the brain. Being in a normal state, and even with the ability to partially control emotions, preventing them from spreading into the environment, a person for some time loses the ability to think clearly. At such moments, a person may not make the right decisions, but those that are beneficial to him in a given situation, without considering the consequences. This type of thinking is called “situational thinking.” The consequences of such decisions can sometimes be quite dire, and usually they are. Because emotionally made decisions are characterized by precisely the desire that arose in response to emotion. What is an unconscious, uncontrolled psychological reaction in response to the cause of the emotion. Sometimes this desire is inspired by a heightened natural instinct.

Even if for a person the consequences of his actions and decisions will be good, profitable, positive, then others who were directly related to the emotion that arose in the person may encounter negative aspects, as well as with whom the subsequent decision or action of the person was associated, after the arose emotions.
Therefore, no matter what emotions a person experiences, positive or negative, before making a decision it is necessary to analyze the consequences of a particular decision, which, first of all, can affect the person himself.

Uncontrolled bursts of emotional energy are fraught with negative consequences for the human energy system. First of all, the natural energetic vibrations of the body that arise during the biological activity of the body are sharply disrupted. The knocked down vibrations, and new ones that arise in their place in the form of a burst, leave “traces” in the human energy body, as a result of which the body begins to function in accordance with these vibrations, that is, it sharply rearranges the “functioning mode”, adjusting the functioning of the brain and internal organs to these vibrations.

The energy body, having the memory of the “vibrational mode” corresponding to the normal functioning of the body, tries to bring the body to a normal state. The body begins to fight the energies of emotions within itself. The stronger the emotion and the greater its energy, the stronger the energy body brings the physical body into normal mode (by the way, this is why a person is in a state of “bursting” with emotions).
When feeling positive emotions that are not harmful, but rather beneficial for the human body and energy, the energy body does not come into conflict with these energies, but, on the contrary, tries to include as many of these energies as possible into its energy flows and internal organs. Conflict occurs precisely with negative emotions.

The stronger the conflict, the more energy is needed to resolve it. The energy body begins to take this energy both from itself and from the Biofield, so as not to affect its “untouchable” reserve of energy.
Negative energy penetrates energy flows, settling on channels and chakras, settling on the internal organs of the energy body. Through chakras and channels it penetrates into the etheric body. Intertwined with the Biofield. The presence of negative emotions in us manifests itself in the aura, in the form of a certain color scheme. This attracts additional negative energies from the environment. As well as negative entities of a vampiric nature. A person fills himself with what is “energy dirt” - negative energy.

When a person calms down, if there is no outburst of emotional energy immediately, part of the emotional energy remains in him, in the form of settled negativity, and part comes out through energy outlets into the energy of the environment.
A person who often experiences negative emotions and does not control them becomes very negative over time - he is completely filled with negative energy that settled in him during emotions. Such a person, receiving energy during sleep, transforms it with his negative energy into negative energy, and releases the same negative energy, which permeates everything with which the person interacts. And the problem here can be solved only by completely cleaning the entire energy system, as well as by working hard to control your negative emotions. As one of the options for some energetic relief, which can only partially, but cleanse the Aura, Biofield, and human body, this is a sincere feeling of positive emotions - laughter, joy. The energy of laughter has a positive effect on a person. It strengthens the overall energy and sweeps away the negative energies surrounding a person, building a kind of temporary protection from them. The energy of laughter always spills out of a person, even if the person tries to calm down his laughter.

All of the above can be said in a couple of phrases. Like attracts like. Negative emotions attract negative energies and cause problems with a person’s physical, psychological and energetic health. Positive emotions attract positive energies and strengthen a person’s physical, psychological and energetic health.

Bizhdov Sergei Artemovich, a respected father of the family, of average height, heavyset, big-boned, with a prominent tummy and a smooth bald spot to the back of his head, by the age of sixty had lost his optimistic attitude. When asked: “How are you?” — he answered defiantly: “You can’t wait!” But more often he got off with a vague phrase: “Nothing. We live and chew bread.”

“Nothing - it’s a lame horse that walks along the road with its head down,” the reasonable neighbor Khromov assessed his answer. “Indeed,” thought Bizhdov, “it’s a sin for me to complain about life. Everything worked out the way. There is wealth. The children were raised and put on their feet. Now we are raising our grandchildren in joy and care. However, everyday life has become somewhat mundane and monotonous to the point of yawning boredom. Feelings and emotions have dulled. Even the food got boring. You want something, but you don’t know what.

- Artemych, don’t scold! — his friends, with whom he went to the steam room on Fridays, reassured him in the bathhouse. — We, too, often get into a similar mood. Smart people advise: you need to periodically give yourself emotional shocks.

“The best thing for a surge of emotions,” said the ladies’ man Rokhlin dreamily, “is to start a fleeting romance on the side.” Naturally, without consequences and encumbrances. - He said - and voluptuously smoothed his thin mustache.

“It’s easy to say - to have an affair,” Bizhdov reasoned with himself already at home, “when he has forgotten all the techniques of seducing women, and there is simply no time for courtship.”

The tempter Rokhlin, however, said that one should not think about this. It is enough to go to a sanatorium alone, and everything will happen by itself. When men are more passionate about drinking alcohol than about romantic adventures, and some are struck by the scab of blueness, anyone, even a casual but still active man, will certainly fall into the snare of a preoccupied vacationer. All he needs to do is smile and compliment women. “The damn womanizer,” Bizhdov thought about Rokhlina, “has thrown me off balance with his inflammatory speeches. Maybe he really should dare. I worked like an ox, avoided all temptations, so there’s nothing special to remember. But how can you convince your wife Valentina, with her intuition and all-seeing eye, to let him go on vacation?”

Sergei Artyomovich, when he appeared at the house after work, complained of constant fatigue, increased nervousness and irritability, as well as an irresistible desire to bite everyone.

Unexpectedly, his wife Valentina Vasilievna one fine evening said:

“You need a break from all of us,” she said with conviction. — Go alone to a neurosomatic sanatorium in Kislovodsk.

Extremely surprised by her decision, Bizhdov nevertheless exclaimed:

- No, I want to go to Sochi, to the sea.

So they decided. Less than a month had passed since Sergei Artyomovich checked into a junior suite at a Sochi sanatorium to the frantic sound of a multi-thousand-strong combined orchestra of cicadas. He laid out and hung his things, shaved, took a shower and went down to the dining room for breakfast in unusual clothes: shorts and a T-shirt. Here his first disappointment awaited him. The neighbors at the table turned out to be not nice ladies, but a boring married couple from Moscow, about the same age as him, and even with an over-aged daughter - an old maid with a horse's face.

However, from the next table, a young lady waved her hand at him cordially, like an old acquaintance. He nodded back at her and was puzzled: who could it be?

Everything became clear when leaving the dining room. There, a person as thin as a pole was waiting for him in a long sundress with ridiculous frills on her shoulders and chest and an obvious excess of makeup on her face.

“Sergei Artyomovich,” she turned to him friendly, “you probably don’t remember me.” I am an old friend of your wife. She introduced us. My name is Iraida Anatolyevna.

“It’s very nice,” Bizhdov belied, since meeting his wife’s friend was not at all part of his plans.

“I promised Valentina,” Iraida Anatolyevna jabbered, “that I would take patronage over you.” I won’t let you get bored and will protect you from any attacks. Well, do you understand me?

“That’s all I needed,” Bizhdov thought with annoyance, and said out loud:

- Don’t burden yourself with unnecessary worries. I release you from your obligations to my wife.

It became clear why Valentina let him go on vacation alone. "Still would! She put such a clothespin on my tail!”

“Sorry, I’m in a hurry for the procedures,” Bizhdov again twisted his soul, because in fact he refused all procedures, leaving behind only sea swimming and walks in the fresh air.

“And my attending physician Ovcharov prescribed underwater massage and radon baths,” said a new acquaintance. She walked next to him, trying to get in touch with him. “By the way,” she jabbered, “Ovcharov is not your attending physician?” No? Pavel Ivanovich is such a funny little naughty boy! He believes that the most valuable procedure for a lonely person on vacation is bush therapy. Well, you understand me,” Iraida Anatolyevna giggled in feigned embarrassment.

Sorry, I need to go to my room,” Bizhdov muttered and rushed into the opened elevator doors.

You are located in room 306, I know,” my wife’s friend showed her knowledge, “and I live in room 210.” You are welcome to visit.

Sergei Artyomovich ignored this message and disappeared into the elevator.

He stayed in the room for some time. Then he pulled his Panama hat deeper onto his bald head, put on his dark glasses and, looking around like a thief, slipped towards the sea. As he walked, he mentally rehearsed how he would make acquaintances with women. But only platitudes popped up in my head like: How long have you been on vacation? Don't you get bored being alone? And something really stupid: where is your boyfriend?

On the beach, Bizhdov stopped at the edge of the shadow cast by the awning and, like a conqueror, began to survey the sunbathers' rookery. It was dominated by female bodies, the charms of which were covered by pitiful scraps of fabric.

Sergei Artyomovich lowered his eyes and was literally dumbfounded. In front of him, a blond beauty was lying on an air mattress. Any sculptor would give a lot to get such a delightful nature for his sculptures.

Looking at this miracle of nature, Bizhdov lost his sense of time. The air of freedom was intoxicating, the premonition of something unusual and bright inspired me and motivated me to exploits.

Previously, Sergei Artyomovich would have been ashamed and retreated away, but...

“Madam,” he said playfully, “against my will, my thoughts left my head, like bees from a hive, and rushed to the nectar of your charms.” It's very difficult to get them back.

Before our hero had time to be surprised at what a gem he had just revealed, he heard the stranger’s voice again.

- I will help you. It’s simple,” she said, slightly pushed her dark glasses onto her forehead and looked at Bizhdov skeptically. - Look: now my very jealous husband will appear from the sea. He obviously won't like your location. I'm afraid that it will be difficult for your thoughts to find the place from which they flew.

- Understood. “I’m leaving, charming,” Bizhdov complaisantly heeded her advice. He saw a man with a powerful torso and lumpy muscles approaching them. His boring, heavy gaze from under his overhanging eyebrows did not bode well.

Sergei Artyomovich settled down with his towel at the other end of the beach and thought with annoyance: how can such beauties go to a sanatorium with their husbands...

Bizhdov swam in the sea for a long time, cooling his romantic ardor. Meanwhile, the sun began to get hot, and Iraida Anatolyevna appeared on the beach. She was clearly looking for someone. In order not to catch her eye, Sergei Artyomovich urgently left his location.

All subsequent days of the week passed for our hero with the feeling that he was the object of spy surveillance. Wherever he stepped, he physically felt the presence of Iraida nearby. As soon as he spoke to one of the women, his wife’s friend jumped out of nowhere, like a jack-in-the-box on a spring. She unceremoniously entered into the conversation and made it clear to everyone that the number would not work for those who intended to choose Bizhdov as the object of their claims.

In the evenings, Iraida Anatolyevna called him in his room and invited him to dance or walk under the moonlight. Citing a headache or slight malaise, Bizhdov avoided her proposals, mentally telling her to go to hell.

From Thursday to Friday he had a dream similar to reality, one might say prophetic. Bizhdov dreamed that he was walking along the alley of a sanatorium park along the sea. The soft light of the lanterns illuminates the path. Breathe easily and freely. Suddenly, Iraida Anatolyevna appears from somewhere out of the darkness. She takes him by the arm like a proprietor, clings to him, painfully resting her butt against his side, and like a conspirator to a conspirator, he warmly whispers: “I constantly inform Valentina about your exemplary behavior. You can completely rely on me. Whatever happens between us, know: I am a grave! Do you understand me?!"

At that moment they came alongside a large bush of an exotic plant. Suddenly, Iraida, with a guttural cry, like a croaking crow, exclaims: “Brush therapy!”, and Bizhdov feels that he and she are falling into the darkness of the thickets. He wants to resist this with all his might, but his weak arms and legs do not obey, and with the crunch of breaking branches, he and Iraida fall into the darkness...

Sergei Artyomovich woke up with a rapid heartbeat. He stood up, drank some water, and said, “Forget me!” and went back to bed. But he tossed and turned for a long time until he fell asleep.

The end of the week and the beginning of the next was spent in a game of cat and mouse with his wife's friend. Bizhdov realized that a fleeting romance with one of the vacationing women was not going to happen to him. Having clinged tightly, the persistent bitch will prevent this, and even snitch on Valentina.

There was only one thing left, he decided, to find a chosen one from the service staff. They are prohibited from entering into informal relationships with vacationers. However, with voluntary consent, you can carry out your plans secretly, without showing off in public.

His choice fell on the maid Svetlana, a thirty-five-year-old cheerful woman with a pretty face. She was a head taller than Sergei Artyomovich, but he had reverent feelings for large women, whom God generously endowed with curves on their bodies. True, Svetlana did not clean his room, but they met. Bizhdov always complimented her during random meetings on the floor and gave her chocolates a couple of times. The plan to lure Svetlana to his room on a date arose spontaneously. During the afternoon rest hours, taking advantage of the absence of vacationers, she wiped the floor with a wet mop in the corridor. And Bizhdov, in front of his junior suite, quietly laid out banknotes in a path: three for fifty rubles and four for a hundred. And he hid behind the curtain. Svetlana saw the money and began to pick it up, looking around, and even looked at the ceiling. While bending over, her butt was tightly hugged by a tight skirt, and this brought the vacationer from room 306 into trembling excitement.

When Svetlana picked up the last bill, Bizhdov jumped out of his hiding place and exclaimed: “Svetlanochka, beauty, wait!” — he ran into her with acceleration. His head was in the hollow of her breasts.

- Darling! - Bizhdov babbled excitedly, - come to my room for a minute. I'll give you more money. You are a miracle!

Portly Svetlana reacted very calmly to the incident, without any indignation or protest.

“Calm down, Sergei Artyomovich,” she said softly. - Well, you're just like a boy. We might be noticed. Why do we need trouble?

She stroked his bald head like a child and continued:

- Calm down. Go to your room. I'll be right there.

Unable to feel his feet under him, Bizhdov rushed into the room, where everything was prepared for the rendezvous: on the table there was a bottle of French wine, a bowl of fruit, and an open box of expensive chocolates.

- Come in, Svetlanochka! - he exclaimed, hearing a knock on the door, and rushed towards it.

However, his arms, outstretched for an embrace, fell like whips. Instead of Svetlana, attending physician Irina Sergeevna Smirnova appeared at the door. A nurse followed her into the room with a suitcase. Her eyes sparkled with laughter.

— What’s wrong with you, Sergei Artyomovich? — Smirnova asked alarmedly. — Sveta told us that you had an angina attack. You almost fell in the corridor and spoke incoherently. Svetlana picked up the money you dropped. Here,” Irina Sergeevna put the crumpled bills on the table.

“Nothing of the kind,” Bizhdov protested. - I'm quite healthy.

But they put him to bed, despite his protests, and measured his blood pressure.

“Very high,” said Smirnova, “I’m prescribing bed rest for you.”

The patient was given an injection and forced to dissolve the tablet.

“I’ll have dinner delivered to your room,” the doctor said. - No sea swimming tomorrow. We will begin a full examination in the morning.

The doctor and nurse left, and Bizhdov fully appreciated the woman’s cunning. There were three fifty-ruble bills on the table, and Svetlana kept four hundred-ruble bills for herself.

In the evening, Iraida Anatolyevna entered his room along with the waiter. She stated that until he had eaten everything, she would not leave the room. And what’s more, I’m ready to stay with him for the night instead of a nurse. It took a lot of effort for Sergei Artyomovich to send his wife’s obsessive friend away.

Late in the evening his wife Valentina Vasilievna called on her mobile phone.

“Sergey,” she asked alarmedly, “why don’t you call and no messages from Iraida?” Did anything happen to you? We are worried and miss you very much. Vitalik asks all the time: “Where is grandfather?”

“I missed you too,” Bizhdov said touchingly. He wanted to be in his home right now next to his family.

“The devil pushed me in my old age to become a womanizer,” he lamented. - Straightforward: where a horse has a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw. Disgraced yourself! You've disgraced yourself!

“Don’t worry,” he reassured Valentina, “nothing has happened to me yet.” But something terrible could happen: your Iraida will jump into my bed. Because of this inevitability, I’m flying home tomorrow. Meet!

... Friends asked Bizhdov with passion whether he had experienced an outburst of emotions in the sanatorium. “What a great one!” - Sergei Artyomovich admitted gloomily, but flatly refused to reveal the details.