Spiritual karmic causes of infertility in men. Energy causes of infertility

It has been proven that more than 80% of all pathologies are directly related to psychological problems, but manifest themselves in the form of physical diseases, that is, they occur initially at the energy level. To understand the connections between human energy, emotions and illnesses, I turned to a Reiki Master, a healer who deals with energy problems leading to infertility.

Where does “energy” infertility come from?

Indeed, diseases, including infertility, are only an external manifestation of negative emotions and blocks in consciousness. Blocks are created deep in the unconscious based on past experiences, observations of the experiences of others (most often loved ones and relatives), as well as conclusions drawn based on fears and beliefs.

Karma has a huge influence. Refusal of this “goodness” (a child), expressed in the form of termination of pregnancy in the past, gives the unconscious a signal to avoid pregnancy in the future.

There are many reasons for energy infertility, but among the main reasons I would also highlight:

How to get rid of energy infertility?

I would like to say that it is very simple, but... Probably one of the most difficult tasks for a person is to change something in himself, and now I’m not talking about a haircut or plastic surgery (smiles), but about the inner content and worldview. Only by changing himself can a person come to a certain understanding, and subsequently abandon some negative attitude or get rid of a block that prevents him from achieving what he wants. As well as improving one’s karma and the karma of one’s family, which is inextricably linked with “results”. The above fully applies to the problem of infertility, both in women and men, but is not limited only to this pathology. This also applies to desired achievements in other areas of life.

How can you find out what exactly is the reason for a person? Is there any way to understand?

Well, working on yourself is always good, so changing for the better certainly won’t do any harm. (smiles) And you can find out what emotions cause illnesses, and whether there are any wrong attitudes, by yourself, by “digging” into yourself and asking simple questions:

  • How does the thought of pregnancy make me feel?
  • Why do I want a child?
  • How will I treat the child?
  • How do I feel about my partner/husband?
  • How do I feel about myself and what do I think about my real self?
  • What do I think about infertility?

This is, of course, only a small part, other questions will appear as the answers are given - you need to listen to yourself and analyze.

It is said a lot that shrines, prayers, pilgrimages to holy places help with infertility, if this is true, then how does this happen?

Yes, sometimes the way to get rid of infertility is pilgrimage to holy places, prayers, and the help of healers. The mechanism of such an influence is quite simple: the “energetic value of the situation” has a certain influence on the unconscious, as if “ennobling” it, partially freeing it from negativity.

I see this as some kind of medicine. I'm right?

Rather, this can be thought of as a kind of “virus” that is positive for humans. Getting into a strong positive energy field, a kind of positive infection occurs, as a result of which the view on certain things and subconscious attitudes change, and blocks can be eliminated. Gradually, naturally, and only with the participation of the person himself. Quite often, couples who have no known abnormalities from a medical point of view are unable to conceive a child for a long time or lose one at different stages of pregnancy. There are equally well-known cases where infertile couples, despite the diagnosis, become happy parents.

And the last question: you smiled a little mysteriously all the time - I felt like a schoolboy. Perhaps my questions seemed a little naive to you?..

No. (smiles) It’s rather me holding back the manifestation of joy associated with the hope of something good... I’m always pleased to know that someone will try to look at life a little differently, and perhaps change for the better. Even if a person was pushed to this by the problem of infertility and the search for the causes of reproductive dysfunction. After all, the ways of the Lord are mysterious.

Alexander Yasny

The goal of every living creature in our world is the high-quality continuation of their kind and the upbringing of their own offspring.

Sometimes it happens that a person cannot have children, but there are no visible prerequisites for this, so today we will look at the karmic causes of infertility. How karma affects reproductive function and what needs to be done to correct the failure, we will try to find answers to these questions in the article below.

General information about karma and karmic processes

It's no secret that people are much more complex than they might seem at first glance. Even in ancient times, people tried to explain many processes that had no material basis. These searches led to the formation of many teachings, most of which originated in the countries of ancient Asia. Here researchers have advanced the most far in the study of the human soul.

The main knowledge regarding this that we have today is as follows. A person has not only a physical body, but also a bioenergetic one. For this reason, people live in two spaces at once: material and metaphysical. Both of these components are in constant contact with each other and the influence on one of them causes similar vibrations in the other. This property is quite often used by various healing practices that work with the bioenergetic shell and this has a beneficial effect on the body from the material world.

The energy level is much more complex than the physical level. In it, actions are possible that are simply not feasible in the material plane and contradict those laws of physics that balance everything in our world. According to many esotericists, this is where the main reasons that explain the absence of children are hidden. Karma plays a major role in these processes.

But what is the nature of karmic activity and what is it anyway? The very concept of karma arose in ancient Asia, long before the formation of many European and other Western states. This term underlies many Eastern religions, which use the idea of ​​​​rebirth of the human soul in their teachings.

Our physical body is weak and feeble, it has a short lifespan and is easily destroyed. The metaphysical component is immortal, it is practically invulnerable and has the ability to come into the material world an infinite number of times. It is with this property that karmic processes are associated.

These kind of laws regulate what program the soul will come into our world with and what tests it will receive. These basic parameters directly depend on how past lives were lived and what choices a person made in them. In addition, karma can be influenced by actions performed by a person in real life, but this happens quite rarely. The soul, acquiring a new physical shell, forgets everything that happened to it in the past.

In fact, all this knowledge does not disappear anywhere and remains at the metaphysical level, it’s just that for the material mind these memories are covered with a veil of karma.

Opening access to this huge reserve is the goal of adherents of many Eastern teachings. In order to do this, it is necessary to get rid of karma as such. When this happens, the soul is broken out of the cycle of rebirth, and the person gets the opportunity to look at all his past lives. In addition, he is given a chance to comprehend the full depth of the Cosmos and the human mind.

Doing negative things that negatively affect other people helps move a person away from that higher purpose and brings hardship into his or her life. How successfully he copes with these lessons depends on whether he will receive purification, which will entail the introduction of positive events into his future and present life. In those cases when a person does not learn a lesson, karma gives him an even more severe test, which is associated with much greater hardships and torment.

Each such so-called karmic fruit is directly related to a negative action committed by a person in the past. This means that by looking at your present life, you can roughly understand what exactly you did in the past, because you see the events that led to it.

Thanks to this property of karma, you can quickly choose the direction of your activity, which would clear your karmic reserve and save you from a painful ordeal. We will talk in more detail about how the karma of an infertile woman is corrected below.

Karma: why there are no children

It does not matter at all which of the spouses is infertile; the karmic processes for both sexes are the same and are of a synonymous nature. But before considering them, let's understand what is behind this concept.

Medicine considers a married couple infertile if the conception of a child does not occur after one year of regular sexual activity. Doctors distinguish two types of this disease. The first is considered incurable and is associated with developmental disorders of the reproductive system and the absence of certain parts of it.

This can be caused by congenital factors, or by mechanical force, such as surgery and removal of part of an organ. The second type of infertility is temporary; it can be quite easily eliminated after the cause is diagnosed and treated.

Of course, the gradation is somewhat more complicated, since cases that are characterized by the absence of visible prerequisites for the formation of infertility are very common. According to esotericists, it is this type of disease that is classified as karmic.

In the same case, when doctors diagnose any deviation in the state of health, which entails the impossibility of conception, it is necessary to check absolutely all options. Here, of course, we are no longer talking about karma, but concepts such as personal attitudes, damage, evil eyes, and so on.

We will not dwell on this side of the issue in detail, but will pay full attention to cases of infertility, when doctors do not detect any pathologies in either a woman or a man, and despite all attempts to conceive there are still no children. Karmic debt in such a situation may be slightly different, so let's look at each case separately.

The karma of a woman who has no children and the karma of her husband

So, before listing all the main reasons why a person can be overtaken by karmic infertility, we should make a small remark. When we talk about karma in the family, any individual characteristics fade into the background. The fact is that by connecting your life with any person, you simultaneously connect your karmic attitudes.

This means that it is quite possible that the reason is not in you, but in your partner. That is why experts recommend overcoming any challenges together; only in this case it becomes possible to achieve any results. You should not try to find out exactly who the problem is, just accept it as something general and then you will be able to resist any deviation with redoubled force.

The first karmic case, which is quite common, is hatred of one's own sex. This may be a complete rejection of one’s nature or non-acceptance of it. Quite often, such people do not want to have children for many years, and then, after some time, change their decision to the opposite.

Karma is already contaminated, since it very quickly goes in the negative direction when a person experiences negative emotions, especially towards himself. This stupid denial of its very essence leads to the fact that karmic processes change the body and block the opportunity that is given by nature - the ability to continue the race.

The next option is diametrically opposed to the previous one. A person despises not his own sex, but the opposite one, as a result of which karma is polluted. A woman cannot give birth to children most often for this very reason, since it is the female sex that is distinguished by the greatest vindictiveness.

Such a person remembers something from his past and transfers these memories to all members of the opposite sex. Such a powerful omnidirectional negative cannot remain without a trace. Karma gets polluted very quickly and this happens every time a person brings other people under one negative pattern.

Taking the life of a child in the past is one of the most common reasons. We all know about a lot of cases when a girl has an abortion in her youth, and then suffers all her life due to the inability to have a child. Sometimes this happens for physical reasons, but most often this pattern is the result of the work of karma.

It doesn’t matter at all when exactly the abortion was performed, in this life or the past, the mere fact of this action is enough. It should be noted that not every abortion is evil in the karmic sense; there is also a certain gradation, which we will not dwell on in detail in this article.

The next reason is somewhat similar to the previous example. Infertility can be a lesson for those who in past lives abandoned their children who were already born. The same applies to cases where a person was a bad parent. This concept includes both cruelty to children and simply indifference. It does not matter whether this child was native or a stranger, only the fact of such a negative attitude is important.

Children are defenseless and need care, when an adult has a negative impact, both physical and psycho-emotional, this creates an incredibly powerful boomerang effect that pollutes his karma.

The penultimate reason is diametrically opposed to the case above. Those people who in the past attached too much importance to children are now deprived of the opportunity to have them. At first glance, this is not entirely clear, but upon closer analysis everything falls into place.

When a person exalts his child too much, he becomes blind, this cult sooner or later plays a cruel joke on him, encouraging him to take negative actions.

Every child, no matter how much he is loved, is also an ordinary person; his constant elevation forms an incorrect picture of the world in his head. Excessive love is just as dangerous as its absence. The result of such fanaticism is the broken life of the child, which, in essence, is a negative impact on other people, because of whom karma suffers so much.

The last reason is hidden in family ties. You remember, we have already mentioned the fact that there is no individual karma in a family, the same feature manifests itself here. Although we are energetic beings who are reborn over and over again, marks from those physical ancestors into whose family we were born remain on our energy-information matrix.

This means that in addition to our personal program, at each rebirth, a code is written into us from relatives from the material world. Of course, it is much weaker than our personal one, but it is also capable of having a negative impact. Transferring negative karma to your children or grandchildren is not uncommon, and what karmic processes are there - you will only find out by living your life completely or by facing the problem face to face.

It is quite possible that your grandmother or grandfather left a karmic attitude towards infertility in the matrix, which bypassed their lives, but worked for you. This option should never be ruled out.

How to correct the karma of childlessness

So, we have already mentioned above that thanks to the sequence of karmic processes it becomes possible to correct their effects. If you have a medical report in your hands that says that your health and the health of your partner are normal, but children are still not conceived, this means only one thing - you need to work with karma.

The first step on this thorny path, of course, is the very awareness of what is happening. You cannot fight what you do not understand and do not recognize. Without faith, it is impossible to do absolutely anything, so initially think about everything that happens to you, accept it. Just realizing that this is a kind of lesson that you must learn is already half the battle.

The next step is to directly correct your karma to positive. You know perfectly well in which area you have negativity, so direct all your strength here. Clear yourself of any negative thoughts, love yourself and your partner with sincere love.

There should be no negativity; envy and anger at fate or others will only make the situation worse and drive you into a completely hopeless situation, from which it will be almost impossible to get out.

Remember that the key to changing a situation is your positive attitude towards it.

This is a lesson, even if it is tough, but if it happens, then you deserve it. Once you understand this cause-and-effect relationship, you will gain an understanding of how to fix everything.

After all of the above is done, the time comes for the last stage, which helps to consolidate the result and clear your karma as much as possible. Visiting certain places that are filled with light energy will help you win the final victory in this struggle and completely eliminate the karmic causes of infertility. There are a large number of them in our world, and the most effective are in India.

When searching, you will find many stories of people who emerged victorious from the test of karma, and they received the first results of this precisely after visiting special places of power. Just don’t place high hopes on them, the main work is inside you, and light energy will only help you with this, but will never do everything for you.

Modern medicine divides the causes of infertility according to two main criteria: primary infertility and secondary. Primary infertility is everything that is associated with heredity. In particular: various anomalies in the formation and development of the female genital organs, abnormal position of the uterus and functional failure of the gonads. Secondary infertility is everything that is associated with diseases and certain actions that led to infertility.

The energetic state is the reason for everything that happens to a person in life. This applies not only to diseases. Why diseases, and not specifically on infertility? Because it doesn’t matter what disease a person has: infertility, cancer, leukemia, etc. - these are all consequences that have the same source. Only for some this is expressed in diabetes, for others in tonsillitis, and for others in infertility.

So, any disease originates not in the physical body, but in the etheric, i.e. in the energy body. Every organ, every cell of our body has its own etheric body. For the normal, healthy functioning of an organ, a certain amount of energy is required, and the more energy there is, the more efficient the organ is.

With an excess of energy, all organs and cells of our body, in addition to maintaining healthy body tone, spend excess anergy on self-healing - rejuvenation (aging is a lack of energy). When there is not enough energy, organ dysfunction begins, as a result of which problems begin to form in the area for which it is responsible.

In the energy (as in the physical) body, everything is interconnected. There are energy channels that conduct energy through organs and cells - this is similar to blood vessels and capillaries, which perform a similar function in the physical body. When the harmony of this system is disturbed (any of the energy channels ceases to function), failures occur in the entire system as a whole.

First of all, the organ on the energy plane whose channel has been disrupted suffers. Very soon this begins to affect the physical organ. Infertility begins with a violation of energy exchange in the pelvic organs. If infertility is congenital, then this was a consequence of energy disorders in the mother, which worsened and developed in the born child.

If infertility is acquired, then this is the “merit” of the person himself: poor nutrition (we get energy through food - we are what we eat), poor lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, stress, depression and other various factors and circumstances). All this leads to disturbances and weakening of the energy of our body.

In terms of energy, stress and depression primarily affect sexual energy. The genital organs are the center of life, on which not only specific problems with the reproductive functions of the body depend, but also our life in general. During a period of depression, a person feels moral apathy towards life - he doesn’t care whether he lives or not.

And this is precisely what negatively affects the energy of the body as a whole. Thus, the best way to treat infertility is to treat it on an energetic level.

A woman who cannot become pregnant or give birth when diagnosed as “healthy” is not a rare occurrence.
Since time immemorial, they say about such a woman “empty flower” or “God does not give”...

The ancient Eastern theory of successive incarnations and retribution for mistakes made has long become known to the modern man in the street. But in the context of the problem of infertility, this can be explained as a violation of the law “Thou shalt not kill” in previous incarnations of one of the parents.

A person born with such karmic experience has a certain program written into his destiny. At best, difficulties arise in building promising and harmonious relationships with the opposite sex, at worst - infertility.

If only a man has a negative karmic program, then a woman cannot conceive a child from this partner, but successfully becomes pregnant with another.

Another reason is the presence in the family of a person involved at least in some way in the death of the child, including multiple terminations of pregnancy (abortion). Then retribution usually occurs for a woman of this kind, not only in the form of childlessness, but also in the form of the appearance in the family of children with mental disabilities, congenital pathologies and diseases. The negative program in this case “winds up” like a snowball, ultimately ending the entire family.

The problem of infertility or miscarriage may have external occult causes. For example, damage paid for by someone. Such a negative program can be directed at a specific person, or go through the maternal or paternal line. The causes of such infertility are poorly diagnosed, but can be treated if the energetic essence of the problem is removed.

It's no secret that our emotional state has a serious impact on our physical health. It is true what they say that “all diseases come from nerves.” The state of the soul affects the state of the body. There are special, very close relationships between the nervous system and the reproductive organs due to the fact that the same planet is responsible for all of this. That is, her ability to conceive a child depends on the state of a woman’s nervous system.

Research shows that the fetus, while in the mother's belly, hears sounds and reacts to many external factors. He perceives the world around him very subtly, through his senses. An unborn child already feels the emotions of its mother. It's good if these emotions are positive. And if the expectant mother experiences feelings of anger, malice, resentment, irritation, the same feelings are transmitted to the child. But he is still very small and completely defenseless. Nervous breakdowns during pregnancy can cause fetal death (miscarriage, death) or have other serious consequences.

Nature is wise and therefore establishes certain patterns for the benefit of man himself. She strives to protect the child in the womb from a sad fate and in most cases does not give nervous women the opportunity to conceive. Such women either simply do not conceive, or develop serious diseases that block reproductive function.

To solve the problem of infertility, a woman first of all needs to return to her true feminine essence, to put her feminine function in first place. And be sure to get your nerves in order. Otherwise, nothing may work out.

As for the female Yin energy, it is concentrated in the womb. For a woman, this is a “holy place”, because it is there that she bears her unborn child. After working with your energy, you can learn to feel this feminine energy. It feels like an energy spiral, a vortex, going from the uterus up through the body. But it is important not only to feel it, but also to spread it throughout the body, to fill every cell of the body with it. Working on yourself in this direction allows you to completely restore reproductive function and solve the problem of infertility.

Male energy is also present in the female body, but in much smaller quantities. Certain areas are allocated for it - these are the right hand and the area of ​​​​the right forearm. In all other places there should be feminine yin energy. Only then will a woman feel inner energetic comfort and spiritual harmony. Correct distribution of energies allows you to solve not only the problem of conception, but also the problem of relationships in the family. After all, the task of a true woman, determined by nature itself, is to preserve the home.

With best wishes, see you - with Love to you Stelana

Infertility has become quite common recently. This is primarily due to poor ecology and bad habits among people. But idiopathic infertility or, as it is also called, infertility of unknown origin is often diagnosed.

The origin of the disease is not always identified, and how can the pathology be treated in this case? Many people begin to think about their karma. Are there energetic causes of infertility? From an esoteric point of view, this is quite possible, but not everyone is able to believe it.

There is a certain energy field around each person, and the physical shell is considered the subtle body. Therefore, it is no wonder that psychological problems have such an impact on the physical component.

There are some blocks and prohibitions in a person’s consciousness that are caused by negative emotions, but in most cases this manifests itself precisely as diseases of the body. Even though such blocks are created on an unconscious level, they are based primarily on experienced tragedies and misfortunes, personal experiences that may have been unsuccessful. These beliefs can be based not only on personal experience, but also on the experience of previous generations.

The most important, but not the only reason why infertility could occur from the point of view of karma is considered to be abandonment of a child in the past.

This could happen in this or a past life:

  1. Such a refusal can be caused by a regular abortion.
  2. But it often happens that a woman voluntarily gives up her child, leaving him in orphanages or, even worse, on the street.

This is a kind of signal to avoid conceiving a child or pregnancy itself in the future.

False desire to have children. Most often, women are going to have children not when they really want them, but when relatives assure that it is time and if the woman waits another year, it will be too late. This situation can only worsen the situation, since an unwanted child will not bring happiness to the parents, and he himself will not receive much love. The same situation is if a woman, having conceived a child, tries to manipulate him with her husband or just a man, forcing him to stay with her.

A great desire to have children can also cause infertility. Isn't it logical? But no!

From the point of view of karma:

  • A woman should not deify her child.
  • Only gods should be worshiped, because by building idols for themselves, a woman risks being disappointed in them later.
  • When a child grows up, he may be too rude to his mother, and then all her love will turn into hatred, and this is the most terrible feeling that you can feel towards your own offspring.

In addition, excessive emotions, be it hysterics and tears, are a denial of the correctness of God’s decisions, which is also wrong. The only thing needed in this case is humility. Only by reconciling yourself with God’s decision and choice can you “beg” for forgiveness of your sins and finally find your maternal happiness when the Almighty has mercy.

Dissatisfaction with oneself is also one of the karmic causes of infertility.

The reason for the development of the disease may be the following:

  • The woman is not confident in herself.
  • She doesn't like her external characteristics.
  • She is dissatisfied with her social status or even her own position in life,

Despite the fact that the modern world requires more independence and strength from a woman, she is created by nature to be feminine, soft and weak. It is worth meeting these characteristics, because otherwise there will be a discrepancy between the physical shell and the soul that resides in it. A woman is a kind of man who, based on her physical capabilities, cannot conceive and bear a new life within herself. It is worth remembering this, as well as the fact that showing weakness is permissible for the fair sex.

Both partners must be in some balance with each other:

  1. It is impossible for a woman to dominate a man, to show aggression and hatred towards him.
  2. It is possible to be offended, but a woman should not show stronger in spirit, masculine qualities, since this reveals the incompatibility of partners.
  3. But a man should not stoop low: no contempt or disrespect for his chosen one, since this could result in infertility or impotence. But for the stronger sex this is somewhat unpleasant, sometimes they lose their ego and become too weak emotionally.

But a woman should not have fears either. Many people worry about whether they will be able to become good parents to their child, and whether they will lose their attractiveness to men while pregnant. Yes, even pain during childbirth. This is completely stupid, but this happens often. From an esoteric point of view, this can also cause infertility.

You should also not be too disappointed in your own life or the failures that occasionally happen to every person. If you attach too much importance to them, then you can actually convince yourself that you are a failure, although this is far from the case.

Many people are taught from childhood that thoughts are material, and this can be believed. Because thinking that nothing will be achieved in life, and every person will try to prevent the realization of high ideas and plans, this will actually happen. A kind of block will be put in place, which will stop any development, and will also cause failures both in your personal life and in terms of fertility.

You need to clearly understand what a woman or man wants from life. Many people prioritize material well-being. They say we’ll make capital, and then we’ll think about children. This is the wrong attitude towards life, and therefore you can incur infertility in the future.

Many reasons can also overlap each other. For example, if a woman or man very often experiences various negative emotions, be it aggression or envy, then there is a high risk of incurring problems in terms of reproductive function.

A greedy and evil person by nature should not have children, since they will inherit all the worst things from their parents, or they will not receive enough love in childhood and will again become embittered. These traits are characteristic of any society, but why breed them?

All these reasons can lead to dire consequences, and therefore they need to be nipped in the bud. However, if you were not able to notice them immediately, but only after a long time, when a similar pathology was discovered, then there is nothing to do. We need treatment!

For those who have not encountered such a problem, getting rid of infertility caused by karma will seem easy, but this is not at all the case. Every person has tried to change something in themselves at least once. And we are not talking about plastic surgery and style, but about internal qualities.

The education of spiritual qualities should be carried out in childhood, but if the teachings were in vain, and the child did not learn anything at this time, then it will be quite difficult to deal with such things later.

Getting rid of any bad habit takes a long time and is painful for those who strive for it, but the reward will not be long in coming:

  • If a person is trying to get rid of foul language, then he will be able to make acquaintance with cultured people who will help him develop in the future.
  • If a person tries to get rid of smoking, then he will experience improved health and the attitude of those around him who previously did not pay any attention to him because of this addiction.

Yes, correcting your karma, from an esoteric point of view, is quite difficult. We need to try to understand exactly how it was contaminated. It is difficult to wash your energy, but it is worth trying to get rid of self-imposed blocks and attitudes that do not allow conception, and then everything will normalize on its own, since this pathology will simply disappear, and the person will get what he wants - his child.

There is a kind of work on oneself going on. If a person does not want to turn to specialists in this field, esotericists and other sorcerers and magicians, because he does not believe in their abilities, then he should try to answer some questions on his own.

They are quite simple, since the woman only has to answer:

  1. Why does she want to have a baby?
  2. Will she provide him with proper care?
  3. What emotions does the thought of her future child or pregnancy itself evoke in her?

You can start visiting special places where people often make pilgrimages, hoping to get rid of any diseases. It is necessary to pray and believe in the holiness of these places, believing that the journey was not taken in vain and the couple will still achieve what they want.

Such places are energetic, and therefore can charge a person with positive energy. She affects him on an unconscious level.

From the point of view of esotericists, such places:

  • They infect a person with positive energy.
  • They tune it in a certain way.
  • Allows you to get rid of any diseases.

Very often, women returned from pilgrimages to holy places and after some time found out that they were still able to conceive a child. But at the same time, there is an opinion that this energy is released on debt. A person needs to realize everything that is why his karma did not allow him to have children. It is precisely to realize and regret this, otherwise each of his subsequent reincarnations will face the same problem, and therefore in each subsequent life, his soul will suffer due to the impossibility of leaving offspring.

In India, barren women often visit the temple, which appeared only about twenty years ago. Its name is Kotilingeshwar. This is a specially equipped place in which there are about 300 thousand lingas - sculptures of the genital organ of the god Shiva. They worship lingas because they believe in their magical powers.

The points of view of many experts differ on this matter, but the majority believes that such a place has its own energy, which is transmitted to visitors to this temple. Recently, not only Indian women have begun to visit it.

Moreover, the building can truly be considered magical, since most of the women who visited it at least once could later boast of their children. Yes, not only conception took place, but also a normal pregnancy, and subsequently the birth of a healthy baby.

However, even such phenomena do not exclude the need to go to the hospital. Despite the fact that infertility could appear due to any problems with a person’s karma, infections could also provoke it. If we consider in detail, the infections that appeared in the woman could be a consequence of her polluted karma. Even if her energy is restored, it will also be necessary to undergo a course of drug treatment.

I regularly receive letters from our readers regarding the problem of infertility. And although we have already touched on this topic in the article, this issue is not exhausted, so in this article we will continue to study, first of all, the esoteric causes of infertility, and not medical methods of solving the problem.

Let me remind you that we consider the solution to any problems, the causes of diseases and troubles from the point of view of spiritual laws, from the position. If you need to know the opinion of doctors on this issue, look for information on the relevant sites. But the point is that medicine always works with the consequence, with symptoms, with physiology and does not take into account spiritual and karmic root causes.

We discussed the general root causes why a woman cannot get pregnant in the article. If you haven't read this article yet, go ahead. And in this article we will dwell in more detail on the deeper karmic causes of infertility.

Let's start with the basic diagnoses and definitions.

What is Infertility?

Definitions from Wikipedia:

Infertility (in medicine)– the inability of a couple of childbearing age to conceive a child within 1 year of regular sexual activity without contraception.

A married couple is considered infertile if the woman does not become pregnant within a year of regular sexual activity (sexual intercourse at least once a week) without the use of contraceptive means and methods. According to the World Health Organization, “...about 8% of married couples face the problem of infertility during their reproductive period.”

In humans, a distinction is made between absolute infertility, which is predetermined by incurable changes in the reproductive system of a man or woman (developmental defects, surgical removal of the gonads, injuries, etc.), and relative, the causes of which can be eliminated.

In this article we are talking specifically about female infertility. There are several physiological causes of infertility: Obstruction or absence of the uterus, Adhesions in the pelvis, Endocrine (hormonal) disorders, Pathology or absence of the uterus, Endometriosis, Immunological infertility, Chromosomal pathology, Chromosomal pathology, etc.

But also, all problems associated with infertility can be divided into 2 large categories:

1. When a woman is physiologically healthy and can potentially have a child, when all the relevant organs are in order and functioning normally, but she still cannot get pregnant and doctors diagnose “infertility.” In some cases, doctors cannot determine the physiological causes of infertility and do not find any pathologies. If you have exactly this situation, know that you need to look for the root causes, karmic and energetic, definitely!

2. When a woman cannot get pregnant due to any physiological pathologies, diseases, or improper functioning of organs. In this case, it is also advisable to find out exactly the spiritual causes of the problem - Why do organs suffer? Why is this or that disease given? and what should be done about it? Based on many real cases, we can say that if you work on yourself correctly, it is often possible to do without medications and surgical intervention. But if the disease is identified and the diagnosis is made, the disease must be treated. “The strength must be taken from all sides,” therefore, ideally, it is necessary to find out the root cause, working on oneself, and to undergo treatment, as required by medicine.

Karmic causes of infertility in women

We list the main violations for which, according to Spiritual Laws, a woman can be punished with infertility:

Subconscious or conscious self-hatred , non-acceptance of the feminine principle in oneself, accumulation of a large number of negative emotions towards oneself (resentment, anger, hatred, etc.) and self-destruction. Corresponding negative emotions always, first of all, hit the female reproductive organs.

Resentment and hatred towards men, usually subconscious. For example, against your father, if he committed violence when the woman was a child. Also, a woman’s soul could bring a negative attitude towards men from past lives. This is her negative experience, an unresolved lesson that needs to be dealt with in this life - find the right answers, remove hatred and resentment, etc. This often happens.

One of the common causes of infertility may be abortions performed in the past. - either in this life or in previous incarnations. - this is serious, for abandoning a child, abandoning responsibility and abandoning the purpose of being a mother - a person receives serious punishment. One of the penalties for abortion is infertility.

Another reason for infertility may be abandonment of an already born child. , again, in a past life or in this one, it doesn’t matter. “If you gave up, didn’t appreciate the gift of the Higher Powers, didn’t justify Their trust - that means you won’t get it again until you atone for your sin.”. This also includes the renunciation of motherhood as such, as a renunciation of one of one’s purposes. Refusal of one's purpose and failure to fulfill it is always punished very strictly.

"Bad Mother" in the past, may often be deprived of the right to be a mother in the future. Physical or mental abuse of children, as well as any actions that crippled the psyche and fate of a child in the past, never remain without corresponding karmic consequences, punishments and prohibitions in the future. These are all things for which you need to repent and ask for forgiveness from God and the soul to whom you are guilty.

The deification of children and family can also become an obstacle to having them. Remember: h A person always, sooner or later, loses everything he prays for! (except for God) You can only pray, and everything that a person begins to love more than God will be taken away from him if he does not come to his senses. The idealization and deification of children leads to incredible attachments and, as a consequence, to the formation of fears, aggression and despotism. And when children begin to show their own will, the parent’s desire to suppress it turns on and then they begin to forcibly ruin the child’s life at their own discretion. If a child still strives to live his own way, without listening to his mother, the mother easily turns into a tyrant, and her love transforms into hatred. All this usually ends in failure.

The penultimate thing I would like to talk about is fears! Fear of children, fear of responsibility, fear of giving birth, fear of pain, fear of changing and becoming unattractive, other fears. Fear blocks the flow of energy to the reproductive organs and can even destroy them (lead to diseases or functional failures). But every fear necessarily has a reason, so to speak, the day of its birth when it appeared. And as soon as you find and remove the cause of fear, you will be able to get pregnant, because along with fear, energy blocks, negative influences and functional failures in the functioning of organs will go away.

It also happens that the cause of infertility may be birth problems or negative karma of the family. Generic problems usually include hereditary diseases. Read more about this in the article - Also, birth problems that can cause infertility in both women and men include grievances against parents and other negative emotions within family relationships (hatred, anger, etc.). It often happens that infertility goes away only when a woman was able to establish relationships with her parents, forgive them, and reveal gratitude in her heart. But you need to keep in mind that the family’s karma is not limited to grievances against parents alone. You need to look individually in each specific case.

So, what needs to be done to remove the true causes of infertility and give birth to good, healthy and happy children?

1. Ideally, with help, find out the root cause of infertility and understand what needs to be changed in yourself, what sins to atone for in order to eliminate the problem. Sometimes the reasons are obvious, if a person knows himself well, and then you can try to work on your own.