Money and its meaning in human life. Samples of commemorative and investment coins of the Bank of Russia

What role does money play in our lives? People who have financial difficulties see money as the satisfaction of their everyday needs. Their modest earnings can guarantee food on the table and provide housing, but nothing more.

For rich people, money performs tasks of a different nature, they do not need to think about food or medical care, this is not a problem for them. In some cases, they perceive their earnings as an indicator of their importance and dignity, and in others, they show off their wealth to increase status and gain respect.

Money can be closely related to certain scarce resources (time, jewelry, gold, precious stones...). By raising fees for providing services, we select only those who can pay.

When people interact and resolve complex situations, money also plays an important role.

The situations described above involve the familiar use of money. Therefore, I would like to dwell on those ways of using funds that I came across quite recently.

Some wealthy people behave in such a way that others are not even aware of their wealth; they do not put it on public display. I have a friend like this, and this is how he talks about the meaning of money: “It gives you independence in making decisions.”

Following this idea, decisional independence is closely related to the amount of money that is available. Money gives you more options and opportunities.

However, this interpretation is not ideal. In order for the number of potential options to grow, you need to increase your wealth, that is, put in a lot of effort and sacrifice free time. Only people with a very strong character can stop and realize that the money they have is quite enough to make independent decisions.

But not everyone can cope with this task. Money has the ability to enslave, and then it becomes difficult for a person to stop in time.

One very wealthy client said something that I personally find acceptable. According to him, money is important if it brings joy. This is how their true value is determined.

Think about it. It turns out that money is directly related to pleasure and positive emotions.

People with huge sums in their accounts are not always happy. Some face great difficulties because they do not know how to use their savings. They limit themselves in everything and live on an equal basis with those who do not have even a hundredth part of their income. Can such a person be considered rich?

Money is only justified when it is spent.

If money is not spent, it becomes an empty number. To understand how rich a person is, just ask him about how much positive and pleasure he gets from his income. To be truly rich, you need to be able to spend money in such a way that you get joy from it.

One day at a private airport, I met a man who had a huge hangar with several planes and helicopters. Not everyone understands the significance of such expensive purchases, but they are justified if they bring joy to their owner.

But, be that as it may, this is not the only way to spend money usefully. Your savings will bring you much more satisfaction and joy if you give them to charity and contribute to improving the standard of living of those who need it.

Your wealth is not measured by how much you have, but by how much you give to others.

So, money can provide freedom of action; it makes a person more independent in implementing his decisions and desires. You must be able to adequately evaluate your work and spend your savings correctly, that is, for the benefit of yourself and others.

Think about it…

Yours sincerely,


The role of money in our life

Vorontsova Margarita

student of grade 9 B, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 26”, Nakhodka


Kurdyukova Galina Nikolaevna



The role of money in our life

Making a lot of money is courage,

And spending skillfully is an art.

Folk wisdom.

Money in our lives... a very interesting question and very complex.

Historically, money arose for the convenience of settlements in trade. Gradually they began to turn into an end in themselves. And now, no matter how we treat it, money plays an important role in people's lives. In themselves they do not carry any evil or good. If money serves only as a means of payment, then it simply fulfills its function. But, if money becomes not a means, but an end, then troubles begin. They very often become the subject of speculation, theft, robbery and other atrocities. It is money that today has become the expression of material wealth. Now money has become so firmly established in our reality that we don’t even think about what it is? What is their role in life?

Having money, we can implement various interesting projects, get a good education, and make our lives more comfortable and safe. Money plays a very important role in our life. They determine a person’s status, his position in society, and success. Sometimes it seems like the whole world revolves around money. They influence all areas of human life. We constantly hear about money from our parents and friends. Problems related to them are actively discussed on television and radio programs. Therefore, money influences the process of personality development, character, behavior, actions and lifestyle of a person. They determine how relationships between people will develop.

Each of us has our own attitude towards money; we perceive its presence or absence differently. An unhealthy relationship with money can cause problems. People say that money can “buy” everything. But then, how much do love for family and loved ones, friendship, health and, finally, human life cost?

I used to think, why is a person unhappy when he has a lot of money? If I had a lot of money, I would be happy! But as I grew older, I began to look at money with different eyes. I realized that money does not buy happiness.

Yes, I can buy my sister a toy or ice cream, but I can’t buy her love for me. I can get good advice from my beloved friend without any money.

My classmates often ask the question: “How much money do you need to be happy?” The answer seems simple, but at the same time complex. There is no definite answer. Some people need a lot, while others need nothing at all. Can you buy happiness?

Having money, you need to know how to handle it. Many people are awkward with money: some are excessively wasteful, while others are tight-fisted. And sometimes frugality comes to stinginess, then they remind us of the stingy knight from the tragedy of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. There is extravagance that tries to benefit others, counting on reciprocal support. Such people are similar to Khlestakov from N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General”.

The topic of money is always relevant and constantly present in our lives. Money is just a means that allows you to live fully, maybe not for everyone, but for the majority of the population. They also influence a person’s inner world, his dreams, his attitude towards the world around him and himself. Money has a certain energy. They can be used for good deeds, and then they will bring a lot of good to this world, and if they are used for evil, then their destructive effect can cause a lot of harm not only to strangers, but also to the owners of money.

In order to become rich, you need to put in a lot of effort. I think it is determination and ambition that will help achieve this goal. A person who is passionate about a goal can make an excellent career and build his financial well-being.

Many problems in our lives can be easily solved with the help of money. Solvable for those who have them. But what about those who don’t have them? I mean the sick, the disabled, the elderly. How can they survive, who need medicine and good food? It is difficult to give wise advice, to find the right words. How I want people to not need anything! Our state tries to provide help to such people, but this help is so small, and it does not always come to the person for whom it is intended. And poor people leave life without waiting for it. Much, of course, depends on the mercy of others. In recent years, many wealthy people have appeared in our country who transfer money to charitable foundations. I know that there are such people in our village. I would like money to become a symbol of beauty: kindness, mutual assistance, love.

I really want the money to disappear

All wealth would disappear from the earth,

And people would become people again

And again we found happiness.


What role does money play in a person's life? How dependent is a person on them? And what do you need to do to have a lot of money in order to provide yourself with everything you need in this life? Let's figure it out. You and I all know that the importance of money in our lives is enormous, and at the same time, the ability to earn money and manage it wisely is not really taught anywhere. This topic is not discussed at all in school, and in many financial and economic institutions they mainly teach theories that are very far from practice. Therefore, even a good economic education does not give a person a complete understanding of what money is and how it works. And this is understandable, because any specialists are trained primarily for hired labor, and not for managing money. Therefore, much of what we need for life is for us, and not for someone else - we need to teach ourselves. That's what we will do on this site.

So, what do we need to know about money? And we need to know a lot. Let's start with the fact that money needs to be managed, not just earned and spent. And in fact, they are all controlled by both the poor and the rich. Just rich people, if they are not thieves or bandits who know how to take money from other people, but not manage it, but more or less honest businessmen, manage money better than the poor. They know how to make profitable deals, as they say, getting maximum benefits from cooperation with other people. We must understand that money is a means to achieve goals, but not the goal itself. Therefore, it comes down to our understanding of what we will use to manage them. You start managing money from the moment you first touch it. And you touch them at the moment when you receive them from someone for something. This someone is the money manager. You can, as a child, ask your parents for money for ice cream, and thus, by controlling your parents with your request, you control money. Then, when you buy ice cream, you manage all those people who are involved in creating, storing, delivering and selling ice cream. People do things for you for money, you control them through money. That is, money becomes alive, it gains power when people do something for it. This is how you manage money. Truly rich people do not so much own money as redirect it, using it to motivate people to work and appropriating the results of their labor. And this result of people’s labor, as true value, is real wealth. Printing the money itself is not a problem - the problem is getting benefits from it.

Well, most of us, friends, being in our places, act based on our capabilities. You and I are forced to play the game of money offered to us, according to the rules imposed on us, being unable to play our own game, according to our own rules. But at the same time, understanding the essence of how money works cannot be useless, and the most important benefit of what I am writing to you about here lies in the value system that you will profess. What role does money play in your life, what does it mean to you, and what are you willing to do for it? These are very important questions that each of you should ask yourself. If you switch your attention from money to ways to get it, your life will change for the better, and if you also think about yourself as a means of managing money, you will achieve a lot. After all, while you think that you depend on money, you are controlled by money, whereas in reality it depends on you and it is you who must manage it, managing first of all yourself. It depends on you how you will earn money, whether you will carry sleepers and crush stones for it, or whether you will sit in a bright, comfortable, spacious, air-conditioned office and manage the flow of money, directing a certain part of it into your pocket. Do you agree with me that it is up to you? I hope you agree. So think about taking advantage of the opportunities available to you. Think about what else you can do for people so that they will pay you, and what you can do with yourself to be able to do many things.

The importance of money

Money is important. And we know it. But at the same time, we all have different attitudes towards them. Some people are ready to do anything for the sake of money, while for others money is far from the first place in life. And yet such people do not live in poverty. Why is that? It's very simple - the importance of money is determined by two things: the need for it and the ability to get it. If I know that thanks to my skills I will never be left without money, no matter what I have to do in life, I do not exalt money, I do not make it the center of my life, I do not worship it. Why should I do this if I know that I can always earn them, why should I be afraid? On the other hand, if a person is nothing of himself or thinks that he is nothing of himself and does not know how to make money, for him it will be of great importance, because it is not he who makes it, but they who make it. As a result, what we are seeing today is people’s struggle for their lives, both literally and figuratively. That is, people need money to survive and to develop as individuals.

And in the same way, if a person does not know how to manage money, he constantly feels the need for it, which means that it is a deficit for him, which in turn makes it a vital resource for him. And in order to manage money, as I said above, you need to be able to manage resources, including human resources, including yourself. And in order to manage resources, you need to have the appropriate knowledge, including more extensive knowledge about money, which I give you on this site. A person who does not have an understanding of what money is cannot find the right place for it in his life and the right use. Well, yes, money is a means by which you can get a lot of what you want, but how does this tool work and what does it take to ensure that money is not a problem for you? Few people understand this. How can we understand this? Look at those who already have a lot of money and analyze these people. Study them in detail. Find out more about them and then compare their qualities with your qualities and you will see the difference between you and them. This will allow you to improve yourself in the right ways in the right places to become stronger. And in this world, as you know, it’s the strong people who get it.

In general, as you can see, I suggest you learn how to make fishing rods and catch fish with them, and not bother yourself with already caught fish, that is, with money. You need to be able to look beyond the boundaries where the power of money over a person ends and the power of a person over money begins. Don't think about the goal, think about the means to achieve it, then you will find a huge number of these means. You can make money by unloading a wagon of cement, but that's not what you need, is it? The importance of money to you is determined not only by having it, but also by how you earn it. Otherwise, you would not disdain any work. You need money, not the kind of money that makes your whole body ache. Therefore, studying the means to achieve goals, that is, ways to make money, is very important. But with all this, people care about money much more than how to earn it and how to manage it. Offer them knowledge about money and the money itself to choose from, and the majority will prefer the latter, being confident that the choice in favor of money is as reasonable as possible. Moreover, for some people the importance of money is so high that they are ready to ruin their health and risk their lives for it. You, I'm sure, are not like that. You will never value money above your health and especially your life. Therefore, I repeat - work on what leads to money, that is, on yourself first of all, and also learn to manage resources, including human resources. And you will have tons of money.

In my opinion, I write about things that are so obvious that it’s somehow embarrassing to write about them. But by God, people don’t understand a damn thing about them, because I see how easily and simply they are controlled with the help of money, turning them into obedient and weak-willed puppets who are ready to sell their own mother for money. But the money is often not worth it. Pay attention to the happiness that follows money - how long-lasting and real is it if money came to a person by chance? She is fleeting. Give most people a lot of money, a million or ten million, and after they spend it all, their lives will only become more miserable. The whole point is that this is a very narrow, very limited life. People don't notice much in their lives and don't know how to enjoy what they have if they constantly think only about money. At the same time, the most offensive thing about this is that they often lack the money itself. And now you know why. Because you don’t need to think about money, but about what leads to it.

Money and Mind

I like it when I have money, especially when there is a lot of it. But what I like even more is improving the methods of their extraction. And I hate it when money comes to me too easily, because I know that it relaxes me. I am absolutely convinced that this is a real evil, the same as, say, the oil curse. When a person has money, a lot of money, he spends it, practically without thinking about how competently and effectively he does it. But when he doesn’t have them, he either works like a horse for them, if he doesn’t have a mind, or thinks about how to get them, if he does have a mind. That is, in the first case, the process is thoughtless, often instinctive, and does not involve your mind. Moreover, even when buying human power, you do not think about the possibility of doing it without money - you are not looking for an opportunity to get from people what you need without money. Which means you don't think. What do you think contributes most to your mental development? Spending money or looking for ways to get it? Answer this question for yourself, because in the end, such obvious things should be understood by people on their own rather than explained to them by someone else.

Money and reason, although not always, but often, are mutually exclusive. Try, for example, to create a business without initial capital, but only thanks to your qualities. Difficult task? But it’s doable, isn’t it? As they tell you and me - in order to make money you need money? No matter how it is. This attitude turns off your brain. But if you ask yourself the question - how to create a business without money, that is, from scratch, your brain will turn on and solve this problem. So in order to make money, you always needed brains, not money. And I can say with unlimited confidence that money plays exactly the same role in a person’s life as resources such as food, water, air. We need them, but you and I don’t constantly think about food, water, air - our views on life are much broader. Therefore, we do not get food in the forest and do not draw drinking water from the river, but we develop ourselves - we make ourselves specialists in order to earn money and use it to buy food and water for ourselves, so as not to think about it. It's the same with money - we use our minds to learn the most profitable ways to make money. And having earned money, we must learn to manage it wisely, so as not to just spend it, but to invest it in things that are beneficial to us, from our health to various assets. In general, this is an art, and it is mastered from the moment you start spending your first money.

A person can invest a hundred rubles profitably, or he can waste a million if he doesn’t know how to manage money competently. Money can become your strength, or it can take away your life force. After all, money is an idea, and an idea can be creative or destructive. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how you earn it, whether you work for your uncle or work for yourself, money always needs to be handled competently. Business can be called a smarter way of life if it doesn't take up all your time. True, there is an even smarter way of life - this is power, true power. But hired work is often a very difficult test for a person. But that's not the point - the point is where the money you earn goes. If you make the wrong decisions and invest money in dubious pleasures and entertainment, thus stimulating your weaknesses, you are a typical consumer who, as in the movie “The Matrix,” is just a battery for the system. But if you are directed to strengthen and develop yourself, then you are, let’s say, a more intelligent person who will definitely achieve more impressive success than all other consumer people.

In this game of money, there will always be winners and losers, no matter how you look at it. But that’s not what’s important, what’s important is who you will be. And you will be what you make yourself. If you make yourself the master of money, with the help of proper self-development, which involves studying important things for life, such as managing people, managing money, and other resources, your life will be wonderful. And if you make yourself a slave of money, who is ready to do any work just to get money, you will carry out other people’s orders all your life and experience need. Well, as a rule. So money in a person’s life is what he makes it.

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If you ask people: “Why do you need money?”, you will get a wide range of answers. The reason for this lies in the fact that the attitude towards money was instilled in us by our parents in early childhood and later refined by the social environment in which we were raised.

They say: “Money rules the world.” A controversial truism, however, it is quite obvious that if all the money suddenly disappeared, chaos would reign in the world, since money is not only an equivalent of value, but also the core on which order, stability and meaning of society are strung.

In modern society, a person needs money in order to simply survive, and in order to earn it, a person must create some benefits that this society needs.

With the money we earn, we buy the goods and services we need, that is, we put them back into production, thus obtaining a commodity-money circulation.

In addition, money is a tool that allows the state to control its subjects.

A state whose government implements an incorrect financial policy is doomed.

The role of money in our life.

Money is the equivalent of necessary needs and life benefits. Without money, we cannot even buy food for ourselves. When I hear from someone that happiness is not in money, that money is not the main thing in our life, that money is not the first, nor the second, or even the tenth, I know for sure that the person who says this is either a hypocrite , or - manipulator. Of course, it is true that money should not come first among our life values.

Money should not be more valuable to us than our family, our loved ones, our goals. Each of us also has values ​​and priorities that are more important to us than money.

But, nevertheless, money is very important to us, since it is the equivalent of material values.

Money is the degree of human freedom. Without money, we will not be able to get an education or receive any complex medical services. I'm not even talking about the fact that without money it is impossible to help loved ones, travel the world, or freely and effectively do what you love.

Money can be:

Catastrophically few;
a lot, but still not enough;

If you don't have enough money.

It is clear that the question of how much money we need and how much is enough depends only on a particular person - on his upbringing, needs, habits, worldview. The role and required amount of money in our lives is determined only by ourselves.

However, we know that there is a minimum amount of money that is simply necessary for basic survival. In developed democratic countries, the government then ensures that each member of the state has this minimum, which should be enough for housing, clothing and food.

In Russia, a certain Gref, close to the throne, openly declared that the people are cattle. And therefore, there is no need to stand on ceremony with him. You can simply shut his mouth with a minimum wage and a minimum pension, and that will be the end of it. The brutal Chubais proposes, by increasing tariffs, to tear off a piece from the minimum wage and miserable pensions. Apparently, the Grefs and the Chubais want to destroy the cattle.

I would divide people who are beyond survival into those who are no longer able to change anything, and those who were born in the wrong place and at the wrong time, people for whom not everything is lost.

The first are old people who have worked all their lives for the good of their Motherland, but are unable to change anything, since they no longer have enough strength or time to do so. They can only be pitied and mourned if no one helps them.

The second are young people and not yet old people from the outback of Russia. Their trouble and problem is that they were born and live in places that are not within the sphere of interests of the “Grefs” and “Chubais”. Well, there is no oil, gas, ore or anything else that can be sold abroad, therefore there is no more or less normally paid work for them. All is not lost for these people, but more on that later.

What does it mean - enough money.

In my opinion, for money, the rule should work: “necessary and sufficient.” But this is just my opinion.

The question: “how much money does a person need to fully satisfy his needs” - of course, does not have a single answer. This is individual for each person. Here everything depends on upbringing, needs, habits, intelligence, imagination, finally, etc.

Everyone, of course, remembers the magnificent book by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Golden Calf”.

Remember the financial requests of Ostap Ibrahimovic:

And Shura Balaganov’s financial requests:

An honest answer to the question “How much money do you need to be completely happy?” any of the thieving government officials would probably shock the public. Although, I suspect these guys are not able to limit their imagination.

So, if you don’t have a relative named Rockefeller, it might make sense for you to learn to live within your means, relying only on yourself.

Of course, if becoming rich is the dominant goal of your life, take the flag. To paraphrase Kozma Prutkov, we can say: “If you want to be rich, be it!” Just remember that if you don’t have the opportunity to steal from a high-income position in the position of a major official, you will have to turn on the negative and go over your head. However, in the first case, you will ruin your karma even more.

To prevent thoughts about money from turning into an obsession, the most important thing is to learn to distinguish your true desires and goals from false ones.

For example, the desire to own such a car, especially against the background of almost universal poverty, in my opinion, is a moral perversion.

To each his own.

Necessary is what is needed. Golden toilets and English football teams have nothing to do with it.

It is a big mistake to think that money can solve all your life problems. This is not at all true, although, in fairness, it should be noted that money can protect us from a lot of problems and help us achieve many goals.

We need to clearly understand why we are working, and how much we need to earn in order to be “enough.” Don't let money become EVERYTHING to you, don't let it close off the whole world for you.

Remember, there should be as much money as necessary and sufficient.

When there is a lot of money, but still not enough, begins the area of ​​familiar to all of us, so instructive pathology, read:

Money leaves no one indifferent. Some people are convinced that if they had more money, their life would be much better and they could find happiness. Others who have a lot of money seem to be constantly concerned about how to get even more of it, how to spend it and not lose it. Money leaves no one indifferent, and you can hardly find a person who would be satisfied with how much money he has and how he uses it. The poor have very different concerns than the rich, but family conflicts caused by money are often very similar across socioeconomic strata. For most of us, money is so woven into our lives that problems associated with it affect our health, our intimate relationships, and our relationships with our children and parents. Money affects our digestion, money is on our mind when we do any business. This is a problem that is always with us.

The idea that as our desires are satisfied they do not weaken, at first glance, seems contrary to common sense. However, who can say that the disappointment of an unsatisfied strong desire to go on vacation to a ski resort will be weaker than the pangs of hunger? This is probably how a person is designed: as soon as his main vital needs are satisfied, new ones immediately appear. Apparently, we not only strive to satisfy our desires, but also create new objects of desire. In The Prosperous Society, economist John Kenneth Galbraith points out that this aspect of our economic structure is one of the main factors that distinguishes it from all other economic systems known in history. “It is impossible to advocate production as a means of satisfying needs if that production creates new needs,” he writes. - Production merely fills the void that it itself creates... It is the process of satisfying needs that gives rise to new needs... Anyone who insists on the importance of production in satisfying these needs is none other than an observer praising the squirrel for her efforts to overtake the wheel that she herself spins.” Galbraith goes on to say that economists have failed to pay due attention to the significance of this process of creating needs in our time. It is still believed that needs arise of their own accord, and economists still have no qualms about finding means of satisfying these needs. He argues that because of this blindness, economists are like “a philanthropist who was convinced long ago that there were not enough beds in city hospitals. He continues to beg passers-by for money to open new beds in hospitals, not wanting to notice that the city doctor cleverly knocks down pedestrians with his car so that the hospital beds are not empty.” By creating new needs, we create new conflicts. In Stephen King's novel Essentials, a demon comes to a small town in Maine and opens a store. He sells things specially created to satisfy the secret hidden lusts of all residents of the town. Each of the townspeople immediately understands that this or that item is intended to satisfy his urgent need, even if it did not exist at all until he looked at the item. One of the characters in the novel sees a fishing rod - exactly the same as his beloved father had. Another discovers a portrait of Elvis Presley, bringing her to heights of bliss close to orgasm. A gambler buys a toy that predicts which horse will win a race. The demon refuses to take money for all these items. He prefers to “bargain”. However, such trade leads to the fact that the life of each person is endangered, and he loses everything he had.

King's demon creates basic necessities, like Galbraith's “demons” that create artificial needs. However, the real demons are not the devil or factories that create things that arouse in us desires unknown to us until we learn about the existence of these things. Demons live within ourselves; they personify lusts that cannot be controlled, the thirst for satisfying needs, and their satisfaction, in turn, gives rise to new thirst. In today's society, money - the energy that moves the world - acts as a bargaining chip that serves to satisfy all these desires. The thirst for money is reflected in the desire to have a Porsche (precisely a Porsche, and not just a car to drive); the need to own a country house (namely a country house, and not just a roof over your head); the need to enjoy cakes and sweets (and not just satisfy hunger). The thirst for money is an artificial need that personifies all other artificial needs - to be slim and beautiful, and not just healthy and strong; be influential and admired, not just have a good job; the need to communicate deeply, not just have a good time. All these are artificial needs, and the symbolic thirst for money personifies the irresistible desire to satisfy them. To acquire all these things, we offer in exchange our bodies, our time, our love and our peace of mind.