Children's encyclopedias about space. Where do chemical elements come from? Educational video about space in a language accessible to children

Such a distant and endlessly attractive space! Not every adult fully understands the fullness of this concept, let alone children. Let's try to tell children about space as clearly and interestingly as possible. If we succeed, perhaps the child will not just become interested in astronomy for a while, but will truly love it and be able to make some grandiose scientific discovery in the future. When telling your child about space, imagine how, as an adult, he will remember your story with a smile on his face. What should you tell your child about space and, most importantly, how?

Space has attracted and continues to attract the views and thoughts of man of all times and peoples. After all, there are so many secrets, so many inexplicable and amazing discoveries and opportunities. Yes, and we - the humanity of planet Earth - although small, are still a particle of the cosmos - this boundless and alluring space.

Just the main thing

What can you tell us about space? First of all, learn to observe! If we look at the sky at different times of the day, we will see the sun, moon and stars. What is it? All these are space objects. The vast universe consists of billions of cosmic objects. Our planet Earth is also a space object; it is part of the solar system.

solar system

The system has this name because its center is the Sun, around which 8 planets move: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. The path they take around the Sun is called an orbit.

Planet Earth

The only planet on which there is life at the moment is our Earth. The main difference between the Earth and other planets is the presence of water - the source of life and the atmosphere, thanks to which the Earth has the air that we breathe.

Other planets of the solar system

The rest of the planets are no less interesting and alluring. The largest planet is the mighty Jupiter. And Saturn is famous for its giant rings, visible to us from Earth. Mars is the first planet to attract the attention of man back in Ancient Egypt. Because of its fiery red color, ancient people associated Mars with the god of war. The planet Venus is the only one that has a “female” name. She received it thanks to her brightness. In ancient times it was considered the brightest planet.

I wish you space discoveries in life!


Hi all!

A very interesting collection of facts about space for children.

Where did the Universe come from?

The universe is so big that we don't even know if it has boundaries. It arose about 13.7 billion years ago when the Big Bang occurred. At that moment, everything appeared: the matter from which stars and planets are made, the forces of interaction between particles of matter, even time and space were born in the process of the Big Bang. People cannot yet explain why this happened.

Time passed. The universe expanded in all directions and finally began to take shape. Tiny particles were born from the vortexes of energy. After hundreds of thousands of years, they merged and turned into atoms - the “bricks” that make up everything we see. At the same time, light appeared and began to move freely in space.

solar system

There are eight planets in our solar system, and they all revolve around the sun in the same direction. The gravitational force of the huge Sun holds the planets like an invisible rope, preventing them from breaking free and flying into space. The first four planets - if you count in order from the Sun - consist of rocks and are located quite close to the star. They are called terrestrial planets. You can walk on the solid surface of these planets. The other four planets are composed entirely of gases. If you stand on their surface, you can fall through and fly right through the entire planet. These four gas giants are much larger than the terrestrial planets, and they are located very far from each other.

It has long been believed that the outermost planet in our solar system is Pluto, which lies beyond Neptune in a region called the Kuiper belt. But not so long ago, scientists decided that Pluto still cannot be considered a planet, because in the Kuiper belt there are other celestial bodies of the same size and even larger (for example, Eris, a planetoid discovered in 2005).

If the Earth were a cherry tomato, what size would the other planets be? If we were holding the Earth - a cherry tomato - in our hands, then the Sun would be at a distance of 500 meters from us and would have a diameter of only 4.5 meters.

Milky Way

All the stars that are visible to us from Earth are part of large groups - galaxies that look like giant cosmic whirlpools. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way, or simply the Galaxy, and is shaped like a fireworks spinner. There are so many stars in it that a person cannot count in his entire life. Our Galaxy is constantly rotating, but very slowly: it takes as much as 225 million years to complete a revolution. You can see the Milky Way with your own eyes. To do this, you need to go out into nature, away from city lights, and look at the sky. There will be a milky white streak of light visible. This is the Milky Way.

First walk on the moon

On July 21, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to walk on the Moon. They wore spacesuits, the multilayer coating of which protected them from cold and cosmic radiation, and air tanks that allowed them to breathe in vacuum conditions. The suits were personal, and you could walk in them for up to 115 hours. On Earth, wearing such spacesuits is very difficult, but on the Moon they are almost weightless.

Sun and Earth

Every day we see the Sun moving across the sky, but this is an optical illusion. In fact, the Sun stands still, and the Earth rotates around it and around its own axis. In one day, the Earth makes a complete revolution around its axis, exposing different sides to the Sun. That is why it seems to us that the Sun rises and sets. It's like spinning around a bright lamp: it seems that it appears and then disappears.

All children are inquisitive. As they explore the world around them, they ask a lot of questions. And we, adults, must help them understand everything and find answers to these questions.

All children, without exception, are interested in the topic “Space”. After all, space is something mysterious and unknown. This is a world of planets, stars and other strange objects.

How to teach children about space? What can you tell children about space?

Talking about planets and stars

We live on planet earth.

This is a huge ball on which there are mountains, rivers, deserts, forests and many different inhabitants. It is the only planet on which there is water and land. So the Earth and everything that surrounds it is called Space, or the Universe. Space is huge. Even if you fly on a rocket, it is impossible to reach its edge. In space, besides our planet, there are others, as well as stars. Look at the sky in the evening. Do you see how many stars there are on it? They seem small to us, but in fact they are huge hot balls. The sun also belongs to the stars. It’s just that it is located closest to the Earth, so it seems larger. We feel its warmth and see its light. There are stars much larger than the sun, but they are located further from the Earth and appear as small lights in the night sky.

When talking about space for children, be sure to stop at the planets.

Planets revolve around the Sun. There are 9 of them in total. And also comets and asteroids. All planets differ in their sizes. The largest planet is Jupiter. The smallest planet is Pluto. Each planet has its own path, which is called an orbit.

How to remember the planets of the solar system? A poem will help with this:

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Who are astronomers?

Astronomers are scientists who observe and study stars. In ancient times, astronomers studied the stars without special instruments. They simply watched the sky from the ground. In the Middle Ages, the spyglass and telescope were invented, and now artificial satellites and space stations are launched into space to explore the stars and planets.

Astronaut dogs

To send a man into space, scientists needed to find out what he might encounter there. They decided to send animals into space. The first astronaut dog was Laika. She was sent into space on a special rocket on November 3, 1957, but did not return. Later, other dogs flew into space, such as Belka and Strelka, who successfully returned to Earth. So scientists concluded that living beings can also live in zero gravity.

Cosmonautics Day is celebrated in Russia on April 12. This date was set to commemorate the first human flight into space.

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, on the Vostok-1 spacecraft, launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, made the world's first orbital flight around the planet Earth. The flight lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes.

April 12 is also celebrated as World Aviation and Space Day, International Day of Human Space Flight.

Who is an astronaut?

When telling children about space, dwell in more detail on who an astronaut is.

As mentioned above, the first person who was sent into space and orbited the Earth was Yuri Gagarin. He is an astronaut. This is a difficult profession. During the launch of a rocket and its landing, the astronaut's body experiences large overloads. It is also not easy for a person to be on board a rocket and in a state of weightlessness when the rocket (spaceship) rotates around the earth. In this state, everything floats: both objects on board and people. In addition, the astronaut must know all the instruments, because they are installed for spacecraft control and scientific research.

That is, an astronaut is a person who tests space technology and works on it in space.

A little about the moon

All children love to look at the Moon in the sky. It is a natural satellite of the Earth. The moon can be so different: from a barely noticeable “sickle” to a bright circle. The periodically changing states of illumination of the Moon by the Sun are called Moon Phases. The change in phases of the Moon is determined by the conditions of illumination by the Sun of the Moon as it moves along its orbit. With a change in the location of the Earth, Moon and Sun, the boundary between the illuminated and unlit parts of the Moon's disk moves, and this causes a change in the outlines of the visible part of the Moon.

The Moon goes through the following phases of illumination:
new moon - a state when the Moon is not visible;
new moon - the first appearance of the Moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow crescent;
the first quarter is the state when half of the Moon is illuminated;
waxing moon;
full moon - a state when the entire Moon is illuminated;
waning moon;
the last quarter is the state when half of the moon is illuminated again;
old moon

Teach children about space. This is a mysterious and very interesting topic. If you don't know how to tell your children about space, buy a book. Use creative ideas: draw, sculpt, make appliqués. Try making a model of the solar system from plasticine.

And finally, we invite you to watch an educational cartoon that tells children about space:

Children's encyclopedias about space for children aged 6 years and older. This section of the Eksmo catalog contains publications that satisfy a child’s craving for knowledge and ideas about space.

Children are interested in distant things from an early age. This theme gives them the joy of incredible discoveries, secrets, riddles and magic. How can you talk about something that you can’t see and can’t touch with your hands? The encyclopedias collected here will help you cope with this task.

All books are written in a language that is simple and easy for children to understand and are equipped with bright, realistic illustrations and photographs of planets, stars, satellites and other space objects. The publications will create the illusion of immersion in outer space. Thanks to this design, the books will also be interesting to those children who have not yet learned to read. In addition, here you will find publications with, which not only contribute to the development of the child, but are also entertaining.

Having studied even some of the books presented here, the child will get an idea about the origin, about the structure, about people who have devoted their lives to the study of outer space and are looking for ways and opportunities to penetrate there.

Pay attention to the most popular encyclopedias from our catalog:

Space. Great encyclopedia

Our solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago when gravitational collapse occurred within part of a giant cloud of particles. The center of this cloud became the Sun, which contained more than 99% of the total mass of the Solar System. The rest became a thick, flat, disk-like, rotating cloud of gas from which planets began to form and which was called the “protoplanetary disk.” In our Solar System, most of this disk formed eight planets orbiting the Sun. There are two types of planets: gas giants and terrestrial planets. The gas giants are the four outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are much larger than Earth-like planets and are mostly composed of helium and hydrogen, although Uranus and Neptune also contain ice. All the outer planets have rings of cosmic dust. These planets make up 90% of the remaining mass of the solar system. The four inner planets are located very close to the Sun. For example, the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is greater than the sum of the radii of all the inner planets of the system. The terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are made of rocks and metals, have no rings and have a small number of satellites. With the exception of Mercury, each of them has its own special weather conditions. In addition to the eight main planets, the solar system also has dwarf planets such as Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. In addition, our solar system is home to many small celestial bodies, including all planetoids, asteroids and comets.