What prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. Where to get strength and energy for a happy and harmonious life How to come to harmony with yourself

Let us stipulate in advance that harmony like “he doesn’t want it, but I don’t need it” is not our option. We will consider the harmony of people who love each other and who are interested in being together.

So, let's look at what needs to be done to achieve harmony with a man.


First of all, this is, of course, mutual love, without it, no matter how wonderful you are, you cannot build a harmonious relationship. We will not consider how to come to love, because humanity has been struggling with the answer to this question for many millennia and so far to no avail.

Common interests.

Also, for harmony with a man, commonality of views is important, you must have common interests, something that you can do together. If this is not the case, then try to interest him in something that interests you. Or become interested in what interests him. From this factor follows the next factor, personal space.

Personal space.

Having personal space is a very important factor; it needs to be taken into account when you find common interests with a man. After all, you can’t always do everything together, otherwise you’ll very soon become sick of each other. Therefore, the search for common interests must be done delicately. Trying not to interfere too much with a person’s personal space, believe me, sooner or later the man will open up on his own, but this takes time. At the same time, it is necessary to discuss so that your man does not try to limit you too much.


To achieve harmony in a relationship, you must share what is important to you with each other. If you don’t like something about a man or, on the contrary, you are delighted with something. Tell him. If you have problems at work or with your friends, share this with him. He, too, should not accumulate his important emotions, thoughts and experiences.


This stems from the previous point, if you talk to each other, you also need to be able to listen. Even if sometimes the topic is not very close and understandable to you. Try to support each other and listen. After all, what you say is very important for both of you.


People are not perfect, that's all. So to be in harmony with a man, you need to be able to forgive, you him, and him your shortcomings. After all, you need to love a person entirely, along with his shortcomings and merits.

Mutual respect.

In most cases, the basis of these marital relationships (except for love, of course) is mutual respect for each other as individuals. And this should not depend on social status, financial situation and other qualities. An academic husband should respect his housewife wife, and a business lady wife should respect her husband, a simple engineer. Only in this case can there be harmony between spouses.

Inner harmony.

And finally, last but not least. For external harmony (with a man, with the world, with family) with anyone, you need to achieve internal harmony, with yourself. After all, only a person who is harmonious internally will be able to build a harmonious relationship with someone.

We are often stressed. Everyone is familiar with the state when you don’t want anything, everything falls out of your hands, and you don’t know how to get out of this state.

It seems to us that those around us are to blame for this, they do not understand us, annoy us in every possible way and do not allow us to live in peace. But if you remember, the world around us only reflects our internal state (the external corresponds to the internal). When we find harmony within ourselves, the outside world will change.

How can you achieve harmony within yourself? Meditation? Going on vacation? But vacation comes only once a year, and, frankly speaking, few people are ready to practice meditation. You need to work on harmony in yourself every day, and for this you need to put in order not only your spiritual world, but also your psychic, mental and physical. You are in harmony with yourself when you are calm, your mind is clear, your soul “sings”, and your body is energetic.

Of course, this is not all that is needed to achieve harmony. If we don't have money, then we can hardly feel good. Therefore, I want to highlight one more, fifth area, calling it “life support” - that which brings you enough money so that you have the time and desire to take care of yourself.

If you pay attention to these areas every day and take care of them, then you, and therefore your life, will become more harmonious.

Physical activity along with a healthy diet. I will not dwell on the benefits of these things, they do not need proof, and the variety of sets of exercises available to us is enough for everyone to choose their own and stick to it regularly. The main thing is that there is enough.

❝The bliss of the body is health, and the bliss of the mind is knowledge❞

Steps to harmony - mental sphere

Did you know that we have only four real feelings - happiness, sadness, fear and anger, and what is interesting is that there is only one positive one!

Emotions are so-called racketeering feelings (from “racketeering” - extortion). With these emotions we demanded love, attention in childhood and achieved our goal through manipulation.

The psyche is the most uncontrollable area of ​​all, and you need to carefully protect it if you cannot control your emotions. Avoid situations that have a negative impact on your emotional state.

If you don’t like to do something, go somewhere, communicate with someone, don’t force yourself, be principled. Avoid (if possible) people with whom you are uncomfortable, communicate with those with whom you feel good. Don't watch the news, don't participate in pointless arguments. Take care of your emotional sphere. Let go of grievances, the past, get rid of guilt!

❝Don’t worry about many things and you will outlive many❞

Steps to harmony - spiritual sphere

❝The most important thing is to bring order to your soul. We follow three “don’ts”: don’t complain, don’t blame, don’t make excuses❞ B. Shaw

Our spirit needs discipline, we should not ignore it. And the soul needs its own food - good books, a pleasant holiday with people important to you, passion, time alone with your real self and your thoughts (let's call it).

You can understand what heals your soul only by the results - the feeling of inspiration, relief or cleansing that you gain. Feelings of forgiveness and gratitude also have a positive effect on our soul.

❝Heal the soul with sensations, and let the soul heal the sensations❞ O. Wilde

I would like to quote an excerpt from S. Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” which describes an interesting method of spiritual renewal of a person. You can definitely take note of it.

Arthur Gordon, in his short story “A Turn in Life,” tells a delightful, deeply personal story of his own spiritual renewal. He talks about that period of his life when he suddenly felt that everything around had lost its novelty and brightness. Inspiration has dried up; he forced himself to write, but these efforts were fruitless. Finally, the writer decided to seek the help of a doctor. Finding no physical abnormalities in the patient, the doctor asked whether he was able to follow his instructions exactly for one day.

After Gordon answered in the affirmative, the doctor told him to spend the next day in the place with which the happiest memories of his childhood were associated. The doctor allowed him to take food with him, but said that he would not have to talk to anyone, read, write or listen to the radio. After which the doctor handed him four folded sheets of instructions and ordered him to read one at nine in the morning, the second at noon, the third at three in the afternoon and the fourth at six in the evening.

The next morning Gordon went to the coast. Opening the first order, he read: "Listen carefully!" He decided that the doctor was out of his mind. How you can do it: listen for three hours! But since he promised the doctor that he would carry out his instructions, he began to listen. My hearing absorbed the usual sounds of the sea and the singing of birds. After some time, he began to distinguish other sounds that were not so obvious at first. As he listened, he began to reflect on what the sea had taught him as a child—patience, respect, and a sense of the interdependence of all things. He listened to sounds, he listened to silence, and a feeling of peace grew within him.

At noon he unfolded the second piece of paper and read: "Try to go back". “Where is this, “back?” – he was perplexed. Maybe to your childhood, to your happy memories? Gordon began to think about his past, about moments of happiness. He tried to imagine them in every detail. And, remembering, he felt warmer inside.

At three o'clock in the afternoon Gordon unfolded the third piece of paper. Until now, the doctor's orders have been easy to follow. But this was completely different, it read: "Check Your Motives". At first, Gordon took a defensive position. He thought about what he was striving for in life - about success, about recognition, about security - and found convincing confirmation of all these motives. But suddenly the thought came to him that all these motives were not good enough and that perhaps this was precisely the reason for his current depression.

He carefully examined his motives. I thought about the happy moments of my past. And finally I found the answer.

“And suddenly I saw with amazing clarity,” writes Gordon, “that with the wrong motives, nothing in a person’s life can be right. It doesn't matter who you are - a postman, a hairdresser, an insurance agent or a housewife. When you realize that you are serving others, things get better for you. If you are concerned only with the interests of your own personality, your affairs will not go very well - and this is a law as immutable as the law of gravity.”

When the clock hands approached six in the evening, it turned out that the last order was easy to fulfill. "Write all your worries in the sand", - it was written on the piece of paper. Gordon squatted down and wrote a few words with a piece of shell; then he turned and walked away. He did not look back: he knew that the tidal wave would soon roll in.

Steps to harmony - mental sphere

The mind also needs its own special food. In new knowledge, generating ideas, solving complex problems. Intelligence is needed, it is precisely on it that a woman can count (if there is no one else): only a woman’s mind can equal male strength.

The mind is quite an interesting tool. When it seems to you that you are completely exhausted, you suddenly have another idea, and after it another and another, you just have to not give up.

Our main enemy in this area is mental laziness. The brain itself strives not to think! Experts explain it this way:

❞ The brain is a strange structure. On the one hand, it allows us to think, on the other hand, it does not allow us. After all, how does it work? In a relaxed state, when you are resting, say, watching TV, the brain consumes 9% of the body's total energy. And if you start to think, then the consumption increases to 25%. But we have 65 million years of struggle for food and energy behind us. The brain is used to this and does not believe that tomorrow it will have something to eat. Therefore, he categorically does not want to think. (For this same reason, by the way, people tend to overeat.) ❞

Everything in us is interconnected: a healthy body gives a feeling of happiness, an open channel between the mind and soul brings intuitive insights. Feelings heal the soul, and the mind gives impetus to feelings.

Everyone knows that in order for any thing to work for a long time and not break, it must be constantly taken care of. If you don't change the oil in your car, it will damage the entire car. Remember to take care of every part of yourself. Take four steps towards harmony every day and you will achieve it, and the world around you will also become harmonious.

A slightly different interpretation of the same topic is in the article.

1. It's okay to start small!

The jug is filled gradually, drop by drop...

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Every master was once an amateur.”
We all start small, don't neglect the little. If you are consistent and patient, you will succeed! No one can become successful overnight; success comes to those who are willing to start small and work hard until the pitcher is full.

2. Thoughts are material.

Everything we are is the result of what we think about ourselves. If a person speaks or acts with evil thoughts, he is haunted by pain. If a person speaks or acts with pure intentions, happiness follows him, which, like a shadow, will never leave him.”

Buddha said: “Our consciousness is everything. You become what you think about." James Allen said: “Man is a brain (mind).” To live correctly, you must fill your mind with “right” (sensible) thoughts.

Your thinking determines your actions; your actions determine the outcome. Right thinking will give you everything you want; wrong thinking is an evil that will ultimately destroy you.

If you change your thinking (change your worldview, reconsider your system of values ​​and priorities), you will change your life. Buddha said: “All wrongdoing arises from the mind (level of consciousness). If the mind (level of consciousness) changes, will the offenses remain (the same)?”

3. Forgive.

Holding (resentment) and anger inside is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; but it is you who will burn...

When you free those who are imprisoned in (your) unforgiveness, you are (actually) freeing yourself from that prison. You cannot limit or suppress anyone without limiting or suppressing yourself.

Learn to forgive. Learn to forgive faster.

4. Your actions matter.

No matter how many commandments you read, no matter how many you say, what will they mean if you do not follow them?

They say, “Words are worthless,” and that’s true. To develop, you must take action; To develop quickly, you need to act every day. Results (i.e. fruits, success, abundance, popularity) will not fall on your head!

Achievements exist, but only those who constantly act will be able to reap their benefits. The proverb says: “God gives every bird a worm, but does not throw it into the nest.” Buddha said: “I do not believe in the fate that befalls people when they act, but I believe in the fate that befalls them when they do not act.”

5. Try to understand.

Arguing with the present, we feel angry, we stopped fighting for the truth, we started fighting only for ourselves.

Stephen Covey said: “First try to understand yourself, and only then try to be understood.” It's easy to say, but difficult to do; you must make every effort to understand the “other” person’s point of view. When you feel overwhelmed by resentment, irritation, anger, learn to immediately switch from the level of emotions to the (mental) level of awareness of what is happening. Listen to others, think deeply and understand their point of view, and then you will find peace.

Focus more on being happy (staying in harmony externally and internally) than being right.

6. Conquer yourself.

It is better to defeat yourself than to win thousands of battles. Then victory is truly yours. Neither Angels, nor demons, nor Heaven or Hell can take it away from you.

He who conquers himself is stronger than any ruler. In order to defeat yourself, you need to defeat your mind and way of thinking (character - level of consciousness - belief system). You must control your thoughts. They should not rage like sea waves. You may think, “I can’t control my thoughts. A thought comes when it pleases.” To this I answer: you cannot prevent a bird from flying over you, but you can certainly prevent it from building a nest on your head.

Banish thoughts that do not correspond to the life principles by which you want to live. Buddha said: “It is not the enemy or ill-wisher, but precisely the consciousness (the level of awareness and development, ethics and culture) of a person that lures him onto a crooked path.”

7. Live in harmony.

Harmony comes from within. Don't look for her outside.
Don't look outside for what can only be found in your heart.

Often we can look for IT outside, only to distract ourselves from the true reality. The truth is that Harmony can only be found within yourself. Harmony is not a new job, not a new car or a new marriage, it is not a big bank account, for all occasions...

HARMONY is new opportunities (self-expression of our True Self) and they begin with Love (to the EARTH - the world, nature, our neighbors (relatives), all humanity; to SKY - Space, God (Higher Mind), Angels, Saints, Teachers - to the entire CREATION) and from the opening of the heart (from the readiness to embrace and protect ALL CREATION as a whole and from Compassion for everyone who has not yet found Harmony in their heart, and therefore suffers).

8. Be grateful.

Let's stand up and give thanks for the fact that if we didn't study a lot, then at least we studied a little, and if we didn't study a little, then at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, then at least we didn't die. Therefore, we will be grateful!

There is always something worth being grateful for. Don’t be so pessimistic that for a minute, even at the moment of a quarrel, you are not able to realize thousands of things for which you should be grateful (life, fate, Guardian Angel - Soul). Not everyone was able to wake up this morning; Yesterday some fell asleep for the last time. There is always something worth thanking for (there is the Sun, warmth and light, blue sky, air, water, refreshing coolness, beautiful people walking towards you, just laughing children...) understand that you still have all this today Please understand...and thank you!

A grateful heart will make you great!

9. Be true to what you know.

The greatest offense is to be faithful to what you know for sure.

We know (understand, feel) a lot, but we don’t always do what we know.

If you fail, it won't be because you didn't know what to do; it will happen because you didn't do what you knew. Do as you know. Don’t just assimilate external (other people’s) information, but focus on your own thoughts, feelings and subtle sensations about who you want to become, what to do, what to do with your life next, until you have clarity of purpose, (ways and the means for its implementation) and a strong desire to act on the basis of internal knowledge.

10. Travel.

It is better to travel (to be able to walk along the Path) than to arrive at the place.

"Life is a journey! I am happy, content and satisfied today. I can visit the best places and taste the best foods, but I... prefer to move on... to travel"

Don't put off your trip indefinitely. Strive to achieve your main goal! Start traveling to her today! Go NOW and enjoy the joy of this beautiful state (consciousness) - walking along the Path (exploring yourself and gradually, day by day, realizing yourself as the True Self - the Soul).

We all dream of living a full life, filled with various interesting events, to cope with the mission assigned to us, to always know what exactly we want and be able to achieve it. What is needed for this? First of all, have a sufficient amount of vital resources. After all, we often cannot fulfill our dreams precisely because we do not have enough strength to realize what we want in life. In this material we will answer the question, where can we get the strength and energy for life in order to be healthy, happy and achieve success?

What is the energy of life

First of all, it should be noted that the concept of vital energy is understood as the energy thanks to which we were born and live in this world. We receive our main energy potential even at conception (some esotericists claim that this happens even earlier - when the future father and mother are just planning to conceive a baby), as well as during the process of childbirth.

During our later life, our energy can be either accumulated or expended depending on many factors. Some we can handle on our own, and some we can’t.

The energy of life is a subtle substance that permeates and fills all the cells and atoms of our body, contributing to their unification into one whole. Thanks to this force, all the small particles of the human body vibrate at a certain frequency and are ultimately combined, becoming a single powerful absorber and emitter of the energy flow of the Universe.

Also, it is through vital energy that we independently design our lives, change it in the direction we need, and can reveal our earthly purpose. Generally speaking, life energy involves our thoughts, desires, actions, and actions in every moment of our life. It is distributed between us and other people, shapes our living environment, helps us to open up in various life circumstances. As a result, our life becomes exactly what it is.

Where does life energy go?

Where to get energy for life

First, we will turn to the sources of filling with physical energy. The most important of them is the state of health of our parents at the time of conception. If our parents (and even more favorably, all our ancestors over many generations) had good health, the more high-quality gene set we will receive, which means the healthier we will be.

Having embodied in the material world, a person is filled with physical vital energy through the following sources:

  • Through food. The higher quality food we consume, the better condition our body is in. And if you add moderation and balance along with positive emotions, the result will not be long in coming.
  • Through physical energy of the planet Earth: through water, air, fire, earth, minerals, plants and animals. By coming into contact with each of these natural elements, we significantly improve our energy state. Therefore, preserving nature and closely interacting with it is vitally important for each of us.
  • Through our surroundings- from it we are also filled with physical and spiritual energy, but not pure, but processed (emotional, mental, sensual, and so on, which then becomes physical). When we experience positive emotions, we accomplish much more things than when we are under the influence of negative ones.
  • Through sport, physical activity, exercise, massage, breathing practice - this is another source of vitality. Those people who constantly practice even the simplest exercises have a much higher vitality, are more self-confident, energetic and cheerful than those who do not engage in their physical development.

We have figured out the main sources of increasing physical energy. There is nothing complicated about them, and by using each of them wisely, we can easily solve most of our life problems.

Now let’s look at a more subtle sphere – the spiritual and emotional part of life energy.

You are probably familiar with the sources of this type of energy, but they are somewhat more difficult to work with than physical ones. In this case, a person’s spirituality, his personal maturity, and self-improvement are affected, which means that the quality of work with these energy fillers will directly depend on the degree of spiritual development of a person and can change throughout his life.

Here are some of the sources of receiving spiritual energy:

  • Thoughts are a very powerful source of energy. The experience of positive and negative thoughts, according to the law of polarity, has the same strength, but the only difference is that the first category of emotions increases the energy balance of the body, and the second, on the contrary, causes a strong leakage of vital force.
  • Feelings, by analogy with emotions, either destroy us or increase our energy potential.
  • Emotions - the same principle works here as in the two previous cases.

Therefore, try to think as positively as possible, develop physically, communicate with positive people, eat right, sleep enough, tell the truth and not worry about trifles - then you will always be filled with vital energy that will help you live a happy and fulfilling life.

At the end of the article, watch the informative video