Quatrains for photographs about school life. Examples of interesting poems for children about school, principal, teachers

For most students, school becomes a real second home. Of course, as in any ordinary house, completely different events take place here - touching and funny, funny and not so funny. Yes, children go to school so that the best teachers can pass on their knowledge to them, teach them literacy and science. However, here students find their true friends, first love, answers to most of life's questions. Already in elementary school, 1st grade children realize that the carefree time is over - the time has come for long lessons and homework. Graduates perceive their home school as an integral part of their lives. Short, beautiful, sometimes humorous poems about school tell about all situations related to study and not only.

Short and beautiful poems for children about school

Short and beautiful poems about school are usually taught to children on the eve of various holidays - Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, Last Bell. The lines of these poems talk about the bright times of school and the need to study diligently. Often small individual stanzas are dedicated to subject teachers.

Examples of beautiful short poems about school for children

Short quatrains for children tell about school friendship, the “kingdom of knowledge,” the school principal, and funny situations that sometimes happen in class. Most of these poems are dedicated to teachers, whose noble work evokes great respect even among the most notorious hooligans and losers.

You go to school, don't whine.
School is a home for children.
In the morning the lesson began -
Let's shut our mouths.
After all, the teacher explains
Invites you to the kingdom of knowledge.

Schoolboy, schoolboy,
Why so early
You're in a hurry
Going to class today?
You always
Come at eight
And now
Ten o'clock!

This is my first time at the lesson.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class, -
Stand up or sit down?

Short and funny poems about school

Remember your school years - how many comical situations arose at that time both in lessons and during breaks! Each of us can remember funny stories that happened to students. And how many airplanes sent to your desk neighbor landed on the teacher’s desk? How many times have schoolchildren “lost” their diaries just because they didn’t want to get another reprimand or “failure”? All this is discussed in short poems about school.

Examples of funny short poems about school

The funniest and shortest poems about school talk about literally everything - general cleaning of the classroom that turns into real chaos, disrupted lessons, student behavior in the cafeteria, teachers' pranks. You will find examples of such funny poems on this page.

We've been here for an hour today
They cleaned out the new class.
A hundred toffee papers
A hundred bits and notes
We discovered it.

There were only three lessons
Not five
And not six.
How did we manage to do so much?
Write, read and eat?!!

I once accidentally
I dozed off during class.

I feel comfortable and pleasant
I'm sailing on a boat
And one thing is not clear to me,
Whether in a dream or in reality.

Suddenly out of nowhere
Sounds in the distance:
— Shura Volkova,
to the blackboard!

And then a miracle happened:
I'm sailing on a boat
And in a dream I tear water lilies,
And I learned the lesson without hesitation
I answer in reality.

Got a C+
But I took a nap in style.

Our Petka Rubashkin is very contagious,
It's dangerous to approach him, guys!
You can't talk to him on the phone -
Even so, he can infect all of you!

Who even looked at Petka through the crack,
Even though I was wearing a gauze bandage, I got sick.
But our Petka is not in a rash, not hoarse,
And he doesn’t have the mumps, and he doesn’t have the flu.

I’ll tell you a secret for those who don’t know:
He...infects us with a bad example!

Children's poems about 1st grade and school

Do you remember today with what excitement you went to 1st grade on September 1st? Is it worth reminding us that the short, modest first teacher seemed to us then the most formidable person? And how many poems we were asked to learn before Teacher’s Day! Children's poems about school for first-graders are the simplest but sweetest rhymes that are easy for a child to remember.

Examples of children's poems about school and 1st grade

Memorizing short poems develops children's memory and broadens the child's horizons. In 1st grade, teachers ask children to learn poems about school not only for the holidays, but also throughout the school year. Most of these poems are structured in such a way that the child can clearly “draw a picture” for himself, described by rhymes. Children's poems are replete with funny comparisons and beautiful epithets. Such works for first-graders are not very long.

The very first day of school

Twins in brand new outfits
They are in a hurry, as if to a parade:
“Now we are both first-graders!”
The little eyes are burning with sparks. -

Mom took us to school
And I remembered my childhood again:
How my fingers were covered in ink,
And in blots - a bag and a notebook.

Now everything is clean, tidy,
And school is our cozy home...
But there are also spots on the sun -
We’ll find something to get dirty with!

We sit together at a new desk,
If you want, we can change seats.
But... just something is not clear:
There is a board, and a table, and books,

Where are the dolls? Where are the toys?
Lessons - three hours straight...
No! School is very boring!
Let's go back... to kindergarten!"

I won't take my spinning top with me,
Big green ball
And also a hare and an owl
And a pink tram...
I'm going to first grade tomorrow
Now I am a grown boy!

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
-You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
-They promised well
best to learn!

Children's poems about school and teachers

From childhood, teachers teach children to learn short good poems about school, lessons, and extracurricular activities. Each of these works consists of only a few short lines. Children's poems are written in words that a child can understand; they lack metaphors and complex sentence structures. Most of these rhymes are short stories about funny incidents during lessons or breaks, about careless or, conversely, overly diligent students. For each Teacher's Day, schoolchildren learn poems about their favorite teachers, their home school, and exciting events taking place in the classroom.

Examples of children's poems about teachers and school

As a rule, boys and girls are asked to learn good short poems about teachers and school for some expected holiday. Sometimes parents, knowing about the teacher’s upcoming birthday, ask their daughters and sons to learn a small beautiful verse and give it to their favorite teacher. At the assembly dedicated to the Last Bell, the children read wonderful poems dedicated to all their native teachers and the director.

We read in the book:
Good and evil live in the world."
The boys broke the glass.
Boys - who?
Boys are evil!
Welcome - our teacher!
She said:
"Peter! Sasha!
Answer me,
Well, is it possible?
Running around so carelessly?
Should you run away quickly after school?
You will install glass, of course.”
The boys inserted the glass.
This is how evil disappeared from us!

We're eating cookies again
And we drink warm milk.
We are told: “Study
It’s not easy in the first year.”
That's why they feed us
It seems like every hour.
Yes, it requires a lot of power
Enhanced education!

Without knowledge you will not achieve in life
Everything you want to have.
And at school you will stock up on experience,
So that I can look into the future with confidence.

Wonderful poems about elementary school

Many wonderful poems have been written about elementary school - a magical world created to teach every child to read and write and give him the first knowledge about the world. Of course, most of these poems talk about the first teacher, the Day of Knowledge, the first-graders themselves, who came to the walls of their home school, which had already become so elegant and solemn. Sometimes there is humor in such rhymes - school stories can be the most ridiculous! Each of these poems is a short situational story about students and teachers.

Examples of Great Poems About Elementary School

Primary school gives children not only basic knowledge of the Russian language and mathematics. In grades 1-4, children learn for the first time to focus on working in a large team. The first teacher, as a rule, becomes the person whom schoolchildren strive to imitate. This is talked about in the most wonderful poems about elementary school and first graders.

Have you heard the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks,
And there is a backpack, and there is a uniform,
And you can’t count the counting sticks,
And he tries to read,
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

The school sparkled for the school year -
The windows sparkled, looking towards the East.
New painting on the walls of the gym,
The curtains in the assembly hall are a delight!

The school thought: "Oh, how I like it
Live in silence, without worries and worries!
It's a pity that I won't be a beauty for long -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.

Again the bells will buzz like bees,
Streams of speeches will flow again...
How tiring if you are a school,
Either the Gymnasium or the Lyceum."

Here it is September. Along a familiar road
They bring a bouquet to the school -
Any heart cannot stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the kids: “Hello!

So many pleasant surprises outside the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I missed having fun!
Well, did you grumble? I'm getting old, unfortunately."

To look decent
I began to study with excellent marks.
I add threes to twos -
It turns out to be A's.
And now, undoubtedly,
The diary is spacious!

Touching poems about school

The most touching poems about school are usually heard in the line dedicated to the Last Bell. Many graduates do not hide their tears, realizing that very soon they will part with their beloved teachers and many of their classmates forever. Each of us has many warm memories associated with school. Even today, remembering our school years, we always smile. Yes, there are fights during recess, children sometimes quarrel, but all these little troubles are forgotten so quickly!

Examples of touching poems about school

Reciting touching poems about their home school at the Last Bell, some of their graduates are not shy about their own tears. They are sorry to part forever with the school that has become a part of their life. The guys know that for many decades they will remember their first teacher, physical teacher, subject teachers, music director, “trudovik”. Most of these beautiful, soul-touching poems are dedicated specifically to teachers, school friendships, and class.

Why be sad when the years pass by?
Of course, you can shed a tear sometimes...
But you are dear to us, needed, necessary.
We are close, and you are always loved!
Let them settle in your house forever
Fun, luck, love for each other!
We wish you happiness, health, of course,
And smart and competent students!

Words as recognition of a good feeling,
Today we would like to say
In honor of those whose work is like art,
That they can lead people.
May the coming year be a year of happiness:
Smiles, joy, hopes!
May every day bring a ray of happiness,
Good health for many, many years.
May she always be joyful
Beautiful labor is dear.
And may it never fade
The holy title of a teacher!

Teacher! How precious is this word!
How much affection and kindness there is in him,
You have often been a strict mentor,
But more often than not a source of warmth!
In your work you encountered all sorts of things:
There were adversities and the joy of victories,
But the most important thing is that in children's souls,
You leave your every trace!

Children coming to 1st grade always learn short and beautiful poems about school and teachers. It is in elementary school that a child begins to understand the beauty of rhymes and the humor of funny stanzas. For 9 or 11 years, schoolchildren learn hundreds of wonderful poetic works dedicated to teachers and the children themselves. The most touching poems are always heard at the Last Bell.

Choose poems about your class and classmates, as well as poems about school and teachers, and tell them at the September 1st holiday. Let the light muse of poetry inspire you and all your friends to achieve even greater heights in the new school year.

Poems about a friendly class are useful not only for school holidays. You can re-read them at any time, by yourself or with friends. They will cheer you up and teach you to value the strong friendships that arise during your school years. Well, if you want to laugh heartily, choose the funny poems about school that I selected for you.

Beautiful poems about school

Favorite school

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.
There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.
May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...

(A. Gavryushkin)

To the teacher

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

(N. Ivanova)

Hello school!

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.
Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.
We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.
There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

(N. Knushevitskaya)


School to school
sparkled for the year -
The windows sparkled
looking east.
New painting on
the walls of the gym,
In the assembly hall there is a curtain -
The school thought:
"Oh, how I like it
Live in silence
without worries and worries!
It's a pity that it won't last long
I will be a beauty -
Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.
The bells will buzz again
like bees
They'll pour again
streams of speeches...
How tiring if you -
Or Gymnasium,
or Lyceum."
Here it is September.
Along a familiar road
They carry it to school
behind the bouquet is a bouquet -
Any heart
can't stand it, it will tremble.
The school nodded to the children:
So many nice
surprises at the door!
My bow to you, young minds.
How I miss you
I'm having fun!
Well, did you grumble? I’m getting old, alas.”

(G. Ilyina)


The autumn miracle happens in childhood.
Everything that is
next door to us,
in autumn it seems a little smaller:
the road to school is a little shorter,
the straps will wrap the backpack tighter,
the desks are tighter and the classrooms are narrower,
in the sports hall - lower equipment,
books on high shelves closer,
summer goes by in short dreams...
Only trees grow
together with us.

(G. Lyakhovitskaya)


Have you heard the good news?
I'll be exactly six soon!
And if a person is six,
And he has notebooks,
And there is a backpack, and there is a uniform,
And you can’t count the counting sticks,
And he tries to read,
That means he (or rather, I),
That means he (or rather, I),
He's going to school!

(I. Tokmakova)

Poems about home school and the First Bell

September holiday

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.
Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

(V. Stepanov)

Hello school!

Hello school! It's autumn again.
The classroom is calling again.
We'll ask the teachers
Take us into the world of knowledge.
We had a rest over the summer,
We have grown up and gained strength.
- Children, are you ready for school? -
Our teacher asked us.
- We came to school today,
To learn to live
Be a helper at home
Cherish your friendship.
We cannot live without knowledge,
We really need them.
We will become useful to people
We are the masters of the Earth!
So that over our planet
The sun was always shining,
So that children always laugh,
We have come to you, teacher!

(A. Maryukhin)

The Day of Knowledge

The day has come. Calls, ring!
Begin the school year,
A year of dreams and discoveries,
A sad year and a magical year!
How the familiar class shines!
Everything seems to be familiar, simple,
Only every school month
Raises many questions.
We wish you to leave with honor
From difficult trials,
Lots of good news
May good luck be with you!
Fulfillment of dreams
And there are many good friends,
And in the vast sea of ​​knowledge
Find your way!

(Irina Aseeva)

Poems about school and first graders

August 31

Mom, Dad, and I are worried,
Our family worries all evening.
Everything has been ready for a long time - both the shape and the bow.
And miracle flowers decorate the sideboard.
And mom is confused: “Is everything okay?” –
And again I ironed the folds on the form.
And dad completely forgot from excitement -
Instead of porridge, he gave the cat some jam.
I'm worried too, and even trembling,
I follow mom and dad all evening:
“Set the alarm so we don’t oversleep.
For six hours, or better yet, five.”
My mother told me: “Don’t be naive -
I'm thinking about how I can fall asleep today!
After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.
Everything changes in our lives tomorrow.”

(V. Kodryan)

What awaits me at school

The desk is waiting for me, firstly,
Lessons are waiting
Friends are waiting.
There will be no time for laziness at school,
There I am in a new country
Affairs and knowledge and skills
I will begin the journey.
Nature awaits - forest and field!
After all, we will go on a hike more than once...
A's are waiting for me at school
We are waiting for me throughout first grade!


What is school

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

(L. Arsenova)

To school

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
- You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
- They promised well,
best to learn!

(Z. Alexandrova)


Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make noise joyfully.

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

(V. Rudenko)

Funny poems about school and students

Revenge of a Loser

I will study for many years
Don't yawn and don't be lazy,
Don't hide in the silence of the night
Over the notebooks of the eyes,
So that, after completing the training course,
Get a medical diploma
Make a stern face
And send a letter:
"Citizen school director,
Come for injections!”

(I. Plokhikh)


Textbooks are like bricks
Size, shape and weight.
For those who decided to get a certificate,
It is advisable to be Hercules.
I can do pull-ups many times,
I've been doing exercises since the morning.
But the school bag bends into an arc,
It was as if I was going on a hike.
I won't throw my bag away, keep that in mind!
This is out of the question.
I will become a scientist and find a way
How to make textbooks easier.

(A. Starikov)

On the test

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

(M. Boroditskaya)

If you start right away
Only get A's -
At home they will soon get used to them
And they won't notice.
Therefore, turn on your brains:
Get a couple of deuces
Mom will be indignant
But don’t argue, just keep quiet.
And then again
You can get five
Mom will definitely become
Kiss and hug.
Take a secret look at her
And sit and groan,
Hint: these fives are
Oh, they are not easy!

(O. Bundur)

Half marks

I was walking home from school
Slowly slowly,
He kept coming up with excuses.
Carrying a four
According to natural history,
And in Russian -
Half a quarter.

(R. Aldonina)


I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If brother comes
With a three
Three bells ring.
If suddenly we
In the apartment
The ringing begins -
So it's five
Or four
He received it today.
If he comes
With a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Well, what if
He quietly
There's a knock on the door.

(A. Barto)


Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

(A. Givargizov)


And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a heavy deuce in the diary!
And everyone walks lightly.

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And near house number two
There is bus number two,
And the steamer from afar
For some reason it rang two beeps...

And my legs barely drag,
And my legs barely drag,
And my head hung down
Like the head of the number two!

And everyone is walking here and there
And just like that, and on business.
And someone sings a song,
Someone is selling candy
And someone buys...

And I have a briefcase in my hand
With a huge D in the diary!
With a heavy deuce in the diary!

And everyone walks lightly...

(E. Moshkovskaya)


Ant for recess
Went into a noisy school
And froze in amazement,
Amazed by the change...

Ant, say a word!
The ant exclaimed:
- Yeees..,
An anthill like this
I have never seen it!

(V. Levanovsky)

Dear children and their parents! Here you can read " Poems Quatrains about school »as well as other best works on the page Poems about school. In our children's library you will find a collection of wonderful literary works by domestic and foreign writers, as well as from different peoples of the world. Our collection is constantly updated with new material. The online children's library will become a faithful assistant for children of any age and will introduce young readers to different genres of literature. We wish you pleasant reading!

Poems Quatrains about school read

We have become a year older
And they have grown noticeably.
Open the class soon
We came for knowledge.

I'm already quite big
I know all the numbers and letters.
I can count for you
Read a book out loud to you.

I'm happy to go to school.
I'm friends with everyone in the class.
Happy fives in a row
They are in my diary.

To make everyone proud of us
Everyone was proud: both fathers and mothers,
And my beloved teacher,
And the school is irreplaceable!

Yes, there were bright days
When at that solemn hour
With some joyful excitement
We entered first grade...

School! Our wonderful home!
You are always like a hot spring!
He remembers you as a mother
With gratitude, your student.

Poems about school are undoubtedly the most special category in the global stock of poetic works. Both modern poets and classics, recalling the days of past youth, return to their school years with slight nostalgia in their lyrics. In their rhymed lines, the images of faithful bosom friends, strict but fair teachers, a serious and always busy director come to life. In beautiful poems about school, the joy of first achievements and the disappointment of failures, the fear of exams and the enthusiasm of noisy games at recess, all the school trials that seem insurmountable to children, but decades later are remembered with warmth in the soul and quiet sadness about the past, seem to emerge in reality. .

Russian classics, Soviet writers and modern poets - all of them sooner or later turned to school topics, creating short funny or sad poems about lessons, children in primary and high school, first love, holidays, complex sciences. And we have taken the trouble to collect the best examples in our extensive and always up-to-date collection.

Short and beautiful poems for young children about school

Of course, works on school themes by B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov, Y. Drunin are considered perhaps the best examples in this genre. But for the general development of young children who do not have even the slightest idea about school and its features, it is better to choose simple, short and beautiful poems of 4 lines. In simple modern poetry for children there are no obsessive moral teachings or sharp pathos. Short and beautiful poems for young children about school only introduce boys and girls in general terms to what is to come, tell them “what is bad and what is good,” instill a desire to understand the world, a love of order, and respect for teachers.

A selection of short poems about school for kids

Windows washed
The school is smiling
Sunny bunnies
On the guys' faces.
After a long summer
Friends are here
They gather in flocks,
They make noise joyfully.

Loud laughter will fill the schools,
After all, September is just around the corner.
The corridors are boring
For cheerful children.
And the teachers are ready
Teach all sciences.
Everyone should have the opportunity
Get a high score.

Dressy! Front doors!
So darling!
Combed, with bows
The girls are coming!
And the boys are great!
So cute
So neat
They carry flowers in their hands!
All the former pranksters
First graders today.
Everyone is good today
They're waiting for people like them at school!

Interesting poems about school and lessons for children 1st grade

It is important for children going to 1st grade to familiarize themselves with interesting poems about school life in advance. It is from them that the children will learn the main principles of behavior within the walls of their first alma mater. Interesting poems about school and lessons for children (1st grade) explain in an accessible form that cheat sheets are not the key to success, writing off other people’s mistakes is a step towards failure, sneaking and greed are the path to loneliness, and kindness, hard work and the ability to forgive are the best human qualities quality. In addition, hundreds of modern poets vividly describe the charm of school time, which means they program little readers in advance for something very fun, bright and memorable for life.

Children's poems on a school theme for 1st graders

They huddle around moms and dads -
These are first graders.
They wait, worried,
Your first call.
So he rang,
Collecting for classes,
And the school fell silent
The lesson has begun.

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
-You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.

Yesterday they only told you - baby,
Sometimes they called him a prankster.
Today you are already sitting at your desk,
Everyone calls you first-grader!
Serious. Diligent.
Truly a student! Primer.
Behind the page is a page.
How many around
Wonderful books...
The great thing is to study

Children's poems about primary school for grades 1-4

Now it's time to enter a new life called elementary school. There are many unknowns ahead, previously unseen and unheard of. But where can children gain important knowledge about lessons, teachers, and rules of behavior during breaks? Of course, in children's poems about elementary school for students in grades 1-4. Poetry on a broad school topic for primary schoolchildren does not force them to memorize lines. On the contrary, it is better to read children's poems about primary school for grades 1-4 slowly and thoughtfully, delving into the essence of funny stories or sad stories.

Examples of children's poems about school for children in grades 1-4

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.
Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.
There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner
Where is the mistake for us?
May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...

Verbal counting
Come on, put the pencils aside!
No dominoes. No pens. No chalk.
Verbal counting! We're doing this thing
Only by the power of mind and soul.
The numbers converge somewhere in the darkness,
And the eyes begin to glow,
And there are only smart faces around.
Because we count in our heads!

Interesting children's poems about school and teachers, principals

During the first few years of school, children have time to notice how different school can be. During lessons she is quiet and thoughtful, during breaks she is noisy and mischievous, on the eve of a holiday she is smart and cheerful, and during the Last Bell she is sad and melancholy. School is a storehouse of knowledge and a wise guide for children along the difficult paths of science: it is not for nothing that thousands of interesting poems by great and small writers are dedicated to it. After all, even in the memory of poets, school forever remains a second home, the best friendly company, an open book. Interesting children's poems about school and teachers, principals and head teachers, classmates and friends have always been, are and will be relevant. Especially on the eve of the long-awaited September 1 or the great day of the Last Bell.

Examples of interesting poems for children about school, principal, teachers

Not far away and forests

Wizards live now

They come to school with you.

Or rather, a little earlier than you.

You rediscovered with them

And the starry world, and the distance of the earth.

They inspired you with a dream,

Hearts were lit with hope.

Is it snowing, is autumn rustling,

Plucking yellow leaves

They always bring with them

And they generously give you spring...

If there were no teacher,

It probably wouldn’t have happened

Neither poet nor thinker,

Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.

And to this day, probably,

If there were no teacher,

Undiscovered Americas

Remained unopened.

And we wouldn’t be Icari,

We would never have soared into the sky,

If only through his efforts we

The wings were not grown.

Without him there would be a good heart

The world was not so amazing.

Because it is very dear to us

Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Your hand now

In the hand of your teacher.

The pages of books turn yellow,

The names of the rivers change

But you are his student:

Then, now and forever.

Short and funny poems for middle grades about school

Unlike first-graders, middle school students have already experienced most of the delights and difficulties of school life; they are unlikely to be surprised by children's primitive poems. Short quatrains about meeting the first teacher and new classmates probably won’t touch teenagers much. For them, this stage of life has already been passed, but the feeling of nostalgia is still unknown. Another thing is short and funny poems for middle grades about school. Funny stories and humorous scenes will help children relax between difficult academic tasks and cheer themselves up even on a sad rainy day.

A selection of short funny poems about school for students in grades 5-9

There are many different schools in the world.
It's a pity that among these schools
There is no such school yet.
This is where I would go!

The animals there will teach people
All your skills.
And there will be no better school.
What's there? Let's see together.

The teacher cat will teach us
Living carefree in the world:
Think everything through better
And don’t rush.

The dog will teach you not to give up,
Stand until the last.
And also teach you how to fight
And always forgive friends.

The bunny will teach you patience
The mouse will teach dexterity,
Parrot to repeat
He will teach us all sciences.

Many different teachers
At this school, you understand.
But there are few items there.
Only: “How can we be human.”

As is known, nature
There is no more bad weather -
Every season is good in its own way.
Hurricanes, hail of bullets
Or drought in July -
There is both good and reason in everything.

If the sea is stormy,
Life is not nice for sailors.
But whenever the ninth wave -
It’s clear even to a cretin
What then would be your picture?
Aivazovsky did not draw.

There is, of course, no doubt
That flood is dangerous.
But the Neva would not overflow,
If poor Peter would not suffer -
Essay “The Bronze Horseman”
Pushkin would have written the hell out of it.

If the elements are raging,
Will I bring sins upon my soul?
Take and scold the terrible sky?
Why be sad about the bitter lot,
Better to be happy: at school
Our classes may be canceled!!!

I wrote cheat sheets all night!
Didn't sleep, exhausted, tired.
Now I’m standing, pulling for a ticket
- Will I be happy or not?

And now, the ticket is already in your hands,
There is white in the eyes, like in the clouds...
- Hooray! I wrote all night for good reason!
“Napoleon,” I read.

It's in my cheat sheet!
I wish I could read it now.
I'm hiding like a cockroach
And I reach into my right pocket.

I'm reading: "Crimean War".
I don't need this topic!
And quietly, like a cockroach,
I reach into my left pocket.

I look: “The Baptism of Rus'.”
Have mercy, Lord!
Well, how can I pass the exam?!
And I started looking for a cheat sheet!

I searched in boots and socks,
In a shirt, in trousers, in a jacket!
And I was terribly surprised
Where did Napoleon go?!

But my thought suddenly woke up!
And I, having overcome my fear,
I remembered everything I wrote about!
And a flurry of knowledge erupted!

Austerlitz, Napoleon,
Kutuzov and Bagration!
Council in Fili, fire in Moscow, -
Everything was found in my head!

So I got an A
But frankly speaking,
I'm saddened to the point of tears now,
Why did you bring a cheat sheet to school?

Touching poems about school for high school students

School years fly by like one meek moment, leaving behind a taste of the bitterness of parting, mixed with pride and hope. And now, for yesterday’s first-graders, the last bell sings with a subtle ringing, as if confirming the irrevocable departure of childhood into the distant past. Then follows an equally exciting and long-awaited moment - the prom. It is filled with laughter and tears, glitter and flowers, words of gratitude and goodbye hugs. The beauty of all these touching moments is colorfully depicted in dozens of poems about school for high school students. A. Didurov, S. Mikhalkov, E. Mashkovskaya, S. Marshak and other great figures gave the world the best examples of such.

We have collected the most touching poems about school for high school students here:

Late autumn, the grass has withered,
the wind shakes the sleeping willows.
the head is full of light memory,
my heart was filled with bright youth.

Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,
A sunbeam wanders across the map.
the white verses have not been erased from the boards,
and old desks were painted.

The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,
Autumn after autumn will quickly fly by,
teach their teachers to teach
students without having time to unlearn.

This is the time of dying herbs,
this is the time of resurrecting truths.
the autumn of science will wash away in the morning,
like a painter working brushes.

School wisdom will run out of time,
time will grow old new truths,
life will teach you a lesson,
but there will be no schedule for them.

To solve fate like a puzzle,
It’s not enough to comprehend the basics of the universe:
there is also the formation of the soul -
the highest education.

School flew by like an hour
school is the first grade of life,
school is the arithmetic of fate,
school - these years will not be forgotten.

When we leave the school yard
To the sounds of an ageless waltz,
The teacher takes us to the corner,
And again - back, and again to him in the morning -
Meet, teach and part again,
When we leave the school yard.

The door at school is always open for us.
There is no need to rush to say goodbye to her!
Well, how can you forget the ringing bell of drops?
And the girl who was carrying the briefcase?
Let nothing happen again later -
The door at school is always open for us.

Walk through the quiet school floors.
A lot has been lived and understood here!
The voice was timid, the chalk in his hand was shaking,
But you ran home in victory!
And if suddenly luck disappears -
Walk through the quiet school floors.

Thank you that there is no end to the lessons,
Although you wait with hope for change.
But life is a special subject:
Will ask new questions in response,
But you must find a solution!
Thank you for never ending lessons!

He is the beginning, your last call...
Today he screamed so shrilly,
He sounded so exciting today,
That no one could contain their feelings,
He is the beginning, your last call!
He has opened for you the paths to follow -
Don't lag behind, but walk ahead.
He opened the doors for you to that beautiful new
Where Work, Family and Love awaits you!!
Let it ring in your memory
Let him help you live and work and sing,
He gave each of you a ticket on the road -
Your last call, your beginning has begun.

Never forget the way to your home school, remember the best moments from school life at alumni meetings, leaf through cool photo albums hour after hour. Even as adults, read funny or beautiful poems to your children about school and lessons, about the principal and teachers. Short comic poems about elementary school will help to recall colorful pictures from childhood in your memory, and lyrical poetry will awaken nostalgic images from the past in your soul.

If a kindergarten often becomes a second home for a small child, where caring teachers look after him every minute, school for students is a huge world with its own life, funny and sad stories, jokes, entertainment and learning. Having completed 9 or 11 years of school, a teenager is ready for adult life, higher education, work, and family. It is during the school years that the foundations of the character of young people and their habits are laid; At the same time, the first passions and hobbies are born. Arriving in 1st grade, in elementary school, students do not yet know that many teachers will later become not only mentors and teachers for them, but also true friends. Short, beautiful, sometimes touching and even funny poems about school tell about lessons, changes, extracurricular life, and the real adventures of classmates. We have posted examples of such wonderful poetic works on our page.

Short and beautiful poems for children at school

Most often, students learn short and beautiful poems about their home school before significant holidays - September 1, Teacher's Day, Last Bell, graduation. The lyrical lines of these wonderful works say a lot about the kindness of teachers, who devote all their strength to boys and girls who strive for knowledge, about first and true friendship, mutual assistance, and the noble deeds of students. Many poems are dedicated to the first teacher, the class teacher and favorite subjects.

Examples of beautiful short poems about school for children

School...How many warm, good memories are associated with this time! Starting from the time we crossed the threshold of the very first class in our lives and ending with the Last Bell, there were always wise, friendly, talented teachers next to us. They taught us not only penmanship, grammar and arithmetic, but also taught us moral lessons, gave us advice, and supported us. The children put their whole souls into short, beautiful poems about school life, telling them at formal assemblies, holidays, and class celebrations. You will find examples of such wonderful stanzas here.

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.
Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.
We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.
There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!

How I love school, mom!
In the morning noisy crowd
We come to class the very best...
This class is of course mine.
There is no more beautiful school in the world:
It's cozy and warm here.
And with our teacher
I admit, we were lucky.
Doesn't swear angrily
Even if he puts “two”,
And he will show it in a businesslike manner,
Where the mistake is, let us know.
May there be many lessons at school,
We will overcome, no problem!
Start at the door
Our school years...

To the teacher

You opened the doors to a great life for us,
You not only taught us the alphabet.
Teacher! We love you, we believe you!
We learned lessons in kindness!
Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Short and funny poems about lessons and school

Funny poems about school life can become a separate number at a holiday concert dedicated to Teacher's Day, the First or Last Bell. Each of these short poems is a small story about fun breaks, funny incidents in the school buffet or cafeteria, comical stories related to tests, exams, and incredible situations in the classroom. The funny rhymes tell about real school “workaholics” and lazy people, notorious hooligans and excellent students, a strict director and unyielding head teachers.

Examples of funny short poems about school and lessons

Losers are running around
A whole evening on the slide.
And I'm sitting over books,
I need A's.
Legs are numb
And my back has a cold.
I'd rather retire
Take a well-deserved rest.

The problem is not solved -
even kill me!
Think, think, head
hurry up!
Think, think, head,
I'll give you some candy
On your birthday I'll give you
A new beret.
Think think -
For once I ask!
I'll wash you with soap!
I'll comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
Otherwise I’ll hit you on the top of your head!

What's first?
Will the cat learn?
- Grab it!
What's first?
Will the bird learn?
- Fly!
What's first?
Will the student learn?
- Read!

Good poems about 1st grade at school

It is a rare person who cannot remember his first day of school - September 1st in 1st grade becomes so exciting for each of us. Elegant, beautifully combed girls with large bows on their heads and first-grader boys in strict suits, the first in their lives, standing on the line dedicated to the First Bell, at first they are timid, hiding behind their parents. Later, after a month or two, first-graders become so comfortable at school that they rush around during breaks, not paying attention to the comments of the guards on duty. 1st grade is remembered by every acquaintance with the teacher, the rules of behavior in the classroom that are still unclear, and the first homework. In the kind poems dedicated to this almost carefree time of childhood, many warm words are addressed to the teachers, their patience and wisdom.

Examples of good poems about 1st grade at school

Arriving in 1st grade, within a few days every student understands that at school they will have to work hard in order to gain deep knowledge about the world and learn the basics of science. A wise first teacher is always ready to come to the aid of first-graders, tell them how to quickly learn to count, read, and remember the stories they read. You will find examples of good poems dedicated to talented teachers and mischievous schoolchildren here.

Grown up boy

I won't take my spinning top with me,
Big green ball
And also a hare and an owl
And a pink tram...
I'm going to first grade tomorrow
Now I'm a grown boy!

The very first day of school

Twins in brand new outfits
They are in a hurry, as if to a parade:
“Now we are both first-graders!”
The little eyes are burning with sparks. -

Mom took us to school
And I remembered my childhood again:
How my fingers were covered in ink,
And in blots - a bag and a notebook.

Now everything is clean, tidy,
And school is our cozy home...
But there are also spots on the sun -
We’ll find something to get dirty with!

We sit together at a new desk,
If you want, we can change seats.
But... just something is not clear:
There is a board, and a table, and books,

Where are the dolls? Where are the toys?
Lessons - three hours straight...
No! School is very boring!
Let's go back... to kindergarten!"

To school

Yellow leaves are flying,
It's a fun day.
Sees off kindergarten
The kids are going to school.
Our flowers have faded,
Birds fly away.
-You are going for the first time
to study in first grade.
Sad dolls sitting
On an empty terrace.
Our cheerful kindergarten
Reminisce in class.
Remember the garden
A river in a distant field...
We are also in a year
We'll be with you at school.
The country train has departed,
Rushing past the windows...
-They promised well
best to learn!

School is a bright house,
We will study in it.
There we will learn to write,
Add and multiply.
We learn a lot at school:
About your beloved land,
About mountains and oceans,
About continents and countries;
And where do the rivers flow?
And what were the Greeks like?
And what kind of seas are there?
And how the Earth rotates.
The school has workshops...
There are countless interesting things to do!
And the call is fun.
This is what “school” means!

Comic children's poems about school and teachers

Thousands of wonderful, funny children's poems are dedicated to school and teachers. A few rhymed lines briefly tell about jokes on teachers and students, about competitions and awarding of winners, about long-awaited “A”s and hated “Fs.” Poems about school life are written not only by professional writers, but also by children themselves.

Examples of humorous children's poems and funny rhymes about teachers and school

The first and last school bells always open with performances by boys and girls reciting funny children's poems. By memorizing simple rhymes, children strengthen their memory, train their thinking, and develop their horizons. In poems, schoolchildren thank their teachers for their patience, kindness, and care shown towards each student.

How easy it is to become an excellent student

To look decent
I began to study with excellent marks.
I add threes to twos -
It turns out to be A's.
And now, undoubtedly,
The diary is spacious!

Very difficult in class

It's hard for Slava in class
From call to call.
Either the chair got too wide,
Either the desk is high.

Is it a hard seat?
It is impossible to sit up straight.
Is it a delicious bun?
And you can’t help but eat it.

Either you want to get some sleep,
There is no strength to resist.
Someone threw a piece of paper
You have to throw two in response.

The teacher is muttering at the blackboard,
There is a beautiful view from the window.
- Hey, teacher, shut up.
Your head hurts.

But when he says menacingly
- Ivanov, go to the board, -
Breaking the dream of the beach
And wallowing in the sand,

Then the whole day is ruined!
Well, what's the use of Glory?
Eh, I wish I could go home, but, however,
There is still a lesson ahead.

On the back desk

Schoolboy Petya in class
With childish joy in your eyes
Everything flies like a magpie
In endless skies.

In September, April, March
Indifferent and wonderful
He sits in the back row
And he always looks out the window.

Take a break for a little bit
If the teacher calls.
And again he looks out the window
To the endless sky.

Someone is fiddling with a toy
Someone hesitates at the blackboard,
Someone is whispering to a friend,
Someone argues like a man

Someone is waiting for the end of the lesson,
Someone is learning the alphabet.
Only Petya is lonely
Everyone is looking out the window.

And schoolboy Petya doesn’t know
Watching the cranes
What did the children call him?
"Backside viewer."

Short poems about elementary school

When finishing kindergarten, every child looks forward not only to the onset of summer, but also to the arrival of the most important day in his life - September 1st. Primary school gives us the most knowledge ever gained. Over the course of four years, from a first-grader who barely knows how to put letters into syllables, an intelligent student grows up, ready, however, not only to do his homework every day, but also to play pranks at recess with his friends and kick a ball in the school yard. During the first 4 years of schooling, children become sociable, proactive, and active. Primary school prepares them to be introduced to new subjects and teachers. Many short poems about this period of life are dedicated to the first teachers.

Examples of short poems about elementary school

While first-graders are often shy in class, 2nd-grade students already feel free and comfortable at school. The children are greatly helped by their first teacher, who is always nearby at the right moment, telling them how to act in a difficult situation that has arisen in the team, supporting their initiatives, and encouraging their talents. You will find examples of short poems about life in elementary school on this page.

Three roads

I came to first grade
Along one of three roads.
I had to every time
Choose one of the three.
The first of them was
The long street of the village.
There from the windows, from the gates
People kept looking.
I met comrades
I could tell them apart from a block away,
He was waiting for someone
He was catching up with someone.
And the second one is behind the bridge
By a hidden path
Climbing through the dense spruce forest.
Listen to the birds. Sing a song.
Sit on the stump for a while
Alone with myself.
The third trail is short.
Three minutes until the bell.
You rush headlong,
Between the first two.

Days after days flew by, flashed like dreams,
And no more than a week remains in spring.
This means that the road called “first class” has been passed.
Here summer is at the doorstep - Waiting for us, hurrying us.
Summer is calling us somewhere - Away from work and worries...
So, guys, our first school year is over.
It was both joyful and difficult for each of us.
We will never forget you, our first class.
We are parting today - But sometimes in the autumn
Let's go back to class again, but now to the second one.
Let's run, come, let's come To our school
- in the meantime, let's celebrate our holiday together -
Last call day.

We finished primary school.
And we are sad to say goodbye to you!
Our first teacher, we are in direct text
We want to confess our love to you here!
Thank you for your dedicated work!
For giving us knowledge!
Don't let any years get you down!
We wish you to be happy

Touching poems about school and teachers

At the Last Bell, graduates always perform, telling touching poems about their beloved school and teachers, who became not only mentors for them, but also true comrades, in front of the assembled classes. Finishing 9th or 11th grade, former schoolchildren fondly remember every day spent within the walls of their home school and wish their classmates to find their calling in life and happiness.

Examples of touching poems about school and teachers

Schoolchildren always recite the most touching poems about teachers at such big celebrations as the First and Last Bells and Teacher's Day. With the help of their parents and older sisters and brothers, children in elementary grades learn the simplest poems about lessons, class, and school life. High school students thank their favorite teachers for their hard work by dedicating long lyrical works to them. You will find examples of such rhymes here.

What a pity that childhood is passing away!
We will never return to it.
I should dress in a short sundress,
I wish I could run through the puddles in the morning,

I wish I could get dirty in ink like before,
The boys should hide the briefcase around the corner,
Get smeared with chalk from head to toe,
Hand over waste paper, scrap metal,

March on the morning line,
Raise the school flag with pride.
Sometimes you don’t listen to teachers,
But not out of malice, but to amuse the guys,

Open a museum in our beloved school,
Meet guests at holidays, other children,
And play games of your own free will,
To be proud of our achievements.

And someone will say that our school is “not very good”,
And I still talk about her with love!
And in the future, perhaps, my grandchildren
I will proudly bring you to these walls!

Now it's time to say goodbye,
The bell rings...
We will say: “School, goodbye,”
Everything has its time, everything has its time."
We are in no hurry to say goodbye
And a hundred times nicer now
We will become images and faces
Relatives of your teachers.
But the hour has come, we know it,
And at this special hour
We gratefully invite you
To the school ball, to the school waltz!..

When you're only seventeen
Having parted with the student bench,
Sometimes it can be difficult to figure out:
Where to go, which road?

And let the first path along it be difficult,
So as not to turn towards side paths.
Let your conscience be everywhere for you
Your advisor and compass.

But even though we are parting ways with school,
There is no room for sadness and longing.
Still we remain in our hearts
Near the school desk and blackboard!

Having already entered primary school, 1st grade, children gradually begin to memorize short poems. Gradually, the children learn to memorize more and more complex works, training their memory. Speaking at holidays in honor of the First or Last Bell, Teacher's Day, September 1, children can recite short, beautiful, slightly touching and funny poems about school and teachers on the line, examples of which we have posted on our page.