You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself. Every sound is a gift

(Speaker's diction)

Everyone should have superior

fluent diction, pronunciation... long

wives feel not only phrases, words

va, but also every syllable, every letter...

If a person does not feel the soul of the letter,

he will not feel the soul of the word, not

will feel the souls of phrases and thoughts.

K. S. Stanislavsky

Having achieved freedom of sound, it is necessary to include in voice training and diction exercises, which also contribute to the musicality of speech. After all, a continuous line of sound is created in speech when not only vowels, but also consonants “sing on their own, as in vocal art,” said K. S. Stanislavsky. You need to improve your voice, correcting your diction along the way.

Not only the speaker’s voice, but also his speech should sound beautiful. The euphony and melody of speech are destroyed by pronunciation defects (lisp, burr, whistling C, 3 and other defects), carelessness in pronunciation, especially the consonant sounds of our speech. But the psychological significance of consonants is higher than vowel sounds because they carry more information, performing the main semantic distinguishing function. By pronouncing some consonant sounds (Pshkn, Nkrsv, Ggl, Chhv, Lrmntv) we are more likely to understand what poets and writers we are talking about than by the meaningless vowels that make up these words: ui, eao, oo, eo, eoo .

It is unacceptable to transfer into public speech verbal complexes distorted in everyday life, such as “check” instead of “man”, “maybe” instead of “maybe”, “tachi” instead of “comrades”, etc. This makes speech illegible, unaesthetic, inexpressive.

It is necessary to take into account the acoustic conditions of a public speech, to know that the distance that exists between the speaker and the audience “shades out” the consonants, and the “sound flow” absorbs them, “blurs” them, and they reach the listeners in a significantly weakened form.

You should know that speech intelligibility decreases with high voice tones, amplification of sound, fast tempo (stiffness of the articulatory apparatus occurs), as well as with quiet sound

and low tones of voice (the intensity of the sound of consonants decreases). As a result, words and phrases sometimes reach the audience that change the meaning of what was said: I did not pay attention to the activity of pronouncing the consonants V - F and hear: “You must bite the fruits of your labors” (instead of “taste”), “Dear comrades tyrants” (instead of “veterans ").

Fuzzy pronunciation of consonants is sometimes also associated with “swallowing” of vowel sounds. And then the phrases sound generally strange: “She’s very charming on tap” (she’s very charming on the screen), “Petersburg’s mouths are strange” (variety artists), “We’re so busy!” (what great things we do!), “I sat on the porch all evening with my sweetheart” (instead of “with my friend”).

Hence the conclusion: developing your speech apparatus, engaging in diction training, and comprehending the emotional content of speech sounds is a mandatory requirement for everyone who masters speech skills.

In Russian speech, the following are difficult to pronounce: plosive consonants P-B, T-D, K-G; consonants CH-Ts, often replaced by the sounds Shch-S (manifestation); consonants V-F, which seem to “lock” the sound (when pronounced, the lower lip comes into contact with the upper teeth). The production of these sounds requires coordination of oral articulation with the actions of the respiratory system, especially the diaphragm. Sounds are formed when an air stream actively breaks through obstacles: the coccyx of the tongue tightly pressed to the upper incisors (T-D), the back of the back of the tongue firmly pressed to the hard palate (K-G), the shutter of both lips (P-B). Due to their active nature of birth, plosive consonants tone up the functioning of the respiratory apparatus, especially developing the mobility of the diaphragm (check by pronouncing voiceless consonants: p-p! p-p! p-p!.. t-t! t-t! t-t! k-k! k-k! k-k!..), and also help to bring the sound closer. Train the following combinations: bird! damn! bird! bird! birds! birds! bdga! bdgo! bdgu! bdge! bdgi! bdgy!.. Training combinations of plosive consonants develops the articulatory apparatus: P-B - lips, T-D - tip of the tongue, K-G - root of the tongue.

When training all kinds of combinations of consonants, reprimand, tease, flirt, force... But just do it not formally, not dead, not mechanically, “without emotional participation,” as K. S. Stanislavsky said.

Exercise "Train". Convey the sound of the train wheels at different tempos: the train departs KnockTuktuktukTuktUktuktukTuk-knockTuktuktuk... Speeds up... And now:

The carriages rolled forward like balls:





(Y. Tuvim)

Exercise “Clatter of horseshoes.” Convey the clatter of horseshoes with a graceful sound:

Tsok-kopYtse! Dust is swirling under the hoof!

Exercise "Chimney Sweep". You "wash" the chimney sweep. Make free movements with your hand from the shoulder to the left, right, left, right... Say:

MY, MY, Chimney Sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

WILL BE, WILL BE, Chimney Sweep


(K. Chukovsky)

Scan the verses, and the hand, moving, will emphasize the stressed syllables that easily “fly out”. Clearly finish words with a dull consonant sound T: clean, will be, chimney sweep.

When training diction clarity, we must remember that all the sounds of our speech are of different powers. One sound requires less energy to sound (a), another requires more (i). It is easier to say “Mom”, more difficult “Dada”, so that the plosive sounds of “P” can be heard. Our diaphragm not only provides sound support, but also promotes clarity of articulation. It “duplicates oral articulation in its own way.” Simply put: the diaphragm “articulates,” aligning the sound of all vowels and consonants in their complex combinations in words.

Exercise "Initial sound". The initial sound in a word is very important in speech. It, as scientists have established, is four times more significant than the other sounds of the word. The initial sound changes the meaning of the word and is an exponent of a person’s aesthetic and sensory perception of the world. Listen to how soft the word mother sounds in contrast to boorish, how beautiful the word dear sounds and how unpleasant - frail.

Every sound is a gift!

It's not for nothing that we care

So that our Diction

It wouldn't be Fiction.

First sound!

It means a lot:

The meaning of the words will be changed.

Barrel - Kochka - Daughter - Lobe - Nochka - Kidney - Point.

Furnace - Burn - Chop - Flow - Lay down - Sword - Speech...

Bot - Year - Mot - Pot - Lot - Mouth - Cat - Move...

You can create mnemonic rhymes like:

Ladies are Hams.

Daughter - Barrel.

Gunpowder - Rustle.

Peak and Tick.

Lamas - Ramas.

Kochka - Night.

Wheelbarrow - Dachka.

Sig and Mig...

I replace the initial sound -

This changes the meaning of the words.

Get used to clearly pronouncing the ends of words, especially voiceless consonants. This not only allows you to more accurately understand the meaning, to “complete the picture” conveyed to the viewer or listener, but also develops the skill of reflexive breathing. We remind you: when finishing words well, you involuntarily throw out air unused during phonation along with the sound, and through the open glottis, which causes a reflex expansion of the walls of the bronchi, outside air is instantly drawn in, that is, an imperceptible, rapid “addition” of air occurs. (The density of the external air turns out to be greater than that remaining in the lungs.)

Exercise “Final consonants”.

They are important for the meaning of words - Final consonants. But they are often not heard in speech. We agree to train them. How will we train them? Rhyme line with line.

Repeat any ending with a consonant sound at the end, and simple lines will be born in rhyme with this ending, such as:

Whoops, whoops, whoops. I really want to go for a walk.

Whoops-oh-oh-oh. But it has been raining since morning.

Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. Should I go and take a nap? Whoops, whoops, whoops. I have to get up early tomorrow.

Exercise "Round dance".

Yut-yut-yut-yut - the beautiful maidens sing.

From-from-from-from - they conduct a Russian round dance.

Yat-yat-yat-yat - clear falcons are beckoning.

Ut-ut-ut-ut - they call for a round dance.

Eat-e-e-e-e - sing songs together.

Exercise “Everything in the world lives.”

The steam locomotive puffs

The water carrier is crawling,

The ship is sailing,

The plane is flying

The breeze is singing

The marigold is blooming,

The fungus is growing

The town is buzzing

The hippopotamus is sad

The mole is worried...

All that puffs and crawls and swims,

It flies, and sings, and blooms, and grows -

All this lives in its own way in the world.

The goal of the exercise is to monitor the clear pronunciation of final consonants - t, k, s, which are often not heard in spoken speech. “Bark up” them!

By ensuring synchronized operation of the articulatory, respiratory and vocal apparatus, it is possible to achieve better sounding of difficult-to-pronounce “bundles” of consonants with minimal articulatory effort. The vowels in pronouncing these combinations should sound free and sonorous. When they fade, this serves as a signal that the ligaments are somewhat overstrained. Then we need to remember the muscular feeling of freedom in the larynx and activate the work of the diaphragm - “bark”, support the sound.

Exercise “Bundles of consonants”.

We meet many of them in our speech,

Although we don’t think about them, we don’t notice

And we distort the meaning of spoken phrases.

The “consonant bundles” should bother us.

Do not damage the meaning of words.

Look for in speech and train complex “bouquets”, “bundles” of consonants in words and at the junctions of words in phrases: to stay awake, to be wise, postSCRIPTUM, PARTVZNos, V3To excite, to invigorate, amateurishness, agency, adjunctstvo, super-anxious, you were alarmed, somehow -Next time; POINTVSpeech; conspektskhvatil; eagle-soarsWavingWings; couldn't take a nap; transferred to the Lost and Found; counter-meeting, KUNSTKamsra, department, construction, childhood, escape, fire hose, center-forward, MARSHROCK, TRANSPLANTANY, RECORDMAN, COUNTER-OFFENSE, SUPERCHSOUND, BUILDER, philosophize, mountain ZDVSHRAPnut, MONSTERVSK Lokochen...

Phrases consisting of monosyllabic words require increased muscular tension.

Exercise “One-syllable words.”

Make phrases from monosyllabic words.

Try to pronounce them clearly.

And you will undoubtedly immediately see:

The “apparatus” must be brought into activity.

Otherwise, a lot of sounds will be lost,

And the viewer will not understand the meaning of the speech.

At that hour a blackbird was singing here. There was hail here that year. TRAM was there that year. A hedgehog crawled under the oak tree. Everyone loved Peter. The tambourine beats to the beat. The tempo is fast - the timbre is clear. In a moment the club is poly. The moss hid the mushroom. Grandfather has become old. Brit brother Klim, Brit brother Gleb. Frol is straight, Prov is crooked. Your guest took the cane. Wave splash - sparkle splash. Jump a hundred miles. The wolf climbed into the stable. Is there a sickle to reap rye? Prov fell into a trance. Does lynx eat cheese? Lynx eats cheese.

Exercise "Dog".

It was day...

Suddenly it rains.

Thunder: “Bang!” -

Everything goes to the house.

Following the dog -

Wet nose

Wool down

The tail hangs down

The look is dull

Dick, stupid! -

Nose up!

Learn to hear the sounds of speech, fall in love with them, feel their significance for the expressiveness of the spoken word, master “sound writing”, the clear pronunciation of each sound of Russian speech.

Exercise “Sounds”.

Hissing sound "Sha"

Rusted, whispered,

And “Zhe” is like a Beetle, spinning,


The Spring Winds blew in “Ve”.

He suddenly snorted “eff”, got dressed up: “Fe!”

Whistling Consonant sound “eS” -

whistled, "

Behind him is Zvonko, Zvonko, Sound “Ze” -

It rang.

The rolling “er” is not in vain “sonorous”:

Roars and Roars in Hard Work!..

Beats the Storm and Fight in BaraBan Brave "Be".

Came to ask to be quieter sound "Pe"...

Exercise “Loser hairdresser”.

Chick! Chick! Chick! Chick!

I cut my bangs! (With joy)

Chick! Chick! Chick! Cha!

My bangs are amazing! (Proudly)

CHICK-CHICK! Chick-chick! Chick-chick! OK!

I tore off a piece of hair! (With fear)

Chick! Chick! Chick! Ha! What kind of bangs?

Nonsense! (With annoyance)

Using short movements of the fingers (scissors), we “cut the bangs”, imitating the sound of scissors with energetic sounds of Ch.

The exercise helps to train the pure pronunciation of the sound Ch, without giving it the opportunity to turn into the sound Sh. Combine a clear, abrupt pronunciation of Ch with active movement of the diaphragm. “Bark” the trained sound.

Exercise "Sparrows". Imagine that you are “sparrows”. You jump near the fishing rod with a worm attached to the hook and “tweet.”

First. Tick-tweet, whose worm?

Second. Whose worm? Tweet, be quiet!

There is a worm on the hook.

You'll be hooked.

First. On a hook? What? What?

I'm not afraid of anything!

I'll grab the worm off the hook!

Tick-tweet! And - I'll swallow it!

Although the exercise is done while sitting, if you believe that you are “sparrows,” quick, light, characteristic movements of the head and body are involuntarily born, which accompany the text. A sharp, quick turn of the head of the “nimble sparrow” and the same sharp, quick movements of the tongue (into the upper teeth and - rebound to the vowel), an energetic, short exhalation when pronouncing the consonant Ch, a slight movement of the diaphragm.

The difficult sounds of Russian speech are the labial-dental V, F. They sink in and are not heard most often at the beginning of a word, which distorts the meaning. “B is generally a very unloved letter. It blocks the sound and requires a special arrangement of the speaking apparatus, peculiar only to it and even to the letter “F” (upper teeth on the lower lip)”1. Precisely because these consonants really block the sound, and it is necessary to train special activity in their pronunciation.

Remember the “Sprayer” exercise familiar from breathing exercises (f! f! f!..) and reinforce the active pronunciation of the consonant “f” in the texts. For example, after covering your hair with hairspray, you look at yourself in the mirror and evaluate your new hairstyle:

Both in front and in profile “Fantasy” To Zizi’s face. Fact.

Exercise "Will". You are walking into a snowstorm and blizzard. The wind hits your face, knocks you off your feet... Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of circumstances: cause a trembling in your body, in your lips, which, without ceasing to tremble, make a stretching, trembling sound VVVVVVVVV-VVVVVVVVVVV...

Begin to act, calling on all your will to overcome obstacles.

Hey, wind blower,

Wind blower,

don't blow it in your face!

You fall off your feet and tremble

you drive,

Howling, whistling

and you scare me?..

You won't take it!

I'm strong-willed.

You can't put me in fear

Howl, don't howl!..

The blizzard suddenly rose and howled,

The blizzard has turned back!

The will helped to take over.

Will has overcome everything.

Cultivate your will!

1 S. Volkonsky. An expressive word. - St. Petersburg. Ed. "Apollo". 1913.S. 65.

Keep the trembling “BBV” in poetry: double and triple the consonant “v” when you are shaking from the cold and talking to the wind.

Russian speech requires a well-trained tongue, because the twelve consonants in our speech are formed by moving the tip or front of the tongue towards the upper teeth or the front of the hard palate: D, T, N, C, Ch, 3, S, Zh, Sh , Shch, L, R.

It is necessary to achieve good vibration of the tip of the tongue so that the sonorant consonant P does not “fall through” in the word among the sound of other consonants and vowels. And although in Russian speech R is less booming than, say, in Spanish, it should sound definitely and not distort the meaning of the word.

Exercise "Trouble".

Share the rook cry you heard:

Where are the guards?

-What was stolen?

Two feathers,

Ugliness! Since morning...

Did you STOLEN?

We didn't take it. TOOK IT!

Rook cry

In our language.

(A. Shibaev)

Careless speech is also reflected in the incorrect sound of soft consonants T-D. Instead of T, TS is heard; instead of D-DZ:

GdZe RastSyapa, yes tSetSerya - There is not profit, but sweat.

Don't look at how the mouth dZeret, But look at how dZelo idZet.

Why does this lack of sound in the soft consonants T-D occur?

It is known that when pronouncing the consonants D-T, the tongue, with its front part tightly pressed to the alveoli of the upper teeth, under the strong pressure of the air stream, bounces off them and falls down, behind the lower incisors. With a soft sound T-D-L there is a greater rise in the middle part of the back of the tongue. When changing the position of the tongue, it is important to maintain a tight connection between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli. At the slightest gap between the tongue and the alveoli, T-D-L become “jamming” and “jamming.”

While saying “Ding-d-d-d”, try moving the tip of your tongue lightly up and down the incisors (as if rubbing them). The consonant “D” is immediately appended with the sound “3”. This means that in order to get rid of this deficiency, it is necessary to ensure that the tip of the tongue does not slide (forming a gap into which air escapes, generating whistling sounds 3-C), but, tightly adjacent to the upper alveoli, instantly bounces off the upper teeth, “exploding” the soft consonants D-T. What devices and associations help cure this deficiency? A lot of them.

Exercise "Current". Imagine that your upper teeth are electrified. (Fantasize how this happened.) When you want to press the tip of your tongue against them, you get an electric shock. It is interesting to check this sensation again and again to make sure: does it exist?

Dia! - The tongue jumped back along with the quickly lowered lower jaw. Try again. Be careful - current!

Now alternate the syllables: the pure sounds “Tyu” with the sound S -<<Тсю>>.

Tso-Tyo! Tsya-Tya! Tsi-Ti! Ju-Du! Jo-Do! Dzia-Dia! Ji-Di!

Take your time to pronounce the syllables. Be interested in what your tongue does. It’s interesting to listen to sounds that change with the slightest movement of the tongue.

The auditory analyzer and muscle memory are the main healers of speech defects. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate between correct and incorrect pronunciation. Understand and hear the difference in sound. “Students must not only know and understand what is wrong, but also reproduce it. This is the most comprehensive method for studying errors, writes K. S. Stanislavsky. - You need to be able to use it. The right is better appreciated when you fully embrace not only it, but also the wrong.”1

Exercise "Bells". In one hand there is a larger bell, it rings like this: “ding-ding”, and in the other - a smaller one, it rings higher and louder, making the following sound: “ding-ding”. Ringing one bell or another, play “Chizhik.”

Ding-ding! Ding-ding! DING-DING-DING! Ding-ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding! DING! DING!

Then, continuously ringing the second bell, call your friends: Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding-ding...

Exercise "Ducks". You call out to the ducks waddling hastily around the yard:

Ooty, oot! Whoop, whoop, whoop!

Why are you in a hurry?

Do you want to eat?

Are you heading towards the river?

Whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops, whoops!

Here the soft “TH and D” are repeated 19 times. Practice pronouncing them clearly. It is especially good to practice the correct - without "tyskaiya" - pronunciation of Т in interjections - short, abbreviated names of ducks with which we call them. The sound is directed as if “toward itself” - the air goes up. Absence

1 K. S. Stanislavsky. Soch., vol. 3. P. 439.

Pauses between words prevent air from leaking outside of the sound.

Tongue twisters are folk-poetic jokes that deliberately combine sounds that are difficult to pronounce together. The people invented them specifically for the development of a “speaking apparatus”. He cared about the beauty, clarity, and expressive sonority of the Russian word. When practicing pronouncing tongue twisters, you need to achieve not only clear pronunciation of all speech sounds included in the structure of the word, but also be sure to maintain brightness of intonation. When speaking quickly, you still need to try to “put” your thoughts, visions, and subtext into the minds of the listeners. This means that the faster, the clearer the diction, the brighter the intonation.

When training tongue twisters, it is necessary to maintain a reflex connection between the three systems of the speech-forming organ (respiratory, voice-forming and diction). Don't forget about barking. It will help maintain evenness of sound, flexibility, and mobility of the voice, capable of “drawing” thoughts when quickly pronouncing words and phrases. It is useful to immediately learn to speak slowly (clearly and expressively) and quickly, maintaining this clarity and expressiveness. It is necessary to internally justify the transition from slow to fast speech:

The beaver is kind to the beavers (slowly - explaining).

For BEAVERS, Beaver is kind (quickly clarifying).

The water carrier was carrying water FROM UNDER THE WATER PIPELINE (slowly - explaining).

FROM UNDER THE WATER PIPELINE a water carrier was carrying water (quickly - clarifying).

A weaver weaves fabrics onto shawls TANE (slowly - explaining).

A weaver weaves fabrics onto TANE scarves (quickly - clarifying).

Buy a pile of PIK (slowly, please).

Buy KIPU peak (quickly - I’ll clarify).

Near the stake - BELLS (slowly).

Near COLA - bells (quickly).

The spoon is GUTTERED - CURVED (slowly - explaining),

GROOTED - A CURVED spoon (quickly - clarifying).

Then you can take on more complex tongue twisters. What is their difficulty? People noticed that our language is in a hurry to restore the order of sounds specified at the beginning: “Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.” I just want to repeat “SHS, SHS, SHS” instead of the required combination “SHSSSHSSSSSH”. Language should not run ahead of thought. So subordinate your speech to your will. And the second feature noticed by the people: the stressed syllable in Russian speech stands out clearly and takes a lot of energy, after which the activity of the “speaking apparatus” sharply drops (reduces

volume level). That's why we often hear half a word, don't hear the ends of phrases, etc. We need to train the skill of maintaining the volume level of pronouncing the entire phrase until the end. To train this skill, people composed tongue twisters with a large number of pre-stressed and post-stressed syllables in the word: “The arrogant Varvara felt the insensitive Babyla.”

Train this second type of tongue twister also according to the slow-fast principle. We offer the following tongue twisters for practice:

Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered and blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

There is a butt on the head, a cap on the butt. A shock under the butt, a pop under the cap.

The Turk is smoking a pipe, the trigger is pecking at a grain. Don't smoke a Turkish pipe, don't

peck the trigger!

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood. Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

Prokop came - dill was boiling, Prokop left - dill was boiling; Just as under Prokop the dill was boiling, so without Prokop the dill was boiling.

Fedka eats radish with vodka, eats Fedka with vodka and radish.

He reported, but didn’t finish his report; I finished reporting, but I did report.

The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

Osip is hoarse. Arkhip Osip.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style, the bell is not poured in the Kolokolov style.

The bell needs to be re-capped, re-caulked, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.

We talked about Prokopovich. What about Prokopovich? About Prokopovich, about Prokopovich, about your Prokopovich.

We talked about Prokolukorpenko. What about Prokolukorpenko?

About Prokolukorpenko, about Prokolukorpenko, about your Prokolukorpenko.

Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Shot for quails and black grouse.

Frol - straight. Prov - crook (repeat several times).

The nervous constitutionalist was found acclimatized in constitutional Constantinople.

When training tongue twisters, changing verbs of action, relationships, feelings, finding various devices, we must not forget about the sound of the voice.

Exercise "Distributor".

Distribute the libretto loudly and enthusiastically, trying to say it as many times as possible without losing your words:

Libretto - Rigoletto! Libretto - Rigoletto... King - Eagle! King - Eagle! King - Eagle... Robertino Loretta! Robertino Loretta! Robertino Loretti...

Concluding this important section of the manual, we present another bright, figurative excerpt from the works of the brilliant Stanislavsky: “We do not feel our language, phrases, syllables, letters, and therefore we easily distort them: instead of the letter Ш we pronounce PFA, instead of L we say UA. The consonant C sounds like CS in our country, and G turns into GHA for some. Add to this the squeaking, squeaking, lisp, burr, nasality, squealing, squeaks, squeaks and all sorts of tongue-tiedness. Words with substituted letters now seem to me like a man with an ear instead of a mouth, with an eye instead of an ear, with a finger instead of a nose.

A word with a crumpled beginning is like a person with a flattened head. A word with an unfinished ending resembles a man with amputated legs.

The loss of individual letters and syllables is the same as a collapsed nose, a knocked out eye or tooth, a cut off ear and other similar deformities.

When some people, due to lethargy or carelessness, stick together into one shapeless mass, I remember flies caught in honey; I imagine autumn slush and thaw, when everything merges into fog.

Arrhythmia in speech, in which a word or phrase begins slowly, and in the middle suddenly speeds up, in order to unexpectedly dash into the gateway at the end, reminds me of a drunk, and the tongue twister reminds me of St. Vitus’s dance.”1

So, the main qualities that are trained in the first exercises of voice-speech training: phonation breathing (various types of exhalation, dictated by the nature of speech); the skill of “switching” breathing, ensuring high-quality speech sound during slow-fast, loud-quiet, calm-expressive speech; sound support; soft sound attack; composure and sonority of voice; finding your “center” of voice; strengthening the power of the voice; improvement of natural timbre; diction clarity; vocal flexibility.

1 K. S. Stanislavsky. Op. T. 3. pp. 69-70.


Having studied the methodological techniques of training, built on the indirect influence on the work of the voice-speech apparatus, train daily, well understanding the goals of each exercise, knowing the result to strive for.

Breathing exercises: exercises that train three types of exhalation.

Sound support: exercises based on the “barking” type.

Diction training: a series of exercises that train the clear pronunciation of individual speech sounds, in all possible combinations, in words, phrases, and poetic texts.

Everyone selects exercises for themselves, changing them for others during the training process.

In order to develop speech hearing, cultivate a sense of the phonetic composition of a word, systematically make “field notes”, recording heard words, phrases, the sound composition of which is distorted by the speaker (loss or replacement of consonant sounds and their groups, loss of vowels, entire syllables and even parts of a word from the verbal complex). Write this down in the Anti-Dictionary monthly.

Speech hearing is the ability to hear and reproduce sounding speech in all its phonetic manifestations. A well-trained ear is reflected in the ability to imitate heard speech. This ability is easy to train. For some, it becomes a profession, for example, for pop actors (parodists-imitators).

What components of speech hearing should be developed? First of all, phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish and reproduce all speech sounds that make up a word, correlating them with the phonetics of native speech and orthoepic rules. Tasks on compiling “Anti-dictionaries”, “Speech passports”, etc. are aimed at developing this component of speech hearing.

I replace other parts...speech..., Placing their responsibilities (to) myself (on) my shoulders..., When I have to replace others, (On) their meaning... I always need to point out. Write it down. Explain the missing spellings. Indicate the categories of the studied pronouns and their syntactic role.

l. I can replace other parts of speech, __ V. Taking their responsibilities onto my shoulders, _. _. _ When you have to replace other words, l. I always need to point out their meaning. ----Check.

Who has read this book? What books are you interested in? What is the purpose of the statement of these sentences? Find interrogative pronouns in sentences and determine their syntactic role.

V. M. Who read this book? ___ V. M. What books are you interested in? ~~~~ Check it out.

Lesson objectives. 1. Learn to distinguish between relative and interrogative pronouns. 2. Find relative pronouns in complex sentences.

Compare. Who took part in school cross-country? I know who took part in the school cross-country race. Parse the sentences (No. 5).

[-=] ? 5 X 5 [-=] , (-=). Check it out.

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift!

“I love my language: it is understandable to everyone, it is melodious, like the Russian people, many-faced, like our state, powerful!” One cannot but agree with the words of A. Yashin?

Writers and poets of different times and peoples have always spoken of him with delight. Our language is one of the most powerful and living languages. People have been creating a flexible, expressive and melodious language for centuries. In every word one can hear the peculiarity of the national character. Russian speech is colored with unique emotionality. A great variety of shades of mood: irritability, delight, joy and anger, can be expressed only in our language.

Russian soul, echo of the world and human groans, and the mirror of divine visions.”

A person cannot be considered cultured without the ability to speak competently and use the rich vocabulary of the Russian language. The enormous wealth of lexical, grammatical and morphological forms does not exist in any other language in the world. N.M. Karamzin said: “Our language is expressive not only for high eloquence. For loud, picturesque poetry, but also for the sounds of the heart and sensitivity.” How many wonderful works of different genres are written in an extraordinarily beautiful and unusual language?! We convey all the beauty of nature and the inner world of people. In all centuries, people express tender feelings and sensations, talk about love, childhood, motherhood. Words can evoke tears of delight, pity and soul-crushing tenderness.

The Russian language is significant all over the world. The most important reason for this significance is literature. Foreigners study the Russian language in order to read the great poetic and prose masterpieces of Russian writers. The Russian language has always been our pride. A.S. Pushkin called the Russian language flexible and powerful in its expressions and means. He highly valued Russian speech, its freshness, simplicity and sincerity of expression. Masters of words Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gorky and philologists Buslaev, Vinogradov improved the language. We have inherited an extraordinary, priceless inheritance. We are obliged to preserve it, not to distort it, not to litter it with slangs and foreign synonyms. “Every word of a language is the result of a person’s thoughts and feelings, through which the nature of the country and the history of the people are reflected in the word,” wrote Konstantin Ushinsky.

“everything is accessible to our language. He has the power to express, depict and convey everything. It has spontaneity and clarity; and prostate and scope, and guy; and dreaminess, and strength, and clarity. This is the language of a sharp word and cutting thought. The language of volitional decisions and prophecies. The language of the original Russian character. And the Russian people, who created this language, are themselves capable of reaching the spiritual and spiritual heights to which their language calls them.”

We, the younger generation, must love, study and preserve our richest heritage - the Russian language! Marvel and admire the treasures of our language. Truly, “every sound is a gift”

More than a century has passed since the first story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was published, telling about the adventures of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, but even today works about the detective are extremely popular among readers. We are still excited by the intrigue, and there is a desire to find out the answer to the next mystery.

Why is Homs so popular? Why is it still relevant after more than a hundred years?

Sherlock stands out from the huge number of heroes of the detective genre in that completely different qualities are intertwined in his image. Often these are absolutely opposite traits that make him an extraordinary person. He is a versatile person with many talents. Having many skills, he devotes his entire existence to solving crimes. At the same time, he tries to use all his capabilities to the maximum. Sherlock does not try to help people as his calling; he does not consider serving the law a duty. The detective is only trying to satisfy his interest, which miraculously coincides with the needs of a society thirsting for justice. He has convictions, a special morality, which he uses in cases where he believes that acting according to the law in a situation will be unfair. But these beliefs have the character of rules of honor, life principles based on honesty with oneself. He never abuses them, but uses them very rarely and exclusively for the benefit of society.

Sherlock feels an almost physical need to work. He never allows himself to get bored, and his mind is constantly working. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle shows us the ideal thought machine, created to unfailingly and selflessly solve the most difficult and intricate mysteries of life. His work is not burdened with unnecessary emotions, all kinds of feelings and experiences on which an ordinary person would waste a lot of energy and strength. No...At times it may even seem that Homs is not at all capable of feeling everything that is characteristic of the human soul, but this is not so. He is capable of friendship, respect, hatred, Sherlock just treats them with some contempt and does not allow them to cloud his mind. He knows neither blind hatred nor blind love.

The love of a detective is a separate topic. In general, Homs does not experience love in his life. He is a confirmed bachelor. But one day the detective meets a girl named Irene Adler, for whom he develops special respect. Perhaps for any other hero such a feeling could be called falling in love, but not for Sherlock... His only passion is business, and his only weakness is excitement. He treats his work as a game, and when passion takes possession of him, he becomes capable of doing anything, just to prove the correctness of his version and convince himself of it.

Thus, Sherlock Holmes amazes the reader with his abilities, inimitable, unique character, habits, forcing him to feel love and respect for himself. This is the secret of its age-old popularity.

You marvel at the preciousness of our language - every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself. N.V. Gogol Reading a good book relieves stress better than alcohol, psychologists say. Today we have a wonderful therapeutic reading from the recognized master of literary landscape - Konstantin Paustovsky. If this week has already tired you, there is no better antidepressant. A spring in the small forest Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as precious stones radiate a mysterious shine. I understand, of course, that there is nothing mysterious about their brilliance and that any physicist can easily explain this phenomenon by the laws of optics. But still, the shine of the stones evokes a feeling of mystery. It is difficult to reconcile with the idea that inside the stone, from where the shining rays pour, there is no source of light of its own. This applies to many stones, even something as humble as aquamarine. Its color cannot be accurately determined. They haven't found a suitable word for it yet. Aquamarine is considered by its name (aqua marin - sea water) to be a stone that conveys the color of the sea wave. This is not entirely true. In its transparent depth there are shades of soft greenish color and pale blue. But the uniqueness of aquamarine lies in the fact that it is brightly lit from the inside by a completely silver (precisely silver, not white) fire. It seems that if you look closely at aquamarine, you will see a calm sea with water the color of stars. Obviously, these color and light characteristics of aquamarine and other precious stones give us a sense of mystery. Their beauty still seems inexplicable to us. It is relatively easy to explain the origin of the “poetic radiation” of many of our words. Obviously, a word seems poetic to us when it conveys a concept that is filled with poetic content for us. But the effect of the word itself (and not the concept that it expresses) on our imagination, at least, for example, such a simple word as “lightning”, is much more difficult to explain. The very sound of this word seems to convey the slow night brilliance of distant lightning. Of course, this feeling of words is very subjective. You cannot insist on it and make it a general rule. This is how I perceive and hear this word. But I am far from the idea of ​​​​imposing this perception on others. What is certain is that most of these poetic words are associated with our nature. The Russian language is fully revealed in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land. For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs - there are a great many good words and names in the Russian language. To make sure of this, to study a capacious and accurate vocabulary, we have, in addition to the books of such experts on nature and folk language as Kaigorodov, Prishvin, Gorky, Alexei Tolstoy, Aksakov, Leskov, Bunin and many other writers, the main and inexhaustible source of language - the language of the people themselves, the language of collective farmers, ferrymen, shepherds, beekeepers, hunters, fishermen, old workers, foresters, buoy workers, handicraftsmen, rural painters, artisans and all those experienced people whose every word is gold. These thoughts became especially clear to me after meeting with a forester. It seems to me that I have already talked about this somewhere. If this is true, then please forgive me, but I will have to repeat the old story. It is important for talking about Russian speech. This forester and I walked through the small forest. In time immemorial, there was a large swamp here, then it dried up, became overgrown, and now only deep, centuries-old moss, small windows-wells in this moss and an abundance of wild rosemary reminded of it. I do not share the widespread disdain for small forests. There is a lot of beauty in small forests. Young trees of all species - spruce and pine, aspen and birch - grow together and closely. It's always light and clean there, like a peasant's room tidied up for a holiday. Every time I find myself in small forests, it seems to me that it was in these places that the artist Nesterov found the features of his landscape. Here, each stem and twig lives its own separate picturesque life and is therefore especially noticeable and lovely. Here and there in the moss, as I already said, there were small round windows-wells. The water in them seemed still. But if you look closely, you could see a quiet stream constantly rising from the depths of the window and dry lingonberry leaves and yellow pine needles swirling in it. We stopped at one such window and drank water. She smelled of turpentine. - Spring! - said the forester, watching as a frantically floundering beetle emerged from the window and immediately sank to the bottom. - The Volga must also begin from such a window? “Yes, it must be,” I agreed. “I’m a big fan of parsing words,” the forester said unexpectedly and grinned embarrassedly. - And so, pray tell! It happens that one word sticks to you and gives you no rest. The forester paused, adjusted his hunting rifle on his shoulder and asked: “They say you’re writing a book?” - Yes, I’m writing. - This means that your choice of words must be deliberate. But no matter how I try, I rarely find an explanation for any word. You walk through the forest, go over word by word in your head, and figure them out this way and that: where did they come from? Nothing works out. I have no knowledge. Not trained. And sometimes you find an explanation for a word and rejoice. Why be happy? It’s not for me to teach the kids. I am a forest person, a simple walker. - What word is attached to you now? - I asked. - Yes, this very spring. I noticed this word a long time ago. I keep courting him. One must think that it happened because water originates here. The spring gives birth to a river, and the river pours and flows through our entire mother earth, through our entire homeland, feeding the people. You look how smoothly it comes out - a spring, a homeland, a people. And all these words are kind of related to each other. Like family! - he repeated and laughed. These simple words revealed to me the deepest roots of our language. The entire centuries-old experience of the people, the entire poetic side of their character was contained in these words. (

“The word of a Briton will respond with heartfelt knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of the Frenchman will flash and scatter like a light dandy; the German will intricately come up with his own clever and thin word, which is not accessible to everyone; but there is no word that would be sweeping, brisk, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and vibrantly trembling, like an aptly spoken Russian word.” (N.V.Gogol).

Monument to Cyril and Methodius

Today is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Today, like never before, there will be a lot, brightly, weightily, meaningfully talking about the great gift left by Cyril and Methodius, who determined the spiritual and historical unity of peoples, and about caring for the native language.

“It is well known: the Russian language is the keeper of the wisdom of our people. And ancient proverbs and sayings are his spiritual treasure, a real “golden fund”, since they briefly and aptly express the instructive experience of many generations. But here’s the problem: in the conditions of modern information war, this experience, expressed verbally, has been distorted under the influence of new trends of the times.

The meaning of many well-known proverbs has been turned inside out and changed exactly the opposite. Someone really wanted to hide the truth from us, to break the people’s original ideas about good and evil, bad and good. With the help of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl (1897 edition) let's try to restore the forgotten truth...

EVERY FAMILY HAS ITS BLACK SHEEP. Wanting to justify the appearance of an ungodly person in a large family, we habitually say: well, it happens - there is a black mark in a family. Or let’s give it a different shade: in any company there is bound to be one unlucky person. But our language speaks differently: “freak” means standing “at the clan”, under its reliable protection and patronage. And that’s why “freak” used to be called not a sick disabled person, but the first child - the strongest, the most beautiful, the smartest, who took everything first and best from his young parents. And the couple was called a family only after the birth of their first child. “Uroda” means “beauty” in some Slavic languages. That is, initially the proverb had a very deep meaning: “without a child, this is not a family,” “a family cannot exist without its first child.” Thus, the whole village, all the relatives seemed to convince the young spouses to give birth to an heir as soon as possible in order to become a full-fledged family and increase the strength of their clan-tribe.

WORK MAKES HORSES DYING. How often do idle people use this expression! They like it. Although the full version of the saying goes like this: work makes horses die, but people grow stronger.

MY HOME IS ON THE EDGE. Incorrect interpretation: “move away, leave me alone, I don’t know anything.” We say this today, but previously those people whose huts stood on the edge of the village had a special responsibility - they were the first to face any danger, be it an attack by enemies, a forest fire, a spring flood of a river, or a rapidly racing herd of horses. They were the ones who had to fight back. Therefore, the bravest and strongest people lived “in the huts on the edge.” When choosing a place for a house on the edge of the village, its owner seemed to be saying to his fellow villagers: “I will protect everyone’s peace.” The readiness for self-sacrifice has always been characteristic of the Russian people, which is captured in this proverb.

YOUR SHIRT IS CLOSER TO YOUR BODY. Yes, unfortunately, many contemporaries today have acquired the false belief that their own interest is most valuable, and nothing should harm personal gain. However, our ancestors pronounced these words in a completely different environment. At the funeral of a warrior who died honorably in battle, his brothers took off their linen or linen shirts and placed them in the grave - as close as possible to the body of the deceased relative. Thus they showed how much they loved him, how dear he was to them...

WORK IS NOT A WOLF - IT WILL NOT RUN INTO THE FOREST. “Take your time, lie down, rest, work will wait” - this is the meaning of this proverb in the modern Russian language. However, its original meaning was not at all to indulge one’s laziness by postponing important things for later. It was just the opposite! In the old days, when a wolf ran into a village, women and children immediately hid in their houses and waited for the animal to run into the forest. And their work, abandoned for a while, will not run away, will not go anywhere. Therefore, what to expect? As soon as the danger has passed, you must immediately begin work left in the garden, in the yard or around the house.

DO NOT OPEN YOUR MOUTH TO SOMEONE else's loaf. “Everyone loves to eat someone else’s food for free” - we filled this proverb with such narrow and harmful content today. But the story here is again of the exact opposite nature. There used to be a custom: before everyone sat down at the table, the owner would go outside from the hut and shout loudly: “Is anyone hungry?” That is, the owner opened his mouth wide open and invited all the hungry to his loaf: neighbors, relatives, beggars, random passers-by. It’s no good when everyone eats, but someone remains hungry.

DEBT GOOD TURN DESERVES ANOTHER. Perhaps this is one of the most frequently used proverbs today: many creditors angrily demand that debtors give back what they have taken, calling them, harassing them, threatening them. The trouble is, and that’s all…. In fact, this proverb teaches to forgive debts. Our wise ancestors acted in a simple-minded Christian way: when lending something to someone, they never expected a return, much less asked or demanded it. They were sincerely happy to help everyone in need just like that, without any self-interest. When the debt was finally returned, they blushed deeply: they were ashamed to accept it back...
Just think about what we have lost! How high were the morals of our wise ancestors and how inferior we were in comparison with them”...
- A holy place is never empty. And an empty place is never sacred.
- Hunger is not a thing. He won’t bring me a pie.
- For a beaten one, they give two unbeaten ones. It doesn't hurt to take it.
- Every day is not Sunday. There will be a post.
- The woodpecker is not sad that he cannot sing. The whole forest can already hear him.
- Fear has big eyes. They don't see anything
- Uma chamber. Yes, the key is lost.
- My tongue is my enemy. Before the mind he searches, looking for trouble.
THEY SAY that you can’t remove words from a song, otherwise the meaning becomes different. And we, losing the ending, at least changed the meaning of half of the original Russian proverbs.
And how much wisdom they have lost...
“Let there be honor and glory to our language, which in its very native richness, almost without any foreign admixture, flows like a proud majestic river - rustles and thunders - and suddenly, if necessary, softens, gurgles like a gentle brook and sweetly pours into the soul, forming everything measures that consist only in the fall and rise of the human voice” (N.M. Karamzin).

The proverb is NOT for this post: “My tongue is my enemy, it speaks before my mind.” In my opinion, EVERYTHING IS IN THE MIND.