Elective course: "Practical and experimental physics." Presentation for a physics lesson (grade 10) on the topic: experimental work in physics “Change in pressure”

Oscillations and waves.

Tasks for independent work.
Problem 1. Hydrostatic weighing.
Equipment: wooden ruler length 40 cm, plasticine, a piece of chalk, a measuring cup with water, thread, a razor blade, a tripod with a holder.

  • density of plasticine;
  • chalk density;
  • a mass of wooden ruler.


  1. It is advisable not to wet the piece of chalk - it may fall apart.
  2. The density of water is considered equal to 1000 kg/m3

Problem 2. Specific heat of dissolution of hyposulfite.
When hyposulfite is dissolved in water, the temperature of the solution decreases greatly.
Measure the specific heat of solution of a given substance.
The specific heat of solution is the amount of heat required to dissolve a unit mass of a substance.
The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/(kg × K), the density of water is 1000 kg/m 3.
Equipment: calorimeter; beaker or measuring cup; scales with weights; thermometer; crystalline hyposulfite; warm water.

Problem 3. Mathematical pendulum and free fall acceleration.

Equipment: tripod with foot, stopwatch, piece of plasticine, ruler, thread.
Exercise: Measure the acceleration of gravity using a mathematical pendulum.

Problem 4. Refractive index of the lens material.
Exercise: Measure the refractive index of the glass the lens is made from.

Equipment: biconvex lens on a stand, light source (light bulb on a stand with a current source and connecting wires), screen on a stand, caliper, ruler.

Problem 5. “Rod vibrations”

Equipment: tripod with foot, stopwatch, knitting needle, eraser, needle, ruler, plastic cap from a plastic bottle.

  • Investigate the dependence of the oscillation period of the resulting physical pendulum on the length of the upper part of the spoke. Plot a graph of the resulting relationship. Check the feasibility of formula (1) in your case.
  • Determine, as accurately as possible, the minimum period of oscillation of the resulting pendulum.
  • Determine the value of the acceleration due to gravity.

Task 6. Determine the resistance of the resistor as accurately as possible.
Equipment: current source, resistor with known resistance, resistor with unknown resistance, glass (glass, 100 ml), thermometer, watch (you can use your wristwatch), graph paper, piece of foam plastic.

Problem 7. Determine the coefficient of friction of the block on the table.
Equipment: block, ruler, tripod, thread, weight of known mass.

Problem 8. Determine the weight of a flat figure.
Equipment: flat figure, ruler, weight.

Task 9. Investigate the dependence of the speed of the stream flowing out of the vessel on the height of the water level in this vessel.
Equipment: tripod with coupling and foot, glass burette with scale and rubber tube; spring clip; screw clamp; stopwatch; funnel; cuvette; glass of water; sheet of graph paper.

Problem 10. Determine the temperature of water at which its density is maximum.
Equipment: glass of water, at temperature t = 0 °C; metal stand; thermometer; spoon; watch; small glass.

Problem 11. Determine the breaking force T threads, mg< T .
Equipment: a strip whose length 50 cm; thread or thin wire; ruler; load of known mass; tripod.

Problem 12. Determine the coefficient of friction of a metal cylinder, the mass of which is known, on the table surface.
Equipment: two metal cylinders of approximately the same mass (the mass of one of them is known ( m = 0.4 - 0.6 kg)); length ruler 40 - 50 cm; Bakushinsky dynamometer.

Task 13. Explore the contents of a mechanical “black box”. Determine the characteristics of a solid body enclosed in a “box”.
Equipment: dynamometer, ruler, graph paper, “black box” - a closed jar, partially filled with water, in which there is a solid body with a rigid wire attached to it. The wire comes out of the jar through a small hole in the lid.

Problem 14. Determine the density and specific heat capacity of an unknown metal.
Equipment: calorimeter, plastic beaker, bath for developing photographs, measuring cylinder (beaker), thermometer, threads, 2 cylinders of unknown metal, vessel with hot ( t g = 60° –70°) and cold ( t x = 10° – 15°) water. Specific heat capacity of water c in = 4200 J/(kg × K).

Problem 15. Determine the Young's modulus of steel wire.
Equipment: tripod with two legs for attaching equipment; two steel rods; steel wire (diameter 0.26 mm); ruler; dynamometer; plasticine; pin.
Note. The wire stiffness coefficient depends on the Young's modulus and the geometric dimensions of the wire as follows k = ES/l, Where l– wire length, a S– its cross-sectional area.

Task 16. Determine the concentration of table salt in the aqueous solution given to you.
Equipment: glass jar volume 0.5 l; a vessel with an aqueous solution of table salt of unknown concentration; AC power supply with adjustable voltage; ammeter; voltmeter; two electrodes; connecting wires; key; a set of 8 weighed amounts of table salt; graph paper; container with fresh water.

Problem 17. Determine the resistance of a millivoltmeter and milliammeter for two measurement ranges.
Equipment: millivoltmeter ( 50/250 mV), milliammeter ( 5/50 mA), two connecting wires, copper and zinc plates, pickled cucumber.

Problem 18. Determine the density of the body.
Equipment: irregularly shaped body, metal rod, ruler, tripod, vessel with water, thread.

Task 19. Determine the resistances of resistors R 1, ..., R 7, ammeter and voltmeter.
Equipment: battery, voltmeter, ammeter, connecting wires, switch, resistors: R 1 – R 7.

Problem 20. Determine the spring stiffness coefficient.
Equipment: spring, ruler, sheet of graph paper, block, mass 100 g.
Attention! Do not suspend a load from a spring, as this will exceed the elastic deformation limit of the spring.

Problem 21. Determine the coefficient of sliding friction of a match head on the rough surface of a matchbox.
Equipment: box of matches, dynamometer, weight, sheet of paper, ruler, thread.

Problem 22. The fiber optic connector part is a glass cylinder (refractive index n= 1.51), in which there are two round cylindrical channels. The ends of the part are sealed. Determine the distance between channels.
Equipment: connector part, graph paper, magnifying glass.

Problem 23. “Black Vessel”. A body is lowered into a “black vessel” of water on a string. Find the density of the body ρ m, its height l the water level in the vessel with the immersed body ( h) and when the body is outside the liquid ( h o).
Equipment. “Black vessel”, dynamometer, graph paper, ruler.
Density of water 1000 kg/m 3. Vessel depth H = 32 cm.

Problem 24. Friction. Determine the sliding friction coefficients of wooden and plastic rulers on the table surface.
Equipment. Tripod with foot, plumb line, wooden ruler, plastic ruler, table.

Problem 25. Wind-up toy. Determine the energy stored in the spring of a wind-up toy (car) at a fixed “winding” (number of turns of the key).
Equipment: a wind-up toy of known mass, a ruler, a tripod with a foot and a coupling, an inclined plane.
Note. Wind up the toy so that its mileage does not exceed the length of the table.

Problem 26. Determining the density of bodies. Determine the density of the weight (rubber plug) and the lever (wooden strip) using the proposed equipment.
Equipment: load of known mass (marked plug); lever (wooden slats); cylindrical glass ( 200 - 250 ml); a thread ( 1m); wooden ruler, vessel with water.

Problem 27. Studying the motion of the ball.
Raise the ball to a certain height above the table surface. Let's release him and watch his movement. If the collisions were absolutely elastic (sometimes they say elastic), then the ball would jump to the same height all the time. In reality, the height of the jumps is constantly decreasing. The time interval between successive jumps also decreases, which is clearly noticeable by ear. After some time, the bouncing stops and the ball remains on the table.
1 task – theoretical.
1.1. Determine the fraction of energy lost (energy loss coefficient) after the first, second, third rebound.
1.2. Obtain the dependence of time on the number of bounces.

Task 2 – experimental.
2.1. Using the direct method, using a ruler, determine the energy loss coefficient after the first, second, third impact.
It is possible to determine the energy loss coefficient using a method based on measuring the total time of motion of the ball from the moment it is thrown from a height H until the moment it stops bouncing. To do this, you have to establish the relationship between the total movement time and the energy loss coefficient.
2.2. Determine the energy loss coefficient using a method based on measuring the total time of motion of the ball.
3. Errors.
3.1. Compare the measurement errors of the energy loss coefficient in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.

Problem 28. Stable test tube.

  • Find the mass of the test tube given to you and its outer and inner diameters.
  • Calculate theoretically at what minimum height h min and maximum height h max of water poured into a test tube it will float stably in a vertical position, and find the numerical values ​​using the results of the first point.
  • Determine h min and h max experimentally and compare with the results of step 2.

Equipment. A test tube of unknown mass with a scale pasted on, a vessel with water, a glass, a sheet of graph paper, a thread.
Note. It is prohibited to peel off the scale from the test tube!

Problem 29. Angle between mirrors. Determine the dihedral angle between mirrors with the greatest accuracy.
Equipment. A system of two mirrors, a measuring tape, 3 pins, a sheet of cardboard.

Problem 30. Ball segment.
A spherical segment is a body bounded by a spherical surface and a plane. Using this equipment, construct a graph of volume dependence V spherical segment of unit radius r = 1 from its height h.
Note. The formula for the volume of a spherical segment is not assumed to be known. Take the density of water equal to 1.0 g/cm3.
Equipment. A glass of water, a tennis ball of known mass m with a puncture, a syringe with a needle, a sheet of graph paper, tape, scissors.

Problem 31. Snow with water.
Determine the mass fraction of snow in the snow-water mixture at the time of delivery.
Equipment. A mixture of snow and ice, a thermometer, a watch.
Note. Specific heat capacity of water c = 4200 J/(kg × °C), specific heat of melting of ice λ = 335 kJ/kg.

Problem 32. Adjustable “black box”.
In a “black box” with 3 outputs, an electrical circuit is assembled, consisting of several resistors with a constant resistance and one variable resistor. The resistance of the variable resistor can be changed from zero to a certain maximum value R o using an adjustment knob brought out.
Using an ohmmeter, examine the black box circuit and, assuming that the number of resistors in it is minimal,

  • draw a diagram of an electrical circuit contained in a “black box”;
  • calculate the resistance of constant resistors and the value of R o;
  • evaluate the accuracy of your calculated resistance values.

Problem 33. Measuring electrical resistance.
Determine the resistance of the voltmeter, battery and resistor. It is known that a real battery can be represented as an ideal one, connected in series with a certain resistor, and a real voltmeter can be represented as an ideal one, with a resistor connected in parallel.
Equipment. Battery, voltmeter, resistor with unknown resistance, resistor with known resistance.

Problem 34. Weighing ultra-light loads.
Using the proposed equipment, determine the mass m of a piece of foil.
Equipment. A jar of water, a piece of foam plastic, a set of nails, wooden toothpicks, a ruler with millimeter divisions or graph paper, a sharpened pencil, foil, napkins.

Problem 35. CVC CHA.
Determine the current-voltage characteristic (CVC) of the “black box” ( CHY). Describe the technique for measuring the current-voltage characteristic and plot its graph. Assess the errors.
Equipment. FC limiting the resistor with a known resistance R, multimeter in voltmeter mode, adjustable current source, connecting wires, graph paper.
Attention. Connect CHY to the current source bypassing the limiting resistor is strictly prohibited.

Problem 36. Soft spring.

  • Experimentally investigate the dependence of the elongation of a soft spring under the action of its own weight on the number of turns of the spring. Give a theoretical explanation of the found relationship.
  • Determine the elasticity coefficient and mass of the spring.
  • Investigate the dependence of the period of oscillation of a spring on its number of turns.

Equipment: soft spring, tripod with foot, tape measure, clock with second hand, plasticine ball m = 10 g, graph paper.

Problem 37. Wire density.
Determine the density of the wire. Breaking the wire is not allowed.
Equipment: piece of wire, graph paper, thread, water, vessel.
Note. Density of water 1000 kg/m 3.

Problem 38. Friction coefficient.
Determine the coefficient of sliding friction of the bobbin material on wood. The bobbin axis must be horizontal.
Equipment: bobbin, thread length 0.5 m, wooden ruler fixed at an angle in a tripod, graph paper.
Note. During work, it is prohibited to change the position of the ruler.

Problem 39. The share of mechanical energy.
Determine the fraction of mechanical energy lost by a ball when falling without an initial speed from a height 1m.
Equipment: tennis ball, ruler length 1.5 m, sheet of white paper A4, sheet of copy paper, glass plate, ruler; brick.
Note: for small deformations of the ball, Hooke’s law can (but not necessarily) be considered valid.

Problem 40. Vessel with water “black box”.
The “black box” is a vessel with water into which a thread is lowered, on which two weights are attached at some distance from each other. Find the masses of the loads and their densities. Assess the size of the loads, the distance between them and the water level in the vessel.
Equipment: “black box”, dynamometer, graph paper.

Problem 41. Optical “black box”.
An optical “black box” consists of two lenses, one of which is converging and the other is diverging. Determine their focal lengths.
Equipment: tube with two lenses (optical “black” box), light bulb, current source, ruler, screen with a sheet of graph paper, sheet of graph paper.
Note. The use of light from a remote source is allowed. Bringing the light bulb close to the lenses (that is, closer than the stands allow) is not allowed.

In the first chapter of the thesis, the theoretical aspects of the problem of using electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of secondary schools were considered. In the course of a theoretical analysis of the problem, we identified the principles and types of electronic textbooks, identified and theoretically substantiated the pedagogical conditions for the use of information technologies in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of secondary schools.

In the second chapter of the thesis, we formulate the purpose, objectives and principles of organizing experimental work. This chapter discusses the methodology for implementing the pedagogical conditions we have identified for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of a comprehensive school; the final paragraph provides an interpretation and evaluation of the results obtained during the experimental work.

Purpose, objectives, principles and methods of organizing experimental work

In the introductory part of the work, a hypothesis was put forward that contained the main conditions that require testing in practice. In order to test and prove the proposals put forward in the hypothesis, we carried out experimental work.

An experiment in the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary is defined as a systematically conducted observation; systematic isolation, combination and variation of conditions in order to study the phenomena that depend on them. Under these conditions, a person creates the possibility of observations, on the basis of which his knowledge of the patterns in the observed phenomenon is formed. Observations, conditions and knowledge about patterns are the most significant, in our opinion, features that characterize this definition.

In the Psychology dictionary, the concept of experiment is considered as one of the main (along with observation) methods of scientific knowledge in general, psychological research in particular. It differs from observation by active intervention in the situation on the part of the researcher, carrying out systematic manipulation of one or more variables (factors) and recording accompanying changes in the behavior of the studied object. A correctly set up experiment allows you to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships and is not limited to establishing a connection (correlation) between variables. The most significant features, as experience shows, here are: the activity of the researcher, characteristic of the exploratory and formative types of experiment, as well as testing the hypothesis.

Highlighting the essential features of the above definitions, as rightly written by A.Ya. Nain and Z.M. Umetbaev, we can construct the following concept: an experiment is a research activity designed to test a hypothesis, unfolding in natural or artificially created controlled and controlled conditions. The result of this, as a rule, is new knowledge, which includes the identification of significant factors influencing the effectiveness of teaching activities. Organization of an experiment is impossible without identifying criteria. And it is their presence that makes it possible to distinguish experimental activity from any other. These criteria, according to E.B. Kainova, there may be the presence of: the purpose of the experiment; hypotheses; scientific language of description; specially created experimental conditions; diagnostic methods; ways of influencing the subject of experimentation; new pedagogical knowledge.

Based on their goals, they distinguish between ascertaining, formative and evaluative experiments. The purpose of the ascertaining experiment is to measure the current level of development. In this case, we receive primary material for research and organization of a formative experiment. This is extremely important for the organization of any survey.

A formative (transforming, training) experiment aims not at a simple statement of the level of formation of this or that activity, the development of certain skills of the subjects, but their active formation. Here it is necessary to create a special experimental situation. The results of an experimental study often do not represent an identified pattern, a stable dependence, but a series of more or less fully recorded empirical facts. This data is often descriptive in nature, representing only more specific material that narrows the further scope of the search. The results of an experiment in pedagogy and psychology should often be considered as intermediate material and the initial basis for further research work.

Evaluation experiment (controlling) - with its help, after a certain period of time after the formative experiment, the level of knowledge and skills of the subjects is determined based on the materials of the formative experiment.

The purpose of the experimental work is to test the identified pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of a secondary school and determine their effectiveness.

The main objectives of the experimental work were: selection of experimental sites for the pedagogical experiment; defining criteria for selecting experimental groups; development of tools and determination of methods for pedagogical diagnostics of selected groups; development of pedagogical criteria for identifying and correlating the levels of learning of students in control and experimental classes.

The experimental work was carried out in three stages, including: a diagnostic stage (carried out in the form of a confirmatory experiment); content stage (organized in the form of a formative experiment) and analytical (conducted in the form of a control experiment). Principles of carrying out experimental work.

The principle of comprehensiveness of scientific and methodological organization of experimental work. The principle requires ensuring a high level of professionalism of the experimental teacher himself. The effectiveness of the implementation of information technologies in teaching schoolchildren is influenced by many factors, and, undoubtedly, its basic condition is the correspondence of the content of training to the capabilities of schoolchildren. But even in this case, problems arise in overcoming intellectual and physical barriers, and therefore, when using methods of emotional and intellectual stimulation of students’ cognitive activity, we provided methodological counseling that meets the following requirements:

a) problem-search material was presented using personalized explanatory methods and instructions to facilitate students’ assimilation of educational material;

b) various techniques and ways of mastering the content of the material being studied were proposed;

c) individual teachers had the opportunity to freely choose techniques and schemes for solving computerized problems, and work according to their original pedagogical techniques.

The principle of humanizing the content of experimental work. This is the idea of ​​the priority of human values ​​over technocratic, production, economic, administrative, etc. The principle of humanization was implemented by observing the following rules of pedagogical activity: a) the pedagogical process and educational relations in it are built on full recognition of the rights and freedoms of the student and respect for him;

b) know and during the pedagogical process rely on the positive qualities of the student;

c) constantly carry out humanistic education of teachers in accordance with the Declaration of the Rights of the Child;

d) ensure the attractiveness and aesthetics of the pedagogical space and the comfort of the educational relations of all its participants.

Thus, the principle of humanization, as I.A. Kolesnikova and E.V. Titova believe, provides schoolchildren with a certain social protection in an educational institution.

The principle of democratization of experimental work is the idea of ​​providing participants in the pedagogical process with certain freedoms for self-development, self-regulation, and self-determination. The principle of democratization in the process of using information technologies for teaching schoolchildren is implemented through compliance with the following rules:

a) create a pedagogical process open to public control and influence;

b) create legal support for students’ activities that will help protect them from adverse environmental influences;

c) ensure mutual respect, tact and patience in the interaction between teachers and students.

The implementation of this principle helps to expand the capabilities of students and teachers in determining the content of education, choosing the technology for using information technology in the learning process.

The principle of cultural conformity of experimental work is the idea of ​​maximum use in upbringing, education and training of the environment in which and for the development of which the educational institution was created - the culture of the region, people, nation, society, country. The principle is implemented based on compliance with the following rules:

a) understanding of cultural and historical value by the teaching community at school;

b) maximum use of family and regional material and spiritual culture;

c) ensuring the unity of national, international, interethnic and intersocial principles in the upbringing, education, and training of schoolchildren;

d) the formation of creative abilities and attitudes of teachers and students to consume and create new cultural values.

The principle of a holistic study of pedagogical phenomena in experimental work, which involves: the use of systemic and integrative - developmental approaches; a clear definition of the place of the phenomenon being studied in the holistic pedagogical process; disclosure of the driving forces and phenomena of the objects being studied.

We were guided by this principle when modeling the process of using educational information technologies.

The principle of objectivity, which involves: checking each fact using several methods; recording all manifestations of changes in the object under study; comparison of the data from your study with data from other similar studies.

The principle was actively used in the process of conducting the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment, when using the electronic process in the educational process, as well as in analyzing the results obtained.

The principle of adaptation, which requires taking into account the personal characteristics and cognitive abilities of students in the process of using information technology, was used when conducting a formative experiment. The principle of activity, which assumes that correction of the personal semantic field and behavioral strategy can only be carried out during the active and intensive work of each participant.

The principle of experimentation, aimed at actively searching for new behavioral strategies by participants in classes. This principle is important as an impetus for the development of creativity and initiative of the individual, as well as as a model of behavior in the student’s real life.

It is possible to talk about learning technology using electronic textbooks only if: it satisfies the basic principles of pedagogical technology (preliminary design, reproducibility, goal setting, integrity); it solves problems that were not previously theoretically and/or practically solved in didactics; The computer is the means of preparing and transmitting information to the learner.

In this regard, we present the basic principles of the systematic introduction of computers into the educational process, which were widely used in our experimental work.

The principle of new tasks. Its essence is not to transfer traditionally established methods and techniques to the computer, but to rebuild them in accordance with the new capabilities that computers provide. In practice, this means that when analyzing the learning process, losses are identified that occur from shortcomings in its organization (insufficient analysis of the content of education, poor knowledge of the real educational capabilities of schoolchildren, etc.). In accordance with the result of the analysis, a list of tasks is outlined that, due to various objective reasons (large volume, enormous time expenditure, etc.) are currently not being solved or are being solved incompletely, but which can be completely solved with the help of a computer. These tasks should be aimed at the completeness, timeliness and at least approximate optimality of the decisions made.

The principle of a systems approach. This means that the introduction of computers should be based on a systematic analysis of the learning process. That is, the goals and criteria for the functioning of the learning process must be determined, structuring must be carried out, revealing the entire range of issues that need to be resolved in order for the designed system to best meet the established goals and criteria.

Principles of the most reasonable typification of design solutions. This means that when developing software, the contractor must strive to ensure that the solutions he offers are suitable for the widest possible range of customers, not only in terms of the types of computers used, but also various types of educational institutions.

In conclusion of this paragraph, we note that the use of the above methods with other methods and principles of organizing experimental work made it possible to determine the attitude towards the problem of using electronic textbooks in the learning process, and to outline specific ways to effectively solve the problem.

Following the logic of theoretical research, we formed two groups - control and experimental. In the experimental group, the effectiveness of the selected pedagogical conditions was tested; in the control group, the organization of the learning process was traditional.

Educational features of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at senior levels are presented in paragraph 2.2.

The results of the work done are reflected in paragraph 2.3.


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of using the experimental method in physics lessons in high school

1 The role and significance of experimental tasks in a school physics course (definition of experiment in pedagogy, psychology and in the theory of physics teaching methods)

2 Analysis of programs and textbooks on the use of experimental tasks in a school physics course

3 A new approach to conducting experimental tasks in physics using Lego construction kits using the example of the “Mechanics” section

4 Methodology for conducting a pedagogical experiment at the level of ascertaining experiment

5 Conclusions on the first chapter

Chapter 2. Development and methodology for conducting experimental tasks in the “Mechanics” section for students in the 10th grade of general education

1 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Kinematics of a point.” Guidelines for use in physics lessons

2 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Rigid body kinematics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

3 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Dynamics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

4 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

5 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Statics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

6 Conclusions on the second chapter



Answer to the question


Relevance of the topic. It is generally accepted that studying physics not only provides factual knowledge but also develops personality. Physical education is undoubtedly an area of ​​intellectual development. The latter, as is known, manifests itself in both mental and objective activity of a person.

In this regard, experimental problem solving, which necessarily involves both types of activity, acquires special importance. Like any type of problem solving, it has a structure and patterns common to the thinking process. The experimental approach opens up opportunities for the development of imaginative thinking.

Experimental solution of physical problems, due to their content and solution methodology, can become an important means of developing universal research skills and abilities: setting up an experiment based on certain research models, experimentation itself, the ability to identify and formulate the most significant results, put forward a hypothesis adequate to the subject being studied , and on its basis build a physical and mathematical model, and involve computer technology in the analysis. The novelty of the content of physical problems for students, the variability in the choice of experimental methods and means, the necessary independence of thinking in the development and analysis of physical and mathematical models create the prerequisites for the formation of creative abilities.

Thus, the development of a system of experimental tasks in physics using the example of mechanics is relevant in terms of developmental and personality-oriented learning.

The object of the study is the learning process of tenth grade students.

The subject of the study is a system of experimental tasks in physics using the example of mechanics, aimed at developing intellectual abilities, developing a research approach, and creative activity of students.

The purpose of the study is to develop a system of experimental tasks in physics using the example of mechanics.

Research hypothesis - If the system of physical experiments in the “Mechanics” section includes teacher demonstrations, associated home and classroom experiences of students, as well as experimental tasks for students in elective courses, and students’ cognitive activity during their implementation and discussion is organized on the basis of problematic nature, then Schoolchildren will have the opportunity to acquire, along with knowledge of basic physical concepts and laws, information, experimental, problem-solving, and activity skills, which will lead to increased interest in physics as a subject. Based on the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were delivered:

1. Determine the role and significance of experimental tasks in a school physics course (definition of experiment in pedagogy, psychology and in the theory of physics teaching methods).

Analyze programs and textbooks on the use of experimental tasks in a school physics course.

Reveal the essence of the methodology for conducting a pedagogical experiment at the level of ascertaining experiment.

To develop a system of experimental tasks in the “Mechanics” section for students in the 10th grade of general education.

The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work is as follows: The role of experimental solution of physical tasks as a means in the development of cognitive abilities, research skills and creative activity of 10th grade students has been established.

The theoretical significance of the research is determined by the development and substantiation of the methodological foundations of the technology for designing and organizing the educational process for the experimental solution of physical problems as a means of developmental and personality-oriented learning.

To solve the problems, a set of methods was used:

· theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature and comparative methods;

· a systematic approach to assessing the results of theoretical analysis, the method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete, synthesis of theoretical and empirical material, the method of meaningful generalization, logical-heuristic development of solutions, probabilistic forecasting, predictive modeling, thought experiment.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices.

The testing of the developed system of tasks was carried out on the basis of boarding school No. 30 of the Secondary General Education of the Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways", address: Komsomolsk - on the Amur, Lenin Avenue 58/2.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of using the experimental method in physics lessons in high school

1 The role and significance of experimental tasks in a school physics course (definition of experiment in pedagogy, psychology and in the theory of physics teaching methods)

Robert Woodworth (R. S. Woodworth), who published his classic textbook on experimental psychology (Experimental psychology, 1938), defined an experiment as a structured study in which the researcher directly changes some factor (or factors), holds the others constant, and observes the results of systematic changes .

In pedagogy, V. Slastenin defined an experiment as a research activity with the aim of studying cause-and-effect relationships in pedagogical phenomena.

In philosophy Sokolov V.V. describes experiment as a method of scientific knowledge.

The founder of physics is A.P. Znamensky. described an experiment as a type of cognitive activity in which the key situation for a particular scientific theory is not played out in real action.

According to Robert Woodworth, a establishing experiment is an experiment that establishes the presence of some immutable fact or phenomenon.

According to V. Slastenin, the ascertaining experiment is carried out at the beginning of the study and is aimed at clarifying the state of affairs in school practice on the problem being studied.

According to Robert Woodworth, a formative (transforming, teaching) experiment sets as its goal the active formation or education of certain aspects of the psyche, levels of activity, etc.; is used in the study of specific ways of forming a child’s personality, ensuring the connection of psychological research with pedagogical search and design of the most effective forms of educational work.

According to Slastenin, V. is a formative experiment, during which new pedagogical phenomena are constructed.

According to V. Slastenin, experimental tasks are short-term observations, measurements and experiments that are closely related to the topic of the lesson.

Personally-oriented learning is such learning where the child’s personality, its originality, self-worth are put at the forefront, the subjective experience of each is first revealed and then coordinated with the content of education. If in traditional philosophy of education socio-pedagogical models of personality development were described in the form of externally specified samples, standards of cognition (cognitive activity), then personality-oriented learning is based on the recognition of the uniqueness of the subjective experience of the student himself, as an important source of individual life activity, manifested, in particular, in cognition. Thus, it is recognized that in education there is not just internalization by the child of given pedagogical influences, but a “meeting” of given and subjective experience, a kind of “cultivation” of the latter, its enrichment, increment, transformation, which constitutes the “vector” of individual development. Recognition of the student as the main active factor. The figure of the entire educational process is personality-oriented pedagogy.

When designing the educational process, one must proceed from the recognition of two equal sources: teaching and learning. The latter is not simply a derivative of the first, but is an independent, personally significant, and therefore a very effective source of personality development.

Personally-centered learning is based on the principle of subjectivity. A number of provisions follow from it.

The learning material cannot be the same for all students. The student must be given the opportunity to choose what corresponds to his subjectivity when studying the material, completing assignments, and solving problems. In the content of educational texts, contradictory judgments, variability of presentation, manifestation of different emotional attitudes, and author’s positions are possible and acceptable. The student does not memorize the required material with predetermined conclusions, but selects it himself, studies, analyzes and draws his own conclusions. The emphasis is not on developing only the student’s memory, but on the independence of his thinking and the originality of his conclusions. The problematic nature of the assignments and the ambiguity of the educational material push the student towards this.

A formative experiment is a type of experiment specific exclusively to psychology, in which the active influence of the experimental situation on the subject should contribute to his mental development and personal growth.

Let's consider the role and significance of experimental tasks in psychology, pedagogy, philosophy, and the theory of physics teaching methods.

The main method of research work of a psychologist is experiment. Famous Russian psychologist S.L. Rubinstein (1889-1960) identified the following qualities of an experiment that determine its significance for obtaining scientific facts: “1) In an experiment, the researcher himself causes the phenomenon he is studying, instead of waiting, as in objective observation, until a random flow of the phenomenon gives him the opportunity to observe it . 2) Having the opportunity to cause the phenomenon being studied, the experimenter can vary, change the conditions under which the phenomenon occurs, instead of, as with simple observation, taking them as chance gives them to him. 3) By isomerizing individual conditions and changing one of them while keeping the others unchanged, the experiment thereby reveals the meaning of these individual conditions and establishes the natural connections that determine the process it is studying. The experiment is thus a very powerful methodological tool for identifying patterns. 4) By identifying regular connections between phenomena, an experiment can often vary not only the conditions themselves in the sense of their presence or absence, but also their quantitative relationships. As a result, the experiment establishes qualitative patterns that can be formulated mathematically.”

The most striking pedagogical direction, designed to implement the ideas of “new education,” is experimental pedagogy, the leading aspiration of which is the development of a scientifically based theory of teaching and upbringing, capable of developing the individual’s individuality. Originating in the 19th century. experimental pedagogy (the term was proposed by E. Meiman) aimed at a comprehensive study of the child and substantiation of pedagogical theory experimentally. She had a strong influence on the course of development of domestic pedagogical science. .

No topic should be covered purely theoretically, just as no work should be done without illuminating its scientific theory. A skillful combination of theory with practice and practice with theory will give the desired educational effect and ensure the fulfillment of the requirements that pedagogy imposes on us. The main tool for teaching physics (its practical part) at school is a demonstration and laboratory experiment, which the student must deal with in class during teacher explanations, in laboratory work, in physics workshop, in a physics circle and at home.

Without experiment there is and cannot be rational teaching of physics; verbal teaching of physics alone inevitably leads to formalism and rote learning.

An experiment in a school physics course is a reflection of the scientific method of research inherent in physics.

Conducting experiments and observations is of great importance for familiarizing students with the essence of the experimental method, with its role in scientific research in physics, as well as in developing the ability to independently acquire and apply knowledge, and developing creative abilities.

The skills developed during experiments are an important aspect for the positive motivation of students for research activities. In school practice, experiments, experimental methods and experimental activities of students are implemented mainly in the setting up of demonstration and laboratory experiments, in problem-search and research teaching methods.

A separate group of experimental foundations of physics consists of fundamental scientific experiments. A number of experiments are demonstrated using equipment available at the school, others on models, and others by watching films. The study of fundamental experiments allows students to intensify their activities, contributes to the development of their thinking, arouses interest, and encourages independent research.

A large number of observations and demonstrations do not ensure that students develop the ability to independently and holistically conduct observations. This fact can be associated with the fact that in most experiments offered to students, the composition and sequence of all operations are determined. This problem became even worse with the advent of printed lab notebooks. Students, having completed more than thirty laboratory works using such notebooks in just three years of study (from grades 9 to 11), cannot determine the basic operations of the experiment. Although for students with low and satisfactory levels of learning, they provide a situation of success and create cognitive interest and positive motivation. This is once again confirmed by research: more than 30% of schoolchildren love physics lessons for the opportunity to independently perform laboratory and practical work.

In order for students to develop all the elements of experimental methods of educational research in lessons and laboratory work: measurements, observations, recording their results, carrying out mathematical processing of the results obtained, and at the same time their implementation is accompanied by a high degree of independence and efficiency, before the start of each experiment, students the heuristic instruction “I am learning to do an experiment” is proposed, and before the observation the heuristic instruction “I am learning to observe.” They tell students what to do (but not how) and outline the direction of moving forward.

The “Notebook for experimental research of 10th grade students” (authors N.I. Zaprudsky, A.L. Karpuk) has great opportunities for organizing independent experiments for students. Depending on the students’ abilities, they are offered two options for conducting it (independently using general recommendations for planning and conducting an experiment - option A or in accordance with the step-by-step actions proposed in option B). The choice of experimental research and experimental tasks additional to the program provides great opportunities for realizing the interests of students.

In general, in the process of independent experimental activity, students acquire the following specific skills:

· observe and study the phenomena and properties of substances and bodies;

· describe the results of observations;

· put forward hypotheses;

· select the instruments necessary for conducting experiments;

· take measurements;

· calculate errors of direct and indirect measurements;

· present measurement results in the form of tables and graphs;

· interpret the results of experiments;

·draw conclusions;

· discuss the results of the experiment, participate in the discussion.

The educational physics experiment is an integral, organic part of the high school physics course. A successful combination of theoretical material and experiment gives, as practice shows, the best pedagogical result.

.2 Analysis of programs and textbooks on the use of experimental tasks in a school physics course

In high school (grades 10 - 11), five teaching aids are mainly common and used.

UMK - “Physics 10-11” author. Kasyanov V.A.

Class. 1-3 hours per week. Textbook, author. Kasyanov V.A.

The course is intended for students of general education classes for whom physics is not a core subject and must be studied in accordance with the basic component of the curriculum. The main goal is to form in schoolchildren ideas about the methodology of scientific knowledge, the role, place and relationship of theory and experiment in the process of knowledge, their relationship, the structure of the Universe and the position of man in the surrounding world. The course is designed to form students' opinion about the general principles of physics and the main problems that it solves; carry out environmental education for schoolchildren, i.e. to form their understanding of the scientific aspects of environmental protection; develop a scientific approach to the analysis of newly discovered phenomena. In terms of content and methods of presenting educational material, this teaching material has been refined by the author to a greater extent than others, but requires 3 or more hours of study per week (grades 10-11). The kit includes:

Methodological manual for teachers.

A notebook for laboratory work for each textbook.

UMK - “Physics 10-11”, author. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B., Sotsky N.N.

Class. 3-4 hours per week. Textbook, author. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B., Sotsky N.N.

Class. 3-4 hours per week. Textbook, author. Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B.

Physics 10th grade. Designed for 3 or more hours per week, to the team of the first two well-known authors Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. Sotsky N.N. was added, who wrote a section on mechanics, the study of which has now become necessary in a senior specialized school. Physics 11th grade. 3 - 4 hours per week. The team of authors is the same: Myakishev G.Ya., Bukhovtsev B.B. This course has been slightly reworked and remains almost unchanged compared to the “old Myakishev”. There is a slight transfer of certain parts to the graduating class. This set is a revised version of traditional textbooks (almost the entire USSR studied with them) for high school by the same authors.

UMK - “Physics 10-11”, author. Antsiferov L. I.

Class. 3 hours per week. Textbook, author. Antsiferov L.I.

The course program is based on the cyclical principle of constructing educational material, which involves the study of physical theory, its use in solving problems, and the application of theory in practice. Two levels of educational content have been identified: a basic minimum, mandatory for everyone, and educational material of increased difficulty, addressed to schoolchildren who are especially interested in physics. This textbook was written by a famous methodologist from Kursk, prof. Antsiferov L.I. Many years of work at a pedagogical university and lecturing to students led to the creation of this school course. These textbooks are difficult for the general education level and require revision and additional teaching materials.

UMK - “Physics 10-11”, author. Gromov S.V.

Class. 3 hours per week. Textbook, author. Gromov S.V.

Class. 2 hours a week. Textbook, author. Gromov S.V.

The textbooks are intended for senior grades of secondary schools. Includes a theoretical presentation of “school physics.” At the same time, significant attention is paid to historical materials and facts. The order of presentation is unusual: mechanics ends with the chapter of SRT, followed by electrodynamics, MCT, quantum physics, physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. This structure, according to the author of the course, allows students to form a more rigorous idea of ​​the modern physical picture of the world in the minds of students. The practical part is represented by descriptions of the minimum number of standard laboratory works. The passage of the material involves solving a large number of problems; algorithms for solving their main types are given. In all the textbooks presented above for high school, the so-called general educational level should be implemented, but this will largely depend on the pedagogical skill of the teacher. All these textbooks in a modern school can be used in classes of natural science, technical and other profiles, with a schedule of 4-5 hours per week.

UMK - “Physics 10-11”, author. Mansurov A. N., Mansurov N. A.

Grade 11. 2 hours (1 hour) per week. Textbook, author. Mansurov A. N., Mansurov N. A.

Only a few schools use this kit! But it is the first textbook for the supposed humanitarian profile of physics. The authors tried to form an idea of ​​the physical picture of the world; the mechanical, electrodynamic and quantum-statistical pictures of the world are sequentially considered. The course content includes elements of cognitive methods. The course contains a fragmentary description of laws, theories, processes and phenomena. The mathematical apparatus is almost not used and is replaced by a verbal description of physical models. Problem solving and laboratory work are not provided. In addition to the textbook, methodological manuals and planning have been published.

3 A new approach to conducting experimental tasks in physics using Lego construction kits using the example of the “Mechanics” section

physics school experimental mechanics

The implementation of modern requirements for the development of experimental skills is impossible without the use of new approaches to practical work. It is necessary to use a methodology in which laboratory work does not perform an illustrative function for the material being studied, but is a full-fledged part of the content of education and requires the use of research methods in teaching. At the same time, the role of frontal experiment increases when studying new material using a research approach, and the maximum number of experiments should be transferred from the teacher’s demonstration table to the students’ desks. When planning the educational process, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the number of laboratory works, but also to the types of activities that they form. It is advisable to transfer some of the work from carrying out indirect measurements to research on checking dependencies between quantities and plotting graphs of empirical dependencies. At the same time, pay attention to the formation of the following skills: construct an experimental setup based on the formulation of the experimental hypothesis; build graphs and calculate the values ​​of physical quantities from them; analyze the results of experimental studies, expressed in the form of experimental studies, expressed in the form of a table or graph, draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment.

The federal component of the state educational standard in physics assumes the priority of an activity-based approach to the learning process, developing in students the ability to observe natural phenomena, describe and generalize the results of observations, and use simple measuring instruments to study physical phenomena; present the results of observations using tables, graphs and identify empirical dependencies on this basis; apply the acquired knowledge to explain various natural phenomena and processes, the principles of operation of the most important technical devices, and to solve physical problems. The use of Lego technologies in the educational process is of great importance for the implementation of these requirements.

The use of Lego constructors increases students' motivation to learn, because... this requires knowledge from almost all academic disciplines from the arts and history to mathematics and science. Cross-curricular activities build on a natural interest in the design and construction of various mechanisms.

The modern organization of educational activities requires that students make theoretical generalizations based on the results of their own activities. For the academic subject “physics” is an educational experiment.

The role, place and functions of independent experiment in teaching physics have fundamentally changed: students must master not only specific practical skills, but also the fundamentals of the natural scientific method of cognition, and this can only be realized through a system of independent experimental research. Lego constructors significantly mobilize such research.

A feature of teaching the academic subject “Physics” in the 2009/2010 academic year is the use of educational Lego constructors, which make it possible to fully implement the principle of student-centered learning, conduct demonstration experiments and laboratory work, covering almost all topics of the physics course and performing not so much illustrative work. function to the material being studied, but requiring the use of research methods, which helps to increase interest in the subject being studied.

1.Entertainment industry. FirstRobot. Set contains: 216 LEGO elements, including RCX block and IR transmitter, light sensor, 2 touch sensors, 2 9 V motors.

2.Automated devices. FirstRobot. Contains 828 LEGO pieces, including a LEGO RCX computer, an infrared transmitter, 2 light sensors, 2 touch sensors, 2 9V motors.

.FirstRobot NXT. The set includes: a programmable NXT control unit, three interactive servos, a set of sensors (distance, touch, sound, light, etc.), battery, connecting cables, as well as 407 LEGO building elements - beams, axles, gears, pins, bricks , plates, etc.

.Energy, work, power. Contains: four identical, fully complete mini-kits with 201 parts each, including motors and electrical capacitors.

.Technology and physics. The set contains: 352 parts designed to study the basic laws of mechanics and the theory of magnetism.

.Pneumatics. The set includes pumps, pipes, cylinders, valves, an air receiver and a pressure gauge for building pneumatic models.

.Renewable energy sources. The set contains 721 elements, including a micromotor, a solar battery, various gears and connecting wires.

PervoRobot kits based on RCX and NXT control units are designed to create programmable robotic devices that allow data collection from sensors and their primary processing.

Educational Lego construction sets of the “EDUCATIONAL” series (education) can be used in studying the “Mechanics” section (blocks, levers, types of motion, energy conversion, conservation laws). With sufficient motivation and methodological preparation, using thematic Lego kits, it is possible to cover the main sections of physics, which will make classes interesting and effective, and, therefore, provide high-quality training for students.

.4 Methodology for conducting a pedagogical experiment at the level of ascertaining experiment

There are two options for constructing a pedagogical experiment.

The first is when two groups of children participate in the experiment, one of which follows an experimental program, and the second follows a traditional one. At the third stage of the study, the levels of knowledge and skills of both groups will be compared.

The second is when one group of children participates in the experiment, and at the third stage the level of knowledge before and after the formative experiment is compared.

In accordance with the hypothesis and objectives of the study, a plan for a pedagogical experiment was developed, which included three stages.

The ascertaining stage was carried out in a month or a year. Its purpose was to study the characteristics / knowledge / skills, etc. ... in children... age.

At the formative stage (month, year), work was carried out on the formation..., using....

The control stage (month, year) was aimed at checking the assimilation by children... of age of the experimental program of knowledge/skills.

The experiment was carried out in.... A number of children (indicate age) took part in it.

At the first stage of the ascertaining experiment, children's ideas/knowledge/skills about...

A series of tasks was developed to study children's knowledge....

exercise. Target:

Analysis of the task performance showed: ...

exercise. Target:

Analysis of task completion...

exercise. ...

From 3 to 6 tasks.

The results of task analysis should be placed in tables. The tables indicate the number of children or the percentage of their total number. In the tables you can indicate the levels of development of this skill in children, or the number of tasks completed, etc. Example tables:

Table No....

Number of children No. Absolute number% 1 task (for certain knowledge, skills) 2 task 3 task

Or this table: (in this case it is necessary to indicate by what criteria children belong to a particular level)

To identify the level of... in children, we developed the following criteria:

Three levels were identified...:

High: ...

Average: ...

Short: ...

Table No. shows the ratio of the number of children in the control and experimental groups by level.

Table No....

Level of knowledge/skills Number of children No. Absolute number% High Average Low

The data obtained indicate that...

The experimental work carried out made it possible to determine ways and means... .

1.5 Conclusions on the first chapter

In the first chapter, we examined the role and significance of experimental tasks in studying physics at school. Definitions are given: experiment in pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, methods of teaching physics, experimental tasks in the same areas.

Having analyzed all the definitions, we can draw the following conclusion about the essence of the experimental tasks. Of course, the definition of these tasks as research is somewhat conditional, since the availability of a school physics classroom and the level of preparedness of students, even in high school, make the task of conducting physical research impossible. Therefore, research and creative tasks should include those tasks in which the student can discover new patterns unknown to him or to solve which he must make some kind of invention. Such an independent discovery of a law known in physics or the invention of a method for measuring a physical quantity is not a simple repetition of a known one. This discovery or invention, which has only subjective novelty, is for the student an objective proof of his ability for independent creativity and allows him to acquire the necessary confidence in his strengths and abilities. And yet it is possible to solve this problem.

Having analyzed the programs and textbooks “Physics”, grade 10, on the use of experimental tasks in the “Mechanics” section. It can be said that the laboratory work and experiments in this course are not carried out enough to fully comprehend all the material in the “Mechanics” section.

A new approach to teaching physics is also considered - the use of Lego constructors, which allow students to develop creative thinking.

Chapter 2. Development and methodology for conducting experimental tasks in the “Mechanics” section for students in the 10th grade of general education

1 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Kinematics of a point.” Guidelines for use in physics lessons

13 hours are allotted to study the topic of point kinematics.

Movement with constant acceleration.

An experimental task has been developed for this topic:

An Atwood machine is used to do the job.

To perform the work, the Atwood machine must be installed strictly vertically, which can be easily checked by the parallelism of the scale and thread.

Purpose of the experiment: Verification of the speed law


Check that the Atwood machine is installed vertically. Balancing loads.

The ring shelf P1 is fixed on the scale. Adjust its position.

An overload of 5-6 g is applied to the right load.

Moving uniformly accelerated from the top position to the annular shelf, the right load travels the path S1 in time t1 and acquires speed v by the end of this movement. On the annular shelf, the load releases overloads and then moves evenly at the speed it acquired at the end of acceleration. To determine it, it is necessary to measure the time t2 of movement of the load along the path S2. Thus, each experiment consists of two measurements: first, the uniformly accelerated time t1 is measured, and then the load is re-launched to measure the uniformly accelerated time t2.

Conduct 5-6 experiments at different values ​​of the path S1 (in increments of 15-20 cm). Path S2 is chosen randomly. The obtained data is entered into the report table.

Methodical features:

Despite the fact that the basic equations of the kinematics of rectilinear motion have a simple form and are beyond doubt, the experimental verification of these relationships is very difficult. Difficulties arise mainly for two reasons. Firstly, at sufficiently high speeds of movement of bodies it is necessary to measure the time of their movement with great accuracy. Secondly, in any system of moving bodies there are forces of friction and resistance, which are difficult to take into account with a sufficient degree of accuracy.

Therefore, it is necessary to carry out such experiments and experiments that remove all difficulties.

2 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Rigid body kinematics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

3 hours are allotted for studying the topic Kinematics, and includes the following sections:

Mechanical motion and its relativity. Translational and rotational motion of a rigid body. Material point. Trajectory of movement. Uniform and uniformly accelerated movement. Free fall. Movement of a body in a circle. On this topic, we proposed the following experimental task:

Goal of the work

Experimental verification of the basic equation for the dynamics of rotational motion of a rigid body around a fixed axis.

Experiment idea

The experiment examines the rotational motion of a system of bodies fixed on an axis, whose moment of inertia can change (Oberbeck pendulum). Various moments of external forces are created by loads suspended on a thread wound on a pulley.

Experimental setup

The axis of the Oberbeck pendulum is fixed in bearings, so that the entire system can rotate around a horizontal axis. By moving weights along the spokes, you can easily change the moment of inertia of the system. A thread is wound around the pulley, turn by turn, to which a platform of known mass is attached. Weights from the set are placed on the platform. The height of the drop of loads is measured using a ruler mounted parallel to the thread. The Oberbeck pendulum can be equipped with an electromagnetic clutch - a starter and an electronic stopwatch. Before each experiment, the pendulum should be carefully adjusted. Particular attention should be paid to the symmetry of the location of the loads on the cross. In this case, the pendulum finds itself in a state of indifferent equilibrium.

Conducting an experiment

Task 1. Estimation of the moment of friction force acting in the system


Place the weights m1 on the crosspiece in the middle position, placing them at an equal distance from the axis so that the pendulum is in a position of indifferent equilibrium.

By placing small loads on the platform, we determine approximately the minimum mass m0 at which the pendulum will begin to rotate. The moment of friction force is estimated from the relation

where R is the radius of the pulley on which the thread is wound.

It is advisable to carry out further measurements with loads of mass m 10m0.

Task 2. Checking the basic equation of the dynamics of rotational motion


Strengthen the m1 loads at a minimum distance from the axis of rotation. Balance the pendulum. The distance r is measured from the axis of the pendulum to the centers of the weights.

Wind the thread onto one of the pulleys. Using a scale ruler, select the initial position of the platform, counting, for example, along its lower edge. Then the final position of the load will be at the level of the raised receiving platform. The height of the fall of the load h is equal to the difference of these readings and can be left the same in all experiments.

The first load is placed on the platform. Having positioned the load at the level of the upper reference, fix this position by clamping the thread with an electromagnetic clutch. Prepare an electronic stopwatch for measurement.

The thread is released, allowing the load to fall. This is achieved by disabling the clutch. At the same time, the stopwatch automatically starts. Hitting the receiving platform stops the weight from falling and stops the stopwatch.

The fall time measurement with the same load is performed at least three times.

Measurements are made of the time of the fall of the load m at other values ​​of the moment Mn. To do this, either additional overloads are added to the platform, or the thread is transferred to another pulley. For the same value of the moment of inertia of the pendulum, it is necessary to carry out measurements with at least five values ​​of the moment Mn.

Increase the moment of inertia of the pendulum. To do this, it is enough to symmetrically move the weights m1 a few centimeters. The step of such movement must be chosen in such a way as to obtain 5-6 values ​​of the moment of inertia of the pendulum. Measurements are made of the drop time of the load m (item 2-item 7). All data is entered into the report table.

3 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Dynamics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

18 hours are allotted for studying the topic Dynamics.

Resistance forces during the movement of solids in liquids and gases.

Purpose of the experiment: Show how air speed affects the flight of an airplane.

Materials: small funnel, table tennis ball.

Turn the funnel over with the wide side facing down.

Place the ball into the funnel and support it with your finger.

Blow into the narrow end of the funnel.

Stop supporting the ball with your finger, but continue to blow.

Results: The ball remains in the funnel.

Why? The faster air passes by the ball, the less pressure it puts on the ball. The air pressure above the ball is much less than below it, so the ball is supported by the air below it. Due to the pressure of the moving air, the wings of the aircraft seem to be pushed upward. Due to the shape of the wing, air moves faster over its upper surface than under its lower surface. Therefore, a force arises that pushes the plane upward - lift. .

4 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Conservation laws in mechanics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

16 hours are allocated for the topic of conservation laws in mechanics.

Law of conservation of momentum. (5 o'clock)

For this topic, we proposed the following experimental task:

Goal: study the law of conservation of momentum.

Each of you has probably encountered the following situation: you are running at a certain speed along the corridor and come across a standing person. What's going on with this person? Indeed, he begins to move, i.e. gains speed.

Let's do an experiment on the interaction of two balls. Two identical balls hang on thin threads. Let's move the left ball to the side and release it. After the collision of the balls, the left one will stop, and the right one will start moving. The height to which the right ball rises will coincide with the one to which the left ball was previously deflected. That is, the left ball transfers all its momentum to the right one. By how much the momentum of the first ball decreases, the momentum of the second ball increases by the same amount. If we talk about a system of 2 balls, then the momentum of the system remains unchanged, that is, it is conserved.

Such a collision is called elastic (slides No. 7-9).

Signs of an elastic collision:

-There is no permanent deformation and, therefore, both conservation laws in mechanics are satisfied.

-After interaction, the bodies move together.

-Examples of this type of interaction: playing tennis, hockey, etc.

-If the mass of a moving body is greater than the mass of a stationary body (m1 > m2), then it reduces its speed without changing direction.

-If it’s the other way around, then the first body is reflected from it and moves in the opposite direction.

There is also an inelastic collision

Let's observe: take one big ball, one small one. The small ball is at rest, and the big one is set in motion towards the small one.

After the collision, the balls move together at the same speed.

Signs of an elastic collision:

-As a result of interaction, the bodies move together.

-The bodies develop residual deformation, therefore, mechanical energy is converted into internal energy.

-Only the law of conservation of momentum is satisfied.

-Examples from life experience: a meteorite colliding with the Earth, hitting an anvil with a hammer, etc.

-If the masses are equal (one of the bodies is motionless), half of the mechanical energy is lost,

-If m1 is much less than m2, then most of it is lost (bullet and wall),

-If on the contrary, an insignificant part of the energy is transferred (icebreaker and small ice floe).

That is, there are two types of collisions: elastic and inelastic. .

5 Development of systems of experimental tasks on the topic “Statics”. Guidelines for use in physics lessons

To study the topic “Statics. Equilibrium of Absolutely Solid Bodies” is given 3 hours.

For this topic, we proposed the following experimental task:

Purpose of the experiment: Find the position of the center of gravity.

Materials: plasticine, two metal forks, a toothpick, a tall glass or a wide-necked jar.

Roll a ball of plasticine about 4 cm in diameter.

Insert a fork into the ball.

Insert the second fork into the ball at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the first fork.

Insert a toothpick into the ball between the forks.

Place the end of the toothpick on the edge of the glass and move it towards the center of the glass until equilibrium is achieved.

Results: At a certain position, the toothpicks of the fork are balanced.

Why? Since the forks are located at an angle to each other, their weight seems to be concentrated at a certain point on the stick located between them. This point is called the center of gravity.

.6 Conclusions on the second chapter

In the second chapter we presented experimental tasks on the topic “Mechanics”.

It was found that each experiment develops concepts that allow qualitative characteristics in the form of numbers. In order to draw general conclusions from observations and find out the causes of phenomena, it is necessary to establish quantitative relationships between quantities. If such a dependence is obtained, then a physical law has been found. If a physical law is found, then there is no need to experiment in each individual case; it is enough to perform the appropriate calculations.

By experimentally studying quantitative relationships between quantities, patterns can be identified. Based on these laws, a general theory of phenomena is developed.


Already in the definition of physics as a science there is a combination of both theoretical and practical parts. It is considered important that in the process of teaching students physics, the teacher can demonstrate to his students as fully as possible the interrelation of these parts. After all, when students feel this relationship, they will be able to give a correct theoretical explanation to many processes occurring around them in everyday life, in nature. This may be an indicator of a fairly complete mastery of the material.

What forms of practical training can be offered in addition to the teacher's story? First of all, of course, this is the observation by students of demonstrations of experiments carried out by the teacher in the classroom when explaining new material or when repeating what has been learned; it is also possible to offer experiments conducted by the students themselves in the classroom during lessons in the process of frontal laboratory work under the direct supervision of the teacher. You can also offer: 1) experiments conducted by the students themselves in the classroom during a physical workshop; 2) demonstration experiments conducted by students when answering; 3) experiments carried out by students outside of school on the teacher’s homework; 4) observations of short-term and long-term phenomena of nature, technology and everyday life, carried out by students at home on special instructions from the teacher.

Experience not only teaches, it captivates the student and forces him to better understand the phenomenon that he demonstrates. After all, it is known that a person interested in the final result achieves success. So in this case, having interested the student, we will arouse a thirst for knowledge.


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14.Theory and methods of teaching physics at school. General issues. Edited by S.E. Kamenetsky, N.S. Purysheva. - M.: GEOTAR Media, 2007. - 640 p.

15.Kharlamov I.F. Pedagogy. Ed. 2nd revision and additional - M.: Higher School, 2009 - 576 p.

16.Shilov V.F. Home experimental assignments in physics. 9 - 11 grades. - M.: Knowledge, 2008. - 96 p.

Answer to the question

The relationship between the real and the possible, the relationship between There is And May be - this is the intellectual innovation that, according to the classical studies of J. Piaget and his school, becomes available to children after 11-12 years of age. Numerous critics of Piaget tried to show that the age of 11-12 years is very conditional and can be shifted in any direction, that the transition to a new intellectual level does not occur in a jerk, but goes through a number of intermediate stages. But no one disputed the very fact that at the border between primary school and adolescence, a new quality appears in a person’s intellectual life. The teenager begins the analysis of the problem facing him by trying to figure out the possible relationships that apply to the data at his disposal, and then tries, through a combination of experiment and logical analysis, to establish which of the possible relationships actually exist here.

The fundamental reorientation of thinking from knowledge of how reality works to the search for potential opportunities that lie behind the immediate given is called the transition to hypothetico-deductive thinking.

New hypothetico-deductive means of comprehending the world dramatically expand the boundaries of a teenager’s inner life: his world is filled with ideal constructions, hypotheses about himself, others, and humanity as a whole. These hypotheses go far beyond the boundaries of existing relationships and directly observable properties of people (including themselves) and become the basis for experimental testing of one’s own potential capabilities.

Hypothetico-deductive thinking is based on the development of combinatorics and propositional operations. The first step of cognitive restructuring is characterized by the fact that thinking becomes less objective and visual. If at the stage of concrete operations the child sorts objects only on the basis of identity or similarity, it now becomes possible to classify heterogeneous objects in accordance with arbitrarily chosen higher-order criteria. New combinations of objects or categories are analyzed, abstract statements or ideas are compared with each other in a wide variety of ways. Thinking goes beyond the observable and limited reality and operates with an arbitrary number of any combinations. By combining objects, it is now possible to systematically understand the world and detect possible changes in it, although adolescents are not yet able to express in formulas the mathematical patterns hidden behind this. However, the very principle of such a description has already been found and realized.

Propositional operations are mental actions carried out, in contrast to concrete operations, not with objective representations, but with abstract concepts. They cover judgments that are combined in terms of their correspondence or inconsistency with a proposed situation (truth or untruth). This is not just a new way to connect facts, but a logical system that is much richer and more variable than specific operations. It becomes possible to analyze any situation regardless of real circumstances; Teenagers for the first time acquire the ability to systematically build and test hypotheses. At the same time, there is further development of specific mental operations. Abstract concepts (such as volume, weight, force, etc.) are now processed in the mind independently of concrete circumstances. Reflection on one’s own thoughts becomes possible. Inferences are based on it, which no longer need to be verified in practice, since they comply with the formal laws of logic. Thinking begins to obey formal logic.

Thus, between the 11th and 15th years of life, significant structural changes occur in the cognitive area, expressed in the transition to abstract and formal thinking. They complete a line of development that began in infancy with the formation of sensorimotor structures and continues in childhood until the prepubertal period, with the formation of specific mental operations.

Laboratory work “Electromagnetic induction”

This work studies the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction.

Goals of work

Measure the voltage that occurs when a magnet moves in a coil.

Investigate the effects of changing the poles of a magnet when moving in a coil, changing the speed of movement of the magnet, and using different magnets on the resulting voltage.

Find the change in magnetic flux when a magnet is lowered into the coil.

Work order

Place the tube into the reel.

Mount the handset on a tripod.

Connect the voltage sensor to output 1 of the Panel. When working with the CoachLab II/II+ Panel, instead of a voltage sensor, wires with 4 mm plugs are used.

Connect the wires to the yellow and black output 3 jacks (this circuit is shown in the figure and described in the Coach Lab section).

Open Coach 6 Exploring Physics Labs >Electromagnetic Induction.

Start measurements by pressing the Start button. When performing work, automatic recording is used. Thanks to this, despite the fact that the experiment lasts approximately half a second, the resulting induced emf can be measured. When the amplitude of the measured voltage reaches a certain value (by default, when the voltage increases and reaches a value of 0.3 V), the computer will begin recording the measured signal.

Start pushing the magnet into the plastic tube.

Measurements will begin when the voltage reaches 0.3 V, which corresponds to the beginning of the magnet's descent.

If the minimum trigger value is very close to zero, then recording may start due to signal interference. Therefore, the minimum value for startup should not be close to zero.

If the trigger value is higher than the maximum (below the minimum) voltage value, recording will never start automatically. In this case, you need to change the launch conditions.

Analysis of the received data

It may turn out that the resulting voltage versus time dependence is not symmetrical with respect to the zero voltage value. This means there is interference. This will not affect the qualitative analysis, but corrections must be made in the calculations to take these interferences into account.

Explain the waveform (minima and maximum) of the recorded voltage.

Explain why the maxima (minimums) are asymmetrical.

Determine when the magnetic flux changes the most.

Determine the total change in magnetic flux during the first half of the movement stage when the magnet was pushed into the coil?

To find this value, use the options either Process/Analyze > Area or Process/Analyze > Integral.

Determine the total change in magnetic flux during the second half of the movement stage when the magnet was pulled out of the coil?

Tags: Development of a system of experimental tasks in physics using the example of the “Mechanics” section Diploma in Pedagogy

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Slide captions:

Study of the dependence of the pressure of solids on the pressure force and on the surface area on which the pressure force acts

In 7th grade, we completed a task to calculate the pressure that a student produces while standing on the floor. The task is interesting, educational and has great practical significance in a person’s life. We decided to study this issue.

Purpose: to study the dependence of pressure on the force and surface area on which the body acts Equipment: scales; shoes with different sole areas; squared paper; camera.

In order to calculate the pressure, we need to know the area and force P = F/S P - pressure (Pa) F - force (N) S - area (m sq.)

EXPERIMENT-1 Dependence of pressure on area, with a constant force Purpose: to determine the dependence of the pressure of a solid body on the area of ​​support. The method for calculating the area of ​​irregularly shaped bodies is as follows: - we count the number of whole squares, - we count the number of squares of a known area that are not whole and divide in half, - we sum up the areas of whole and non-whole squares. To do this, we must use a pencil to trace the edges of the outsole and heel; count the number of complete (B) and incomplete cells (C) and determine the area of ​​one cell (S c); S 1 = (B + C/2) · S k We get the answer in cm sq., which must be converted to sq. m. 1cm sq.=0.0001 sq.m.

In order to calculate the force, we need the mass of the body under study F=m*g F – gravity m – body mass g – free fall acceleration

Data for finding pressure Experiment No. Shoes with different S S (m2) F (N) P (Pa) 1 Stiletto heels 2 Platform shoes 3 Flat shoes

Pressure exerted on the surface Stiletto heels p= Platform shoes p= Flat shoes p= Conclusion: the pressure of a solid body on the support decreases with increasing area

What shoes to wear? - Scientists have found that the pressure exerted by one stud is approximately equal to the pressure exerted by 137 crawler tractors. - An elephant presses on 1 square centimeter of surface with 25 times less weight than a woman wearing a 13 centimeter heel. Heels are the main cause of flat feet in women

EXPERIMENT-2 Dependence of pressure on mass, with a constant area Purpose: to determine the dependence of the pressure of a solid on its mass.

How does pressure depend on mass? Mass of a student m= P= Mass of a student with a backpack on his back m= P=

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Organization of experimental work on the implementation of a system for monitoring the quality of education in the work practice of subject teachers

Monitoring in education does not replace or break the traditional system of intra-school management and control, but helps ensure its stability, long-term and reliability. It is held there...

1. Explanatory note to the experimental work on the topic “Formation of grammatical competence in preschoolers in a speech center.” 2. Calendar-thematic plan for speech therapy classes...

The program provides a clear system for studying the creativity of F.I. Tyutchev in 10th grade....


physics teacher
SAOU NPO Vocational School No. 3, Buzuluk

Pedsovet.su – thousands of materials for a teacher’s daily work

Experimental work to develop the ability of vocational school students to solve problems in physics.

Solving problems is one of the main ways to develop students' thinking, as well as consolidate their knowledge. Therefore, after analyzing the current situation, when some students could not solve even a basic problem, not only because of problems with physics, but also with mathematics. My task consisted of a mathematical side and a physical one.

In my work to overcome students’ mathematical difficulties, I used the experience of teachers N.I. Odintsova (Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical University) and E.E. Yakovets (Moscow, secondary school No. 873) with correction cards. The cards are modeled after cards used in a mathematics course, but are focused on a physics course. Cards were made on all questions of the mathematics course that cause difficulties for students in physics lessons (“Converting units of measurement”, “Using the properties of a degree with an integer exponent”, “Expressing a quantity from a formula”, etc.)

Correction cards have similar structures:

    rule→ pattern→ task

    definition, actions → sample → task

    actions → sample → task

Correction cards are used in the following cases:

    For preparation for tests and as material for independent study.

Students in a lesson or additional lesson in physics before a test, knowing their gaps in mathematics, can receive a specific card on a poorly understood mathematical question, study and eliminate the gap.

    To work on mathematical mistakes made in the test.

After checking the test work, the teacher analyzes the students’ mathematical difficulties and draws their attention to the mistakes made, which they eliminate in class or in an additional lesson.

    To work with students in preparation for the Unified State Exam and various Olympiads.

When studying another physical law, and at the end of studying a small chapter or section, I suggest that students fill out table No. 2 together for the first time, and then independently (homework). At the same time, I give an explanation that such tables will help us in solving problems.

Table No. 2


physical quantity

To this end, in the first problem-solving lesson, I show students with a concrete example how to use this table. And I propose an algorithm for solving elementary physical problems.

    Determine which quantity is unknown in the problem.

    Using table No. 1, find out the designation, units of measurement of the quantity, as well as the mathematical law connecting the unknown quantity and the quantities specified in the problem.

    Check the completeness of the data necessary to solve the problem. If they are insufficient, use the appropriate values ​​from the lookup table.

    Write a short notation, analytical solution and numerical answer to the problem in generally accepted notation.

I draw students’ attention to the fact that the algorithm is quite simple and universal. It can be applied to solving an elementary problem from almost any section of school physics. Later, elementary tasks will be included as auxiliary tasks in higher-level tasks.

There are quite a lot of such algorithms for solving problems on specific topics, but it is almost impossible to remember them all, so it is more expedient to teach students not methods for solving individual problems, but a method for finding their solution.

The process of solving a problem consists of gradually correlating the conditions of the problem with its requirements. When starting to study physics, students do not have experience solving physics problems, but some elements of the process of solving problems in mathematics can be transferred to solving problems in physics. The process of teaching students the ability to solve physical problems is based on the conscious formation of their knowledge about the means of solution.

To this end, in the first problem-solving lesson, students should be introduced to a physical problem: present to them the condition of the problem as a specific plot situation in which some physical phenomenon occurs.

Of course, the process of developing students’ ability to independently solve problems begins with developing their ability to perform simple operations. First of all, students should be taught to correctly and completely write down a short note (“Given”). To do this, they are asked to identify the structural elements of a phenomenon from the text of several problems: a material object, its initial and final states, an influencing object and the conditions of their interaction. According to this scheme, first the teacher and then each of the students independently analyze the conditions of the tasks received.

Let us illustrate what has been said with examples of analyzing the conditions of the following physical problems (Table No. 3):

    An ebony ball, negatively charged, is suspended on a silk thread. Will the force of its tension change if a second identical but positively charged ball is placed at the point of suspension?

    If a charged conductor is covered with dust, it quickly loses its charge. Why?

    Between two plates located horizontally in a vacuum at a distance of 4.8 mm from each other, a negatively charged oil droplet weighing 10 ng is in equilibrium. How many “excess” electrons does the drop have if a voltage of 1 kV is applied to the plates?

Table No. 3

Structural elements of the phenomenon

The unmistakable identification of the structural elements of the phenomenon in the text of the problem by all students (after analyzing 5-6 problems) allows them to move on to the next part of the lesson, which is aimed at students mastering the sequence of operations. Thus, in total, students analyze about 14 problems (without completing the solution), which turns out to be sufficient for learning to perform the action “identifying the structural elements of a phenomenon.”

Table No. 4

Card - prescription

Assignment: express the structural elements of the phenomenon in

physical concepts and quantities

Indicative signs

    Replace the material object indicated in the problem with the corresponding idealized object Express the characteristics of the initial object using physical quantities. Replace the influencing object specified in the problem with the corresponding idealized object. Express the characteristics of the influencing object using physical quantities. Express the characteristics of interaction conditions using physical quantities. Express the characteristics of the final state of a material object using physical quantities.

Next, students are taught to express the structural elements of the phenomenon under consideration and their characteristics in the language of physical science, which is extremely important, since all physical laws are formulated for certain models, and for the real phenomenon described in the problem, a corresponding model must be built. For example: “small charged ball” - a point charge; “thin thread” - the mass of the thread is negligible; “silk thread” - no charge leakage, etc.

The process of forming this action is similar to the previous one: first, the teacher, in a conversation with students, shows with 2-3 examples how to perform it, then students perform the operations independently.

The action “drawing up a plan for solving a problem” is formed in students immediately, since the components of the operation are already known to the students and have been mastered by them. After showing a sample of the action, each student is given a card for independent work - the instruction “Drafting a plan for solving a problem.” The formation of this action is carried out until it is performed accurately by all students.

Table No. 5

Card - prescription

“Drawing up a plan to solve a problem”

Operations Performed

    Determine which characteristics of the material object have changed as a result of the interaction. Find out the reason behind this change in the state of the object. Write down the cause-and-effect relationship between the impact under given conditions and the change in the state of the object in the form of an equation. Express each member of the equation in terms of physical quantities that characterize the state of the object and the conditions of interaction. Select the required physical quantity. Express the required physical quantity in terms of other known ones.

The fourth and fifth stages of problem solving are carried out traditionally. After mastering all the actions that make up the content of the method for finding a solution to a physical problem, a complete list of them is written out on a card, which serves as a guide for students in independently solving problems over several lessons.

For me, this method is valuable because what students learn when studying one of the branches of physics (when it becomes a style of thinking) is successfully applied when solving problems in any section.

During the experiment, it became necessary to print algorithms for solving problems on separate sheets of paper for students to work on not only in class and after class, but also at home. As a result of the work on developing subject-specific competence in solving problems, a folder of didactic material for solving problems was compiled, which could be used by any student. Then, together with the students, several copies of such folders were made for each table.

The use of an individual approach helped to form in students the most important components of educational activity - self-esteem and self-control. The correctness of the problem solving process was checked by the teacher and student consultants, and then more and more students began to help each other more and more often, involuntarily getting involved in the problem solving process.