What is compassion 15 3. Works of OGE based on the text by Albert Likhanov

What is compassion?

Compassion is a quality of the soul that I think is present in all people, but not everyone knows how to show this feeling.

For me, compassion is also understanding, experiencing and helping loved ones; each of us needs it in a difficult situation, the main thing is to show it in time.

The text by V. Oseeva tells about two boys, Seryozhka and Lyovka, who once shot from slingshots, and the old woman Marya Pavlovna reprimanded them. The boys didn’t like this, and they decided to teach the old lady a lesson by stealing her cat, which

loved the whole house. Several days passed after the cat went missing, and all the neighbors were looking for Murlyshka, and the unfortunate Maria Pavlovna was completely desperate. Lyovka and Seryozhka noticed this, and they felt sorry for the old woman. A feeling of compassion awoke in their souls! The boys returned the red cat.

Let me give you an example from life experience. My friend Olesya had a dog who was loved by all her relatives. But their neighbor also liked the dog. And one day he couldn’t bear it and stole Buyan. Olesya's relatives began to look for the animal, a neighbor noticed it and could not resist. He released the dog, which he had previously locked in the barn. At that moment, a feeling of compassion also awoke in him, just like the boys, the heroes of V. Oseeva’s work.

So, compassion is a feeling of pity shown to both people and animals.

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A paragraph is a group of sentences united based on a common idea. Paragraph indentation allows writers to highlight the most important micro-topics in texts. This is, in my opinion, the meaning of the statement L.Yu. Maksimova.

To illustrate the linguist’s thoughts with specific examples, let us turn to the text Alberta Likhanov. The sentences of the first paragraph occupy an important place in the composition of the work: they describe the children's home. “An old two-story house with peeling plaster” is not at all suitable for small children to live in - this is the idea that combines sentences 1-3 into a separate paragraph.

The last paragraph, which is a replica of the nurse, plays an equally significant role in understanding the text. The woman reports that Russian children abandoned by their parents are often adopted by Americans. Foreigners give children the warmth that their compatriots cannot give - this is the main idea that unites sentences 41-46.

So, the above examples confirm the idea L.Yu. Maksimova that using paragraph indentation " the most important groups of sentences in the composition of the whole text are highlighted».

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Albert Likhanov talks about how Kolya, an orphan boy, came to the orphanage to find information about his mother.

« How! Teacher! I approve! What! Better! Don't look!“- the boss pronounces each word clearly. And then he explains: Nikolai’s search for his mother will end in disappointment and even greater loneliness. I understand the meaning of the words of the head of the orphanage as follows: it is possible that at one time Kolya’s parents simply abandoned him, which means that it is hardly worth looking for his mother.

The boss’s correctness is confirmed by examples from the text. In one of the rooms of the children's house, Kolya sees cribs with babies abandoned by their parents (sentences 26-28). It’s hard for the boy to realize that these little people were abandoned by their mothers and fathers. Perhaps he himself was the same kind of abandoned child. Nikolai does not directly express this thought, however, reading sentence 31, we understand that it was this idea that “hit him in the temple”: seeing abandoned children, the boy could not help but draw parallels with his own fate.

Thus, the truth about his mother would most likely disappoint Nikolai and make him suffer even more. Understanding this, the boss does not recommend looking for a woman.

Task 15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is compassion?«…

What is compassion?

Compassion is the willingness to take someone else's pain to heart as if it were your own. This is a moral concept that stands on a par with sympathy and empathy. The ability to compassion is characteristic of people with a kind soul, who will always understand, support, and if necessary, come to the rescue.

The text makes you think about this Alberta Likhanova. Nikolai, seeing babies abandoned by their parents, is imbued with compassion for the children. He understands the pain that the unfortunate kids still have to feel. The head of the orphanage feels compassion for Kolya himself, who does not advise the boy to look for his mother: this could result in new pain for him. “Otherwise you will be disappointed. You will become even more... lonely,” the woman says to Nikolai.

You can find many examples of compassion in literary works. Thus, in M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” Andrei Sokolov adopts the orphan Vanyushka. A man lost his family during the war, and the child’s grief is close and understandable to him.

These examples show how important compassion is. Without him, living in the world would become unbearable.

Text for work

(1) From the very day my long-time passion for stamps was passed on to my son, my quiet life ended. (2) I again began to lead the existence of a wild stamp hunter...

(3) I bartered, begged, bought, was nervous...

(4) - Well, why are you worried? (5) In a boy, it is an age-related disease like measles. (b) A turning point in the psyche. (7) This will pass! - my wife convinced me.

(8) It will pass... (9) Holy maternal delusion! (Y) If she knew that from the stash, which now significantly exceeded my former pre-philatelic needs, it would be possible to buy her a long-promised fur coat, she would not speak so frivolously...

(And) Philatelic storms continued to shake the hull of our family ship and caused an ever-increasing financial leak. (12) And the brands were to blame for everything!

(13) In the end, I came to terms with it: they forced my son and me to dive into different dictionaries and reference books, each time making us feel like pioneers. (14) I was already imagining the world fame of my outstanding collector...

(15) “Well, brother,” I once turned to my son after evening tea, rubbing my hands in blissful anticipation. (16) - I managed to scratch out two very interesting stamps from British Guiana. (17) Get out your album...

(18) - You see, dad... - the son looked at me with his eyes wide open. (19) - I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time... (20) I don’t have an album...

(21) - Lost it?! - I sobbed and, in a pre-infarction state, sank onto the sofa. 186

(22) - Well, daddy! - the son shrugged condescendingly, apparently somewhat shocked by such blatant stupidity of his parent. (23) - I just don’t have an album right now.

(24) - Yeah... - a joyful guess dawned on me. (25) - Did you let your friend watch it for a while? (26) Well done! (27) Does he live far away, this friend of yours?!

(28) - Dad... (29) This is a boy whose both legs are paralyzed, our school is patronizing him. (30)n can’t walk, you know, he can’t walk at all! (ZI) Can’t go anywhere.... (32) Can you go far in his stroller? (33) I gave him my album... (34) You won’t be very angry with me, eh, dad? (35) I can go to the museum, and to the stadium, and to the cinema, and then, later, go to other countries...

(36) - Don’t you regret your album? - I asked mercilessly. (37) - Only honestly?

(38) - Yes, dad, I’m sorry... (39) At first I was very sorry, but now I’m a little sorry... (40) You see, he was so happy that he even cried. (41) You see, he didn’t shout, didn’t laugh, but cried. (42) Is it really possible to cry from joy too? (43) Eh, dad? (44) And now I feel very, very good... (45) So you’re not angry?

(46) Well, what could I say? (47) He had the whole world in his hands - he generously gave it to another. (48) This was my son, and he became an adult. (49) Therefore, I did not hug him or kiss him as before, but only silently extended my hand to him.

(50) And we exchanged a strong, understanding handshake...

(According to L. Kuklin)

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic: “What is compassion?”, taking the definition you gave as the thesis. When arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: give one example-argument from the text you read, and the second from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Option 1

Compassion is the ability not only to feel the pain of another person, but also to help either get rid of it or reduce it. The basis of this feeling, in my opinion, is love for all living things, because without it compassion cannot be sincere.

Thus, it was the love of the famous Mother Teresa for people throughout her long life that was the basis for the construction of dozens of shelters and hospitals for the poor and sick. She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her charity.

There can be different reasons for showing feelings of compassion. This is confirmed by the action of the hero of the story by L. Kuklin - the boy who gave a valuable collection of stamps to a paralyzed, unfamiliar “comrade” (sentence 33). He did this out of a desire to please him and make life easier for his peer (sentence 35).

I think that only those who accept other people's pain or problems as their own can truly be compassionate.

Option 2

What is compassion? I think the answer lies in the word itself. The prefix “co-” denotes togetherness, community, that is, compassion is the ability to share suffering and, if possible, find a way to get rid of it. This spiritual quality is characteristic of sensitive and caring people.

The hero of the story by L. Kuklina really imbued with the misfortune of his peer, confined to a wheelchair (sentences 32-34). He did not spare the album for him (sentence 33) and sincerely shared the boy’s feelings when he cried with joy after accepting the gift (sentence 44).

A person needs a person, especially in difficult times. It’s wonderful that there is such a wonderful quality - compassion.

Option 3

Compassion is a manifestation of sincere, selfless love from a person to a person in a difficult situation. Compassionate people always act as if they are helping not a stranger, but the person closest to them.

In L. Kuklin’s text, the narrator’s son parts with an album of rare stamps. The boy is touched by the story of a peer, a stranger, whose legs are paralyzed (sentences 32-34), and he, without hesitation, gives the patient a valuable collection.

I can give an example of compassion from life: one of the residents of our house prepares lunches on Saturdays at a homeless shelter not for money - out of compassion.

As long as this feeling lives in us, we can be called People.

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In our lives, we often come across conversational texts. For example, when talking with friends or relatives, we use this style in oral speech; in fiction it also occurs very often.

So V. G. Korolenko in his story, depicting a conversation between children, uses a conversational style, and we can observe in this example the features of this style that L. A. Vvedenskaya noted: “expressiveness, evaluativeness, desire to save speech means, lack of preparation "

Let's say, in sentences 15 - 18 in Valek's speech, we notice expressiveness (“Who will give it to me?”) and linguistic economy (“Yes, you will beg!”). It is also clear that at first he does not dare to tell Vasya that he stole the rolls, but, overwhelmed by emotions, he nevertheless confesses. However, in this case too, he uses the euphemism “pulled.”

Brevity is also characteristic of other speeches of the heroes, among which there are many incomplete sentences (for example, sentences 35, 36, 38).

Colloquial speech is very emotional and laconic, but this also makes it unsuitable in cases where it is necessary to convey precise and specific information.

15.2. Write an argumentative essay. Explain how you understand the meaning of the sentences in the text: “ My pure childhood affection somehow became clouded... Although my love for Valek and Marusa did not become weaker, it was mixed with a sharp stream of regret that reached the point of heartache.”.

This phrase characterizes Vasya’s state of mind when he realized that his new friends were beggars. He hadn't thought about it at all before. Vasya was deprived of communication with his father, did not see understanding or affection from him, but still he was well-fed, clothed, and lived in a warm, cozy house. He didn’t understand what hunger or living in a dungeon meant, so he didn’t think about the status of his new friends.

Now the truth suddenly stood before him in its ugliness: “Are you... beggars? - I asked in a fallen voice. - Beggars! - Valek snapped gloomily.” In this episode, it is noticeable that the boy did not think about who fate brought him to, did not realize what an abyss of grief was next to him.

Now Vasya realized how difficult life was for his new acquaintances. He also realized that he himself could not help them in any way. All the same, they will live in poverty and steal because they cannot get food otherwise. But what the boy felt was not disgust or fear. He felt pity and despair that he could not do anything about this misfortune: “Hunkered into the pillow, I cried bitterly...”

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the word COMPASSION? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “ What is compassion?", taking the definition you gave as a thesis.

Compassion is the ability of a person to suffer with another, to sympathize with his neighbor in his misfortune. This feeling often directs us to help someone who needs it.

In V. G. Korolenko’s story “In Bad Society,” an excerpt from which is given in this version, the main character experiences a painful feeling of pity when he suddenly realizes that his new friends are beggars, and Valek is also an aspiring thief. No, Vasya is not afraid of the fact that he has found himself in a “bad society.” He cannot bear pity and the consciousness of his own powerlessness. He cannot help his friends in any way, because he has no money of his own, and he cannot ask for a house: hardly anyone will be happy that he is friends with beggars! Therefore, he cries bitterly into his pillow (sentence 53).

Nowadays, it often happens that people get into trouble and cannot cope with it on their own. Nowadays, a lot of money is needed everywhere, for example, for the treatment of a child abroad. The state no longer pays for such things, and sometimes this is the only opportunity to save a life. In such a situation, people usually turn to various funds for help. And I know that many people are willing to donate money for the treatment of such a child. After all, none of us alone can pay for an operation that costs thousands of euros, but together we can help a child in trouble.

Compassion is a human quality that makes the world a better and kinder place.

Essay on the text.

(1) From the very day my long-time passion for stamps was passed on to my son, my quiet life ended. (2) I again began to lead the existence of a wild stamp hunter...
(3) I bartered, begged, bought, was nervous...
(4) - Well, why are you worried? (5) In a boy, it is an age-related disease like measles. (b) A turning point in the psyche. (7) This will pass! - my wife convinced me.
(8) It will pass... (9) Holy maternal delusion! (Y) If she knew that from the stash, which now significantly exceeded my former pre-philatelic needs, it would be possible to buy her a long-promised fur coat, she would not speak so frivolously...
(And) Philatelic storms continued to shake the hull of our family ship and caused an ever-increasing financial leak. (12) And the brands were to blame for everything!
(13) In the end, I came to terms with it: they forced my son and me to dive into different dictionaries and reference books, each time making us feel like pioneers. (14) I was already imagining the world fame of my outstanding collector...
(15) “Well, brother,” I once turned to my son after evening tea, rubbing my hands in blissful anticipation. (16) - I managed to scratch out two very interesting stamps from British Guiana. (17) Get out your album...
(18) - You see, dad... - the son looked at me with his eyes wide open. (19) - I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time... (20) I don’t have an album...
(21) - Lost it?! - I sobbed and, in a pre-infarction state, sank onto the sofa. 186
(22) - Well, daddy! - the son shrugged condescendingly, apparently somewhat shocked by such blatant stupidity of his parent. (23) - I just don’t have an album right now.
(24) - Yeah... - a joyful guess dawned on me. (25) - Did you let your friend watch it for a while? (26) Well done! (27) Does he live far away, this friend of yours?!
(28) - Dad... (29) This is a boy whose both legs are paralyzed, our school is patronizing him. (30)n can’t walk, you know, he can’t walk at all! (ZI) Can’t go anywhere.... (32) Can you go far in his stroller? (33) I gave him my album... (34) You won’t be very angry with me, eh, dad? (35) I can go to the museum, and to the stadium, and to the cinema, and then, later, go to other countries...
(36) - Don’t you regret your album? - I asked mercilessly. (37) - Only honestly?
(38) - Yes, dad, I’m sorry... (39) At first I was very sorry, but now I’m a little bit sorry... (40) You see, he was so happy that he even cried. (41) You see, he didn’t shout, didn’t laugh, but cried. (42) Is it really possible to cry from joy too? (43) Eh, dad? (44) And now I feel very, very good... (45) So you’re not angry?
(46) Well, what could I say? (47) He had the whole world in his hands - he generously gave it to another. (48) This was my son, and he became an adult. (49) Therefore, I did not hug him or kiss him as before, but only silently extended my hand to him.
(50) And we exchanged a strong, understanding handshake...
(According to L. Kuklin)

Option 1
Compassion is the ability not only to feel the pain of another person, but also to help either get rid of it or reduce it. The basis of this feeling, in my opinion, is love for all living things, because without it compassion cannot be sincere.
Thus, it was the love of the famous Mother Teresa for people throughout her long life that was the basis for the construction of dozens of shelters and hospitals for the poor and sick. She received the Nobel Peace Prize for her charity.
There can be different reasons for showing feelings of compassion. This is confirmed by the action of the hero of the story by L. Kuklin - the boy who gave a valuable collection of stamps to a paralyzed, unfamiliar “comrade” (sentence 33). He did this out of a desire to please him and make life easier for his peer (sentence 35).
I think that only those who accept other people's pain or problems as their own can truly be compassionate.

Option 2
What is compassion? I think the answer lies in the word itself. The prefix “co-” denotes togetherness, community, that is, compassion is the ability to share suffering and, if possible, find a way to get rid of it. This spiritual quality is characteristic of sensitive and caring people.
The hero of the story by L. Kuklina really imbued with the misfortune of his peer, confined to a wheelchair (sentences 32-34). He did not spare the album for him (sentence 33) and sincerely shared the boy’s feelings when he cried with joy after accepting the gift (sentence 44).
A person needs a person, especially in difficult times. It’s wonderful that there is such a wonderful quality - compassion.

Option 3
Compassion is a manifestation of sincere, selfless love from a person to a person in a difficult situation. Compassionate people always act as if they are helping not a stranger, but the person closest to them.
In L. Kuklin’s text, the narrator’s son parts with an album of rare stamps. The boy is touched by the story of a peer, a stranger, whose legs are paralyzed (sentences 32-34), and he, without hesitation, gives the patient a valuable collection.
I can give an example of compassion from life: one of the residents of our house prepares lunches on Saturdays at a homeless shelter not for money - out of compassion.
As long as this feeling lives in us, we can be called People.