What does it mean to be a weak person. Secrets of a strong personality and examples of strong people

By studying the psychology of people who suffer from chemical or any other addiction, psychologists have found that they have an acute psychological need to depend on something, be it drugs, computer games, work, a cult or something else.
This was defined as dependent (addictive) behavior. Most often it is expressed in the desire to escape reality by changing one’s consciousness.

Psychologists and narcologists have not yet found a clear answer to the question of why some people exhibit this behavior and others do not. Exactly the same as when asked whether there are personality forms that are predisposed to the development of drug addiction or alcoholism. Disputes on this matter have been going on for many years.
Many reputable psychologists believe that the emergence of addiction to psychoactive substances occurs when certain characteristic personality traits are acquired. That is, a person’s personality is formed in a certain way, reaching a state where he is prone to using substances and developing addiction. In psychology this condition is called "drug readiness"
It is generally accepted that severe stress, internal tension, an unfavorable environment and poor heredity inevitably provoke the development of dependence on psychoactive substances. This is all true, but there is an opinion that if a person does not have “drug addiction readiness,” then all these factors will not cause chemical dependence.

Identification of “narcogenic readiness” and treatment methods

Today, new methods of addiction treatment are being actively developed. Based on the concept of “drug addiction”, using a personal approach, individual treatment is selected for each patient.

The personal approach to the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is that the patient’s personality should be “treated.” The formation of a stable personality with strong beliefs and worldview can prevent the onset or return of chemical dependence under other aggravating circumstances.

Psychiatrists have identified certain personality traits which indicate a high probability of developing a state of mental readiness to take drugs or abuse alcohol.

Risk group: personality traits, character, behavioral characteristics

Impulsive, emotionally unstable people are in the so-called risk group, that is, they have a high probability of developing “narcogenic readiness.” Such people, as a rule, often make rash decisions and are easily offended for various reasons, even the most trivial ones. They are vulnerable, anxious and often depressed. Their mood changes like a kaleidoscope. Studies have shown that such people have a fairly large inferiority complex and are very unsure of themselves. They expect only negative emotions from any task done, from any work, and to maintain a normal state, they need the constant approval of others.

Personality traits that determine the state in which a person begins to use psychoactive substances:

This term refers to generally weak personality development. Such a person cannot make decisions himself and take responsibility for his actions. Such a person is suggestible, his behavior as a whole is based on submission. A key role is played by such a feature as full agreement. He agrees with the opinion of the majority, he is always led by someone. It is important for him to be “like everyone else,” to be “his own” in the society around him. Such a person begins to use drugs in order to gain approval from his social environment, so as not to become an outcast.

Lack of individuality.
A person whose individuality is weakly expressed tends to copy the behavior of other people; a system of strict subordination is closer to him. This is explained by the desire to relieve oneself of responsibility for what happens to him. Such a person, as a rule, is not confident in himself and does not predict the outcome of his actions. It is difficult for him to interact with the world around him; he would rather adopt the behavior of other people than develop his own system. Such a person has two areas where he feels comfortable. The first is a society with clear rules of social interaction, such as the army. Here he obeys orders and strict rules. The second is fantasy. This prompts a person to take psychoactive substances. The action of many psychoactive substances and the hallucinations they cause are similar to fantasies. Such a person perceives drugs as part of his life, as a way to achieve comfort.

The desire to immediately satisfy all your desires.
This also characterizes the personality as underdeveloped and immature. Such a person chases pleasure. It is important for him to satisfy his desires as soon as they appear. And often the expected effect from this is not justified; as a result, he receives less pleasure than he expected. This provokes a depressive state, and the person does not tolerate the difficulties that arise. In a state of stress, he strives to escape from reality, to receive more and more pleasures, without getting rid of the cause of stress. This behavior leads to a state of readiness to take psychoactive substances.

Lack of life goals and interests.
A person without aspirations in search of his path in life, without the desire to develop, often reaches a state of “narcogenic readiness.” An aggravating circumstance is a job that he does not like, studies that are not interesting, the inability to organize his own leisure time, disinterest in the world and people around him. When there are clear goals and social interests, drugs or alcohol are perceived as an obstacle to achieving them.

Internal conflict.
The appearance of addictive behavior can also be due to the inconsistency of certain concepts in a person. This is low self-esteem and high expectations, a discrepancy between the social role that society ascribes to him and his own feelings. His worldview is incomprehensible to others. All this gives rise to internal conflicts and causes denial of one’s own individuality. As soon as difficulties arise in the work that such a person performs, he immediately gives it up. It is noteworthy that such people, as a rule, exhibit arrogance in their behavior; in communication they try to emphasize their superiority. This is their kind of “defensive reaction” to what happens to them.

A person who has failed to adapt to a social environment is also at risk of developing “narcogenic readiness.” Such a person, as a rule, does not accept general social norms, rules of behavior, and social values. He often conflicts and finds it difficult to establish social connections with other people. Such a person is capable of committing various criminal acts.

Adolescence is worth mentioning separately. The fact that teenagers are most prone to using psychoactive substances is no longer in doubt. At this age, personality is still in the process of formation.

Psychologists identify several types of adolescent behavior that can lead to drug use or alcohol addiction:
Active-positive– good mood, high self-esteem, involvement in all current events. Such a teenager easily finds contact in any company. And if this company uses psychoactive substances, he will try them without hesitation, because it is important for him to participate in all events. The problem is that he doesn't think and accepts the “rules of the game” of any company, which he finds himself in, including the one where drugs are taken.
Such teenagers, as a rule, use psychostimulants and cannabis to cheer up and have fun.
Cycloid– constant change of mood and behavior. In high spirits, he is an active, cheerful person. On the same day, the mood can suddenly change to the opposite without serious, visible reasons. In a depressed state, such teenagers are more likely to use drugs in order to lift their mood. The most commonly used drugs are amphetamine and ephedrine.
Schizoid– secretive, reserved, keeps aloof from others. Such teenagers usually have problems with communication and find it difficult to make contact with other people. Drugs are perceived as a means of removing the barrier to communication, as a way of self-knowledge, revealing creativity, and also a way to lift the mood. As a rule, a teenager of the schizoid type chooses hashish out of all substances.
Epileptoid- gloomy, quick-tempered, often in a bad mood, with a certain amount of pedantry. Such a person may exhibit cruelty towards animals and other people. They tend to fantasize and lie a lot. Such a teenager always needs to be in the center of attention, which he achieves through conflicts and some hysteria. When a teenager of the epileptoid type finds himself in a friendly company, he adopts her behavior. And if the company uses drugs, he will very quickly and without a doubt also begin to use them. Most often he uses tranquilizers, barbiturates, and opiates.
Conformal– is easily suggestible, obeys, the opinions of the people around him are very important to him, he is afraid of being different from everyone else. Such a teenager begins to use drugs based on the desire to become “one of the people” in a certain social group where drugs are the norm.
Apathetic– lack of initiative, inhibited, weak-willed and at the same time very sensitive. Such a person has difficulty making friends. And the desire to have a loved one can make him dependent on this person and subsequently form addictive (dependent) behavior.
The presence of certain personal characteristics in a person does not mean that he will necessarily become dependent on drugs or alcohol. Nevertheless, all psychiatrists and narcologists unanimously assert that many factors together influence the onset of addiction.
But those definitions of personality, some of the traits that experts have described, will help to more likely identify people from the “risk group.” This makes it possible to provide the emergence of addiction and a state of “drug readiness”, to carry out a kind of “prevention” of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Using this knowledge, psychologists in educational institutions and rehabilitation centers in the course of their work can correct the patient’s personality, thus trying to rid the patient of those character traits that provoke him to use psychoactive substances.

How does a strong person differ from a weak one? Now we are not talking about physical strength and endurance. With the proper degree of perseverance, almost anyone can cultivate these qualities. Becoming a strong person psychologically is much more difficult. And is it even possible?

Strong man: what is he like?

A strong person is what many people want to be in life. It is believed that such a person will be able to get settled and achieve what he wants. How he does it is not so important, the result is a priority. At the same time, a strong personality is characterized as cruel and rude, unshakable in judgment. But at heart, a strong person can be a fluffy kitten. Not everyone knows him closely, but they judge him by his external manifestations of fortitude.

But what about the psychology of a strong person? It is characterized by the following:

A strong personality may seem difficult to be around, live with, or work with. In fact, such a person is an example for others. Looking at it, you can understand that moving in the direction of your dreams and achieving results is a must. You can learn a lot from a strong person. The main thing is to understand this and be able to see the advantages of other people.

Portrait of a weak man

A weak person is the same as a strong person, but with a minus sign. That is, everything is the other way around for him. Yes and no. There are signs by which a psychologically weak person can be easily identified in his environment. To do this, analyze the behavior of your friends. Or perhaps something from this list is about you?

  • A weak person complains more and more often than other people. Life is like a roller coaster, there are ups and downs. But even being at the top, a weak person complains about his existence, finding a reason for this. And instead of trying to get out of a difficult situation and solve problems, he talks about difficulties to others, regardless of their opinions and desire to listen or lack thereof. This turns people away from the weak person and introduces another reason for complaint.
  • A weak person does not strive to leave his comfort zone. He is afraid of life changes, even if they promise only the best. Vegetating in routine, he builds a life. He thinks that it is safer this way, he feels protected, even if in fact this is not the case.
  • A weak person does not take other people's opinions into account. Yes, you need to live your life the way you want. But being able to find a reasonable grain in the opinions and statements of other people is very important. To a certain extent, it pays to listen to others. This gives impetus to the development and improvement of one’s own personality.
  • A weak person gives up without a fight. This is perhaps the most obvious sign of a psychologically weak personality. This is expressed not only in the inability to finish what has been started, but also in the lack of perseverance. A strong person forgets that success does not come to those who have done nothing to achieve the result.
  • A weak person is jealous of other people. He does not achieve what he wants himself and those who succeeded. But each person has his own, the circumstances of his achievement are not the same. Instead of biting your nails with envy, you should find your own path.
  • A weak person gets angry. Of course, no person can live without manifestations of anger. But what is the object towards which this anger is directed? If this is anger at yourself for your inability to achieve something, it will most likely direct you on the right path to self-improvement. But if this is anger at circumstances, at other people who have succeeded, where will it lead? It is absolutely impossible to never be angry. But unjustified destructive feelings break a person from the inside.

  • A weak person tends to dramatize. He talks about how hard it is for him to cope with life’s troubles and characterizes his life in a negative way. They say about such people that they are pessimists, because they do not see the light ahead. But negative mental projections are imposed on life, leave an imprint on a person’s present and future, and there is no escape from this.

You can understand the difference between a strong person and a weak one without resorting to an in-depth analysis of the personality. There is an ordinary, everyday understanding of “strength” and “weakness”. But at the same time, it can vary from person to person, and the category is determined.

How can a weak person become stronger?

There are no hopeless people. Anyone can become stronger if they want. You should get rid of your shortcomings gradually. To do this, follow the advice of psychologists.

Remember that there are no exceptionally strong or weak people. We are all strong in our own way, but sometimes we need support and understanding. Therefore, a strong person is not alone. He helps loved ones and is not afraid to ask for reciprocity if he needs it.

Nobody wants to be weak, either physically or mentally. Being strong is generally cooler on all counts. And only a morally strong person can count on great success. Here are 13 rules worth listening to and starting to follow.

1. They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves.

A morally strong person will not sit idly in his den and complain that life is not fair to him. A morally strong person will take his balls (if he has them, of course) in his hands and go on working. There is no time to feel sorry for yourself! You still need to give yourself a couple of stars to work better!
And he can react to an unpleasant situation with a simple pithy phrase: “To hell with it!”

2. They don't think the world owes them anything.

“I'm so cool! I'm damn smarter than all these idiots who only know how to post another selfie on Instagram! But why are they happy and earning decent money, while I live with my mother and shoot with her?! In general, why doesn’t anyone offer me a job or help?!” Because, dude, a morally strong person does not expect handouts, but earns authority. Day and night.

3. They don't lose control of themselves.

It's time to take charge of your own life, and not hope that someone will lead you. And it’s even better not to give yourself over to emotions.

4. They don't run from change.

It is the Chinese who say: “God forbid you live in an era of change.” But normal people need change. Without change there is no progress. You'll stay in one place, you sad little owl. The only thing worse than regression is stagnation. It’s better to degrade: at least some movement. Do you want to develop further? No? Then stop reading this!

5. They don't waste energy on things they can't control.

Have you ever heard a mentally strong person complain about not being able to control something? Heard? It seemed to you.
Smart people don't waste time on things that don't bring them satisfaction. If you are stubborn and cannot stop before reaching your goal, then please strive for it, even if it is not at all close to you. Good luck! But something tells us that this will not bring you happiness.

6. They don't try to please everyone.

Let's start with the fact that this is basically impossible. If you are morally strong, then you will not, as they say, crawl under everyone. You have the intelligence and courage to say no when needed. Try to be fair, but also be able to refuse a request if you understand that you cannot, do not want and should not fulfill it. Refuse to get involved in stupid adventures, just so as not to offend a person.

7. They are not afraid to take calculated risks.

He who does not take risks does not drink champagne. But remember: the risk must always be justified. Weigh risk and benefit carefully before making an important decision, and carefully gather information about potential losses before taking action. Better yet, remember the movie villains who, on the wave of success, got involved in risky adventures, from which they always came out losers. Is it for nothing that morality exists in films?

8. They don't dwell on the past.

No, no, no, if you’re smart, let him go. Don't go back to 2007, or wherever you are going. Don't waste your time thinking about the past and how things could have been different. It’s too late: everything is done, nothing can be changed. The only thing you can do is learn from it. And under no circumstances live on past successes. Normal people live in the present day and make plans for the future. Only losers and those who gave up live in the past. These are living corpses - they don’t need anything else.

9. They don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

Smart people learn from their own mistakes, brilliant people learn from others. If you are still far from a genius, at least learn from your own people. There will be benefits.

10. They don't envy other people's successes.

This is the most disgusting thing that can happen. If you are lucky enough not to have a friend who constantly complains that others have everything, they have achieved everything, but he doesn’t, I envy you. A morally strong person, when he sees someone else’s success, does not feel deceived. He will not complain that others have achieved something dishonestly. He will work like an ox to surpass the successes of his comrades. And those who are especially smart will take note of the methods of achieving success that their comrades used. Each person is the architect of his own happiness. Grumbling won't fix anything. And remember: everyone gets what they deserve. Not everyone is lucky enough to have everything at once—some people have to work for it. If you are one of those, be proud of it: you will have something to brag about.

11. They don't give up after the first failure.

In civilized countries, it is believed that if your first business fails, it means you have enormous experience, and you urgently need to open a second one. If someone had given up at one time, you would never have heard the Beatles, read Harry Potter, watched Back to the Future and would not have read this article from your iPad. Work, improve, don't give up! Singer Shura was also persistent when he took show business by storm. And you probably have more talents.

12. They are not afraid of loneliness

I will not describe the advantages of loneliness. Sometimes it helps to get ready, put your head in place, plan something, think carefully. Thinking, in general, oddly enough, is very useful. A morally strong person does not depend on other people's opinions, other people and moods. He depends only on himself.

13. They don't expect instant results.

Yes, work is not always easy and you don’t always want to. But wait, be patient: the more you work, the better and juicier the fruits are - qualitative changes always take time. And in order not to burn out, invest your energy in doses.

People dream of a successful and prosperous life and try to do everything to get it. But not everyone is able to cope with the difficulties on this fascinating but winding path. And first of all, a weak-willed person gives up. This person has no willpower at all. How does this happen? Is it possible to fight this “shortcoming” or to suffer all my life?

What does "weak character" mean?

The problem must be solved with open eyes. And this means that you need to deal with the phenomenon that prevents you from developing in your personal life, business and other areas.

It is believed that a weak character is:

  • timid;
  • indecisive;
  • modest;
  • fearful.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Even timid, quiet individuals are capable of action. And what a one! A quiet husband, for example, is able to fight for his betrothed with any rival, showing miracles of perseverance and perseverance. Weakness lies in the inability to develop one's own opinion and follow it. Probably the best synonym for this word is the term “slave”. And this allows you to look at the problem from a different perspective.

Signs of a weak character

Unfortunately, lack of will does not depend on gender, age or race. Men and women can have this characteristic equally. Signs of weakness include the following:

  1. Inability to make decisions.
  2. Uncontrollability of emotions.
  3. Inability to hold the interlocutor's attention.
  4. Timidity.
  5. Tendency to complain.
  6. Envy.
  7. Lack of personal opinion on important issues.
  8. Blind imitation of authority.

We have provided only the most superficial characteristics. Moreover, a man more often masks an internal problem with external brutality. For example, he is rude if a wave of shyness rises inside. A woman tends to accept her shortcomings as they are.

The inner meaning of weakness

So far we have determined how this quality manifests itself in society. But for the development of personality, it is more important why a person behaves in this particular way. If a weak will had a positive impact on life, no one would wonder how to strengthen it and strengthen character. To find a way to solve a problem, you need to understand what is happening in a person’s soul.

  • Weakness is often congenital. A person is born with a predetermined set of qualities. They are given to the individual for development. For example, every newborn is not capable of counting, writing, driving, or preparing food for her husband and children. This needs to be learned. This is how a citizen develops. Along with learning skills and rules of behavior, we simultaneously develop the soul. That is, we improve an innate set of qualities.
  • Some people are given talent, it should be identified and developed. Others receive from the Lord (the Higher Powers or the Universe) the ability to teach, draw batik, build sand castles, and so on. And each of us must understand where to move and then begin to develop. Moreover, the more problems along this path, the stronger the personality becomes, if it does not break, of course.
  • In this sense, weak character is a huge gift. Its presence means that a person is endowed with great potential for development. There is also bad news for such people: you cannot leave the problem without a solution. Otherwise you will never understand the true meaning of happiness.
  • The task of a weak-willed person is to overcome the problem and become strong. By the way, if a lady has a weak husband, she needs to help him. After all, a man’s condition depends on female energy. But the opposite is not true. The husband is not able to cope with the weak will of his wife. She will have to work on her own.

How to overcome yourself?

At first it will seem that it is impossible to get rid of timidity, envy and other qualities listed above. If you limit yourself to one or two days, then really nothing will come of it.

You should be prepared to work for a long time. And first of all, understand that no one will do it for you. The husband or wife in this case is not a support. Relatives can only provide moral encouragement at the first stage.

There are several points to pay attention to. Weakness is a special quality. It does not always manifest itself in the manner described above. Its most important characteristics:

  1. lack of opinion;
  2. statement.

These qualities manifest themselves in various ways. For example, if the husband suggests going on a hike and describes the delights of hiking, the wife happily agrees. She simply does not understand what difficulties lie ahead. She can’t decide whether she wants to walk in the mountains. But this is not weak character yet. Now, if the husband cools down, when the girl has already purchased equipment and chosen the route, comes up with a different plan, and she again follows his lead - it’s worth thinking about. This is a clear manifestation of a lack of personal opinion.

Developing a plan

It is proposed to work in stages:

  • The first step is the most important one. It is necessary to analyze your reactions, then write down manifestations of a weak character. You can focus on the above signs. However, it should be understood that manifestations are not limited to them.
  • The second stage is more difficult. It's a good idea to ask your friends to tell you how they perceive your personality. At this step it is worth relying on loved ones. A woman should listen to what her husband thinks about this and vice versa. Based on the results of your work, adjust the list of manifestations.
  • The third stage is the actual development of an action plan. Each shortcoming will have to be dealt with separately. Below are the methods recommended by psychologists, as well as those suggested by the experience of people involved in solving such problems.
  • The last stage is work. Don't limit your time. Also, don't stress. Do “exercises” by playing like children. Take failures and successes lightly. Know that every person came into this world to be happy. This applies to the weak-willed too. Decide to develop, put happiness at the forefront. Willpower will come if you don't give up. It is important to understand that a woman is also given a husband for internal work on creating happiness. If his will is at zero, he needs to be encouraged and guided. But the husband is not able to help his wife.

Sample list of exercises

  1. Own opinion. It doesn't just appear. It needs to be developed. To do this, it is recommended to constantly express your attitude towards the phenomenon or image that has aroused interest. You can start alone with yourself. Just say what comes into your head. Then, analyze your words. Later, try not to remain silent in public.
    For married women, their husband will help them develop confidence. Constantly tell him everything that is in your head. It is important not to be afraid that the thought will seem stupid or uninteresting to others. She's yours! And if your husband criticizes such a change in behavior, laugh it off. A sense of humor is found only in the strong. Let your husband understand this too.
  2. The easiest way to get rid of the desire to imitate is. Look at those around you and discover their uniqueness. Try to see something beautiful in everyone you meet. For example, does your friend’s husband grumble all the time about sparing her money on jewelry? What a business man! Try to think in this direction constantly.
  3. Unlearn how to complain. Understand that what you are talking about happens in life. If lamentations constantly come from your lips, your angels take them as orders. They organize everything as ordered. In any situation, look for a reason to be happy. Did the cup break? There was a chance to get a new one. Is your beloved husband not paying attention? So take the initiative yourself!
  4. Learning to hold the attention of other people and being an interesting person is also easy. You need to be passionate about something. For example, read books, cross-stitch, study the features of Japanese butterflies. It is important that the activity is truly engaging. After a while, you will forget about your weakness of character, as these little things will leave your head. This is where the love for the hobby takes root.
    Secret: People listen not with their ears, but with their souls. They are attracted by the energy of their interlocutor. And she is pumped up with positive emotions that her own hobby gives.
  5. Shyness is more difficult to deal with. If a guy experiences discomfort when communicating with young ladies, it is difficult for him to concentrate on the conversation. A weak-willed woman experiences the same thing. The attention of these people is directed to their problem, which is why communication suffers. The advice is this: during the meeting, try to record the external characteristics of the person. Directly write yourself a list of tasks and follow it.
    For example, make it a rule to distract yourself from your state and record the color of the new interlocutor’s eyes, the appearance of his fingers, hands, nostrils, and the like. It is important to distract yourself and stop focusing on shyness. As a rule, after a certain time (21 days) a skill is developed. It consists in the fact that a person focuses attention on another person. And this leads to a decrease in the level of shyness.

Psychological, intellectual and emotional strength is the ability to perceive reality as it really is, and then manage the emotions that arise from the observations and respond in a healthy and productive way.

Psychic strength is revealed in what we do, as well as in what we don't do.

14 Signs of a Mentally Strong Personality

A clear and strong sense of self-worth. Such people are not dependent, not manipulative, not possessive, and not obsessed with control. They know how to solve their problems.

They are not afraid to be alone, but they are not afraid of people either. They don't want others to save them, but they also don't try to save or radically change others.

They do not allow others to control their emotions, and they do not “discharge” their emotions onto others.

Sometimes high, healthy self-esteem is confused with narcissism(status symbol: fake self-confidence, disrespectful behavior, emphasis on appearance, money, power, fame, ability to manipulate others).

A mentally strong person is neither falsely confident nor timid.

You recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses. You have learned to define your self-worth so that you are not dependent on the praise of others and are not devastated by rejection.

You accept that you are responsible for your own life. If there is a problem, you can weigh your choices and make a decision.

In comparison, a passive person typically feels overwhelmed or disconnected to the extent that they feel paralyzed and incapacitated to take any action. Likewise, a reactive person simply automatically reacts to things and makes decisions without conscious awareness.

Passive or reactive people are rarely aware that they are making decisions in their lives. Proactive people remember their emotions, thoughts and motives. They love to live their life, even if it is difficult.

See reality as it is. You perceive reality meaningfully using reason, logic, observation and common sense. In comparison, irrational people, even if they are quite logical, may come up with conclusions or connections that make sense primarily to them, but they lack objectivity and are not forward-thinking.

You will be able to maintain a high degree of awareness when you accept a situation, or deceive yourself by being unable to regulate your emotions.

It is important to be in the present moment, without being stuck in the past or dwelling in the future.

You are in touch with your emotions. You are able to recognize exactly what you feel, why, and what it means in relation to your existence.

You will take time to look back and reflect on what is happening in your inner and outer world. You think about what has happened in your life and what is happening, and actively make decisions about your behavior and actions based on your true emotions and reality.

You are effectively processing your past traumas and growing as a person.

Psychologically strong people have a strong sense of self-compassion and develop empathy for others. Empathy does not necessarily mean that you agree with other people or their actions, but that you understand how others feel, think and act, and why.

Another way to develop your own empathy is compassion. Because you understand how you feel, and because you understand how others may feel, you have compassion.

Adaptability is one of the most useful character traits. Strong people are able to quickly adapt to change and remain aware in a problematic or unexpected situation.

You have confidence that you will be okay because you are adaptable; you think about the situation, but you don't obsess or worry about it because you know you can handle it when it happens.

You understand that there are many things that are beyond our control. The desire to control everything is a classic sign of chronic anxiety and existential uncertainty.

You can differentiate between what you can control and what you cannot. Shifting your attention away from things that are out of your control allows you to feel better, opening up new possibilities and the possibility of being happy.

Instead of focusing on what you can't control or on achieving grandiose or anxious goals, you simply live your life as healthy and conscious as possible.

You don't play social games.

You do not follow ideologies or be swayed by social, political and philosophical narratives. You don't try to change everyone around you to suit your tastes. You don't worry about what your neighbor thinks or might be doing wrong.

You create a better life for yourself, one that is not aggressive towards others, towards yourself and your immediate environment.

You acknowledge that no one owes you anything.

If you want something, then you must take the initiative to get it. You also accept the fact that sometimes life isn't fair. This, however, does not mean that you should be unfair to others.

Essentially, everyone is responsible for their own life. By default, we do not owe anything to anyone, just as others do not owe us anything.

Strong people are considerate and helpful. However, giving and helping others is an act of kindness, not an obligation.

You are helpful and caring, but you do not feel responsible for the well-being of other people, just as no one is responsible for you. You can be helpful and generous without guilt or obligation.

The foundation of a healthy relationship is borders .

You treat others fairly, which means you love and respect those who are worthy and do not waste your resources (time, money, energy) on toxic people or tolerate their abusive and harassing behavior.

If you encounter something that seems toxic or unhealthy, you make a decision about what to do rather than reacting emotionally or passively accepting it. You regularly review your relationships with other people and come to conclusions that will help maintain your boundaries.

The truth is that no matter who you are or what you do, there will be people who don't like you. You don't like everyone either, so it's natural that not everyone will like you either.

Psychologically strong people are not aggressive towards others, but they also recognize that social rejection is inevitable - and that's okay.

Strong people know when to say no. They know where their emotional responsibility ends and the other person begins, and vice versa.

They feel comfortable saying no to boundary violations, aggression, and unfair behavior, which ultimately benefits them. They do not feel shame or guilt for protecting their identity.

  • Are these points present in your life?
  • Is there anything you would like to add to this list?
  • What points would you like to work on?
  • What does a strong personality mean to you?

If you have questions or would like to schedule a consultation, you can contact me, by going to the contact page .
I will be glad to help you!