What does the name Philemon mean - meaning of the name, interpretation, origin, compatibility, characteristics, translation. The fate of Philemon in history

Forms of the name Philemon

Other forms of the name Philemon: Filya, Phil.

The name Philemon in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 腓利門 (Féi lì mén). Japanese: フィレモン (Firemon). Arabic: فليمون. Yiddish: פילעמאָן (Pylʻmʼán). Ukrainian: Filimon (Filí̱mona). Greek: Φιλήμονα. English: Philemon (Philemon).

Origin of the name Philemon

Planet- Venus

Color of the name Philemon- lemon green

Auspicious tree- lemon

Treasured plant- lemon color

Patron of the name Philemon- eagle owl

Talisman stone- morion

Numerology of the name Philemon

Holders of this name number always occupy an active life position and always know clearly what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme situations. life situations, they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the list. business people. The strong point of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task, the more more likely, that it is “one” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to accept impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: .
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Philemon as a phrase

F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Philemon

general description named Philemon

Translated from ancient Greek - “loving”.

Just like Thaddeus, the name is extremely rare nowadays. Its meaning - “loving” - affects all other characteristics of the name, coloring them in “soft” tones. Filya, Filek (as Filimon is affectionately called in childhood) is a very active, playful kid, very kind, and will share even his most favorite toy with a friend. He will retain these qualities - kindness and generosity - into adulthood. He also has one more invaluable trait - he remembers the good done to him, and is always sincerely grateful to the people who did it.

Philemon is compassionate and impressionable, even minor failures are difficult for him. A slight disappointment, which another would have forgotten by morning, he perceives as deep grief. If Philemon’s life develops in such a way that he finds himself in an environment that has little to do with warmth and love, where dry calculation reigns, he withdraws into himself, becomes withdrawn and silent.

“Summer” Filimons are especially vulnerable - these are the most sensual natures of all bearers of the name. These people get married late, choosing a wife for a long time and with skill. In a cheerful company, they feel like a fish in water; they will not refuse to sing or tell a joke. “Winter” Philimons are debaters, lovers of debate, and their emotions often overflow. “Spring” people take great care of their appearance. They will not leave the house without looking at themselves in the mirror.

The totem plant is the lemon, the totem animal is the eagle owl. The talisman stone is morion.

Pros and cons of the name Philemon

What are the pros and cons of the name Philemon? It, of course, may appeal to parents who are looking for a rare, forgotten name for their son, but with a romantic touch of antiquity, but many other parents will consider the same rarity and old-fashioned sound to be precisely the disadvantage of this name. In general, it is not bad, although it combines unusually with Russian surnames and patronymics, although it is difficult to find abbreviations and diminutive forms for it (the diminutions Phil, Filchik, Filimosha, Filonya are not the most harmonious).


Philemon’s health is not bad, but he is susceptible to stress and takes everything so close to his heart that he can have and.

Love and family relationships

IN family life Philemon will be quiet, simple and non-conflict, he will allow his wife to be a leader and arrange life according to her rules. In love, the owner of this name is not particularly passionate, but he knows how to love. Many people envy his wife, although she (usually more energetic and proactive) would often like to stir up her husband.

Professional area

IN professional field Philemon can find himself working as an accountant, cashier, scientist, farmer, pharmacist, translator, cook.

Name days and days of the angel Philemon: March 4 - Holy Apostle Philemon, converted to Christ by the Holy Apostle Paul, died as a martyr in the 1st century. May 12 - Holy Martyr Philemon, among the other nine martyrs, denounced the pagans and preached the faith of Christ, for which he was beheaded after torture (IV century) .

Philemon celebrates Orthodox name day

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Philemon is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign, that is, from July 23 to August 23. This sign can be used as a correctional sign, as one that can give the owner of this name more self-confidence, determination, energy and creative zest. However, even here you need to make sure that Philemon, under the influence of this sign, does not become too proud, demanding of people and careless with money, which is inherent in many Leos.

What does the name Philemon mean?
This name is translated exactly as - beloved, or loving.

Origin of the name Philemon:
This name came to us from Greece, but today, unfortunately, it is quite rare.

Also, some indecision, slowness and just a lot of arguments often do not allow him to make the right decision in time. He will always think about weighing and calculating for so long that the decision itself may become completely irrelevant. And it is precisely because of this that many of his problems remain unresolved for a long time. I must say that a little more decisively and actively, at least in the most extreme situations, there are precisely winter Philemons. So they are risky and even capable of instantly changing, if necessary, what they have just accepted important decision. However, their slightest determination may disappear when certain questions concern him specifically. personal life.

And in general, despite the fact that Filimonov cannot be called the most passionate, they will always be surrounded by the most beautiful women. And, probably, that is why they are not particularly worried about all love failures. Also, Philemon cannot hide his emotions at all, so you can always immediately read from his face if he is suddenly dissatisfied with something. He cannot be at all disingenuous. But if he suddenly smiles, then in his charming smile there is not the slightest hint of falsehood. He is almost always ready to really give useful advice, probably because his incredible curiosity concerns the most various areas. And in addition to Philemon’s incredible kindness and even generosity, he will always remember those people who did him good at least once. But finding himself in an environment where calculation simply reigns, Philemon, as a rule, withdraws into himself. Well, in a cheerful, well-disposed company, Philemon feels like a “fish in water.” So he jokes, and even tells the most funny stories, or jokes.


The meaning of the name Philemon

Beloved, or kissed. “Beloved” (Greek) Impulsive, restless, but kind. Gets up easily in the morning. In the house he likes to tinker and do everything with his own hands. Philemon is healthy mentally and physically. He instinctively avoids mental stress, nervous stress and physical fatigue, giving yourself a long rest. Most of all, Philemon does not like to argue over trifles; he tries to listen more and draw conclusions. It is enough to praise someone new book, as he immediately skillfully, no worse than a professional critic, outlines its shortcomings. But he will not persist with a vulnerable interlocutor. Philemon can hesitate for so long in choosing the right decision that this decision may no longer be necessary. Philemon's indecisiveness often goes beyond all limits. With his slowness and endless arguments, Philemon is unable to make any decisions, and many problems remain unresolved. From Philemon you can always get a lot of free advice on any issue. “December” Philemon is more decisive, collected in extreme situations and able to resolve a lot of problems, except those that concern his personal life. He can instantly change his mind and decision; he is a risk-taker. “March” Filimon manages to delay, prevaricate, and think about something for a long time, not daring to take the right step and at the same time afraid of missing out on a chance. Philemon is not very passionate by nature and does not really worry about love failures, especially since he is always surrounded by beautiful women. Philemon can defend his point of view, relying on logical conclusions, without taking into account the psychology of the person sitting next to you. Therefore, he often cannot understand the reasons for certain people’s actions. His curiosity is abstract. Philemon gladly takes part in all public events and defends his innocence. If he is dissatisfied with something, you will immediately read it on his face. If he smiles, then there is not an ounce of artificiality in his smile. Philemon cannot fake you if he likes you.

Name days: January 4 (17), February 19 (March 4), April 29 (May 12), November 22 (December 5), December 14 (27) NAME DAYS: January 17 (4) - Apostle Philemon. February 27 (14) - Hieromartyr Philemon, Bishop of Gaza. March 4 (February 19) - Apostle Philemon. April 3 (March 21) - martyr Philemon. May 12 (April 29) - martyr Philemon of Cyzicus. July 19 (6) - martyr Philemon. October 10 (September 27) - Hieromartyr Philemon, bishop. December 5 (November 22) - Apostle Philemon. December 27 (14) - martyr Philemon.

Numerology of the name Philemon

Soul Number: 1.
Owners of this name number always take an active position in life and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating complex and even extreme life situations; they cannot be embarrassed by dramatically changed circumstances or caught off guard by difficulties. However, “long-term” projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the matter and let go of the threads, which automatically eliminates them from the ranks of business people. The hobby of the “units” is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more complex and difficult the task is, the greater the likelihood that it is the “unit” who will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the “unity” are courageous and confident in their abilities, they know how to earn money, but they are also easy to spend. Tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the life of the party and reliable friends.

Hidden Spirit Number: 9

Body number: 1


Planet: Sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: Leo.
Color: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Peridot, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Animals: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Philemon as a phrase

F Firth (The meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source)

L People
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
M Think
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Philemon

F - the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, chaotic at first glance, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. Internal inconsistency opinions are a bizarre mess of everyone philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to use supposedly necessary lies with the best intentions.

L - subtle perception of beauty, artistic (artistic) talents, desire to share knowledge and sensations with a partner. A warning to its owner not to waste his life, to find his true purpose.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
ABOUT - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

Version 2. What does the name Philemon mean?

PHILEMON - beloved (Greek).

Name day: March 4 - Holy Apostle Philemon, converted to Christ by the Holy Apostle Paul, died a martyr in the 1st century.

May 12 - The Holy Martyr Philemon, among the other nine martyrs, denounced the pagans and preached the faith of Christ, for which he was beheaded after torture (IV century).

Zodiac sign - Taurus.

Planet - Venus.

Color - lemon green.

Auspicious tree - lemon.

Treasured plant - Lemon color.

The patron of the name is the eagle owl.

The talisman stone is morion.


Philemon is very kind and remembers the kindness done to him. This is a compassionate, impressionable person: he experiences even minor failures with difficulty. If Philemon’s life develops in such a way that he finds himself in an environment where dry calculation reigns, he withdraws into himself; Moreover, he is not just sensitive, but a very sensual nature.

Numerology of the name Philemon

Name number: 1

A few are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people will never suffer from bad imagination, but leadership skills will help them reach the top in business.
A few are always in the center of attention of others; they know how to subjugate others.

Sometimes aggressiveness can be excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. This is enough contradictory personalities who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you give them due attention.

The meaning of the letters in the name Philemon

F- adapt well to conditions environment. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories they are able to embellish and lie a little. They really love helping people. There's never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on personal traits. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

L- artistic and inventive individuals. They prefer to be guided in their actions logical thinking. They know how to win over. IN in rare cases narcissistic and disdainful of other people. It is extremely difficult to endure separation from loved ones. They are overly capricious and require increased attention to their person.

M- if you look at people who have the letter “M” in their name, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality this is not the case. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

ABOUT- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creative abilities. Professions related to strategic thinking and economics are ideal for them. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

N- strong, strong-willed and decisive individuals. Quite hardworking, but cannot stand monotonous and boring job. Smart, attractive, present critical thinking. A person takes a long time to choose a chosen one with whom he can live until the end of his days. Loves to take care of loved ones.

Name as a phrase

  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Base, Source);
  • AND- And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
  • L- People
  • M- Think
  • ABOUT- He (Oh, About)
  • N- Our (Ours, Yours)

Name Philemon in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Philemon in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The male name Philemon has Greek roots and means “beloved”. It came to the territory of our country along with Christianity, since in the Orthodox naming book there are several saints with that name. But if in ancient times this name was common, it is now very rare in Russia.

Characteristics of the name Philemon

Philemon's character is very conservative. This man will most likely live his whole life the way he was taught in childhood, and will defend his habits, even if they are completely meaningless. At a young age, the owner of this name is impressionable, naive, kind and a soft child. He studies quite well, loves to listen to adult conversations, but avoids children, fearing that he will be offended or used. Impressionability remains in Philemon into adulthood. He experiences his failures so deeply that he can become mentally exhausted from time to time. In business, the owner of this name will show either indecisiveness and slowness, or suddenly impulsiveness. Neither one nor the other will help him in resolving issues, so parents should still teach him to quickly respond to changes, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a decision. In communication, Philemon shows diplomacy, but does not hide his true feelings, so you can always see on his face how he treats this or that person. He has few friends.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Philemon is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Leo, that is, from July 23 to August 23. This sign can be used as a correctional sign, as one that can give the owner of this name more self-confidence, determination, energy and creative zest. However, even here you need to make sure that Philemon, under the influence of this sign, does not become too proud, demanding of people and careless with money, which is inherent in many Leos.

Pros and cons of the name Philemon

What are the pros and cons of the name Philemon? It, of course, may appeal to parents who are looking for a rare, forgotten name for their son, but with a romantic touch of antiquity, but many other parents will consider the same rarity and old-fashioned sound to be precisely the disadvantage of this name. In general, it is not bad, although it combines unusually with Russian surnames and patronymics, although it is difficult to find abbreviations and diminutive forms for it (the diminutions Phil, Filchik, Filimosha, Filonya are not the most harmonious).


Philemon’s health is not bad, but he is susceptible to stress and takes everything so close to his heart that he may have problems with his heart and sleep.

Love and family relationships

In family life, Philemon will be quiet, simple and non-conflict, he will allow his wife to be a leader and arrange life according to her rules. In love, the owner of this name is not particularly passionate, but he knows how to love. Many people envy his wife, although she (usually more energetic and proactive) would often like to stir up her husband.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Philemon can find himself working as an accountant, cashier, scientist, farmer, pharmacist, translator, cook.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Philemon celebrates January 17, February 27, March 4, April 3, May 12, July 19, October 10, December 5, December 24 and December 27.