Single information day. Practice of preparing and holding common information days

One of the most active forms of ideological work is meetings of information and propaganda groups and speakers with the population and labor collectives within the framework of single day of information.

The role of unified information days, at which members of information and propaganda groups speak, is very important. They are an effective “feedback” link with people. Citizens are explained their rights and responsibilities, state policies and decisions of local authorities; There is an exchange of views on the most pressing social issues, and the problems of settlements and labor collectives do not go unnoticed. Received proposals, comments and requests are summarized, measures are taken on them, and their implementation is monitored.

Unified information days, like no other form of work, make it possible to develop fruitful interaction between the authorities and citizens of the country. In each specific case, another effect is achieved: residents’ dissatisfaction is forestalled. Many issues raised at the single information day are resolved more quickly, and people are convinced that managers are attentive to their problems. It is very important when each member of the workforce really sees that the local government is ready to solve their problems. Practice shows that it is always easier to resolve any issue on the spot, in a working manner, than through bureaucratic methods.

The main tasks of outreach groups are:

  • 1. Explanation of the ideology of the Belarusian state and the main directions of the ongoing state policy.
  • 2. Widely informing citizens of the country about the activities of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and other government bodies.
  • 3. Study of public opinion and analysis of the socio-political situation in the country.
  • 4. Determination of priority areas in information and propaganda work among teams and the population.
  • 5. Providing methodological and organizational assistance to group members, ensuring control over their activities.
  • 6. Study and generalize the experience of ideological and information work of regional information and propaganda groups, prepare recommendations for improving their activities.
  • 7. Consideration of citizen appeals received during unified days of informing the population; responding to the analysis of statements and complaints during speeches by members of advocacy groups.
  • 8. Organization of coverage in the media of materials of socio-political and socio-economic orientation.

Three stages can be distinguished in holding a single awareness day: preparing materials and speakers for presentations; field visits of information groups and speakers; analysis of complaints, questions and proposals from citizens received during meetings.

On a local basis, annually, taking into account the proposals of the regional executive committee, the themes of unified information days are developed and approved. It includes the most pressing issues relevant to the current moment. During first stage On the eve of the next information day, the ideological work department prepares information developments, compiles statistical data, and other methodological materials that are provided to members of information and propaganda groups during the instructional meeting.

Second phase a single awareness day - a meeting of outreach groups and a group of speakers - largely depends on the quality of the first stage. The travel schedule of information groups takes into account the circumstances that arise on certain farms, enterprises, organizations, and the composition of the group may vary depending on what problems are expected to be encountered during the meeting. Group leaders plan the trip so that they can meet with different categories of the population on the same day.

It is worth noting that visits by information groups stimulate the revival of rest rooms and red corners at production facilities as meeting places with representatives of the executive branch.

Third stage - systematization and analysis of received applications and proposals. This stage requires painstaking work, since during the meetings, issues from the field of politics, trade, culture, agriculture, law, as well as local problems are discussed in one block.

Great value in Bobruisk district play on-farm information days , held in the production departments of farms on the day of the livestock breeder or the day of the machine operator. When meeting with employees of farms and machine yards, managers and specialists of farms (in addition to summing up the results of work for the month) inform about events taking place in the district, region, and republic. During these meetings, it is possible to resolve the largest number of issues within the competence of local authorities and business managers.

Representatives of regional media are invited to visits of information and propaganda groups to work collectives and places of residence. Chairmen of village councils, deputy heads of enterprises, farms and organizations for ideological work are involved in the work of information groups. In addition to the main topics recommended for the information day, group members talk about the work of their service. The work of the groups is positively affected by the preparatory work of the ideological work department, which, when conducting methodological training of information activists, studies the problems of the part or population before which the group will speak. This allows you to adjust the group’s work plan, its composition, and sometimes, by the time the information day is held, solve the problem that has arisen.

During the unified information days, members of information groups collect questions and suggestions from citizens, analyze the implementation of decisions of the district executive committee and state social standards. The Department of Ideological Work exercises control over the consideration of received issues, summarizes information received from managers IPG information and reports conclusions to the chairman of the district executive committee.

Often, speakers (in parallel with information messages) conduct opinion polls . This is the simplest but most effective method that allows you to constantly “keep your finger on the pulse” of public opinion.

During the week following the meeting, responses to complaints and suggestions received are provided through the media. Issues requiring detailed consideration are sent in writing to the relevant services and within a month they receive the necessary clarifications, which are brought to the attention of applicants on subsequent days of notification. Questions received during the single information day, and the answers to them, are also used in preparing and conducting subsequent seminars with members of outreach groups and speakers of the district executive committee.

In many regions, the practice has developed of conducting on-site receptions of citizens on personal issues at their place of residence. Reception of citizens is carried out by the management staff of the executive committee according to a schedule approved by the chairman of the executive committee and published in the district newspaper. When conducting such receptions, issues requiring additional consideration are put under control by the general department of the district executive committee. Within a month, all questions are answered by the applicant.

Department of Ideological Work Polotsk District Executive Committee Methodological training is conducted regularly (once a month) according to the approved schedule with deputy leaders for ideological work. During these meetings, issues of organizing the visit of district information groups, holding the next information day, the results of the last information day with a report on solutions to questions asked during meetings with the population, with labor collectives, consultations on various issues (requests) are considered.

The following issues were considered:

  • 1. On improving ideological work in work collectives and in working with the population.
  • 2. Work on educational and production-economic information.
  • 3. Work of the council on outreach work ( information group : ensuring the delivery of the necessary information to all structural units, including sections, brigades, units). Creation of information corners in places where workers are in large numbers.
  • 4. “Feedback”, working with suggestions and criticisms, taking them into account.
  • 5. System of preparation and holding of state, professional holidays, as well as holidays related to the labor cycle.
  • 6. On coordinating the activities of public groups.
  • 7. On the practice of moral and material incentives for employees (Roll of Honor, honoring advanced workers, professional skills competitions, competitions).
  • 8. On the creation of primary organizations of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and the organization of work with youth.

The information asset receives materials for the next information day and materials on other issues of interest to the population.

At Gorki district executive committee information groups are headed by members of the district executive committee. The information and legal groups include representatives of the department of internal affairs, the interdistrict prosecutor's office, the court, the district department for emergency situations, natural resources and environmental protection, the district center of hygiene and epidemiology, and the district media.

Every month, according to the approved schedule, meetings are held in the work collectives of enterprises, organizations and institutions, farms, in populated areas, at which those present are informed about the main events in the economic, political, socio-cultural life of the district, region, republic, and receive reliable and competent information about socio-economic development of the region about the crime level, about the work of law enforcement agencies.

For the purpose of more qualified disclosure of the topics of unified information days, health workers, state automobile inspectorates, social service centers and others are additionally involved in the information groups.

Issues received during the meetings and requiring a longer time to resolve and the allocation of funds are sent to the relevant district services for response and are put under control in the district executive committee.

Along with the information and legal groups of the district executive committee, work to inform the population is carried out by information groups of rural executive committees, which organize meetings in structural divisions of collective and state farms, organizations and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, settlements located in subordinate territories.

Workers of the ideological vertical are students of the seminar on a permanent basis (categories: employees of the executive committee apparatus and managers and chief specialists in the social sphere). In addition, in 2004, quarterly, according to the annual plan, seminars and meetings were held with deputy leaders on ideological work, in which employees of departments of the district executive committee, law enforcement agencies, the department of labor and social protection of the population, other services of the district, and teachers of humanities were involved in teaching. Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

By decision Lepel City Executive Committee the regulation “On information and propaganda groups” was approved, the composition and schedule of visits of groups working both in the city and in the countryside (the system of work for groups of rural councils, enterprises and organizations is similar).

Coordinating the organization of information and ideological work among various categories of the population of the district, the city executive committee summarizes and organizes work to implement the critical comments and suggestions of citizens expressed during speeches of information and propaganda groups. The population is informed about the measures taken through the district newspaper, television and radio, and speeches by the leaders of information groups during subsequent unified information days. This has a positive effect on improving the moral and socio-economic situation in the area and increases the effectiveness of information work.

There are usually fewer questions from the audience during performances in rural areas. This form of work is actively used here as “ door-to-door crawls».

Employees of the city executive committee (in accordance with the schedule, monthly, for 2 - 3 days) visit every house in all villages of one of the 10 rural councils of the district. The purpose of such a walk-through is not only to study the needs and demands of rural residents, but also to convey information to the population. This form of information work justified itself during the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the republican Referendum, when representatives of the authorities in the full sense of the word reached every person.

To inform remote settlements of the region, it is widely used to place “Village Council Informs” information stands in places with the greatest concentration of people (shops, bus stops, cultural institutions, medical institutions, etc.). This form of information allows you to regularly bring the necessary information to the population. An example is the newspaper showcase “Lepelsky Krai”, an extensive information stand located on the central road in front of the building of the village council, as well as stands located in the premises of the village council, which constantly find their readers.

When carrying out information and ideological work, meetings of livestock workers, machine operators, and general meetings of workers of business entities, held by heads of organizations with the invitation of representatives of the city executive committee, are widely used.

In order to diversify the forms of communication with the population, to strengthen direct contacts with residents, “direct lines” are conducted with the heads of district services, in whose work district residents have great interest. In order to promptly and widely inform the population about the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Belarus, region and district, to study the needs and requests of citizens, the chairman of the city executive committee, his deputies, and members of the executive committee receive citizens according to the approved schedule in the city executive committee, village executive committees, and villages.

The presentations of information groups on legal knowledge are of increasing interest in work collectives. Such groups, for example, in Lepel district two have been created, consisting of representatives of the prosecutor's office, court, city executive committee, tax inspectorate, social and other services. The main task of the group is to provide legal information about the areas most necessary for the life and activities of the population. The departure of each group is prepared in advance by an employee of the ideological work department. Having previously contacted the head of the organization in which the group is scheduled to perform, questions to which listeners want answers are determined. Questions are brought to the information group members in advance for the purpose of preparation. This type of legal information is interesting for the population and has great practical importance. The issues discussed are also covered in the regional media.

A single information day takes place every third Thursday of the month. In the regional newspaper "Pratsa" (Zelvensky district) messages about its implementation are published. The day before, meetings are organized with speakers and representatives of village executive committees. For each topic, they are given information and methodological developments. Additionally, the topic of the speakers' speeches is selected by studying the problems that citizens address to the district executive committee, the district newspaper, and proposals received during meetings in labor collectives are also taken into account. To monitor the implementation of critical comments, proposals, requests and appeals expressed during a single day of informing the population, a gathering of citizens, a special control card is filled out.

The structural link of the ideological work department of the district executive committee is the information and methodological center, which ensures the collection, storage and systematization of information. Work is underway to create a data bank about the history and prospects for the development of the region, various sectors of the economy, and social aspects of the region’s development. Information passports of the district, 9 village councils and 10 large organizations have already been created.


(material for advocacy groups

1. Public associations in the political system of the Republic of Belarus

Public organizations play an important role in the formation of modern civil society in Belarus, the establishment of democracy, and the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. Their contribution to solving national and regional problems related to social protection of the population is becoming increasingly noticeable. Today, in world practice, the generally accepted designation of public organizations is the term “third sector” (the first sector is public, the second sector is commercial).

In accordance with Law of the Republic of Belarus dated October 4, 1994 No. 3254-XII “On public associations”public association“is a voluntary association of citizens who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, have united on the basis of common interests for the joint implementation of civil, social, cultural and other rights.”

The state guarantees the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of public associations and unions. Interference by state bodies and officials in the activities of public associations, unions, as well as interference of public associations, unions in the activities of state bodies and officials, is not allowed, except in cases provided for by law.

In the Republic of Belarus, the creation and activities of public associations are regulated by the following main regulatory legal acts: the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated January 6, 1999 No. 2 “On some measures to streamline the activities of political parties, trade unions, and other public associations”, Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Public Associations” (as amended on July 19, 2005), the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Political Parties” (as amended on July 19, 2005), as well as the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated April 22 1992 “On trade unions”, Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus.

In Belarus, special importance is attached to the development of the youth movement, which is the main resource in the implementation of the state’s youth policy. The youth movement in the country is regulated by the Laws: “On the general principles of state youth policy in the Republic of Belarus” dated April 24, 1992, “On state support of youth and children's public associations in the Republic of Belarus” dated November 9, 1999.

In order to implement youth policy and further develop the youth movement, the Decree of the Head of State of April 4, 2006 No. 200 approved the republican program “Youth of Belarus” for 2006-2010.

As of January 1, 2009 15 political parties, 36 trade unions, 2,221 public associations (224 international, 702 republican and 1,295 local), 22 unions (associations) of public associations, as well as 75 foundations (8 international, 3 republican and 64 local) are registered in the republic. Registered (registered) 1,008 organizational structures of political parties (68 regional, 361 district, city and 579 primary), 23,746 organizational structures of trade unions (138 regional, 796 district, city, 22,751 primary and 61 united) and 25,298 other organizational structures public associations (699 regional, 3,383 district, city and 21,216 others).

In the Stolbtsovsky district, 109 organizational structures of trade unions are registered (of which 4 are district and 105 primary); 206 public associations (of which 32 are district and 174 are primary).

Information on the Mogilev region

Currently, trade unions, youth and veterans' organizations, women's councils, other public associations and constructive political parties are fulfilling the social mission of uniting society.

Public associations have a significant impact on the growth of constructive socio-political activity of the population, performing such important functions as:

participation in the preparation and conduct of actions and campaigns that have important socio-political significance for the region and the state as a whole;

carrying out agitation and propaganda work among the population aimed at explaining the political course of our state;

interaction among themselves for the purpose of effective practical implementation of social programs.

State-public associations play an important role in the structure of civil society of the Republic of Belarus. These are public organizations whose main purpose is to fulfill the state-important tasks assigned to them, aimed at realizing the vital interests of the individual, society and the state in various spheres of public activity.

There are 7 state-public associations in the republic: Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy of the Republic of Belarus (DOSAAF), Belarusian Voluntary Fire Society (BDPO), Presidential Sports Club, Belarusian Physical Culture and Sports Society "Dynamo", Belarusian Republican Water Rescue Society (OSVOD), Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishers (BOOR), Belarusian Society "Knowledge".

Republican state-public associations combine all the features of public associations, but at the same time they are created, reorganized or liquidated exclusively by the President of the Republic of Belarus or with his consent. This is due to the implementation of tasks of national importance, as well as the state’s property participation in their activities.

3. Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus to protect the socio-economic interests of the country’s workers

Main goal of the activity Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus- protection of labor and socio-economic interests of workers. Today it is difficult to imagine civil society in a country without trade unions. The FPB numbers more than 4 million people in its ranks, or 96% of the economically active population. This is the largest and most active public association, which represents and protects the interests of almost the entire working population of the country and occupies a significant place in its political system.

For reference.

As of January 1, 2009, the Federation of Trade Unions includes 28 industry trade unions, 6 regional and Minsk city trade union associations, 135 district (city) coordination councils of chairmen of trade union committees (councils).

The protective function of trade unions today is determined by the following areas of their work: rule-making activities; improving the social partnership system; collective bargaining regulation of labor relations; exercising public control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on labor, labor safety standards; providing legal assistance to workers.

The FPB took an active part in the development of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”. With his acceptance social relations are regulated in the field of labor protection and the powers of trade unions in the field of protecting the rights of citizens to health and safe working conditions have been expanded.

For information .

Technical labor inspectors of the FPBgot the right carry out, in accordance with the procedure established by law, verification of compliance with labor protection legislation not only among employers providing work to citizens under employment agreements (contracts), but also where civil law contracts (contracts, paid services, etc.) are concluded for the performance of work. In lawrights are secured technical labor inspectors for unhindered access to the territory, facilities and premises of the employer to check compliance with labor protection legislation, participation in the work of commissions for testing and acceptance into operation of completed production facilities.Positions have been strengthened trade unions in terms of monitoring compliance with the requirements specified in the submissions issued by technical labor inspectors. Thus, a violation of labor protection legislation, as well as failure to comply with the recommendations of a technical labor inspector, can be the basis for contacting the prosecutor’s office, state supervisory authorities and control over compliance with labor legislation to take measures on identified violations, including for bringing to justice guilty persons.

Another equally important area of ​​activity of trade unions was the improvement of the system of social partnership and collective contractual regulation of labor relations.

The third area of ​​activity of trade unions is the work of exercising public control over compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on labor, labor safety standards, as well as providing legal assistance to workers.

Today, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus has the right to inspect any enterprise (institution), regardless of the form of ownership and the presence of a trade union organization on it, for compliance with labor legislation.

The issue of compliance by employers with collective agreements regarding the payment of one-time benefits to victims and family members of workers killed at work is under constant monitoring by technical labor inspectors of the FPB. In 2008, the families of those killed at work were paid one-time compensation under collective agreements and tariff agreements totaling more than 3.1 billion rubles

The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus constantly monitors the application of the contract form of employment and monitors the legality and fairness in matters of concluding contracts and fulfilling their terms. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus is informed about the results of such monitoring.

An important function of trade unions is creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in work collectives. To this end, trade unions carry out extensive cultural, physical and recreational work.

The activities of trade unions in satisfying and developing the aesthetic needs of the population. In all Palaces of Culture of trade unions, children's amateur groups have resumed classes in full. On the initiative and with the support of the FPB, a review competition of trade union and departmental club institutions of the republic for the best concert program is regularly held, and the International Festival of Children's Creativity is held annually "Barysauski prystanak".

The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus is also one of the organizers of all-Belarusian folk art festivals “Belarus is my song.” With her support, the Republican Folk Art Festival of Veteran Groups is held “Veterans do not grow old in spirit.”

The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus today contributes to the implementation of state social programs and projects. So, it conducts an ongoing charity event "Trade unions for children", which aims to care for children in boarding schools, orphans, and children left without parental care. From November 2002 to November 2008, the amount of patronage assistance provided by trade unions amounted to more 2 billion 940 million rubles.

The FPB supports the prestige of the Belarusian state at international sports arena. 53 students from trade union sports schools took part in the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008.

FPB developed program working with veteran organizations. On joint meeting The Presidium of the Council of the FPB and the Presidium of the Republican Council of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, held on June 25, 2009, concluded a Cooperation Agreement between the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus and the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans.

In order to strengthen the country's energy security, the Presidium of the FPB Council approved an action plan aimed at assistance in saving energy resources in the country. The basis of this work is the organization and holding of competitions in enterprises and institutions on energy saving, reducing the energy intensity of manufactured products, with regular summing up of results and rewarding the winners.

The participation of trade union organizations is indicative in harvesting campaigns. The responsibilities of trade unions during this period include: creating comfortable social and living conditions for workers involved in cleaning, implementing a set of measures for strict compliance with safety rules, labor protection standards and labor incentives, as well as information support for the harvesting campaign.

4. The role of public associations in the implementation of social programs for the population

The implementation of social projects for the population occupies a central place in the activities NGO "Belarusian Women's Union". This year has been announced Year of the native land, in connection with this, the Women's Union has planned to implement a number of relevant projects. The social actions of the Women’s Union are quite well known and popular in the country: "Women's health- the health of the nation”, “Belarus is a cozy home”, “Spring of goodness and memory”, the movement “There is not a single abandoned child in Belarus”.

One of the most important aspects of the union’s activities is support for women in places of deprivation of liberty, and the implementation of measures for the social rehabilitation of women who have served their sentences.

Taking an active part in the implementation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 24, 2006 No. 18 “On additional measures for state protection of children in dysfunctional families,” the Women’s Union is guided by the principle: to avoid formalism in working with dysfunctional families and to help children whose fates are indifferent to them parents.

The Stolbtsy district organization "Belarusian Women's Union" consists of 23 primary organizations created in 16 village councils and large organizations in the district.

For reference.

In 2008, a new organization was formed under the Belarusian Women’s Union -"Village woman."

5. The role of the youth movement in the implementation of the youth policy of the Republic of Belarus

Activity NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" is aimed at creating conditions for the comprehensive development of youth, revealing their creative potential, preparing youth to solve current socially significant problems facing the country. NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" is a co-executor Republican program “Youth of Belarus” for 2006 - 2010.

NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" - organizer of patriotic events “Kvitney, Belarus!”, “We are citizens of Belarus!”, “I-citizen of Belarus." In its activities, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union implements a number of projects aimed at the heroic and patriotic education of youth. These are: “Youth to Veterans”, “My Gift to a Veteran”, the “Happy Service, Soldier!” campaign, trips to places of military glory, the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” and other events that have become traditional in the youth organization.

As part of the ceremonial departures to the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the Youth Union is holding the “Conscript” campaign.

Every year, the Youth Union, together with the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Education, the Russian State Public Organization "Presidential Sports Club", the fund for social support of children and adolescents "We are for children" and the Golden Puck club hold republican hockey competitions among teenagers “Golden Puck” for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Following the results of the last season, we took part in regional and city competitions: 765 teams, including 15,300 participants.

It has become traditional among young people to hold a republican "Leather Ball" tournament for prizes of the Presidential Sports Club. At the end of the season, more than 300 teams(over 70,000 people).

On the eve of the International No Smoking Day, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union organizes and conducts “No smoking!” campaign. As part of the campaign, lectures, debates, and thematic events are held: “A Day Without Cigarettes,” “Health Ball,” “Exchange a Cigarette for Candy,” “Youth - for Strong Healthy Families and a Healthy Future!”, “Don’t Be a Fool - a Book is Better than Tobacco! ”, “Forewarned is forearmed”, etc. The work being carried out is aimed at developing a belief about the negative impact of smoking on the body, awareness of the need to quit smoking.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union actively cooperates with sports federations and associations, and implements joint projects and programs. Among them are international Thai boxing competitions as part of the promotion "Sport against drugs and juvenile delinquency" Championship of the Republic of Belarus in traditional karate-do, competition “Open Sambo Championship for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus”.

Much attention is paid development of the construction brigade movement. This initiative of the youth union is supported by the state. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On some issues of organizing the activities of student groups” dated May 12, 2005 No. 222 was adopted.

Approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus Instructions on the procedure for increasing tariff rates (salaries) for participants in student teams. According to this instruction, tariff rates can be increased from 10 to 30% when production standards are met. Every year, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, a list of objects (types and volumes of work) is approved at which student teams can carry out their activities.

The main goal of working with youth in work collectives is to create conditions for their active inclusion in the process of socio-economic development of the country. The priority of directions of state youth policy is determined by the priority tasks of the state. One of these tasks is to ensure a qualitatively new standard of living in rural areas.

In this regard, a set of measures is being implemented to intensify the work of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union with young people in rural areas and solve the problems identified State program for the revival and development of rural areas for 2005 - 2010. This includes measures to develop cultural and leisure activities in rural areas, preserve the traditional culture of the regions, develop physical culture, sports and tourism in rural areas.

It has become traditional to hold a republican competition in rural areas "The best rural farmstead" and family agricultural project "Lord of the village." In 2008, they took part in the “Best Rural Farmstead” competition 850 young families from 95 districts, in the project “Lord of the Village” - 555 families throughout the country.

Dynamically developing in the Belarusian Republican Youth Union volunteer movement “Kind Heart”, which includes the following areas:

individual charitable assistance to children from disadvantaged and caring families, orphans, veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, elderly people living alone, persons undergoing treatment in medical institutions;

organization of creative concerts, exhibitions, competitions, sports days in orphanages, boarding schools, educational colonies, reception centers for minors, summer health camps.

BRSM volunteers constantly carry out various events for children in difficult social situations. The largest of them are: “Students to children”, “Heart to heart”, “A smile will make the world brighter”, “Our hearts to children” and etc.

In order to prevent crime among youth, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union has created MOOPs - youth law enforcement units. The responsibilities of MOOPs include: providing assistance to law enforcement agencies in protecting public order, carrying out activities to form the foundations of a legal culture among adolescents, preventing neglect, delinquency and crime among youth, preventing drunkenness, substance abuse, and drug addiction among minors.

For reference.

As of July 1, 2009, a youth law enforcement detachment named after was created and registered in the Stolbtsovsky district. I.V. Gaiduk at the Republic of Kazakhstan NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union"

The Youth Union cooperates with Public association "Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization" (OO "BRPO").

BRPO offers the following programs for work:

“Family” is a program of self-knowledge and self-development for members of the organization;

“Spadchyna” is a program for mastering the cultural, spiritual and labor traditions of one’s people;

"Children's Order of Mercy" (HOUSE) - a program for the revival and development of traditions of children's charity and mercy;

“Octobers” - a program of work with younger schoolchildren;

“Game is a serious matter” - a program for the preservation and development of children's gaming culture;

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union and BRPO, within the framework of cooperation, jointly hold military-patriotic games “Bastions of Courage”, “Eaglet”, “Zarnitsa”.

With the aim of consolidation youth public organizations and uniting them with a common idea of ​​​​improving the youth movement in Belarus carries out its activities Republican Union of Public Associations "Belarusian Committee of Youth Organizations" (BCMO). Today this organization includes 38 youth and children's public associations.

The district organization of the Public Association "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" numbers 84 primary organizations uniting 1225 people. What is 12% of the total number of youth aged 18 to 31 years.

There are children's and youth public organizations in the area. Currently, the district pioneer organization is the largest youth association. 27 pioneer squads have been created, which include 1055 Octobers, which is77% from the number of students 7-9 years old (1365 people); 2173 pioneers, this is 81% of students aged 10 - 14 years (2659 people). A total of 3228 members of the NGO "BRPO".

The young population of the Stolbtsovsky district aged 14 to 31 years is 10,174 people, of which 4,412 are young people living in the city, 5,762 people live in rural areas. The coordination of work with this category of the population is facilitated by the regional program “Youth of the Stolbtsovsky District” for 2006-2010, approved by the decision of the session of the Stolbtsovsky District Council of Deputies dated June 16, 2006 No. 109.

One of the areas of the program is working with young families and improving the social protection system for youth. Young families are provided with preferential loans to improve their living conditions and purchase household property.

It has become traditional to hold regional competitions for large families and young families “Why treasure if there is harmony in the family” with the subsequent participation of the winners in regional competitions.

Under the district executive committee, in order to retain personnel in rural areas, in 2000 a Fund was created to support young specialists who arrived to work in rural areas in agricultural enterprises and in budgetary institutions of the district. From the funds of this fund, one-time monetary assistance in the amount of 10 basic units is constantly provided.

6. Veteran organizations are active participants in the development of civil society in the Belarusian state

The Belarusian state has always shown special concern for people of the older generation, and has treated the shrines of the Great Patriotic War and national history with care. In turn, being devoted patriots of their Motherland, veterans support the course of the Head of State and Government and take an active position in life.

Together with local government executive and administrative authorities, veterans' organizations assist in the social protection of veterans and pensioners living alone, whose income is less than or equal to the subsistence level budget. Issues regarding the organization’s work in the field of targeted social support for labor veterans, taking into account the implementation of the country’s current legislation, are regularly considered at meetings of the Presidium of the Republican Council of Veterans. Veteran organizations, together with social protection authorities, are examining the living conditions of single labor veterans and widows of those killed during the Great Patriotic War. Social protection authorities provide financial and patronage assistance to such people.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 30, 2009 No. 224 “On providing financial assistance to certain categories of citizens in connection with the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders” in the period from June 1 to July 1, 2009 . financial assistance payments were made in the country veterans of the Great Patriotic War and some other categories of citizens who suffered from the consequences of the war.

Today, the work of veteran organizations in patriotic education plays a significant role in shaping the civic worldview of young people.

Veteran organizations today take care of the memory of those who died and take an active part in the search work for the uninterred remains of Soviet soldiers and officers who died during the war, as well as civilians. Together with veteran organizations, a lot of work in this direction is being carried out by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus and local executive and administrative authorities. The youth of the country followed the example of veterans. Patronage of monuments and their improvement is a good tradition in schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of the republic.

Regional topic: Prevention of antisocial behavior of citizens in the sphere of family and household relations.

Department of Ideological Work of the Stolbtsy District Executive Committee

One of the most active forms of ideological work is meetings of information and propaganda groups and speakers with the population and labor collectives within the framework of single day of information.

The role of unified information days, at which members of information and propaganda groups speak, is very important. They are an effective “feedback” link with people. Citizens are explained their rights and responsibilities, state policies and decisions of local authorities; There is an exchange of views on the most pressing social issues, and the problems of settlements and labor collectives do not go unnoticed. Received proposals, comments and requests are summarized, measures are taken on them, and their implementation is monitored.

Unified information days, like no other form of work, make it possible to develop fruitful interaction between the authorities and citizens of the country. In each specific case, another effect is achieved: residents’ dissatisfaction is forestalled. Many issues raised at the single information day are resolved more quickly, and people are convinced that managers are attentive to their problems. It is very important when each member of the workforce really sees that the local government is ready to solve their problems. Practice shows that it is always easier to resolve any issue on the spot, in a working manner, than through bureaucratic methods.

The main tasks of outreach groups are:

1. Explanation of the ideology of the Belarusian state and the main directions of the ongoing state policy.

2. Widely informing citizens of the country about the activities of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and other government bodies.

3. Study of public opinion and analysis of the socio-political situation in the country.

4. Determination of priority areas in information and propaganda work among teams and the population.

5. Providing methodological and organizational assistance to group members, ensuring control over their activities.

6. Study and generalize the experience of ideological and information work of regional information and propaganda groups, prepare recommendations for improving their activities.

7. Consideration of citizen appeals received during unified days of informing the population; responding to the analysis of statements and complaints during speeches by members of advocacy groups.

8. Organization of coverage in the media of materials of socio-political and socio-economic orientation.

Three stages can be distinguished in holding a single awareness day: preparing materials and speakers for presentations; field visits of information groups and speakers; analysis of complaints, questions and proposals from citizens received during meetings.

On a local basis, annually, taking into account the proposals of the regional executive committee, the themes of unified information days are developed and approved. It includes the most pressing issues relevant to the current moment. During first stage On the eve of the next information day, the ideological work department prepares information developments, compiles statistical data, and other methodological materials that are provided to members of information and propaganda groups during the instructional meeting.

Second phase a single awareness day - a meeting of outreach groups and a group of speakers - largely depends on the quality of the first stage. The travel schedule of information groups takes into account the circumstances that arise on certain farms, enterprises, organizations, and the composition of the group may vary depending on what problems are expected to be encountered during the meeting. Group leaders plan the trip so that they can meet with different categories of the population on the same day.

It is worth noting that visits by information groups stimulate the revival of rest rooms and red corners at production facilities as meeting places with representatives of the executive branch.

Third stage– systematization and analysis of received applications and proposals. This stage requires painstaking work, since during the meetings, issues from the field of politics, trade, culture, agriculture, law, as well as local problems are discussed in one block.

Great value in Bobruisk district play on-farm information days , held in the production departments of farms on the day of the livestock breeder or the day of the machine operator. When meeting with employees of farms and machine yards, managers and specialists of farms (in addition to summing up the results of work for the month) inform about events taking place in the district, region, and republic. During these meetings, it is possible to resolve the largest number of issues within the competence of local authorities and business managers.

Representatives of regional media are invited to visits of information and propaganda groups to work collectives and places of residence. Chairmen of village councils, deputy heads of enterprises, farms and organizations for ideological work are involved in the work of information groups. In addition to the main topics recommended for the information day, group members talk about the work of their service. The work of the groups is positively affected by the preparatory work of the ideological work department, which, when conducting methodological training of information activists, studies the problems of the part or population before which the group will speak. This allows you to adjust the group’s work plan, its composition, and sometimes, by the time the information day is held, solve the problem that has arisen.

During the unified information days, members of information groups collect questions and suggestions from citizens, analyze the implementation of decisions of the district executive committee and state social standards. The Department of Ideological Work exercises control over the consideration of received issues, summarizes information received from managers IPG information and reports conclusions to the chairman of the district executive committee.

Often, speakers (in parallel with information messages) conduct opinion polls . This is the simplest but most effective method that allows you to constantly “keep your finger on the pulse” of public opinion.

During the week following the meeting, responses to complaints and suggestions received are provided through the media. Issues requiring detailed consideration are sent in writing to the relevant services and within a month they receive the necessary clarifications, which are brought to the attention of applicants on subsequent days of notification. Questions received during the single information day, and the answers to them, are also used in preparing and conducting subsequent seminars with members of outreach groups and speakers of the district executive committee.

In many regions, the practice has developed of conducting on-site receptions of citizens on personal issues at their place of residence. Reception of citizens is carried out by the management staff of the executive committee according to a schedule approved by the chairman of the executive committee and published in the district newspaper. When conducting such receptions, issues requiring additional consideration are put under control by the general department of the district executive committee. Within a month, all questions are answered by the applicant.

Department of Ideological Work Polotsk District Executive Committee Methodological training is conducted regularly (once a month) according to the approved schedule with deputy leaders for ideological work. During these meetings, issues of organizing the visit of district information groups, holding the next information day, the results of the last information day with a report on solutions to questions asked during meetings with the population, with labor collectives, consultations on various issues (requests) are considered.

The following issues were considered:

1. On improving ideological work in work collectives and in working with the population.

2. Work on educational and production-economic information.

3. Work of the council on outreach work ( information group : ensuring the delivery of the necessary information to all structural units, including sections, brigades, units). Creation of information corners in places where workers are in large numbers.

4. “Feedback”, working with suggestions and criticisms, taking them into account.

5. System of preparation and holding of state, professional holidays, as well as holidays related to the labor cycle.

6. On coordinating the activities of public groups.

7. On the practice of moral and material incentives for employees (Roll of Honor, honoring advanced workers, professional skills competitions, competitions).

8. On the creation of primary organizations of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" and the organization of work with youth.

The information asset receives materials for the next information day and materials on other issues of interest to the population.

At Gorki district executive committee information groups are headed by members of the district executive committee. The information and legal groups include representatives of the department of internal affairs, the interdistrict prosecutor's office, the court, the district department for emergency situations, natural resources and environmental protection, the district center of hygiene and epidemiology, and the district media.

Every month, according to the approved schedule, meetings are held in the work collectives of enterprises, organizations and institutions, farms, in populated areas, at which those present are informed about the main events in the economic, political, socio-cultural life of the district, region, republic, and receive reliable and competent information about socio-economic development of the region about the crime level, about the work of law enforcement agencies.

For the purpose of more qualified disclosure of the topics of unified information days, health workers, state automobile inspectorates, social service centers and others are additionally involved in the information groups.

Issues received during the meetings and requiring a longer time to resolve and the allocation of funds are sent to the relevant district services for response and are put under control in the district executive committee.

Along with the information and legal groups of the district executive committee, work to inform the population is carried out by information groups of rural executive committees, which organize meetings in structural divisions of collective and state farms, organizations and institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, settlements located in subordinate territories.

Workers of the ideological vertical are students of the seminar on a permanent basis (categories: employees of the executive committee apparatus and managers and chief specialists in the social sphere). In addition, in 2004, quarterly, according to the annual plan, seminars and meetings were held with deputy leaders on ideological work, in which employees of departments of the district executive committee, law enforcement agencies, the department of labor and social protection of the population, other services of the district, and teachers of humanities were involved in teaching. Belarusian State Agricultural Academy.

By decision Lepel City Executive Committee the regulation “On information and propaganda groups” was approved, the composition and schedule of visits of groups working both in the city and in the countryside (the system of work for groups of rural councils, enterprises and organizations is similar).

Coordinating the organization of information and ideological work among various categories of the population of the district, the city executive committee summarizes and organizes work to implement the critical comments and suggestions of citizens expressed during speeches of information and propaganda groups. The population is informed about the measures taken through the district newspaper, television and radio, and speeches by the leaders of information groups during subsequent unified information days. This has a positive effect on improving the moral and socio-economic situation in the area and increases the effectiveness of information work.

There are usually fewer questions from the audience during performances in rural areas. This form of work is actively used here as “ door-to-door crawls».

Employees of the city executive committee (in accordance with the schedule, monthly, for 2 - 3 days) visit every house in all villages of one of the 10 rural councils of the district. The purpose of such a walk-through is not only to study the needs and demands of rural residents, but also to convey information to the population. This form of information work justified itself during the preparation and conduct of elections of deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and the republican Referendum, when representatives of the authorities in the full sense of the word reached every person.

To inform remote settlements of the region, it is widely used to place “Village Council Informs” information stands in places with the greatest concentration of people (shops, bus stops, cultural institutions, medical institutions, etc.). This form of information allows you to regularly bring the necessary information to the population. An example is the newspaper showcase “Lepelsky Krai”, an extensive information stand located on the central road in front of the building of the village council, as well as stands located in the premises of the village council, which constantly find their readers.

When carrying out information and ideological work, meetings of livestock workers, machine operators, and general meetings of workers of business entities, held by heads of organizations with the invitation of representatives of the city executive committee, are widely used.

In order to diversify the forms of communication with the population, to strengthen direct contacts with residents, “direct lines” are conducted with the heads of district services, in whose work district residents have great interest. In order to promptly and widely inform the population about the socio-economic policy of the Republic of Belarus, region and district, to study the needs and requests of citizens, the chairman of the city executive committee, his deputies, and members of the executive committee receive citizens according to the approved schedule in the city executive committee, village executive committees, and villages.

The presentations of information groups on legal knowledge are of increasing interest in work collectives. Such groups, for example, in Lepel district two have been created, consisting of representatives of the prosecutor's office, court, city executive committee, tax inspectorate, social and other services. The main task of the group is to provide legal information about the areas most necessary for the life and activities of the population. The departure of each group is prepared in advance by an employee of the ideological work department. Having previously contacted the head of the organization in which the group is scheduled to perform, questions to which listeners want answers are determined. Questions are brought to the information group members in advance for the purpose of preparation. This type of legal information is interesting for the population and has great practical importance. The issues discussed are also covered in the regional media.

A single information day takes place every third Thursday of the month. In the regional newspaper "Pratsa" (Zelvensky district) messages about its implementation are published. The day before, meetings are organized with speakers and representatives of village executive committees. For each topic, they are given information and methodological developments. Additionally, the topic of the speakers' speeches is selected by studying the problems that citizens address to the district executive committee, the district newspaper, and proposals received during meetings in labor collectives are also taken into account. To monitor the implementation of critical comments, proposals, requests and appeals expressed during a single day of informing the population, a gathering of citizens, a special control card is filled out.

The structural link of the ideological work department of the district executive committee is the information and methodological center, which ensures the collection, storage and systematization of information. Work is underway to create a data bank about the history and prospects for the development of the region, various sectors of the economy, and social aspects of the region’s development. Information passports of the district, 9 village councils and 10 large organizations have already been created.

On April 25, as part of the republican action "Belarus Remembers", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, the school held an event for students in grades 8-11 "Belarus remembers..." The chairman of the veteran organization was invited to the meeting ag. Domanovo Blotsky Georgy Alexandrovich and the librarian of the rural House of Culture Zhdanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna.

The meeting took place in the form of a dialogue between students and invitees. Blotsky G.A. He spoke interestingly about his wartime childhood, his studies at the railway technical school, and the difficult post-war times. He also spoke about the number of deaths of Domanovo village residents and military personnel during the war. Zhdanova L.V. reported new information about the burial of the Lomeiko partisan family in the forest near the village of Kokhanovo. Lyudmila Vladimirovna also made a presentation of books that talk about the liberation of the region and our village from the German invaders. She also showed a map showing the route of advance of Soviet troops through the territory of the village of Domanovo. The students showed their activity: they read poems on military topics and asked questions. The meeting was interesting. The children learned a lot of new and informative things and set goals for themselves for researching historical materials about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Rabetz L.I., teacher of Russian language and literature

On March 21, 2019, the school held an information day for students in grades 8-11. The theme of this day is “I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus.” During the information lesson, the children got acquainted with the basics of the country's constitutional system. To be a citizen of Belarus means to have citizenship of our state. It is in this citizenship that a person’s connection with the state, patriotism, and pride in his homeland are manifested. The guys also remembered the basic constitutional rights and freedoms. Deputies of the Domanovo Village Council - Larisa Ivanovna Rabetz and Yulia Vasilievna Shimanchik - were invited to the event. The guests congratulated all the children once again on the holiday and wished them to be true citizens of our Motherland. At the end of the event, the guys answered the questions of the quiz “The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state.”

On February 28, 2019, an information day was held at the state educational institution “Domanovskaya Secondary School” for students in grades 8-11. The theme of this day is “The honorary title of Defender of the Fatherland.”

Article 57 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus states: “Defense of the Republic of Belarus is the duty and sacred duty of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus.” These words contain the essence of ensuring the military security of the Republic of Belarus in modern conditions. It is the unity of the people in solving the most difficult tasks, including ensuring the military security of the state, that is the key to victory.

The Republic of Belarus is an independent sovereign state in which the greatest values ​​are ensured - peace and stability. Thanks to this, we can study, work, make life plans and implement them, create families, and raise children. But in order to preserve and protect these values, our country has created a reliable guarantor of security - effective, highly trained, equipped with modern weapons and military equipment, which are recognized as one of the most combat-ready in the region of Eastern Europe and Asia.

Belarus will always remember the soldiers and officers who went through severe trials and showed dedication and courage in the “hot spots” of the planet. The price of this brutal confrontation is thousands of lives of young children, tears of mothers, widows and children. The memory of the bitter loss will forever remain an unhealed wound for our people. Being models of courage and honor, internationalist soldiers became a symbol of fidelity to the oath and military duty. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War are proud of them, and the younger generation looks up to them.

The Republic of Belarus attaches great importance to the training of qualified military personnel. A military education system has been created in the country. Today, the training of military personnel is carried out at the educational institution “Military Academy of the Republic of Belarus”, at seven military faculties and four military departments of civilian educational institutions.

Mastyanitsa Roman Andreevich, foreman, security controller of correctional institution No. 22, was invited to the event, who spoke about service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the prestige of the profession. The children were also shown a video film dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Belarusian Army.

On January 24, an information day was held for students in grades 8-11. The theme of this day is the XV Christmas International Amateur Hockey Tournament for the prizes of the President of Belarus. We all know that sport is a noble cause. Character is developed in sports. A person who plays sports in his youth retains the desire for success throughout his life. therefore, the purpose of our information hour was to involve children in systematic sports and physical education; develop creativity, attention, cognitive interest. Students got acquainted with information about the XXIII Republican competition among children and teenagers “Golden Puck”. The guys learned that NHL players held a master class for Golden Puck participants. On January 7, the hockey team of the President of Belarus won the XV International Christmas Amateur Hockey Tournament for the Prizes of the President of Belarus, defeating the Russian team in the final with a score of 8:5. During the awards ceremony at the Christmas tournament, the best players were determined. The prizes were presented to the hockey players by the President of Belarus.

Former physical education and health teacher Vladimir Mikhailovich Novitsky was invited to the information hour. Vladimir Mikhailovich spoke about his achievements in sports. He played handball, played for the institute’s team in the Brest region, in which he was a multiple winner of the Belarusian championship, and was the captain of the team.

The meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere. all the guys were of the same opinion that the historical path of development of any sport begins from the origins.

On December 20, the event “The Future of Belarus is Us” took place. Goal: to develop citizenship and responsibility, the desire to be useful to one’s country. Objectives: to arouse interest in recognizing oneself as part of the country; to form a culture of relations towards one’s country and a desire to make it better.

The chairman of the village council of Kozlenya, Sergei Grigorievich, was invited to the event. He spoke about the economic problems of the Ivatsevichi region, as well as the village of Domanovo. Answered students' questions. During the discussion, students answered the questions: “What does it mean to love your Motherland?”, “Is the Republic of Belarus at the same time the Motherland for them?”, “What will you do to ensure that the Republic of Belarus takes one of the leading positions in the world community?” , “What primarily unites you with the Belarusian nation?”

The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. During the reflection, the guys described the country of their future with one adjective. The event ended with the words of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov, “You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen.”

On November 22, an interesting meeting was held at a state educational institution with deputies of local Councils of Deputies of the Republic of Belarus of the twenty-eighth convocation Rabetz Larisa Ivanovna, Gorbach Olga Aleksandrovna, Shimanchik Yulia Vasilievna. The deputies told the children about the work they were doing among the population on the territory of the Domanovo Village Council. It was noted that local self-government is one of the most important components of Belarusian statehood. Deputies of local councils, working closely with executive authorities, influence the development of the agricultural town, and most importantly, solve specific problems of citizens.

On October 26, a meeting of generations “Happy Birthday, Komsomol!” was held at the school. The meeting was attended by Vorobyova Fira Ivanovna, the former released secretary of production. She told students in grades 7-10 about her Komsomol activities. The speech was continued by Lyudmila Vladimirovna Zhdanova, a librarian at a rural library, who introduced the children to literature about the Komsomol and Komsomol members in different periods of time.

Konovalova N.V., teacher-organizer

On October 23, the school hosted a talk show “Facts. Events. Questions” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Komsomol. The event was attended by Olga Mikhailovna Belyakova, acting. First Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Belarusian Republican Youth Union". She spoke about the activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union. Konovalova N.V., the teacher-organizer of the school, continued her speech and introduced students to the history of the Komsomol.

State for the people.

One of the main problems has always been the issue of information exchange and interaction according to the scheme:

"Government bodies - citizens."

After all, it is no secret that dry lines of regulatory documents, laws and the like are not always accessible, and even interesting to ordinary citizens busy with daily worries about their daily bread. And any event gives rise to a lot of rumors and gossip, often far from the truth. Hence, misunderstandings of certain processes taking place in the country, the world and even in a single city have repeatedly arisen. In the Republic of Belarus they approached this issue creatively, or, in modern terms, creatively. For almost ten years now, throughout the country, in every locality, at every enterprise, uniform days of informing the population have been held. Every third Thursday of the month, government officials, heads of ministries and departments, and representatives of public organizations go to work collectives. The goal is to inform the population about certain events that are most relevant and affect the interests of people. The range of topics is unusually wide. This includes an explanation of changes in the Legislation (Decree on “parasitism”, on public safety, on corruption, etc.), issues of health and safety, life and development of the country. Here are just a few current areas of information topics:
- “Constitutional development of the Republic of Belarus: past and present”,
- Key aspects of the Address of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko to the Belarusian people and the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus,
- 2017 in Belarus - Year of Science,
- formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population, development of mass sports,
- taking measures to prevent and overcome drunkenness and alcoholism in Belarus,
- unemployment and employment,
- insurance against industrial accidents, property insurance,
- life safety in the winter (summer) period,
- on the provision of non-cash housing subsidies, state assistance to young families,
- fire safety, issues of the danger of spring grass fires, recommendations from rescuers at high (low) temperatures,
- the problem of drug addiction (especially among young people), issues of the harmful effects of smoking mixtures on human health,
- prevention of property theft,
- social issues,
- providing assistance and participation in public organizations (OSVOD, Red Cross, Peace Foundation),
- health protection, the need for vaccination and much, much more.
In connection with the increasing frequency of terrorist attacks in the world, the population has been informed about the rules of action in the event of the discovery of ownerless items, anonymous reports of terrorist attacks, hostage-taking, and the like. These presentations are accompanied by a demonstration of photo and video materials. In each of the areas, specialists are invited who can figuratively, using clear examples, convey important information to people.
The processes taking place in the world are also widely covered. Objective information on all significant events is communicated to each member of the workforce in an accessible form. And this is an excellent alternative to the low-grade and sometimes outright false information that can be gleaned from the Internet. It’s not in vain that it’s said:

"Knowledge is power!".

It is very difficult for a person who is armed with knowledge and a true understanding of the situation to cloud his brain with all sorts of horror stories and nonsense with the help of which our “well-wishers” are trying to undermine society, create a split in it, thereby achieving their own selfish goals. But the main aspect is the possibility of feedback. Both during the information days and after, on an individual basis, representatives of authorities and government agencies answer any questions that arise during the discussion. This, in turn, provides information about people’s understanding of what is happening, about their attitude to political, cultural and other events in the republic and the world. And the main thing is the understanding that the authorities are open to dialogue and are ready to help in resolving any issues. This means that the slogan “The State is for the People” was, is and will be relevant.

Pavel Podzorov.